Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Waving Of Putin’s Great Death Flag By The GOP Allies


The raging mechanical RUMP bull, or should we say the Grinch, just cannot seem to shut up. He wrote a Christmas greeting to America on his TruthSocial propaganda platform. He ranted and raved about Biden being mentally damaged, and not up to the job; therefore, HE/IT should be substituted by describing himself. What is interesting is that Mr. Toxic Pseudo Masculinity RUMP maybe suffering from a brain disease called Toxoplasmosis gondii, which is a parasite that finds its way into the brain eating away at it and destroying the centers of executive functioning, causing brain fog, memory loss, etc. This condition creates a condition whereby the parasite’s host becomes an excessive risk taker, as well as showing poor impulse control, criminality, schizophrenia, such as demonstrated with da’RUMP.  It is contracting by eating contaminated meat, raw meat, poorly cooked meat with the parasite present, or playing in feces. We know that RUMP loves to play in feces, his own or whatever is available. This parasite can be passed from animal to animal and to humans. This may explain his mental decline over the years. 

RUMP’s rant referenced back to the Russia, Russia, Russia perseverations as he repeated it all over again. He leave out one of his favorite fantasies the rigged election. “I won!!!” The “Radical Marxist”. Who actually are the radical Marxists anyway? Could he be referring to the Marx Brothers? Their humor was quite radical. How about those radical Nazi fascist white nationalists waving your MAGAT flags, Mr. Grinch? Then there is the “lame stream media” which he so loves to rant about. Those very media outlets that tell the truth about this Cretin from Queens. 

The sign of a mentally ill person is when the person refers to himself in the third person. Most often Donald calls himself Donald J. Trump and doesn’t refer to himself as “I” or “Me.” He said about the truth-telling media that they “push for a mentally disabled Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump.” 

What is he actually talking about? Look at all the capital letters in uses. This human failure, and twice impeached person, whose Trump Organization’s CFO is going to prison, and his loser company Trump Org has been found to be a sham. Is this why he calls himself brilliant, and so brilliant that he needed to capitalize the “B” in brilliant? Then there is “Clairvoyant.” WOW! This guy is so clairvoyant that he missed the fact that he was busted for stealing government documents and trying to hide them in his shuffle board beach club’s pool storage room while missing the FBI raid and the eventual indictment?

Donald J. Scrooge keeps calling everything he disagrees with a hoax or a rigged job or a sham. The detailed 1/6 committee’s scathing report with its layers of facts showed he was the reason for the insurrection is not just a pile of hoaxes. It shows his primary role as the reason it happened.

And 2022

RUMP should watch the newly released Netflix film called “Glass Onion.” It is about a guy, Ed Norton, who made his billions from stealing ideas and creating businesses that could harm the world. He is a delusional, sociopath who gathers several of his so-called friends onto his Greek island for a murder mystery, whereby the murder is planned to happen to him. His friends are those who he has manipulated into being loyalists by bankrolling their fame and fortunes. Daniel Craig was invited to this party by someone who sent him an invitation as a gag. Craig plays an Agatha Christie style Poirot detective. The plot unfolds with his loyalists eventually turning on him and the billionaire’s world comes tumbling down. A true allegory of the MAGAT leader— DJT. The billionaire played by Norton portrays himself as being so excessive, untouchable, “brilliant, clairvoyant” and manipulative. A slicker version of RUMP.

There is a competition within the Congressional Trump Nazi Party to see which Trump American Nazi Party dimwit will wear the Dunce Crown into the New Year. We begin with Magpie Taylor Greene Slime, who is now finally divorced as a result of screwing around while married. Maybe she and Kyle Rittenhouse will form their own cult? She has been wildly claiming that Nancy Pelosi was “complicit” in the January 6 attack on the Capital. The Nitwit from Georgia believes that Nancy should have had the National Guard present at the riot and organized the troop mobilization knowing that there would be trouble, when in fact, she has no power to do that. Only the President has such a power. But what is a fact is that she was deep in the Markie Meadows muck during the planning that would attempt to steal the election by using the Vice President to steal the election for his crime boss. Meadows, Trump, and John Eastman would have had him violate the U.S. Constitution and reject the official Electoral Vote Count, by certifying slates of fake electors. The irony here is that the states chosen to submit fake electors refused to participate in the coup plot.  Greene Slime was complicit in the planning of the insurrection. And, she has repeatedly praised the rioters and supporting full pardons for those who are in jail now.

Next we come to Bimbo Boebert, and Mattie Goony-Loony-Tuney Gaetz, along with Fochs Snooze’s FU***R Carlson who have become stars on Russian television news for not standing and rejecting support for Ukraine when the Ukrainian president spoke to Congress just before Christmas. They were called “brave” for opposing U.S. financial and military aid for the war against Russian fascism. The Russian television played a clip of KKKarlson criticizing Congress for “clapping like seals” and making fun of how he dressed—like a soldier. Carlson, a lifelong coward, and spoiled little rich boy from the Swanson frozen food empire spends his time on the air whining about the preservation of freedom and democracy. 

It’s a tough call choosing who would be the winner of the Dunce Crown title. They all are traitors to Democracy and believe in fascism and are allies of Putin. Four tiny cowards and whining nitwits. They wave Putin’s Great Death Flag. These Dunce Crown candidates, along with others, have decided that the war against Putin’s fascist invasion of the Ukrainians who are fighting a resistance in order to preserve their freedom, democracy and national integrity should be ended. They believe that domestic terrorism, such as those who stormed the Capital are more to their liking. One must ask, “which side are YOU on?” 

They have joined Duh’Fuhrer RUMP by acting the fool. Frumpy Dumpy RUMPY continued his Christmas rant through his NoTruthSocial platform by whining that Congress voted to protect the 1887 Electoral Count Act from the fascist officials in our government. It prevents the Vice President from hijacking legitimately chosen electorates. This NITWIT from Queens has trouble proof reading his postings. He called the $1.7T omnibus bill, the “Ominous” bill. He objected to protecting our democracy, since cheating and engaging in fraud are the only ways he can win anything. He concluded by insanely saying that “The USA is dying from within.” In a way he is right because his Reichwing Nazi Party has taken over several state and local governments. The GOP and are killing the country from within. 

They all, for the most part, have been silent on one of their own, NY Representative elect George Santos, a full-blown sociopath who lied and faked his way to an election win. A lying fraud, who should be prosecuted for election fraud, and at the least, investigated by the ethics committee. And, is George Santos his real name? Who funded his campaign, anyway? His consulting business was a fake. Where did the $700,000 plus come from? He didn’t earn it, so where did it come from? Is this a dark money windfall? The former GOP, now known as the TANP, are letting this go. If this were a Democrat, they would be crying out loud for his head to roll!!!!!

                                                               Trump cartoon museum in Mexico

Friday, December 23, 2022

What Liberal Media?


 The NITWIT from Queens is about to enter the Little Shop of Horrors, since the 1/6 committee is making criminal referrals to the DOJ for indictments on 4 criminal charges. If, under Special Counsel Jack Smith, he is found guilty by a Grand Jury, he could be put him in prison for 40 years!! They are obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the U.S., conspiracy to make a false statement and efforts to incite, assist, and/or aid or comfort to an insurrection. He may try and plead stupid by saying that he actually believed the election was stolen from him in spite of the fact he was told over and over again that the election was stolen from him. He was told that it wasn’t even by BillyBobBarr and without a shred of proof other than the false claims told to him by “Ghouliani and Sidney “Kraken”Powell and his soft pillow guy, that such an argument will not be a substantive defense. 

A lineup of clown characters are being referred on charges, one being John Eastman, and a slew of Trump Nazi Party members in the Congress, such as McKKKarthy, Jordan, Perry, Biggs are being referred to the House Ethics Committee for ignoring subpoenas. They need to sweat now that Mr. Smith has come to Washington as a Special Counsel. He may subpoena them to testify before the Grand Jury in the case against their crime boss. Let’s hope that Ginni Thomas and attorney Christina Bobb are subpoenaed by Smith, as well.

Where will he get the cash to afford his defense attorneys? Now that he is being sued for stealing several copy-written images for his fantasy trading cards, he might just spend all the $4M on defending himself in the copy-write infringement case. What a moron!!! He had this NFT company called NFT INT LLC, with a mailing address at a UPS store in a Park City, Utah mall photoshop images from sites owned by Men’s Warehouse, Walmart, Amazon, NASA, Branded, Scully Sportswear, and more. 

Was this done by some nerd living in his grandmother’s Utah basement? See the actual Trump filing here.

RUMP-Ass-aurus could be freaking out and binge eating triple cheeseburgers knowing that the Democratically controlled House Ways and Means committee is deciding whether or not to release copies of his tax returns to be read by the American public, and the world. YIKES Donnie. Your dirty laundry might be released for all to read. For the first time in his life, he is now accountable for his fake persona and screw-ups, which could lead to a padded cell. And, he could actually go broke. The fines from the IRS after the tax audit is finally finished could amount to $180M or more.

The RUMP tax returns have revealed that over a number years he claimed business losses amounting to $31.7M in 2015; $32.2M in 2015; $12.8M in 2016 = $86.M. He paid only $1M in taxes before he ended up paying no taxes during the 2016 into 2017 presidential campaign. Was he running a business loss scam conning his tax attorneys? He had $105M in carried losses. Or, is he just the worst business man in American history? He started several failed businesses: wine, training school, steaks, and more. 

What we have learned from RUMP’s tax return is that RUMP while in the White House might have forced the IRS commissioner to keep the mandatory audit from actually being completed.His commissioner Charles P. Rettig only had one or two auditors working on RUMP’s tax audit in order to keep it dragging along. Since presidential audits have been done, RUMP is the only one who demanded that it not be completed. The Goon from Grift-Alota-Lago wanted 10,000 National Guard troops surrounding him had he decided to march to the Capital with his Nazi Goosestepping twatwafflers.

Turd Trump knows that he is in deep doodoo now that his tax returns are about to be made public and put into the hands of the DOJ. He roams around his shuffle board club called Grift-AlotA-Lago screaming that he might go to jail at the crew that maintains the swimming pools. RUMP spent four years making sure that his department heads kept his tax returns hidden. Merry Christmas Donnie.

A former White House patsy or aide, as they were called, told the J6 committee that he witnessed the Grifter Goon tearing up government documents. Those could be the missing documents the National Archives has been looking for. 

 What has come out is that while sitting on his Golden Potty Chair Oval Office throne, he was planning to issue an illegal order for military troops to help him steal the election during the insurrection supporting the rioters. This came out during the J1/6 hearings. The Department of Defense was freaking out over this possibility. 

He also needs to worry now that it is known that he was trying to bribe witnesses that were testifying before the J6 committee. He offered up a large amount of cash to one witness claiming that he would make her “financially very comfortable” if she didn’t answer the questions. This is incredible. Witness tampering.

One of RUMP-ASS-aurus’ grifting pals lied throughout his campaign pretending to be someone he is not. NITWIT Trump American Nazi Party member New York Rep.-elect George Santos played his grift on the voters. He claimed to have an animal rescue charity—a big grifting fake. He claimed to have worked for Citigroup and Goldman Sachs—a big grifting fake. He claimed to have graduated from Baruch College—a big grifting fake. He also claimed he had Jewish grandparents that escaped the Nazis. In fact, Brazilian law enforcement has a record on this guy for stealing a checkbook and writing checks off of it. He needs to have his election win recalled.

RUMP-Ass-aurus might be at the end of his stardom, but Ronnie DeFascist is waiting in the wings to Manufacture Authoritarian Fascism In America . He is testing his plan on Floridians. The MAGAT movement will become the MAFIA movement. Ronnie’s far-REICH agenda is underway. Henry A. Giroux, a scholar, author and journalist has made it clear that Ronnie is “fueling the emergence of fascist politics in the United States.” “…Fascism is never entirely interred in the past; it is a dangerous ideology that may go into remission but never disappears.” Giroux continues, “Fascism is a recurrent and infinitely translatable phenomenon and often takes on the cultural and political attributes of the societies in which it appears. The refusal to acknowledge that fascism can appear in many forms, often lying dormant in a society until the emergence of certain forces unleash it, reinforces the willingness of many to retreat into silence or ignore the seriousness of the emerging fascist threat. Expressing ourselves in words, learning from history and making connections among disparate events all matter in the age of fascism.”

One of DeFascist’s stunts to display his authoritarian intentions was when he flew migrants to destinations around the country and out of Florida. A type of human trafficking. Another was associating with a known Nazi Nick Fuentes. Another was his book banning, which focused on Black history, racism, and slavery. He then told teachers what they could teach about the subjects. Ronnie has vilified Gay people, transgender people and their parents. He has purged voters preventing them from voting. And, he went after Disney for their support of the Gay community. He has gone after Black voters, supported white nationalism, and aligned with the Reichwing part of Christian nationalism. Giroux calls this “the beginning of the Nazification of education”, which Ronnie is taking from Hitler’s playbook.

Giroux says this— “Fascist politics saturate U.S. society,” Giroux warns. “Ultranationalism, the calls for racial purity, voter suppression, hyper-militarism, required loyalty oaths from higher education faculty, rampant censorship, a ubiquitous anti-intellectualism, and a full-fledged attack on social provisions and public goods make clear that democracy is in crisis. Yet, in too many cases, the larger significance of these incendiary calamities is missed because they are treated as separate from each other…. DeSantis’ publicity stunt of using migrants as political pawns was also disconnected in the mainstream and liberal media from his attempt to erase the history of the Jim Crow era as part of his larger project of a politics of disposability.”

Ronnie has a role model in Viktor Orban of Hungary, and fascist mouthpieces at Fochs Snooze, OAN, and Newsmax, among others.

Read the full story here.

Thom Hartmann take this fascist movement and opens it up further. He says that RUMP isn’t the big problem, but that the greater authoritarian fascist movement he made acceptable in our society is the greater threat. He says in an audio interview, which you can hear HERE, that “In Congress, nearly 100 members of the America First movement, almost all Republicans, gave speeches praising Hitler or offering legislation or resolutions [in order] to prevent President FDR from challenging Germany.” This Reichwing American movement was written about in the 1942 bestseller, at the time, called “The Illustrious Dunderheads,” by Rex Stout.

Hartmann calls the Civil War a fight against Southern fascism. Today this fascist movement is paid for by the most senior corporate oligarchs, especially those in the fossil fuel and finance industries. They resist the experts in the fields of climate science, medical science, and social science. Convicting RUMP on criminal charges will do very little to stop this movement because his replacements are already in place. What is clear is that some who still call themselves Republicans, such as The Putz, once called Pence, is still afraid of being left out and becoming irrelevant. He even said that indicting RUMP would be a bad idea. This guy, America’s Putz, is such as coward that he doesn’t understand that he will be eaten by the members of the Trump American Nazi Party who are still in government.

This TANP is being led by the least intelligent members of Congress, such as Bimbo Boebert, Taylor Greene Slime, Jimbo Jordan, Paul Gosar, and others. The Democratic Party needs a strong plan to elect candidates who want freedom and democracy and hit the voters hard with clear facts that if they elect TANP candidates they will turn the country into a fascist one.

The fascist movement is a pervasive stain in the government. It is filled with RUMP lickspittlers. His former attorney Christina Bobb, another one of RUMP’s foot soldiers has been spewing propaganda to the base pretending that no one wants to know the truth and the facts. “This [J6] committee hates the American people.” They want to make those followers fear the truth. Bimbo Bobb bloviated this bullshit on one of those fascist-loving sites called One American News. She once worked for this employer before signing up with Da’RUMP-Ass-aurus. Newsmax is another site ranting about how RUMP has become a threat and responsible for the all the bad press the party has received as a result of the J6 committee’s hearings. NewsMax’s Alina Habba is clearly afraid of the fight against the rising fascist threat. 

The Village Idiot living at Mar-A-Lago ranted on TruthSocial how Biden is destroying the country and that he needs to be immediately reinstated as president. He didn’t say president of what. The Village Idiot Fan Club? How funny that the Cretin from Queens seems to ignore just how his actions and behavior have taken down the country like no other political figure has done in our history. His Bimbo son Jr. ranted with another village idiot Bimbo Boebert and Taylor Greene Slime that President Zelenskyy is a welfare queen, while Jr. has never earned an honest dollar in his life and lives off of his daddy’s money—Junior the Deluxe Roasted Rump Welfare Queen. 

And the Congressional Children of the Corn, Bimbo Boebert and Mattie Gaetz who rant about the lack of security at the Capital on 1/6 decided to defy the security check and blow through it on their way to the Zelenskyy speech both with a grin on their faces. Bimbo had a smirk on her face as the audience clapped for the President of Ukraine as she sat with her hands in her lap. So much for their own consistent messaging. 

Congress passed the omnibus budget bill keeping government running. There were many amendments in the bill including support for abused children, but the Trump Nazi Party hardliners voted against this bill. Clearly, they love the idea of abusing children. This is the objective of this dangerous party of cretins. They are now following in the lockstep of Ronnie DeFascist who decided that domination and control over the masses in his state through draconian policies even when the majority of the people disagree with him. He has now appointed the deranged evangelical fanatic judge Jared Smith who voted against a seventeen year old child from receiving an abortion to a higher court position, and being the state’s 6th District Court of Appeals. He claimed she was too immature to make the decision on her own, yet mature enough to raise a child on her own. Smith’s wife was once heard saying to Nancy Jacobs, a challenger to Smith, that she “needs Jesus” in spite of the fact that Jacobs is Jewish.

Kathryn Rubino writes, The “will of the people be damned.” In the case Moore v. Harper, the Reichwing hopes to enshrine the “independent state legislative theory.” This theory would allow the Reich to overturn future elections at the state legislature level.

Former federal appeals court judge, and a long time conservative, believes that RUMP could end up in prison for his crimes. Attempting “to overturn an election would require any judge to give him a prison sentence,” said J. Michael Luttig. It is his opinion that any appeal to the US Supreme Court would uphold the decision to send him off to a federal prison. 

We have heard over and over again from the morons at Foch Snooze, Number 45, and others believe there is something called the liberal media. The fact is there is no such thing. But there is a fascist media and supporters. 

Let’s hope that more and more Americans wake up to their war against freedom and democracy. And that RUMP has been a serious infection upon our nation.

We want to share some very interesting other links:

One that reports on how eating potatoes can help your blood sugar, help those with type 2 diabetes, contain antioxidants, and overall health. Potatoes contain glycoalkaloids that have the potential to treat cancer and cardiovascular disease.

There is now a 3-D printer that prints out wood products, which has the potential to help control the deforestation of the planet.

Bacteria can be lingering in your dentist’s office tools. The CDC is warning that seriously harmful bacteria can linger in the tubes connected to the tools powered by water.

Millions of Americans are misdiagnosed by the medical community every year, which can be fatal.

Poor gut health can lead to very serious illness.

We might have long haul COVID wrong

There has been a warning of lead and cadmium toxicity with specific brands of dark chocolate

This Youtube is very cool. Using clay flower pots to heat a room if the power goes out.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

"Despicable D"- The Life Story Of t-RUMP"

The treasonous t-RUMP decided to act out his mentally unstable fantasy by issuing his own trading card dressed as a rejected Marvel character in search for a job. The NFT trading card cost $99.00 and he sold them all for total of $4.3M out of the 45,000 issued cards. One idea floating around was that had the cost been $100.00, and had a buyer decided to purchase 100 cards for a price of $10,000.00, instead of the $99 each pricing out for $9900.00, that would required the transaction be reported because of the Bank of Secrecy Act as written by TizzyEnt on Twitter. “So he can get more than $4.3 million dollars and never have to disclose a single one of the transactions involved.” Tizzy and others hypothesized that the selling of these trading cards, which could be purchased using cryptocurrencies, is a money laundering scheme. One takes dirty money and purchases $9900.00 worth of the Rumpassaurus toy cards and in exchange the buyer, or the seller, doesn’t have to report the transaction. Dirty Donnie could be deeply involved in a worldwide crime syndicate money laundering scheme, whereby he ends up millions of dollars richer. Derelict Donnie set up a shell company registered in Delaware that licenses the cards, and is using RUMPass-aurus’s shuffle board club called Mar-A-Lago, or Grift-ALOTA-Lago as the mailing address.

Now if that wasn’t enough from the Village Idiot, he decided to post on his failing social network, TruthSocial, he decided to go after the FBI and the DOJ by rousing his militant supporters, such as the Oath Keepers, to polish up their weapons and get ready to go after these law enforcement agencies. He called our government law enforcement agencies that believes have wronged him “weaponized thugs and tyrants.”

Mary Papenfuss writing for HuffPo said that “Some 62% of gun owners voted for Trump in the 2016 election. And his Oath Keeper supporters had a “massive stockpile” of weapons stashed in the Washington, D.C., area last Jan. 6 to support Trump in the event he tried to seize control of the government and remain in power, according to trial evidence.” The NITWIT from QUEENS has a delusional fantasy “that tells him that the FBI was “absolutely” involved in a “coordinated effort to change election results” to make him a loser. That justified last year’s violent Jan. 6 “protest” at the U.S. Capitol, he insisted, even though nearly 1,000 rioters have been indicted for crimes related to the insurrection that day.” 

The Traitor Trump must be very similar to a cornered rat by lashing out with his outrageous attacks against the law and order government agencies that he so claimed he needed to take down his enemies.

The infantile and immature and psychotic cabal surrounding the Nitwit from Queens cannot stay out of the limelight. T-Rump-Ass-aurus’ pal Roger Stone has seen the devil and it is he. He has seen a Demonic Portal above the Biden White House because that is where he emerged during the t-RUMP Years. He told a Reichwing radio host Eric Metaxas that he saw this Demonic portal circling above the White House. Was he wearing his magic glasses? What is clear is that this portal is calling Roger back into it. Here is what Roger Dodger said, 

“I think that…  a portal, a demonic portal, opened above the White House around the time that the Bidens moved in.”  “This was brought to my attention by a Christian who lives in north Florida who sent me a bunch of documents and also a bunch of notations from the Bible about portals.” “It is swirling around like a cauldron.” Roger has seen the photos!! The portal must be calling for him to return to the other side!!

Roger needs to kidnap Markie Meadows and take him with him into the cauldron. Otherwise, Meadows is in deep doodoo. He exchanged texts with 34 members of Congress in regards to his coup plot. Taylor Greene Slime should join them on the journey to the other side. She told a bunch of Young Republican Nazi recruits that if she and her fellow Brownshirt Steve Bannon had been leading the charge on January 6, they would have chosen treason by being armed, locked and loaded had they stormed the Capital to lead the charge in search for Pelosi and to hang Mike Pence. Greene Slime claimed she was joking but she may have to face a Grand Jury regarding her involvement with the coup plot.

Greene Slime says that she is now one of the “five families” that control the Trump American Nazi Party (TANP) in the Congress. She has become a Congressional crime boss leading her so-called Mafia style “family” who meets with KKKevin McCarthy on a weekly basis. Here is what she said, "People are arguing, people are clashing, people are also starting to agree, and there's a meeting that's happening every single week, and we meet in Kevin McCarthy's office, and it's called the 'five families.” Greene Slime, the gazpacho police chief continued, "And the five families — you know my reference.”  "The five families are parts of our conference … And we're coming together and having discussions on how we're going to govern in the majority, and it's literally my favorite meeting." 

Meadows will likely have to answer to Duh’Man, Jack Smith, regarding his role, which seems to be the center of the coup storm. According to Walker, Kovensky, and Yucel writing for TPM the texts included “crackpot legal theories, invoking “Marshall Law” [It’s Marshal Markie], and battle cries.” No doubt, battle cries of sedition. 

He texted Reich Rep. (Marshal Law) Ralph Norman (SC), Teddie KKKruz, Reich Rep. Jim Jordan (OH), Reich Rep. Mo Better Brooks (AL), t-RUMP advisor Jason Miller, Reich Rep. Brian Babin (TX), Mike Lee (UT), Edward Corrigan (MAGAT Conservative Partnership Institute), Reich Rep. Billy Long (MO), Reich Rep. Warren Davidson (OH), Reich Rep. Mike Kelly (PA), Reich Rep. Chip off the ‘ole Roy (TX), Sen. Kevin KKKramer (ND), Reich Rep. Markie Green (TN), Reich Rep. Greg Murphy (NC), Amy KKKremer (“March For Trump” organizer), KKKevin Brady (TX), Reich Rep. Teddie Budd (NC), Reich Rep. Louie Louie Gohmert pile of shit (TX), Reich Rep. Paulie Gosar (AZ), Sen. Cynthia Lummis (WY), Reich Rep. Jody Lice Hice, and others—Reich Rep. Tom Emmer (MN), Reich Rep. Richard Hudson (NC), Reich Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA), Sen. Ron Johnson (WI), Sen. David Purdue (GA), Reich Rep. Rick Allen (GA), Reich Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH), Reich Rep. Barry Moore (AL),  Reich Rep, Fred Keller (PA), Reich Rep. Dan Bishop (NC), Scott Perry (PA), Mattie Gaetz, Reich Rep. Andy Harris (MD), Reich Rep. Andrew Clyde (GA), Taylor Greene Slime, and Reich Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ)

Meadows received at least 364 messages from his own fabricated Reichstag. He initiated at least 95 texts to his Brownshirts in Congress. These texts included anti-semitic tropes, plans for RUMP roast rallies in various states, attack against Dominion Voting machines, etc.

Here is what Norman sent to Meadows: “Our LAST HOPE is invoking Marshall Law!! PLEASE URGE TO PRESIDENT TO DO SO!!”

Markie, who is Marshall Law, anyway? Is he a country singer?

You can read several of these texts here.

Read Rachel Maddow’s take on the Meadows texts.

Florida governor Ronnie DeFascist has decided to burn down the COVID House by forming a Grand Jury to investigate COVID vaccines, the CDC and Fauci, in spite of the fact that he had the vaccine and promoted them during the pandemic. He seems to have forgotten that around 83,000 Floridians died from the virus. Now he is joining the anti-vaxxer wagon train. Childhood vaccines are falling into dangerous levels in his state worrying professionals that more viral spreads could attack school children shutting down schools. What is very worrisome are the two new Omicron variants BQ1, and BQ1.1/XBB taking hold. These two variants are resistant to the viral antibodies built up by people who were vaccinated and had even gotten a previous breakthrough infection. And, these two variants can prevent serious illness for those who were vaccinated with the two shots and the boosters, but can still get sick. Florida could end up looking like China. People who are immune compromised are at serious risk, as well as seniors. DeFascist is attempting to out-Trump-Trump by being even more bombastic as a way to capture the base.

Kegger Kavanaugh, one of our fascist-loving Supreme Court justices, decided to attend a party with members of the TANP having beers with Mattie Gaetz and others. What is Kegger-K planning with his fascist comrades?

There is good news in the RUMP-Assaurus Jurassic world of past attorneys. Sidney “Kraken” Powell, Linn Wood, and Jesse Binnall, as well as Ron Fein, who represents the group called Free Speech For People, whatever that means, are all implicated in the coup plot to copy voting machine data stretching over several states, such as Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Wisconsin. Jack Smith has been called in to investigate this act of sedition. Their plot was to gain access to voting systems in order to illegally copy and then distribute the data extracted from voting machine software.

RawStory David Edwards reported “The Atlanta Journal-Constitution noted that someone working for Powell was caught on surveillance video copying a trove of election data in Coffee County, Georgia, on Jan. 7, 2021.” "The Coffee County breach was just one element of a coordinated plan to access and copy voting system software from multiple states, multiple jurisdictions, and different voting system vendors, by lawyers acting on behalf of the Trump campaign, possibly constituting federal crimes.”

Experts involved in this investigation said, "Because this plot was orchestrated by individuals currently under investigation for their attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, it is possible that the coordinated effort to obtain voting system software was also part of an ongoing conspiracy to overturn elections."

Let’s hope that we find these seditionists working for RUMP-Assaurus end up in jail.

Representative Bimbo Boebert, no doubt, a member of the Congressional 5-Family Crime Syndicate will try and push her fascist agenda. She will likely re-introduce her bill to ban masks on federal property. Another one of her flops, the “Shall Not Be Infringed Act,” a Second Amendment action that would repeal the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which is a firearm safety bill. This freak from Colorado will attempt to impeach Biden, and work to make the word, Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. This moderately literate nitwit has such a tiny brain that she doesn’t understand that there is absolutely no organized group called Antifa, but we do know that there are several Reichwing terrorist groups, such as the Proud Boys, the 5 Percenters,  that should be designated as terrorist groups. She and her fascist pal, Greene Slime were the only two in the House who voted against a program that helps patients in need of bone marrow transplants needed to treat their leukemia and lymphoma diagnosis. Colorado voters chose an immature hater to represent them. 

Salon writer Chauncey Devega, wrote a very enlightening piece saying that Trump and his movement are symptoms of America’s profound disorder. “In a culture of pathological distraction where half the population is semi-literate, [more that half of all Americans cannot read at a sixth-grade level] this isn’t a huge surprise.” “As for Trump himself and the neo-fascist movement and larger white right, they are largely undeterred by that electoral setback” that happened during the losses they experienced during the mid-term elections. “History has repeatedly shown that ignoring fascism and other forms of authoritarianism is essentially to surrender to them.” 

This collective denial and amnesia is amplified by a deeper problem: American society and culture are profoundly immature, unserious and superficial. In many ways, 21st-century America is typified by the spectacular and the ridiculous. The Republican-fascists and "conservative" movement understand this, and have deftly exploited and cultivated those failings.” “The Republicans' embrace of fascism and other forms of right-wing extremism simply reflects what their public wants — and what it has been trained to expect.” “An immature culture is especially vulnerable to exploitation by right-wing fake populists and demagogues who care only about power and have no conception of the common good or responsible governance.”

Tom Nicholas writing for the Atlantic said this:

Win or lose, all the criticisms of Herschel Walker obscure a larger point: The Republicans have acclimated the American public to ghastly behavior from elected officials and candidates for high office. The result is lasting damage to our political system….  Walker's candidacy is a reminder of just how much we've acclimated ourselves to the presence of awful people in our public life. Although we can be heartened by the defeat of Christian nationalists and election deniers and other assorted weirdos, we should remember how, in a better time in our politics, these candidates would not have survived even a moment of public scrutiny or weathered their first scandal or stumble….

The Republicans have become “a party where literally nothing is a disqualification for office. There is only one cardinal rule: Do not lose…. There's a lot of blame to go around, but no one did more to pioneer the politics of disgust than Donald Trump, who took the outrageous moments of his two presidential campaigns and turned them into virtues.”

“Nichols concludes by arguing, "As usual, however, the real problem lies with the voters," who have fallen prey to "an unhinged faux-egalitarianism that demands that candidates for office be no better than the rest of us, and perhaps even demonstrably worse. How dare anyone run on virtue or character; who do they think they are?””

Here is what Caroline Williams wrote in the Atlantic about Walker:

“Walker is a big, ball-carrying Black man, and these Republicans do not have an ounce of care for him. They are using him to advance their own Constitution-compromising agenda, the way conservative white people in this country have always used Black bodies when given half a chance.”

“He is incoherent, bumbling, oily. He smiles with a swagger that does nothing to disguise his total ignorance of how blatantly he is being taken advantage of by a party that has never intended to serve people who look like him.” “Walker's candidacy is a fundamental assault by the Republican Party on the dignity of Black Americans. How dare they so cynically use this buffoon as a shield for their obvious failings to meet the needs and expectations of Black voters? They hold him up and say, "See, our voters don't mind his race. We're not a racist party. We have Black people on our side too." Parading Walker at rallies like some kind of blue-ribbon livestock does not mean you have Black people on your side. What it means is that you are promoting a charlatan — a man morally and intellectually bereft enough, blithely egomaniacal enough, to sing and dance on the world stage against his own best interest. Is he in on the joke? Does he know they picked him to save money on boot black and burnt cork, this man who made his name by bringing the master glory on the master's field, who got comfortable eating from the master's table?…” “The Republican Party is saying that it wants power more than decency. It's saying that race is a joke. We must all take note—it is willing to destroy a man to advance its cause.” 

Devega writes, “The immature and deeply pathological subculture that elevated Donald Trump and the panoply of other Republican fascists and extremists — Kari Lake, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Ron DeSantis and many others — is multilayered and complex. American society elevates anti-intellectualism and anti-rationality. Since the rise of right-wing hate media in the 1990s, this embrace of overt ignorance and conspiratorial thinking, and the accompanying rejection of expert knowledge, has become a defining feature of the American right.” 

“Many Americans are trapped, by choice, in a surreal experience machine and surreality where they seek to medicate their social alienation, numbness and learned helplessness and misery through constant stimulation and distraction (as well as through pharmacological means as well). In the language of our gangster-capitalist dystopia, this is known as the "fear of missing out."

“Ultimately, America's democracy crisis and the rise of neo-fascism are a symptom, not a cause, of deeper cultural and social problems in what the Pulitzer-winning journalist Chris Hedges has called an "empire of illusion." Donald Trump and the Republican Party could disappear tomorrow, and the Age of Trump will likely soon be deleted from the public's collective memory. But the deeper roots of America's democracy crisis will not go away. Our society is sick and is using maladaptive behavior to compensate for that condition.” 

Devega sums up the state of our dysfunctional democracy by saying, “American society will not get better until its leaders and the public at large face admit the horrible reality of the situation and then do the hard work to remedy it.” 

But unfortunately, we have a sick, dysfunctional and immature man-child who used the above illusionary and manipulative techniques to end up as a former president who now has further disgraced the role of being a former president by photoshopping himself as some sort of rejected and pathetic semblance of a Marvel action figure in order to grift millions of dollars by possibly taking dirty money and laundering it through a process of legal loopholes to increase his own wealth.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Donald t-RUMP-Ass-aurus Declares Himself The Christmas Messiah


The once known GOP train, but now known as the Trump American Nazi Party, is getting derailed. We have Eerie Eric t-RUMP wanting us to believe that Fat Daddy is nothing but a savior for religious freedom. He believes that his grifting daddy and super duper liar of a role model saved religious freedom, whatever that actually means. He believes that Barack Obama took it away from us. Fat Daddy said on a Christian propaganda broadcast that America was losing religious liberty under Obama. 

What is he talking about? More babbling from the lips of a crazy psychopath!! Donnie Dumbass believes that until he came along, people became more secure in wishing each other a Merry Christmas. Did his Magic 8 Ball toy tell him this? “Oh Magic 8 Ball, did I bring back religious liberty to the country?” He then shakes the ball and in the magic window the answer “Yes” appears. Then he realized he is the Son of God!! From a Godless person, Donald believes he is the Son of God’s doppelgänger. 

In an interview, Eerie Eric said of his insane daddy, I'm not sure if, you know, organized religion would not be what it is right now, um, if it wasn't for Donald Trump. And he made, you know, a lot of people are, 'well is he a religious guy?' Yeah he's a religious guy. He might not have worn it on his shirt sleeve the way that certain politicians do, often times, unfortunately – and I have to say this sounds terrible – but, for votes.”  The fact is Donald is anti-religious in spite of his stunt where he stood before a boarded up church in Washington after blowing through a park with protesters quietly holding up with his Nazi brigade of stormtroopers in order to hold up someone else’s Bible upside down.

Eric could not stop his insane delusional monologue. He then said, "there's probably no one who's done more for religious freedom than" daddy. Eric’s own mental illness came into play when he forgot that straight jacket Donnie  privately ridiculed Christiansreferred to Muslims as terrorists, and spread stereotypes about Jews as was pointed out by Brandon Gage for Salon.

Since Dumbass Donald loves all the crazies, he hosted a bunch of them at his shuffle board club, Grift-alota-Lago, for a Q’Anon fundraiser. Hunter reported for the Daily Kos that Duh’Fuhrer Donald has been playing social butterfly at the club most of his waking hours. It’s all about the con and being the center of attention as cameras flash photos of him with whomever he is trying to put a grift on. 

Tuesday night is typically reserved for Trump Blowhard Bingo, but on this one particular Tuesday he hosted a Q’ie fundraiser that was raising cash for a fake news documentary about sex trafficking. Lizzie Crokin, or should we say Lizzie’s uh’Croakin’, the star that evening’s who spent her time drooling over the topic of that infamous Pizzagate fiasco of a story, and her make-believe fantasy that in the basement of a Washington D.C pizza shop was a child sex trafficking ring eating strombolis. These insane sociopaths bow at the feet of their Fuhrer.

Croakin’ got all excited when she spoke about her group’s mission to fight against “child trafficking at Mar-A-Lago.” Hosting Nazis and White Supremacists isn’t enough excitement for the club of shuffle boarders? They needed to bring in even more conspiracy theorists to titillate the voting base with “child trafficking at Mar-A-Lago. “

Read the piece here. It is a good one.

There is danger brewing in the nation’s capital. Congress decided to shield judges from transparency. They added a provision to the National Defense Authorization Act called the Judicial Security and Privacy provision. Basically this is a firewall between the American people and themselves. It shields information involving family members from US! It protects their emails, bank accounts, license plates, S.S. numbers, addresses and much more. So what is the impact? Well, people who engage in collusion with public officials to steal elections, and assist in the planning of a coup plot, such as Ginni Thomas, are shielded. The bill does allow for entities “(e)ngaging in reporting, news-gathering, speaking, or other activities intended to inform the public on matters of public interest or public concern.” 

The hits keep on coming from America’s most dysfunctional and mentally ill family and that would be the t-RUMPs. Eerie Eric admitted on the podcast interview discussed in the last Substack entry how screwed up of a father he is. He makes his pre-school aged kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. Then he forces them into rigorous daily routines. One can only image psycho dad having his kids spit polish his stormtrooper boots. He follows up with mandatory prayer. This sounds like he has his own personal cult. This all begins at 4:30 in the morning and again at 7:45 in the evening. If he is away, then he does it on FaceTime. He is a very sick and perverted person. He said that “I live a clean and positive life.” Well freaky Eric, you and your family are grifting thieves. You are a crime family and you don’t lead a clean and positive life but a sick and perverted one. And, don’t forget that your so-called charity for kids with cancer is your own personal slush fund. You took the donations and used it for golf back in 2017. He forgot about that one.

"According to IRS filings, the Eric Trump Foundation in 2012 spent $59,085 on its annual Golf Invitational fundraiser held at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York -- money that skimmed from donations to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. Those expenses ballooned to $230,080 in 2013 and to $242,294 in 2014, according to the filings," ABC News noted at the time.

Here is how AlterNet’s Brandon Gage summed it up:

The more someone publicly declares their piety, the more certain they are not pious.

Is that before or after he steals money from children with cancer?

'Then I go steal from kids cancer charities and rip off the public with my tax scamming family business, The Trump Organization.'

Then…. at 6:45am every morning, Lara and I have a planning session on what charity we can steal from next… Then.. we pray again that nobody finds out.

This is just creepy. Can you imagine your dad waking you up for kindergarten at 4:30 AM to say the Pledge and Lord’s Prayer? No, please, Daddy, GO AWAY! You’re scaring me!

“Bless us O’Donald, For these thy grifts, Which we are about to receive, From thy bounty, Through daddy our fraud, Amen.” - The Trump Family Prayer

This is what has become of the once known GOP. A party of sick, sanctimonious sociopaths. Kari Lake is just another example. She is proclaiming that she is the rightful winner of the Arizona governor’s race. She is demanding that she be installed as the real governor. What is wrong with Arizona voters, anyway? It must be the heat and the toxic drinking water. 

Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema is now starring in her own remake film. It is called “How To Be An Attention-Seeking Hog.” Now that Senator Warnock has stolen the limelight away from this self-proclaimed fake maverick, she has decided to leave the Democratic Party and go Independent. Her Declaration for Independence speech was nauseating. She actually said that she works for the people, when in fact she does NOT. She works for Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Corp. She ignores the needs of the working people of Arizona. She supported big tax cuts for the richest among us, and ignored giving that socialistic benefit to her real constituents. She is storing a large bank account because she will be getting “primaried” in two years. 

The sickness of fascism is not getting pried away from the hands of Paullie Gosar, also from Arizona. He loves Duh’Fuhrer’s idea of terminating the U.S Constitution so a new one can be made in the image of fascism. One look at the guy and he looks like he has been taken over by a vile demon.

The “Twitter Files” reporting that people within the company were content moderating Team Trump’s propaganda has been reported on my Matt Taibbi and Elon Musk-Ox. These two are trying to make a triple cheeseburger out of thin air. Team Trump had been going after Hunter Biden, who by the way, is just a private sector schmuck and who had stuff hiijacked and published off of his laptop after he took it to another schmuck to get repaired. REALLY—WHO CARES!!! Taibbi seems to have forgotten that Twitter was at the time of the election a private company that made its own policy decisions. 

More importantly, Ginni Thomas, a traitor, along with her creepy Supreme Court Justice traitor husband, were involved in a coup plot to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power. And, has Taibbi forgotten about the endless spewing of propaganda, conspiracies, lies and the allegiance to fascism by Fochs Snooze hosts, which is far more relevant to our democracy than Twitter moderating the content based upon their protocols and the deletion of stuff on Hunter Biden’s laptop during the last presidential election. Taibbi, at one time, cared about uncovering real important stories.

“After the first Twitter files dump, Mediaite founder Dan Abrams 

told Colby Hall that “It is stunning that with access to all the internal e-mails at Twitter that they don’t have a single smoking gun that implicates a government leader or even any campaign in wrongdoing. Even before Musk’s characterization of what was there, I expected there would be something more damning. . . from someone relevant.””

One has to ask, ‘So Matt, where’s the beef?’  ‘Have you been scammed by Elon.

Duh’Fuhrer’s legal team seems to be in a heap of trouble because they did not appoint a person to manage their client’s ConfidentialFileGate problem. Because they couldn’t find anyone to lead that problem, they will be seen as the team that couldn’t sign off on whether all the missing files their client had stolen had been returned to the government. None of Trump’s attorneys were able to trust what their client has told them about the location of the missing files or whether they had all been returned. No one on the legal team wants to ruffle Grift-Alota-Lago Big Bird’s feathers when it comes to getting the truth out of him.

Duh’Fuhrer had been too busy hosting parties for Nazis and crazy people. In the wake of the YeeYee-WeeWee West and Nicky Fuentes Nazi fun fair, the t-RUMP-Ass-aurus continues to blame Jewish people for his problems. He came out and said that the Jewish community should be “ashamed for their disloyalty” to him because he has been the only president to ever give so much attention to Israel. He is basically calling himself the Messiah. And the Jews should realize this amazing and YUUGE revelation.

WOW!! Who knew?

To further detail t-RUMP’s insanity, he went all off on Bill Clinton for keeping tapes in his sock drawer, of which he did turn over to the government. Donald felt he had been targeted for stealing thousands of pages of government documents all the while Bill kept recording tapes in his sock drawer, which were later found to be Bill’s personal recordings and not government stuff. This could be compared to Donald having magazine covers and pictures of his favorite wrestlers all mixed in with confidential files. The government didn’t want his magazine clippings, since they were just his own idiotic and childish collection of stupid stuff.

Here is some good news about Rudy ‘Ghouliani’, New York University in Syracuse is strongly considering revoking the honorary doctor of law degree they gave him in 1989. He has already had his law license suspended by the state of New York. This would free Rudy up for other things, such as go into hiding.

The Trump American Nazi Party members and foot soldiers seem to falling off Trumpty Dumpty’s wall.

Here is a list of books focused on Duh’Fuhrer released this year.

Now that we have arrived into Winter, remember to take vitamin D. 

Also green tea and resveratrol, as well as turmeric/cumcumin can help to reduce brain sticky beta amyloid plagues, which is found to cause dementia/Alzheimer’s.

To keep one’s brain healthy, try doing crossword and/or word puzzles.

Here is inspiration to engage in physical fitness. An 86 year old bodybuilder tells the story.

Here is a five minute workout.