Friday, October 30, 2020

CNN's Don Lemon Gave Up His Trump Supporting Friends

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

   How can anyone who has relinquished their free will and abandoned their critical thinking skills ignore that Trump is nothing more than a disgusting, dangerous, vile and evil clown whose only goals are to avoid prison time and steal as much as possible from the U.S. Treasury by remaining in the White House. His rallies illustrate that he is such a weak, and needy person as who incessantly lies about his past 4 years through his dastardly stand-up act.

   The Dictator-in-Chief says at his rallies, “Biden will shut down the country. He will shut down schools. He will shut down graduations and Christmases.” “I have given the biggest tax cut in history.” “The economy is booming. 33.1% GDP growth in the economy.” (He didn’t give the biggest tax cut in history, and the 33.1% GDP growth in the economy, in the third quarter, was annualized, which means that the actual percentage in the third quarter was a prediction over a 12 month period. His growth in 2019 was caused by his tax cut, and in 2020 by the CARES ACT, and once that money was absorbed into the economy, the growth rate fell.) “Biden will listen to the scientists.” (He says that in a derogatory way because he doesn’t believe in science.) (Biden says, “I will not shut down the economy. I will shut down the virus.”) Trump touts this supersonic missile by calling it a, “hydroponic missile, I call them super-duper missiles, they go seven times faster than normal missiles.” (There is no such thing as a “hydroponic missile, unless he his thinking that his electric toothbrush is a missile.)

   Here are a whole bunch of Trump rally quotes, which are filled with insane stream of consciousness statements filled with his incessant list of lies. Many of these quotes sound like he is critical of Joe Biden as our current president. Other statements are fantasies floating through his mind as things he claims he has done for the country, which actually never happened. Other statements are filled with demagoguery wanting his cult followers to be afraid of Democrats. He says that Democrats are going to make the country into a socialist nation, which has already happened under Trump with his tax giveaways, farm subsidies, bailouts for big corporations who made millions of dollars for themselves, and etc. He labels Democrats as Communists and Marxists, while The Cretin has bowed down to Communist rulers who he wants to emulate. Trump has been converting our Democracy into a Market Leninist economy. So what is he talking about? He claims he brought back 1 million jobs, which are now gone because of his virus. The restaurant, hotel, airline, retail, mall store industries are disappearing. Wall Street is scared and it showed with the losses in stock values. Next to fall are movie theaters. Our country is back to where it was during the 2008 Great Recession. Trump claims Biden will create a depression—we are almost there now!! He claims our steel industry is back. Where is it? He claims that the coal collapse was because of Obama and Biden, when in fact, fracking killed it, and now fracking is fading because solar and wind are outpacing those drilling jobs, and are lowering the cost of energy production. Solar and wind technologies continue to get better, while fracking doesn’t change. The free market is making these decisions and not Biden.

   Here is are the quotes from his Erie, Pennsylvania rallies:

   “Normal life, that’s all we want. Do you know what we want? Normal life will finally resume and next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country. This is and election between the Trump super recovery, which is happening right now, and a Biden depression, if he gets elected you will have a depression, the likes of which you’ve never seen. You know he’s going to double, triple and now quadruple your taxes.”    

   “We will deliver record prosperity, epic growth, and you know that—have you seen what’s been going on? How well we’re doing? Did you see the recent polls? It just came back, 56% of the people want to be here, not four years ago. They want to be with us in what we’re calling we’re calling we’re rounding the  turn on the pandemic. 56% and it’s a record, epic job growth, safe vaccines that quickly end the pandemic, it’s ending.” 

   “With your vote, we will continue to cut your taxes, cut regulations, support our great police, protect our Second Amendment, defending our borders, keep jobs, and wealth in America where it belongs.”

    “It’s a choice between our plan to kill the virus or Biden’s plan to kill the American Dream, and that’s what he’d be doing. Biden will delay therapies, postpone the vaccine, prolong the pandemic, close your schools, shut down our country and by the way…” 

   “I knocked out the regulation. No, you don’t like projects being next to your beautiful house, your American Dream. So much for the American Dream. And., Joe Biden will ban fracking and abolish…it. How many times did he say your fracking and mining industries will be outlawed, exiled, eradicated and totally extinguished.” 

   “And you know it because it’s not up to sleepy Joe, he’s gonzo. It’s up to the others and the party. Joe Biden has repeatedly pledged to ban fracking, right? You’ve all heard it. Have you heard it? Until he got the nomination, then he…said, oh, I guess it’s OK. It’s always what they say first.” 

   “His running mate, the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate sponsors the $100 trillion—Think the $100 trillion, if we had a great year for a hundred years, we couldn’t make $100 trillion. The $100 trillion socialist Green New Deal, which would eliminate fossil fuels. At this very moment, Biden’s website includes a pledge to mandate net-zero carbon emissions, which means he would end all fracking, it’s what he said, he said it.”        

   “For a year and a half, he said it. Under the Obama-Biden administration, more than 40% of all coal mining jobs will be destroyed, totally gone. And you know what’s happening. I mean, did you see what they did to the West Virginia and other places…?” 

   “He’s going to say—tonight, I want to do something. I want to give you—this is the original Donald Trump Broadway play and I had it done specifically. First time, I’ve pulled it out. I had it done specifically for the people of Erie because you guys, like the energy. You like being energy independent. Do you like that, energy, stuff?”

   “You have one million jobs. Just like he wiped out your steel industry and I brought it back. I brought its back. Only by voting for me can you save your fracking…We are going to have a great time because you are going to reject the radical left. The United States will never be a socialist nation.”

   “I don’t think that’s a great idea. Joe Biden has made a corrupt bargain exchange for his party’s nomination. He’s handed control of his party over to the socialists. I added another word, communists, Marxists, left-wing extremists, and they’re full of hate and rage and scorn for the middle class and for everyone.”

   “Everybody gets a free Rolls Royce. Remember when I said that and CNN went crazy? He knows that don’t get a free Rolls Royce. He lied to the American people. Oh, these are sick people. Thank goodness, their ratings—CNN ratings. Did you see them? They’re so bad. Fredo, all these people, the ratings are so bad.”

   “She will not be—you can’t let that happen. There’ll be a woman president. You could not let that happen. Harris even urged their supporters to donate to a fund that bailed out rioters right out of jail, including attempted cop killers. I will always stand with the heroes of law enforcement so will you.”

   “…he will obliterate your Medicare your Social Security. I will always protect your Medicare and your Social Security. This I said, four years ago. I’m also proud that here in PA., your Medicare Advantage. You know that everybody have it, some people have it.”

   “It’s a China virus or the China, maybe the China plague. We launched the largest mobilization since World War II. I’ll tell you what, the way they cover it. We have done such an incredible—we saved million of lives. They refused to cover it, not for me but for the people, the Admirals, the Generals, Mike Pence, everybody that worked so hard on this, and they refused to acknowledge it.”


These quotes from Trump’s rallies are only a fraction of what is posted on this link. To read them all look here.

   He sells his crowd of cultists that “I am bringing your men back to work” when the workforce is equal with women! His misogyny shines through with this comment. He wanted his cult followers to believe his Trump Virus has been disappearing as it infects more and more people closing in on 100,000 cases per day and hospitals are filling up with Trump Virus patients. He says,  “We are turning a corner” as he heads toward a cliff tumbling into the hands of the Manhattan District Attorney. Canada has closed it borders to all Americans because of Trump’s incompetence. 

   His cultists bow at his feet. Even crowds of men have been seen running after Air Force One as it begins to leave for take-off down the runway. They are willing to abandon their dignity and humanity for their leader. Empress Delfina, a dominatrix, has made it her mission to deprogram these male Trump suckers and losers to support Biden and down ballot Democrats for $1.99 per minute. (Read about her in a recently previous post.)

   Trump is clearly a wannabe dictator who envies authoritarians. He has tried to transform a life as a grifter into becoming the first American king who will demand career government employees to bow before him by taking a loyalty oath to prevent keep him from saying, “You’re fired!”.

   The author of the book “Anonymous”, Miles Taylor, has outed himself recently. He wrote how Trump has corrupted government from the inside out. Trump supporters have implanted in their front yards with signs reading “Drain the swamp”  with complete obliviousness that their cult leader is actually the swamp. Trump’s swamp is a toxic mess filled with Klansmen dressed as alligators devouring up established democratic principles and excreting Hitlerian-like dogma to the grand applause of Vladimir Putin who is, once again, orchestrating his directed attacks against our democracy and voting integrity.

   The Cretin from the swamp has lined up Republican, in name only, Congresspeople forcing them to bow before him declaring their allegiance to his new political party—The Trump Republi-Q-Canon Party, or leave it at your peril! His motto is “Love it or leave it.” His efforts are to remake our economy into an oligarch-kleptocracy, or in other words, a Market Leninist government economy where corporations, if they abide by the rules of Trump and want to remain in good graces, will have to pay for it in the form of political contributions, partnerships and kickbacks. And, in return, the lawmakers will write the laws favoring the needs of those corporations, such a no-bid contracts, and the privatization of publicly owned services, lands, structures, and infrastructure, for example, along with clearing the way for unencumbered regulations. 

   He has already installed his theocratic fascist-leaning Supreme Court justices to work on behalf of the Christian Fundamentalist self-righteous Republi-Q-Canon Party. “Phony” Barrett, Kegger Kavanaugh, Clarence Tommy Thomas, and Gory Gorsuch have all polished up their Jack Boots to make judicial decisions on behalf of their cult leader by stomping on any and all opposing decisions using their Iron Heels. (A reference to Jack London’s book called “The Iron Heel”.)

   If Trump wins a second term, we will see his insidious swamp lizards going after our technology companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Amazon, as well as others, to hand over the data they have collected on the American public and corporations from their platforms in exchange for a hands-off, ‘do-as-I-say’ so you can ‘do-as-you-do’ relationship. Trump wants to track his “enemies” wherever they are, such as in their homes, in the workplace, or in the schools, as well as in the media and pressrooms. This is his plan. Beware of the devil!

   Don Lemon, a CNN commentator, who possess real compassion and humanity, said he had to let go of  friends who are still holding on to Trump. It totally make sense. There is no room for the Trump supporters. To support Trump, one is aiding and abetting a very possible pedophile, and rapist. What we do know is he is psychopath who incessantly lies to manipulate, violate and con people to follow him as a cult leader. He is a mortal/moral sinner, making anyone who stands with him mortal/moral sinners, as well. Read Don Lemon here.

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Trump Voters Are Choosing An Authoritarian President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

   Our Looney Tunes president is so hungry for an audience that he will go anywhere to find his cult members. He so declared, “The ending of COVID-19 pandemic” as an entry to the “new 62-page report from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. This twatwaffler in the White House is basically saying that the Trump Virus is over while his viral cases are skyrocketing. The report stated his commitment to clean air and water even though the EPA has been told to loosen regulations allowing for more pollution and abuses to the environment. 

   The insane moron running for president as a Republi-Q-canon candidate, is telling any and all Democrats who he imagines have had second thoughts following their filing of a mail-in Biden ballot to go ahead and find out how to erase their choice for Biden and cast a new ballot for Dumb-Dumb Donnie. He believes these Biden voters are having “buyer’s remorse” and have become so enamored and excited for Donnie’s “More-of-the-Same” plan for the next four years that they want to change their vote for him. This Idiot-in-Chief apparently doesn’t understand that one cannot recast an already casted ballot and that voting more than once per election cycle is illegal. 

   He actually believed that more Democrats are excited to have Amy ‘Phony’ Barrett on the Supreme Court and are ready to take us back to 1950, where women are subservient to men at home and at work, where racism was not looked at as anything but disgusting and vile, and a time when women who need to have a pregnancy terminated, will have nowhere to go, as well as to favor a president who believes in fascism and authoritarianism by forcing government workers to sign a pledge of loyalty in order to keep their jobs and pensions, just to give some examples. Donnie has no idea what he wants for his next four years but to ‘take America back, again.’

   Donnie is insane just as is Melania, who believes COVID-19 is just nothin’ but da’ flu and that the Trump Virus is being overblown and exaggerated, while scientists are finding people suffering from serious problems after getting the virus. To counter Melania’s ignorance is this article describing Trump’s Virus symptoms that are very frightening to scientists. 

   They are finding the virus can attack the nervous system causing one’s brain to have problems with memory, confusion, fatigue, headaches, along with taste. A person can lose their sense of taste. Also, joint pain, and muscle pain and systemic inflammation have been identified as serious problems for people.

   There is research unfolding that one Trump Virus side effect may be that one's brain might age by ten-years. This is scary stuff!! Our brains getting damaged by this virus is NOT the flu no matter what Trump and his Klansmen/women want you to believe.

   A significant benefit the Trump grifters have enjoyed while occupying the White House is how they rob the U.S. Treasury and taxpayers by using Trump Organization properties for “presidential” engagements. When Trump uses Mar-A-Lago for state business, he charges hundreds of thousands of dollars, and millions overall, to the U.S. government. For a single sustained stay at a Trump property when entertaining foreign leaders, it costs over $16,000 per room stay, and a single bottle of water costs us $3.00. This is how these grifters are filling up their private pockets with taxpayer cash. During a time when the Trump Organization properties are losing money, they can make some of it up by charging the taxpayers. Trump seems to ignore that the president can use Camp David for free.

   It is looking more like Trump will lose a second term. More than likely he will be facing criminal indictments for tax fraud, mortgage fraud, tax evasion, falsification of property values on his tax forms, campaign-finance fraud, and possible money-laundering charges. He will face New York State and Manhattan criminal indictments; but, what about federal criminal indictments?

   Will Trump face indictments because of crimes committed while president? Will he undergo a post-term investigation of his use of the Justice Department to do his personal bidding, (Will Barr be investigated.) by calling for vigilantes to incitement violence, use of threats against Democratic governors to march in lockstep, threaten career politicians to sign loyalties oaths, to favor campaign donors with no-bid contracts, violations of the Hatch Act, and illegal presidential conduct: such as, presidential pardons given to his friends and allies, and obstruction of justice? What about his failure to respond effectively to a dangerous pandemic and all its repercussions to the overall economy? What about his deliberate action to downplay the virus and make it all about politics instead of making it about public health? He had Jared Kushner, back in April, reinforce his plan to throw the pandemic and all the testing to each governor instead of mobilizing the government for a unified and organized response in order to develop a serious plan that would reduce the spread of the virus. For Trump and his administration, it was only about playing politics and figuring out a strategy that would make Trump look like the hero when he would prematurely push to reopen all the state economies

   And, to add another layer to the Trump grifter klansmen in the White House one must look no further than Jared Kushner, once again. He made a blatantly racist remark about Black Americans. This comes from a guy who was born with a silver spoon up his ass! His father gave a $2M gift to Harvard University before Jared was accepted into the school. Kushy Kushner never, ever worked a day in his life. He was handed the family business after his father was sent to prison. His business ineptness and incompetence nearly bankrupted the company. Jared was so desperate for a bailout that he went around to sovereign wealth fund managers hoping for cash to rescue his underwater loan debt. 

   So this idiot, who is a clone of Donald and a fellow twatwaffler, cannot keep his elitist feet out of his mouth. This moron lacks compassion and understanding of the people who make up this country. So what did he do THIS time? He had to insult Black Americans with a racist remark in order to stand up for his daddy-in-law. He basically said that Donald helped the Black community achieve success, but if those Black people in those communities don’t show a desire for success, Donald cannot make them get it. This remark clearly illustrated that he was just another stupid, arrogant, grifting putz, and wannabe elitist who thinks he is better than others, when in fact, he is a lazy, stupid, fool. He reminds people of inbred, lazy royals. Jared has such a distorted sense of self-importance that he actually thinks he is a really smart person, when in fact, he is just another loser!

   When commenting how Donnie had helped the Black community more than any other previous president, Kushner said, “But he can’t want them to be successful more than they want to be successful.” WOW. From a guy who has never worked a day in his life and had his enrollment to Harvard bought through a $2M gift by his father. Is this guy as delusional as Donald? OH yeah! This is why he fits in with the Trump grifter Klan.

   To illustrate Kushner’s ignorance and limited intelligence and understanding of reality, Kushner said, “Trump’s now back in charge. It’s not the doctors.” He said this back in April as the Trump Virus began to take off. And now because “Trump is back in charge” of the pandemic’s non-containment plan, he has abandoned any effort to contain the virus as it revs up and runs further out-of-control. Trump doesn’t like to talk about the number of deaths, or the number of people suffering from serious side effects, or the number of schools and businesses that have not reopened because to address it damages his fragile ego and makes him look incompetent. As Anderson Cooper had said, Trump is jealous of the news coverage of the Trump Virus, which makes him look bad. Trump is all about feeding his extremely damaged ego. He needs to be loved so badly because he never got it from his parents. He continues to beg suburban women by pleading for their positive attention: “Please like me.” His emotionally damaged sons and daughter never received a drop of nurturing love from Donald because he is incapable of giving it. All they care about is to please him by being just like him, since he was the primary parent because of all the affairs and divorces. The more they can be like him, they so hope to get his love and attention and respect. So, by being a sick, and perverted grifter by lying, and  conning people out of their money, each of them hope to get a chance to sit on daddy’s lap and get loving hugs, which never happens because daddy is so desperately trying to get the same reinforcement from his needy, brain-dead fans.

   Do we really want four more years from this person who really needs to be in jail getting therapy? With only days to go, let’s all hope for a solid Biden win. 

  Read a response by a fellow Harvard graduate, and Arizona      Congressman Ruben Gallego, who worked hard to gain           admission and then graduate knowing he did it on his own. 

   Here are some important links to check out:

   Why portion of Americans want authoritarianism. 

   "Americans Authoritarian Threat". Listen to it here! This

   radio interview from On Point is extremely telling.


   Here is Daniel Dale outlining Trump’s current stack of lies.

   Here is Trump making threats again against Democratic         governors, such as Pennsylvania Governor Wolf.

   Here is an eye-opening series from The Intercept, titled “American Mythology: The Presidency of Donald Trump”:


  1.   Part one—Manufacturing the Carnage
  2.   Part two— Administration of Xenophobia
  3.   Part three—The Neo-Confederate-in-Chief
  4.   Part four— You Think Our Country is So Innocent
  5.   Part five— Courting Corporate Theocracy
  6.   Part six— The Looting of the Nation
  7.   Part seven—Climate Carnage

   It is clear, the country is NOT in any sort of recovery!! The stock market dropped nearly 1000 points!!! The airlines are cutting jobs. The movie theater industry will be shuttering theaters in the coming months. We still do not have any relief cash getting into the hands of people desperate pay rent and other bills. Homelessness will be one of Trump’s legacy. We are hearing that a Trump Vaccine to the Trump Virus will be given for free to people on Medicare and Medicaid. Is that socialism? Will those potential recipients be willing to get the vaccine without any real efficacy testing? These questions are yet to be seen. 



When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, October 26, 2020

Trump And Pence Are Mortal Sinners

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

Book by John Lithrow

   Why do Christians support and follow a mortal sinner? Trump is a mortal sinner lying, cheating, mistreating others, and conning his way through life. Lying is how he squares the world around him. Lying is his method of operating in the world. Grifting is his game. Lying, adultery, abusing, insulting his neighbor, cheating others, and the list is endless, are all his mortal sins; yet, Christians support him. By doing so, one must ask if they are committing a mortal sin, too? Trump defies all public health rules by holding his rallies. He insists the country is “turning the corner” on the Trump Virus as we head right into 100,000 cases per day. We are about to begin another version of Ground Hog Day a Trump Virus day when we may think that the virus is slowing, but then it gets reignited and spreads even more virulently. Trump has decided to give up on his virus and allow people to just get infected. He no longer cares to stop the spread of his virus. He is telling the country that he cares more about a vaccine, and mitigation, which is a bunch of B.S. If he no longer cares about combating the spread, testing, and contract tracing, then a vaccine won’t matter because the spread will have gotten more out of control, and hospitalizations will be overwhelmed with a load of non-stop cases. We now know that a person can catch the virus twice, and then die from it after recovering from it the first time.

   The Putz, formerly known as Pence, had several of his staff testing positive for the Trump Virus, yet he continued to traipse around the country, maskless, demonstrating that he, too, is a mortal sinner and proud of it! He belongs in the Church of the Mortal Sinners. The corner Trump is heading into will cause him to crash and spin over on his head! The Cretin is worse than being a miscreant. He is a twatwaffler. There is no question. All he cares about is getting attention from his cult following miscreants who flock to see him perform his perverted and dysfunctional stand-up routine and then dance off the stage. He jokes about the Trump Virus, and any concern over a spike in his viral spread, and Kamala Harris’ name pronunciation, and how his virus had superspreaded in and around The Putz’s White House circle. He makes fun of Biden’s concern about a nation regressing into the Trump Virus abyss, viral deaths and less testing. 

   Many of his White Supremacy far-right bigots, sinners, hypocrites and fascist-lovers who flock to his circus act have been donating to his campaign. Trump has refused to denounces his White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, far-right bigots, and fascist-loving campaign donors. It has been reported that there are, at least, 30 extremist donors to Trump. (Read who are some of these donors here.) Just keep pouring on the love.

   At Trump’s clown circus shows he shares the love for the oil and gas industries, and makes fun of the growing renewal energy industries. He so worries about those windmill blades hurting some birds, while Fracking fluids poison drinking water wells, ponds, livestock, humans, and that the burning off of the methane from the wells are killing the ozone layer. What The Cretin fails to say is that solar is now the cheapest generator of electricity in the country! It’s no longer oil and gas but solar. Also, the solar and wind industries employ many more people than gas and oil combined. If Trump had his way, he’d be subsidizing the coal industry to dig, baby dig.

   John Piper, an evangelical preacher, has come out against Trump. He calls this fascist president a “ self-absorbed, self-exalting” dangerous person. “I think it a drastic mistake to think that the deadly influences of a leader come only through his policies and not also through his person.” 

   “This is true not only because of flagrant boastfulness, vulgarity, immorality, and factiousness are self-incriminating, but also because they are nation-corrupting. They move out from the centers of influence to infect whole cultures.” “The last five years bear vivid witness to this infection at almost every level of society.” “Christians communicate a falsehood to unbelievers (who are also baffled!) when we act as if policies and laws that protect life and freedom are more precious than being a certain kind of person. The church is paying dearly, and will continue to pay, for our communicating this falsehood year after year.” “When a leader models self-absorbed, self-exalting boastfulness, he models the most deadly behavior in the world. He points his nation to destruction. Destruction of more kinds than we can imagine.”

   An article by Michael Ellsberg, for the Daily Beast, wrote about how a dominatrix figured out why male Trump supporters have been following their dysfunctional Pied Piper. Empress Delfina, a dominatrix, has been charging $1.99 a minute for her Trump Conversion Therapy (virtually during the pandemic) to make her male clients “see error in their ways” through her dominatrix methodologies. She says to her clients, “I reverse the brainwashing you’ve succumbed to that made you into a Simple Stupid Drone.” Her business is booming. She sees Trump supporters as cult followers, and Trump as their cult Pied Piper. She says to he clients, “I can help you. You’ve been brainwashed! I can deprogram you.” 

   “I’m just making sure they know that I think they’re fucking groveling, bootlicking worthless losers who couldn’t get their shit together to leave their pathetic cult, if they vote Trump.”

   She was raised Catholic and sees the religion as a sort of cult. “The common denominator for people who get pulled into cults, including the Trump cult, is that they need to submit their critical thinking to someone else and live for someone else. They don’t find the worth in themselves to live for themselves. They’re willing to give up their independent mind, and their free will.” She orders “them to vote the entire Democratic ticket.”

   Delfina supported Marianne Williamson in the primaries. She believed in her message of love and humanity, but when she dropped out of the race, Delfina got behind Bernie and began working for his campaign. Empress Delfina has a clear understanding of why many Americans have gotten behind Trump. In her own way, she has turned male Trump supporters to vote for Biden and other Democratic candidates. These men appear to have serious unmet needs, which Delfina tapped into.

   So many Trump supporters are brainwashed, and need deprogramming. They have lost their critical thinking skills, and have latched onto a dark and evil Pied Piper giving up their free will to follow his angry, racist, bigoted, Neo-Nazi, authoritarian and Market Leninist message. After this election, the country will need tens of thousands of Empress Delfinas to heal the minds of Trump’s fearful, angry and emotionally wounded supporters.


When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Trump Is Gollum from The Lord Of The Rings

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

   The star of the new lunatic fringe stage performer is Donald-da’Jerk-Trump who has escalated his title role as the crazy drunk uncle in his very own soap opera. In The Atlantic magazine piece written by Jeffrey Goldberg, Trump’s plan will be a continuation of his first term running it into a possible second term. When Trump was asked what will be his agenda if he wins the presidential election by two different Fox News talking heads, he had no answers. None other than “to make America great again.” Great again from what; total failure? When pressed for an answer, he said, “More of the same.” If more of the same is his agenda, then this is what we will have to look forward to:

“Trump has brought our country low; he has divided our people; he has pitted race against race; he has corrupted our democracy; he has shown contempt for American ideals; he has made cruelty a sacrament; he has provided comfort to propagators of hate; he has abandoned America’s allies; he has aligned himself with dictators; he has encouraged terrorism and mob violence; he has undermined the agencies and departments of government; he has despoiled the environment; he has opposed free speech; he has lied frenetically and evangelized for conspiracism; he has stolen children from their parents; he has made himself an advocate of a hostile foreign power; and he has failed to protect America from a ravaging virus. Trump is not responsible for all of the 220,000 COVID-19-related deaths in America. But through his avarice and ignorance and negligence and titanic incompetence, he has allowed tens of thousands of Americans to suffer and die, many alone, all needlessly. With each passing day, his presidency reaps more death.” (The Atlantic, “The Case Against Donald Trump”, Jeffrey Goldberg)

   Now we are watching the fascist-leaning Supreme Court allowing Alabama to discriminate against the disabled from voting by preventing them from dropping off their mail-in ballots at a curbside site. Nazis hated the disabled and now the conservatives making such decisions for South Carolina are going down this same road. The South Carolina agenda is to make it as difficult as possible to prevent the marginalized, the less abled, and the elderly from voting so as the preserve their conservative, rightwing, and fascist agenda. They are afraid of Democrats stacking the court in order to preserve a more balanced judicial body, and from their state, and other similar states from meeting the needs of all their citizens, as well as doing away with their regressive and oppressive policies.

   This telling smack-down by calling Trump the worst president in history is very telling. He just cannot explain a single realistic plan for his second term. By failing to convey a basic, yet clear direction his administration would take over the next four years, we have come to the conclusion that he has absolutely no management or decision making skills which he so bragged about as a big shot real estate tycoon. Apparently, it has all been a big fat ruse. A YUUGE fake. He has absolutely no executive business managerial skills. He squandered millions of dollars out of his political fundraising account and nearly spent all of it on his lavish and wasteful lifestyle, as well as on Donnie, jr’s stupid and ridiculous book that nobody bought except by the Trump campaign. Trump spent $10,000 on Junior’s books in order to boost its ranking on the best seller lists. It was all a fake. Should we be surprised? This is how the Trump family grifters operate. They fake their way through life and only survive because of highly skilled and paid administrators working for the Trump Organization, but not so much in the Trump reelection campaign.

   Even Gollum, a Hobbit who went over to the dark side because of a very powerful and valuable ring, and a character in the Lord of Rings trilogy, also included in The Hobbit, couldn’t hold on to his “precious” ring. His ring was one of the three rings, which would make the owner of all three rings the most powerful person in their world controlling all life that he would reign over. When Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit, ventured into Gollum’s underground world of isolation, and found his own life in danger, he miraculously found Gollum’s ring, which Gollum had dropped and was unable to find in the dark waters of Gollum’s underground network of caves and streams. Once Bilbo found the ring, which when placed upon his finger made him invisible, but also consumed with dark forces, it angered and frustrated poor Gollum who could no longer protect his “precious” ring from a more intelligent, capable, and moral adversary. When Bilbo found and captured the ring, Gollum went berserk because he realized he had lost his “precious” ring forever.

   Donald Trump is Gollum. He had no plan in place that would allow him to hold onto his “precious” ring of power over the country other than chaos, violence, threats, lies and anger. He was unable to detail a cogent and coherent four-year plan for the country’s future; therefore, when a formidable adversary arrived on the scene who could detail a brighter future for America, Trump no longer could hold onto his “precious” ring.          

   As a result of this Trumpty Dumpty character having a great fall from his perch upon his YUUGE and beautiful wall, the rest of what he has been trying to protect from being exposed by investigators and prosecuting attorneys will disappear. He will ultimately be seen as an idiotic, incompetent grifter as the Trump Organization is cracked wide open. What will be unveiled are all the business lies, business fakery, and illegalities performed by the entire Trump grifter clan.

   As Gollum said after losing his “precious” ring is a follows:

   “Curse us and splash us! My precious is lost!”

   “Curse it and crush it! We hate it forever!”

   “Lost, lost! My precious is lost!” 

      After Trump is hopefully found guilty of crimes, he will say, in the words of Gollum:

   “We wants it. We needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little Hobbitses. Wicked. Tricksy. False.”

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln