Friday, January 31, 2020

Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema--A Turncoat?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Dear Senator Sinema,
Apparently, you are another Democratic coward not willing to stand up for what is right in our society. Shameful!! If people didn’t stand up for what is right, women wouldn’t have the right to vote; the war in Vietnam would not have ended; people of color would still witness extreme segregation; gay people would still be in the closet; and, the list goes on and on.

We have to wonder if you two have a slow, yet progressive loss of cognitive functioning. The House Democratic prosecuting managers made a solid case that would ultimately lead to the impeachment of Trump, if you could understand the difference between facts and opinion.

How can their be the rule of law, democracy, fairness when there are Republicans, and some Democrats who refuse to witnesses and documents in this Senate trial. This is an embarrassment to the free world. How can we see the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court sit on his rump and act like nothing is happening. He is an embarrassment.

What part of this compelling case did you NOT understand? Alexander Hamilton clearly wrote in his Impeachment Clause of 1788, detailing the reasons for impeaching Trump. Dershowitz is absolutely wrong. Hamilton made it perfectly clear that Trump meets the impeachment requirements. Now, it is your turn to vote for impeachment. Stop wavering. Do you need help to understand the facts?

The facts are clear. Do you have a problem understanding what was clearly presented in front of you? Have you become a closet Republican?

Believe me, during your next election, your Democratic opponent will most likely throw all this stuff in your face making the case that you are not supporting our Constitution and democracy, as Trump has clearly demonstrated.

As Trump continues to ignore and make fun of climate change, by adding to it, which is destroying our country and our environment, and now allowing toxins to fill our rivers and streams; and, injuring the most fragile in our country through cuts in Medicaid and Food Stamps, you might be giving him more power to ruin the American environment. And, The Cretin will be allowed to do more damage to the office of the presidency.

This fascist in the White House will have cart-blanche to do whatever he wants even “shoot and kill someone on 5th Ave.” if he is not stopped. Trump is a brain damaged, low intelligence wannabee fascist crime boss. All he knows is to lie, cheat and con those who are not on his side.

What happened to you? Where is your self-respect? You once represented democracy, and respected the Constitution, the rule of law, truth, facts, and the office of the presidency. It is time to stand up against him. Vote to impeach.

 Where is your self-respect? You must not have any. You are only looking out for yourself. A true sign of a narcissist, just like Trump. As more information comes out, if Trump get acquitted, you’re decision making skills, and your loyalty to democracy and the rule of law will come into question, and for good reason.


(Use this letter, if you wish.)
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Trump And His Colossal Trade Deal Along Our Beautiful Borders

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

As reported by the Sun.Co.Uk. ….

“Trump labeled the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA) “a colossal victory” for American farmers, manufacturers and other workers.
“For the first time in American history, we have replaced a disastrous trade deal that rewarded outsourcing with a truly fair and reciprocal trade deal that will keep jobs, wealth and growth right here in America,” he said.
“This is something we really put our heart into. It’s probably the number one reason that I decided to lead this crazy life that I’m leading right now, as opposed to that beautiful, simple life of luxury that I lead before this happened,” he added.

The deal will, however, leave the current $1.2 trillion in annual US-Mexico-Canada trade flows largely unchanged.
It will also mean a higher percentage of autos be made from parts manufactured in North America and requires at least 40 per cent of vehicle production be done by workers earning at least $16 per hour.
Trump made renegotiating what he called the "nightmare" NAFTA a priority during his 2016 presidential campaign.
"This is a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art agreement that protects, defends, and serves the great people of our country," Trump said in an outdoor signing ceremony at the White House.
"Together we are building a glorious future that is raised, grown, built and made right here in the glorious U.S.A."
Canada and Mexico already represent the top two export markets for US goods.”
   What is The Cretin talking about? A cutting edge, state-of-the-art agreement? *RUMP is a state-of-the-art idiot!!! Yes, he led a simple life. A simple-minded life full of cheating, lying, and grifting to build his crooked empire.
   He called this a “colossal deal; and that we had “beautiful borders”. He sounds like an idiot talking about the trade deal.
    Clearly, this trade deal is a dud. Little had been changed from the last trade deal made by the previous president. *RUMP continues to over-inflate his accomplishments and his ego.
    Also, we just heard from former whining attorney general Jeff—Wannabee Klan Wizard—Sessions, that John Bolton had disrespected The Cretin. J. Beauregard Sessions is a good boy follower of his wannabee crime boss by licking his face every time he could. Such foot soldiers must march to the crime bosses orders, even when he was completely humiliated by their idiot boss. Even when the crime boss makes horrible decisions leading to an impeachment, his foot soldiers MUST never show disloyalty. What a bunch of crap.
    Now the face licking J. Beauregard Sessions (How is Chickin Lickin?)  is running for Alabama’s Senate seat. What the f***! This guy needs to be sent out to pasture. He is horrible!! A complete toadie. The Muppets must have tailored their Beauregard character, the dimwitted janitor, after Jefferson Sessions.
Is this the best Alabama can come up with?
       Very sad, very, very sad.  

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

If you want to watch the Moron-In-Chief and his clown side kick clap and speak nonsense over the bestest trade deal in history. A colossal plan along our beautiful borders, then here it is...


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

What's Wrong With Senator Diane Feinstein?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

Dear Senator Feinstein,
We have to wonder if you two have a slow, yet progressive loss of cognitive functioning. The House Democratic prosecuting managers made a solid case that would ultimately lead to the impeachment of Trump, if you could understand the difference between facts and opinion.

What part of this compelling case did you NOT understand? Alexander Hamilton clearly wrote in his Impeachment Clause of 1788, detailing the reasons for impeaching Trump. Dershowitz is absolutely wrong. How does it taste drinking Alan Dershowitz's Kool-Aid? Hamilton made it perfectly clear that Trump meets the impeachment requirements. Now, it is your turn to vote for impeachment. Stop wavering. Do you need help to understand the facts?

The facts are clear. Do you have a problem understanding what was clearly presented in front of you? Have you become a closet Republican?

Believe me, during your next election, your Democratic opponent will most likely throw all this stuff in your face making the case that you are not supporting our Constitution and democracy, as Trump has clearly demonstrated.

As Trump continues to ignore and make fun of climate change, by adding to it, which is destroying our country and our environment, and now allowing toxins to fill our rivers and streams; and, injuring the most fragile in our country through cuts in Medicaid and Food Stamps, you might be giving him more power to ruin the American environment. And, The Cretin will be allowed to do more damage to the office of the presidency.

This fascist in the White House will have cart-blanche to do whatever he wants even “shoot and kill someone on 5th Ave.” if he is not stopped. Trump is a brain damaged, low intelligence wannabee fascist crime boss. All he knows is to lie, cheat and con those who are not on his side.

What happened to you? Where is your self-respect? You once represented democracy, and respected the Constitution, the rule of law, truth, facts, and the office of the presidency. It is time to stand up against him. Vote to impeach.


Senator Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Senator Pat Toomey Trump's Tool

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

  Here is a letter sent to Senator Pat Toomey, after he announced his extortion plan to force Democrats to submit a witness, in exchange for the Republican White Nationalist Senate to submit a witness. Now we learned that Senator Mitt likes Toomey's extortion plan, too. Isn't this what The Cretin is being impeached for doing?

"Wow! It appears that you are engaged in a type of extortion plan just like your "daddy" Crime Boss Trump. You basically said, 

"If we have to bring a witness to testify, then you Democrats have to, as well, or nothing will happen." 

The fact is that the Bidens are NOT on trial. Bolton and Mulvaney DO have a direct witness link to the "Drug Deal" Bolton is referring to.  Trump didn't care about corruption because he allowed military aid to flow to Ukraine during a time when corruption was rampant, and Hunter Biden had a relationship to Burisma, which was BEFORE Zelenskiy was elected.

I have to wonder if you, too, suffer from a cognitive disorder, whereby, you cannot process facts. You don't want relevant facts. You are only a game playing tool for a lying, cheating, autocratic, un-American crime boss."

Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey

248 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4254


“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, January 27, 2020

Trump's Attorney Purpura Failed To Defend His Client

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Donald Jerk*ff Trump tweeted,

“I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations of Democrats, including the Bidens. In fact, he never complained about this at the time of his public termination.”

    Why would Bolton “complain” about the criminality, i.e. “The drug deal” by his crime boss? Bolton was smart enough to hold his cards close to his chest. Why would Bolton allow himself to get attacked by The Cretin and his weasel son-in-law who was the slime lizard that oozed Bolton out the door.
    *RUMP’s satanic spiritual advisor, Paula White, an evangelical charlatan said, “In the name of Jesus, we command all Satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now!”
    Well, Donnie-J is still here. He was a satanic pregnancy and he is still here. He hasn’t spontaneously miscarried. T-rump is the crime boss of his own Church of Satan and he channels his evil to White in the form of her “imaginary friend’.
    *RUMP has channeled his evil right to Pompous Piggy Pompeo, the Secretary of State, a position that represents this nation around the world. He said, “ Do you think Americans care about Ukraine?” during an NPR interview.
    Is he for real? This fascist supporting freak was projecting onto himself during that interview. The American people DO care about Ukraine. This nation has ancestry back in Ukraine. Piggy Pompeo was really saying that he doesn’t care about Ukraine because Putin doesn’t care about Ukraine as a budding democracy. Putin’s Piggy Pompeo is on Putin’s side. Putin wants to re-claim Ukraine. 14,000 Ukrainians died during their fight against Putin’s military in order to protect their sovereignty. Pompeo cares less about democracy. He favors authoritarianism. He believes in a one-party fascist rule.
    The Republican White Nationalist Senate must now call John Bolton as a witness to the “drug deal” The Cretin engaged in as an extortion tactic against Ukraine. If they don’t then they are culpable in the conspiracy to subvert the constitution and support the The Cretin’s obstruction of justice.
    The Cretin’s attorney arguing before the Senate, Purpura, spoke for an entire day during opening statements, that the House Democrats had no direct proof that his crime boss boy engaged in an extortion plot against Ukraine. But The Cretin withheld evidence contrary to that position. In fact, Bolton in the draft of his book sent over to the White House on December 30 allegedly detailed the drug deal (as written in the New York Times). The Trump attorney cabal appears to have engaged in a conspiracy to try and protect a serial lying fascist from impeachment.
    Purposeless Purpura has nothing to say in defense of his client, the moron living in the White House. All he has to say is stuff on Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and President Obama. These three people are NOT on trial. This is all about *RUMP and the articles of impeachment against him.
    What is clear is that attorney Purpura has no case.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln


Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Pending Permafrost Doom (Romney Letter)

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The permafrost is melting quickly. Permafrost is the soils beneath the surface of the Earth that has been frozen for two years or more. This melting is the pending doom.
    Greta Thunberg is right. Climate change is our most important crisis.
    The melting permafrost is releasing a huge amount of carbon into the atmosphere. The release is TWICE the amount that currently fills the atmosphere. This carbon warms the planet causing critical changes in the daily weather forecasts. What happens with the climate can have catastrophic impacts around the globe, such as massive forest fires, flooding due to sea level rises, draughts in farm country, higher rates of skin cancers, or more earthquakes breaking dams and levees, or cracking up nuclear reactor structures.
    What we have is an administration that doesn’t accept climate change. In addition, Secretary Mnuchin cannot rise to the level of intelligence around climate change as we have seen heard by Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old child. Mnuchin and his cult leader, *RUMP don’t understand the difference between daily weather and long term climate change predictions. This problem with the fascist White House is that they are ignorant and controlled by the fossil fuel industrialized complex. They are in those pockets, as well as those in the White Nationalist Republican Congress.
Here is a letter written to two Republican White Nationalists, who need to vote for impeachment, and may need people to write them nudging these two, and Senator Joe Manchin, and Senator Mitt Romney, toward such a vote against The Cretin:

Dear Senator Collins, and Senator Murkowski,

We have to wonder if you two have a slow, yet progressive loss of cognitive functioning. The House Democratic prosecuting managers made a solid case that would ultimately lead to the impeachment of Trump, if you could understand the difference between facts and opinion.

What part of this compelling case did you NOT understand? Alexander Hamilton clearly wrote in his Impeachment Clause of 1788, detailing the reasons for impeaching Trump.

The facts are clear. Do you two have a problem understanding what was clearly presented in front of you? Or, are you so embedded in Market Leninism; or, are you afraid of getting Trumped by this Cretin who lives in the White House? Or, are you secretly known as Comrade Collins, and Muscovite Murkowski supporting a Russian president who is planning to help Trump steal the 2020 election, and dictate to him the rules of the road, which leads to Moscow?

Believe me, during your next election, your Democratic rival will most likely throw all this stuff in your face making the case that you two are not supporting our Constitution and democracy, as Trump has clearly demonstrated.

As Trump continues to ignore and make fun of climate change, by adding to it, which is destroying our country and our environment, and now allowing toxins to fill our rivers and streams; and, injuring the most fragile in our country through cuts in Medicaid and Food Stamps.

This fascist in the White House will have cart-blanche to do whatever he wants even “shoot and kill someone on 5th Ave.” if he is not stopped. Trump is a brain damaged, low intelligence wannabee fascist crime boss. All he knows is to lie, cheat and con those who are not on his side.

It is time to stand up against him. Vote to impeach.

Sincerely, …..


Senator Murkowski
709 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC  20510

Senator Collins
413 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510


Dear Senator Romney,
We have to wonder if you two have a slow, yet progressive loss of cognitive functioning. The House Democratic prosecuting managers made a solid case that would ultimately lead to the impeachment of Trump, if you could understand the difference between facts and opinion.

What part of this compelling case did you NOT understand? Alexander Hamilton clearly wrote in his Impeachment Clause of 1788, detailing the reasons for impeaching Trump.

The facts are clear. Do you have a problem understanding what was clearly presented in front of you? Or, are you so embedded in Market Leninism; or, are you afraid of getting Trumped by this Cretin who lives in the White House? Or, are you secretly known as Russkie Romney supporting a Russian president who is planning to help Trump steal the 2020 election, and dictate to him the rules of the road, which leads to Moscow?

Believe me, during your next election, your Democratic rival will most likely throw all this stuff in your face making the case that you are not supporting our Constitution and democracy, as Trump has clearly demonstrated.

As Trump continues to ignore and make fun of climate change, by adding to it, which is destroying our country and our environment, and now allowing toxins to fill our rivers and streams; and, injuring the most fragile in our country through cuts in Medicaid and Food Stamps, you are complicit in his efforts to destroy our environment, as well as our democracy.

This fascist in the White House will have cart-blanche to do whatever he wants even “shoot and kill someone on 5th Ave.” if he is not stopped. Trump is a brain damaged, low intelligence wannabee fascist crime boss. All he knows is to lie, cheat and con those who are not on his side.

What happened to you? Where is your self-respect? You once ran for president, and would have respected both the Constitution, the rule of law, truth, facts, and the office of the presidency had you won. It is time to stand up against him. Vote to impeach.



Senator Romney
124 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Trump Attorney Cipollone Is A Dud

Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    When will American finally get sick of the Republican White Nationalist Party breathing the air circulating in the Senate? Today is Saturday, and The Cretin’s crime syndicate lawyers are trying to defend the actions of the crime boss. Their opening act was to blame the Democrats for trying to overturn the presidential election. Is this all they have to make a first impression to the American people? After days of presenting evidence by the House Democratic managers proving the case that The Cretin obstructed justice, violated his sworn oath to uphold the Office of the Presidency, and his abuse the power of the presidency for his own personal “drug deal”. The managers went on to detail the Impeachment Clause of the Constitution, which had been written by Alexander Hamilton stating an actual crime does not have to be committed in order for the president to be found guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. A serious breech of trust against the American society is all that is required to impeach.
    This was detailed time and time again by each of the House managers before the Senate Republicans, and a handful of wishy-washy Democrats, such as Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, who had proven to be just place settings in the Senate. A great many appear to be either Russian allies or even assets, or incapable of processing simple, although compelling information presented to them, or followers and trolls of their cult leader pretending and living in the White House.
    The only opening argument by the cult leader’s legal staff was that Democrats want to overturn the 2016 election, when in fact, the Democrats had NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this. This was brought on solely by a complete moron who in the eyes Loser Lindsey Graham-Cracker The Cretin did what he did because he thought he was right. Or, in other words, he didn’t know any better that the actions he engaged in, and were protected by his entourage in the White House, were a violation of the Constitution and his oath as president. Sadly, Loser Lindsey and his fellow cult followers had difficulty understanding that The Cretin’s actions did fit the definition outlined by Alexander Hamilton as impeachable acts.
   Sicko Cipollone spoke of the president as a guy who “did nothing wrong”. Is this all he’s got? That The Cretin did nothing wrong? That is only opinion, Pat. Cipollone opened his defense of his crime boss as a moron who didn’t know any better and did nothing wrong, while the prosecutors from the House proved, time and time again, using facts that actually Trump DID something wrong. They proved using facts that he DID do something wrong more than once.
    As House manager Crow stated, “the scheme was unraveling. The money for Ukraine was put on hold after Trump’s July 25 call to Ukraine that launched the impeachment probe, and released Sept.11 once Congress intervened.” “The Democrats argued that Trump’s motives were apparent, that he abused power like no other president in history, swept up by a “completely bogus” Ukraine theory pushed by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani.” [AP -“Trump lawyer says Dems want to “overturn” last election”, by Tucker, Mascaro, Miller]
    Adam Schiff said,

 “Let me tell you something. If right doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter how good the Constitution is. If you find him guilty you must find that he should be removed. Because right matters.”

   The crime boss’s attorney Cipollone said,

 “They’re asking you not only to overturn the results of the last election, but as I’ve said before, they’re asking you to remove President Trump from and election that’s occurring in approximately nine months. They’re asking you to tear up all the ballots across the country on their own initiative. It’s really trying to remove the president from the ballot in 2020. They don’t trust the American people to make a decision.”

    What the heck is he talking about? Is this all he’s got? This is NOT the process of overturning an election. That was what happened during Gore V. Bush. That was all about hanging chads and miscounted ballots. And, a Supreme Court decision.
    The American people will make a decision in 2020. This is NOT about that. It is about the impeachable actions of *RUMP. He is all about cheating, and lying and covering up. He cheated in the 2016 election, and he was trying to cheat in the 2020 election by extorting Ukraine’s president to find dirt, any dirt, on Joe Biden, who apparently leads Trump in the 2020 election polls. “Hey Russian, if you are listening…” This trial would be going on even if the election were in 2021. This is about NOW, and not then.
    This is all about an idiot who didn’t know any better. A moron who thought he did nothing wrong and that it was just fine to engage in extortion against a foreign leader to get dirt on an opponent in exchange for $300M in foreign military aid already issued by the Congress; a withholding of that aid in exchange for “a favor”. And, to go on CNN and state that an investigation against corruption and the Bidens was all that was needed for the aid to be released by the White House until a whistleblower raised the American flag and screamed out “FOUL” “FOUL PLAY BY TRUMP”. At that point, the funds were released because The Cretin had been caught red-handed engaging in an impeachable action.
    So, all that Cipollone has in his bag of defensive tricks is that the Democrats are trying to overturn an election, and “tear up all the ballots…” This is like the bully pointing to the kid he picked on for days and days who ended up smashing in the bully’s face with a few punches and then, The Cretin’s mother saying “They want to label my son as a bully and a bad boy forever. He is actually a good boy and he did nothing wrong. It must have been the other kid’s fault. My son did nothing wrong.” NO!! That story was about a bully getting punched by the kid he was bullying—a clear and justifiable action to protect himself. And, in the case of the House managers—to protect the country from a bully and the U.S. Constitution.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln


Friday, January 24, 2020

Is Senator Lisa Murkowski Losing Cognitive Skills?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    What is going on with Republican White Nationalist Senator Lisa Murkowski? Has she been suffering from  some sort of cognitive decline? Does she have problems processing the evidence presented by the House of Representative trial impeachment managers? Apparently so!!!
    Again and again, the impeachment managers have stated that they could not file subpoenas in the courts in order to get Trump’s abuse of power conspirators to testify before the Congress because a court’s decision could take months allowing *RUMP to continue his plan to cheat, once again, in the 2020 election, and pursue his abuse of power agenda. There just wouldn’t be enough time to stop this criminal living in the White House from abusing his power even more so.
    It does not appear that Republican White Nationalist Senator Lisa Murkowski understands why going to the courts is unrealistic. Yet she still says that the reason she cannot support impeachment of her authoritarian cult leader is because she believes that the Democrats needed to file subpoenas in the courts to get Mulvaney and Bolton to testify before the impeachment committee members. Murkowski seems she has trouble processing that her reasons just don’t make any sense; or is it a way out for a vote which vindicates her fascist cult leader.
   Then Muscovite Lisa Murkowski should vote to allow witnesses and evidence to be presented in the impeachment trial. If she cannot process the impeachment manager’s evidence, then she should recuse herself from being a Senate juror.
    What is worrisome is that there are others who are following in Muscovite Murkowski’s footsteps. Democrats need to be concerned that Moscow Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, maybe a turncoat and vote against upholding the constitution and stop this fascist guy in the White House from serving out his term.
    Does Muscovite Lisa Murkowski and Moscow Manchin, as well as others, not understand that Trump’s withholding of the funds allocated by the Congress for Ukraine’s military defenses against the Russian military had nothing to do with corruption? The Cretin persisted in his rationale that he withheld the funds because he believed that corruption was a problem in Ukraine, yet, a couple years earlier, before President Zelenskiy took power, Zelenskiy’s predecessor was deeply embedded in serious corruption, as was his justice department. The Cretin had no problem granting the Ukrainian president millions of dollars for their military to fight the Russians, at that time. Ukrainian corruption did not matter to him then, but it mattered when he found out that Joe Biden, his presidential adversary, was beating him in the polls. That was when he engaged in an extortion plan to withhold the funds, until a whistleblower took the wind out of his sails and he reinstated the funding.
   What does Lisa Murkowski and Joe Manchin not understand about this? Are they not capable of reading the Constitution Impeachment Clause written by Alexander Hamilton, which clearly states that what Trump did was impeachable under the rules written out in the U.S. Constitution?
   It is time to remind these two Senators, and any others on the fence, about the facts and do what is right for the country and our democracy.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Senator Joe Manchin’s Washington address:
            306 Hart Senate Office Building
            Washington, DC 20510

          Senator Lisa Murkowski
          522 Hart Senate Office Building
          Washington, DC 20510


Senator Lindsey Graham Implied Trump Is Guilty Of Impeachable Acts

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Republican White Nationalist Senator Lindsey Graham-Cracker admitted *RUMP was guilty of impeachable acts when he said, “He did nothing wrong in his mind.” So, in your mind, Loser Lindsey, you believe that The Cretin DID NOT do something wrong. What we have here is a follower of the Trump cult excusing a stupid, corrupt psychopath who feels it is OK to act like a mobster instead of the President of the United States. Graham-Cracker, who is more like a K.K.K. White Supremacist, than an oath-taking champion of the U.S. Constitution.
    This is similar to a roughneck playground bully’s mom who tells the victims of her son’s bullying that he, Little Donnie-J, didn’t know any better.
    Loser Lindsey believes The Cretin shouldn’t be removed from office; “He didn’t THINK he was doing anything wrong.

“If he thought he was doing something wrong, he would probably shut up about it.”

   This belief by the Cult members that *RUMP has the capability to shut up is ridiculous. The psychopathic cult leader cannot control his insane thoughts from escaping his dysfunctional mind from being released out into the world.

    So, Loser Lindsey believes that even though Tony Soprano had people killed, he didn’t believe he did anything wrong because it was justified in his mind. When you become a threat to Tony Soprano, you pay!! When you become a threat to The Cretin, you pay. Protecting his power and authority was more important than what society believes what was right. That was what Alexander Hamilton said in his Impeachment Clauses written in 1788. (The Federalist, no. 65, 439-45. Document 9.)
    In *RUMP’s view the oath taken to preserve and protect the country and uphold the integrity of the U.S. Constitution doesn’t apply to him because he could anything he wanted even “shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it.” The laws and rules used to protect our society don’t apply to him.
    What we have is a conspiracy to commit “high crimes and misdemeanors”. It was a plot concocted by *RUMP and Ghouliani to recruit a gang of un-American fools, such as: Sondland, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Taylor, Perry, Pence, Parnas, Fruman, Mnuchin, Moscow Mitch, Lindsey Graham-Cracker, Sekulow, Nunes, Cipollone, Dershowitz, Barr and others. Cipollone, Sekulow, and Dershowitz are guilty of defending America’s number one degenerate.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Adam Schiff Perfectly Lays Out The Case For Impeachment

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

Here is Alexander Hamilton’s impeach clause:

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist, no. 65, 439--45
7 March 1788

This is the opening paragraph----

“A well constituted court for the trial of impeachments, is an object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained in a government wholly elective. The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or in other words from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. The prosecution of them, for this reason, will seldom fail to agitate the passions of the whole community, and to divide it into parties, more or less friendly or inimical, to the accused. In many cases, it will connect itself with the pre-existing factions, and will enlist all their animosities, partialities, influence and interest on one side, or on the other; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger, that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.”

Unfortunately, this paragraph doesn’t appear to apply to this Republican White Nationalist cult of senators who lick the boots of their authoritarian-ish leader. These RWN senators are NOT sufficiently independent, nor are they acting impartial when their Senate majority leader—Moscow Mitch structured the rules to benefit his crime boss cult leader.

“Where else, than in the Senate could have been found a tribunal sufficiently dignified, or sufficiently independent? What other body would be likely to feel confidence enough in its own situation, to preserve unawed and uninfluenced the necessary impartiality between an individual accused, and the representatives of the people, his accusers?

In The Atlantic article called The Common Misconception About ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors’

The constitutional standard for impeachment is different from what’s at play in a regular criminal trial, written by Frank O. Bowman lll, Professor at the University of Missouri School of Law wrote,

“The history of the phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors” and of how it entered our Constitution establishes beyond serious dispute that it extends far beyond mere criminal conduct. The practical reasoning is in some ways more important: A standard that permitted the removal of presidents only for indictable crimes would leave the nation defenseless against the most dangerous kinds of presidential behavior.”

“In the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton made the larger point that impeachment is directed at “political” offenses that “proceed from … the abuse or violation of some public trust.” He was echoed by the foremost of the first generation of commentators on the Constitution, Justice Joseph Story, who observed in his 1833 treatise Commentaries on the Constitution that impeachable conduct is often “purely political,” and that “no previous statute is necessary to authorize an impeachment for any official misconduct.”
Thus, one point on which the founding generation would have been clear was that “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” was not restricted to indictable crimes.”
“Of the 11 articles of impeachment returned against President Andrew Johnson in 1868, nine involved technically criminal violations of the Tenure of Office Act, but the last and most significant two articles alleged general abuses of presidential authority.

“… “[H]igh Crimes and Misdemeanors” is a phrase that reaches far beyond crimes to embrace “exceeding the powers of the office in derogation of those of another branch of government,” “behaving in a manner grossly incompatible with the proper function of the office,” and “employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or personal gain.”

What this description of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ says is that to impeach a president is not the same as a crime heard in a criminal court. The abuse of presidential authority is clearly impeachable, as was stated in Trump’s articles of impeachment. Adam Schiff, the House of Representatives impeachment manager, stated very clearly that Trump is guilty of abuse of his power in order to manipulate a foreign leader to help him gain power over an adversary who is running against him in the next election, and to use government departments and officials, as well as public citizens, such as Ghouliani and Parnas, and others, to execute his diabolical and dangerous plan.

Watch Adam Schiff’s fantastic argument for impeaching Donald Jerk *ff Trump from office. "It was a perfect call!"


    Another story is that Tulsi Gabbard is suing Hillary Clinton for $50M for being called a Russian Asset. How hilarious!!! We sure would love to see this argued out in a courtroom. Here are the definitions of “Asset”.

“There are different categories of assets, including people who:

•Willingly work for a foreign government for ideological reasons such as being against their government, but live in a country that doesn't allow political opposition. They may elect to work with a foreign power to change their own country because there are few other ways available.

•Work for monetary gain. Intelligence services often pay good wages to people in important positions that are willing to betray secrets.

•Have been blackmailed and are forced into their role.

•Do not even know they are being used (so called "useful idiots"). Assets can be loyal to their country, but may still provide a foreign agent with information through failures in information safety, such as using insecure computers or not following proper OPSEC procedures during day-to-day chatting.”

As has been written by various people, such as Malcolm Nance, The Cretin is an Idiot/Useful Asset. It is very possible that others in the Republican White Nationalist Party could fit this definition, as well. We have learned that there have been people, who were convicted of crimes resulting from their actions performed on behalf of The Cretin could be seen as Idiot or Useful Assets.
   Could Tulsi Gabbard be defined as a “Useful Asset”? Is this what Clinton meant by a Russian Asset?
    We are watching our democracy subverted for authoritarianism. The Republican White Nationalist Party members have jumped on this anti-democracy train driven by their cult leader in the White House headed toward Moscow. Just maybe there are members of the Democratic Party who are also jumping on this train, too.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Trump And His Senate Cult Followers Hate Democracy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The Senate Republicans fear Trump and, worst of all, fear democracy, as well. If the didn’t fear either one, then they’d be voting for additional witnesses and for documents and evidence to be presented at the Impeachment Trial of Donald Jerk*ff Trump. But instead, they have become the Senate’s anti-democratic “jurors” at the trial. Romney and Collins won’t stand up for democracy, but will sit down for autocracy, fascism and Market Leninism as they bow down at the feet of their cult party leader pretending to be president.
    A real honorable president would not insult the injured soldiers who suffered concussions and/or head injuries when they were attacked by the Iranians, as they retaliated following the assassination of Soleimani. The Cretin said, “they have headaches” dismissing their suffering. And, The Cretin gives 51% of Americans a really Yuge headache.
    One Iranian government official has put a “hit” out against Trump and offered $3M for the job. That probably is giving The Cretin a Yuge headache, too. Once *RUMP is kicked out of office, that worrisome headache will follow him as he retreats down to his Florida golf course. Now that drones can be outfitted with weaponry, The Cretin might be a sitting duck in the rough as he plays his rounds of golf.
    In the NYT, Jonathan Chait wrote in his piece “GOP Leader Has One Chart Showing Why Republicans Hate Democracy”, “…Donald Trump’s gross, overt authoritarianism has both accelerated and dramatized a much deeper hostility to democratic principles on the right that predates him.”
    House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy layered together in a map image of the U.S. as nearly all red illustrating Trump’s fascist supporters as being “dangerous on their own, and perfectly absurd in combination.”
    Also, Paul Krugman wrote in his NYT’s opinion piece called “Republicans Don’t Believe In Democracy”. He wrote “…in 2016 the voters of North Carolina chose a Democrat to govern the state; the immediate G.O.P response was to try to strip away most of the governor’s power.”
    In “Why Conservatives Hate Democracy” by Miles Culpepper, he wrote “…Trump’s time in office has also revealed a more mundane truth: the president, for all his illiberalism and comtempt for democracy, is a product of the mainstream American movement.” “…they have proven time and again that they are willing to go after democracy itself in a bid to preserve the oligarchs’ stranglehold on power and wealth…”. “…it’s clear that a modern, mainstream conservative movement is openly hostile to democracy.” “Conservatives’ long war on voting rights…” “…the hardline Tea Party faction of the conservative movement has been calling for the repeal of the 17th Amendment for the better part of a decade, in a bid to strip voters of their ability to select senators at all.” “Conservatives’ today rely on political institutions that brazenly undercut majority rule’’…“conservatives’ contempt for majority rule in the Right doesn’t expect a majority of Americans to support their policies, nor do they particularly care. The Right is afraid of the people because they know that a mass democratic movement can win.”
    In Michael Tomasky’s “The Secret Reason Republicans Won’t Impeach Trump”, written in the Daily Beast, said, “The modern GOP is an un-American party. It is not interested in democracy, it is interested in power and it doesn’t care how it gets it.”
    “…there are two Republican defenses of Donald Trump. The first is the hard–shell…variant: This is all outrageous and real criminals are Democrats…” “The second, soft-shell variant is… what he did was bad, or a little bad, or maybe not what I would have done, but it doesn’t rise to the level of being impeachable.” “This is the attempt to sound reasonable…it’s not reasonable at all.” “It is an authoritarian party…the soft-shell defense of Trump is grounded in that authoritarianism.” “These Republicans say that what Trump did was bad but not impeachable….They are afraid of Trump and his voters…[and would] turn his people against them and defeat them.” “They do not want to admit [he] is capable of doing anything [that is] illegal or impeachable while in office.”
    The un-American GOP party “doesn’t care how it gets [power]. Twice in the last five elections, they lost the popular vote. Power is more important than democracy.” And they try and steal it anyway possible, even claiming voter irregularities, when it cannot be proven, as claimed by Matt Bevin; or by gerrymandering as was seen in North Carolina and Wisconsin making the Democratic governor’s policies lose in the Republican state legislatures.
    They have “Reichstag-ish ideas like ending direct popular elections of senators.” Nikki Haley believes that because Trump’s plan to hold up military aid in exchange for investigation, or even the public statement that there will be an investigation, of his political rival was tried, but failed, can’t be a crime because it didn’t succeed in the end. This belief “is rooted in the party’s authoritarianism DNA. It’s a desperate rationale for holding on to power at all costs.”
    “David Frum wrote…”If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. (From the book “Dead Right”).
    Republicans fear Trump. And, because they fear their cult leader, they will sell their souls and legacy reputations to follow him into authoritarianism. They will place their power ahead of democracy. Alexander Hamilton in his document, The Federalist, stated that what Trump did actually fits the definition of impeachment. If Trump abused his power and violated the trust of the society, then it mounts to a high crime and misdemeanor. This will be explained in an upcoming post.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Trump and Republicans Are Now Hitler's Germany

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    On Michael Moore’s “Rumble” podcast, Anand Giridharadas said, “How much better your life would be if you didn’t have to worry about paying your health care bills, and if you didn’t, then you might be able to spend more times with your kids. Your life would be more fun and more loving. It’s patriotic to allow people to be free from illness. How patriotic would it be if we had a national health system that takes care of everyone?”
    Ruthless capitalism that leaves people on the street, or alone is anti-patriotic. If your student debt keeps you from being your ultimate self, then we are anti-patriotic.
   “ Life would be more fun and exciting if Democrats win. If you have a bit more money to go on a vacation, spend more time with our kids, and not worry about your medical bills, then that would make your life more whole. More fun.”
    This message needs to be shared with your family, your friends, neighbors and co-workers. Their lives would be more fun, loving, and exciting if we get rid of these ruthless capitalists from government, who are the likes of Trump, Pompeo, Mnuchin, and the rest of the Market Leninists in the administration, who pride themselves that they increased the military budget by $2.5 T, a plan to cut Medicaid, food for kids programs, tax cuts for the extremely wealthy, a reduction in corporate accountability, and more regressive initiatives.!!!
    Patriotism isn’t every man/woman for themselves. It is actually joining together to make each other’s lives better and more whole and loving.
    The Senate impeachment trial begins on Tuesday (today). The Republican White Nationalist Party members will be dismissing/acquitting their fascist cult leader from his impeachable acts against his Constitutional oath. His idiot consulting Constitutional expert “Dooshywitz” is only on the team to say that his fascist mob boss is innocent of the articles of impeachment. Yet, Professor Lawrence Tribe, another Constitutional expert says that “Doosywitz” is absolutely out of his mind!!!! Trump is guilty as charged!
    What is absolutely criminal is that the United States sent 16 million Americans to fight in WWll and over 6,000 died during the war. 70-85 million worldwide died during that brutal war. We fought Hitler and his Nazi fascists in the name of democracy.
    Today Germany does everything they can to condemn fascism and Nazism by marking sites where Jews were killed, captured, or suffered under the evil hand of Hitler and his Nazis. Germany, at the time, embraced discrimination, racism, authoritarianism, lies, cult worshipping of Hitler, and spewed propaganda to the brainwashed cult followers.
    No doubt, everyone of the 6,000 U.S. soldiers fighting Nazis and fascism would rise up in anger and disgust to see Americans calling themselves Republicans trading places with that old, evil Germany by now embracing fascism and Nazism through their support of White Nationalism, White Supremacy and the K.K.K., as well as Market Leninism, a Soviet born economic theory.
   Evil Trump once said during the Charlottesville, Virginia protest demonstration, which was disrupted by White Nationalists and White Supremacists that attacked the peaceful protesters, when he said that “There were good people on both sides”. He said this to give an acknowledgement to the Nazis that brought violence to that protest and insult the peaceful protesters. The Cretin pretending to be president had to placate his fascist political base.
    The United States under Trump and the Republican White Nationalist Party has turned its back on democracy, truth, justice and Constitutional patriotism. Modern Germany must see Trump and the United States as shameless and an embarrassment to the world.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln