Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Moscow Mitch and Fascist Donnie

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Moscow Mitch (McConnell) has been triggered by his new nickname tagged by Joe Scarborough. Moscow Mitch has ignored the red flag raised by many important Americans, including Robert Mueller, who testified that Russia interfered with our election process and has geared up to hit the 2020 with a full force gale. Both Fascist Donnie and Moscow Mitch have called this Russian interference through manipulating the social media, and hacking into voting machines, and colluding with Trump’s team a “hoax”.
    Moscow Mitch, and the Republikkklans in the Republican White Nationalist Party all know that if the elections were open to all Americans and free from foreign interference, then more Democrats would get elected pushing out the these Market Leninists, such as Ted Cruz and his coalition who want to see another rich-guy tax cut.

     It has been reported that a Russian oligarch has plans to build an aluminum plant in the state of Kentucky. This oligarch, no doubt, a friend of Putin, handed over $10M to Moscow Mitch's re-election campaign. Nice gesture. Putin essentially bought McConnell as his 'Mitch His Bitch'. It is beginning to look like Moscow Mitch has become a Russian Idiot Asset, just like his boss Fascist Donnie.
    This nation is at a turning point. The 2020 election is the final choice. Do we want to see our democracy turned into a Market Leninist, fascist nation? Donald Trump has taken over our democracy and turned it on its head by taking a political knife dividingthe nation into two--either a nation led by White Supremacy or a nation of diversity. He has encouraged his supporters to turn the nation into one of hate, racism, homophobia, and a fear of the "other", instead of creating a nation of people who can support one another and build a nation of innovators that can transform the country into a place where our children can live with clean air, soils and water, and eat food clean of poisons, recycle our garbage while turning it into a usable resource, and to make sure that affordable health care is available to all.
    You must choose. What kind of nation do you want?


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Idiot Donnie Was At Ground Zero

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Fascist Donnie and Moscow Mitch (McConnell) seem to be ignoring a real threat, yet are pleased with themselves when The Cretin attacks Rep. Elijiah Cummings and his city of Baltimore.
  The states where opioid addiction seems to be extremely high are mostly Republican states---Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Kansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, and Texas.
    What are those Republican senators doing to stop the addiction rates in their states? It appears NOTHING! Instead, they are standing behind their bloviating gas bag party leader-Fascist Donnie.
    They are silent when Gas Bag Donnie unleashes his rage against whoever questions his authority, integrity, capabilities, and legitimacy.
     Apparently, the Republican White Nationalist Party senators don’t care that the citizens of their state have serious opioid addictions as long as they vote for them.
    On another note of Trump’s song and dance routine is that he is now bragging that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero helping out clearing debris with First Responders and “watching”.
    He said, “And I was down there also...But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”
    This psychopathic bloviating idiot spoke about his imaginary Ground Zero experience when he signed the bill that supports 9/11 First Responders who need care.
     “Everyone who helped clear the rubble—and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit…”

     This is all a big fat lie. Yes, he was there on the street and was interviewed by a reporter. So, psychopathic Donnie believes that being on the street, and interviewed made him a Junior Be Best First Responder Action Figure.


Thank you George Conway

Monday, July 29, 2019

Trump's Hate Is Becoming Unhinged

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    More evidence that the Republican White Nationalist Party are Market Leninists was explained by Paul Krugman. He wrote that The Cretin’s most important objective is to make the rich richer. He stated that foreign investors make up approximately 35% of stock market investors, Trump’s foreign aid program, have become richer resulting from the Trump tax cut.
    Those who saw increased benefit from the tax cuts are those who gleaned dividend and capital gain profits have not only been corporations, that engaged in stock buy-backs, domestic, and foreign investors, but The Trump Organization and his KKKlan.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party have dragged their feet on election voting reform. Robert Mueller warned Congress that Russia and other nations will go full-force forward interfering with and hijacking U.S. elections. This fascist party wants interference because election reform would benefit Democrats, as stated by McConnell.
    Stealing elections though election fraud is the only way their fascist leaning elected officials can hold onto their seats.
    They don’t believe in democracy. They are fascists supporting Market Leninism. Their party leader is a grifter who lies, cheats, manipulates others in order to steal their wealth because he is nothing more than an illiterate criminal.
    And, finally, The Cretin just cannot control himself. He is continuing his volcanic racist eruptions when he went after Rep. Cummings, from Baltimore, who has more class and integrity in his little finger than the entire Trump KKKlan. Trump spewed hate and racist rhetoric from his rat infested mind trashing Cummings’ Baltimore district as rat infested and filthy.
    Trump has done very little to improve the conditions of American cities, which he promised to do during his campaign of 2016. For example, homelessness has increased under his watch. And, his tax cuts have failed to deliver for 90% of the population.
    Trump promised to rebuild the country's aging infrastructure. He said, "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created." Trump said cities like Reno, Nev., will "be a big fat beautiful beneficiary" of these new jobs. “Grow the nation's economy by at least 6 percent.” (The slowing economy is now growing at 2.5%.)
    Trump is a disgusting fraud and liar. He is a con-man.
Trump’s blatent rage against non-white Americans, and immigrants has increased during his re-election campaign.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party has voted against securing our 2020 election from foreign attack. McConnell is leading this fascist foreign attack. McConnell is leading this fascist assault against free and fair and secure elections. He knows that the Republican White Nationalist Party would lose seats and government control and the momentum toward Market Leninism if the elections were secure.

    The Republican White Nationalist Party and their supporters, such as FOX News, which is filled with rat infested propagandists, hate democracy. Trump hates democracy, as well. Trump appears to be doing everything he can to start a Middle East war, which he historically learned from Lil’Boy Bush that it can secure a second term.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Liz Cheney Embraces Fascist Donnie Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    White Nationalist Liz Cheney appears to be in support of her Fuehrer—Donald Trump. They both have delusional far-right beliefs that are the antithesis of freedom and democracy. They both proclaim that socialism is the opposite of freedom, when, in fact, our freedom has accepted socialism as a part of our way of life. When it comes to fascism, her apple doesn’t fall far from her daddy’s tree.
    The United States has embraced socialism as an integral part of its freedom and democracy. These Market Leninist fascists object to  Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veteran’s Administration, Public Schools system, The Postal Service, bank bailouts, farm subsidies, patent and trademarks, to name several examples. If any of these social programs serve their needs, then they accept it.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party Congress is trying to say that their Fuehrer is not a racist, but his words might be construed as racist. They’re trying to fix the mess that their Idiot-in-Chief had created. They’re finding it especially hard to reframe the actions resulting from the Greenville rally when the lemmings chanted “Send her back” as Fascist Donnie had to silently allow those words to sweep over him for 13 seconds before speaking again like a warm shower. He needed to relish the chant as a beautiful experience. How do they explain that? “Oh----the president pooped his diaper and it took 13 seconds for him to complete the movement. That one might actually be believable.
    The truth be told---Trump is more than a racist, misogynist, bigot, White Supremacist, crook, Market Leninist, liar, moron, and dumbass. He is a fascist. A dirty, stinkin’ fascist. And there is nothing his staff, allies, donors, or his Magic 8 Ball toy can do about it. He smears it all over himself every time he opens his mouth.

    It is said by his apologists within the Republican White Nationalist Party that “Democrats hate the President.” NO MORONS! We hate that the office of the president has been hijacked by an idiot fascist instead of a competent leader embracing the objectives defined through our democracy.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Idiot Trump Talks With Nadia Murad

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Fascist Donnie cannot seem to stop himself. He now says that his rallying cry of “Send her home” is patriotic. He said, “you can’t talk that way about our country. Not when I’m president.” He said about the lemming crowd roaring their chant, “Those are incredible people. They are incredible patriots.” So what is next? “Chanting Hail Donnie”, or bowing to their King?
    Trump met with Nobel Prize winner Nadia Murad who was kidnapped, along with her mother and brothers, by ISIS terrorists. She was spared while her family was murdered. She was one of 26 other Yazidi women who survived and now she fights for religious freedom protections. She won the Nobel Prize for her activism against abuse and sexual violence against women. Trump held a meet and greet, and a photo shoot in the Oval Office.
    The strange thing was Donnie wasn’t able to follow along and comprehend the conversation between Ms. Murad and him. He asked her, “Where are they [mother and brothers] now?” He could not remember only minutes earlier when she told him, “They killed them.”
     She asked him to help to keep Iraqi and Kurdish women safe. He answered, “I know the area very well you’re talking about. We’re going to look into it very strongly.” So Donnie, what does it mean that you are going to “look into it very strongly”? And, no doubt, you have no idea what the area she was talking about looks like, or could point it out on a map. None of what you said made a bit of sense.
     Regarding the Nobel Prize, Trump said, “That’s incredible. They gave it to you for what reason?” “After all that has happened to me I didn’t give up. I make it clear to everyone that ISIS raped thousands of Yazidi woman.” In her autobiography, “The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, And My Fight Against the Islamic State” she writes about her experience.
    Idiot Trump answered by saying, “Oh, really? It’s the first time. So you escaped.” She had to answer to this idiot by further explaining, “I escaped, but I don’t have my freedom yet.”
    If she wasn’t chanting, “Send her home”, he wasn’t able to follow the most basic didactic exchange. He, The Cretin, was probably thinking, “Why don’t I have that Nobel Prize?” “I’m the be-bestest person ever to be president! I have the biggest, smartest, uh, brain, ever, and I’m making America great again!”
     Why did Ms. Murad tell the Idiot-in-Chief that her sister-in-law, who was also kidnapped and escaped by ISIS, called from Syria 3 years ago and hasn’t been heard from since? He said using his small brain, “Let me look. We’re going to look, OK?” “Thank you very much.”
    The way Idiot Trump will “look” will be to go to his Oval Office Play Center and put on his Space Force cape, and his tinfoil hat, and then see if he can find Ms. Murad’s missing sister-in-law in his toy boxes.”

    Fascist Donnie had no idea what actually happened during those several minutes with Ms. Murad and the other women who were abused by ISIS. This is why he is incredibly incompetent and possesses limited intelligence.

Friday, July 19, 2019

President Donald Trump And His Evil Doings

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Cretin told his lemming crowd in Greenville, North Carolina that the 4 Congresswomen, who are challenging him in many ways, are Jew-haters and Israel-haters. They aren’t anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. One or more have called out Israel for having some ‘evil’ policies. I would say the same thing about Trump. His actions over his lifetime have been evil.
    It’s Trump who is a Jew-hater. He revealed his true nature when he failed to denounce the Nazi-White Supremacists who caused violence at the Charlottesville, Virginia rally where a woman was run over and killed by a vehicle driven by one of the White Supremacists causing trouble.
    The Cretin told the Nazis that there were “good people on both sides”. He kowtowed to the Israeli prime minister time and time again in order to satisfy his Christian right supporters and his ultra-Orthodox Jewish supporters. Trump regularly aligns himself with corrupt leaders.
    By announcing at the rally that one or more of the 4 Congresswomen are Jew-haters, he was stirring up anti-Semitism among his crowd, which was deliberately done in order to fire up individual anti-Semitism and hate for “the other”. A great many of his base are racist and fearful of “the other”, and are White Supremacists and want to cheer on their leader during their Donnie Needs Love rallies.
    Fascist Donnie likes to hide behind his words by deflecting them away from himself. He did it in this quote, where he hid behind Melania by blaming her. “The first lady feels very strongly about our country.” “The first lady thinks it’s horrible what they said about Israel and horrible what they said about our country, these congresswomen. They cannot call our country and our people garbage. They can’t be anti-Semitic. They can’t talk about evil Jews, which is what they say, evil Jews. That’s what the first lady thinks.”
    Fascist Donnie said those things. He alone said those things. None of Democratic Congresswomen he is directing his vile talk said those things.
    “They” never said what he said. Congresswoman Omar said in a tweet that Israel has committed ‘evil doings’. I would say that Donald Trump has committed evil doings, as well. I would say that many of Trump’s political allies have committed evil doings, too. I would say that Trump’s government has committed ‘evil doings’.
    Donnie is an equal opportunity hater and user. He continuously uses Jews, and others, to do his corrupt dirty work.
    During the 1960s and 1970s the Vietnam War brought out millions of protestors opposing the war. Dissent is our constitutional right unless the dissent is against Fascist Donnie. At that point, he uses an old meme—“Love It Or Leave It”—transformed into ‘You Can Leave The Country If You Hate It So Much’.
    The Cretin is a fascist. He wants to shut down dissent by calling for his lemming supporters to resist dissent and free speech to oppose government policies.
    Trump has failed to call out Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, the Saudi Crown Prince and other world figures for their evil doings that is because Trump supports evil doers and evil behavior.

    We should all call out Trump for his evil doings, as well as Mitch McConnell, and the rest of the White Nationalist Republican Party in Congress. That would be the right thing to do.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Send Them Back!!!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Demagogue Donnie had one of his fuming fascist rallies in Greenville, North Carolina. The Cretin needed lots of hugs and cheers by his hate-based crowd who are afraid that their White Christian Imaginary Nation being diluted by “the other”. They can’t have “the other” working in the fields, or in meat backing plants, or canning factories, or doing roofing, or hotel laundry. They want all those jobs saved for themselves, which they appear to shy away from. In spite of the crowd being hurt by Demagogue Donnie’s policies, such as a legal battle to negatively impact their pre-existing medical condition(s), and his permanently damaging tariffs upon the regional farmers surrounding Greenville, they cheer him on, take the free t-shirts and then, catch the free bus ride back to wherever they came from. Free is what they like.
    The Cretin and his lemmings chanted “send her back”. Why don’t we consider sending back Melania Krauss Trump back to Slovenia with her mother and father?
    Melania arrived in the United States back in the 1990s on a “business" visa, which restricted her from finding work, yet, purporting her infamous first lady military style jacket slogan—“I don’t care. Do U”, violated her visa designation by obtaining 10 modeling jobs, which stretched over several months. This violation of American immigration law would have “sent her back” from which she came. No doubt back into the arms of her Russian spy handlers. (See this blogspot’s fantasy storyof Melania as a Russian spy hired to snag Donnie on behalf of Putin).
     But once she found her drooling doggie delight sugar daddy, she was set for life. And, once she became 1st lapdog lady, she “chain migrated” her parents by bringing them over from Slovenia. Now, Demagogue Donnie doesn’t believe in “Chain Migration” for anybody else. It’s saved for the white folks from Sweden, for example.
    Just maybe we should send Melania back, along with Fascist Donnie, to their Manhattan condo, while the Manhattan D.A. investigates possible tax evasion and tax fraud by The Trump Organization.
So, here it is------

                    SEND THEM BACK!!!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Donald Trump Hates Our Country

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Fascist Donnie said of the outspoken Democratic Congresswomen, “ They shouldn’t hate our country.”

    Donnie’s Brownshirt Kellyanne Conway claims that the women in the House who are speaking out “are against our troops, and what they deserve. Actually, it is Trump who is against the troops and what they deserve!” She said that these Congresswomen are not respectful of out troops.
    If he walked the walk he would make sure military families would live in “respectful” family housing units—clean, free of mold, and with clean water, to just name a few factors. He would make sure the wives had job opportunities. He would guarantee that they received quality and timely health care and mental health services. He would make sure that they would not fall victim to predatory lenders. He would make sure that these families would the necessary services needed to remain secure in all aspect of their lives.
    Trump has not written a presidential order to guarantee all  of the above. He writes presidential order that favor the richest corporatists. He has failed to serve all Americans.

    The Cretin said, “ A list of things here said by the congresswomen that is so bad, so horrible that I almost don’t want to read it.” WHATTTTT? Fascist Donnie has consistently said horrible and disgusting things about many people, including parents of military service personnel killed in action, the handicapped, people of color, women, other government representatives, protestors, his daughter, the press, the media, allies, etc. He has spoken in support of White Supremacists and dictators and murderers, as well as criminals he has associated with.

    Trump has said that the Democratic Congresswomen speaking out against the ReCons and their leader, “They should love our country.”

    The problem is Fascist Donnie hates our country.

    He has gutted clean air and water and soil protections. He has eliminated environmental safety standards. There are some military bases that have toxins in the soils from long term chemical dumping. Trump hasn’t cleaned them all up.
    Trump hates our country because he continuously threatens peace. He violates international agreements. He snubs our allies. He believes Russia and Putin didn’t attack our 2016 elections. He fell in love with a murderous dictator. He disrespects our farmers by placing tariffs on crops that farmers have sold to China, who spent years working to cultivate trade agreements. These agreements have been destroyed by Trump as a result of his tariffs. These farmer-China agreements have been destroyed forever because China has found other sources for their food crop purchases.

    Trump hates our country because he insults those who disagree with him. He colludes with criminals, such as Michael Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Gates, and now, Jeffrey Epstein. Is Trump causing this distractive chaos in order to deflect his relationship with Epstein? At one time, Trump and Epstein had their own personal party where young women were paid to “entertain” them.

    Trump has brought his own personal crime syndicate to the White House. Only a person who hates America would do such a thing. Ivanka and Jared Kushner are members of The Trump Organization crime syndicate. And, Melania Trump is also a member.

    Trump hates our country because he doesn’t care that climate change will forever alter our way of life, our communities, and our agriculture. All he cares about is to make the energy corporatists richer and richer in spite of their negative impact to our way of life, and our environment.

    Trump hates our country because he is the one destroying freedom and democracy and NOT the 4 outspoken Democratic Congresswomen who were elected by their district majorities. Trump cannot say the same about his presidential election. He lost the popular vote; therefore, he squeaked a win via the Electoral College. He is not a legitimate president.
    Trump forgets that a great many parts of our country engages in socialism: The Veteran’s Administration, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the public school system. They are part of our freedoms, Mr. Fascist Donnie!

    Trump hates America because he has a Justice department that serves his own interests instead of the entire country's interests. And, The White Nationalist Republican Party led by The Cretin has appointed far-right extremist Supreme Court Justices, who support Trump's fascist ideals.
    The Fascist Donnie hates our democracy and country because he follows a Market Leninism agenda perpetuated by the Koch brothers that believes the rich and powerful corporatists should run the government, departments, agencies, courts and rule over everyone else.

    It is very clear that Trump hates our country. He wants us to believe that he loves this country, but, in fact, he has never told the truth in his life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Fascist Donnie Trump Spews More Hate Against His Opposition

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Fascist Donnie and his White Nationalist Party appear to be standing together. Fascist Donnie has called out Democratic freshman Congresswomen as “pro-terrorist” and “anti-USA”.
    Let’s look at The Cretin’s pro-terrorist alignment. By being a Russian Idiot Asset, controlled by Putin. Donnie is in support of cyber-terrorism against our election process. He has done nothing to secure the next election cycle from foreign manipulation and tampering. And, he cozies up to dictators that also engage in cyber-terrorism and the murdering of their opposition. These actions by Fascist Donnie are clearly anti-USA. So, when our Idiot-in-Chief lashes out against elected officials who are opposed to the moron in the White House a nerve is touched.
    Trump has been called out by historical author Jon Meacham as matching the most racist president in American history. As we recall, Racist Donnie was a key figure in the “Birther” movement against President Obama.
    The Cretin said, “The Democratic Congresswomen have been spewing some of the most vile, hateful, and disgusting things ever said by a politician…”
    Was this imbecile speaking about himself? It sure sounds like it. Does anyone believe that the White Nationalist Republican Party would have been quiet if President Obama called out specific ReCons as “vile, disgusting, hateful “White Supremacists and that they should leave the country if they aren’t happy with his policies? Doubtful!
    Fascist Donnie said, “Why isn’t the House voting to rebuke the filthy and hate laced things they have said?” We can say that about the White Nationalist Republican Party regarding Trump’s filthy and hate-based comments against women, immigrants, and anyone questioning his legitimacy.
    The Cretin is so mentally unstable and dysfunctional that he tweeted, “Those Tweets were NOT Racist. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body!”

    Maybe he can direct the lemmings in his party that he is NOT a Racist, but the majority of the population isn’t convinced.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Fascist Donnie Trump- The American Fuehrer

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    We have Nazis in the White House. It’s shameful that surrounding Fascist Donnie are Jews that have hitched their wagons to the American Fuehrer. Trump’s Nazi collaborators are:

·      Ivanka Trump

    These people attached to Fuehrer Trump believe that taking immigrants fleeing violence, oppression, poverty and the results of climate change support separating children from mothers, and then, say nothing and do nothing when they are placed in cages under inhumane conditions. This is Trump’s concentration camp agenda.
    Now, the American Fuehrer and his newly created Gestapo are planning door-to-door raids in targeted cities in order to round up undocumented immigrants working in those cities.
These Jewish fascists surrounding their American Fuehrer have forgotten that similar actions were done by Russians during the early 20th century Pogroms slaughtering innocent Jews forcing thousands to flee to safe havens, who were just trying to eek out a living and raise their families. Later, Hitler rounded up Jews, and then, placed them in concentration camps.

    Also, surrounding the American Fuehrer are fascist Christians with Mikie Pence leading the charge. The White House has a Bible study group, and here are some of the members: Vice-President Mike Pence. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Ralph Drollinger, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Energy Secretary Rick Perry. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The list goes on.

    In addition to the American Fuehrer, we have corporate fascists enabling the erosion of democracy by allowing propaganda to be spread through social media ads. Mark Zuckerberg has permitted lies and manipulation of facts to be spread on his platform. Britain’s Brexit movement had lies and the manipulation of facts to be spread across the platform in the form of ads many of which were created by Trump’s billionaire pal, Mercer, who owns Cambridge Analytica. This source of propaganda also engaged in spreading fake news on behalf of
Donald Trump’s campaign. The Koch brothers are another major force in the spread of corporate fascism.
    Britain is seeking accountability, and has tried to force Zuckerberg to testify before Parliament. He has refused. The American White Nationalist Congress has not cared to fix this fascist agenda to further move The United States toward fascism and Market Leninism.
    Jews fled violence, oppression, and worse to places, such as The United States and Canada for protection and a new life. The White House’s Jewish fascists have turned away from their history to join The American Fuehrer’s attack against poor people living in the country, and wanting permission to enter the country.
    Fuehrer Donnie told some freshman Democratic congresswomen should “go back and help fix” the countries they came from. Fascist Donnie was basically telling those women of color to leave America.
    How about that Furhrer Donnie leave The United States and go back to where HE came from. He originated from the Bavarian part of Germany. Donnie needs to go back there and leave us alone.

Fascist Donnie said this about a few freshman Democratic congresswomen of color:

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” his thread continued. “Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”

Then he said that they should apologize to him and the country for their "disgusting and horrible actions." How about Fascist Donnie apologize to the nation for being the country's number one imbecile and his disgusting and horrible actions!

Let’s deport Trump back to Germany.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Fascist Donnie Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump’s direction toward his use of an executive order to add a citizenship question on the census form is more of an effort to further his fascist agenda. Adding a citizenship question will keep those living in the country who are not citizens from completing the form, and therefore, will not be included in the numbers gathering process within their community and voting district even though they are living, working, and contributing to the economy of that community will be seen as invisible people. This will solidify white conservative representation because the undocumented people will be seen as non-existent allowing voting districts to be drawn based upon only those who are documented citizens.
     60 million Hispanic people live in America. Most were born here. They deserve to be heard politically and to be represented properly. By manipulating the census form to only count citizens, millions of people working in the country, and contributing to the economy, will be counted.
    Trump’s announcement to direct officials to raid the homes where undocumented workers live sounds like what Nazis did when they arrested millions of Jews in Germany. Trump is a full-blown fascist.
    His mistreatment and family separation policy at the southern border and caging people under inhumane conditions solidifies Trump’s fascist leanings.

    Anyone standing with Trump in the White House is a fascist, too. Those Jews working for Trump must be self-hating, self-loathing Jews, since they are participants in Trump’s fascist agenda. Any Jew who isn’t disgusted by Trump’s immigration policy, as well as his census agenda, has ignored their own history.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Donnie Dimwit And The Fourth of July Celebration

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    President Narcissism sporting his Putin signaling red tie made the 4th of July celebration into a RepubliKKKan pep rally for reelection. It always has to be about him.
    The White House redirected the funds for rows of tanks, flyovers, and excessive majestic fireworks out of the National Parks Service’s budget, which suffered losses during the government shutdown. The Cretin didn’t care. It always has to be about him.
    Trump decided to give a long speech at the Lincoln Memorial. In his dysfunctional brain, he believed the U.S. army “manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and Fort Henry [during the American Revolution]…”.

    What airports, Donnie Dimwit?

Dimwit Donnie said, "That flub about airports and planes during the Revolutionary War---the teleprompter made me do it. America knows how great I am. They know I am the smartest president ever. They know that I am not that stupid."

    Who we have in the Oval Office is the dumbest guy ever to sit at the desk flanked by his dimwitted daughter. He is a global embarrassment. The leaders of the free world don’t understand how we could elect such a moron. No doubt, they all realize he was an incompetent business guy, when left to his devices.

    The protestors displayed who Trump really is---an inflated, pouty-faced, oversized baby Trump.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Trump And His Sherman Tanks

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

     The Manhattan Troglodyte emerged from his high rise cave donning his bleached combover rag with a spray orange skin tone making promises to gullible voters desiring a whites-only national initiative with a focus on the top 1 percent. What he delivered has been a permanent damage to the farmer’s foodstuff exports as China found substitutes from other countries, a tax cut that further enriched the top 1 percent, while dishing out small change to the bottom 90 percent, and an unfulfilled promise to reform health care and prescription drug pricing. And then there is climate change. This creature from the Manhattan sewer swamp, has pretended to solve the immigration influx, resulting from poverty, violence and climate change, by warehousing them in concentration camp-like facilities plagued by inhumane conditions.
    The Cretin-in-Chief has felt most comfortable hand-holding with the world’s most despicable autocrats and exchanging love letters with these murderers. During yearly G-20 summits, Trump meets in secret with Vladimir Putin in order to receive instructions, since Trump is Putin’s Idiot Asset. Trump’s foreign policy is nothing more than a reality t.v. show script. The red-tie wearing Russian asset has no substance, or long range goals for the country. He only cares about making money for The Trump Organization from his seat in the White House.
     As the Fourth of July inches closer, The Cretin-in-Chief is planning to have military tanks at The Washington Mall for display. The Cretin loves to play with his toy tanks in the Oval Office Day Care Center. Now, he is wetting his pants knowing that there will be “brand new Sherman tanks” on display. Sadly, The Cretin had it wrong. There are NO NEW Sherman tanks anymore. They are vintage tanks, at this point in time. They have been mothballed. Some refurbished models will be available for the Manhattan Troglodyte to caress.
    Since his autocratic love-buddies have military parades, The Cretin wants to politicize this Fourth of July celebration, since Harry Truman was president.

    Will Donnie Demento wear his Putin red tie, and his Commander-in-Chief jacket when he speaks to the crowd at one of the memorials? We will be watching.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Trump and Lil'Kim's Hugfest at the DMZ

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump said, “I think he understands me and I think I understand him”, when speaking about Lil’Kim of North Korea. The Cretin said that ‘Obama wanted to meet with Kim, tried very hard and failed. Obama tried very hard over and over but Kim turned him down.’
    This is a really, really, big, terrific, fantastic, beautiful lie. Obama never tried to meet with Lil’Kim. Obama wouldn’t meet with Kim without real change coming from it. Obama knew that Kim would try and manipulate the “summit” had it happened. The fact is that Trump believes he is negotiating and accomplishing a miracle when, in fact, Kim uses Trump to step onto the world stage.  Trump hasn’t accomplished anything, except to bring home a beaten, dying American held illegally by North Korea.
    Kim has stopped, temporarily, his nuclear testing in order to look reasonable in exchange for photo ops, hand shakes, and his visible flaunting of his walk-around the economic sanctions, as seen with his big, black Rolls Royce limo that delivered him to the DMZ meeting with Trump.
    The American Clown-in-Chief, with his Family Fools in tow, arrived at the DMZ’s gift shop looking to bring home duty-free trinkets and tchotchkes to show off to their friends by bragging that they were the first Americans to visit the DMZ.
    The Cretin and his Family Fools keep shaking hands with Lil’Kim over and over again in hopes, that one day, The Trump Organization might build a resort and golf course on the Sea of Japan, and the Gulf of West Korea.

    Speaking of Trump and golf, here is a newly controversial cartoon: