Sunday, March 31, 2019

Kellyanne Conway Compromises Our Democracy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s stooge who shills lies on Fox News time and time again, said that Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee who spent months claiming to have evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, is “completely compromised” and must step aside.
    The reality is Conway’s moral integrity has been seriously comprised when she lies, and distorts the truth as it applies to President Buffoon.
    In Andrew McCabe’s book, The Threat, he said that [Trump’s] “anger seems difficult to contain.” “…has been nurturing a strain of insanity in public dialogue that has been long in development, a pathology that became only more virulent when it migrated to the internet.”
    He then went on to say regarding the Russian interference in 2016 election, “Those investigations raise questions about the legitimacy of his presence in the White House—questions that prompt fear. Fear is why the president still has a map of his electoral college victory hanging outside the door of the Oval Office. Fear is why he asks people to pledge personal loyalty.”
    McCabe writes, “…he does not know what democracy means. He demonstrates no understanding or appreciation of our form of government. He takes no action to protect it.”
    Trump demands the names of FBI  confidential informants compromising their safety and identity, as well as their assignments. This is what Putin would do. This is what Kim Jung Un would do, or any other authoritarian paranoid dictator. Trump is an inept, incompetent, ignorant Man-Child buffoon compromising the integrity, safety and national security of the country.
   In the book, he writes that Trump uses the language of totalitarian regimes. And, has Tweeted a call to his base, which he calls the “real Americans” to “start getting tough”. Trump is NOT a real American but a bi-product of becoming Putin’s Idiot Asset, which is a bought and paid for Russian stooge. His “real Americans” are those Americans who support the erosion of democracy by wanting to circumvent the rule of law, the Constitution, and Congress, and the elevation of a self-deluded insane buffoon who wants to be a dictator, since dictators are his BFFs.

    Therefore, Kellyanne Conway has, too, been compromised, and compromises our national security.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Machine Gun Donnie

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    President Buffoon said that “other countries use machine guns to control undocumented immigrants crossing their borders; would be a more effective deterrent”. Then Demented Donnie said, “I wouldn’t want to do that.” No kidding, moron! We have a constitution, and the rule of law, which clearly says that excessive force is illegal.
    Is Trump totally insane to bring up such a vile option to manage people fleeing violence, terror, oppression and worse? The Cretin sounds like his autocratic psychopathic dictator BFFs---kill to control. Is he slipping into a 1950s reality where gangsters use machine guns to control rival Mafia gangs? Does he dream of being King like Prince MBS from Saudi Arabia? Does he fantasize being Putin, who poisoned a rival and his daughter while sitting on a park bench in London? Trump’s probable narcissistic personality disorder, along with signs of dementia are shining through everyday we hear him flap his jaws.
    The reality is that President Buffoon is losing control and not gaining control. In order for Trump to grasp any sense of control in his life, he must go on his stand up tour. He must hop the stage and flail his small arms and hands, and chant Lock Her Up, and call for the Democrats to be investigated. “Shame, Shame on them; Very bad people; very bad. Sad. Bad. Very sad. Criminal. Embarrassing. They hate America. I won. They didn’t.” Trump goes on his “Give Daddy Some Love” tour to rally his base with self-accolades, boast of his accomplishments, which amount to very little except for Executive Power plays and touting how innocent he really is. He has to give his audience his fist raising White Nationalist Power salute, while proclaiming, “I’m vindicated! See there was no collusion. It’s a collusion delusion.” WoW! The guy can rhyme two words. I bet someone had to give him that. He isn’t smart enough to figure it out on his own.
    Now, the New York attorney general, and the New York State Department of Financial Services are investigating Donald J. Trump for inflating his overall wealth in order to get banks to lend him money so he could continue to acquire more, and more properties, or to attempt to buy the Buffalo Bills team, or develop properties. Trump’s insurance carrier, Aon, is being subpoenaed for documents. Bank documents are also being subpoenaed.
    Trump is just a high stakes grifter, along with his family of Cretins. Is The Buffoon running a bit scared that his base will see that he is just another cheap suit with an orange comb-over and spray tan? Will people realize that he is not a billionaire but a shyster millionaire who should be wearing an orange jumpsuit to match his hair color?

    Trump appears to have inflated his wealth in order to fraudulently obtain bank loans. He is a fake. He is the king of fake news. Lock Him Up! may be heard in his future.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

What Does The Smollet Case Have To Do With Anything?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Why is The Cretin focused on the Jussie Smollet case? He has said, “FBI and DOJ to review the outrageous Jussie Smollet case in Chicago, It’s an embarrassment to our nation!”
    Does the FBI or DOJ have any jurisdiction when it comes to the Smollet case or any other similar cases?
    The real embarrassment is the buffoon acting as POTUS. Trump as a Russian Idiot Asset, a porn star punter, and a true idiot living in the White House is what has embarrassed the country.
    In Andrew McCabe’s book, “The Threat”, he makes it clear that Trump is an idiot. When the FBI, represented by James Comey, and Andrew McCabe met with another moron, A.G. Sessions, who apparently was unable to comprehend the serious information presented to him at the Presidential Daily Briefing, they saw the lack of intelligence in Trump and Sessions. Trump was like a child. He never read, nor did Sessions, the daily briefings, which the FBI briefer spent each night compiling for the actual morning briefing. The intelligence officials who assembled critical information, which outlines threats that faces the country, were left amazed that neither Trump or Sessions could comprehend any of the intelligence data presented to them. Trump insisted that the briefing be put on video, when the PDB was to be a problem solving, and an interactive meeting that informs the White House. But, it was clear that Trump’s level of intelligence was very limited and not up for the job. And, that he was not capable of sitting through the PDB with his full attention.
    When Trump was receiving the PDB from the FBI, and was told that Kim Jung Un was a nuclear threat and continued on his nuclear weapons trajectory, The Buffoon said that Putin told him the North Korean leader was not a threat, and Trump then said, "I believe President Putin. He told me Kim was not a threat." The Buffoon considered Putin more credible than our own intelligence agents. Why? Was it because The Cretin IS Putin's Russian Idiot Asset?
    Sessions apparently was not capable to see and understand the larger picture of terror threats that affected the country and elsewhere in the world. His view of the complexity was extremely narrow and simpleminded. Sessions and his team never even turned on their electronic tablets, which had the briefings uploaded for them to read each day. They never even set up their passcodes.
    So, here we are with President Buffoon grasping onto the Smollet case when many more serious problems face the nation. What this shows is Trump’s inability to focus, prioritize national concerns and manage his attention span. He latches on to an issue and then obsesses about it.
    Sadly, President Cretin rails against a case that has very little to do with the nation as a whole. Chicago’s Cook County state attorney’s office needs to figure out the controversy they have created when they dropped the charges against Smollet. The real crisis facing the nation is NOT Smollet but the failure to release the full and unredacted report written by Robert Mueller discussing the findings he and his team compiled regarding Russian interference in our election process, and if there was a Russian relationship with Trump and his campaign.

    Hey President Buffoon, pay attention!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Truth Must Come Out-The Mueller Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Donald Trump has escalated his level of insanity. He is after Democrats for doing their jobs. Their job is to investigate any attempt to steal our elections, subvert our democracy, and uncover if an elected official is a foreign asset working for a foreign government. But when a Republican sees such scrutiny focused on their own president, they call foul play. 
    In Andrew McCabe’s recent book, he wrote about his time as an FBI agent working on Russian crime organizations in the United States. Russian criminals working as assassins, extortionists, counterfeiters, or money-launderers occupied Queens, New York. One criminal lived and worked out of Trump Tower. Malcolm Nance wrote how Russian oligarchs laundering their criminal enterprise money through Trump Tower properties, in the 1980s, during a time when Trump was facing bankruptcy. He calls Trump a Russian Idiot Asset.
    With Trump’s history with Russian oligarchs, kleptocrats, and money-launderers, all connected to Putin, it was no surprise that during his presidential primary campaign, red flags were raised by government intelligence agencies when he called-to-arms for Russian hackers to release Hillary Clinton’s emails, and then promised they will be rewarded for doing so. Additional red flags were raised when Roger Stone told us that something was coming that would boost Trump’s political support when, days later, Wikileaks released Democratic campaign personnel emails. This illustrated that Stone was privy to secret foreign asset information. Then, there was the Trump Tower meeting with members of the Trump family and a Putin related Russian asset who allegedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, was willing to pass it on to the Trump campaign in secret.
    The Buffoon President has filed a case in court to eliminate Obamacare in its entirety. Then he said, “Let me tell you exactly what my message is. The Republican Party will soon be known as the party of health care. You watch.”
    This Cretin would shutdown health care for around 20 million Americans hurting many who voted for him.
    Trump has never worked a day in his life. He has been a pampered, spoiled “Prince”. He’s had others do his dealmaking for him, while he played the Manhattan Clown. He opens his mouth and “bad, very bad things” come flopping out.
    His latest buffoonery to drop out of his mouth oozing from his demented brain is the elimination of Obamacare without a single sketch plan that would replace it. His Republican White Nationalist Party has had a decade to formulate a solidly, workable replacement plan, yet they have not been able to come up with a darn thing! They, too, are buffoons. They continuously throw darts at the ACA without a plan to offer to Congress and the American people. ReCons can win elections, usually because of cheating and redistricting maps, but cannot govern or develop ideas that work for all Americans.
    Also, The Cretin proclaimed a full release of the Mueller Report to all, yet Turtlehead McConnell gave President Buffoon cover by passing a vote to keep the report from the American people. Why is this happening? No doubt, the reason is that there must be damaging information indicating that Trump obstructed justice showing evidence, although not strong enough to indict The Cretin beyond a shadow of a doubt, that can prove to be incriminating and embarrassing.

    Yet Trump believes he has been exonerated. He has no clue!! He continuously shows us he is stupid and incompetent.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Trump Supporters Want Him As Their Dictator

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    Trump supporters have proclaimed that they want him to be their dictator, their forever leader. His committed White Nationalist base are desperately holding on to a slippery grasp of Trump as their Grand Wizard of The United States and return America to its historical white majority.
    Back in 2016, a Tweet-ster wrote a parody thread comparing Trump to Mussolini. Trump must have read or been told about the parody and thought it wasn’t one, but a loyal supporter of Trump as America’s first dictator as president.
    Trump retweeted a quote spoken by Mussolini, “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” (@iduce2016, which translates as “the leader” in Italian and was known by Italians as “Il Duce”.) Apparently, Trump, or the advisor who passed the tweet to Trump, didn’t know the origin of the quote, which Trump said, “It’s a very good quote.” “I didn’t know who said it but what difference does it make if it was Mussolini or somebody else—it’s a very good quote.” “No, I want to be associated with interesting quotes. Hey, it got your attention, didn’t it?” What does it mean? Does it mean that by quoting dictators it gets the attention of his fellow white supremacists, those who want Trump to follow in Mussolini’s wake?
    Does it mean that Trump is either incredibly incompetent and stupid, or just an autocratic wannabee with corrupt and criminal roots? It is probably both.
    When speaking about Kim Jung Un, “He’s the head of a country and its strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
    The Cretin was taking lessons from Lil’Kim and said, “I got along with him great. He is great. We have a great chemistry together. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing.” “He’s a tough guy. Hey, when you take over a country, tough country, tough people and you take it over from your father—if you could do that at 27-years old. I mean, that’s 1 in 10,000 that could do that.”
    When reading these quotes one could realize that Trump cannot speak in full and clear sentences. His sentences are full of the words, “great, good, bad, thing.” His language is not unlike that of a child’s thoughts formed into his limited written language. The question begins, is Trump suffering from pre-dementia symptoms and cognitive disorders?
    Egyptian President Abdel Fatah—al Sissi had his opposition murdered, not unlike Lil’Kim and Putin, yet Trump praised him for doing a “fantastic job”. Trump’s action figure toys, which he stores in his special toy bucket, includes Putin, Dutarte, Erdogan, and Prayuth Chan—Ocha from Thailand. Trump mailed back his BFF Boy-Love action figure of Lil’Kim now that they are back to fighting.
    Trump demagogues the media as an “enemy of the people” and the disseminator of “fake news”. The Cretin’s behavior resembles that of a dictator—he is autocratic, rigid, demands loyalty oaths, no tolerance for criticism, and shows prejudice. He preys upon the weak and vulnerable, as well as those he feels are below his throne.
    The Washington Post’s John McNeill indicated that Trump was a “semi-fascist”. Trump has fired federal employees if they don’t pledge loyalty to their “King”. This is how dictators do the government’s business.
    He proliferates terrorism by wanting to ban Muslims from entering the country. He believes “alternative facts” are legitimate. He has spread conspiracy theories to stir white nationalist support.

    The people of this country need to know Mueller’s full report. We paid for it! If there is nothing to hide, then why hide the content? Barr’s 4 page summary is a joke and an insult. What is Barr hiding? Congress has already spoken for full disclosure. If collusion was happening all around him resulting in 37 indictments and convictions, then Trump is either an incompetent puppet and idiot, or was shielded by those surrounding him from knowing information that could lead to impeachment, which again means that he is an incompetent president who let others take control. Michael Cohen feels that all roads go through Trump himself. We need to know the obstruction of justice piece of the report, as well. It is very clear that Trump committed the impeachable act of obstructing justice by trying to interfere with the Mueller Report process.

 More insane comments by Trump:

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Mueller Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    The Mueller Report was finished and delivered to A.G. Barr. Now, we’ll know if Barr is a Trump Stormtrooper or a servant of the American people. Let’s hope we get a full non-redacted document for all of us to examine.
    The Cretin is waiting to learn a critical understanding of himself---is he a corrupt criminal elected by people who got conned by a grifter with narcissistic personality disorder, or is he just a totally incompetent Idiot Russian asset?
    Many know that he is both! The Mueller Report defines a narrow scope, yet it has tentacles that are reaching beyond the report. The current indictments still have to play themselves out, and the Southern District of New York office is formulating their indictments and their path toward prosecution, which could ultimately fit Ivanka, Jared, The Cretin and da’Boyz with orange jumpsuits.
    Currently, The Cretin has exploded with high octane incompetence when he said, “Put the windmills up and watch the value of your house, if you’re in sight of a windmill, watch the value of your house go down by 65%.”
    The fact is windmills do NOT affect property values by any significant amount; yet, if you find yourself and home becoming neighbors with a natural gas fracking pad with several drilling rigs being built on it across the street or down the road, then you will watch your property values sink into the groundwater. Once a windmill is built, they don’t need fracking related fluid and brine trucks driving up and down your roadway at all hours of the day and night; they don’t need to burn off days long worth of methane gas reaching ten stories into the air with a hot, intense flame making the sound like a jet engine taking off behind your house for days on end; they don’t destroy the landscape with pipelines laying on top of the ground heading in every which direction along with tracks of mud, torn up earth, and deep tire imprints alongside those pipelines.
    Now, The Cretin has been played the fool—twice—by his BFF, Lil’Kim of North Korea. He finally realized that Lil’Kim isn’t going to shutdown his ambitious nuclear fantasy projects. So to push back, The Cretin will reverse North Korean sanctions, which The Cretin lifted after his failed Fool-Me-Once experience when the two idiots exchanged action figures of themselves at their first hugs and kisses fest, followed by his failed Fool-Me-Twice-Shame-On-Me waste of time "Distracto-Fest".

    The Cretin decided to send back his Lil’Kim action figure to his one-time BFF. He was overheard saying as he packed up his play toy into a shipping envelope giving it once last hug and kiss, “I’m sad, very, very sad. I thought we had a very good shot at being successful. We had a lot of good things happen, and a lot of bad things happened. He wrote me beautiful letters. They’re great letters. We fell in love. I’m very, very sad.”

Friday, March 22, 2019

Trump And His Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Trump thrives on chaos. His brain lives in chaos. He is the chaos president. He thrives on chaos in his personal life. While Melania was pregnant, The Cretin was screwing around with a porn star, or two, or three.
    Now, The Cretin displays his White Power fist salute for the cameras to show his base he is a White Supremacist, too. It’s his way of saying, “I’m with stupid.”
    Putin is a chaos president, too. He loves to kill his enemies. He loves the U.K’s Brexit chaos. He loves that the E.U and the U.K. are in turmoil. Putin, as well, is a white supremacist. He has allowed American white supremacists to gather in his country for hate sharing. Media white supremacy stars, such as, Steve Bannon-- former Trump advisor, Congressman Steve King—Iowa’s Grand Wizard, and the N.R.A officials have made the trip to Moscow.
    The only problem that The Cretin is not prepared for is the eventual exiting from Trump’s clown car before the RNC convention. Also, he isn’t prepared for the unification of the Democratic Party. As House Democrats investigate the Trump business practices and foreign involvement in Trump’s campaign fundraising relationships, we will learn more about Trump’s mobster-like practices.
    Now, The Cretin is digging up from the failed Reagan supply-side economics crypt, his own version of supply-side economic failures in his new budget. The Cretin must be receiving secret marching orders from the Koch brothers to issue another round of tax cuts, while raising spending on infrastructure projects, and a military expansion, to just name two items.
    The Cretin took an economic recovery from President Obama and allowed it to expand, but because of the Trump tax cuts, stagnant wages, and other factors, the economy will find the GDP shrinking possibly into a recession.
    The Cretin runs the country like he ran his businesses—“badly, very very badly”. The Moron-in-Chief wants to further his entitlement programs to the 1%. How will The Cretin pay for his ‘very bad, very sad, very bad’ plan for another round of tax cuts? The Republican White Nationalist Party has become the national debt- raising gang of thieves. They line up behind The Cretin’s budget plan.
    As Robert Mueller begins to end his investigation, The Cretin continues to try and convince us that there was “no collusion”, “witch hunt”. He said in his three year old speaking style, “I have no idea about Mueller report.” “Man gets appointed by a deputy, he writes a report.” “Big hoax.” “No obstruction.” He doesn’t seem to understand that some 35 indictments and/or convictions have been doled out to people who worked with Trump in some sort of capacity.

    Of course he is in denial. He suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Privileged Class' President Trump

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    We are learning more and more that The Cretin is, no doubt, certifiably mentally ill. His behavior leads us closer to identifying him as a full-blown psychopath. The Cretin cannot identify with the 99% who had a life as a result of hard work, and study. When raised with an “entitlement fund”, which made sure that this moron wouldn’t go hungry or homeless, and didn’t have to work for any successes, he fell into mental illness.
    Trump cannot relate to such people that get up everyday, wake the kids, prepare breakfast and school lunches, drive them to school, soccer practice, and help with homework, while spending the day earning a living. A great many Congressional Republican White National Party (RWNP) corporate welfare recipients are just like The Cretin—out-of-touch with the 99% and their everyday lives and struggles. Many more Democrats, liberals and progressives feel a part of society and the natural world. They understand the 99% because a great many of them are embedded in the world that makes up the 99%. They aren’t Koch brother bottom feeders.
    Those who live amongst the 99% understand that we are part of the planet and need to care for it, as well as those who live and struggle to make a life within it.
    The RWNP believes they have a right to take whatever they want. They believe they don’t have to contribute or make any sort of sacrifice to make sure that the natural world and the people within it can live beyond their parent’s lifespan with inherited tax free wealth.
    The 1%, such as the Moron-in-Chief, believes they are the major recipients of the entitlement class. They blame low income, retired, and the working class as the undeserving entitlement class, who use government programs to help support their modest or hand-to-mouth lives. The 1% entitlement class want to see the government serve their more important needs, such as eliminating the inheritance tax so they can pass their millions and billions of dollars to their offspring who get into colleges or universities by paying millions of dollars so their kids can receive a Go-Right-To-The-Head-Of-The-Class acceptance letter, such as Jared Kushner.
    The entitlement class, or one might say the privileged class, are so removed from an understanding of the natural world and those who live as a integral part of it that playing a round of golf and a soak in the hot tub is what they call communing with nature.
    If we continue to allow the 1% entitlement class to continue to destroy our precious and delicately balanced natural world by allowing the extinction of animal species, polluting our air, water and soils, the rapid escalation of climate change, the extinction of our crop pollinators, and the poisoning of our food supply through the toxic tome titled “better living through modern science”, then we allow these dangerous people to remain in power.

    Trump runs the country like he ran his businesses---“very badly; very badly!”

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Grand Wizard Donald J. Trump

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    The Reichwing’s media demagogues are out in full force. Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example.
    This neo-fascist moron believes the New Zealand shooter is a leftist who likely is a Green New Dealer, when actually the shooter is a White Supremacist—“eco-fascist”, and gave a shout out to Donald Trump in his manifesto. In the manifesto he illustrated that he is a full-blown white supremacist and gave praise to Trump by saying that he is “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” This Muslim hater believes, as Trump does that Muslims are bringing about an “invasion” to his country. Trump fantasized a full out ban against Muslims from entering the U.S. until he “could figure it out”. He also said that Muslims “hate us”.
    White racists are not lefties, but rightwing haters. Their desire is to bring the country back to when whites were the majority of the population. They fear being overtaken by people of color. This is a Reichwing belief. Hitler feared the Aryan race being diluted by Jews, Gypsies, and others who were not blond and blue-eyed. This is not a liberal perspective, but a Reichwing Republican White Nationalist party point-of-view.
    Limbaugh tries to spin reality to fit his propagandistic dialogue that he feeds to his listeners, who will believe his poisonous rants.
    Trump has elevated his toxic White Supremacist message by saying that “there were fine people on both sides” following the White Supremacist attack against protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia. Following the New Zealand murders, Trump said, “I think it is a small group of people” who are White Supremacists wanting to attack innocent people. Trump’s damage controlling Brownshirts are insisting that their boss--Trump, is not a White Supremacist enabler. KellyAnne Con-way insists that her boss---The Cretin, condemns hate and evil and bigotry, and will continue to do so.” I guess she has a deaf ear when she listens to her husband who believes Trump is mentally ill and fits the DSM-5 definition of a pathological narcissist.
    Trump, after hearing that he is suffering from a serious mental illness that fits the medical-psychiatric definition of ‘pathological narcissism’, lashed out at him calling him a “loser”. Is it possible that Trump’s unconscious brain is actually reflecting the “loser” response back at himself? His mirror ego reflecting back into his unconscious self. Has Trump’s overly deluded and falsely elevated ego been at serious odds with his unconscious self that continuously tells him that he is a loser, a liar, a failure, a weak and dependent little boy who couldn’t make it in life without his daddy’s massive financial support? And, that the only way for Little Boy Donnie to be rich like his daddy was to cheat, manipulate, lie and con his way to wealth. Trump’s unconscious brain continuously tells him that he is a grifter and an incompetent businessman, a failed student, and a dumbass without the intelligence to be successful on his own. Could it be that his unconscious self reminds his ego that because of his stupidity, and incompetence he became Putin’s Idiot Asset? This might be why Trump has such a thin skin and cannot take any criticism whatsoever, and feels he must lash back in such a way as to boost his damaged ego and interrupt additional truth telling by his unconscious self, which tends to cause the ego to fire up anger, paranoia, and fear of being unmasked for the fake he really is.
    The Christchurch shooter calls himself an eco-fascist or an eco-naturalist, which are code phrases for white nationalism. He aligns himself with the ideology of China, which arrested thousands of Muslims over the years.
    The Republican White Nationalist party, which includes people like Rush Limbaugh, Jeanine Pirro, of FOX News fame, who called out Muslims for wear hijabs and following Sharia law, which she believes is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution, (Does she also believe that Jews that wear yarmulkes and follow Torah law antithetical to the U.S. Constitution?) as well as Trump, McConnell, Congressman Steve King of Iowa, Lindsey Graham, V.P Pence, and many, many more people that stand behind Trump wearing their Stormtrooper uniforms ready to defend their White Nationalist president, who cannot bring himself to condemn hate, and White Supremacists, who have become the white armed insurgency, a white form of ISIS, behind the Republican party.

    Anyone who supports the Republican party, or backs the Republican party are actually standing with an abomination that has morphed away from an Ike Eisenhower, and a John Heinz Republican party, but toward a Republican White Nationalist party, which is unbendable and stands firm with their mentally ill Cretin freak of a president.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Trump's Kookoo's Nest

The Trumpty Dumpty Report
In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

Trump lives in the Kookoo’s Nest. The White House has become president’s asylum. He has placed around him other insane inmates. KellyAnne Con-way, and Sara Suckabee are just two certifiable inmates. As KellyAnne’s husband has written, Trump is further spiraling into insanity.
    The latest example of Trump’s deepening insanity, and angry paranoia. The television comedy satire show—SNL (Saturday Night Live) continues to poke serious fun at the craziness of Donald J. Trump. The Cretin tweeted, no doubt, after he watched the show how angry he was that the skits mocked him. “It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of the ‘other side.’” “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Elections Commission and/or FCC look into this? There must be Collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia! Such one sided media coverage, most of it Fake News. Hard to believe I won and am winning. Approval Rating 52%, 93% with Republicans. Sorry!#MAGA”
    Sorry Cretin, your popularity rating is 42.7% has ranged from 34-44% over the last 20 years. The Cretin's view of himself has always been delusional. He believes that the FEC and the FCC should investigate SNL? If any investigation needs to be done, then they need to investigate FOX News for being an appendage of the Trump administration.
   Trump cannot handle it. He is a wannabee crime boss where no one lives if the crime boss is embarrassed or humiliated in anyway. The problem with The Cretin is that he is NOT a crime boss. He is a crime boob! A very stupid person who believes he is the smartest guy in the room. Trump has become an Idiot Russian Asset by Putin. He is under Putin’s control. Trump fell into the grip of Putin back in the 1980s as a result of his incompetent business practices. (Read Malcolm Nance’s book, The Plot To Destroy Democracy.)This makes Trump a sitting target. The Crime Boob-in-Chief.
    When The Crime Boob-in-Chief believes that White Nationalism is not a threat after a white nationalist terrorist, similar to ISIS terrorists, killed 49 New Zealanders. Because Trump is a White Nationalist and the head of the Republican White Nationalist Party, he, of course, dismisses the terrorists within his party. The murderer gave a shout-out to Trump in his pronouncements leading up the attack. Trump was an incentive for this White fascist terrorist. He said, “It is truly a terrible, terrible thing. It's just a couple of bad people [when talking about the threat of White Nationalists]” as he downplays the rise of White Nationalism.
    Trump fuels hate. Trump fuels violence. Trump fuels racist actions, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and a salute to his white supremacist base to further their agenda.
    The big question is at what point will his Congressional Brownshirts take off their Trump-Putin uniforms and put on their America for all garments? Probably only when their comfy Congressional seats get threatened to be taken away from them.
    Here Trump gives his two White Nationalist salutes:

Friday, March 15, 2019

Trump Is Insane!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Donald Trump is insane! His impulsivity, lack of coherence, over inflated sense of self, and the inability to often speak in complete and understandable sentences, as well as his lack of intelligence, short attention span and the inability to comprehend day-to-day reality illustrates his insanity and mental instability.
    Currently, The Cretin criticized Beto O’Rourke for his hand gestures. “I think he’s got a lot of hand movement. I’ve never seen so much hand movement. Is he crazy, or is that just the way he acts?”
    What is Trump talking about? I guess he has not seen the videos of his rallies and his own insane and crazy arm and hand gestures. His excessive upper extremity movements are beyond what mentally sane people do when they use their arms and hands to help them communicate. Trump’s movements are frantic and over-the-top. The Cretin has no idea of his own actions. This guy lives in an alternative universe.
  Paranoia can be a characteristic of someone suffering from insanity. The Cretin is suffering from paranoia. Trump has put many journalists on a watch list if they have written about the imprisoning of migrants and the separation of families from Central and South America. He fears journalists that write stories that criticize his policies and agenda. This is what fascists do. This list prevents American journalists from entering these countries, or Mexico, from reporting on the border crisis.
     Furthering the discussion of Trump’s insanity, Jared Kushner, and Trump, along with his Stormtroopers, are embracing the murderous dictator of Saudi Arabia. Kushner, a Jew, has cozied up to an authoritarian leader who imprisons women who have been protesting for the right to drive a car. No doubt, Kushner would have sold out his soul to Stalin or Hitler hoping to save his own skin. He has no moral code. He pretends to follow the Torah. He is a Jew-In-A-Name-Only (JINO). He fits right in with the Trump administration. He doesn’t stand up for human rights and the oppression of the Saudi women. This blog has posted pieces illustrating Kushner’s stupidity and incompetence. Trump is stretching his executive powers into authoritarianism. His pals are dictators and autocrats, as well as corporate kleptocrats, and not our allies upholding democracy. Trump wishes he could rule as a dictator.
    America has a history of presidents who supported murderous dictators, which caused the United States to be disrespected around the world. This view of the United States is reinforced under the Trump presidency.
    Trump appears to be a supporter of a corporate form of Leninism, where the state and government are ruled and controlled by the corporate elites who control the overall population. He acted this way by leading from behind when the Boeing Max 8 airline crashed and was grounded by the world’s countries flying this plane in and out of their airports. The world’s leaders quickly decided to ground the Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft following two deadly crashes. China, and other nations, acted quickly to ground these planes. It took President Xi to yank the Putin dog collar strapped around Trump’s neck so that he would ground the planes, as well, instead of putting corporate interests ahead of human safety.
    Trump is a corporate Leninist. He doesn’t support or want to uphold our democracy. His Republican White Nationalist Party is behind him. The Republican White Nationalists, such a Senator Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell are from states that depend on government making decisions that support clean water, air, and soils, as well as stabilizing climate change. The inaction of curbing climate change will drastically and negatively impact the agricultural economy is those states. When the temperatures and weather patterns impact the growing season serious changes will harm fruit trees, and the planting season, as well as the amount of ground water available. These states will become much hotter and drier, while other states will become more crop productive. These inept, lazy, and damaging Republican White Nationalist party seat warmers need to be dumped from office. These people are harmful to our country and its survival.
    Finally, these Republican White Nationalists and their party leader, Donald Trump, give a wink and nod to White Supremacists and hate crime evangelizers. The murderer who killed over 49 people in New Zealand raised the American White Supremacist flag as he shot and killed Muslims in their mosque. In his manifesto, he gave a shout-out to Donald Trump.
    It is time to begin listening to our children. They are telling these horrible Senators and House Reps that continue to support this president and the policies that have driven the Republican White Nationalist party to flourish and ruin the country. It is time to send the Koch brothers to Moscow because they appear to idolize corporate Leninism. It is time to investigate FOX News to uncover their intimate relationship with the president. They seem to be broadcasting the government’s message.
    Trump and his Stormtroopers have legitimized extremism bringing such hateful acts and behaviors into the mainstream. What we have in America is a creation not unlike the Muslim extremists called ISIS, which could be called White ISIS.

    If America is to survive and build a sustainable society, times must be a changin’.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Climate Change Denier-in-Chief

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    The Cretin cannot address the American people without lying. He has spent his entire life lying to whoever would listen. He has lied about his affairs, porn star connections, over inflated wealth, business skills, college grades, and that he has become Putin’s Idiot Asset. He lied about his relationship with Russian oligarchs, and his relationship with both Manafort and Cohen. He has lied about his associations with White Supremacists, and White Nationalists. He lies so easily. It is second nature for this moron. He is unable to discern truth from lies, fact from fiction.
    Now he is lying about the seriousness of climate change and how the changes will impact the nation’s national security and overall safety and its economic impacts. He perpetuates fake news. He is the face of fake news. The Cretin made the false claim that Patrick Moore, a climate change denier, was actually a co-founder of Greenpeace, which would give some sort of credibility to debunking climate change, since Greenpeace is an organization concerned about the planet’s climate health. The fact is that Moore was nothing more than a member of the Canadian chapter of Greenpeace and NOT a co-founder of Greenpeace International, as was claimed by The Cretin. Moore appears to be nothing more than a guy who loves to create a false persona about himself. He and Trump are brothers from another mother. Moore is less. Both liars love to get attention through being fakes. The only people that give Moore attention are Trump’s state television personalities on “Fox and Fiends”.
    This fool said on “Fox and Fiends”, There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.” No kidding Sherlock, there is weather and climate everywhere. Wow. That took some serious thought to come up with that amazing deduction. I bet he had to do a great deal of research to figure that out. I bet the folks on Fox and Fiends thought that statement was the most profound thing they heard in weeks!
    The fact remains that too much CO2 is damaging to our atmosphere. This chemical is warming the planet at a faster rate than ever before experienced. Just as too much sugar or fats are bad for our health and bodies, too much CO2 is bad for our atmosphere. If Moore was a scientist, then he would know this simple fact. But he was less than more.

    The Cretin latched on to a kindred spirit. Even the Pentagon is concerned about climate change and rising sea level changes. They see it as a national security threat. It is too bad that the Republican White Nationalist Party led by The Cretin is a denier of climate change, among the many national security concerns they continue to deny.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

America's Dumbass President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

 The Reichwing Republican White Nationalist Party (RWN P) led by the groping perverted porn star president said, “Socialism is easy to campaign on but tough to govern on, because the country goes down the tubes.”
    What has gone down the tubes is how the RWN party has allowed kleptocratic corporate CEOs to steal the economy and invaded government policy and the courts with their power and wealth, while engorging themselves by sucking more wealth off of the Nanny State and the working class, which they put into law in order to continue to benefit from Nanny State policies.      
     Trump and other corporate kleptocrats have been feeding off of the teat of the government induced Nanny State. Trump has told all of us that he didn’t pay taxes for 16 years. When questioned about not paying federal income tax, he said he not doing so “makes me smart.”
    A great many too-big-to-fail large corporations do not pay taxes, and in many cases, get tax refunds!! A great many modern democracies have a socialized democracy as a governmental model. In the U.S., we have corporations that stifle innovation by buying up start-ups that are a threat to the large corporation’s growth, or squeeze them so they disappear. This type of vertical integration kills small innovating companies from making a difference for Americans and competing in the marketplace.
    The Nanny State benefits corporations through the patent and trademark laws, as well.
    The Nanny State is a form of socialism for the wealthiest among us. According to the RWN party socialism works only if it benefits the 1%.
    The Cretin said, “But when you tell people free medical, free education, no more student loans---all of the different things that you say---it’s a great thing to campaign on, but then ten years later the country is down the tubes. It’s gone.” The RWN party is afraid that when people get free or inexpensive medical care, which is mobile allowing the person to take their health care anywhere in the country; free education, which stimulates the country’s economy because young educated people can spend the money they make on things other than bank lended student loans, instead of houses, and more. What The Cretin doesn’t tell everyone that when his business doesn’t pay taxes for 16 years, they have so much more money available to expand their corrupt real estate company.
    “So, you always have to be careful with it, because you know you talk about single payer, it sounds very seductive---single payer---say what you want, but it’s a very seductive thing. But it means you’re not going to have good healthcare, it means the country is not going to be able to afford it.” The reality is that a great many people are NOT getting good healthcare under the current private corporate healthcare model. A great many people who voted for Trump are getting inferior and limiting healthcare right now. Anything is better than what they are getting now. Under the current model, if you have a specific healthcare provider plan, you cannot go outside that provider network even if you could get a better quality of healthcare service. The RWN party doesn’t want you to have choice unless it means getting a religious education instead of a public education and forcing that school district to pay for your child’s religious education.
    The Cretin believes that the next presidential election will be a “referendum on socialism versus capitalism.” What a bunch of propaganda and sludge mucked up from their stale garbage pitted minds. It is not an either----or model.  Currently, the United States already has socialism as an operational model, along with capitalism. We have the Veterans Administration. This is a socialistic healthcare model. We have socialism for the rich, as described above. We have Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and public education all part of a socialistic model.


The putzy Pence said, “Medicare-for-all impoverished millions of people around the world.” This Christian in name only (CINO) has no compassion for people who are suffering in the United States with an inferior healthcare delivery model. Countries with healthcare-for-all systems would not dare take it away because the citizens benefit from it. Pence is a liar. Pence is a putz. He was a failed governor and now a failed V.P. selling out his Christian values to be the sidekick for our groping perverted porn star president.
     Both Bernie Sanders, Jay Sinslee, and Kamala Harris have said that The Green New Deal would seek to eliminate fossil fuels in favor of 100 percent renewable energy, improving our climate change problems, as well as overhaul America’s economy with universal health care, allowing for job mobility, and sustainable job guarantee programs, which would stimulate and build the country.
    The RWN party is a failed political party with failed public representatives. They voted against a bill that would allow the Pentagon to perform a detailed and comprehensive study that would assess the climate change risks that would negatively affect military bases along coastal areas that will be impacted by rising sea levels. Sea level rise along coastal areas will put military bases, and the nation’s national security, at risk. The RWN party voted no when this bill came up in the Congress. Our Moron-in-Chief agrees that climate change is a hoax, and it is just a fluctuation in weather patterns and that rising CO2 values is a good thing for the planet, yet he feels that brown people from our southern border are a more significant national security risk making that his number one priority. 
    Another big news story that blew up has to do with a Pay-to-Play fraudulent scam giving the children of the 1% a way in to elite universities and colleges without having to prove their worthiness through their merit and abilities. No doubt, Donald J. Trump’s father paid millions to the schools that allowed him to attend. Trump has shown the nation that he is a full-blown dumbass who couldn’t attend the universities he supposedly graduated from strictly on his intelligence and merit. He threatened to sue any school that considered releasing his academic grade scores, even though he demanded Barack Obama show the nation his grades. Jared Kushner is another dumbass. When you look in his eyes, there is nothing there. It is a blank stare. He shows very little affect. His intelligence appears flat; a blank sheet of paper. He has repeatedly made poor business decisions. His father paid millions to Jared’s university in order to plant his dumbass son for four years. Who wrote Jared’s classroom papers? Who took the tests for him? Who took the tests for Donald J. Trump, as well?

    For the first time in America’s history, we have a dumbass pretending to be our president. This is a guy who is totally ill informed, and has no interest in finding out the truth or understand the facts. His only interest is to further his own wealth. When he speaks, he more often than not makes no sense. He has made Sean Hannity and Fox News an appendage of his administration. For the first time in America’s history we have an Oval Office Adult Daycare Center to manage the president’s day. Give the guy his bowl of Fish crackers and his action figures and tell him to go away.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Fake Melania Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    In an earlier blog post, a crazy, out-there theorizing viewpoint made the case that Melania Trump is a Russian asset assigned by Putin and the Slovenian military police to ensnare the porn star loving, gullible, horn dog, and prostitute madam swinging moron Donald J. Trump. This assignment to marry this dumbass business grifter was agreed upon in order to save her father, living in Slovenia from doing prison time.
    Her job was to get inside of The Trump Organization in order to learn of the shady, corrupt and vulnerable business practices, then pass those details to Putin to further his control over his Idiot Asset.
    Let us theorize that during the Putin-Trump private summit meeting, Putin told his Idiot Asset (as explained by Malcolm Nance in his book The Plot To Destroy Democracy) that Melania was HIS spy/asset used to get inside The Trump Org and if he ever hurt her, then he would unleash an arsenal of indictable information that would take down his entire family and destroy his businesses, which could likely lead to prison time.
    Now fast-forward to the latest Melania rumor that she has a body double used even at the most open or intimate of moments exposing her to photo shoots.
    The question might be why? The answer could be what was imprinted upon the back of her infamous military style jacket,
                       “I don’t care. Do you?”
    One might suggest that she hates being in Washington, D.C. and having to parade around as The Cretin’s first lady. This is where this shorter, differently shaped—faced woman is used as Melania’s secret stand—in.

    So, what might Melania be doing? The secret service agents have to hide her from public viewing while her dumbass husband continuously plays president.

    Possibly she is sick of having the orange, spray tanned and ridiculously blond comb—over moron embarrassing her in public view. She might be biding her time until the custom fitted orange jumpsuit is delivered by

    Just this week Joy Behar from the television show called The View brought up the Melania body double conspiracy theory with compelling photos.

    This juicy story fits the porn star president’s profile. This is a great tabloid drama. The next conspiracy theory might be that Mike Pence is a DARPA humanoid robot or one of the few gay conversion therapy inductees.

Monday, March 11, 2019

"Lock Him Up!"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

   The Cretin and his Stormtroopers in the White House have bragged about their job creation successes over the last two years. They have missed one significant factor, and that is that Americans are watching their overall net worth collapse since 2007 when the bottom fell out of the economy.
    What this might mean is that the jobs created under The Cretin’s worthless presidency are low paying and part-time jobs. As we saw during the government shutdown that the government employees that were furloughed by The Cretin had very little money in their savings to float their families while the boat was sinking. These were full-time workers who had to go to food banks, and seek support from friends and families to cover their expenses while they sat home waiting for the Democrats to solve the crisis. No one in the Republican White Nationalist party gave a damn. Their motto is “I’ve got mine. Too bad if they don’t have theirs.”
    “The cheerleader for the porn star president”, V.P. Pence, a self-proclaimed Christian didn’t seem to care that hard working American government employees were suffering as these two morons were pushing for Trump’s legacy--vanity border wall project. The Putz pretending to be the vice president is the Little Cretin and is not living a true Christian life. He is a fake. He is Christian-In-Name-Only, CINO.
    The fourth quarter of 2018 saw the largest drop in household net worth, since the financial crisis. This is why The Cretin has been selling the nation’s working class Americans a bill of goods. Falling stock market prices were so volatile that it eroded middle class American’s household wealth that hold their investments instead of day trading them as the wealthy do. A decrease of $4.6 trillion beginning from the third quarter and on into the fourth quarter evaporated. This means that retirement savings, college fund savings, and housing values deteriorated.
    The stock market acted just as The Cretin acted---volatile, and unstable. The Moron-in-Chief is unstable and incompetent and it was reflected in the stock market, and in the housing market.
   It has been reported that 40% of Americans do not have $400 in their account(s) in case they suffer a crisis. Young Americans are over their heads with $1.53 trillion in educational debt. Many do not have a job, are working in a low wage job, or a part-time job, and do not have the resources to start a family, or purchase a home, let alone pay down their debts. 40% of Americans must work a second job. Childcare expenses cut deeply into family expenses.
    This is not the case with the wealthiest Americans who were the major recipients of the Republican White Nationalist party majority tax cut.
    The Cretin and his Little Cretin pledged a future of affordable health care and lower drug prices. None of this has happened. These expenses erode the average American’s wealth. If a family member suffers an unexpected serious injury, they then often quickly realize that their health insurance only covers two weeks of inpatient care, and are sent home with a “Good Luck” packet of exercises for the family to execute on their own. A family crisis impacts family members who must cut back their work hours, negatively affecting family wealth, in order to act as rehab caregivers.
    The Cretin’s voter base is the very people who are getting kicked in the rear by the very person they voted for as their shake it up, drain the swamp president. He sucker punched them. He told them lies in order to get their vote, and they continue to support him even though they are falling further and further behind, while the richest among us get further and further ahead. The Cretin and his Little Cretin are working for the 1% and not the 99%.
    Americans need to wake up fast!!!!! It is time to pick a Democrat and support that person for president. We MUST send The Cretin and his family of grifters back to Moscow, and send the Little Cretin back to his cave.

    The Cretin MUST join the ranks of one-term presidents, such as GHW Bush, and Jimmy Carter and Jerry Ford. We must send him to a tailor so he can be fitted for an orange jumpsuit after the Southern District of New York prosecutes him and his family of grifters for tax evasion, tax fraud, charity fraud, and whatever else the prosecutors can layout in order to        “LOCK HIM UP!”

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Cretin stood before the CPAC White Nationalists in his codifying red tie signaling to Vladimir Putin that he misses his BFF and wishes he was 'ganging' out with his Russian handler. At the same time, our Russian idiot asset president gave his fans the Black Power fist salute.

    What is that all about? I guess this variation of the salute has become the White Nationalist Party salute. How cute!!

    Also, while giving his two-hour rambling speech to his bros that had trouble staying awake. Narcissistic sociopaths love to hear the sound of their own voice, which motivated Trump to keep rambling.
    During his stand up routine, he hugged the American flag proving to his base that he prefers our stars and stripes, instead of the hammer and sickle. From the picture, it looked like he wet his pants. "Sad. Very sad."

  Trump went wild and gave his middle finger to anyone who doesn’t support his presidency.

   He had to disguise it with his nose picking finger.

  Then, while giving his narcissistic address to his foot soldiers, he pooped his pants.

  The CPAC stand up comedy show full of embarrassing acts was proof that the Republican White Nationalist Party cannot see that their policies and agendas are very retrograding for the country. Trump and his Brownshirts want to take the country away from a sustainable future. A future that will raise everyone toward a better future.

  CPAC—Clowns Parading Around Conference.