Thursday, April 30, 2020

MAGA--Make America Grieve Again--His Big Failure

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

   The Three Morons From Outer Space, also known as The Three Stooges of Pennsylvania Ave. are at it again. Devil Donnie said we’ll be close to giving 5 million tests per day—“We’re not there yet but we’ll be there very soon”, but on the following day he denied saying it. One must guess he couldn’t remember. Too many Clorox Highballs the night before probably disinfected his memory.
   Then there was The Putz, the second moron, formerly known as Pence, didn’t wear a mask while being face to face with Mayo Clinic doctors and patients. His reason for going without a mask, while EVERYONE had one on was, “I wanted to be able to look people in the eye.” Putz’s wife had to step into the ignorant muck left on the floor by her moron said, “He didn’t know that the hospital required wearing a mask.” So then why did he make up a different excuse? Can’t the two coordinate their lies? Here is one of Putz's face masks, which he didn't know how to put on correctly.

   When told that he was overheard saying, “Now I feel so stupid. The Clorox Highballs make me a bit confused.”
    The third of The Three Stooges being Creepy COVID Contaminated Kushner went on Fox and Fiends basically saying to America, “Mission Accomplished”. “We’re on the other side of the medical aspect of this. The federal government rose to the challenge, and this is a great success story.”

The youngest of The Three Stooges didn’t get the fact that Vietnam is the great success story with only 276 COVID cases and NO deaths, while we have more deaths than Americans killed during the Vietnam War.

   Now that is a real irony!! WOW!!

   The U.S. passed one million COVID19 cases and 61,000 deaths, as well as 30 million unemployed mirroring the losses of jobs during the 1930s Great Depression.

             Heckuva Job Stooges!!

   The Make America Great Again slogan has turned into a major failure. Trump’s new slogan is

 “I’ll Make Americans Grieve Again, if you re-elect me.”

   A Trump supporter said, “He said, ‘I’ll Make America Great Again’, but all I got was this stinkin’ red hat.”

   Fascism is growing from the roots of the Republican White Nationalist Governors. Iowa’s fascist governor threatened meat processing workers who are afraid to return to work under mandatory orders, will have their relief funds withheld. The meat is more important than human lives.
   The Market Leninist administration has a plan and that plan is to enrich the 1% of the biggest corporate companies by allowing them to tap into the CARES ACT relief monies coming out of Steve Mnuchin’s treasury department. Written in the CARES ACT was allowing these wealthy companies to write off any business losses as a tax deduction. This includes The Trump Organization and Kushner and Company both making big profits while able to declare losses that come disguised, for example, as property and building depreciations. This is their end game. The Treasury’s tax deduction gift in the Senate bill, along with free money in the form of cheap cash was meant for small businesses and working people.
   Corporate lobbyists have been pushing the GOP, since 2017, to give the 1% a tax break without conditions. Now they got it. Many of these companies were not financially hurt by the pandemic, but the GOP wanted to give them a big gift so they would in turn get a reward from them come campaign fundraising time. Plutocracy is the goal. This is Market Leninism in real time.
   Another plan discussed by this administration with medical experts is to bring about Herd Immunity, infecting everyone possible. The only flaw in this plan is that there is no guarantee that the antibodies created when recovering from COVID19 will last any length of time. This administration is counting on the antibodies to last forever. From this assumption, they want to sort out those with antibodies from those who don’t have them. They imagine embedding a chip under the skin of those people with antibodies allowing them to circulate in society, go to jobs, and move about without masks. The others would need to stay quarantined and tracked in a different way. This is not made up. This is actually being discussed. This blogger heard it discussed in an interview. This is their plan.
   This is their dystopian worldview scenario for Americans. There are those who are in and those who are out.  There are those with privileges and those who don’t have them.
   This is what Trump meant by Making America Great Again? Let’s not allow it to happen.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Vice President Pence Is An Arrogant Nitwit

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

Trump and Pence--Morons From Outer Space


 It continues to amaze a great many Americans just how stupid and arrogant those idiots in the White House can be ‘in the time of coronavirus’. Vice President Putz, formerly known as Pence, visited Mayo Clinic, and declined to wear a face mask when touring the hospital and interacting with people who were all wearing masks. Putz’s answer when questioned about it said,

 “I am around people all the time and get tested regularly for the virus.”

   This completely foolhardy moron doesn’t understand that getting a test today doesn’t mean that tomorrow he is protected from catching the Trump Virus. It is only as good as the day one gets the test. Putz is a stupid, arrogant White Nationalist Republican.

Fact checking Trump on the coronavirus. See it HERE.

   The Putz is trying to cover their huge mistakes. The Cretin gave pork and beef packers and processors exemptions to following viral protection protocols. Now, deaths have occurred in these plants due to the virus. Human life doesn’t matter to these Market/Corporate Leninists. Human workers are expendable. But now, there is a widespread fear of scarcity in our meat supplies. So now, The Putz and The Death Cult president are forcing these plants to keep producing via the Defense Production Act.
   The Devil Donnie fails to use the Defense Production Act forcing medical companies to produce antibody tests, COVID19 tests and equipment to test the tests. He doesn’t care. The meat producers are his supporters and campaign contributors. They matter more than sick people.

Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a cardiologist, said in response to Putz’s refusal to wear a mask,

 “Vice President Pence would wear a yarmulke if he were to attend a Jewish service in a synagogue. He would remove his shoes if he were to enter a mosque. Our hospitals are our sacred places during this pandemic crisis, yet he refused to honor and show respect for this sacred ground by wearing a mask.”

 Shame on him and his demagogic crime boss. The are truly Morons From Outer Space!!!

Hey Mikey, here is a mask you could wear from now on.

   The Trump Virus is spreading. We crossed one million cases of COVID19 and approaching 60,000 deaths. We now have passed the number of those Americans killed and died from the Vietnam War. Our self-anointed Wartime President has suffered more deaths and casualties than the Vietnam War. Whatta guy!!

   The Death Cult administration continues to lie about testing, the availability of swabs and nasal tests, and the tests to test the tests (reagents) in labs, as well as antibody tests.
   The Trump Virus is changing the structures and institutions of this country. The face of our economy and American cities will very likely change for many years to come. Major American cities may see a widespread collapse. Many small businesses, which operate on a “wing and a prayer” are not getting economic relief through the PPP loans to begin operations. Even if they reopen, they may not be able to sustain themselves.
    We may see residents move out of cities, as well as small businesses in order to find cheaper locations, more physical spaces, and cheaper places to live.
   Suburbs and surrounding smaller communities might find an increase in population as people flee from those denser urban areas. As storefronts end up empty, and apartments unfilled, homes being sold, foreclosed or short, American major cities will find themselves shrinking.
   Big cities are a major economic generator for the nation’s economy, yet we may see their economic influences diminishing.
   Derek Thompson wrote about this scenario in his piece called “The Pandemic Will Change America Retail Forever”. Read it HERE.
  25 percent of the economy’s jobs are in restaurants, bars, hotels, retail, and transportation number around 38 million people, which keeps our urban areas together as the glue holding up our economy. The 25 percent of our small businesses need help if they are to try and hold on. Many will not see their customers return. If this happens, tax revenues will decline, and state and local pension payments will likely shrink ultimately reducing consumer spending.
   The Death Cult (Here is another article calling out the Death Cult president. ) president spent three years being a demagogic president getting turned on, along with his Tin Foil hat wearing Death Cultists, as he verbally abuses his opposition, while his cult members cheer and chant hate, too. They love their demagogue. They love dictators and authoritarians and spit at democracy. Yet they go home and wait for their Social Security and pension checks, or their Medicare cards. During this time, he tried to build himself as America’s new authoritarian leader, but in fact, he is just a dumb, ‘demagogically’ trained incompetent bullying his way toward stardom.

   His street skills were learned by watching his crooked bully and racist father, and then followed in those footsteps, desiring to be a big time con-man and demagogue, building his brand by imitating New Jersey crime bosses; and now those street skills are collapsing all around him as he tries to lie his way through the pandemic. His hate-based, dictator-like skills failed him as a dramatic and dangerous pandemic blanketed the country like a swarm of locusts devouring Oklahoma fields of wheat and corn.
   Devil Donnie was too inept, too self-absorbed, and too stupid to get ahead of the pandemic after repeated warnings. Now the economy is getting bailed out and the biggest corporate plutocratic CEOs are Hoovering up the free cash by the millions leaving a great many urban and rural small businesses high and dry.
   A great many of the nearly 20 million unemployed Americans have no or inadequate health care. This means they have no way to pay if they get COVID19. There are people who don’t realize they have COVID19 because they have other symptoms, such as stroke symptoms, heart attack symptoms, abdominal symptoms, extremity symptoms and wait before being rushed to an emergency room. Small blood clots can complicate being treated for the virus, which can be related to the virus. This virus can settle in on any organ of the body confusing doctors who think the illness they are trying to diagnosis is something other than COVID19.
   As people experience a wave of concerns, they might begin slashing their spending realizing that they need to save up for the next pandemic wave, since a vaccine is nowhere in sight. As people save more, small and medium sized businesses may end up struggle to stay open.
   People are spending their incomes on stay-at-home services, such as UberEats, Grubhub, grocery delivery, Netflix and other streaming services, Amazon, Walmart, etc., which will keep them away from the urban retail sectors.
   The global economies are shrinking, as well. Trade will become a very different animal. Supply chains across the globe will slow and change delivering fewer goods. A recession will likely be the new normal. Mix that up with the problems related to climate change, and countries around the world will be suffering, and therefore, be forced to change.
   Governments will be spending more on domestic stimulus and rescue packages, and less on other stuff. The enemy today cannot be spied upon, or attacked with warships or jet fighters, or tracked using satellite surveillance, and hacking systems, but must be approached and followed by scientists using real science, and doctors and medical experts using real science. Trump’s fake science won’t work. People like Dr. Birx, a doctor who should not be trusted to tell the truth or question the insanity of her boss, must be listened to with caution. Science is the only way. If you are a science denier, then get behind the Death Cult, and board their train heading to a vacant Far-Right Overnight Camp to live in forever.
   Some may want to say that COVID19 was a surprise. NO!! It wasn’t a surprise. We had Sars, Bird Flu, Ebola, and other viral contagions over the decades. Obama warned us about future pandemics and wanted Congress to prepare the nation, but the Republican White Nationalist Congress laughed if off. Trump was briefed on the coronavirus as he ignored the warnings.

“Have another shot of Clorox and pass the peanuts.”

   Trump was warned in early 2019. He sat under a heat lamp thinking that those burning rays would save him from any virus, and that was all that mattered to him. 

Trump says the virus would blow over in February. 

Trump and Pence---Morons From Outer Space

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, April 27, 2020

"Ooo, have another hit of fresh Lysol, Ooo, have another hit of Clorox"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

   Jennifer Rubin, from the Washington Post, asked a very important question, “Is Trump a ‘Stable Genius’ or a dangerous ignoramus?”
   She opens by quoting the Death Cult president saying,

“and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out, in a minute. Is there a way we can do something like that? [Question directed to Dr. Birx, who retreated back up Trump’s ass after giving a very meek response.] By infection, inside, or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. You’re going to have to use medical doctors, right? But it sounds interesting to me.”
   Then the “stable genius” said, “I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way you can apply light and heat to cure. You know? If you could.” “And maybe you can, maybe you can’t…I’m not a doctor.”
   At that point, Dr. Birx said, “Beam me up, Scotty! NOW!”

   She then answered, “No, that would not be a treatment.”
   Since the Devil Donnie has been hoarding hydroxychloroquine for himself, he is now decided that Lysol is the next best thing.

   If one could go back in time to the 1800s, we would likely see Trump standing behind his covered wagon selling his snake oil tonic to gullible Tin Foil hat wearing townies in Oklahoma, or Nevada, or Kansas, or Kentucky.


 On S.N.L., a Dr. Fauci parody showed a clip of Trump saying that a vaccine will be here “relatively soon”. The phrase “Relatively soon” in comparison to the overall age of planet Earth might be how Trump was thinking when he said it. Two years when looking at the millions of years the planet has been around, would be a very short time. But if it is in comparison to when your partner says to you that dinner will be ready ‘relatively soon’, and your partner gives it to you two years from now, you might realize that there is a disconnect to what ‘relatively soon’ really means.
   If he thinks American will believe that he was sarcastically joking during this televised dialogue exchange, then they should stop drinking Trump’s hydroxychloroquine tonic immediately!
   Dr. Birx made the excuse, while speaking to Jake Tapper on CNN, that Trump was just having a dialogue with his experts throwing out ideas that had been floating through his very, very tiny mind and it wasn’t meant to be a real solution for treatments. “He was just talking out loud.” WHO is Dr. Birx trying to kid? Is she as nuts as her boss? She is proving to be a real moron and should be put out to pasture. If HER BOSS was just having a “talking out loud moment” with his medical experts, then have it in private and not in front of the American people and the press. She knew the truth, but was trying to give her imbecilic boss some cover. He REALLY did believe that he had a brilliant and YUUGE game changing idea.
   There are reputable experts saying that once you develop antibodies protecting you from a second exposure to COVID19, being immune is not a definitive fact. Bill Maher had on Dr. David Katz, who believes there is antibody immunity once you are over COVID19. And, Bill naively believed him. The data and research is still developing on antibody immunity. Someone needs to tell Katz he is not telling the truth.
   In Bloomberg News, Patrick Henry [Now that’s a name to trust] wrote on 4-25-20, “W.H.O. Warns You May Catch Coronavirus More Than Once”. “There is no evidence people recovered from the disease are safe.” This information should be worrisome to the nearly one million people who had or have had COVID19, and are about to venture out of their shelter-in-place environments. We all may not be safe from the loosening of state quarantining restrictions.

   Here is an article detailing Trump’s outrageous responses to the coronavirus. Read it HERE.

   There is research studying the human waste flowing into sewage treatment plants to study just how many non-symptomatic and symptomatic people are dumping the virus into the treatment systems. The results are startling. There are many more people recovering from the virus at home and non-symptomatic people shedding the virus through their poop is more than estimated. There is a company, Biobot, is doing research in New Castle county, Pennsylvania.

   For all those Republican White Nationalist governors gnawing at the reopening halter bit have no idea how many people in their states are walking around spreading the virus. Herd immunity, the idea that everyone should get the virus then we will have protective antibodies, is not proven. It could be the beginning of a viral tsunami, destroying the nation’s economy spiraling it into a full-blown Second Great Depression. We need a vaccine and facts and proof, and solid research before we are really safe.

    When you walk into a Walmart where the wearing of a mask in the store is a requirement, and you see people not wearing the mask, then we may be looking at the next Hot Spot. Walmart---“enter at your own risk” should be posted outside the store.

Here is a Randy Rainbow parody of Trump's Lysol / Clorox COVID19 treatment.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Trump Finds The Pandemic A Joke

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

  The country is suffering. Americans are under stress for various reasons: money, work, isolation, fear, and getting infected with the Trump Virus—COVID19, a highly contagious and often debilitating virus that kills, and for those who survive riddled with either temporary or long lasting side affects from where the virus settles in the body, such as the lungs, or brain,  or from the drugs used in treatment.
   We have been crushed by nearly one million people who have contacted the Trump Virus, and over 45,000 of human souls dying from the Trump Virus, mostly all alone, in isolation away from those close to them. But recently, the guy in the White House, the Death Cult freak leader of a cowardly, and dangerous coven of sack filled slime Death Cultists formerly known as Republicans, listened to their leader say to the American people, while standing on stage pointing his short, fat fingers flanked by medical experts and his coven comrades, that he would like his medical experts to prove that his brilliant idea, a “game changer”, to inject patient’s lungs with disinfectant and douse them with penetrating heat and ultraviolet light, which would magically kill the virus in only a miracle minute. He even had a back and forth with Dr. Birx when she said “NO” to him, that his idea is “not a treatment”. Then he pressed her to see if it would work! Now there is talk to reduce the number of performances Trump has before the press at his press briefings or to just give him a Fish Cracker and have him go play with his action figure toys of Lil’Kim and Vlad.
   He sounded very serious when proposing his brilliant idea. He clearly spoke like he really believed his idea was from the mind of a “very stable genius”. He said that disinfectant killed viruses on surfaces so why shouldn’t it work if it was injected into the human body.
   “Dr. Frankenstein, I presume.” Sure, it’s time to mainline your favorite disinfectant. “Hey bartender, pour me another shot of Clorox. No make that a Lysol highball.” It sure gives the Sanders slogan a new meaning---“Feel the Bern.”
   But after tons of backlash and a press release from the makers of Lysol stating that their product should NOT be taken internally, The Cretin backed off and said, “ I was only joking. I wanted to see what the press would do after I joked about it.”
   So now we know the truth---this virus—The Trump Virus—is just a joke to him. As we watch brave doctors, nurses, techs, custodians, and medical support, suit up everyday in battle gear, not willingly supplied by our federal government, donning suits, gloves, shields, goggles, masks, at times purchased on their own, putting their lives on the line to save sick and dying American citizens, Donald J. Trump jokes about the virus and kids about fake treatments. He makes the states and cities bargain for what they need as ordered FEMA to outbid them in the marketplace so he can pass out the stuff to his overzealous, Republican Death Cult governors.
   Our first responders, working long, exhausting hours get no thanks or respect from Devil Donnie, the Death Cult president. All he wants to do is, as reported, lay in bed until noon watching television in his Space Force jammies, dream about golfing at Mar-A-Lago, and laugh about the worry-warts about catching the virus or a loved one with the virus, and when all his lackey governors should reopen the state economies, in spite of the fact they don’t have enough tests or reagents to read the test, swabs, and antibody tests.
   As this happens all around him, small businesses grovel for a financial lifeline of cash, while America’s kleptocrats running billion dollar corporations Hoover up the free cash by the millions laughing all the way to the bank, and flash their booty at shareholder meetings, while Jerome Powell, the Fed Chairman, and Secretary Mnunchin look the other way and hope for a cushy job once Trump is sent back to Child Care at Mar-A—Lago all alone. He will wave as Melania goes off with her boyfriend, and Jared and Ivanka go back to New York City in shame fearing the New York DA’s plan to go after them and the Trump Organization for tax fraud. This will be Donnie’s Happy Ending. Very likely his plan for a Donald J. Trump Presidential Library will be one of those Tiny Little Library boxes set up at the entrance to his retirement golf course home by the ocean.
  What we are witnessing is Market/Corporate Leninism playing out in real time right before the eyes of suffering unemployed working Americans, while the 1% make huge sums of cash on Wall Street manipulating the algorithms in their favor.  Let them eat stale cake, is what we hear from inside the White House, and the penthouses in Manhattan. The percentage of Americans out of work equals the number of people who lost their jobs during our Great Depression of the 1930s. This is Trump’s legacy. What we have here is a failure to communicate!!! Trump came in with record job growth. The economy grew under his watch, while he did everything he could to destroy it---tariffs, tax cuts, border walls, immigration barriers, and finally, ignoring the red flags and the warning voices all around him by those he distrusted the most---career government medical expert employees, or should we say the dark forces, The Deep State, he feared were out to get him, that a worldwide pandemic was about to invade the country resulting in hundreds of thousands getting sick and tens of thousands of human beings dying bringing the economy down to its knees not unlike the flagship Titanic’s maiden voyage resulting in the ship crashing into an unseen iceberg and sinking to the bottom of the ocean because the captain was too drunk to pay attention to his trusted charts. Wow! This sounds exactly like Donald J. Trump to a tee.
   This is all happening as Trump jokes about the seriousness of this catastrophic pandemic, as he claims.
   He can pretend he was only joking, but in fact, it was no joke. This complete imbecile was serious. And as Dana Milbank wrote in his excellent darkly satirical piece, just maybe Trump has been taking hydroxychloroquine to protect himself from the virus. The writer said that he shows all the signs of hydroxychloroquine overdosing: confusion, paranoia, aggression, unsteadiness, severe mental shifts, severe mood and mental changes.
   And as Frank Bruni wrote in his NYT piece, “Injection of Bleach? Beams of Light? Trump Is Self-Destructing Before Our Eyes”, that basically Trump’s new reality is to isolate himself from the world outside. We must not lose sight that this guy may win the election, but what we are hearing from him are the “ramblings of a dejected, disoriented and increasingly desperate man.” “As Katie Rogers and Annie Karni reported in The Times, the president feels isolated and embattled and is panicking that he’ll lose to Joe Biden in November.” “…only 12 percent of Americans said that the social-distancing and shelter-in-place directives where they live went too far, while more than double that number—26 percent—said that the precautions weren’t stringent enough. Sixty-one percent said that they were on the mark.”
   Trump did not have a press briefing today. He said he didn’t feel it was forth his effort. This was his way of pouting. He took his toys and went home.
   What this is telling us as Americans is that Trump is desperate. He is not getting the praise, and accolades he so needs to feed his childish ego. He is hoping that his Republican governors, who are desperate for his return for four more years, are his only hope of a successful economic state reopening. It is a risky gamble for both Trump and these overzealous governors who just might find themselves reopening their Linked-In accounts, once again.
Here are some strange, yet real signs to watch for regarding the coronavirus symptomology:

1. It is called Covid Toes. Purple, blue or red lesions on the feet, toes, and sometimes fingers.
2. Fizzing. It is a fizzing sensation. An electric buzzing feeling on the skin.
3. Loss of smell.
4. Loss of taste.
5. Digestive Issues. This may include diarrhea, upset stomach, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and vomiting.
6. Pink Eye.
7. Confusion. This may include the loss of speech, declining recall over a period of time, or forgetting one’s own name over days.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, April 24, 2020

Donald J. Trump Is Actually Dr. Frankenstein

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

Breaking News...Breaking News

Are we living in an episode of the Twilight Zone? The Death Cult president said this during a COVID19 press briefing, while his experts pooped their pants, "Suppose that we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that it hasn't been checked and you're going to test it. Suppose you can bring the light inside the body." "Then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that by injecting inside, or almost a cleaning...It would be interesting to check that." Read it HERE.
Dr. Donald J. Frankenstein decided to offer up his healing solutions to the viral contagion. Then he whispered to Mike- Da Putz -Pence, "I play a doctor on television, so I AM a doctor. I play doctor in the White House Oval Office Daycare Center, so I AM a doctor."
Dr. Birx got her scarf wrapped into a tizzy when she had to correct Dr. Frankenstein by telling him, "Not a treatment."
Then Dr. Frankenstein rebutted with his insane comment, "a great thing to look at."
What would be a great thing to look at is to enact the 25th amendment allowing those surrounding the president to remove him because he/she cannot perform the duties of the president putting the country at-risk. Now that would be  a great thing!!!
What is worrying people in Wuhan, China is a second wave of contagion as people slack off on their physical distancing rules and gather in groups. When reopening happens too soon, a second outbreak can happen. See the report HERE
The Death Cult president doesn't believe in science. He believes in nothing but craziness. He has no embarrassment when he speaks his crazy, foolhardy, ridiculous thoughts. When he does he says, "I was joking." His brain is like a child's toy in real time. He pushed unproven drugs as being a "game changer". Dr. Rick Bright, who led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority said, that "government [should] invest the billions allocated by Congress to address COVID-19 into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit." He was the authority who was suggesting that chloroquine be given Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA. After that suggestion, the Death Cult president for weeks that followed was saying that doctors should give hydroxychloroquine a try as a "game changer" drug. "Dr. Bright suggested that the leadership of the Health and Human Services Department was not committed to following science and wanted to fund drugs promoted by Trump's political allies", Stephen Collinson wrote for CNN, in the link you can read in its entirety HERE.
Governor Kemp of Georgia was overheard saying in private to Dr. Frankenstein over his phone,  "Let's go bowling! I'll bring the Corona beer. You bring the masks!!"
A big fear for many is that the trillions of dollars allocated for helping small businesses and their employees, as well as for helping city hot spots where the virus had a horrible impact will end up going to the corporate plutocrats who will use this bailout for stockholders, bonuses, and stock buybacks, as was witnessed during the 2008-09 bailout. These Corporate-Market Leninist plutocrats are about enriching themselves and not about saving the country's most affected by this pandemic. Small business makes up the structural framework of our economy. You can read a summary of Lil'boy Bush's Great Recession bailout and the worries of our current bailout HERE.

A research report has come out that says that around 20% of all Americans are positive for COVID19, and there are those people who been tested and given a result of being negative, which could likely be a "false" negative result. This means there are those with the virus yet were told they did not have the virus because the test result was wrong. This data indicates that a possible second and third wave of viral outbreak is a big concern. So, reopening without adequate testing and antibody testing is a big mistake.
In a piece written by Dr. Michael Osterholm, an infection disease expert, worries that we may end up with 800,000 American deaths. He believes we must have a nationwide long term plan. He believes that when we test with nasal swabs, "you have to extract specific material out of that swab. So, if you don't have the chemical reagent to do that, you can't run the test. You just can't have a swab and walk into a lab and say, "Test this." For each test, there are chemicals required to run it, and it varies by which kind of test you're talking about." "The CDC's absence in this pandemic in the United States has been, I think, a tragedy." "There are 320 million people in the United States. If half of them get infected in the next 6 to 18 months, that's 160 million people. The 50% rate of infection over the course of the pandemic is at the low end of my colleagues' consensus on what we can expect to see given the infectiousness of this virus." "...about 80% of these cases will have asymptomatic, mild or moderate illness but won't need professional medical care. About 20% of infected people will seek medical care. That's 32 million people. Of those, about half will be hospitalized. That's 16 million people. Of those who are hospitalized, about half will actually require some form of critical care. That's 8 million people. About 0.5 to 1% of the total number of 160 million infected people will die. So you have the possibility of at least 800,000 deaths in the US over the next 18 months. This is the number of deaths I'm expecting. If you don't like the numbers I just used, go ahead and change them however you want. Just provide your justification. We have a long way to go with this pandemic. We just need to make people understand that this is going to be bad until we get a safe, effective and widely available vaccine. It's a sad commentary about our state of affairs that the number of people who die from Covid-19 in the US ranks as one of the top daily causes of death -- on some days it's been ranked higher than heart disease, cancer and accidents. Six weeks ago, it wasn't even in the top 60 causes of deaths." "I've seen this idea expressed by a number of people in the past few days. They believe that we just need to have a kind of system where we see if you have been infected using antibody tests. Right now, Covid-19 virus and antibody testing in this country and in some other parts of the world is nothing more than the Wild, Wild West. Before we can launch on any kind of an immune status national program, we have to understand two things. One is what the test results really mean. Does a positive antibody test mean someone has immunity or not? I think that's a big challenge. In a low prevalence area for previous Covid-19 infection, which is most of the country, a positive antibody result could be a true positive or a false negative." You can read the article in its entirety HERE. 
When the country has a person in the Oval Office who is a total moron, a completely dangerous ignoramus and has no reason to be there, especially during a time of a pandemic, he needs to be removed immediately. But, unfortunately, he is part of the GOP Death Cult. The cultists want him there. The Corporate-Market Leninist plutocrats want him there. The American fascists want him there. The White Supremacists want him there. This guy, in spite of being a dumbass, is all they've got. But, the rest of us must get him out of office. 
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, April 23, 2020

We Have Lost More Jobs Than During THE GREAT DEPRESSION!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

    As the Death Cult president was avoiding and running away from preparing and containing and solving the Trump Virus, it has been estimated that a thousand people came down with the virus without being identified because there were no tests available in February. Two people in California had already died from it at the same time in February.
   We are now two months beyond those initial cases and The Cretin continues to attack, remove, and criticize the medical experts who surround him. Trump continues to play politics, while ignoring and dismissing data and science.
   An emergency room doctor wrote that everyone needs to be prepared for the possibility of contacting The Trump Virus and dying from it. He said that we must have a medical directive written so our family members can communicate with the doctors exactly what their loved one wants or doesn't want done to them while in ICU. Also, a living will should also be available to those who are caring for the person before being admitted to the hospital. Read the article HERE.
   Does his very small and limited brain understand that opening up various state economies doesn’t guarantee that the nation’s economy will return to robust levels? The country is closing in on 50,000 deaths and a million people with the virus. The economy lost every single job, since The Great Depression illustrated in losing 4.4 million jobs just this past week and totaling around 26.5 million jobs lost in total., which converts to an unemployment rate of 23%. This is on Trump’s watch. He cannot blame anyone but himself even if he tries to blame others. He wanted to take credit for the good times, therefore, he must accept fault for the bad times. He cannot have only one way.
   Why is it that Vietnam only saw less than 200 COVID19 cases in the entire country? It is because they were aggressively on it when it broke out in China with widespread testing in all hospitals and antibody testing, and quarantining, masking, and physical distancing immediately. They were able to keep their economy open with restrictions during this time. But, not in the United States because of the Death Cult president called it a Democratic hoax, and listened to his fellow cultists at Fox News.
   Just like after the 2008 Great Recession, it is going to take a Democratic president to fix what Trump has broken. Obama had to do that after Lil’Boy Bush was sent back to Midland, Texas to play with his paint by numbers sets. Getting rid of Devil Donnie couldn’t happen a moment too soon!!! especially knowing that this virus will bring a second wave of illness come October and November.
   The Cretin is pacing the hallways and throwing his Oval Office Daycare Center toys because he is restless. His staff hears him saying, “I’ve gotta get outta this place if it’s the last thing I ever do!!” Being the guy in the Oval Office is getting too hard for him. He has never had to make a difficult decision his entire life. He relied on Michael Cohn, his accountants, his CFO at the Trump Organization, and others to make really hard decisions. The kitchen has gotten too hot and he needs to flee. As the economy looses every single job gained since 2008, he wants to play golf and driving his golf cart around Mar-A-Lago. Whatta guy! A real hero—sandwich gone moldy.
   To illustrate The Cretin’s complete stupidity is that he included opening up commercial gyms in his phase one reopening plan. He doesn’t comprehend that social distancing, and viral spread can be another hot spot for The Trump Virus to explode. And, the Georgia governor wants to reopen bowling allies. Now there is a real safe place, right?
   WHY? Well, it is because these millionaire and billionaire gym owners and investors have supported Trump. Another voice in Trump’s ear is Rudy Guiliani’s son, a real estate billionaire. So, it is based on politics and not on science. It is all about business at any cost, which is actually Corporate Fascism.
   The mayor of Las Vegas, Carolyn Goodman, told Anderson Cooper that she would be reopening up the casinos. And along with casinos, comes sex workers and their customers, as well. Anderson asked her how she would guarantee social distancing orders, and safety inside those buildings [where viral aerosol spread can reach 25 feet]? She said it wasn’t her problem. The casino operators had to figure that out for themselves. Heckuva job, Brownie - Goodman.
   Also, what will she do to make sure people traveling in limos, taxis and ride sharing vehicles are safe, too? Does she not realize that the hospitals in Vegas may become overburdened with COVID19 patients because of her decision? Could she be prosecuted for negligent homicide when people die as a result of her negligence? Where do people like Goodman come from?
   Another example of the Death Cult GOPers is Moscow Mitch McConnell when he said that states that need more relief money and cannot get it, such as those big cities, which are most often Democratic strongholds, should declare bankruptcy. Governor Cuomo slammed Moscow M's ridiculous and “insulting” statement. Cuomo asked how could the country’s economy regain a foothold if big cities, such as New York City, Chicago, L.A, Boston and Seattle need more relief funding in order to replenish the money spent on the outbreak that went to hospitals and equipment and PPE, among other expenses. 
   If anyone is in denial about the true intentions of the Republican White Nationalist Party and their Death Cult practices, then they need to begin paying attention.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

After Some States Reopen, Will There Be An Economic Recovery? Probably NO

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

   In February, when The Death Cult president claimed there were no TRUMP VIRUS cases, it appears that two Californians died from COVID19. This was when Devil Donnie had loosened regulatory standards allowing drug testing companies to produce less accurate COVID19 tests as a result of decreased government supervision and accountability. The reason for this was that the CDC’s ability to produce an accurate test failed repeatedly, before they finally succeeded. Now we are seeing testing kits and antibody testing kits producing false “negative” results. This means that people with the virus are being told they don’t have the virus.
   The idiot-in-chief blames Obama for not creating a COVID19 test when the virus hadn’t yet surfaced. Listen to the clip of Trump blaming Obama HERE. Obama warned of a pandemic when president, and wanted the Republican White Nationalist Congress to step up and fund the restocking of the National Stockpile warehouses, which they refused to do. Then Trump came along and failed to restock the National Stockpile warehouses, listen to his preparedness experts that a pandemic was coming, and move on a vaccine, testing kits and PPE when he was told by the WHO and his people working with the WHO that COVID19 had hit Wuhan, China. When the Death Cult took over the White House they continued to refuse to move forward with a national pandemic preparedness plan. Then when the Trump Virus became a problem, The Cretin continued to do nothing except prove that he is a complete imbecile and incompetent fool. See the timeline HERE.
   If you want to listen to a person who was in a coma resulting from the Trump Virus and her eventual near death recovery, you can listen HERE.
   Congress wrote in the Relief Bill that The Cretin’s businesses are NOT eligible for any loans or grants for their high debt hotels, and golf course resorts. Yet Dumb-Dumb Eric Trump didn’t appear to be able to read the clause that restricts the Trump Organization from feeding at the public loan trough. The Trump Organization runs on debt. They own Deutsche Bank nearly $800M in debt payments, yet Ignoramus Eric Trump wants more money, from the government for their debt riddled businesses. If big dollar corporations can’t put money away when times get bad, then they don’t deserve government bailouts.
   Jim Cramer, the host of “Mad Money”, said that this crash in oil prices is emblematic of the nation’s economic health. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to tell us that when people aren’t driving, flying or traveling, crude oil is no longer needed; therefore, down goes the fuel crude wholesale prices. This should tell all of us on Earth Day that fossil fuels are no longer needed, while solar, wind and geothermal are sources of energy we should be focusing on. Just look at how many electric cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and airplanes are being developed along with charging stations that you just drive over and park for a charge.
   These alternatives to oil would boom the economy once the pandemic eases up. The oil industry employees around 150,000 workers when solar, wind and geothermal, along with the upgrade to the electric grid, would employ millions of Americans!! But the Death Cult party doesn’t want this to happen. The Death Cult Party, i.e. GOP, have their mouths open to the fossil fuel industry’s nozzle pumping cash into them.
   As of yesterday, crude oil prices went to zero, and into the negative zone. Producers were paying oil brokers and storage companies to take the crude off their hands. There are oil tankers in the ocean going nowhere waiting to unload. This would not happen with solar, wind and geothermal energy, which is always available.
   This pandemic has brought about a new normal, as we are seeing with fossil fuels. In China, researchers have uncovered around 30 new serious coronavirus mutations, which would likely be even more deadly than COVID19, i.e. The Trump Virus.
   What this means is that we need a person in the White House who has a clear, intelligent, competent and compassionate mind to build a solid pandemic preparedness foundation before the next virus breaks loose!!! Trump has proven to be the worst possible choice to do this.
   The CDC director is now warning the country that COVID19 may likely rear its ugly head when winter returns and will be complicated when seasonal flu hits the population. This is a warning for the administration to prepare and stockpile so as to be ready for an onslaught of cases hitting our health care system later this year and into the next. Unfortunately, the CDC director, Robert Redfield, is wasting his breath on the Death Cultists in our government, and the protesters paid by Rightwing White Nationalist organizations, such as Koch Industries, The Mercer family (real Nazis), The Freedom Foundation, and Betsy DeVos’ non-profit foundation, just to name a few. These groups are fascist Market Leninists, who don’t believe that science TRUMPS politics. They don’t believe there is a climate change emergency because corporate profits TRUMPS science no matter what.
   The Death Cultists, including their idiot-in-chief, is calling for fascist radicals to protest state governors to “LIBERATE” their shutdowns and reopen their economies without adequate safeguards. Trump doesn’t believe in science. He just reassigned a doctor who came out not willing to support unreliable, unproven, and dangerous drug therapies just because The Cretin told him to do so. Because this doctor wouldn’t “Kiss the Ring” he was reassigned.
   The Devil Donnie said,

 “Not everybody believes we should do so…much testing. You don’t need so much …Democrats and some others…want maximum because they want to be able criticize because it’s almost impossible to get to the maximum number and yet we’ve been able to do it already.”
   What the F..K is this moron talking about?

   Of course we need more testing—maximum testing—to guarantee a safe and stable economic reopening and recovery. People seem to forget that just because the country reopens in various states that the economy will recover!!! People need to believe that they will be safe and protected from catching the virus. This moron in the White House isn’t capable of understanding the complexity and dangers of this viral contagion.
   The question arises---because Trump failed to get ahead of the pandemic, which resulted in his
overwhelming disastrous response to prepare and contain The Trump Virus, can he be charged with a war crime, since he sees himself as a “wartime” president?
    Now isn’t that a sweet smelling pipedream.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln