Thursday, July 30, 2020

Trump Is Possessed By A Witch Doctor

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker

Lincoln Project Ad on Trump Stooge--Susan Collins

In the last 4 months, the economy shrank over 30%!

Newly discovered how the Trump Virus negatively impacts the brain. Read it here. More on brain infections due to viruses.

Former GOP legislator angry how Trump ignores that Putin has placed bounties on the heads of American soldiers. Trump makes excuses by saying the United States sold weapons and paid Afghanis when Russian was fighting the Afghani rebels.
See the interview here.

   Demon Donnie has taken a trip on the wild side. He may have been taken over by devils and demons and by a Houston witch doctor with a medical degree. Trump has been retweeting freakish stuff from quack doctors who believe that vaccines are being made by the DNA extracted from aliens--                     “Morons from Outer Space”, 

for the purpose of purging Americans from believing in religion. They don’t believe in mask wearing, either. Preacher Dr. Immanuel believes, according to Trump’s retweets and video watching, that fantasizing about movie stars can cause a pregnancy to birth a demon. Trump actually said, “She’s a great doctor. Very impressive. I don’t know where she’s from. Her voice is an important voice.” Trump repeated what she said about hydroxychloroquine and that it is a perfect cure with zinc and other drugs.

Read about them here. Anderson Cooper speaks about Trump's embrace of the witch doctor's bizarre claims about the virus and vaccine development. See it here. Trump get questioned about the witch doctor and Trump's acceptance of her opinions at his press conference. He gets flustered and walks out. See it here.  And, here, too.

And, the Trump family continues to spread lies and conspiracy theories regarding the Trump Virus. Here it is.

   It appears that Trump is possessed by a group of demon doctors. The Cretin continues to tout unproven treatments for the Trump Virus as the pandemic deepens, as well as prop up quack and scary doctors. Dr. Immanuel and her band of quacks are a group called “America’s Frontline Doctors” and are connected to the Tea Party Patriot Foundation, of yesteryear, a rightwing movement who wear tinfoil hats and wear t-shirts emblazoned with the words, “Keep Government Out Of My Medicare.” The founder is Simone Gold.
   Demon Donnie embraces quackery from a Houston doctor with bizarre beliefs, yet continues to dismiss the recommendations and input from Dr. Fauci, his direct infectious disease expert. Trump said about Dr. Fauci, “Why don’t I have a high approval rating with respect to the virus [as does Dr. Fauci]. Nobody likes me. It must be my personality.” Why is that Donnie? It might have to do with Dr. Fauci being credible, honorable, honest, trustworthy and competent, while you, Donnie, are a big, fat liar and quack.
   Now we learn that The Putz, formerly known as Mike Pence, is going to meet with the quack doctor group. They will likely pray the virus away.
   Reinforcing Trump as a liar and fraud is one and only BillyBob-Behind-Barr-z. This corrupt attorney general, and Trump bagman, testified before Congress and gave a bag full of lies. When asked if he had ever been asked by Trump to do his dirty work, he said “No”. The question was poorly asked. Had he been asked if he was ever asked by anyone, even Trump, to do the president’s dirty work, the answer would have likely been Yes, but Barr would have given a smoke filled answer to avoid committing perjury. He also wouldn’t commit to a comment regarding upcoming election fraud brought about by mail-in voting. He said he would follow the law, but it seems when it comes to addressing Trump’s criminal actions, he stands down.
   Will BillyBob Barr investigate the Trump campaign finances? It has been reported that Trump and his campaign are funneling billions of dollars through companies managed by his campaign staff into the pockets of his daughter-in-law and Donnie Junior’s girlfriend’s bank account. This is an unregistered, undocumented and illegal cover-up of the use of campaign funds. Of course, BillyBob Barr will look away for this investigation. Read about it here. Here is a link about the millions of dollars Trump and his family are illegally making through his campaign committee contribution. This is campaign finance fraud.
   Barr was asked if he thought Trump’s Dark Army Goon Squad invading Portland and other cities was a violation. He believed that his orders to invade were appropriate. It has now come out that we are witnessing Trump’s civilian militia, White Supremacists, are the ones causing violence during protests and now he is using armed para-military agents of the government to occupy cities governed by Democrats.
   A person named “Umbrella Man” was a White Supremacist and a member of the Hell’s Angel gang, was photographed holding an umbrella in Minneapolis, during the protests, causing violence. Trump has a civilian attack force and a government-based attack force. This country has become fascist under Trump and Bill Barr is his field general.
   Trump is so concerned about how the suburbs are the next ground zero for a drop in property values and ruination by Democrats if elected to office. He is pulling back on a stereotype that suburbs are for White people only. He is dog whistling a racist Southern strategy that people of color are not really welcome in the suburbs.
   The reality is that the suburbs are under attack by Donald J. Trump with his do-nothing strategy to attack the Trump Virus and the resulting economic recession, and possible depression.
   Experts are predicting that one-third of shopping malls will close within the coming year. Anchor stores along with the smaller stores will be closing and going into bankruptcy. Malls are divided up by category: A, B, C, D. Malls ranked as “A” will be the survivors. The others will close down, especially those ranked as C and D. With those closures will be the disappearance of jobs. These malls are found in the suburbs. Surrounding many malls are subdivisions and apartment complexes and condominiums. As these malls shutdown, they will cause a massive “Brown Field” of decaying parking lots and vandalism to the mall itself. This will cause the downfall of property values and the rest. Trump will be the cause of this and NOT Democrats. Trump is using delusional scare tactics against Biden, when in fact, he is the reason for the mall closure prediction.
The reality is that all this is happening under the Trump reign of error. The market is collapsing. The rich market manipulators cannot hold on for too much lower before it drops like a house of cards. He cannot blame this on Biden or democrats. Trump continues to embrace conspiracy theories, and ignores the economy, yet raises his White Supremacy flag over the suburbs as 150,000 Americans died from the Trump Virus, and 13,000 infections were recorded in one single day. He recommends wearing a face mask, but fails to do so when meeting with others. Trump only cares about himself. He is using his campaign funds to enrich himself, his family and his business. He doesn't care that he is committing fraud because he knows that BillyBob--Behind Barr-z is giving him cover. He continues to raise his red flag when it comes to mail-in voting, and believes it is riddled with fraud, when in fact, the data shows that Republicans have committed voter fraud. The entire Republican party is at fault for allowing their leader to destroy the country as they look on. They will do anything to remain in power. Even Lindsey Graham-Cracker doctored his Black opponent's photo to make him look even Blacker to raise fears among his White South Carolinian voters that they better look out because an even Blacker man might kick his very White ass out of Washington and back to his home state, which he has not set foot in for over two years.

   In today’s economic climate, young people are not able to move into the suburbs because of the higher costs of housing and transportation. The suburbs offer backyards, but that may not be enough to draw the new demographic of homebuyers. Many of today’s young people are still strapped with student loan debt; therefore, they may just stay put in the city.
   So, who will be moving into the suburbs and buy those available homes owned by Babyboomers who are aging and want to sell their homes that are too big for them? A glut of suburban homes will be the downfall of home values as new buyers, with available cash, have more leverage to force prices downward. Trump’s belief that suburbs are for White folk will be torn apart as more people of color have the money to move in and buy up in White communities.
   Trump decided to have his administration stop the Obama directive regarding low income housing availability in the suburbs. Now Trump can brag that he is keeping the suburbs free from low income residents moving in, which he believes brings crime with them. It sounds like his claim that Mexicans are criminals.
Congressman Louie Gohmert- Pile of shit, tested positive for the Trump Virus. He claims that by wearing a mask, he caught the virus. Even though he didn't wear a mask when surrounded by many, many people, he believes he caught the virus once he put his mask on.

Here is a link clearly illustrating that Gohmert is a pile of shit.

When you have clowns running the show, you get a crazy circus.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Death Panel Donald J. Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Watch the Lincoln Project's video of how fascism starts in America. 

Here is a video of Trump's failure to address the Trump Virus. It is a timeline of his delusions and failures.

Here is a video about Dr. Fauci's achievements.

Trumpfeld video

  Here is a video about Trump's clown car advisor, Kudlow. Clown Kudlow has gotten nothing right.

Fascist Donnie is at war with the cities, as well as suburbia! His Dark Army Goon Squad began attacking Healthcare Workers Protest, Wall of Moms, Teachers Against Tyrants, and Lawyers for Black Lives. The fascist in the White House has escalated what had been peaceful protesting into a movement against Donald J. Trump’s assault against Americans.
  We just learned that Dumb-Dumb Donnie’s son Baron won’t be going back to school full-time in the fall as is being demanded by ‘I’m as smart as a fifth grader’ Trump.
   St. Andrews, in Maryland, Baron’s school, has an endowment of $8M, yet got taxpayer cash through the Paycheck Protection Program. The Cretin says, “SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL”, but St. Andrews said, “NO!”
   Not only St. Andrews got free cash, but many Trump donors and pals who received PPP are those CEOs in the hotel and hospitality sector. Hotel bailouts, and private equity funds, similar to the one Mitt Romney ran, all made billions of dollars. They requested from the Treasury to give them PPP taxpayer cash because their disappearing vacancy rates due to the Trump Virus. As the American worker sees their incomes disappear because their jobs evaporated overnight, they are seriously struggling and don’t have enough savings to hold them over. Farmer workers are another sector suffering from the Trump Virus.
   Yet these hotels and resorts and hospitality businesses have high paying executives, with big bonuses, and shareholder payouts. We aren’t hearing Trump and Mnuchin and the GOP calling for them to give back their salaries, bonuses, and stock options to support their businesses during the crisis in lieu of receiving free taxpayer cash, which should go to those really suffering.
   Many of these rich CEOs have second homes, planes, fancy cars, etc. They should be feeling the same pain as their employees are feeling.
   Why aren’t we seeing such a demand? It is because the Trump administration serves the wealthy plutocrats instead of the working people who make the country function. And, the Trump Organization has gotten their hands out for taxpayer cash, as well. The Treasury is their piggyback. In return, large amounts of cash get funneled into the Trump campaign and the RNC.
   We all remember the White Nationalist Republicans yelling to high heaven when Obama bailout the banks and General Motors. They are worse. They are bailing out every ReCon donor who have had written out big fat checks.
   One of these Market Leninist Trump donor crybabies got $96.1M from the Treasury. Scumbag Monty Bennett made $2.2B in 2019. He is the CEO of Ashford Inc, in Texas. He owns Ashford Hospitality Trust and Braeman Hotels and Resorts. He wanted the taxpayer to pay for a bailout as he held on to his billions of dollars of wealth. No sacrificing with this scumbag.
   Provenance Hotels, owned by Gordon Sondland, of Trump impeachment fame, got PPP cash. A total of 33,000 hotel billionaires asked for and/or received PPP, including Marriott, Hilton, and Hyatt hotels. $250B had been handed out to these plutocratic thieves, yet $350B was meant for small businesses out of the $2.2T allotted for the economic rescue plan. Other Market Leninist companies that got PPP are McDonald’s Corp, Choice Hotels, Hampton, Hersha Hospitality Trust, Ritz-Carlton, and American Hotel and Lodging.
   Other bad news is that Mitt Romney and a few Democrats, such as Dem Traitor from West Virginia Joe Manchin, signed on to the GOP’s TRUST Act, which is a plan to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Disability Insurance. They are trying to include this Act into the upcoming financial rescue package. 
Here are the names of the other Democrats aligned with Romney: Doug Jones of Alabama, Krysten Sinema of Arizona, Ben McAdams of Utah, and Ed Case of Hawaii. The rest are from the White Nationalist Republican Party. Romney has been working on the TRUST Act since October of 2019. He is targeting Medicare Hospital Insurance, Social Security Disability Insurance, and Social Security Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and more.

   We can remember when Obama was developing his signature Obamacare, and the White Nationalist Republicans were all up in arms because they believed embedded in the program was a “Death Panel” section, which would have allowed medical professionals to decide who was going to live and who was not. When in fact, in the hospital are doctors trained in helping patients with their medical directives in order to make their life and death choices known to the hospital staff. This is called Palliative Care, which has been a part of health care long before Obama became president.
   What we have today is Donald Trump, our Death Cult president, at the helm of his own style Death Panels. Trump has become the Death Panel president. What is happening under his watch are hospitals deciding who can be admitted into the hospital because of the Trump Virus, and who has to be sent home to deal with the illness on their own because these hospitals are at full capacity with COVID patients. The ones being sent home are those who are likely going to die because of the Trump Virus. The hospitals have become overcrowded because of Trump’s total incompetence and disregard for the health of Americans. Trump has become the country’s Death Panel president.

When you have clowns running the show, you have an out of control circus.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, July 24, 2020

Trump Continues To Commit Impeachable Acts

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Dangerous Donnie is telling Americans, White Americans, that he wants to “save the beautiful suburbs” from Joe Biden’s impending doom of those great, beautiful configuration of dead end streets, cul-de-sacs, housing developments with one way in and one way out. Trump believes that Biden, once elected with riddle those streets with criminals coming in during the dead of night to steal all your lawn ornaments, bird baths, front yard benches, flowering plants and Christmas decorations. He insanely believes that those property values will plummet, yet under The Cretin’s watch, we are about to see housing prices fall if this recession, or possible depression becomes real.
   We have had Democrats elected president without Trump’s doom and gloom scenarios coming true. So, what the hell is he talking about? More of his incoherent rhetoric. As Reagan used to say, “Here we go again.” Donnie is speaking without making a bit of sense. His brain is short-circuiting. Save the suburbs from what? He said, “I will preserve them and make them even better.” What is he talking about?  Protect them from an onslaught of Democrats, or from people of color, or from non-Christians? Does Trump hope that the suburbs will safely secure his White Supremacy and fascist base from the rest of the nation? When has Trump spent any time in the suburbs? He loathes the suburbs. The fact is that more and more suburbanites are becoming repulsed by this fascist moron with a cognitive level of a 5th grader.
   How would he make them even better? He couldn’t make the country better than the country Obama left him. He cannot stop the Trump Virus, or an eroding economy, or stop a rising unemployment rate, or a plan to reopen our economy and schools. So how can he make the suburbs even better? He has failed to make the country a better place for everyone. He has made it a better place for the richest among us.
  He must believe that his moral majority lives in the suburbs. But you have to ask, what moral majority? Has he ever watched the Housewives of New Jersey? Trump’s so-called majority is actually a minority of loud, ignorant, stupid supporters. These are the non-compliant, anti-maskers, non-distancing hypocrites. Trump is the new George Wallace-- a bigoted, racist, nutbag. He could be a clone of Joe McCarthy-- a senator who was a fascist, bigoted hater who eventually was run out of government for his disgusting attitudes.
   Trump is the fool who said Jeffery Epstein’s “pimp”, Gislaine Maxwell as she awaits trial, “I wish her well.” Yet, did he speak to Rep. John Lewis’ family following his death? Did he wish them well? No! He said nothing.
   The Death Cult president has said that his Big Top Circus Jacksonville nomination convention was canceled because Florida has become the nation’s worst place to be during the Trump Virus. The death toll keeps rising and the White Nationalist Republicans said they wouldn’t be attending the convention. He said, “I must protect the American people, just like I have always done.” What is he talking about? He has killed over 144,000 innocent Americans with his Trump Virus. 4 million are now infected. He isn’t protecting anyone. The big top clown show requires an audience to clap and cheer him on. Now that he cannot have his “Daddy Needs Love’ rallies, his frustrations have magnified.  The canceling of the super clown show convention has taken him over the edge.  He doesn’t know what to do. He is exploding with hate and anger as we are witnessing with his Dark Army invasion of Portland.
   So, what he is doing is attacking Portland, Oregon with his Dark Army Goon Squad escalating violence and protest numbers. The Dark Army of Trump is inciting further chaos. These agents of Trump are creating lawlessness. Trump is weaponizing his attack against those who are standing up against fascist Donnie and police violence.
   In Portland, teenagers and around 300 moms are standing up against Trump’s Dark Army, who is tossing tear gas canisters at the protesters. The protesters are using leaf blowers to blow the gas back at Trump’s goons. These young protesters are using plastic shields, umbrellas, garbage can lids, and other backyard materials to deflect the goon squad attacks.

   A small group of teenagers took down one of Trump’s squad members to the ground, and then they ran off cheering. They were pleased with themselves because they took down one of Trump’s Goliath goons embarrassing the guy in front of his dress-up military-like buddies.
   Death Cult Donnie is claiming that he will “stop the blood shed in the streets”. But, there was no blood shed during these peaceful protests. Trump claims the rioting is not caused by his Dark Army Goons, but by Portlandians. Now the Moron-in-Chief said he is headed to Albuquerque, Kansas City, Chicago, and New York. Is Trump even dumber than what his niece, Mary Trump, says about him in her book? He is even more insane than we thought?
   Even a fully naked woman sitting down in front of the goon squad scared them off as they ran away from her. She was immune to their tear gas, so they didn’t know what to do. That scared them causing them to run off. Trump’s Dark Army goons are getting beaten by teenagers, hundreds of moms and a naked woman.

   Could it be that Trump has lost his fight for reelection already? If he decides to further his fascist attacks against Democratically run cities, he will see anti-war level protests push him back.
   Trump doesn’t care about the suburbs, but he does care about those multi-million dollar gated communities. Trump has handed over the Treasury to the largest corporate leaders living in those gated communities. He has allowed them to cheat on their taxes transferring billions of dollars each year to overseas tax haven accounts. Over the past ten years, around $4T has been moved to these tax free accounts in other countries because he has downsized the available IRS auditors.
   Trump tries to delegitimize the Democratic party and press his fake news ideology by saying there is only one legitimate party and only one legitimate leader of that party, which is the White Nationalist Fascist party led by Trump.
   Americans are getting very angry at Trump’s fascist leanings, which illustrate his Market Leninist agenda. He will do anything to preserve the theft of taxpayer dollars to corporate elitists. He is dramatizing his fascist leanings by attacking protesters, attacking a mail-in voting process, and unleashing the Trump Virus upon the American people.
   No doubt, Trump will further alienate the American people as he unravels and avoids taking responsibility for his failures.

Trump is a broken man. Read this piece here.

Trump calls the FOX News doctor his "guide". He sounds like a quack. Check it out here.

The Trump administration has allowed nursing home workers to become unnecessarily exposed to the Trump Virus. Read that one here. 

40% of Americans will suffer serious side effects from the Trump Virus, once infected. Read it here.

When you have clowns running the show, you end up                     with a circus.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Trump Is A Fascist Anarchist

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

When you have clowns running the show 
   you end up with a bad circus.

  Trump is the leader of the Death Cult Republican party. Now we have Beto O’Rourke calling them out as a Death Cult, since we had a rising one day infection rate of 1000 Americans. The Trump Virus is getting worse. The handling of this virus—or the lack of handling—could be called a form of anarchy. Anarchy is defined as “a person who promotes disorder or excites revolt against rule, law, or custom.”
   By allowing the virus to go out of control is a form of disorder against law, and rules, as well as order. Since Trump ignored the early, and later, warnings of the dangers of the coming virus, and later, the virus as a present danger, allowing it to run loose, he can be defined as an anarchist. Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (here is a guy with two first names) said to the state should sacrifice the seniors in the state by sending them off to work, in spite of a massive spread of the Trump virus, so the younger people could shelter in place. He proclaimed that it would patriotic for the seniors to sacrifice their lives to rev up the Texas economy, once again; but, this moron must be a bad Checker player because he can only see one move ahead instead of a few moves ahead. What would happen to the Revved Up Texas economy when the seniors would end up infected isolated at home or in the hospital, on a ventilator in ICU, vacating their jobs stalling the economy, once again? Dan Patrick is a completely ignorant Death Cult Brownshirt. The Death Cult president is bad for the economy.

   When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus.

   Death Cult Donnie said, “ Ride that sucker out”, and “It will miraculously go away” when he was told it would not just go away. We can thank Dr. Deborah Birx, the moron who is part of the health team run by The Putz, formerly known as Pence. She is part of the fraud against the American people because Trump takes her lies as facts. Birx is another incompetent with a medical degree.
   Death Cult Donnie failed to use the National Defense Production Act to its fullest in order to supply our hospitals with the essentially needed PPE forcing them to fend for themselves and reuse PPE, which should have been trashed.
   Dumb Dumb Donnie pushed to reopen the economy without masks or physical distancing creating a viral outbreak the likes the world has never seen. This is anarchy.
   Now he is sending unmasked, unnamed federal agents, acting as Trump’s Storm-troopers, to beat, tear gas, and apprehend innocent Portlandians, who were peacefully protesting. Fascist Trump claimed that they are there to protect federal buildings, which is a lie. They are there to disrupt and interfere with the rights of the Democratic mayor and governor. Now he is threatening to do the institute the same invasion in Chicago.
   Trump is speaking more threats to send his “Dark Army” to cities with Democratic mayors. The Cretin is becoming more and more unhinged. One writer says he is so incoherent that it illustrates his dysfunctionality; and has been for the past three years. 
   Trump’s mental illness is causing him to unravel at an elevated rate of self-destruction. He has become an anarchistic fascist!!!!—while his Republican White Nationalist party stand idly by.
   We are witnessing a Rightwing Fascist revolt against mask wearing. These idiots claim that wearing a mask violates their freedom; but are they paying their property taxes, their income taxes, and obeying traffic laws? If they are, then they are fools who are just wanting to do what their fascist leader tells them to do. Fascist Donnie refused to wear a mask for months, and now his stupid followers are carrying the torch, even though their leader is saying, “wearing a mask is patriotic”. Dumb Dumb Donnie knows that he screwed up and must show that he understands the dangers of the virus. Now he is saying that. “It will get worse before it gets better”. No shit Sherlock!!! It is already worse than ever!!! Over 140,000 deaths. 8.7M infected. 100,000 single day infections. And, a crashing economy. Wall Street has not caught up to the coming economic crash. Trump is doing everything to make sure his wealthy donors and the 1% can still make lots of money off of Wall Street. The rich are immune from the economic hardships because of their wealth, which insulates them from what the rest of the population are feeling and experiencing. They still have their big homes, fancy cars, second homes, and recreational toys, which separates them from the rest of the nation. Even if their businesses begin to suffer, they will get economic relief from Trump and Mnuchin in the form of taxpayer cash to cushion the blow. This is a perfect example of Market Leninism. The rich control the government and the government protects them. In return, some of the relief funding, i.e. taxpayer cash comes back to the politicians. The rich control the government and the government protects the rich.

Here is picture of Miami residents waiting for a 
                   Trump Virus test.

   One big problem that we may witness is the Death Cult party followers revolting against wearing masks, accepting a coming vaccine, and physical distancing prolonging the spread of the virus. Even when Trump is defeated in the November election, his Kool-Aid drinking fascist followers will create more anarchy by refusing to wear masks, distance, and accept a vaccine. We may end up seeing those particular Red States where these sociopaths live spreading the virus amongst themselves filling up hospitals and endangering their economies. We have a testing crisis!!!
   We may end up with a divided country. One part of the country will have large numbers of noncompliants in Red States causing a disruption in their economies and problems with school reopenings, and the other parts of the country where the citizens are compliant with mask wearing, distancing, and the acceptance of a vaccine allowing their economies to reopen and schools to find a way to educate the kids with a plan that will lead to fully reopen.
   These noncompliants will be Trump voters and supporters who would be angry that their Death Cult leader was defeated. If Bidens wins the election, the nation will continue its turmoil because Trump will have left his soiled diapers in his wake.
Trump bragged about the cognitive test he took during his midnight run to the Walter Reed Hospital. The experts say that any 5th grader could take this test and get the answers right. When Trump said that he aced the test and he is a stable genius, he means that he is as smart as a 5th grader.

   When you have clowns running the show, and clowns in the seats, then you end up with a circus.


“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Donald J. Trump Is The White House's QAnon Sex Pervert

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   On Fox News, The Cretin told Chris Wallace, “I take responsibility for everything.” After six months of the Trump Virus infecting the country without any end in sight, he believes he is taking “responsibility”. If taking responsibility for the biggest health disaster in the last 100 years, then what would it look like if he didn’t take responsibility, which is most likely the truth? Apparently, for Disastrous Donnie not taking responsibility it is the same as taking responsibility.
   The Cretin went on to claim to Wallace that he took a cognitive test during his midnight rider to Walter Reed Hospital several weeks ago, which he claimed was a perfect score and “I bet you couldn’t get the last five questions right.” The test was not an intelligence test, but a cognitive to assess the patient’s mental awareness. Such a test is used for people with dementia. In Disastrous Donnie’s case one could guess that he had a fall and hit his head. (Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall.) Was he being tested for a closed head injury? Was he roaming the White House halls late at night dragging his Space Force blankey eating a bowl of Fish Crackers, and then tripped falling on the floor hitting his head? The test asks the person if he could pick out a puppy from a selection of non-puppy pictures. After the interview, Donnie quietly leaned into Chris bragging that he was a very stable genius!
   What we have recently learned is that the Trump reelection campaign financial accounts routed his campaign events through Mar-A-Lago and the Trump Hotel-D.C., which then became company profits for the Trump Organization; therefore, Trump donors who expected The Cretin to spend their contributions on getting their Moron-in-Chief reelected learned that instead, the money ended up as profits for the Trump Organization. Trump sucked up $400,000 in just one day of Grifting. Here it is.

   This election cycle the Trump Cretins have made around $3M in free cash. In addition, taxpayer’s are paying for peripheral expenses as well, such as the security details, travel expenses, and more. Also, the Trump Organization reportedly over charges for these events. This cash ends up as profits for the lazy, incompetent Cretin family.
   Another way these fraudsters are getting lots of cash is through the PPP cash infusion to big corporations owned by Trump supporters. In exchange for getting PPP government taxpayer loans, which could be forgivable loans, these owners end up sending the Trump reelection committee and the RNC big fundraiser checks.

   Another worrisome question is who the heck is Dr. Birx and what is she all about? Back in April, Birx had been “selling” her boss lies about the Trump Virus. She told him that the virus was flattening, when in fact it was increasing in various parts of the country. She was feeding Dumb Dumb Donnie what he wanted to hear. Trump then spread those fake news bits to the nation. She told him that the virus was going away, and he then, told the nation the same lie. She is just another one of Trump’s lapdancers! She is a danger to the nation’s national security.
   Remember the photo op at the CDC, in March, where he wore his Putin inspired red MAGA hat and said, “I like the numbers where they are.” He was referring to the COVID statistics. He was basically saying he doesn’t want to hear them climbing and killing innocent people. He just wanted to keep the statistics where they were and ignore any upward changes. Later he said, “It will miraculously disappear when the hot weather returns.” Then he said, “The more you test, the more cases you have.”

When we have people like Dr. Birx and others who surround and feed Death Cult Donnie fake news about the Trump Virus, because that is what he wants to hear, we end up with a virus spiraling out of control.

We have been watching and hearing how Fascist Donnie is using Federal agents of death to apprehend, and beat and tear gas innocent Portlandians in Portland, Oregon protesting abuse of police. Trump is using conspiracy intel claiming falsely that protesters were about to attack federal buildings; therefore, he sends in his troops, which has escalated what was a dwindling number of protesters, into a growing number of protesters. Here is a video of these fascist troops, who are violating the U.S. Constitution, tear gassing a former military soldier, who was being non-violent.

We are seeing the insane conspiracy of QAnon seeping into our political system. This conspiracy theory is basically believing that inside the government are a group of child pedophiles secretly operating as a cult. WOW!! One must believe that this QAnon cult is led by Donald J. Trump. Here is why. We have proof that Trump was connected to the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and was photographed with him a few times. We know that Trump is a sexual predator and pervert; therefore, it totally makes sense that he is the Qanan ring leader in the White House. These conspiracy theorists are looking in the wrong place for QAnon, when it is Donald Trump himself!!!

   When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus.

Watch Seth Meyers' monologue attacking Trump. Very funny.

Here are the stories of young people who are suffering from the side effects of the Trump Virus.

Here is Crazy Kushner claiming the economy will be "Rocking" by July.

Here is more from the Lincoln Project-an anti-Trump Republican ad campaign.

Neuroscientists are saying COVID is dangerous to the brain. More long term effects of COVID. Small and large blood vessel clotting is a problem for COVID patients. 

Arizona teacher teaching summer school classes dies from COVID.

Laurie Garrett speaks about how badly COVID testing is going and the effects to the nation over the coming years.

One-third of Florida children tested have the Trump Virus.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Fascists Are Coming! The Fascists Are Coming!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Trump is desperate to get lots of attention. As reported in the last post, Trump gave religious institutions taxpayer cash via P.P.P. Billions of dollars were passed out to as many tax-free institutions as he could dig up. The biggest recipients appear to be The Cretin’s evangelical prayer pals along with the Catholic Church; yet, many real hardworking taxpaying small business owners, who actually make the economy work, were, kicked to the curb.
   More of his desperate maneuvering was seen when he decided to sideline the CDC, and Dr. Fauci, so Trump could gather COVID-19 hospital data directly. The Cretin is sick and tired of facts! He wants to create his own alternative facts, as Kellyanne “Kookoo Clown” Conway calls it. We will just have to wait and learn exactly how Dumb-Dumb Donnie spins the data.
 Trump’s COVID Chaos is a dangerous stunt. He is downplaying Dr. Fauci’s credibility now. It’s COVID Chaos in real time.
   Now the Trump circus clowns are sending people non-stop emails asking for money, asking for help, whining that the candidate isn’t getting enough of your love.
   It’s an endless stream of cranky junk Trumpie emails with the entire Cretin family’s dirty fingerprints all over them.
   Dumb-Dumb Donnie, once again, proved he has absolutely no abilities to make any sort of deals—ever!!! The United States had captured and held for the past year a high ranking Iranian terrorist. Just recently, Trump decided to give the guy back to Iran without getting anything of quality in return. Trump is so stupid and the YUGGEST liar about his deal making skills that it has become embarrassing. It’s like when Donnie, while in 5th grade, traded his “YUUGE” homemade lunch for a half eaten bag of Cheetos and thought he made a fantastic deal.
   The Cretin continues to create COVID Chaos by failing to use his presidential powers to use the National Defense Production Act to guarantee that our front line workers—essential workers—have quality PPE available instead of having to ration their dwindling supplies.
   Derelict DeVos said our teachers are “essential workers”, yet will they be getting PPE if schools are to reopen? She and The Cretin want schools to fully open soon. But the real question is: Who will take responsibility when school children, and teachers end up needing to be removed from school because they caught and then spread the Trump Virus? Will DeVos, Trump, the governor, mayor, or school board members be blamed and possibly sued for purposefully opening schools without being fully prepared and supported by government officials and putting the kids and staff in harm’s way? They really don’t care. They have this bizarre belief that opening schools will miraculously resuscitate the failing economy. They are truly Morons From Outer Space!!


   The only plan they have are stunts. The clowns are running the circus. We have now seen Idiot Ivanka holding up a can of Goya beans as a way to reinforce the company’s owner’s support for Dumb-Dumb. 

He claims that Trump is the best president ever!! She’s too stupid to realize, or maybe she doesn’t care, that her Twitter photo stunt violated ethics laws. Her Idiot Daddy posed at the Oval Office desk with a display of Goya products as if he was selling the beans to raise money for his campaign. Maybe it was a raffle. “Send our campaign $5 and you will get a raffle for these terrific products.”

   Trump is scared of losing in November; therefore, he is creating as much chaos as he can spin up for Biden to deal with. Trump is a major national security danger and should be removed from office, as his niece, Mary Trump, has stated.
   Another statement she made about her Dumb Uncle is that he never will admit a mistake. He was taught by his abusive father never to apologize or to admit a mistake or defeat, because if he did, then people would see him as weak. This is why the Trump Virus will not be solved this year. He cannot admit he totally screwed this one up. If he decided to put a plan together that might lock down the country for several weeks, then that would be to admit he screwed up.
    Peter “Nitwit” Navarro, no doubt, took orders from Death Cult Donnie to chastise and discredit Dr. Fauci by writing in an OpEd that Fauci has been wrong on every single recommendation and warning. This Nitwit’s only skill is being a hack, and that is all he knows how to do. He is not an expert on a damn thing, let alone science, health and medical care. By “Nitwit” throwing a fire bomb at Dr. Fauci, Trump could then look like a “good-guy” by calling out Navarro and say that he “likes Dr. Fauci” and gets along with him.

   Trump continues to create more and more chaos. He has allowed his meat and poultry processing plant campaign donors to exploit workers during the pandemic by failing to provide workers with PPE. These companies and Trump believe that workers should be treated like their processed meats.
   OSHA has gotten 6,000 complaints and only issued one citation!! This is criminal. The chicken plants are very dangerous. They must process 166 chickens per minute.
   One Far-Right Christian chicken processor, Ron Cameron, gave Trump $3M, yet gave his workers a $1 per hour raise, which he later took away. These morons believe that the U.S. will become Communist even though Trump is Putin’s Idiot Asset, and a Market Leninist. These so-called anti-Communist fascists contributed millions of dollars to the Koch political foundation, along with other Far-Right Market Leninist groups. Saying they are anti-Communist is a real oxymoron.

   They believe in paid slavery workers!

   Trump sent out his federal police brutes to Portland, Oregon to “quell” unrest. The fascists are coming! The fascists are coming. The Orange Coward has to flex his flaccid muscles by showing that he is tough on protesters, which isn’t a crime. He sent out the feds in vans to pick up protesters and get tough on them. Once again, he hates the constitution. He favors fascist. No doubt he would not do that without the approval of a Red State governor.
   How does The Cretin spend his time? Watching hours and hours of television, getting tough on protesters, advertising Goya beans products in the Oval Office, holding his campaign rallies on the grounds of the White House because he cannot go anywhere and raise the roof with his MAGA rallies, complaining about his health experts, freaking out over the book his niece has published, bragging about the three new miles of his YUUGE, great, beautiful wall, and the new sections that replaced decayed sections of old wall, and pushing for all school children to begin attending school in just a few weeks without a sustainable plan. Also, he is railing against mail-in voting, but said that “absentee voting” is good. Hey Dumb Dumb, they are both the same.
   All the while the nation is rumbling with protests against police violence, a deadly virus is ravaging the country, school kids are losing ground on their learning, unemployment numbers are skyrocketing, mall stores are shutting down, small businesses cannot sustain, foreclosures are beginning, rent payments are delinquent, and the list goes on and on.

   And Trump’s campaign slogan is “Promises made; Promises kept”. If these are promises, we don’t need his stinkin’ promises.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln