Friday, February 28, 2020

The Nazis Are Coming To CPAC!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

The Nazis Are Coming To CPAC!

    CPAC – Conservative Political Action Conference—will be inviting Nazis to rally for *RUMP during their 2020 conference. Along with The Putz, formerly know as Pence, now our chief honcho to fight the Coronavirus in the country like he dealt with Aids as the one term governor of Indiana---FAIL, will be Naomi Seibt, a White Supremacist being paid by a White Supremacy organization.
    Seibt, 19 years old, is a Nazi funded anti-climate change mouthpiece. She will join *RUMP at the conference to spew archaic platforms and how climate change is a hoax. She is pushing against a tsunami of scientific evidence by pontificating fake news from a small bevy of paid “experts” that profess that the dire predictions surrounding climate change is fake and exaggerated. It won’t be much different than our latest Medal of Freedom recipient, Rush Limbaugh, saying that the Coronavirus is just the common cold. Climate change is just an exaggeration and its nothing to worry your pretty little head about.
    Seibt is funded by the Nazi, Jew-hating organization called The Heartland Institute, which is locatedin Arlington Heights, Illinois, just outside Chicago. One would have thought it would be located up in the hills of Boise, Idaho, or deep in the heart of Texas.
    Seibt, a YouTube personality says,

“I have good news for you. This world is not ending because of climate change.”

    WOW!! How enlightening!! Well in fact, the world will always survive, but humans and all that sustains us and the other creatures sharing the planet with us will disappear if climate change isn’t acted upon. In only 9 days, a major established polar ice formation completely melted!! When the coastal communities are underwater, watch the world’s economies collapse like never before!! The Heartland Institute ignores such facts as along as they are paid to do so. Heartland claimed that few, if any species will be driven into extinction from climate change when, in fact, extinction is happening now.
    What will happen at CPAC is that a laundry list of lies, conspiracy theories, and misinformation will titillate the attendees. And, Seibt will be a part of that “Fake News Porn” dished out by the speakers who then stroke their MAGA hats over and over again.
    Seibt bloviates on her YouTube channel this type of bullshit,

“People are being force fed a very dystopian agenda of climate alarmism that tells us that we as humans are destroying the planet and that we, the young people especially have no future.”
   Greta Thunberg, an honored Nobel Peace Prize winner, responded by saying during a U.N. gathering that

“Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth…”

    What Seibt, whose greatest achievement is receive Likes on her YouTube channel, and her bosses at Heartland Institute believe that the only extinction going on is that white men are being diluted by people of color and other races and cultures. This is exactly what they believe. Whites are on a path of extinction. This is the rhetoric spewed by White Supremacists.

    Seibt says,

“Are man-made CO2 emissions having that much impact on the climate? I think that’s ridiculous to believe.”

    The Heartland Institute is funded by the fossil fuel industrialize complex, as well as the tobacco industry. They push an agenda that supports their financial backers. They are basically lackeys for industrial lobbyists.
    This think tank dismisses any kind of Green New Deal ideas. Tim Benson, Heartland’s policy analyst, writes on Twitter in an anti-Semitic/Neo-Nazi style, similarly to that written by the Daily Stormer, a Nazi publication.
    Heartland’s ties are to Richard Mellon Scaffe—a far-right industrialist and a true American oligarch, along with Exxon-Mobil, Phillip Morris and other rich oligarchs. Heartland’s president, James M. Taylor, not America’s beloved singer/songwriter, receives funding from fossil fuel industrial lobbyists.  
     Taylor told Correctiv20F Frontal 21 journalists posing as Heartland German lobbyists that he is on friendly terms with the Trump administration.

“The Trump administration often asked for advice and about what we could do. We worked closely together.”

    Taylor told these undercover journalists that they have a budget of $4.6M.
    Taylor recruited Naomi Seibt as their “anti-Greta” mouthpiece. Heartland’s strategy in Germany was to spread fake news propaganda, such as, that diesel fuel exhaust had a minimal effect on health and climate.
    The Heartland Institute’s website professes the dangers of totalitarianism, yet, it appears that their actions speak just the opposite. They deny climate change research by pushing a counterfactual agenda and have had an influence over the U.S. Tea Party movement. They believe economic growth is more important than the environment. The “Denial Movement” has attracted right-wing nationalists who avoid dealing with global issues. They point fingers at the so-called elite as driving the climate change narrative and call them out as liars as do the White Nationalists, and President *RUMP and his crime syndicate foot soldiers. People like Scaffe and the fossil fuel industries are aligned with many of these White Nationalists, as well as neo-Nazis, distrust in actual science based facts surrounding climate change and its impact on our environment.
    Tim Benson of Heartland once satirically wrote that to stop China, India and Russia from their harmful climate change policies, the U.S. should invade them. Since he is an alt-right evangelist, he doesn’t feel that anyone other than the children of Democrats should be the first on their block to get a confirmed kill in the name of the planet. Benson said,

“…perhaps millions of American youth will die ridding the world of the climate change menace, but what a noble sacrifice.”
        The writer on 2019/04/13, by ClimateDenierRoundup, believes that such tropes were

a “key tactic for spreading white nationalism and anti-Semitism. The use of “ironic” racism was an informal strategy during the first rise of Nazism and has since become a formal part of the neo-Nazi approach to messaging.”

    The Heartland Institute aligned with Poland’s biggest coal companies and other extractive industries. They have this belief that nature will tolerate all types of industrial waste thrown at it.
    Craig Idso, a former Peabody Energy coal employee wrote a paid for study by Heartland for the industry group, The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity on the benefits for coal fired powerplants.
    Andrew Perez wrote in his piece reported in Money Behind Climate Denial,

“A controversial family credited with helping Trump win the White House spent $4.4M last year to finance climate change deniers.”

    This family being the Mercers. The founders of Breitbart, a White Nationalist news outlet. They financially supported Steve Bannon, the same guy who was an advisor to Trump’s presidential 2016 campaign, and known to hangout with White Supremacists and neo-Nazis in America and overseas. Watch Bill Maher interview Bannon on YouTube.
    Rebeckah Mercer and her father have been funding climate change deniers for years. The Mercers gave $800K to Heartland in 2010 and contributed $6-8M since 2008. They gave $170K to the CO2 Coalition, in 2018, that believes carbon dioxide is good for the planet. The Mercers gave $200K to The Energy and Environmental Legal Institute, a coal funded non-profit, that fights state environmental regulations. They also were part owner of Cambridge Analytica that worked with Trump on his 2016 campaign. The Koch brothers have also donated to the Heartland Institute. Their roots stretch back to the Nazis, as well.
    Another player working for The Heartland Institute is Marita Noon, the executive director for Energy Makes America Great Inc. and the Citizens’ Alliance for Responsible Energy. They are deeply connected to the Trump administration assisting them in the spread of anti-climate change propaganda and feed gullible Americans that we need to use more fossil fuels, Frack more, drill more, and not less. And, that renewable energy sources are ineffective. Marita Noon wrote articles titled “Get Ready to Break Wind”, and “Climate Change a symbolic battle against an unpleasant, toxic way of life”. She actually believes that climate change is only symbolic and not a reality. She speaks for The Heartland Institute. She is a pro-fracking, oil and gas extraction activist. She must also believe that farting and cow gas is a good source of methane produced energy production. She sees herself as a walking gas bag.
    The Cretin’s administration rolled back the EPA’s policy that states that carbon is an air pollutant. The Idiot-in-Chief’s belief is that carbon is not an air pollutant.
    Attending the 2017 The America First Energy Conference sponsored by The Heartland Institute invited White House lackeys to attend. Such Kool-Aid drinkers who went to the conference were as follows: David Stevenson, Scott Pruitt, Richard Westerdale II, and Vinnie DeVito. These environmental fascists withdrew America from the Paris Climate Agreement, expressed a proposed repeal of pollution rules for powerplants and an overhaul of the EPA.
    Here is a link that lists The Heartland Speakers debunking climate change and in bed with the fossil fuel industrialized complex.  (list here)
    This is the objective of CPAC. This is are a kumaya bro-fest gathering of red tie suits (red ties often worn by *RUMP to give a thumbs up signal to his daddy—Vladimir Putin) with flag pins attached to their lapels slapping each other on the back praising their movement to make sure their supporters give a thumbs down to climate change initiatives, a thumbs up to dictators, fascism, authoritarianism, tax breaks to oligarchs, cuts in social services, higher costs for patients with pre-existing conditions, the elimination of public schools, raising the retirement age to NEVER, privatizing Medicare and Medicaid and tying them to the stock market, building a big and YUUGE beautiful wall, dismissing Coronavirus dangers, continuously spending money on military expansion, tariffs-are-good, and much, much more.
   This is CPAC!!!!

    Trump is suffering from extreme paranoia. He believes even within his own appointees, there are anti-trumper-deep state characters and has developed a McCarthyism hit list to fire such people. The head of this group of “McCarthyites” is Ginny Thomas, Clarence Thomas’ wife. His paranoia will only get worse now that the Coronavirus has hit our country.
   The Putz, formerly known as Pence has been assigned as the big kahoona to head the efforts to contain the virus. Unfortunately, Putz doesn’t believe in science. He said, “Smoking doesn’t kill.” He must have watched too many Marlboro Man commercials. Putz has decided to control all the information about the virus. He will have all the information gathered by CDC and other government agencies that are advancing efforts to contain the virus through him. This is how fascism works. Control the message. Downplay the seriousness. This is how *RUMP operates. This is what he is doing.
    The Cretin has blamed the Democratic debates for the spread of the virus. The Do Nothing President also is being blamed for his incompetence over his failure to be prepared and the response over the spreading virus, such as the lack of available testing kits.
    Is The Putz thinking about how the government will respond when small and large businesses tell workers to stay home when the virus reaches their community? Low wage workers who live from paycheck to paycheck will likely have no money after one week of being sent home. Those businesses will suffer when their clientele also stay home. How will they pay their bills? Will the government offer unemployment compensation? Will food stamps for workers be provided who are told to stay home? The ripple effect of a collapsing economy must be considered by this administration and ready up a plan if it materializes.
    Unfortunately, we have a White House that is totally incompetent and is surrounded by inept, incompetent and politically motivated lackeys. The Cretin has told Americans that the virus will disappear. Mick Mulvaney told us to just turn off our television all will be fine.
    More evidence of the Idiot-in-Chief unraveling was witnessed when he told his rally crowd that toilets and showers are a big problem for people. 

"Toilets and showers. You do not get any water. They put restrictions on them and now they are permanent. Try doing and buying a new faucet. Turn it on and no water comes out. I have this beautiful head of hair. I need a lot of water. You go into the shower and...drip. Drip." He told reporters at the White House regarding the EPA and policy changes, "...looking very strongly at the sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times are opposed to once. They end up using more water." 

    This is a priority at the White House? This is their focus and this is what they want the EPA to address?

The Putz said, 

“I mean if the president hadn’t taken those unprecedented steps we’d be in a very different place.”

     That is so right, Putz, the president’s unprecedented steps have put the country in a very dangerous and horrible place.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Donald Trump's IDIOT Society

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    Once again, The IDIOT Society—Indelible Dimwittedness Inside Of Trump (IDIOT) Society had decided to annoint one of its members with The Medal of Freedom. Thus far, one of its high profile IDIOTs, Rush Limbaugh, has spoken out that the Coronavirus is just a common cold. Limbaugh dug out his Toys R Us medical toy kit believing that once he puts it on, he transforms into doctor mode. He now can diagnosis illnesses. He said, “The common cold Coronavirus is a effort to bring down Trump.” He claims it is a bio-weapon created in a Chinese laboratory.

“Now, I want to tell you the truth about the Coronavirus…I’m dead right on this. The Coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”

    He proclaims to his radio lemmings that the virus is an engineered lab experiment created as a biological weapon. Does he believe, while wearing his toy store bought 5 year old tailored M.D. lab coat that the virus escaped from the lab or does he believe the Chinese government allowed it to escape the lab in order to infect its people?
    Limbaugh knows the truth, of course, according to the memo dispensed by The IDIOT Society.
    To further The IDIOT Society’s dimwittedness, the head dimwit—Dimwitted Donnie, has gone after the two women on the Supreme Court telling them they should recuse themselves because of Justice Sotomayor called out her male colleagues as basing decisions from their right wing political perspective. The Cretin didn’t want to hear what is true. Most know this to be true from watching Chief Justice John—da' Con—Roberts failing to speak up during the impeachment trial encouraging the majority in the Senate to call witnesses and to bring forth additional evidence before a final vote is called to impeach.

The senior IDIOT said, while in India,

“I thought it was so inappropriate, such a terrible statement for a Supreme Court Justice. She’s trying to shame people with perhaps a different view into voting her way, and that’s so inappropriate.”

    What has happened is that The Cretin’s administration repeatedly runs to the Supreme Court for decisions for support to it’s policies that had lower court injunctions decided against them.
 Sotomayor said,

“It is hard to say what is more troubling that the Government would seek this extraordinary relief seemingly as a matter of course, or that the Court would grant it.”

    The Cretin was somewhat incoherent when he said,

“I just don’t know how they cannot recuse themselves from anything having to do with Trump or Trump related. The right thing to do is that.”

“What Justice Sotomayor said yesterday was really highly inappropriate, and everybody agrees to that. Virtually everybody I’ve seen papers on it, people cannot believe that she said it.”

    HUH? Everybody agrees to that? Seen a paper on it? Was it written on a napkin? We believe her opinion to be true, Dumby Donnie! No doubt, a great many Americans agree with Justice Sotomayor.

    Donnie cryptically said regarding Russian 2020 meddling,

“They went to see Bernie, and they told Bernie about something having to do with they want Bernie to win.”

   What is he talking about? He said that the intelligence agency went to Bernie and briefed him about this interference before going to The Cretin. Maybe Dumb Dumb was napping on his pre-school floor blanket clutching his Lil’Kim and Putin action figure toys, and they just didn’t want to disturb him.

    He believes the 2020 Russian interference is “highly exaggerated.”

    Regarding the Weinstein sentencing, the *RUMP made this incoherent statement,

“I will say, the people that liked him were the Democrats. Michelle Obama loved him, loved him. Hillary Clinton loved him and he gave tremendous money to the Democrats. And I guess my question is, will the Democrats be asking for that money back?”
   What does tremendous money actually mean? What does “…will the Democrats be asking for that money back?” It appears *RUMP was saying that the Democrats gave Weinstein money and not the other way around. Once again, The IDIOT has trouble forming complete and coherent thoughts and expressing those thoughts.
    The IDIOT Society’s chief IDIOT said,

“If I don’t win, you’re going to see a crash like you’ve never seen before.”

    In fact, we are seeing a possible market “Black Swan” event unfolding, while the *RUMP is still in the White House. The market is experiencing a serious drop because of an unpredictable event—a possible Coronavirus pandemic!! It is happening on *RUMP’s watch ---now!!
    The *RUMP is trying to cover his own rump because he was caught with his pants down. He cut ~$1.3B from the current projected 2021 budget, which was earmarked for the CDC’s emergency deployment teams used to quickly respond to a serious medical emergency, such as a Coronavirus outbreak. He cut funds from the CDC in the 2020 budget, now in effect. Currently, he is going to Congress to ask for a release of ~$2.5B to address a possible domestic viral emergency. Unfortunately, there might be a lag in mobilizing if an outbreak occurs.
    The IDIOT Society and their lackeys who protect them are guilty of total incompetence and must be called out for it on a daily basis. This administration represents a serious and present danger to the country.

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 24, 2020

Trump's Daddy Needs Love Rally In India

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    The stock market has been dropping because the world is seeing a spread of another serious virus, the Coronavirus. This won’t be the last in a series of similarly created viruses. We remember hearing from the religious fascist Evangelical church-based kleptocrats blaming Democrats for the HIV viral epidemic.
    So, can we blame Evil Donnie for the worldwide spread of the Coronavirus? Are we hearing from the same Evangelical fearmongerers, who align with religious fascism, pointing their fingers at their crime syndicate president? Of course not! The reason being is that these religious haters have ‘kissed the ring’ of their White House undertaker.
    Now, Dumb Dumb Donnie is in India claiming a monopoly of support for this country. The Democratic candidates need to tell America that The Cretin doesn’t have a claim when it comes to supporting their allies expanding from Canada to India and all in between. In doing so, a Democratic president would emphasize American values of religious freedom for all, as well as equal opportunities, and a plan to curb the damaging effects of climate change, which India is a major violator!!
    India ranks 9th  worldwide in climate damage. India ranks 49th when it comes to poverty. Regarding hunger, India ranks 102 out of 117, with 117 being the worst. Access, and quality of health care ranks India among the lowest globally. In India, families typically pay 80 percent of their health care costs as "out-of-pocket" expenses when they receive health care. U.S. goods and services being traded with India totaled an estimated $142.6B in 2018. Exports were $58.7B and imports were $83.9B. This trading partnership has been long lasting and stretched far earlier than *RUMP’s reign of incompetence.
    Back in late 2018, it was predicted that in *RUMP’s last year in the White House the market was going to shrink and experience contraction. Well, this prediction is happening and will likely continue for the coming months as we head to November.

    During a speech in India, *RUMP hit at China as being an obstacle to a healthy trading policy. We will see if China pushes back.


“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, February 21, 2020

Did Elizabeth Warren Self Implode Her Campaign?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Michael Moore discusses, on his Podcast called Rumble, the misrepresentations, lies and falsehoods spoken by Elizabeth Warren over the last few years. Listen to the entire podcast for the full story about how Elizabeth Warren might have whacked her own campaign. It appears that either she or Bernie Sanders lied about a statement that he allegedly said to her in a private meeting. You decide what the truth is.

As Michael Moore emphasizes in the podcast that this election is not about a single winning Democrat, but about all of us.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

A Disappointing Vegas Democratic Debate

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    The Vegas Debate was very disappointing, even though the pundits praised it. It was more of a food fight in the school cafeteria than adults maturely and civilly communicating their policies to the American people. Instead of speaking about what they will do to improve the lives and health of the country, and how they will strengthen the Democratic party, they attacked each other. Bernie and Elizabeth Warren raised their flailing hands like two competing third graders wanting the teacher to pick them to answer the question and monopolize attention, while the rest of the class sees them as teacher’s pets.

    Where was Andrew Yang when you needed him the most!!

    Bloomberg was flat and bombed, while Warren used him as her punching bag. Bernie, a millionaire, kept spinning his tape loop, not unlike the child who pulls the string on the Tickle Me Elmo doll, criticizing the millionaire and billionaire club of which he is a member, as was pointed out by Mayor Pete and Mike Bloomberg.
    As we once heard back in the 90’s, “It’s the economy stupid!” It has now been changed to “It’s the tax structure stupid!” The taxing system has allowed the millionaire and billionaire class to avoid paying their share of taxes. The way Amazon and other huge companies avoid taxes is to keep buying up business interests in other companies expanding their squid-like footprint forming a too big to fail multi-national conglomerate. When Amazon, for example, buys up Whole Foods, delivery companies, doorbell systems, shares in electric truck companies, real estate, health care and pharmacies, just to name a few, they can write off these investments, and any losses they incur leading up to profitability, they can write off these losses, while building corporate wealth, and pay no taxes. We common folk cannot have this luxury as we work one, two or three jobs to pay our bills. This is a plutocratic oligarchy.
    Did we really have to hear about all the crass mistakes Bloomberg made when interacting with women, or his racist policies when mayor? Maybe his apologies were not deep enough; but, nevertheless, the press and media will make him accountable to the voters. Did they forget that *RUMP won the electoral college count even though he was shown repeatedly to be a racist, and bigoted misogynist (possible pedophile and rapist) filled with hate, lies, as well as, corrupt and fascist leanings. HE WON IN SPITE OF THIS!!  Stop with the purity tests during the debates!!
    Warren’s purity test is misguided. “It’s about beating Trump, stupid!” Klobuchar and Mayor Pete displayed the most civility. Biden, once again, showed he has trouble putting smooth sentences together. Are you sick of hearing Joe riding the coattails of President Obama? We know you have experience. Tell us what you will do if you win. Stand on your own two feet.

‘Hey Joe, where are goin’ with that Obama picture in your hand? Hey Joe, I said where are you goin’ with that Obama button in your hand? (Lyric adaptation from the song “Hey Joe” written by Billy Roberts and famously performed by Jimi Hendrix.)

    One might believe that people turned off the debate once it got into food fight mode. No one wants to hear Amy K. or the others brag how they are the only candidate who can beat *RUMP, when in fact, they cannot win a single primary!! “It’s about the delegate count, stupid!”
    Monopolizing the debate stage, or failing to really speak about how they will improve American lives, and repair the party and address the health of the country and healing world tensions is what we want to hear.
    We want competent moderators asking important and relevant questions and demanding they end the food fighting and stay focused on their own platform, otherwise, their mikes will be cut off! What we need is equal time for each candidate, too!

    Where is Andrew Yang when we need him most!

    The Cretin is pardoning criminals who need to remain behind bars for their white collar crimes. Lower level crimes get ignored because they are not high profile people who can kiss the ring before the cameras.
    Now we hear that *RUMP wants to rewrite his impeachment and the Russian involvement in his 2016 election. What we hear today from Republican White Nationalist Dana Rohrabacher, working for The Cretin, was an attempt to bribe Julian Assange with a pardon if he publicly stated that the Russians were not the guilty party behind the DNC hack. He would need to kiss the ring of the White House crime boss. Assange didn’t take the bait.
    This sounds like the bribe he tried to make with the Ukrainian president Zelensky to say that the Bidens were guilty in the Ukrainian gas company scandal and the firing of the Ukrainian’s highly corrupt state prosecutor.
    So much for The Cretin’s pal, Susan Collins, who is so delusional that she actually believed that *RUMP “learned a lesson” from the impeachment trial, which ultimately dismissed the charges because Collins voted in favor of it. She is just another coward in her sheep’s clothing gulping down The White Nationalist Kool-Aid. The lesson learned was to plow full speed ahead and break everything in sight!!
    Michael Isikoff has a podcast on Yahoo News called “Conspiracyland” debunking Trump related conspiracies. Isikoff is just getting started.

    You can hear it on the app called “Tunein”, as well. The initial and only episode, thus far, focuses on the unsolved murder of DNC staff member, Seth Rich.
     *RUMP wants to clear his legacy. It doesn’t appear that will happen soon, if ever. The Cretin is raging and flipping his orange flambé knowing that the intelligence community realizes that Russia is, once again, interfering in the election process to get their Idiot Russian Asset reelected. Joe Maguire, the acting director of national intelligence briefed the House Intelligence Committee members on this breech of national security. The Idiot Asset Trump went ballistic learning that this White House foot soldier was acting disloyal to his crime boss.
    Now Maguire is out and a new fascist wannabe and ring kisser, Richard Grenell will be the replacement. *RUMP can now lock down any and all Russian interference intel from Congress and the American people explaining that Putin is helping his Idiot Asset in the 2020 election, in spite of claiming that the 2016 interference was all a “hoax”.
    In addition to Maguire packing up his MAGA hat and Russian Red Tie, is John Rood, the goon in charge of defense department policy. Others who might leave behind their Space Force Jammies in a crumbled pile of scrap material are Victoria Coates and Peter Navarro.
    If the Democratic presidential candidates don’t start displaying presidential integrity, debate classiness, and a clear and defined message palatable message that appeals to every sector of the population, then The Cretin has a good chance of winning the electoral college count, once again. 

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 17, 2020

Happy President's Day

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    On Tuesday, during the New Hampshire primary, the most surprising result didn’t come from the Democrats, but from the Republicans when 10,000 registered Republicans decided to get out of their warm homes to cast their vote for Republican Bill Weld—Trump’s opponent for the Republican nomination for president. Because of this surprise, *RUMP will lose New Hampshire when it comes down to who wins the electoral college in the state.
    This is why. The one big reason is that *RUMP crossed the line---again--- when he pulled out his political shotgun to blow a hole through the U.S. Justice department. He said,

“This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happened to them. Cannot allow the miscarriage of justice.”

    This is in reference to his criminal con-artist pal, Roger Stone, after being found guilty in a court of law, was possibly looking at a 7-9 year prison sentence as was recommended by the U.S. prosecuting attorney.
    *RUMP’s lackey, BillyBob Barr was directed to intervene and lower the sentence to just months instead of years.
    This is what authoritarians do to manipulate the legal decisions of their fascist foot soldiers who are found guilty of crimes. This is not how democracy works.

“I thought it was an insult to our country and it shouldn’t happen. Those are the same Mueller people (prosecutors) who put everybody through hell and I think it’s a disgrace.”

    What is a disgrace is that the senate failed to convict The Cretin.

    More disgrace is that BetsyDeVos, Education Secretary, and The Cretin have a lot in common. *RUMP engages in fraud. He created a fake university in order to scam innocent people to attend and learn *RUMP’s fake business strategies and his “Art of the Deal”, when in fact, he had never made a successful deal on his own in his life.
     DeVos has allowed fake universities to apply for grants and accreditations by spending taxpayer dollars to create this scam. She has allowed, for example, Reagan National University to exist even though it had no students, or faculty. It was only a visa mill giving education visas to foreign students who were given access to the United States without having to receive an education. This sounds like DeVos engaged in immigration fraud, as well as a participant in this overall fraudulent scheme.
    Next in this fake administration is *RUMP admitting that he knew of Rudy Ghouliani’s 001 spy role in Ukraine, after months of denying he was a part of this civilian state department creation where he funneled back intel back to BillyBob Barr as he tried to find dirt on the Bidens One must keep asking who is paying for this? It has to be the *RUMP Organization. Who is actually writing the checks? Paying the credit cards?
        1100 former DOJ officials have asked for BillyBob Barr to step down. What needs to be done is for the American Bar Association to investigate him, which should lead to disbarring Barr. 
    Another YUUGE story coming from the White House is that Pompous Piggy Pompeo has negotiated a week-long ceasefire with the Taliban hoping it will turn into a long-term settlement so the U.S. can exit Afghanistan. No one is holding their breath on this “deal”. The Taliban will turn the Afghanistan clock back to the 3rd century.
    *RUMP lies about saving Medicare from cuts, when in fact, deeply hidden in his 2021 budget are two cuts to Medicare. One is to rehydrate an old, dried up Rickittee Santorum idea to let seniors opt out of Medicare Part A and instead, let recipients put money into tax-advantaged accounts targeted for future health care costs. Part A is used for hospital coverage, and Part B is used for out-patient care.
    The rules would say that if you leave Medicare Part A, and if you don’t apply for any Social Security benefits, then you would have to pay back every penny you already received from using these benefits along with all the Medicare costs spent on you. Why would anyone do this?
    Any health savings accounts would be tied to the stock market; therefore, when the market drops, so does your “allowance” coverage if you need to withdraw for any medical bills. Imagine relying on a Health Savings Account after the 2008 market collapse. This scummy Santorum redo is insane! But *RUMP doesn’t care about Americans, he only cares about the Market Leninists—American Oligarchs making more money off your health care needs by tacking on HSA market fees and costs to manage the account.
    Tommy Cotton-tail, a full blown freaky deaky *RUMP Klansman has been making the rounds spreading his “fake news” story that the Coronavirus was created in a Chinese lab for the purpose of weaponizing the virus; and, that it got away from the scientists.
    The fact is that bats were the original host for the virus and then spread to farm animals and onto humans. The cause of the virus is being investigated by actual scientists and medical professionals. Tommy Cotton-tail doesn’t agree with this assessment of the virus.
    What should be investigated is that Tommy Cotton-tail was created in an Arkansas laboratory when large jack rabbits were hybridized for the purpose of weaponizing them and one was released into the wild by mistake.
    As The Cretin expands his crime syndicate operation from the White House, the number of crime syndicate lieutenants, one being BillyBob Barr, another being Rudy Ghouliani, another Patty Cipollone, and another being salty Peter Navarro. Navarro, is *RUMP’s trade advisor. He is being used to hunt down his opposition by sniffing out those within and outside the White House cult who speak to reporters anonymously. Being an anonymous source is legal. Whistleblowers are patriots. They take a huge risk to expose corruption and worse. But, what The Cretin is doing is using his personal thug, Navarro, to seek and destroy individuals who are American patriots because this White House cult are NOT patriots but traitors to democracy and freedom. A clear representation of this anti-American scum is when Rush Limbaugh received the Medal of Freedom.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, February 14, 2020

Trump Has Become Joe McCarthy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.


McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.”--Wiki

Now we can change the definition to apply to the current fascist regime in the White House.

‘A vociferous campaign against alleged Democrats and those not aligned with the current administration’s political stance in the US government and other institutions carried out under the President of the United States in the period 2016--. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, in spite of being Americans.
·       a campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations.’
    This is how The Cretin runs the White House, the press, the Congress, and military. He uses the attorney’s general, BillyBob Barr as his own legal henchman, although Barr is pushing back against *RUMP because the American Bar Association is considering investigating him. No doubt, BillyBob is fearful of being disbarred, or being impeached by the House of Representatives following a detailed investigation.
    The Cretin believes he has every right given to him as president to interfere with any judicial decision and to step in front of the attorney’s general role as the head of the justice department. This sounds like autocracy and his Cretin Klan Kult in the Congress have looked the other way giving him permission to violate the constitution and abuse his power. So much for Senator Collins believing *RUMP learned his lesson by being impeached, although found not guilty of the charges in the Senate. Collins is extremely delusional and no longer relevant to her constituents and the American people.
    We are witnessing an invasion of White Supremacy propaganda, and violence, into the mainstream society within the country over the last two years, as reported by Jorge Ortiz in USA Today. Now we witnessed The Cretin giving the Medal of Freedom to a racist, bigoted, likely closeted White Supremacist, homophobic cretin, who is a crime family member of *RUMP’s Cretin Ku-less Klux Klan. The Klan has now reached deep within the White House.
    The Cretin has now admitted that he is using Rudy Ghouliani as his official dirt digger in order to spy on the Ukrainian government even though he is NOT a government official. The question is who is paying Rudy to venture into these alternative state department activities? We need to follow the money. Would the money trail lead to Putin or Putin oligarchs?
    We now hear that Pompous Pompeo may have reached some sort of fake settlement with the Afghani Taliban. What kind of stunt is this? The Taliban were allies to Osama bin Laden who took down the New York City Trade Towers. Here is what Wiki says about the Taliban.

From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban held power over roughly three quarters of Afghanistan, and enforced there a strict interpretation of Sharia or Islamic law. The Taliban emerged in 1994 as one of the prominent factions in the Afghan Civil War. The Taliban have been condemned internationally for the harsh enforcement of their interpretation of Islamic Sharia law, which has resulted in the brutal treatment of many Afghans, especially women. The Taliban and their allies committed massacres against Afghan civilians, denied UN food supplies to 160,000 starving civilians.

    We shouldn’t hold our breath for an actual peace to happen in Afghanistan. And, it is likely that education allowed to girls might end.
    This is the legacy for this administration. What is amazing is the amount of support this administration is getting from Americans. It has been reported that 6 in 10 Americans feel they are better off. This doesn’t make any sense. Prices continue to rise. People are working longer hours and jobs in sectors, such as retail and service are getting cut, and personal debt is on the rise.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Donald J. Trump Gets A Makeover

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

What’s up with Dumb Dumb Donnie? He got a makeover from Chuckles the Clown. Clearly, there appears to be hair plugs planted in the front of his hairline. What we see is a combover meeting back brushed hair plugs, along with some very scary spray tanning slop layered on his ugly face. Typically, when the wind blows, the camera can pick up the combover lifting off his scalp revealing nothing but his bald head.

It looks like some of the spray tan stuff was brushed onto the hair plugs giving him that orange surfer combed back look, while the rest of the hair is left white. Now, that is a really incredible look he is trying out.

He has that look when a long haired poodle gets a close to the skin shave for the summer. “Please, please don’t look!!!”

Now this must be his new, and not so improved campaign look. No doubt, he will need a makeup crew just to keep this freaky look intact.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

9% of Republicans in the New Hampshire Primary Voted Against Donald Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    On Tuesday, during the New Hampshire primary, the most surprising result didn’t come from the Democrats, but from the Republicans when 13,000 Republicans voted for Bill Weld instead of The Cretin. 9.2% of Republican voters turned out to vote against *RUMP. This wasn’t expected. Because of this February Surprise, Trump will lose New Hampshire if 9.2 plus percent of Republican voters vote against The Cretin in November, vote Democratic, or just stay home.
    This is why---one big reason is because The Cretin crossed the line—again—when he pulled out his political shotgun to blow a hole through the U.S. justice system when he said,

 “This is horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side as nothing happened to them. I thought it was an insult to our country and it shouldn’t happen. These are the same Mueller people [prosecutors] who put everybody through hell and I think it’s a disgrace.”

     What is a disgrace and an insult to the country is that we have a dumbass fascist living in the White House!! A cheap suit, red tie, low life wannabe crime boss.
    He was referring to his criminal conartists/fixer pal, Roger Stone, after being found guilty in a court of law, was likely looking at a 7-9 year prison sentence as was recommended by the U.S. prosecuting attorneys arguing for the government. Once Barr and Trump intervened, the four prosecuting attorneys resigned from the case in protest because these two crossed the line by politically smashing against a politically independent judicial system.
    The Cretin’s lackey, Bill Bob Barr was directed to intervene on behalf of his cult leader to lower the sentence to just no more than two years. Also, Trump is smearing the judge in the case on Twitter. This is intimidation and a crime. This is what authoritarian dictators do to manipulate the legal decisions to favor their foot soldiers. This is NOT how democracy works. Trump is one step away from placing a hit on anyone who crosses him politically.
    Trump is showing his real self as a full-blown fascist. He continues to unleash his hatred toward democracy, compassion, and the rule of law toward people who need the support of its government.
    The Cretin says he wants to protect Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid, but he lies. Actually, he lies everyday about everything!! Medicaid is his recent target, along with Food Stamps and services that help poor families, families that are living on the financial edge, and those suffering from a disabling condition. Another big target is health care and jacking up the cost for those with pre-existing conditions. He is more in favor of serving the wealth class and the Market Leninist flag wavers.
    The fascist in the White House is clearing out those who testify against him, in favor of democracy and the constitution. Vindman, Sondland and others have been transferred, fired or just resigned because they testified in favor of democracy.
    Trump is doing everything he can to cripple America by cutting the EPA, ignoring climate change, boosting the fossil fuel industrialized complex, and feed the military industrialized complex with more taxpayer dollars. By bailing out the farmers who have seen their income slashed as a result of the tariffs, is a government subsidized program, which is no different than China’s government subsides to their manufacturing industries. The United States is complaining to China for subsidizing their sectors, when in fact, The Cretin is doing the same thing!!!!
    For a guy who brags about his “Art of the Deal”, he just cannot make a deal to save his life. The NAFTA redo is basically the same as the last one. The China deal doesn’t help farmers recoup their losses. If you have been watching, the prices at the grocery store, and elsewhere, have dramatically increased!!! This is because The Cretin is not capable of making any kind of deal. He is a complete lying idiot!!! These higher prices are actually a tax upon the consumer. The Chinese government is NOT picking up the costs. The U.S. consumers are picking up the terrible tariff tab. Where is deal with Israel and the Palestinians? Where is the deal with North Korea? Where is the deal with Iran and Iraq? Where is the deal with Afghanistan? The fact is he just is not capable of making any reasonable deal or closing a deal. He blows up deals instead of making them.
    The Cretin is a pariah to this country. He intimidates his Congressional cowardice cult collaborators and feeds as much hate as he can to his free Kool-Aid drinking lemmings. They lap it up like thirst dogs.
    He is using Rudy Ghouliani   as his own personal spy stationed in Ukraine with the backing of Billy Bob Barr who receives the fake intel for his crime boss. The big question is who is paying Ghouliani for these missions? His crime pal, Lev Parnas, was getting paid by a Ukrainian oligarch who had ties to Putin. Parnas then channeled some of those millions of dollars into the pockets of Rudy. So, who is Ghouliani’s benefactor now? Is it Putin via Russian or Ukrainian oligarchs, or is it a check written from The Trump Organization signed by Dummy Donnie Junior?
    This is how crime syndicates work. A guy pays a guy who pays a guy for the dirty work done for him. This is how *RUMP runs his White House.
    He cannot leave Mitt Romney alone, either. The “47%” former presidential candidate was just one who strayed from the Republican White Nationalist Senate to vote against The Cretin on principle. For once, Romney voted his conscience.
    The Cretin makes lying to Americans his go-to communication style. He tells his cult followers that the Democratic House does nothing when, in fact, have passed over 300 bills with 276 being bipartisan and have been sitting on Moscow Mitch’s desk without a chance for a Senate vote. Also, The Republican White Nationalist Senate voted against a House bill that would make our voting systems more secure from foreign manipulation, as well as connected to the Internet. They can only win elections by cheating.
    The truth is that Moscow Mitch is the do-nothing idiot in the Senate.
    Now since The Cretin is totally unhinged and vile, he is going after the press as illegitimate and dangerous. He uses social media to discredit the press and media. He is planning to create a misinformation apparatus to spread lies as fact so as to smear the press and media sources. As KellyAnne Crack-way (what is she smoking?) says, “There are alternative facts.”
    Third party rightwing nationalists and rightwing nationalist lobby groups are also creating fake local news sites, without any on-site verification. This is what fascist leaders do, such as Hitler, and Putin!
    Trump is engaging in social media dirty tricks!!! It is time to fight fire with fire and give it right back to these Republican White Nationalist fascists!!! We need to attack the Trump Trojan Horse with fire and fury.

Listen to more of this here.

"The Disinformation War" podcast can be listened here.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Andrew Yang CAN beat Trump In The Next Election

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    It is clear that Andrew Yang is probably the only Democratic candidate who could beat Donald Jerk*ff Trump in the 2020 election. Andrew Yang explains why he is the best candidate to beat The Idiot-in-Chief. Just a day or so ago, he had a New Hampshire Town Hall and shares his platform in a clear and understandable way.


    Following The Cretin’s acquittal, he called the impeachment process evil and corrupt. *RUMP was transferring the reality that he, and he alone, is corrupt and evil. He was acquitted because his entire congressional cult, except Mitt Romney, were scared, afraid, cowering cowards unable to stand up to their bully leader, and push back against a wannabe fascist mongrel.
    “We went through hell, unfairly.” He boasted that the investigation was “bullshit”. When, in fact he WAS impeached. People went to jail because of their relationship with him and Russia.
    At the National Prayer Breakfast, The Cretin served up himself as the sausage on the platter and had to make the event all about HIM. He is so self-absorbed; so narcissistic that he could not focus on what a prayer breakfast means. He said,

 “As everybody knows, my family, our great country and your president have been put through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people.”

    Oh My!! He was actually talking about himself—a dishonest and corrupt person who has put the country through a terrible ordeal! So true, Donnie.
    He then said,

 “…they [the House Democrats] put themselves ahead of our great country.”

    Yes Dumb Dumb Donnie, YOU did put yourself ahead of our country by extorting Ukraine’s president, and lied about, as well as, abused your presidential authority.
    Marie Yovanovich, the former Ukrainian ambassador, said our democracy is at risk.

    Also, here in Pennsylvania, The Putz, formerly known as Pence, traveled to Philly and lied for his boss—The Cretin. Putz said, “Pennsylvania wants school vouchers.” NO WAY PUTZ. YOU want school vouchers and not the majority of us in PA. We want better public schools for all. We want school funding equality and not funding targeted to the more affluent communities. We want state funded schools and not funding based on property taxes, which places rural and lower income communities at risk of an inadequate education.
    The Putz and The Cretin are NOT supportive of working Americans but favor the richest among us. They embrace a Market Leninist framework.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln