Thursday, January 31, 2019

Trump Gets Putin's Marching Orders At The G-20

The Trumpty Dumpty Report    

We continue to learn more and more about the relationship between Putin and his Poodle. During the G-20 the two had a face to face meeting lasting for quite a while. Putin had his translator join him. His Poodle went in with no one. Why did this happen? One can postulate that The Poodle was getting his Russian briefing. Putin followed up by releasing his notes on the meeting in the form of a statement. Trump, when he spoke about this meeting, made up what was said with no confirmation of the truth. 
    The Poodle's history is filled with lies, distortions, and exaggerations. There is no time in history when The Poodle told the truth. There is no reason NOT to believe that Putin's Poodle received up-to-date marching orders from his handler being that Trump is a Russian asset dating back to the 1980s.
    Now we are hearing this Russian Idiot Asset saying that the United States' intelligence agency is "naive". The same idiot who said Ted Cruz' father was in-bed with Fidel Castro; called Obama a Muslim; praised Kim Jong Un as his BFF; believing that ISIS is finished; insulting the parent's of a killed in action veteran; and, the list is endless!
    When our intelligence chiefs say that our greatest threats are ISIS in Syria, and Kim Jong Un's continued nuclear ambitions, we have to realize that our president is over his own head when it comes to understanding national and international affairs and threats. He speaks without any proof or facts. Facts don't matter to this moron. The intelligence national security assessment stated that Iran is complying with the US-Iran nuclear agreement. Of course, there is room for further talks to curtain its threats to the region by arming militants with Russian and Chinese weaponry.
    Our Clown-in-Chief said, "The intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran. They are wrong. When I became President Iran was making trouble all over the Middle East and beyond...Perhaps intelligence should go back to school." This idiot doesn't appears understand that the nuclear deal is NOT comprehensive in its constraints on Iran and its involvement in terroristic activities. It is clear that more negotiations with Iran should be pursued. It is an ally of Russia and China.
    Perhaps Trump prefers breaking all his toys if one doesn't work the way he wants it to work. Instead of setting it aside, and attempt to fix it, he would rather break them all out of frustration and anger and impulsiveness. "Bad toys!"
    This is how our Cretin-in-Chief sees the world. Iranian authoritarians don't fit on his action figure toy shelf. He has specific criteria for action figures he allows in his toy box. When experts interfere with his childish view he gets angry and blames them because he believes he knows Bestest. The infected goo circulating inside his sociopathic brain don't support facts when they come up against his self-delusional, self-promotional faulty instincts.
    It's been reported that Russian hackers employed by Internet Research Agency (IRA) stole and leaked more than 1000 files from Robert Mueller's investigation. Now, is it possible when Trump met with Putin, that they discussed a way to hack into Mueller's files as a way to thwart the Russian investigation? Is this plot to subvert our democracy and commit treason the reason why Trump entered his G-20 secret meeting with Putin without any witnesses? Knowing Trump's history to cheat and lie and manipulate the law for his own gain, why shouldn't we believe that Trump and Putin plotted to hack into Mueller's investigative files?
    There is no reason NOT to believe it!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

   It’s been reported that The Cretin is “hopping mad!” That is what he said as he went hippity hoppiting down the loony toony dummy trail. There is a new tell-all-inside look into the Trumpty Dumpty White House. The Idiot-in-Chief said, “Who is this guy? I don’t know who he is?”
   Sorry Mr. Loony Toony, you DO know who he is. He is the guy who videotaped you in the White House. He was your information guy. Your fake news spinmeister guy. Cliff Sims, a conservative blogger who spent 500 days in the Cretin’s den of incompetency. It’s called Team of Vipers. The Idiot-in-Chief is dismissing this guy as a nobody player, a low-level staffer, but actually, he had alone time with Trumpty Dumpty. The Dumpster-in-Chief just cannot fire up enough brain cells to remember this guy. His title under King Trump was Assistant to the President and Assistant Communications Director for White House Message Strategy.
   The book describes a White House that is disorganized, chaotic; a mess!! Trump is “very pissed off!” We would think so.
    Cliff Sims was on the inside. He saw it all. He wrote about the ‘Moron In The White House’ story in detail. Sims helped The Cretin with his weekly video and radio addresses and The Cretin cannot remember who he is?
    What this tells us all is that Trump is so out of his league as president that his organization is a dis-organization. He should be removed from office. He is a total misfit and incompetent fake.
    He has been pretending to be a fantastic, wonderful really smart businessman. What a joke. This guy cannot business-manage/deal make himself out of a paper bag. He is a total incompetent. He doesn’t even know the people who surround him in key roles. He is too busy playing with his Putin and Kim Jung Un action figure toys and obsessively flipping his 8 foot red necktie.
    The country can collapse all around him and he could care less, as he threatens another government shutdown if he doesn’t get his Wall To Trump, which seems to be crumbling around him.
   Now, it seems that Trump’s two dumbass sons: Dumb and Dumber fired back in regards to The Trump Organization’s hiring of 20 undocumented workers to do jobs in some of the golf club resorts. They fired these workers and claimed they will get to the bottom of this Trump family hypocrisy. Donnie senior rants and rails against brown people at our southern border, yet hires them to work as indentured servants in his golf clubs. These women and men that were hired were directed by a club manager to get fraudulent papers and documents from their go-to forgerer. They then were told to do what they were told by a club manager. They were under the control of The Trump International Organization.
    New Jersey and New York Attorneys generals are very interested in investigating this possible crime, which includes the hiring of undocumented workers, tax fraud, social security fraud, mistreatment of undocumented workers, immigration fraud, and a list of other violations. The FBI was asked to get involved, as well. This has been going on for, at least, 20 years!
    Another deep concern regarding this corrupt and horribly bad administration is the turning away from two poisonous chemicals in our drinking water that has been identified in the past year, of which the EPA is ignoring. The Trump EPA is failing to do anything about these two poisons that a great many Americans are drinking everyday. These two chemicals used in the manufacturing of Teflon and foam based fire retardants are in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. These are known as PFOA AND PFOS, which are linked to kidney and testicular cancer, hypertension and other medical conditions. Chemical companies, such as 3M, are at fault. These two chemicals are a target under the Superfund law, which would force the predatorial companies manufacturing them to clean up these environmental toxins.
    The Cretin’s administration has been a leading no holes barred supporter of corporations to make as much money as is possible even if they poison everyone in their path toward profits.
    This is what is meant when the White Nationalist party, formerly known as Republicans, when they say they are a populist party. Populist meaning predators in support of corporations over people. These chemicals could possibly cause generational disease altering a person’s DNA passing on predispositions to cancer and other diseases to further generations. This is the legacy of the Trump presidency.
    This legacy will be imprinted into the DNA and genetics of millions of Americans for generations to come.

    And, The Cretin continues to pass out Kool-Aid to around 35% of his supporters. I wonder if his Kool-Aid is laced with PFOA? Drink up MAGA hat wearers!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Trump's Shutdown Was A Smackdown

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

     Trump is between a concrete slab and a steel slat, you might say. The Cretin has spoken. He will "think about, maybe, possibly, I have to think about it, if I'm not happy" declare another shutdown.
    The fact is The Cretin has been shutdown. He's been stroking that 8 foot red necktie he always wears wandering around the White House because his Great Wall Of Trump was knocked down into a 6 inch Lego wall that will be constructed and placed on his desk.
    The Congress is working on solutions orienting toward a more comprehensive package to protect the southern border from drugs and the Mexican boogiemen who sneak over the border after being dumped from the backs of U-Haul trucks hoping for a better life working low paying jobs that many Americans have chosen not to take, such as at Trump's Mar-A-Lago resort. While all this going on, The Cretin is stuck in his play school room playing with his Space Force toys and eating Fish crackers. A big, beautiful, strong Wall Of Trump is not likely to be offered up. A more realistic package of barrier security upgrades, and personnel hires will likely be decided for a bi-partisan vote.
    The Cretin says if is not getting his way, he will bring about another government "shitdown". More crap leaking out of his small, demented brain, which is more pretend than reality. Cretin also brought up again that he will declare a national emergency and then steal funds from other places in the budget to build his Monument To Trump wall. That, too, is unlikely.
    Americans are getting sick and tired of The Trump Tantruming Tirade Trilogy story. People are very upset that the shutdown cost more than the $8B The Cretin wanted for his southern border monument to begin with. Another shutdown will likely destroy the careers of the White Nationalist party in Congress. They might want to update their Linked-In pages, or send resumes to the Koch Brothers, since they hire has-been rightwingers, such as Rick Santorum, to work in their homestyle think tanks. And, Mike Pence might want to repair his spacecraft so he can head back to the planet from which he came. It has been said he came from the 4th Rock from the Sun.
    Will the White Nationalist party, formerly known as Republicans, tolerate another shutdown? Or, will they tolerate a capture-the-flag remake of funds targeted for military emergencies when soldiers are overseas in dangerous zones? This act of incompetence will probably end up in the courts dragging The Cretin's incompetency for the next year, as the 2020 presidential primary season begins full force. Will the White Nationalist party members tolerate this chaos?
    Another shutdown will face another showdown with The Cretin as the short term opening of the government comes to face-down in mid February hopefully resulting in another smackdown by the American people. Federal workers will likely quit their jobs and look for other jobs if furloughed again. This will create its own chaos leaving job vacancies disrupting many agencies in turmoil wanting to get back up and running. Nancy Pelosi is working to end shutdowns forever by putting up a bill to be voted on. It would be likely that if The Cretin vetoes such a bill, it will get over-rided by the congress. Such an over-ride vote will finally destroy The Cretin's presidency, and prove that he has never been a populist president looking out for the working people of the country, but instead, seen as the arrogant, self-centered, dumbass sociopath he actually is. 
    The Cretin IS between the self-made rock and hard place revealing that he IS NOT a dealmaker, but an idiot pretending to be something his is not. He is the result of fake news. Nothing about this moron is real. He is fake. Let's prove it by exposing his tax returns!! This Russian Idiot Asset had been launched into the White House for use by Putin. The Mueller investigation report will likely show that Trump's army of lizards were conspiring with Russians to launch Trump into the White House.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Spoke. Trump Opened The Government

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Donnie Demented fell into a trance and when he woke up, the government opened up for 3 weeks and there was still no wall. Wearing his 8 foot long red tie, which he also uses to wipe his mouth, he gave a rambling Rose Garden announcement bloviating about how a wall is required because it works in Israel. I believe that wall had been built for very different reasons. It is there to keep violence and death from devolving into something much, much worse.
    Our southern border issues are all about people wanting to come to the United States to find a better way of life from places that threaten their safety and lives. But, Donnie the Demented has no idea what he is talking about and no one can help him understand much of anything.
    He rambled on about truck driving smugglers taking a left at the border or a right at the border and driving into the desert dropping off loads of people to cross into the U.S. by foot. And, this is how lots of drugs are being smuggled into the country. The facts are that people crossing at designated checkpoints, or by foot through the desert, are down and falling over the past ten years. Drugs come over the border through designated checkpoints, and not carried over the border in backpacks, which doesn’t make a bit of sense. I believe such a person would fill their backpacks with water, and food instead of a bunch of bags of heroin.
    Now, the Demented Donnie was trying to convince us that he never said he wanted a concrete, big, beautiful, strong wall from sea to shining sea, which is a big fat lie. That is exactly what he told us along with the fact that Mexico was going to pay for it.
    He finally ended his uncontrolled stream of consciousness rambling message by saying that if he doesn’t get his very big and beautiful wall with steel slats so he can see through it, he will go nuclear and steal the money from other agencies by declaring a national security emergency. Surprisingly he now wants steel slats instead of concrete so he can visit the border and slip signed pictures of himself through the slats taping them to the other side. As we recall, he once told us that he knows how to build things, and knows how to build a big and strong and tall concrete wall.  Now he doesn’t remember that this was a promise he made during his presidential primary campaign. This Cretin said anything to make himself look like the biggest, bestest dealmaker ever to set foot into the Oval Office. Unfortunately, his base drank the Kool-aid he was passing out along with his MAGA hats. Trump never made a successful business deal, on his own, in his life. He has NO dealmaking skills. He is a total flop. He needed associates with brains and skills to set up the deal so Mr. Moneybags could sign the paperwork. He was then patted on the back and told, “Good Job. Good Job. Great Deal”, which was not of his doing. Because of his narcissistic mind, he believed that he made the deal on his own. This is how Putin snared him into becoming a Russian Idiot Asset.
    He had a chance to sign an earlier bill last year, which was negotiated successfully in Congress, but he did not sign it. It wasn’t good enough then, but is good enough now. That bill had wall construction funding. Sadly, The Moron-in-Chief isn’t capable of remembering that far back in history.
    Ann Coulter, who appears to remind him of his father who may have understood that Donnie was an incompetent dumbass, has scolded dear Donnie by calling him weak. Nancy Pelosi, who appears to remind him of his mother, who may have been the only person who was able to stop him from tantruming, put an end to his bad behavior.

    Now Donnie can go back to his daycare center and play with his Putin and Jong Un action figures for the next three weeks before they dress him up again and prop him back up on his Lego wall and see what he will do next.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Stopped Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    For the first time since Trump lied and bullied his way into the Oval Office, a government person of authority has told him “NO” with actual meaning and it happened to be woman! She momentarily stopped his tantruming. The woman with absolute power and control stopped the man-child’s raging, foot stomping tantrums. He backed down!
    The lady in the House stopped the child from his tantrums. Could it be that Trump’s mother was the only person capable of controlling Donnie when he threw tantrums in order to attempt to get his way?
    Speaker Pelosi understood that if she didn’t stop his Build-A-Wall tantrum, the Cretin would use shutdowns as his way to get his way again. Bravo to Pelosi—BTP!!!!
    The Cretin continued to blame Pelosi and Democrats for the shutdown he owned until she told him that she controlled the lights and could lock his ass out; he crossed her Red Line. Now The Cretin said he would wait until the shutdown was over to give his message. Before he relented, he said, “Nancy Pelosi-or Nancy, as I call her—she doesn’t want to know the truth.” The truth being that he is a spoiled crybaby having tantrums? Then he said, “I think that’s a great blotch on the great country we all love.” The great blotch on the country is Donald J. Trump demanding that the country spend $5.7B on 100 miles of his fantasy to build his own Mt. Rushmore with his face emblazoned and embossed into the concrete memorializing his horribly failed presidency.
    Trump told Speaker Pelosi that he had important information to deliver to the country. Oh, he’s going to tell Americans that their Wall Street retirement investments fell around 20% in 2018? Or, maybe that over 34 plus days of the shutdown small businesses are closing and 800,000 federal workers will see many more lost paydays? Or, that Wilber Ross, his cretin Commerce Secretary, wonders why furloughed federal workers can’t just borrow money from their bank to live off of until the shutdown ends, which would amount to a pay cut for these workers after paying interest on these loans? Or, that many on medications have seen their costs increasing, not decreasing, after being promised that drug costs were supposed to drop?
Or, that the trade war is a “yuuge” benefit to our economy as the economy slips backwards? Or, that you did tell Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about your potential business deal with Putin, and that you have a Russian love child? Or, that Mike Pence is actually not human? Or, that there is nothing to worry about in our air travel industry in spite of dire risks being forecasted if the shutdown continues?
    The Cretin also said, “It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule and, very importantly on location!” Hey Donnie, this is not a reality television show. What takes precedence when looking at on-time delivery is NOT your rambling message to the country, but the pizza ordered over the phone!

    Hey there Donnie, we are not so very sad that you cannot bullshit the country with more of your nonsense.  We are glad to hear that you’ve been cancelled and will be staying in your Oval Office daycare center until the shutdown is over.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Trump Clowns Come Out To Play

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The MAGA clowns are coming out into the big top to perform their idiot acts. Rudy Guiliani is riding his unicycle, yet continues to fall off every time he tries to mount it. What a clown! He doesn’t know if he is coming or going. He has no idea what his brain is telling his mouth to say. There is a total disconnect. Recently, there is a call to disbar Rudy from the Bar Association for his incompetent personal legal representation of Trump. Rudy is now setting off the Idiot Asset in the Oval Office by telling reporters that Trump told Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. First, there was no collusion. But now, Rudy has evolved to says so what if he had a close relationship with Russians. It was not illegal. Rudy knows that his fellow clown in the White House has engaged in illegal actions for a very long time.
    In the book Trumped!, by John O’Donnell, The Cretin often had no idea what his business associates were planning and organizing even after they had explained them, in detail, to Trump. Trump had trouble comprehending and understanding what his business associates were explaining to him. And, at times, he would just explode. Clearly, Trump has been an idiot even before Putin made him his American- Russian Idiot Asset. In the book, the author described how Trump created a “yuuge” casino, yet had no idea how to run and manage it, ultimately causing it to collapse. He pinned one of his casinos with other casinos he owned in order to watch chaos incur. It was like a little boy rolling his two trucks together to see them crash. Trump continues to do this with his government shutdown as he watches 800,000 federal workers and peripheral businesses crash against his desire for a border wall. This incompetent business practice caused his profits and costs to suffer. And now, the country is suffering and the negative affect to the economy is harshly impacted. A moron? Truly!!
    On another note, have you seen your 2018 4th quarter investment savings statement lately (if you are not a day trader)? It’s been crashing when compared to how it was at the end of 2017. Trump continues to say how well the economy is doing. Your investment savings is saying another story, which is ending badly. Trump continues to make more and more bold -faced lies right to your face!!!
    Now we are seeing another of Trump’s idiot comrades, Ben Stein, a terrible comic actor, is claiming that Ocasio-Cortez’s effort to push Congress toward improved social programs and toward a higher tax rate for the wealthiest in this country as something Hitler would do. And, that her policies, if enacted, would lead to genocide and mass murder. I believe Ben Stein is just another moron allowed to join his fake news comrades on FOX News as he speaks out of his ass. What we are actually seeing is mass murder under White Nationalist party policies, formerly known as Republicans, by taking campaign contributions from them and giving support to the fascist gun organization called the NRA, now led by a former Nixon administration crook—Oliver North.
    As we know, Republican President Ike Eisenhower had a 70% tax rate for the wealthiest among us. He also warned the nation of the military industrial complex taking control of the Pentagon. He was so right with his forecast. I guess Ben Stein thinks Ike Eisenhower, who was a general in the “great” war against Hitler and fascism, then became president, was actually Hitler-“IKE”. FOX News has finally stepped off the cliff by giving such idiots a television platform.
    There is a “yuuge” question why did Jared Kushner get a security clearance? Here is a guy that is a dumb as his father-in-law. Nepotism gets you a security clearance in this White House. There will be a House of Representatives investigation into this question.
   The Cretin’s popularity has fallen to just 36%, as of today. Beware of a national recession on the horizon. This will damage one’s financial investment portfolio.

    So, be careful out there!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Trump's Failing Legacy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Trump has his head so far up Ann Coulter’s rump that he is her Rump Trump. When she passes toxic gases in the form of orders, he is right there sniffing them. This Cretin has been led around by others his entire life. He is unable to take control of his own life without disaster following right behind him. His daddy took control of his financial life from an early age, and then, once The Trump Organization was established, others took control in order to keep him under control and solvent. But, when no one was looking and monitoring his impulsive and incompetent actions, The Trump Organization, back in the 1980s, nearly fell into bankruptcy. It was then that Putin and his army of oligarchs stepped in to take control of Trump by turning him into an Idiot Asset by funneling to him millions of dollars of illegal cash needing a place to launder it. Trump’s properties were the greatest gift these oligarchs could find. They had a place to park and launder their cash by buying up vacant Trump Tower properties, which resulted in Trump being owned and controlled by Putin. Now, Trump is being controlled by the White Supremacists at FOX News, and around the country. He must appeal to those in his dwindling base, which appears to be mostly made up of White Supremacists.
     He is demonstrating emotional chaos with his orchestration of a government shutdown. When Ann Coulter says that the The Cretin is displaying emotional weakness by considering some sort of amnesty to DACA recipients, The Cretin backs down. Apparently, Ann Coulter is one of Trump’s White Nationalist lieutenants in his platoon of Putin’s American Assets.
    He continues to spread more and more lies about people wanting to enter the U.S. from the southern border. The facts are that most of the people illegally in the U.S. are Asians who entered the country legally, yet overstayed their visas. Most people enter the country by car or by air through legal points-of-entry and not by foot at the southern border. Illegal drugs are typically brought into the country through legal border crossing check points, and not by foot over non-authorized border crossing sites. And, the numbers of people crossing at the southern border have declined as a result of the legislative changes that were signed by President Obama: increased border patrols, surveillance upgrades and repairs and upgrades to the existing fencing. These actions brought about through reasonable bi-partisan negotiations lowered southern border crossings. So, the lies perpetuated by Trump and his White Nationalist platoon comrades to build a $5.7B wall has been nothing but fake news.
    By the end of this week, the cost to the economy will exceed the $5.7B and into $7B. The Cretin has been tantruming over his version of Mt. Rushmore, ie. the Trump Wall at the expense of hardworking federal workers.

    Trump realizes that with less than two years left in the Oval Office Child Care program, he will have absolutely no positive legacy to follow him as he goes back to his gilded life in Trump Tower hiding from those who will document his failed life in Washington D.C. At that point, Trump can begin to organize the scraps of paper that will be compiled into scrapbooks that will make up his presidential front yard mini library.

The Trump Presidential Library

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Lies and Deception From The White House Continues

Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Vice President Putz follows in Donald's footsteps with bloviated fake news, yet when challenged denies or deflects. Putz made a public claim that ISIS in Syria had  been defeated and the caliphate crushed. But, within hours of this fake news broadcast, ISIS killed 4 American.

     More damage to Trump's slippery slope of failed leadership skills was that Michael Cohen, Trump's bag man and fixer, tapped into Cretin's business account to buy I.T. services from a company called RedFinch to manipulate Internet polling data to boost Trump's popularity for $50,000. The I.T. guy, John Gauger, a close pal of Liberty University's Jerry Falwell, Jr. did the deal. Sadly for The Cretin, the polling rankings fell flat and $50k, delivered in cash and trophy were handed off in a Walmart bag. 
    Trump's hot gas flame thrower, Rudy Giuliani, called Michael Cohen untrustworthy. WOW! It is now believed that 59% of Americans are finally realizing that Trump is untrustworthy. That must be why the two guys had a bromance together.
    As the government shutdown continues and workers are feeling serious pain from not being paid, The Trump Organization continues to reap "yuuge" profits from their management of the Old Post Office Trump International Hotel, in Washington, D.C. As Trump and his family Grifters see dollar signs while government workers suffer, they keep the money rolling in. It appears The Government Services Administration (GSA) failed to shutdown the Trump Organization from its lease granted to them based upon the Emolument's Clause, which says that it is illegal for the president to benefit and profit from foreign and domestic business relationships. So, what about all the people booking stays at Mar-A-Lago when Trump decides to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to secretly meet with foreign or domestic business people trying to connect with him? Sounds corrupt. It sounds like what Putin does. An insider said that Trump has a poster in his playroom which says, "WWPD?". This translates into "What Would Putin Do?"
    What has happened to the office of the presidency representing and demonstrating honor, respect, humility, unity, and dignity to the world and to all Americans? Under this administration, this framework, which other American presidents upheld, does not exist today.
    Putin's Poodle recently said, "Either we have a country, or we don't. It's that simple." That's right Cretin. We don't have a country, since you moved into the White House poisoning the airspace, and soiling everywhere you sit.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Two Ways Of Removing The President From Office

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

     The Cretin is quickly slipping into the arms of Vladimir Putin. The likely scenario is that Trump is deeply indebted to Putin since the 1980s when Russian oligarchs, Putin cronies, bought enough Trump properties to bail him out of near bankruptcy. At that point, Trump was baited hook, line and sinker. Paul Manfort, his campaign Russian conduit, was extremely deep in the sheets with Russian powerbrokers. He secretly handed off to one of his Russian contacts Trump’s campaign polling data, which was illegal. Allowing a foreign agent, or nation to influence an American election is illegal. So, by handing off Trump’s election data was allowing a foreign agent to take that information and pass it off to another Russian to study and then use in order to help their presidential choice for president get elected in whatever way they find most effective. One way to use the data would be to target desirable voters through social media. Russian bots and trolls would target individuals with fake news, and fake social media interactions that would suggest that Trump was the best choice for president. This is what happened.
    Trump pleaded with Russian hackers to steal Hillary Clinton’s emails and publish them. Putin’s goal was to hack his way into making sure Trump became president. They needed Trump to accomplish Russian goals.
    Trump met with Putin 5 times in secret, and, no doubt, received marching orders. Trump kept the subject and content of those meetings secret even to his cabinet. He even confiscated the translator’s notes demanding that this person keep quiet.
    Trump has repeatedly threatened to pull out of NATO. Putin would love to see the U.S. leave NATO. NATO is a threat to Russian interests and objectives. Several Eastern European countries are part of the NATO alliance. Croatia, Hungry, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Romania were once under the thumb and control of Russia’s one-time Soviet Union. These countries now leaning away from Russian dominance and more toward NATO, and the E.U, are a threat to Putin and the power of Russia. Having Trump pull out of this large alliance symbolically leans the U.S. away from this alliance and toward Putin and away from world’s growing democracies.
    By pulling out of NATO to the objection of many military and civilian Americans would send the wrong message to the entire world. Such a message would threaten the stability of our position in the world. This view of the United States would create a “crisis of the soul” (to quote Trump) and an actual national security crisis.
    In order to stop such a national security crisis from occurring, which would come on top of other cracks in the nation’s national security, such as a partial government shutdown displacing and furloughing hundreds of thousands of workers, as well as putting peripheral small businesses at financial risk. His polarizing message of hate dividing the country and support of haters causing violence in the country. His fear mongering around desperate people huddled around our southern border. Instability in the markets, and among allies around the world is another layer. Lay all of this on top of Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and if any or all of Trump’s political circle of menacing, maniacal morons were involved in this Russian conspiratorial collusion. This poisonous layer cake is making America sick and weak. The “baker” stirring up this toxic, stinky mash should have his MAGA chef’s hat knocked off his orange head! The one way of doing this is for his cabinet members to vote collectively to remove him from the office of the presidency because they deem this Russian Idiot Asset (a phrase used by Malcolm Vance) to be not fit to perform and fulfill the duties of the president effectively.
    Trump has become a national security crisis, and, therefore, could be deemed appropriate for removal. But over the last two years, Trump removed any cabinet members he saw as a threat to the fabric of his presidency who might consider him unfit for the job. Rex Tillerson, former secretary of state, called him a moron. Others have, as well. No doubt, many see Trump as the Cretin he is and a danger to the strength of America.

    Once again, The Cretin is threatening and moving closer to pulling out of NATO without the threat of his cabinet turning on him. Bolton and others are dangerous to the nation and stand behind their chief comrade. The only other way to remove Trump from the Oval Office is impeachment and it must be initiated by his fellow White Nationalist congressional comrades. This is the only way to end the “crisis of the soul.”

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The President Sells His Con To The Nation

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    When will the Moron-in-Chief realize fewer and fewer people are believing this sociopathic liar, who has lied over 6500 times beginning with his primary 2016 campaign. “I don’t work for Russia. I’ve never worked for Russia. I’m insulted that anyone would believe this.”
     Well Cretin, we DO believe that YOU ARE a Russian asset. We are insulted by your hiding your relationship with Putin. You’ve been lying about your corrupt connection with Russians since the 1980s. My question is- is Melania, also, a Russian asset? It could very likely be that she was directed to get close to Trump, get deep in his business life and report back to Russian operatives to keep her father from being imprisoned by the Slovenian military police. Why can’t this scenario be possible? A more detailed picture of this possibility was posted as an earlier post on this blogspot.
     Now, the Moron-in-Chief is now telling us that the squeeze on trade will result in the “need for more land” for agriculture, and more profits for American companies. “More, big, better.”
    It’s not happening! Look at Wall Street. They don’t believe him, either. Wall Street is resting itself on pins and needles.
     Our President Grifter is nothing but a real estate snake oil salesman who concocts his toxic formula into selling empty promises. He promised to bring back steel manufacturing creating a Yuuge boom. It didn’t happen; he promised to bring back the coal industry, which continued to decline; he promised to bring back small businesses, yet with the government shutdown, SBA loan officers have been furloughed; he promised to bring back manufacturing that went offshore, yet that has failed, too. Our Grifter-in-Chief is a Yuuge liar and fraud.
    Added to the fake news from the White House blubbering, babbling, bungling collection of lizards is the damaging, destructive, distractive shutdown. The deep pile of crap continues to stack up all them.
    Cretin’s ego is so inflated, imaginative, and infuriating that he actually believes the lies he spews. He sells the con that his trade deals will result in a booming economy when there is nothing there to prove it so. And, to top it all off, he says that he has never worked for Russia.

    We can give him 6500 Pinocchios.

Monday, January 14, 2019

The film, "The Orange Man Destroys Washington, DC"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    There is a new film coming to your neighborhood theater. It’s called “The Orange Man Destroyed Washington, DC”. The Orange Man came out of a deep, fetid cave carved deep under Gotham City far below Trump Tower’s tunnel network.
    Far within those dark and damp and smelly caves, the Orange Man planned a fake news takeover of the nation and win a place of power by recruiting foul and dirty Russian comrades from deep beneath the Kremlin living in their tunnels and caves where they were kept away from the common person on their surface.
    The surface was filled with mean and hateful trolls who wore Orange Man’s red hats as a symbol of their gullibility and ignorance. They followed wherever he went. He had his well dressed, but decaying Klan join him, otherwise, the Orange Man would not be able to function at all. He would wander off looking for pointy headed white sheet dressed people to play with in the dirt. His own genetically mutated Klan would not allow that so they had to manage him whenever possible. His zombie wife was kept subdued and fed dead cats and dogs to keep her quiet. Under her shell, she had totally decayed from living on the surface with the Orange Man.
    He was joined by the Pez Dispenser Man with short white hair. His hands were always sticky so he kept them in his pockets so things wouldn’t dirty them up. He needed his hands to always be pure. Being sticky was a real problem for him. When you pulled his head back only white shiny blocks of supremely smelly lard came out. He was kept behind the Orange Man just in case he fell backward so that the Pez Man was present to catch him. That was basically the only thing the Pez Man was there to do. The Orange Man was a Yuuge lump of lard which he teleported into the Pez Man in order for the Pez Dispenser Man to make his blocks of lard so he could pass them out to their team of swamp lizards surrounding them to consume.
    The Orange Man was seriously showing signs of mental decay from being on the surface for far too long a time. He would force people on the surface from doing their jobs because he desired a symbol of his power which he called a big, beautiful, and Yuuge southern border wall to keep out all the bad brown people. He wanted it painted orange. He demanded it be painted orange, otherwise, no one would be able to return to work and live their lives again.
    He knew he would have to return to his fetid cave network at some point, and he wanted a symbol of his time on the surface to always be seen so the orange southern border wall made of concrete, or steel slats, which ever would be decided upon, to be built in his name. He wanted it to be very, very, very, very big and long, but others believed it should be very, very, very short and stubby and possibly a bit on the crooked side.
    The film had more fighting than story. Most of the story was faked anyway. The screenwriter used very simple and often misspoken words in fragmented sentences whenever the Orange Man spoke. The Orange Man became very boring as the film progressed.

    It was given 5 Rotten Tomatoes.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Trump's Self Inflicted Wounds

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    President Donald Quack said, “I am insulted by the FBI investigation into me.” HUH? This idiot is insulted by our most powerful law enforcement agency investigating a Grifter who rose from near financial collapse because of Russian oligarchs using likely laundered cash to buy up Trump properties. This Art of the Deal made him into a Russian asset orchestrated by Vladimir Putin. Then, as he surrounds himself with Russian operatives disguised as Americans, who ran his presidential campaign, the FBI began their investigation following Donald Quack’s call out to Russia to hack into the DNC’s computer servers. They were concerned that The Cretin was working for Russia. The Quack was insulted? Hey, Cretin, WE are the people insulted by YOU. You are the freaky Cretin. We are insulted by your lies, insults to parents of fallen soldiers; insults to the less-abled; insulted by your stupidity; insulted by your incompetence; insulted by your disregard for the rule of law, and the office of the presidency; insulted by you dog whistling to White Supremacists as you made them your base, and insulted by your cowardice.
    Malcolm Nance so clearly wrote in his book, “The Plot To Destroy Democracy” how you became a Russian asset and why. Now, your White Nationalist congressional foot soldiers are still standing behind you. Let’s hope that they sink in the putrid swamp from which you came.
  Now we have learned that The Quack has not revealed what he and Putin discussed in their private meetings. Quack told the translator to keep her mouth shut, or else!!!! We have an idea what was discussed. President Quack got his orders from Putin. He was given his instructions. This is what it likely sounded like.
    “Yes Comrade. I am here for your orders.” “Donald, I want you to back off the sanctions. I want you to begin to exit Syria. You need to allow me to take control of Syria. Look the other way when I do stuff around the world. MBS will be taking out a journalist from the NYTs. Look the other way. Do everything I say.” “Yes comrade. Please don’t release the hooker tapes.” “For now, I will hold onto them.”

    So much of what President Donald J. Quack has done has poisoned the office of the presidency and this nation around the world. His Brown Shirts in Congress are complicit and need to go down with him when the time comes. This country has suffered more in these past two years than anyone ever expected. He has empowered his Grifter family into this “crisis of the soul”, which Donnie said of the government shutdown brought about by him. This is a self-inflicted wound. Surgery is required, which means impeachment.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Longest Government Shutdown In History

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The White Nationalist president and his fellow congressional supporters are “the crisis of the soul”, the American Soul, which The Cretin calls the government shutdown. They are doing everything they can to damage the fabric of our country. Federal workers, such as weather forecasting experts (NOAA), science and medical experts (NIH, researchers, NASA), food safety experts (FDA), tax experts (IRS), and the list goes on and on, have been told to go home or work for free.
    800,000 working Americans are struggling to survive. The Office of Budget and Management (OMB) sent a letter to the people laid off from their jobs that maybe they should ask their mortgage company or lender if they could barter services in lieu of payment, such as carpentry or painting.
    Yes, of course! All those moneylenders have projects their debtors can trade for. Yes, of course, why didn’t Chuck and Nancy think of that solution? The Cretin doesn’t care. His White Nationalist congress, formerly known as Republican, doesn’t care, either.
    The latest look at The Cretin’s “crisis of the soul” is that after he became president, the FBI began looking into if he was a Russian asset, just as Malcolm Vance, in his book, “The Plot To Destroy Democracy” clearly describes. The real national emergency is that we a corrupt and dangerous person acting as our president. This is America’s “crisis of the soul”. In order to have a national security emergency, there MUST be a situation that is in dire straits of attention that needs immediate action. He has said, "There are thousands of Mexican murderers and rapists crossing the border." THEN DO SOMETHING! THEN ACT! AND, GET BUSY TO STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING! Otherwise, shut up and go back in your hole. He also said regarding going after military unused dollars, "I can do it. I just may do it now. Soon. Or, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll wait. Maybe I won't." So, Donnie, was is it? Do you know what it is? The Cretin acts very ambivalent as to if and when he will take action to capture military funds to build his wall. That does not seem like a person reacting to a true and actual national emergency. It seems more like a fake play for money no one will give him.
    Once Mueller began his investigation, he took over where the FBI left off. The FBI began an inquiry into whether Trump’s swamp lizards conspired-colluded with Russian assets or agents answering to the Kremlin. Manafort already admitted to that.
    As the FBI was investigating, The Cretin fired Comey apparently to suppress the investigation. It seems that Donnie Demented was afraid that he would be found out; that a crime was committed; that the really, really, big, strong beautiful concrete steel slat wall would come tumbling down upon our present day Humpty Dumpty.
    We are in the midst of a true national security crisis. We have a Russian asset pretending to be president, while surrounded by the worst swamp lizards that could be dragged out of the Mar-A-Lago slime pool.
    Trump publicly called for Russian hackers to steal and release DNC and Hillary Clinton emails during the 2016 campaign. The FBI was concerned about this threat against our democracy, along with other possible Russian links.
    When The Cretin said to us during his televised state of “un-address” that there was a “crisis of the soul”, he wasn’t kidding. He was telling us about himself. His state of mind. That he was over his head. His inability to perform the duties of the presidency. And, the incompetency within his party to, at least, stand up to him, and at most, send him home with his presidential library card!

    The idea of The Cretin creating a presidential library is very, very funny. Let’s imagine what it might look like. An image that comes to mind is a front yard wooden box with a roof and small door with two shelves attached to a wooden post stuck in the ground affixed outside the entrance of Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida. Inside would be VHS tapes of Trump fooling around with his female playpen ladies, picture album of him getting his orange make-up and his bald head of hair combed in that weird way, his photo ops with Lil’Kim sniffing Trump’s hand, and two embracing, Trump’s small hand pics in various poses, his time with Putin, the MAGA hat on various White Supremacists, Mike Pence bowing down to him, pics of his Space Force jammies, red Trump ties, a copy of Robert Mueller’s scathing indictment document, Judge Kavanaugh chugging a keg of beer, a pic of Trump in his Speedo as he walks around his Mar-A-Lago pool, and pics of that imagined big, giant, biggest ever crowd of his inaugural supporters, which were actually a few buses of seniors given MAGA hats for their troubles.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Trump's Legacy of Betrayal

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Crisis Of The Soul is The Donald and his entire family of Cretins. The DumbSon, Jr. said regarding building the wall, “It will keep the animals out.” This proves that the crisis in this nation is The Trump and his Kreepy Korrupt Klan of lizards. Hate, lies, and corruption surround the entire Klan.
    The Cretin continued to emphatically say, “ No Collusion! No Collusion!” But in fact, there has been collusion. Paul Manafort, while working with the Trump 2016 campaign, engaged in collusion with a Russian asset. He gave Konstantin Kilimnik Trump polling data, which he gave freely away in the form of both public and private analytical data to this Russian asset connected to the Kremlin. Kilimnik was asked by Manafort to pass Trump’s polling data to Ukrainian oligarchs. This data could have been passed on to the GRU, Putin’s intelligence agency responsible for hacking into the DNC’s computers.
    This sure sounds like collusion. You cannot take volumes of polling data out of a campaign office in secret. So, What did Trump know, and when did he know it? No doubt, Mueller has this information.
    The Cretin’s clown manager, Rudy Giuliani told the press that it is his belief that The Cretin and his parasitic legal team should have the right to edit and “correct” Robert Mueller’s final legal report.
   So, when was Giuliani in consultation with a foreign dictator’s legal advisor? Wow! This moron went on to say, “As a matter of fairness, they should show it to you—so we can correct it if they’re wrong. They’re not God, after all. They could be wrong.” Was Rudy talking about Robert Mueller, or The Donald? “Fairness. Being corrected when wrong. Not God, after all.” It sure sounds like Rudy was talking about The Cretin.
    The Cretin continues to walk away from negotiating with Democrats or anyone who realizes that a $5.7B 200 mile wall is absolutely absurd. The Cretin feels that negotiating with President Xi is easier than with Chuck and Nancy.
    Okay. Okay. Let’s stop laughing. So, Donnie Demented, are we still in a trade war, with in-place tariffs, with China? How is that negotiation going? Nowhere, actually. The Art Of The Deal book, which was ghost written because Donnie had no concept of the English language, and couldn’t put a sentence together whatsoever, was just a fantasy book full of wishful ideas swirling in the head of The Cretin as he fantasized about how he put deals together deep in his imagination. Storming out of deal meetings, hammering his fist on the desk only works for Putin and his predecessors. It works for North Korea’s Lil’Kim. It doesn’t work for a small time, two-bit crook using daddy’s millions of dollars to buy up run-down apartment buildings in New York City. It didn’t work when negotiating with various NYC crime syndicate lawyers, either. The Cretin has absolutely no deal making skills. It’s a myth, a fantasy created by people he paid to distribute this myth. He relied of professionals to make his deals for him. He just signed the final agreements. He is just a two-year old who wants soda pop instead of his bottle of milk and when he doesn’t get it, he storms out of the room in a hissy fit. This is all Trump knows how to do. He has a short fuse and trouble processing information. He has trouble understanding even small, yet conflicting, bits of information. 
   The Cretin doesn’t want to compromise on a budget to address border security. Think about it folks. The Cretin’s objective is to expand presidential powers by capturing funds from the military’s budget. This is expanding Cheney’s legacy, subverting congressional oversight.

    The kleptocrat that he is, and has been his entire life, has his eyes on the military’s unused $5.7B for his version of Mt. Rushmore. Cretin’s legacy of betrayal will be known as “My Big, Beautiful, Strong, and Yuuge Wall. It’s all mine. I don’t have to share it with any other past president. I did it all myself. When those people come to visit my big wall wanting asylum they will, instead, get a signed picture of president 45 and then sent back home. Wonderful. Fabulous. I’m the bestest president ever.”

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Trump Begs For The Wall

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

     The Idiot-in-Chief gave an Un-address from the Oval Office last night for the first time since he moved in. The big question of the evening was—what was that thing on his head? The left side of his head looked like a two-story parking garage. He could have kept his toys hidden in that side of his doo. The doo was an orange version of Lil’ Kim’s North Korean-style doo. I guess he has a picture of the two of them on his make-up dressing table.
    The lies flowed like a malfunctioning toilet. That was expected. Should we ever expect truth, fact, and the American Way from the mouth of this comic book nemesis –The Cretin?
    Marvel or DC comics could have an anti-Christ character modeled after Donald. An orange headed piece of flab whose vocabulary is limited to only adjectives, such as, huge, big and beautiful, along with non-words and mangled words, such as  Covfefe, yuuge, win bigly, bestest, schlonged, the cyber, bad hombrees, to name a few.
    He would be dressed in an undersized red ball cap, a very fat and excessively long red tie, and Space Force jammie bottoms.
    The Cretin made a comment regarding the shutdown as “immoral”. Donnie Demented has to be the most immoral person to have ever sat in the Oval Office. He is a sociopathic pervert with a fantasy over his daughter, Ivanka. This brain mashed man-child has lived his entire life as a knuckle dragging daddy’s boy living off of his million dollar handouts. If he had not had his actual Freddie Sugardaddy, he would be nowhere anyone would have notice.
    The Idiot-in-Chief tried to make a case for the $5.7B he wanted for around 200 plus miles of wall along a nearly 2000 mile southern border, and the $1.3B the Democrats are willing to give him resulted in a $4.4B difference between the two was a national security emergency, immoral and a crisis of the soul.
    Was he for real? The real crisis of the soul is that people voted for this fool and the White Nationalist Party in Congress has not sent him back to Mar-A-Lago for good.
    The real crisis of the soul also involves the The Putz, also known as Mike Pence, has Trump’s finger up his nose leading him all around without objection. This guy sold his soul to the devil in exchange to get the V.P office and residence.
    The real crisis of the soul is the disgusting swamp lizards that slithered into cabinet and department secretary positions from government hating corporations, Think Tanks and agencies. There was supposed to be a draining of the last swamp filling up Washington, DC, but instead, it was filled up with White Nationalists. These swamp lizards have a crisis going on in their own souls!
    The “security crisis” is not the southern border, but having him as our president. The “humanitarian crisis” began with border prison camps and the child separation policies, which he orchestrated.
    The Cretin first said he would take full responsibility for the shutdown, but he soon realized by doing so, he could not blame others and blame would blow back onto him. That was unacceptable because he NEVER accepted responsibility for anything. So, he went to his Magic 8 Ball toy and asked it if he should blame Democrats. It showed a response, which said, “It Is Certain.”

    And it shall be claimed, the crisis is Trump himself.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Border Wall Fight Goes On

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

     “It’s a national emergency! It’s a national emergency!! Give me my wall or I will get it by hook or by crook, and if not, I will blow the house down! IT’S A VERY DANGEROUS SOUTHERN BORDER!” This is the methodology created by our President Man-Baby. Since Mexico isn’t paying for it; since Nancy and Chuck aren’t paying for it; Since his Go-Fund-Me site had to be taken down, he will tap into the military’s budget in order to grab the billions of dollars needed for his southern border phallic symbol. “Make it big. Make it long. Make it strong. Make it forever lasting, just like those Post Office stamps,” The Cretin was overheard saying as he roamed the halls of the White House.
   So, the Man-Baby in the Oval Office is considering the line item in the military budget called Section 2808, which allows for military construction projects, not already authorized by law to support the troops deployed in a national emergency requiring the use of armed forces.
    This act of desperation by The Cretin to get his $5.7B for his steel phallic symbol along the southern border seems so dangerous and unethical. Tapping into the military budget where funds are held for a true national emergency where soldier’s lives are at risk wherever they are deployed, seems an overreach of presidential powers.
    Out of the nearly 2000 miles of southern border, there is 654 miles of existing border fencing. 34-percent of this near 2000 miles either has a wall or a fence. Portions of this vast distance has valleys, mountains, rivers and large distances of privately held acreages of land may not accessible or feasible for a border wall. In order to build Trump’s phallic installations, the government would have to take this land through eminent domain. This requires a negotiation and a subsequent payment for the land.
    Along the southern border what does exist and already works are border officers patrolling the land in a militarized fashion, along with drones and electronic surveillance technologies to support their control of the border. So, The Cretin is too busy grabbing himself in hopes of fulfilling his need for a big, huge, beautiful wall.
    The majority of the nation does not support The Cretin’s hard-on for his border wall because what the country is doing to manage immigration and border control is enough. What is likely needed is the $1.3B allocation to upgrade and repair wall and fencing structures that need it and to add border officers and technologies where required.
    It was reported by George Packer, in The Atlantic article titled “The Suicide of a Great Democracy”, “During the Civil War, the government never shut down—not even when the capital was threatened by Confederate troops. A shutdown would have undermined the foundation of Lincoln’s cause, which was the ability of free people to rule themselves.”
    This commitment for a stable and competent White House, and the need for levelheaded leadership apparently is not a chapter in The Cretin’s Presidential Playbook. Either those pages were torn out or the words written were too difficult for the Moron-in-Chief to read and comprehend.

   No doubt, The Cretin believes that he needs his own Mount Rushmore and apparently it comes in the form of steel slats along the southern border. Will he have his image emblazoned upon each section of wall? Will he sign each slat with an engraving pen? And, when he is old and frail, will he travel to the southern border with his great grandchildren to show them what his feeble and chaotic legacy amounted to during his brief and failed time in the White House? This is probably what he is thinking as he pursues his wall by any means possible. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

Trump Channels Dick Cheney

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Cretin administration has channeled the Cheney administration. Cheney used raw intelligence to attack Iraq. He used rumors, assumptions, lies, and any piece of crap that he could stick on the white board to justify the invasion of Iraq. The Endless War that Little Boy Bush allowed Cheney to begin. There were no WMDs, no Yellow Cake, no functional chemical weapons. Nothing was there. The invasion was a waste of blood and treasure. Cheney was as evil as one can be and little Boy Bush was one of the dumbest fools that ever stepped foot into the White House. He agreed to give his power of the presidency over to Cheney. Bush invaded Iraq as a vengeful act against Saddam because Saddam threatened Big Daddy Bush when he was president. Lil’Boy killed innocent Iraqis, our soldiers, and wounded tens of thousands from both sides just because of a hollow threat made years earlier. Lies were made to justify what ended up being our Endless War.
    The Cretin continues his lies as he claims that terrorists are crossing over the southern border. “It’s a national security problem. Bad. Bad people. Murderers. Killers. Job killers. So easy to cross from Mexico. So easy. They drive right in. Make a left. It’s not going to happen. I’ll send ships to the border. Battle destroyers. Aircrap carriers. I will send them to the border if I have to!!! I AM the Comrade-in-Chief. I wear one of those jackets like Bush did on that big, really big boat when he said, “Mission accomplished.”
    Now The Cretin is doing the same thing with the southern border. Sarah -Joseph Goebbels- Sanders is lying to the American people about immigrants who are crossing the borders are committing crimes. She claims that around 4000 immigrants are committing crimes once entering the country. She and Cretin are lying just as Cheney lied. Propaganda is evil when our government dishes it out to get their way. These evil people will do anything to build their wasteful $5B concrete or steel slat wall. “Steel slats good. I like steel slats. We can look through them and give those looking through a big, really big, huge smiles. MAGA smiles,” Trump was overheard saying.
    HLS secretary Nielsen is calling people stopped at the border, “special-interest aliens”. She has used raw, bullshit intelligence claiming “the intel community has identified are of concern.”
    Chris Wallace told Goebbels-Sanders in an interview that the State department reported that there is “no evidence” of terrorists crossing the border with Mexico.
    She said on Fox, “We know that roughly, nearly 4000 known or suspected terrorists come into the country illegally, and we know that our most vulnerable point of entry is at our southern border.” She repeated this lie on Fox and Friends, the administration’s propaganda broadcast media source.
    Chris Wallace confronted Goebbels-Sanders when he asked, “Do you know where those 4000 people come [from], where they’re captured? Airports.”
    The Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security reported that 2554 people on the FBI’s terrorist screening list were stopped trying to enter the U.S. in fiscal year 2017. The report says that 2170 people were trying to enter the country through airports, and 49 were trying to enter by boat. Also, 335 people tried to enter by land. This data is the most current data collected by the above agencies to date. Finally, there has been no reason to believe that terrorists have attempted to enter the country via a Mexico point of entry or by another way, as reported by the State department back in September 2018.
    The State department report said, “ At year’s end there was no credible evidence indicating that international terrorist groups have established bases in Mexico, working with Mexican drug cartels, or sent operatives via Mexico into the United States. Terrorist groups likely seek other means of trying to enter the United States.”
   The Cretin and his Putzy Putz Pence both try to claim otherwise. The Putz has claimed that law enforcement has captured more than 10 supposed terrorists each and every day throughout the past year crossing our southern Mexico border.
    What is happening is proof that the White Nationalist Party, formerly known as Republicans, cannot win elections, or get their agenda passed through Congress and supported by a majority of the American people unless they lie and cheat and use State television, i.e., FOX News to sell their positions. We are seeing a repeat of the Cheney playbook, which appears to have been handed off to The Cretin administration. This is scary stuff. What is next?
    Wall Street is cautious right now, but look out. A far reaching collapse could be around the corner. This administration has no self control. China reared its ugly military head against Taiwan. War maybe in the making against Taiwan. What will Donnie Demented do about it? Will there be a knee jerk reaction, or will there be an effort to establish an “intervention” to calm the tensions. Unfortunately, The Cretin does not have anyone competent in his administration to handle such a serious conflict.

    There are no “grown ups” in the White House day care center. We should all be watchful right now. White Nationalists can win elections, but they are incapable of governing. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Subjugation-Trump's American Policy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Cretin is saying that the shutdown could be lasting months, or even, years, even though he hopes it doesn’t happen. That’s right Donnie. Donnie Demon doesn’t care about working people. He only cares about his fragile man-child ego. “I want my really, really big and bestest wall. I want it now. Big. Huge. Huge. Big. Tall. White Wall. Big wall. WALL. WALL. WALL!” “I want Sid and Nancy to be-best. Give me my wall!”
    He met with Democrats to find agreement on the shutdown. Cretin said, “Good, Great. Big. Small meeting.” In other words, he had no plan to negotiate an agreement. He’s wasting America’s time.
    The DOW-market rose 800 points but later in the day, Friday, the day after a big drop, it settled at 746 points. The why could be related to a growth in wages and drop in unemployment, although the economy was on that trajectory since the Great Recession began to recover; but the real reason has more to do with the wealthy traders who sold when their stocks hit a high point, then bought when it fell. And then, on the next day when it went up over 150 points, they sold taking profits. Yet the market is also reacting to The Cretin’s unstable man-child mind and policies. The rest of us are left screwed because we are not wealthy enough to be day traders manipulating the market for their economic benefit, and are victim to this insane sociopath in the White House.
    The Cretin in the White House has forced a portion of the shutdown workforce to work for free. Subjugation!!!! Now, TSA workers are calling off sick. They are objecting to being made to work for free.
    Such employees are just working stiffs trying to pay bills, tuition, help out a sick or unemployed family member, to list a few of the reasons how these federal workers use their limited income. Income The Cretin has taken from them because of his fragile man-child ego. Congress, and Cretin’s cabinet members continue to receive their pay. Sweet. Right?
    President Donnie Demented doesn’t really care about working people just doing their federal jobs, be it working in our national parks cleaning bathrooms, or patrolling the boundaries; or, as TSA workers protecting air travel; or, air traffic control training facilities making sure the air space is safe, to name a few of the effected jobs.
    The Cretin has this ridiculous belief that his overly expensive wall is the best way to solve the undocumented immigration problem.
    Instead of using the difference between Cretin’s price tag for the wall and the Democrat’s realistic spending offer for the wall for a better purpose, he chooses not to take the sensible offer.
    The Cretin is stomping his feet, throwing another one of his tantrums by trying to say that because he hasn’t gotten his $5B wall, he now feels it is a national emergency. Hit the deck kids!! Hide under your desks. Find a broom closet and hunker down until it passes. Turn your radio dial to FEMA's emergency broadcast system!! Do it now!! IT may already be too late! 
    He believes that a $1.3B wall budget amounts to a national emergency, while a $5B does not. This has to be one of the most flagrant abuses of presidential powers, as he begins the new year. Just a few days in and this is how it starts. Look out everyone. 2019 will be a tumultuous and, possibly disastrous, year. And, Robert Mueller hasn't even published his report.
    Regarding declaring the wall budget dispute a national emergency, Cretin’s lackey said, “Depending on the severity of crisis it’s always been an option. Now that things are getting worse, we are looking at how that could be operationalized and used to confront the crisis.” This "crisis" is all of the Cretin’s doing. He is subjugating American’s working stiffs. It’s that simple Mr. Moron Lackey for the Cretin!
    Cretin said, “We can call a national emergency because of the security of our country.” What the heck does that mean, anyway? Another incoherent, fragmented thought formed into a sentence. He must of been playing with Silly Putty at the time and was confused which was more important--thinking and talking, or squeezing and stretching. The Cretin once said of himself, “I have a really big, smart, uh…..brain.”

    A difference between budget proposals is all about “the security of our country”? What is clear, the emergency is the harm being subjugated upon the working people suffering from Trump’s government shutdown. The real national emergency is that the Moron-in-Chief is STILL living in the White House and pretending to be the president. As this moron often says, “SAD! SAD!”