Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ivanka Trump--A Family Grifter

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Ivanka-the grifter-Trump claimed ‘increasing the federal minimum wage and guaranteeing jobs to everyone in the U.S. is not what most Americans want’, spoken by a person who was born with a platinum spoon stuck up her privileged and snooty nose.
    “I don’t think most Americans, in their heart(s), want to be given something. People want to work for what they get”, spoken by an elite, spoiled Trump brat, who was given an elite education, a job within the Trump Organization and handed money to exploit foreign workers to manufacturer her fashion line employing many, many foreign sweatshop workers in foreign lands instead of American workers in cities and towns where jobs are needed. She is a con-artist grifter, who has spent years polishing her con upon many gullible investors who want a piece of the smoke and mirror Trump dream.
    Brat-Girl Ivanka didn’t work for what she was given by Daddy Trump, just as Daddy Trump was given millions upon millions of dollars from a very early childhood age by Freddie Trump. Brat-Girl was supported by Daddy Trump so she could get what she wanted to further her own ambitions, just as her father was handed a moneymaking shell game of a business called The Trump Organization. This family is a KKKlan of grifters performing their con-job circus act upon would-be investors.
    Brat-Girl told the American people that an increase in the minimum wage was a bad ideal. An approximate $15.00 minimum wage would boost the economy because such earners would spend most of what they earned circulating those dollars in local communities, which in itself creates new jobs.
     Mitch-the cowardly turtle-McKKKonnell said, “…as you might expect, now that an incident of very real voter fraud has become national news and the Republican candidate seems-seems-to have benefited, these long-standing Democratic talking points have been really quiet.”
    Does The Disgusting Turtle ever make any sense? What is he talking about? Isn’t Kentucky a bit embarrassed to see this clown from their state speak total nonsense and support a fool of a president who doesn’t give a hoot about the people of Kentucky? Just as Michael Cohen has stated, ‘Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump. He doesn’t care one bit about the country; only his own ambition and to profit off of his position as president.’ The Kentuckians who voted for McKKKonnell and Trump have gained very little from their wealth gathering Washington representatives. The two of them have made promises that have gone unfulfilled. Guns and Bibles don’t bring jobs, quality health care, quality education, and prosperity to the suffering people of Kentucky.
    The fact is that Republican Mark Harris of North Carolina committed voter fraud. McKKKonnell has to twist reality. Hey Mitch, your boy committed voter fraud! It has nothing to do with Democrats.
    Yes, Democrats have pushed to make voting accessible to every eligible voter. Republican White Nationalists don’t like that idea because they would likely lose elections if everyone voted. The Koch brothers, who support these Republican White Nationalists, agree with the idea of restricting and limiting voting rights. Democrats opposed the GOP’s plan to restrict voting rights, such as requiring a voter I.D. Hey Senator Turtle, voter I.D. wouldn’t have stopped Mark Harris’ voter fraud.
    McKKKonnell’s brain isn’t working very well these days. He appears to be losing reality. He supports Trump’s actions even though when Obama did the same stuff, The Turtle opposed those actions, such as the use of executive powers to go around Congress. Mitch needs to go back to his swamp in Kentucky, from out of which he crawled.
    Now, Mark Harris has decided to pull out of the new congressional race, which had to be redone because of Harris’ voter fraud and illegal misdeeds.

   The scum filled Republican White Nationalist party members continue to spew their thoughts and actions to support their disgusting criminal mobster wannabee leader pretending to be president proves and illustrates their profound ignorance and betrayal of the United States of America!
   On a final note, the Trump-Lil'Kim play date in Hanoi, Vietnam is nothing but a photo shoot and a BFF hug fest for two losers who desire a massive amount of attention. Trump says, "I love him." It is a cry for legitimacy. Lil'Kim wants to be accepted by the leaders of the world. He is playing a game and using the United States and The Cretin as tools to achieve a level of legitimacy around the world. He has no plans for disarming his nuclear ambitions, nor ending his oppressive human rights violations. He is a murderer of his own people and that won't end. Trump doesn't care. What Trump does see are "beautiful beaches where resorts and hotels will one day be built." If that doesn't tell you something, then nothing will. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Kim-Trump Bromance Continues

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

  “I got beautiful letters from him [Lil’Kim]. We fell in love. They say, ‘how horrible the president fell in love with him’. He has never had a relationship like this before. It’s a beautiful relationship. North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat. They have disarmed.”
    Trump has discussed with his swamp lizards if he can pull U.S. soldiers from South Korea, which causes Lil’Kim to rub his hands in excitement to see happen.
    Now, Lil’Kim is waiting for his BFF to show up in Vietnam so they can resume their Man-Crush and play with their action figures. Kim has been meeting with Vietnam leaders getting briefings on the Vietnam miracle that happened after the war ended proving that economic development can actually materialized. Kim desires such a miracle to happen, but he would have to give up his nuclear weapons development. Will he be willing to move forward as a nuclear-free country? Can his Man-Crush Trump make it happen? It is believed that Kim wants it both ways—keep his nuclear weapons and see an economic miracle happen for his country.
    The Cretin love tyrants. He loves Kim. His pal is the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. He is given direction from Vladimir Putin. Donnie loves to push around and threaten America’s free press, and demagogues anyone who disagrees with him. The Cretin loves tyrants and wishes to be one. He acted as a tyrant in his business relationships, as well. Here is an example of Trump the business tyrant.
    Now in the courts is a major lawsuit against Trump Org, which is made of Donnie, and this three adult grifter Cretins. The lawsuit, filed in the Southern District of New York, says that Trump Org aimed their marketing scheme at teenagers by colluding with a marketing group called ACM Opportunity. They preyed upon people who paid this telecommunications marketing company which promised to teach the Trump “secrets” on how to become a business success, photo ops with The Donald, a magazine called “Success from Home”, featuring an article titled “The Trumps of Tomorrow”, and to teach teenagers, and others, business strategies, techniques, and opportunities.
    ACN, a non-profit a vitamin and health product marketing company, and part of the Trump Network, along with the Trump’s scamming enterprise—the Trump Institute were suggested to sell Trump’s business magic. This all happened between 2005 to 2015, which brushed up against his campaign to the White House. 
    The lawsuit alleges that The Cretin’s grifter children “profited off the poor, seeking to enrich themselves by systematically defrauding economically marginalized people looking to invest in their educations, start their own business, and pursue the American dream.” It also claims that The Cretin and his three adult grifter children “deliberately misled” people wanting to invest in their futures through these educational opportunities.
    The lawsuit claims the Trumps were involved in “a pattern of racketeering activity” and “were aware that the vast majority of consumers would lose whatever money they invested in the business opportunities and training programs”.
    Also, The Cretin is demanding that the House Judiciary panel stop investigating the Trump Organization. I guess he is very afraid of what they might find out about him and his Cretin grifter adult children.

    It sure appears that The Cretin and his little Cretins are business tyrants and exploiters. They took advantage of hopeful people who want a better life for themselves and their families. Sadly, they believed that the grifter family—the Trumps had something legitimate to offer them. Donnie has followed suit once he became president. He sold his base voters a bag full of air. He scammed them into believing he had something legitimate to offer them.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Donald Trump's Oscar's Moment

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

We all have to wonder about the competencies of the people who surround The Cretin as he pretends to be our president. We have seen several of Trump’s lieutenants indicted and begin their jail sentences.  We have seen several of Trump’s department secretaries fired over their incompetence to protect the nation from corporate greed. Scott Pruitt, Jeff Sessions, and others represented corporate objectives and not the nation from, for example, being poisoned.
    Now, we have learned that Jared “OVER HIS HEAD” Kushner has, once again, decided to use his inherited wealth and family business to overspend for over-valued properties. After Jared’s sleazy father went to prison, he went ahead and overspent on a Manhattan skyscraper in 2007 just as the nation’s real estate market went down the toilet (Why he wasn’t paying attention shows his overall stupidity.). The building cost $1.8B, ultimately crashing in value and placing Kushner Cos. into near bankruptcy crushing Jared’s investors into receiving pennies on the dollar as their investment circled down the Kushner toilet. Jared’s over-inflated ego and incompetence proved the guy is a complete fool with poor business skills. This might be why Jared went to Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince with his Halloween bucket hoping that MBS might toss in a couple million dollars for Jared’s Bailout Go Fund Me account. No doubt, Jared’s position in The Cretin White House is a way to buy business funding influence with such people as MBS. And, in return, Saudi Arabia gets a YUUGE arms deal from Trump.
    Recently, Jared fell into another questionable business deal. He spent $1.1B on 6,000 apartment units sold by Lone Star Funds, which are located in Maryland and Virginia. If the math calculation is correct, each unit appears to cost approximately $170,000 per apartment. To most people, Jared overpaid for those apartments. It seems that charging around $2,000.00 per month for an apartment might be a bit too high when doing comparison shopping for a place to live. Forking up a $2,000.00 security deposit, and another $2,000.00 for last month’s rent, totaling $6,000.00, and maybe a fee for a private parking spot, just to move in seems a little steep.
    The Cretin has surrounded himself with people with repeatedly poor judgment, such as Manafort, Flynn, Pruitt, Session, Huckabee Sanders, Kushner, Whittaker, Ivanka, and Cohen, just to name some of his White Nationalist lock-steppers.
    The Cretin is now promising America the biggest and BE BESTEST 4th of July extravaganza. Oh Boy. I can’t wait.
    He spends all his time trying to satisfy his White Nationalist base and not every American. He is focused on getting his wall built by hook or by crook. It appears, since his executive power grab will be tied up in lawsuits, these legal actions will likely prevent construction before the 2020 presidential election. And now, 58 former presidential secretaries have signed a protest document objecting to The Cretin’s presidential executive power overreach by declaring a national emergency in order to build his version of Mt. Rushmore on the southern border in the form of a big, beautiful and strong wall with his signature engraved on each steel slat.
    Also, to please his Christian Reichwing, this Justice department has written briefs supporting Christian-Reich groups in their local lawsuits to make sure they can rent local community government spaces, to the objection of those local officials, for their religious meetings and gatherings, as well as to make sure that private business owners can refuse their services to those in the LGBTQ community, and to make sure that Native Americans, who object to gas and oil pipeline kleptocrats from invading their religious, spiritual and cultural sacred lands, from winning their lawsuits. If you are a White Nationalist, and Reichwing Christian, The Cretin’s administration stands behind your lawsuits, but if you don’t fit in to this special interest group, you are on your own and don’t have the protections of the U.S. Justice department.
    The Cretin is desperate to hold on to his shrinking base. Donnie Demented maybe a bit nervous if he is to be challenged for the White Nationalist Republican party’s presidential nomination by Maryland’s Republican governor, Larry Hogan.
    The Cretin believes he and his slimy swamp lizard team that he dragged out from behind the Deep State curtain believes that they are enforcing religious liberties. But, when an activist began distributing food and water to undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border because he felt it was his religious responsibility to help others in dire need, he was taken to court by the Justice department forcing him to stop such humanitarian aid because it violated the principles of the Trump administration’s goals to stop illegal border crossings.
    In just a few days, the Russian Idiot Asset president will be packing up his Lil’ Kim action figure and head out to Vietnam to meet with his North Korean BFF, just as Kim and his luxury Choo Choo pulls into the station. Will Donnie be there with a bouquet of roses for his playmate? Will Donnie be wearing his 10 foot long red tie? Will Donnie ask Lil’Kim to sniff his fingers again? Will Lil’Kim get more photo ops giving him greater respectability among his people as a big shot in the world because he is smiling and shaking hands with The Cretin, as well as credibility among other Third World leaders?

    This will likely be The Cretin’s Red Carpet Oscar’s moment.

Friday, February 22, 2019

The Actual Deep State

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

There’s been this belief by Republicans that embedded within our government lives a Deep State—liberals who work below the radar, as a group, to undermine our current president. Surrounding The Cretin are people with questionable credibility, such as Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi, both conspiracy theorists. Such wackadoodles are tied to Moscow and Russian oligarchs.
    Republicans, or in other words, White Nationalists, have been stirring up their paranoid and frightened base, mostly made up of white folks, for decades. It could be a creation of the Koch brothers or a design concocted by one of their think tanks.
    The ruse is that liberals and career government employees afraid of losing their jobs undercut and sabotage the political agendas of those very elected Republicans.
    It’s all a big slight-of-hand trick. If you say it enough times, then the Kool-Aid drinkers will eventually believe it. But, what is the real trick is that the Deep State exists under plain sight. What if the Deep State is not made up of career politicians—liberals or otherwise, but Republican White Nationalists often trained in the ideological playbook written by the Koch brothers, their Vladimir Lenin theorists, their think tanks, their right-wing conferences and university classrooms who are working to erode our democracy, our social safety nets, our desires for equal pay and equal rights, affordable health care, safe and affordable drugs, clean air, water and soils, safe food, sustainable energy, and more.
    What if the Deep State is actually a cover for autocracy, kleptocracy, and right wing Supreme Court rulings (Clarence Thomas to reexamine the 1960s case New York Times v. Sullivan) on behalf of the kleptocrats with their sights on the eventual control of the media and of free and objective information? What if it’s the eventual legitimizing of a wannabee gangster, dimwitted Russian asset puppet president who takes his orders from Russian assets inside the White House and in the Congress?
   What if the Rightwing autocrats have been trying to distract the country from seeing that the Deep State is actually them by using their visual media propaganda spewing talking heads and print media influences to convince their base that the Deep State is not actually them, but those who oppose them?
    The Koch brothers and others started all of this back in the late 1950’s furthering and legitimizing their actual Deep State White Nationalist agenda gathering more and more momentum to this day whereby they finally elected their choice into the White House. They chose Trump because he was already a compromised perfect stooge. A stupid sociopath with repressed development—a man-child with limited intelligence with difficulty processing serious and difficult information. This made him controllable and malleable. He is not capable of taking full control and becoming the mastermind of his political agenda, which might scare the very base of voters he first convinced to vote for him. The takeover of the country by a brilliant and convincing authoritarian would have to be gradual in order to convince voters to allow the takeover of state governments and the U.S. Congress so the nation’s executive would have full and commanding control of the country.
    The current executive has failed in the mission designed by his handlers because he has been stupid and sloppy choosing greedy and delusional, as well as clumsy, lieutenants to act on his behalf and help cover his misdeeds, criminal and colluding activities and conspiracies. The choice of Trump by the senior commanders of the White Nationalist party was inept because The Cretin had been incapable of proving he had the skills and intelligence to pull off a successful presidency, since he was a bungling and incompetent business executive. Trump had his commanders fooled, just as he had his voting base fooled. Unfortunately, many in his voting base cannot see through the smoke this dirty trickster has clouded before them.
    Sadly, there are too many people, who march in lockstep, who accept this destruction to our democracy and way of life by their favored politicians who desire autocratic and authoritarian political systems, which resulted in Americans losing their lives as they fought to reject it! Donald Trump and his Deep State associates believe in those abhorrent political systems that took the lives of Americans who stood up to defend democracy against those abhorrent political systems.
    When will Americans realize that Donald Trump must be expelled from his position as the President of the United States? When will they realize that he is an incompetently dangerous person who has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, and is incapable of fulfilling his duties because of the criminal cases that have been filed against him?

   It is time to unmask the truth about the Deep State and how it came about, as well as who are the fabricators of this fantasy. It is time to shed light upon the fabricators of this fantasy who are rooted in Moscow, with Putin, and within the global White Nationalist- White Supremacist movement.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Sewer Rat President Donald Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The sewer rats scurrying around the White House are honing their authoritarian skills possibly to the detriment to their own survival. They convinced the Moron-in-Chief to proclaim the nation to be in dire need of a national security proclamation in order to build a Mt. Rushmore-like monument to the dirtiest of all rats-Donald J. Trump.
    The Cretin signed a proclamation declaring a national emergency even after he dismissed its seriousness when he said, “I didn’t really need to do it. I just wanted to make things go faster.” There are currently several lawsuits challenging Trump’s go-around of Congress to feed his greedy, self-aggrandizing demented ego in order to build a wall to memorializing his failed presidency was a concern when the authors of the Constitution created it. They were fearful of the abuse of presidential executive overreach. Subverting Congress through presidential overreach is what Trump is doing today. Now we have to wonder if Trump has walked himself into being impeached? Nixon faced the Articles of Impeachment as a result of his abuse of his presidential powers. A president can be removed from office for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Presidential abuse of powers fits into this definition.
    “The powers relating to impeachment are, as before intimated an essential check in the hands of [Congress] upon the encroachments of the executive” was written by Alexander Hamilton.
    Trump seems to be raising his middle finger at Congress by forcing the courts to back his stealing of public funds to build his wall, which is an abuse of presidential overreach to obtain his goals.
    In 1971, Nixon proclaimed a national emergency as a way to go around Congress to say there was a national emergency regarding the nation’s financial reserves and to impose an additional 10% surcharge on certain imports.
    What is now known as the Federal Circuit Court in D.C., wrote a decision at the time in response to a lawsuit filed against the Nixon overreach which said, “Though such a broad grant may be considered unwise, or even dangerous should it come into the hands of an unscrupulous, rampant president, willing to declare an emergency when none exists, the wisdom of a Congressional declaration is not for us to decide.”
    Was this 1971 court decision foreshadowing Donald Trump’s “unscrupulous” proclamation?
    In 1974, Nixon had three Articles of Impeachment filed against him by Congress based upon presidential misconduct, as was included in the Constitution.
    Today The Cretin continues to go around Congress as he decided to give Saudi Arabia nuclear technology resources. And, The Cretin asked the temporary and former acting A.G. Matthew Whitaker to ask an attorney, a Trump appointee, from the Southern District of N.Y. to take over the Michael Cohen case. This sounds like another abuse of presidential powers by attempting to influence an active justice department case that involves him.

    It now seems to be the right time for Congress to proceed as Congress did in 1971 to begin Trump’s impeachment.

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Nobel Peace Prize

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

“Hello Prime Minister [Shinzo] Abe, this is Mike Pence, President Trump’s able successor if he were to get impeached.”
“Hello Putz.”
“No Mr. Prime Minister, it’s Pence.”
“Why are you calling me?”
“I’m calling because there has been talk in the President’s Daycare Center that you are the only possible world leader who could nominate President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.”
“What is the president doing that required YOU to call me with your request?”
“The President is playing war with his favorite action figures pretending to fight his liberal enemies in order to retain control of his big wall, while wearing his Space Force jammies.”
“Oh My God!!!” “You want me to make this recommendation?”
 “Yes, you sir.”
“Why would you think I would recommend Trump for such a distinguished prize?”
“If you would, we would consider lowering Japan’s tariffs, if you would kindly do so.”
“OK. I will write the letter. Does Mr. Trump actually believe the nominating committee would consider him? The guy is a wannabee dumbass gangster.”
“Let us deal with all that. Please, just write the letter. Thank you Prime Minister. Good-bye.”

While standing in the Rose Garden, President Doophus said, “I just recently had a letter read to me written by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, of Japan, recommending me for this thing they call the Nobel Peace Prize.” “President Obama got one after being president for 15 seconds. He had no idea why he got one. I know I probably won’t get it. I won’t hold my breath.”

We are all hoping you would hold your breath.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Trump's Overreaching Use Of Executive Powers

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Cretin, in his third grader typical self, downplayed the fact that his signed proclamation to get his wall built will be challenged in court. He used his “na-na-na” sing-songy voice to make light that his proclamation will be challenged in the courts.
    This is how it went:

    “I expect to be sued.
      They’ll sue us in the 9th circuit

       [They’ll sue us as we work it,
        They’ll sue us when we break it]

      And even though it shouldn’t be there,
      And we’ll possibly get a bad ruling,
      And then we’ll get another bad ruling,
      And then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court,
      And hopefully we’ll get a fair shake
      And we’ll win in the Supreme Court.”

      [And we’ll spin the Supreme Court]

    La, la, la, na, na, na, blah, blah, blah.

    For over a year, Trump’s been fuming and scheming to subvert Congress and use his executive powers to declare a national emergency in order to steal funds from wherever his dirty, pathetic, sticky little fingers can find them for his legacy wall.
    Trump publicly said, “I could do the wall over a longer period of time, didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster.”
    What his statement clearly indicated was that there was actually no national emergency, but only political motivation. There is no emergency. The facts are clear about this. Trump continues to insist that “they lie” when it comes to the facts about the number of immigrant crossings, desert crossings, and checkpoint crossings.
    The Cretin said he didn’t need to do the proclamation. He admitted he was scamming the American people in order to build his legacy wall, a wall with his signature would be embossed upon its surface for all to see as they rode golf carts along the Trumpian border wall with autographed glossy photos of the worst president in American history, which The Cretin insisted for a very long time that Mexico was going to pay for it. They didn’t. In his dreams, Americans end up paying for it.
    This is how he has done many of his business dealings. He says he will pay for the project, but then, the project goes bust and his investors end up getting a fraction of their investment recovered, while Trump and his Cretin Klan walk away fully funded and intact.
    No doubt, The Cretin will end up long gone, and hopefully trying to defend himself before the Southern District court of New York, before the U.S. Supreme Court rules on his use of executive powers that falsely proclaimed the nation experienced a year long, on and off, national emergency, which is why the president insisted in a blasé manner that he needed funding for a wall that never needed to be built so as to keep the country safe from undocumented immigrants invading the country from Mexican murderers and criminals as they carried satchels overflowing with drugs across the desert.
    The Senate majority leader, the senior ranking obstructionist turtle, McConnell stuck his out his head from his stinky, moldy shell to say, “…Democrats decision to put partisan obstruction ahead of the national interest.” This dirty, scumbag seemed to forget that he obstructed Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Eric Garland, from getting an up or down Senate vote. This sleazy White Nationalist Party clown continued his worthless rhetoric when he said, “I urge my Democratic colleagues to quickly get serious, and put partisanship aside…”

    Hey Mitch the Turtle, they are serious. Damn serious. Your partisanship has gotten in their way. Now it is time to get out of their way.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Donald J. Trump Fell Off His Wall

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Man-Child Cretin president left the Oval Office daycare center carrying his two favorite autocratic action figures chanting loudly, “Build that wall. Build that wall!!” KellyAnn was seen marching in lockstep behind The Cretin as he chanted his meme.
    Later, they dressed the Idiot-in-Chief, choosing a blue tie instead of his favorite red one, and stood him before a microphone so he could declare his so-called national emergency so he can build his legacy wall. He has proposed stealing billions of dollars from federal military construction emergency projects, as well as from counter-drug programs.
    The tantruming Trump doesn’t seem to understand or care that his national emergency will get tied up in the courts and will never materialize into a wall. “I am going to be signing a national emergency” The Cretin proclaimed from the Rose Garden. He went on to emphasize that brown people have started “an invasion of our country.”
    The Cretin was unable to complete one of his most important challenging statements before his base, since becoming president. He failed to speak in a complete sentence, once again. His handlers, no doubt, did not prep him for the Rose Garden proclamation. He must have written those words on a torn sheet of coloring paper. He left off a possible choice of words, one option being “declaration document”, which would complete his fragmented sentence, “I am going to be signing a national emergency [declaration document].” Huh? A national emergency is not like signing a picture of Trump with his squeeze Stormy Daniels, or a balloon. A national emergency is not something you can actually sign.
    The Cretin fantasized that he will spend $8B on his border wall project using funds from what was legally allocated in the Congressional bill and illegally through his capturing of funds through the national emergency.
    Trump failed to accomplish his number one campaign pledge, which he proclaimed would be fulfilled if he were to be elected president. His number one pledge, which he promised from the mountaintop, has been toppled. Many Republicans, or one must say, White Nationalists, defected from their great leader’s demands and voted for the Congressional law, which is strong enough to sustain a presidential veto. Trumpty Dumpty fell off his wall. Mexico didn’t pay for his wall. Instead, The Cretin then demanded that the American people pay for his legacy wall.
    Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer made a joint statement which stated, that such an action by the president would be a “lawless act, a gross abuse of the power of the presidency, and a desperate attempt to distract” from Trump’s own incompetence. They then stated, “Congress will defend our constitutional authorities.” We know what that means. If Trump follows through with his signing of a national security emergency document, then he will see major pushback. His backdoor method of stealing government funds will likely get tied up in the courts for the next two years.

    The Cretin will do anything to keep his base from storming Mar-A-Lago scaring off all the undocumented workers that are on his payroll. His fellow cretins at Fox News have turned on him, too. His fellow White Nationalists in Congress have turned on him, as well. They may have finally realized that standing with him may do more harm for their reelection efforts than standing with him. We may see more defections on future congressional votes and more bipartisan votes that would be veto proof. This may be the beginning of the end for Trump.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Trump Hits The Wall Again

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Congress has been working on a bipartisan bill to provide funding for keeping the government operating through September in hopes of avoiding a Cretin declared shutdown. Also the bill provides funding for securing the southern border.
    The Cretin said, “I’m not happy. I may find funding for the wall elsewhere.” He also said, “I’ve already started building the wall.” Everyone in Congress just nod their heads to placate the Idiot-in-Chief even though The Cretin has not been building his big, beautiful, and strong wall. The only wall he is building is in the Oval Office’s daycare center with his big red cardboard bricks.
    This moron doesn’t comprehend reality. He doesn’t live in reality. He is a delusional sociopath. He doesn’t appear to understand that he lies more often than anyone else that has stepped foot in the White House. His world is made up of lies. This shapes his world. He fabricates a world in which he alone lives in. It appears that tells himself many lies in order to feed his fragile ego even though those lies are not based in any facts. He pretends to have been a smart and capable business person when, in fact, he used his much more capable staff to assemble his business deals. They negotiated the deals. The Cretin just signed the paperwork, while his staff stroked his ego by telling him he is a terrific business negotiator. This strategy kept him from exploding and tantruming. He needs to be seen as the most capable person in the room.
    He tells Americans he is building the wall and will finish it. He has not built a wall as he has described over the years. What has been built are sections of barriers that have decayed or been found to need replacing with upgraded materials. There are no new sections of Trump’s big, beautiful and strong wall slats or made of concrete. He has made this statement up. He tells his gullible base that he has already been building his wall. And, that he will look for available funds elsewhere to finish his legacy wall. This means that he will use Executive Powers to capture funds from other agencies to build his non-existent wall. The issue is that if he declares a National Security crisis to steal funds, it will be challenged in court because the president has already said that he has been building his wall, even though this is a lie. The courts will say that if he is building his wall, then there is no national security crisis.

    The Cretin has hit the wall again.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Trump And His Border Wall Fantasy

Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Cretin said, "We're doing things. We're doing fantastic things. We're moving things around." What is he talking about? Does he even know what "things" means? It is clear, The Cretin has no idea what he is talking about. He just flaps his mouth with unknown thoughts pouring out.
    The Idiot-in-Chief went to El Paso, Texas in order to spew a brain full of lies. He told his base that "we will finish the wall". This moron has no idea that none of his wall has even been built other than those wall prototypes. What is being planned along a 14 mile section of the southern border's Rio Grande Valley is a barrier, which has not been finalized, and replacing sections of border barriers with upgraded materials. Sections of rotten and worn out fencing has been upgraded. Only about a third of the southern border has a man-made barrier.
    When The Cretin says he IS building the wall as we speak is a big fat lie. The only wall this moron is building are walls at his Lego table in the Oval Office play school.
    Trump has been pontificating about building a big, beautiful and strong wall since he first walked out onto the campaign trail, and that Mexico was going to pay for it. Then it morphed into a plan where we would pay for it, but Mexico would then reimburse us for it. Then it devolved into what we are seeing today. NO WALL. Trump failed to get his legacy wall. A structure that would have his signature embossed upon it. His version of Mt. Rushmore. He failed just as he has failed to accomplish a single populist action. 
    What he has accomplished is a significant amount of time engaged in "Loafing Time"playing with his authoritarian action figures, and time at his Lego table building big, beautiful and strong walls of plastic bricks. He spends his time watching T.V.. No doubt, he has to have the border security bill read to him because his brain is too damaged to comprehend the bill if he were to read the bill without any tutoring by his staff.
    It looks like we will be spared another government shutdown now that Trump has been told by members of the White Nationalist Party in the Senate to sign the bill, which will fund the government until September. The Cretin was told by his WNP that this bill provides a "down payment" for his wall funding. This teaser gave the Man-Child President hope that he may get more funding in September. We will see if The Cretin is still standing in September.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Trump Is A Socialist President

Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Cretin is following the Republican, ie. White Nationalist party, platform, which has been dictated by the Koch brothers. They continue to believe that socialism for the rich is the way government should function. Trickle Down economics has been the WNPs agenda since Reagan, and David Stockman's economic plan for the country. The Trickle Down belief has always been the view that by giving big tax cuts to the rich they will eventually trickle down prosperity to those below. This absurd view has been discredited for decades, yet people like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and others find it to be the only way to please the rich. It has never worked.
    Yet, this view of economics is socialism. Giving away money to people who don't deserve it. It is more cake for the rich to stuff their faces. They end up taking that money and moving it into off-shore money shelters, buying up more stock buybacks at discounted prices, and other tax sheltering vehicles. This is a huge con on the American people. 
    Trump continues this con job. He used government dollars for national infrastructure projects and gave it as a massive tax cut for the rich, while middle America got conned. This also happens when big corporations, like Amazon, shop around for the best tax breaks and free monies to locate or relocate new operations with the promise of jobs, which ends up costing the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars for each new job. The local communities end up with having to increase local taxes, after giving up tax dollars for the promised new jobs, in order to hire more municipal office workers, police and fire professionals, as well as spending for local school building expansion projects and personnel hiring. This con job occurs at the state and large city level, as well as smaller suburban communities. Often we see this expansion of socialism to the big corporations, which ends up never paying for itself, to ask for the local municipality and state to pick up the tab for sewer and utility improvements.
    The White Nationalist Party thrives off of socialism, yet chastised people for wanting expansion of social programs, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, as well as better services for the Veteran's Administration. 
   Back when the economy failed during 2008 under the Lil'BoyBush presidency, the bankstas demanded bank bailouts, after scaring the nation into believing that the economy would be worse than the Great Depression if they were not bailed out. This was their way of manipulating the situation. They didn't have to give up a darn thing, such as getting broken up into smaller entities. Today, these banks are bigger than ever giving a newer definition of Too Big To Fail. It ended up giving bailouts for bankstas who crashed the economy who bought and sold fake collateralized debt obligations and mortgages 10 times over. A great many mortgage holders who were "under water" could not figure out which lender actually held those mortgages. The taxpayers paid for the bailouts when Ben Bernanke, who was the Federal Reserve chairman, bought up the banksta's bad debt by trading bad debt for clean monies at zero percent interest. The bankstas were so overjoyed that they decided to take $50B of this free money and pay themselves bonuses for crashing the economy. This is socialism at its worst. These bankstas felt entitled just because they were rich con artists. The WNP accepted this. Bush, Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Geitner and the other sleazy WNP conmen looked the other way. Yet, when GM wanted a bailout because so many working class people depended on GM at the factory level, as well as down the supply chain and peripherally, Obama was chastised by the WNP Cretins.
    While the rich get socialism through tax cuts that funnel millions of dollars into their wallets, those at the working class level lose their jobs, their retirement, their ability to send their kids to college and the list goes on and on. When big corporations and retailers see the executives end up with golden parachutes as they bail out of a failing company, the workers end up crashing to the ground without parachutes. 
    The estate tax for the richest among us is another socialist program, which passes generational wealth on to their kids without a tax penalty. It is tax free money for the kids to live off of.
    Another question we are facing is what will The Cretin do in order to get his big, beautiful, legacy wall? Will he reject the $1.4B for 55 miles of wall along the southern border? Or, will he declare a National Emergency in order to steal monies from disaster relief funds that are targeted for help needed in rebuilding disaster areas, such as California and Puerto Rico, and from the military that has a fund set aside to be used when emergency construction projects are needed. The WNP president is also considering writing an Executive Order to allocated funds for his Mount Rushmore style legacy wall.
    The Cretin, no doubt, is realizing that his legacy as a Russian Asset President will be minimal to non-existent. If he ends up shutting down the government over his refusal to sign a compromise agreement, then the WNP members will be blamed and The Man-Child Cretin will be told to spend more time in the playroom during Loafing Time engaging with his toys.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Trump's Executive Time Is The Same As Loafing Time

Trumpty Dumpty Report

    We are learning more and more from the moron in the White House. We are learning that he spends approximately 60% of his time in "Executive Time" or "Loafing Time". Let's just call it "Loafing Time". He said, "In fact, I probably work more hours than any past President." 
    Exactly, what does he mean by working? does it mean coloring book time? Or, television watching time? Or, time building Lego walls on his Lego table? This complete idiot believes he had no choice but to work feverishly hard as president because the country was in shambles. What's in shambles is his brain and thinking processes.
    There is just so much to write about when it comes to this Cretin. Being that Trump is a Russian Idiot Asset, as it is officially called, he takes orders from Putin.
    So, when the two were in a closed door, private meeting in 2018, what were Trump's orders? One order that might have been dictated to Trump was don't get in Putin's way when it comes to Venezuela, especially with his move to take over Venezuela's state owned oil company Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A (PdVSA). PdVSA went to Putin's Rosneft oil company for a loan to avoid default on their existing debt. In exchange for financing, PdVSA gave up CITGO as collateral, along with 49.9% stakeholdership. 
    What this means is that Putin and his oil oligarchs will end up becoming a major powerhouse in global oil markets, since Venezuela is a significant player in oil production potential. Currently, Venezuela's economy has been squeeze by 35% because of sanctions against Maduro's government dictatorial powers. 
    Now, Maduro was defeated during the last election but has not relented of his position as president because he has the backing of Putin and Venezuela's military elite. The U.S. is backing Maduro's opposition, while Putin is behind Maduro and the take over of the country's state owned oil company. Trump seems to be very quiet regarding this possible impact upon the world's oil markets. It may just be that he is too busy enjoying his "Loafing Time", which he needs because he is so exhaustively overwhelmed fixing our broken country.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Trump IS The Deep State

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

Within the president’s Deep State cabal, called Cretin Village, everyone knows each other by wearing some variant of a red tie. Acting U.S. Attorney’s General Matthew Whitaker, Trump’s stooge, wore a shade of one as he performed his charade pretending to answer Congressional questions at the hearing.
    In Cretin Village, red tie wearers are signaling to each other their commitment to their neo-fascist pledge to their President Cretin. Trump bellows that there is a Deep State of government operators working to take The Cretin down and derail his agenda, which is a fantasy created by his inner circle of Russian agents. One of them being Steve Bannon. But, in fact, the Deep State is not some covert cabal of career government employees, but Trump himself. His SOTU illustrated this as he read words written by members inside his Deep State Cretin Village. The words, which were linked together to make us believe that Trump actually had ideas; yet, as we have seen over the years they don’t lead to real actionable solutions, but only make the problems worse and more dangerous.
    Deep State Trump is, in fact, working to damage the country with his Deep State agenda. The agenda is to rob middle class Americans of their health and welfare by degrading our air, water, soils, and ignore climate change through deregulation offering more and more profits to the corrupt corporate environmental predators. He has hurt America’s access to affordable health care, and prescription medications.
    His impact on economic stability has been destructive, as we have seen with his tariffs and trade wars, as well as the rollercoaster happening on Wall Street. How can working class investors, who are in the market over the long term and not day traders, feel their retirement savings is safe, secure and stable?
    Gun ownership reform is a joke, since the sales of bumpstocks have soared before they’ll be made illegal. Background checks are not being tightened up, either. Mass shootings have continued.
    The Cretin is the Deep State. He is surrounded by criminals, sociopaths, serial liars, crooks, extortionists, Russian agents, money launderers, fraudsters, con-artists, and grifters. One might be thinking that the description of those in the Cretin Village, are actually describing Trump himself. Trump and his three lil’ Cretins are part of this group of sleazy zombies walking the halls of the White House.
    Trump’s sons—Dumb and Dumpster claimed they were micromanaging the construction of Trump’s hotel and golf resorts down to the carpets and the chandeliers, yet had no idea that hundreds of undocumented workers were slaving in the kitchens, hotel rooms, as well as the building and maintaining of the golf courses and grounds. They just didn’t notice. How amazing. That’s what happens when the pigs are too busy sniffing for truffles.
    The Cretin said, “ You won’t believe it!! The country is doing better than ever before in history. When you look at it, you just won’t believe it!!”

    That is so right, Mr. Cretin. We don’t believe it! We don’t believe a single word that spills out of that foul and creepy mouth of yours.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Unlimited Presidential Harassment

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Man-Child Crybaby Cretin President is whining to all of us that he is being picked on by the Democratic House of Representatives because they are investigating him. He calls it “Unlimited Presidential Harassment”. This incompetent jerk in the White House said, “The Dems and their committees are going “nuts”. The Republicans never did this to President Obama, there would be no time left to run government.”
    When will America wake up to the fact that this idiot doesn’t belong in the White House? This full-blown narcissistic sociopath has no clue that Obama didn’t do anything that would result in the Republican majority to proceed with a congressional investigation; otherwise, they surely would have gone with it.
    Did The Cretin forget that Bill Clinton’s Republican congress went forward with investigations and impeachment, yet was able to pass a balanced budget! Congress can chew gum and blink at the same time, which is difficult for The Cretin.
    Cretin said, “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!! It should never be allowed to happen again!” Did he forget that Nixon resigned in the wake of impeachment? It IS the duty of the Congress to follow their Constitutional mandate to provide oversight and investigate possible wrongdoings by a President.
    If The Cretin had nothing to hide, then he would likely ignore all the investigations and let the Democrats spin their wheels. At that point, Trump would have the last laugh. But, Trump has his knickers all up in a twist.
    Donnie’s White Nationalist party members are wondering when will this idiot learn how to read the Teleprompter with accuracy, especially when it comes to important speeches. Donnie needs the Teleprompter to display very large printed words, and the machine needs to be turned to his left because he always cocks his neck because that big fat head of his leans to the left. That might help him read more accurately. Or, maybe it is just a lost cause to teach this moron to read better than a third grader.
    The Cretin’s body posturing when he speaks in public is very telling of his mental dysfunction. He displays a great deal of asymmetry with lots of twisting and counter-rotation of his body against his head. This might say he is lying twisting his truth and that he doesn’t feel secure with what he is saying. It is like a child squirming when questioned over a wrongdoing.
   During the SOTU address, The Cretin said, “Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. I want people to come into our country, in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.”
    So what is it? We have been hearing you rail against immigrants for years. You have NOT even given a path to citizenship for DACA/Dreamer residents. If you want people to come and live here in the largest numbers ever, then give these young people who came to America with adults illegally, due to no fault of their own, citizenship. If you mean what you say, then write a Presidential Executive Order. What is so ironic is that nearly every Senate Democrat would have given this moron $25B for his border wall if he were to give Dreamers a path to citizenship in a previous Senate deal, which he rejected. Therefore, The Cretin is blowing more gassy toxic fumes from you know where.
    The Cretin has no plan. He offers nothing for Congress to work with. At this point, nearly 4 in 5 Americans are against the building of The 200 Mile Trump Wall. He appears to have lost his momentum for his legacy wall, but there are White Nationalist Republicans who are still pounding their fists for a wall especially in districts where the majority of voters are white and reject immigrants because they feel they are a security threat. They seem to ignore the fact that the real security threat are white people with guns who make up majority of mass murderers.
    The Cretin is squirming in his knickers. In the coming weeks, we will likely see more indictments. Mr. Pecker’s AMI publication might find themselves in court with a torn up protection agreement given them by the New York Southern District’s attorneys general in exchange for spilling the beans over their shady and illegal business relationship with Michael Cohen because they are now being accused of politically motivated extortion by Jeff Bezos.  The State of New York agreed with AMI and Pecker to hold tight their protection agreement if they kept their noses clean for 3 years. It appears their noses are filthy dirty and were unable to maintain clean nasal hygiene.

    I think this might be why Trump has ordered a truckload of Attends undergarment liners from Amazon.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

President Trump Is A Ramblin' Man--SOTU

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Trump is clearly a Putin puppet, as well as a puppet of a small cabal surrounding him in the White House. His SOTU message had absolutely no substance. As George W.H. Bush once said, “Where’s the beef?” Trump’s ramblin’ man-child message was just the packaging label without anything inside it. So, where’s the beef?
    He gave all of us his simpleminded list of rambling ideas that were fed to him by Steven Miller, the guy who wrote the speech. No doubt, Miller crafted the lengthy nothingness with help from other talking point storytellers.
    So, The Cretin pulled out his list of ideas interspersed with Miller’s ridiculous zinger statements. One doozy was “Our approach is based on principled realism”. Trump doesn’t believes in reality but in smoke and mirrors, fake news, and lies and deception. Another foolhardy statement was, “Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence --- not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.” Did he forget the Veteran’s Administration is a socialist health program? Did he forget that patents and trademark laws are socialistic in its function? The government protecting those who file those documents with the Patent and Trademark office is socialist. Major tax breaks for the richest among us is a socialistic program. “Under my Administration, we will never apologize for advancing America's interests.” This is what The Cretin does. He never apologizes for his bad decisions and that list is endless. “Many childhood cancers have not seen new therapies in decades. My budget will ask the Congress for $500 million over the next 10 years to fund this critical life-saving research.” The Cretin said nothing about how this will be done. He said nothing about how patients will be paying for cancer treatments if their insurance provider won’t cover the treatment. “It is unacceptable that Americans pay vastly more than people in other countries for the exact same drugs, often made in the exact same place. This is wrong, unfair, and together we can stop it.” He has been talking about this for years now. It has gone nowhere while your White Nationalist party held a majority in Congress. So Mr. Cretin, what is YOUR plan to fix this problem? The Idiot-in-Chief talked about fixing the trade imbalances, while American farmers are going bankrupt. His trade war is failing fast. “The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime…” This is a big fat lie. This is what The Cretin does. He lies. This is how Steven Miller manipulates his base. “This is a moral issue”. The Cretin is an immoral sociopath. He knows nothing about morality. “On Friday, it was announced that we added another 304,000 jobs last month alone -- almost double what was expected. An economic miracle is taking place in the United States -- and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations.” The Cretin is taking a lot of credit for his “economic miracle”, which was put into play by President Obama following Bush’s economic failure. The Cretin stepped into the economic miracle he is taking credit for. He then went on to believe that “ridiculous partisan investigations or foolish wars” would put an end to the “economic miracle”. The Mueller investigation, the war in Syria, the occupations of Afghanistan, and Iraq hasn’t affected the economic miracle. So, what is he talking about? “We have unleashed a revolution in American energy -- the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. And now, for the first time in 65 years, we are a net exporter of energy.” And, as a result we have a serious climate change problem, soil pollution, and toxic waterways, and a major health crisis resulting from these environmental concerns. A real “economic miracle” would be a significant investment in wind, solar and thermal energy production. Such investment would alter the world, for the better, forever. This would be a massive boom for job creation and job training. But no, The Cretin continues to boast about oil and gas extraction. “My Administration has cut more regulations in a short time than any other administration during its entire tenure. Companies are coming back to our country in large numbers thanks to historic reductions in taxes and regulations.” Yes, cutting regulations has cause an increase in toxic pollutants back into our environment, and cutting taxes has increased our national debt so the richest among us can invest in offshore tax shelters and tax havens. And finally, The Cretin said, “Our most thrilling achievements are still ahead.” How true, Donnie. Your potentially successful impeachment, and possible criminal indictment by the New York attorneys general would be a thrilling achievement.
    Because The Cretin didn’t fall off the Trumpty Dumpty wall and crack open, his audience of knuckle clinchers felt relieved and said, “Great speech.” He read without tantrums or outbursts, or a “Cofefe” moment. Now that is an accomplishment. Give the guy a bowl of Fish crackers.
    He told us he wants family leave. He wants to eradicate AIDS. He wants to fund $500M of cancer research over 10 years, which comes to $50M per year. HUH? Did he know what his pea sized brain actually said? During the 2008 Second Depression, the bankers paid themselves $50B in bonuses resulting from Lil’Boy Bush’s banksta bailout!!!!!
    He wants money for infrastructure. Well, he gave it away during his tax cut for the rich.
    There was no beef in the SOTU, only the label on the empty packages. He has no plan. He offered no way to get these empty ideas. This is because Trump is an empty suit. He has nothing to offer. He’s a grifter—a con artist. A swindler by nature!
    He’s being investigated to see if foreign agents met with him or his inauguration committee and if foreign agents gave money to this inauguration committee; and, if there was money laundering transactions in his tax returns; and, if Russians and his team were working to influence our democracy; and, if Trump, or anyone he affiliated with, engaged in witness tampering.

    If this White Nationalist Party, once known as Republicans, believes that if a Democratic president had engaged in the same frightfully dirty laundry list of legal and constitutional violations and concerns as we are seeing with Trump, then wouldn’t they, too, be pursuing their constitutional investigative duties to find the truth, and possibly move toward impeachment? If the answer is no, then I have a crushed MAGA hat to sell them.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Trump Hit The State Of The Union Wall

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Grifter-in-Chief hit into his wall as he addressed the Congress and American people during his State of the Disunion. Reading the transcript of The Cretin’s teleprompter reporting, one was left wondering who the f**k is this fool?
    The Fool said, “We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution---and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise and the common good.” Words without meaning. The Cretin has done nothing but engage in the very actions and behaviors that he fantasizes we as a nation should embrace. The Fool does not know how to perform in the way he professes.
    “We must choose between greatness or gridlock, results or resistance, vision or vengeance, incredible progress or pointless destruction.” Trump is the gridlock president by allowing McConnell to block anything Democrats bring forth to the floor of the Senate. What is Trump’s vision? It is to make the rich even richer, embrace authoritarians, give permission to kill journalists, abandon anything that would begin to clean our air, our water, our soils, and our climate. This Fool is full of vengeance. He talked incessantly about Robert Mueller’s witch hunt against him. He spoke repeatedly that “I have no deals with Russia. I have nothing to do with Russia” while a video has been brought forth proving otherwise. This video shows Trump in Russia in 1996 or 1997 trying to make a deal with a Russian developer to build a underground mall in Moscow. He repeatedly kills any action that Obama wrote to make American lives better, such as the ACA. Trump has been the destructive president. He imprisoned and separated many undocumented families and children. He walked away from international efforts to curb climate change. He stepped toward an arms race with Russia. He took monies targeted for infrastructure improvements and molded it into a tax cut for the rich.
    The Idiot called for a wall, yet failed to mention that a “yuuge” bust of heroin was apprehended at the Port of the Everglades, which was being smuggled in by boat. The Coast Guard commandeered several boats full of drugs with a street value of around $700M. A wall would have made no difference. What made a difference was security technology, and professionals to do the job. It had nothing to do with a big truck taking a left or a right at the border and bringing drugs across the desert.
    The Idiot-in-Chief went on to say, “As a candidate for president, I pledged a new approach.” And, what new approach did he bring forth? It has been a vengeful, hateful, angry, incompetent, and a pointless destructive approach. He actually believes that he has been the savior to America’s safety from the bad men around the world, such as Kim Jong Un. He believes that it is HE that has prevented our country from entering into deep in a war with North Korea. This guy has anointed himself as the King of Delusion. The tensions between N.K. and U.S. before he haplessly fell into the W.H. were not even close to a war.
    “Both parties should be able to unite for a great rebuilding of America’s crumbling infrastructure.” He stole infrastructure monies and passed in on to the rich in the form of a tax cut.
   “It is unacceptable that Americans pay vastly more than people in other countries for the exact same drugs, often made in the exact same place. This is wrong, unfair, and together we can stop it.” Hey Cretin, when the f**k are YOU going to do something about it? We have been waiting. Where is your plan? Where is YOUR party—the White Nationalist Party—in solving this problem, which you claim was one of your presidential promises? It is nowhere! The economist Dean Baker’s solution is for the government, the American people, to own all the drug patents, since we already give billions of dollars to these drug companies in the form of funding for research and testing, through the National Institute of Health, and grants to universities and research hospitals. If we owned the patents, then the drug company’s costs would be much lower as they would only be the manufacturer of the drugs. The ReCons run away from this solution. If they reject this solution, then what is their solution?

    The Grifter-in-Chief failed to talk about many serious issues, such as climate change, voter rights, campaign reform, HIS shutdown, and reforming gun laws. All he did was read a speech written for him in order for him to try and appear to be presidential.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Exploring Trump's Executive Time

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Has anyone noticed that the president no longer waves at the cameras as he boards his plane or when walking back into the White House? It appears he is fisting his hand instead of a wave. His arm is only lifted half way with a fisted hand. Is this The Cretin’s form of signaling his base in some sort of White Nationalism fisted power message?
   It has been reported that it takes a lot of preparation for the president to be seen in the “emperor’s clothes” prior to such a photo shoot.
    Dana Milbank reported in his Washington Post piece, “Rejoice! The president is doing nothing.” What he is doing is sitting in his beauty salon getting coiffured everyday. This is part of his daily “Executive Time”. 60% of his Executive Time is spent in a variety locations, such as the Oval Office daycare center watching videos, playing on his cellphone, chatting with friends, such as Chris Christie, pretending to read, playing with his favorite action figures, such as Kim, and Putin, time at his Wall Building Lego Table, and having snack time, when not getting coiffured.
    Dana Milbank outlined the president’s beauty salon Executive Time. Here is how it goes. It was reported that The Cretin spent 297 hours in Executive Time over the last 12 weeks, and only 77 hours engaged is performing some sort of presidential activities. When he is engaged in an actual presidential meeting, it would last as long as 45 minutes and as little as 15 minutes. Due to his limited attention span, and need to watch T.V., he doesn’t tolerate much Presidential Time.
 Dana Milbank hypothesizes what Trump’s coiffure time looks like.
·  8 a.m.: Hair washing (30 minutes)
·  8:30 a.m.: Hair drying (60 minutes)
·  9:30 a.m.: Hair combing and spraying (30minutes)
·  10 a.m.: Skin oranging (4 hours)
·  Noon time: Lunch (1 hour)
·  2 p.m.: Makeup application (30 minutes)
·  2:30 p.m.: Photo shoot (fisting salutes included)
·  5:00 p.m.: T.V. time
·  7:00 p.m.: Dinner. Workday over.
·  8:30 p.m.: Wrap up meeting (Max 45 minutes)

    One might consider that after 9:30 p.m, the president goes back to his Oval Office daycare center to play with his toys, read his Magic 8 Ball planning out his presidential actions guided by the toy’s responses, and getting bedtime snack time with KellyAnn.
    I guess we all should be happy that The Cretin does not spend much time each day acting as a real president. We are learning weekly that this moron is not capable of performing as a real president.

    Now this moron has Tweeted that if his wall doesn’t get built, then just maybe he will authorize a human wall. A wall made up of military personnel. Does this idiot realize what he is saying? Has he thought through the breadth of this statement? Has he thought about feeding, housing, security, and basing soldiers occupying the southern border? Maybe he asked his Magic 8 Ball national security advisor the question, “Should I send soldiers to the southern border if I don’t get my wall?” The Ball responds with the word, “Yes”.  Then The Cretin tells his secretaries what the Ball told him to do. Well folks, this is our president. The day in the life of The Cretin-in-Chief.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Trump Is A Willful Ignoranus

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The intelligence community has basically called out the president as a moron- a willful ignoramus. The $81B per year intelligence community that constructs intelligence assessments for The Cretin has spoken up after being chastised over and over again. They are saying he has a stubborn disregard for their reporting assessments.
    They say The Cretin has the attention span of a 2x4. He needs charts, written information no longer than 2-3 sentences, 3D models of what is being discussed gathered from satellite images of significant foreign sites, and that everything must be made simple and short. He is a “yuuge” dumbass!
    He is surrounded by people who work hard at studying, analyzing, dissecting, discussed and reporting on delicate international and domestic security threats and concerns that threaten the globe; yet, he doesn’t pay too much attention.
    The Cretin has his own small-minded opinions based on absolutely no facts. He tantrums when the security assessments contradict his delusional opinions not rooted in fact. No doubt, he uses his Magic 8 Ball toy to solve the world’s problems. For example, “Is Kim Jong Un going to give up his nuclear weapons” he might ask. The Ball when turned over, it might tell him, “Yes”. On the other hand, Donnie might ask his Magic 8 Ball national security advisor, “Will I get my big, beautiful wall?” The answer may anger him if it says, “Ask me later!” At that point, he might take his toys and go back to his room.
    There is information leaking out that Trump doesn’t know what are actual countries and what are territories of those countries. When addressing international affairs the Moron-in-Chief asks, “if the people are nice and are the beaches good.” [Time. John Walcott. “Willful Ignorance.”] He might be getting his answers of current affairs by going into Mike Pence’s time machine and head back to a 1950 World Almanac library bookshelf.
    The Cretin’s personal secretary believes that this willfully ignorant president to be working harder for all of us than any other president in history! His 28 year old personal secretary, Madeline Westerhout, must be drinking some very intoxicating POTUS Kool-Aid. From where Americans are sitting, we do believe Trump is doing very little and what he is actually doing is harming the country. What he is doing is spending a great deal of time at Mar-A-Lago playing golf, acting-the-fool, brown nosing with authoritarians, lying over and over again, and making horribly bad decisions that negatively impact middle income Americans.

   Ms. Westerhout may need to study her history of past American presidents and the decisions they had to make for the country. When she does this she will understand that this POTUS is a moron.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Trump said, "What Wall?"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The dumbass in the White House, has been telling Americans that the southern border needs a big, beautiful, strong wall to keep drugs from invading the country. The fact is that 80% of the drugs are NOT crossing over the desert by foot but by vehicle across official border checkpoints, where the latest fentanyl bust was detected using scanners and patrol guards who apprehended the load.
    The insistence by our moronic man-child president who believes that the only solution to drugs is a “yuuge” wall, is just another creation he built out of his Legos in his playroom. It was overheard, “My Lego wall is so big and strong. Walls work. I built it. My brain is just uh…so big.”  How may more lies and pontificated fantasies do we have to endure from The Cretin? He keeps insisting on building an omage to himself—a steel and concrete Mt. Trumpmore; yet as we have repeatedly seen his obsession for a wall doesn’t work to solve the border problems he describes. But, what works is the Democrat’s solution for updated border security checkpoint technologies and more border checkpoint professionals, as well as securing the barrier wherever needed.

    Sadly, we have a lizard den full of Mitch McConnell clones of slithering, aging vipers that lock step to the vile song written by Trump to perpetuate his failing autocratic agenda.