Thursday, October 31, 2019

The House Votes For A Formal Impeachment Process

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

“The impeachment Hoax is hurting our Stock Market. The Do Nothing Democrats don’t care.”

    Well Dumb Dumb Donnie, the fact is that your incompetent time in the White House is hurting the stock market. The drop of some 170 points today is a direct link back to the Putin-style government that lives in your White House. The Democratic House is only doing their Constitutional duty by move toward a formal investigation of a president who violated his sworn oath of office to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution from undue political influence by a foreign power for the sole purpose of subverting our democracy. This dear Dumb Dumb is of YOUR doing. This is why the stock market is all over the place. You have created this crisis in the market, which could end spiraling into another recession.
    This impeachment inquiry is not a “HOAX” as you believe, but a reality, investigating a moron who believes that he can do whatever he wants while playing the role of president. You, dear Idiot Russian asset, feels that it is okay to use a foreign power to pursue a personal/political agenda to further your personal popularity among your voting base and other White Nationalists and Market Leninists even though it violates the Constitution.
    The Cretin said, “…they should be doing something about gun violence.” The Cretin’s campaign pledges are to allow AR-15 assault weapons, along with preventing any expansion of gun purchasing and registration laws. You keep telling the Kool-Aid drinkers at your rallies that you won’t let those Democrats take your guns away. So, Congress has nowhere to go with solving gun violence. You don’t care to do anything about gun violence. Once again, The Cretin speaks without thinking living up to President Lincoln’s quote found at the end of this post.
    This investigation is leading to an open hearing. The Moron-in-Chief’s allegations will be examined, and the witnesses heard in the open. And, once the committees vote for impeachment, then Dumb Dumb will be able to have his day in court.

    Fascist Donnie is expanding his Market Leninism principles into the Department of the Interior by permitting private oil and gas oligarchs to drill in our National Park lands, along with corporatists, such as the likes of Koch Industries, to log out trees. In addition, telecom oligarchs might be permitted to monetize and profit from installing WiFi systems in our National Parks. This is a ridiculous idea when there are rural communities that are without broadband networks and school kids who need to use the local libraries in order to use the Internet for research.
    These oligarchs are pressuring government officials to limit, and in some cases eliminate, the public’s comments from objecting to these contracts at public hearings. These Market Leninists are in control of the government agencies and establish the rules in order that those rules benefit their private sector interests. Putin has operated in this same way allowing his crime syndicate pals to buy up state-owned infrastructure and resources for their own profit, while kicking back a piece of the wealth to Putin and his thugs. This is Market Leninism, and Trump and the White Nationalist Republican Party has embraced it, as well.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Trump’s Toxic Traitorous Toadies

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The White Nationalist ReCon bootlickers apparently are more loyal to Putin than to the United States and our democracy, such as Laura Ingraham, and former Wisconsin ReCon Representative Sean Duffy, who is a blowhard for Trump, claiming that Colonel Vindman is a Ukrainian loyalist, since he was born there. After his mother died, he, his twin brother and their father left their Jewish community and migrated to New York City. The boys were pre-school aged when they left Ukraine for the United States.
    Colonel Vindman supported the move to arm Ukraine against their fascist Russian aggressors because Ukraine is a fledging democracy wanting to be a part of the European democratic community.
    But obviously, Ingraham, Fox Tox-ic News and other Russian asset ReCons have called out Colonel Vindman, a patriotic soldier, who fought and was wounded in battle, earning a Purple Heart.
    These heartless White Nationalist Republicans are lifelong cowards hiding behind their flag of deception and falsifications. They will march in lockstep with Heal Spur Donnie no matter how serious are his high crimes and misdemeanors, as well as his criminality.
   What we also are witnessing is Fascist Donnie’s genocidal presidency. What has happened to the Syrian Kurds is a true genocide allowed by the Moron-in-Chief who ushered in a takeover of the Kurd’s territory by Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Putin’s Russian army. The Kurds were the only existing backstop to the ISIS fighters in the region. Now that many of the captured ISIS fighters have escaped their incarceration by the Kurds will likely head to Europe to attack sites there, and around Syria.
    Trump abandoned the Kurds, in spite of his insane belief that the Kurds are tough and happy to see the U.S. retreat and abandon their support. If Trump believes that the only purposeful occupation of the area will be to protect and secure the oil fields without resistance from Syria, ISIS, and others, then he needs to wake up from his stupor. The Kurds were a critical protection of the area.
    Remember, the Kurds were a democratic and secular society, who respected women and treated them equally. Now, the Kurdish society living in that part of Syria are no longer thanks to Fascist Donnie. Fascist Donnie has created genocide against the Kurds. No doubt, he got his marching orders from Vladimir Putin who told Trump that HE will be the major kingmaker in the Middle East.
    It is time to Lock Him Up and remove an Idiot Russian asset from occupying the White House and destroy his legacy forever!!

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

t-RUMP Gets A Congressional Colonoscopy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    t-RUMP says, “ I am faster than a speeding bullet.” “I can leap tall buildings with a single bound.” “I was a volunteer at the 9-11 site and had hired workers to help clean up.” “Kim Jung Un writes me beautiful love letters. We’re in love.” “I’m a very stable genius.” I have a very big, uh, brain.” “I don’t need no stinkin’ badges.” “I gave the U.S. a call to kill Osama bin Laden before the 9-11 attack.”
     All the above can be a Jeopardy answer to the question, “What are some of Trump’s psychotic beliefs about himself?”
    It just may be that t-RUMP will be getting a colonoscopy from Congress. One Fox-Tox-ic News pundit believes that members of the White Nationalist Republicans in the Senate will “recommend” that The Cretin NOT run in 2020, otherwise, they will have to vote to impeach. At that point, either Putz, formerly known as Pence, or Nikki Haley will step in as the replacement to lead the Market Leninists into the arms of Putin and further a regressive political agenda.
    As we post, Lt. Colonel Vindman of the Army, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, heard t-RUMP’s quid pro quo telephone conversation with Ukraine president Zelensky asking for dirt on the Biden boys. We may just be witnessing Trumpty Dumpty falling off his really great, really big and strong wall.
    The Cretin must be soiling his Space Force jammie diapers knowing he cannot stop a decorated military veteran from testifying before the House impeachment inquiry investigation. Colonel Vindman feels it is his “sense of duty” to come forward and speak out about what he heard. He said, “I am a patriot and it is my sacred duty and honor to advance and defend our country irrespective of party or politics.” The Colonel is shocked as “outside influencers” began framing a “false narrative” that worked against the interests of the United States, such as Rudy Ghouliani’s secret role as a shadow state department figure working on behalf of the president. Vindman twice warned N.S.C. top officials of t-RUMP’s impeachable actions.
    Sadly, Fox-Tox-ic News’, Laura Ingraham pushed a traitor narrative against Colonel Vindman. The real question is who is the traitor here? Ingraham sides with a president who spits at the U.S. Constitution, while working a quid pro quo deal with a foreign leader to exchange military aid for dirt on his opponent- the Biden boys, who is directed, at every turn, by Vladimir Putin.  The Trump puppet master--Putin’s end goal was to takeover Ukraine’s gas industry.
    So, Laura Ingraham is likely a traitor to facts and democracy. She defends a president who embraces fascist rule as his lawyers support his belief that he is completely immune from the rule of law, investigation, prosecution, lawsuits, criminal probes facilitated in federal, state, or local courts.
    So, who is a traitor to our freedom, rule of law and democracy? Laura Ingraham and Fox-Tox-ic News, which is the White Nationalist Republican and Market Leninist news outlet are at the top of the list just below President Trump, Putz, formerly known as Pence, and the rest of the Brownshirts working with t-RUMP.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, October 25, 2019

Trump Takes Orders From Putin

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    What are Republicans? Patriots or Russian sympathizers? It appears that our dear ‘ole Republicans are NOT Patriots, but Russian enablers, at the very least. The Republican White Nationalist party congress members have given t-RUMP permission to allow Putin to steal the 2016 election, to work with Putin and Hungary’s Orban to interfere with Ukraine’s democracy, along with changing the State-owned gas company’s management in order to take over Ukraine’s natural gas, to abandon the Syrian Kurds, who have been U.S. allies fighting ISIS in Syria. The Kurds are a democratic, secular Muslim society who have been slaughtered by the Turks as they fled to safer ground. They have no radical Muslim ideology.
    Russia and Turkey have expanded their territory thanks to t-RUMP. And, the Republican White Nationalist Congress, who are Putin sympathizers, is behind these traitorous actions. t-RUMP believes that a Turkish ceasefire will hold. He doesn’t care that important anti- ISIS fighters have been slaughtered because of his bullshit America First idiocy. His America First means nothing when we are attacked by and ISIS fueled domestic terrorist group because we avoided support for people who were fighting terrorists elsewhere.
    Now, t-RUMP has decided to mask his incredible incompetence as Moron-in-Chief by keeping U.S. soldiers in the area of Kurdish occupation, after pulling out our troops, in order to “protect” the oil fields, which Syria has claimed as in their territory.
    The Cretin is taking orders from Putin! He is allowing Putin to gain strength and control over the Middle East and Eastern Europe. And, the Republican Party are equally complicit in this attack upon our democracy.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Fascist Donnie, who cozied up to Putin and Orban, Hungary’s prime minister, got “briefed” on the ills of Ukraine. Dumb Dumb Donnie would rather seek advice from authoritarians than American allies. Instead, since he lacks clear cognitive executive functioning and critical thinking skills, Trump believes that his two anti-American pals are honest when they tell him “Ukraine bad. Very bad. Russia and Hungary very good. Them bad. Us good.”
    So, what does fascist Donnie do with this stuff? He turns against Ukraine with their democracy-leaning ideals, and pulls out our ambassador to Ukraine, who was doing a very good job. Donnie is an Idiot Russian Asset. He takes his orders from Putin. Vlad desired a takeover of Ukraine’s oil and gas state owned companies; therefore, he chose his Idiot Asset in the White House, along with Rudy Ghoouliani, as well as his Three Stooges, two of which are likely Russian assets and connected to Putin to pull off this attempted takeover.
    But the caper was foiled because such a takeover went up against obstacles that would put a stop to the scheme.
    Now, T-Rump and Ghoouliani are being investigated by Congress, and in Trump’s case, under an impeachment inquiry.

    This week we heard “fake emoluments” from Trump and his Brownshirts following the scrapping Trump's choice to pick the Trump International’s Doral resort for the 2020 G-7 meeting. “I would have given it for free.” It’s called free advertising for future bookings by domestic and foreign travelers. That is his plan for future profit money making bookings. It is similar to product placement we seen in films and television programs.
      The Cretin now wants to take control of oil fields located on the land occupied by Syrian Kurds in Syria, who have been fleeing, since The Cretin abandoned them in his recent withdrawal from Kurdish support in their fight against Assad. The Moron in the White House has no clue that Assad “owns” those oil fields and it is very unrealistic for the U.S. to drill out the low quality and thick crude. The only way to transport the barrels of crude to tanker ships would be to go through Iraq and that would be crazy. Good luck with that Dumb Dumb Donnie.
    T-Rump is trying to reverse his idiotic withdrawal from our Kurdish allies by floating his new idiotic plan which Lindsey Graham-Cracker (He supports Trump’s framing of the impeachment inquiry as a Lynching.) seems to be drooling over. Last week Graham--Cracker objected to Trump's withdrawal of U.S. soldiers protecting the Kurds in their fight against Syria. Now Turkish, Russian and Iranian fighters are killing Kurds as a process of Ethnic Cleansing.
    Once again T-Rump uses a rake to attempt to put out his self-made forest fire.
    The Washington Post call to impeach and remove T-Rump from office, which is a great endorsement of the impeachment process. This Idiot Russian Asset said,

“So, some day, if a Democrat becomes president and the Republicans win the House even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here---a lynching. But we will WIN!”

    This quote shows just how dumb and inept Trump is. First of all, the Senate holds the trial if the House votes to impeach Trump. At that point, he will have his day in court, so to speak. The House has engaged in due process and fairness during their investigation. This is not a lynching, a word that typically stirs racial overtones, unless you happen to be Lindsey Graham—Cracker, then you have no objections to using the word. Also, isn’t the phrase “if a Democrat becomes president” a bit weird? Trump doesn’t ever see Democrats winning the presidency. He wants to be president forever. The phrase should read, “When a Democrat becomes president.”
    T-Rump seems to ignore the fact that he brought all this tension and criticism, along with an impeachment inquiry, upon himself. He is a guy who lacks executive functioning and critical thinking skills. All of which requires higher level brain processing skills. He has the intellectual skills of a 5th grader and the emotional intelligence of a 5 year old. He has NEVER accomplished a single thing on his own. We have never seen his college grades. His father gave him millions of dollars, which he used to buy NYC properties. The deals were put together by more competent people within the Trump Organization and Donnie only had to sign the paperwork. Over time he went nearly bankrupt and was bailed out by Russian oligarchs connected to Putin. Since no bank would lend him money because of his history failing to pay back the loans resulting in his bad, very bad, credit, he appeared to have doctored (lie about) his land and property values to defraud taxing bodies so as to obtain bank loans with over inflated property values and revenues. Eventually, he was “captured” by Vladimir Putin and was turned into an Idiot Russian Asset because he needed cash so badly that Vlad’s oligarchs funneled money (possible money-laundering) through the Trump Organization in order to give Trump more liquidity to stay afloat. Then Putin used Bots and Trolls, while working with Trump’s campaign people, to help get him elected.
    Once in the White House, he couldn’t do the job, since he never accomplished anything on his own. He never had the intelligence or the skills. He is a con man. A NYC grifter---snake oil salesman. Over the past three years, he has lied to Americans over 13,000 times. He has acted like a playground bully. A small time gangster. He has the attention span of a flea and is unable to listen to and process even the simplest information presented to him. He is a reactionary. He breaks everything he touches. He has an ego the size of a border wall and holds “Daddy Needs Love” rallies feeding the hate and fears and anger of his attendees. He sides and supports with authoritarian dictators at the expense of our allies. He believes he can shoot and kill someone on 5th Ave. and nothing would happen to him. He is in love with Kim Jung Un, who writes him “beautiful love letters”. Trump’s history is that of sexual perversion and pays off women who screwed him for money.
    He is not capable of being a professional. He is not capable of performing the duties of the presidency with the skills, maturity, knowledge, understanding and intelligence required to be successful even with the most regressive and Market Leninist policies. Had he been able to do so, he would not be in this situation and would easily get elected a second term in spite of his horrible policies. 
    He has committed impeachable offenses. He is the swamp that he wanted to clean out of Washington. He is the Deep State that he railed against. He created a shadow State department headed by a goon--Rudy Ghoouliani and supported by a group of Trump's people who worked to interfere with Ukraine's government, and bribe their president in exchange for favors.
    Therefore, it is clear that a vote to impeach is necessary, even if his Market Leninist and derelict Republican White Nationalist Senators won’t vote to remove him.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Donald Trump Crime Syndicate

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Rudy Ghouliani’s third goon squad pal, David Correia, was captured at the Kennedy Airport before he fled the country. A fourth goon involved in the Ukrainian and dubious campaign finance scandals is Andrey Kukusha.

    ProPublica’s investigating reporting has uncovered possible tax fraud committed by the Trump Organization. There are documents showing discrepancies between figures written on property tax bills and loan application forms. One set of documents inflated the value of the property, while the other deflated the value of the same property. Three properties in question are: 40 Wall Street, the Trump International Hotel and Tower, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, and Trump Tower. The lender who accepted the inflated property value documents was Ladder Capital, a Trump pal. Inflating the value allows the rating agencies, such as Moody and Finch, to offer to their mortgage backed securities investors high ratings and lower risk bonds. This may have been done in order to misrepresent the true rating on loans offered to Trump needed for property real estate business, in spite of the fact that no one but Ladder Capital would lend to him. Trump’s record of poor credit made it a problem for him to get loans.
    The ProPublica investigation “concluded, Trump participated in “outright fraud” and that he had formulated “a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns.” [“Newly released Trump tax documents show major inconsistencies”, by Heather Vogell.]
    Trump and his Cretin children are small time crime syndicate wannabees. They apparently have been scamming taxing bodies, lying to moneylenders, and lying to investors for a very long time in order to increase their wealth and con their way into deals. It is time that the New York District Attorney do a thorough investigation of The Cretin’s business practices.

    It is time that they all get fitted for orange jumpsuits and relocated into new accommodations.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Trump and His Ghouliani Goon Squad

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    “Emoluments. Emoluments. No one ever heard of emoluments! I love Lisa. I love Lisa.” "You are fake news." "You are corrupt, too." This was said by The Cretin at his Minnesota rally. This idiot has stopped making sense, to quote a lyric Talking Heads. Is the love for Lisa reciprocal? The news media is corrupt in the eyes of The Cretin, when actually The Cretin has to be the most corrupt White House seat warmer to ever sit in the Oval Office! His Ghouliani Goon Squad, and the horrific video shown at his fundraiser in his name proves his level of corruption. He is truly a Goon Squad crime syndicate, which appears to include his offspring and others, such as Sarah Suckupabee Sanders.
    We all have heard what emoluments means and how it relates to Dumb Dumb Donnie, but, in fact, Fascist Donnie is the only person in the White House who didn’t know what emoluments means.
    Here is a reverse statement spoken by The Cretin, “Mike Pence was a good vice president because he had his head so far up my ass he cold smell the spray tan.” He tried to say something like this regarding Biden as a vice president but it actually fits Mike Pence to a tee.
    Trump rails against the impeachment inquiry when he tells his lemmings, “They want to erase your vote.” This completely incompetent fascist-style moron is so wrong as he feeds his crowds poison pills. 'Drink my Kool-Aid ReCons!' 'Take your pills and don't think!' Their vote will go down in history! It will be documented—forever—that his supporters elected a totally incompetent, corrupt, compulsive lying Market Leninist idiot for president of the United States. They will go down in infamy as Trump's pill-popping lemmings. Trump seems to ignore that he—and only he—brought this on himself. Remember this Blogspot has called this site The Trumpty Dumpty Report for a reason. Trump is falling off his own Great Wall.

    As the previous week unfolded, Dumb Dumb Donnie and his Deep State undercover non-governmental official doing “Who-Knew?” unofficial State department business is now in the “deer-in-the-headlights” of the Impeachment Inquiry. Guiliani and the two Russian Trump pals, now called The Ghouliani Goon Squad have illustrated just how incompetent and stupid The Cretin really is.
    And to make matters worse, his Republican White Nationalist Senate pals are angry that he asked Napoleon Bonaparte to come to the aid of the Syrian Kurds, since he removed U.S. support in favor of U.S. for Turkey.  One would have to bet that, since Trump is Putin’s Poodle, he got direct orders from his master to support Turkey so Putin’s military could fill the void after U.S soldiers were removed from their critical positions.
    Fascist Donnie has decided to layer on a bunch of mediocre sanctions against Turkey. The Poodle fluffs up his coffeffe convince his party that he is tough on Syria and protective of the Syrian Kurds, who have been our allies in this Syrian civil war.
    At a fundraiser held at one of Trump's resort properties, Dumb Dumb Donnie, Jr. and his smelly sidekick Sarah Suckupabee Sanders unleashed a disgusting hate speech video mash-up of cartoon buffoon Donnie killing and performing violent acts against the media and members of Congress, Obama, and others who made it on his personal hit list.
    If this week has been Making America Great Again, then maybe it is time to Make America Think Again!!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Crime Syndicate Operating Out Of The White House

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Back in 2018, Ivanka Trump, riding on the lizard tail of her father’s presidency, filed for 18 patents in China, which included nursing homes and voting machines! This little Cretin has decided to moved into a potential voting machine business. Her reason was to prevent others from capturing her name. That made no sense. Trump’s only reason to run for the presidency, ultimately losing the popular vote, yet winning the electoral college, was to increase his business network. Market Leninist Trump has to be the most corrupt president ever!! He has used his position to increase his wealth, and the wealth of his family and the Trump Organization.
    The only reason to support Turkey over the Kurds was to protect his investments in Turkey. He has two Trump Towers in the capital city.
    The breaking news of the day is that two of Trump’s goons, who are campaign donors and possible future Naftogaz managers had Dumb Dumb Donnie gotten the Ukrainian president—Zelensky to make the switch, have been arrested on criminal charges for violating campaign finance rules. These two Russian goons living in Florida are pals of Guiliani, and no doubt, agents of Putin. One goon is Lev Parnos, or also known as Lev Paroas, who came from Ukraine, and now lives in Boco Raton, Florida. The other Russian goon is Igor Fruman from Belarus, now lives in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida. These two guys were used by Guiliani as back channels to Ukraine during the 2016 presidential campaign to assist Trump in his run for president.
    Another Ukrainian gangster connected to the Trump administration through Guiliani’s relationships with Ukrainian crooks and liars is Igor Kolomoisky, also known as Ihor Kolomoiski. This Ukrainian oligarch is under investigation by the U.S. Justice department for money laundering funds through U.S. enterprises. He supported Zelensky for president of Ukraine, yet fled to Israel for fear of arrest or extradition to the U.S. for his corrupt business practices.
    These are the gangsters Guiliani and Trump have relationships with. This is why Trump tried to manipulate, bribe, blackmail, extort Zelensky into trading Biden dirt for military aid, as well as a takeover of Naftogaz company. But, that takeover plan failed.
     Trump operates a two-bit crime syndicate operation out of the White House in order to enrich himself and the Lenin capitalists surrounding him.
    Another is Steve Mnuchin, who through the bank he controlled during the Great Recession, scarfed up billions of dollars worth of foreclosed and underwater homes for next to nothing, which increased his overall wealth by millions. He obtained government subsidies from Lil’BoyBush and Obama to capture these properties making him just another of Trump’s and the Republican White Nationalist Party’s Market Leninists. Now he has a top cabinet post as Treasury Secretary.

    What we have today is a crime syndicate running the government working to steal as much of the nation’s wealth for themselves.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Traitor Donald J. Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Derelict Donnie just cannot seem to slither out of the slimy ooze he has encased himself in. There are now two whistleblowers exposing The Cretin’s self exposure of presidential corruption, as he tried to bribe, blackmail, extort Ukraine’s president Zelensky to find dirt on the Bidens and their relationship to the state owned gas company, Naftogaz.
    Now what has come out is that T-Rump’s own relationship with Naftogaz when he unleached his lapdog Cretins: Rick Perry, Rudy Guiliani, and others, no doubt, through marching orders dictated to him by Vladimir Putin to dismantle the management team at the gas company and install a more Trumpian friendly group, which would take orders from Putin via Trump.
    Trump had in the wings three of his kleptocratic zombie pals to step in. Two were wealthy Russians living in Florida who, no doubt, are Putin agents used to keep an eye on Trump and stand ready to “help” Dumb Dumb Donnie when instructed. The third was just another Cretin associated with Trump. These three were ready to step in as replacement Naftogaz’s new management team.
    But, because Dumb Dumb Donnie is as flat thinking as a roofing nail, he failed to plan for the fact that such a coup would be impossible, since there were checks and balances installed if any management changes were to be considered.
    This means that Trump’s outrage over the “Biden corruption scandal” is nothing compared to his own overreach of presidential powers to install a puppet management team in a state owned entity controlled by a foreign government.
    We have also learned that a federal judge refused Trump’s legal action to keep his N.Y. tax returns away from the NYC district attorney, who is investigating whether there were any tax violations when the Trump Organization paid Michael Cohn, who then paid off Stormy Daniels, and others for sexual favors.
    Now, Trump’s legal team is filing an appeal. Trump’s reason in his legal action was that he believes sitting presidents are above the law.
    Lindsey—Lamebrain—Graham—Cracker has been far up Trump’s rump declaring that if the Democratic House ends up filing an impeachment document, then he will violated the law by exposing the identities of the whistleblowers, who are protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act. Graham-Cracker has said that Democrats are angry that Trump was elected president and can’t get over it, therefore, they will go after him for any reason they can dig up; but in fact, Graham-Cracker and the other RWNP members support a complete moron who cannot find his way out of a paper bag without ripping it apart, unable to think anything through, unable to listen to experts, bungles his way through foreign and domestic policies. Their elected choice is an incompetent failure. IT IS THIS RWNP THAT CANNOT LET GO OFF OF THEIR RIDICULOUS CHOICE TO LEAD THEIR PARTY!!!!
    It is amazing that The Cretin’s followers believe that this moron is brilliant and a great leader. The data shows that many of his supporters are just fine with authoritarianism.
    Trump has now abandoned the Syrian Kurds in favor of Turkey, no doubt, because of his financial interests in the country. The Trump Organization has two Trump Towers in the capital city in Turkey and probably is afraid if he supported the Kurds in their attack against Syrian forces, his properties might get bombed by disgruntled Turkish forces.
    It has been reported by a Russian operative that after Trump was elected they partied and chanted “We Made America Great Again”. It is clear that Putin had a deep hand in getting Trump elected with the cooperation of Trump insiders.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party is the Swamp they wanted to drain out of Washington, DC. Not only are they and Trump traitors to democracy, but are Corporate Leninists, which is the Deep State Trump rails against, following in Putin’s footsteps.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Donald Trump--Unhinged

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Dirtbag Donnie’s new campaign slogan is:

            Trump comes FIRST;
             America comes LAST!

    Didn’t Dirtbag say during the campaign “America FIRST!? That was just another of his numerous lies to get elected.

   The Cretin has spent a great deal of time, while in the White House, making sure he can put himself, his Trump Organization, and his agenda FIRST!

   He pressured the Australian prime minister, and other leaders to help him legitimize his fraudulent 2016 election, which enlisted the Russians, specifically Vladimir Putin, to boost his candidacy by disrupting the voting process, and discrediting his opponents through manipulation, Russian trolls, Bots, fake news and ads paid for by the Russians.
    He wanted the Australian prime minister to find dirt on Robert Mueller in order to discredit his legitimacy as a special counsel investigator digging into the relationship between Russians and Trump’s campaign to interfere and manipulate the 2016 election in order to get Trump elected. Later, he blackmailed/bribed the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden’s son and the former vice president regarding any corruption revolving around the Ukrainian natural gas company Hunter Biden worked for as a board member. Dirtbag Donnie would withhold $400M in military aid unless he “got dirt!” But, as we have learned, Biden was actually investigating corruption involving the Ukrainian prosecutor.
            It’s all about Dirtbag FIRST;
              America SECOND!

    He began pressuring his staff to reveal the name of the whistleblower who outed Trump’s bribery scandal with Ukraine. He demanded that he get a face-to-face with this person, who is legally protected from such intimidation.
    Dirtbag used Guiliani to go to Ukraine to help him dig dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden, in spite of Ding Dong Guiliani being a civilian with no government clearances or authority to do the work of the government or as an acting government official for Dirtbag Donnie.

                 It’s all about Trump FIRST;
                     America LAST!

    Trump has used America’s attorney general---BillieBoy Barr---who is supposed to be operating independently from the president and other departments to pressure the Ukrainian president to do Trump’s bidding, as well as to discredit the CIA and the FBI as agencies that were out to get Trump---The Deep State Delusion To Get Trump.
     The Deep State fantasy of Trump is a laugh. Trump IS a stooge for the Lenin Capitalist Republican party, which has been operating as America’s Deep State working to undermine democracy and freedom. They elected this stooge to the White House. The Deep State is actually Lenin Capitalism built by the Koch brothers and other Republicans back in the late 1950s and early 1960s assisted by the far-rightwing racist/bigot James Buchanan.
    Dirtbag Donnie is becoming very unhinged as he releases his psychotic rage against Adam Schiff by calling him a “traitor”, although Donnie is the traitor by bribing a foreign leader to interfere with our election process.
    In addition to Dirtbag Donnie’s anger at Schiff, he fomented against undocumented immigrants crossing the border by suggesting that a moat be dug filling it with alligators or snakes. It’ll be called T-Rump’s Lazy River of Terror! And, if that isn’t enough, he wanted border agents to shoot at the legs of anyone making it across the border. Nothing like a good target practice on humans to deter these illegal invaders seeking a better life and opportunities.

    T-Rump, America’s only living “donniesaur”, needs to be placed behind bars for a very long time.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Trump As Traitor

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

We do not want to become the evil we despise.

    Lowlife Donnie is the most despicable fool whoever stepped foot into the oval office. This T-Rump is a profoundly deplorable dinosaur that crawled out of the oily Washington swamp to lie, cheat, and steal his way into the White House.
    We have a corrupt, lying, delusional child-brain person acting as president, which doesn’t listen, but only reacts out of fear and anger. T-Rump was repeatedly told by his zookeepers that the Biden-Ukraine story was a no-show, yet this decrepit dinosaur continues to want to put this fake news story front and center as he goes through an impeachment inquiry by the House of Representatives. He continues to throw his own fake news feces up against the wall for his base to touch and snack on so they will believe it and keep it alive.
    This impeachment inquiry may end up nailing T-Rump to a bribery accusation that involves exchanging $400M in military aid to Ukraine for digging up dirt on the Bidens. The Ukrainian prosecutor who was originally investigating Hunter Biden and his relationship with the Ukrainian energy company was fired by the Ukrainian legislature because of his own corruption. Apparently, there was no Biden crime committed, yet the corruption and legal violations committed by T-Rump and his little Rumps, while working as government officials go on and on without objection by the Republican White Nationalist members of Congress.

    The Cretin has driven off the rails!! He said, “Some of my aides are SPYING on me.” “They are lying and cheating like never before in our Country’s history in or to destabilize the United States of America and it’s upcoming 2020 election.”

    “Was this person SPYING on the U.S. President? Big Consequences!!!” I have visited nations ravaged by Civil War.” “If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.”

    “I want Schiff questioned at the highest level of Fraud & Treason.” “….the fake whistleblower complaint…”

    T-Rump is calling for a Civil War if he is impeached. This is an act of treason!!!
    Our Moron-in-Chief clearly has a cognitive disorder. He is not capable of listening and processing and integrating any sort of information even when it involves his own survival. He steeps himself in conspiracy theories fueled by his fellow cretin, Rudy Guiliani, who also suffers from a cognitive disorder.
    The Cretin had said during an interview that discussed Russian interference into our 2016 election that this country has done some very bad things to other countries. When asked about the Saudi assassination of Khashoggi, The Cretin responded by saying that this country is not so innocent. We’ve assassinated foreign leaders.
    While dismissing the actions of Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince, T-Rump maybe the spy he accused others of being. T-Rump may actually be Putin’s presidential dupe or stooge. T-Rump is a fraud and a traitor.
    When talking to Bill O’Reilly about Putin putting out a hit on two Russians living in Britain, “There’s a lot of killers, we got a lot of killers. What, you think our country is so innocent? ….Well, take a look at what we’ve done, too.”

    Lowlife Donnie keeps saying that he wants to meet the “fake news” “lying” whistleblower, who reported serious information to the Inspector General about the T-Rump and a possible violation of the U.S. Constitution. T-Rump doesn’t understand----he can’t comprehend---- that such people have protections against retaliation. The Cretin only wants to unload his venom on this person who reported on Traitor Trump.
    Now we learned that Pompom Pompom Pompeo listened in on T-Rump’s phone call to Zelenskyy. He has said nothing about it. He has kept silent about Traitor Trump’s bribery scandal.
    Not only did T-Rump try to strong arm the Ukrainian president, but he approached the Australian president to help him discredit Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference into the 2016 election.
    In that secret server may lie a treasure trove of conversations T-Rump had with world leaders to subvert America’s democracy.

    T-Rump is a traitor---a stooge manipulated and owned by Putin. Enough is enough.