Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Trumpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow


Watch Amanda Gorman recite and perform her amazing poem, 
          "The Hill We Climb" at the Biden inauguration.
      She is the 2021 Youth Poet Laureate of the United States

   This Blogspot began in November 2018, and now ends with #447 Blogposting. There was reporting, editorializing, storytelling, and archiving the slow destruction of the Trump administration. Through research and the posting of linked sources documented the daily firestorm that was spread by America’s worst president in history. Over his four years, he proved to be a Nazi, and a hateful, vengeful, ignorant, lying racist buffoon who ultimately brought himself down through his efforts to overturn a free and legitimate election in spite of his efforts to steal it through intimidation, threats, and corruption along with failed legal challenges. The attempt to lie his way to a second term resulted in a large group of seditious insurrectionists fearful of losing their White privileged and grieving Christian Dominionist control over the country, which is becoming a more racially balanced nation, which they fear. 

   Fascism grew in this country for decades without being addressed and condemned by us White liberals. We dismissed it as a movement that could not or would not take off; but, it did. It was unleashed by Donald J. Trump. He legitimized it. He endorsed it. He gave it legs. And, those legs decided to follow his command and steal the government away from our democracy and back into the hands of their fascist cult leader--Trump. He became their savior; their general; their cult leader; their Trojan Horse. He told them to come to Washington on January 6, 2021 because it was to "get wild." He told them if he lost the election, it was because it was stolen from him. And, they, his MAGATS should have none of it. He held a rally on that day for what purpose? To incite an insurrection against the certification of Joe Biden's Electoral College votes in the halls of the Capital building where Congress meets. He was to lead his domestic terrorist forces to kill, injure, and intimidate members of Congress to abandon the Constitution and cower to their demands, which were to illegitimately install their autocratic dictator back into the White House--no questions asked. Instead, he retreated from the mob of Orcs (a reference to Lord of the Rings) to his safe haven tent on White House grounds, surrounded by Secret Service, protecting him from the event as the horror unfolded. 

   Trump, in their eyes, was their savior. A savior molded out of a vision of the worst kind of person to ever exist. A person who embraces a devil, or dark demon living deep inside of his soul. He was to try and maintain White Supremacy through force, intimidation, and threats. He would make the Republican Party into the Trump Nazi Party, or the MAGAT Party (Make America Great Again Theofascists). Members of Congress were to do his bidding by abandoning the rule of law and the Constitution by trashing legitimate Electoral College votes with imaginary ones.

   Tens of thousands, even millions of Americans have chosen to believe his Big Lies for fear of losing their racial and religious domination. White Christian Dominionism over a nation of racially diverse people was their manifesto. They will have none of it; therefore, they fall back onto the claim that Trump is their legitimate president and the election was stolen from him in spite of down ballot Republicans who won in those states that chose Biden over Trump. How could that be?

   Trump created a variety of followers beginning with the most dangerous to the most stupid and naive. Here is the list beginning with the the Trump slogan, which has been embellished upon: 

   Begin with MAGA and add a T creating MAGAT—Traitors, Terrorists, Thugs, Theofascists, and Thickwits. This new party of Trump should be called the MAGAT party. (Pronounced just like the word Maggot.)

   Let’s look at the MAGAT Trump from this moment backward.  He began his time in the White House as a destructive and vile person and ended with a war against our government. His final actions, while in the White House, were to defecate on our democracy, while ignoring his participation in the violent domestic terrorist attack. The other being, his child-like publication called “The 1776 Report”. This project basically minimized Black slavery, equal justice, a leveling of the racial playing field, as well as, a manipulation of the words of Martin Luther King. How fitting for a racist, bigoted, hatemongering president and administration in the finals days as the “Worst President in American History.” 

   His hollow threatening bravado and planning with that moron and traitor who calls himself “The Pillow Guy”, Mike Lindell, to declare Martial Law in his final hours as a resident of the White House. Such excrement had to be cleaned up by the White House’s rodent extermination crew. 

   As The Cretin exited he had the song, “YMCA” playing over the loudspeakers. Was this a symbolic song for Trump, since it was performed by a group of Gay men? Another song broadcasted was to honor his draft dodging, heel spur deferment history, since he bought his way out of the Vietnam War, which was “Fortunate Son”—a Creedence Clearwater Revival song. This song talks about how rich boys bought their way out of war. This was a delusional celebration to Trump’s ability to buy his way out of everything, except to hold onto ultimate power.

 On his last full day as the guy in the White House, he said he was the only president not to have been involved in a war, which was another one of his Big Lies. He incited a war using his MAGATS, i.e, TerroristS. 

   As we rewind the failures and destructive actions by Trump, they will be listed here:

  • Impeached for the second time
  • To steal the Georgia election by intimidating election and government officials to find thousands of votes from

      Imaginary voters to tip him to victory

  • Endorsed voter suppression tactics; Post Office pulled voter boxes and mailboxes from Black communities
  • 61 failed election fraud lawsuits
  • Failing to provide hospitals and states with vaccines
  • Nation Trump Virus deaths reached 401,000 on his last day in the White House
  • Proclaimed the virus was a hoax
  • Rallies to promote an illegitimate election, and if he doesn’t win, it was stolen from him
  • Massive unemployment
  • Small business closures
  • Increased evictions
  • Increased isolation
  • Increased homelessness
  • Pardons of his loyalist criminals
  • Inciting violence by igniting by the Proud Boys and his other mouthpieces of hate and racism
  • Failing to mobilize testing and tracing of the virus
  • Pretending to support police and encouraged police violence against BLM supporters and protesters
  • Showing support for delusional Q’Anonites because “They like me very much.”
  • Telling Americans that the “China Virus” was going to disappear after a few weeks
  • Staying quiet as police use excessive force against Black men
  • Impeached for the first time and the Mueller investigation
  • The ReCon Senate’s failure to convict him
  • Extorting the President of Ukraine to find dirt on Hunter Biden
  • Using his political position to steal money from the taxpayers by using his properties as a money trough
  • Allowing Javanka to use their White House positions for profit 
  • Exchanging love letters with Kim Jung Un of North Korea
  • Having private and undocumented meetings with Putin of Russia
  • Abandoned the Climate Accord
  • Abandoned NATO
  • Abandoned WHO
  • Used Fox News as his propaganda mouthpiece
  • Muslim ban
  • Immigration concentration camps and separation of kids from parents, and placing them in cages
  • Pitting Red States against Blue States
  • Trade tariff war forcing farmers and manufacturers into bankruptcy
  • Corporate and agricultural bailouts
  • Massive tax cut for the rich
  • Attack on the environment and trade
  • Abandoning allies and embracing adversaries
  • Minimizing the needs of Native Americans
  • Endorsing the Keystone Pipeline
  • Threatening global industries to leave China or be punished
  • Acknowledgement of White Supremacists and neo-Nazis attacking the peaceful Charlottesville protesters
  • Violation of the U.S. Constitution and Office of the Presidency
  • Demand for personal loyalty over loyalty to the country
  • Saw himself as a dictator, authoritarian, and fascist

   Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall off his big, beautiful “Wall” that Mexico didn’t pay for as Trump had promised. His “Wall” was mostly to repair and upgrade the rusting sections of the border wall. And, some of the new wall collapsed due to improper construction. This is his only legacy. In his final days, he went to the wall with suck-up Lindsey Graham-cracker to celebrate his only accomplishment—Fixing the Border Wall. Heckuvah job Donnie.

   We can now close up this Blogspot with a final send off to MAGATS Donald and MeMeMeMelania Trump. It’s been a fun, yet upsetting ride to have spent this much time deeply embedded in the attempted fascist takeover of our precious, and fragile democracy.

  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with his cabinet of extremely smart and dedicated public servants who believe in our democracy. Best wishes to them all.

Bye, Bye folks!! When Trump ends up indicted and facing a judge, this Blog may get fired back up.

   Anderson Cooper can't believe Fox News Maria Bartiromo continues Trump's Big Lie.

  Max Boot writes that Trump could not have done it without Fox News on his side by spewing his Big Lies over and over again.

When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Trump Is A MAGAT And Heads The MAGAT Party

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

   As Trump’s days in Washington begin to dim, he will forever be known was The MAGAT—Making America Great Again Traitor, And, his al-Qaida-style terrorists will be known as The Make America Great Again ThugS depending on their level of their Trump transgressions. This administration is full of MAGATS!!! 

   Trump’s “Scorched America’s Earth” agenda over the past four years has unleashed the Devil within his psychotic and delusional MAGAT followers—many of whom will be known as Make America Great Again ThickwitS to believe in their failing White Grievance fantasies to raise their weapons high against the changing racial and ethnic demographic charges in the country. Their fears of a nation where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed is antithetical to Trump’s now lost, and possibly abandoning, political base.

   The lying, scumbag Cretin is showing strong signs that he is becoming irrelevant among his most radical right supporters, which includes neo-Nazis, White Nationalist fascists, and Putinites. Yet, there are people in his radical right cult base, which includes members of Congress, state legislators, Christian Right, and Thickwits (dull, slow or stupid mind) around the country. The radical Reich are beginning to hate their one-time savior, the very one anointed by God, in their delusional revolutionary visions. Many of the radical Reich MAGOTS’ hatred will ooze all over Trump’s Little Cretins, whereby the Trump name and brand will be tainted and smeared for a long time to come.

   Trump will likely become obsolete and irrelevant with his name being equivalent to that of poison, since he could not overturn a legitimate election or forcefully declare Martial Law in order to serve their delusional and disruptive desires of installing himself their back into power so as to reward them by doing their politically dirty deeds for them.

   Their “Stop The Steal”, “MAGA”, “Trump Is Jesus”, “Support Our Police” signs, slogans, flags, banners, and shirts have been proven to be their Big Lie. What they should display is their actual slogan—“Keep America White Again”. That’s their bottomline. They hide behind their hollow and empty slogans. They resist truth, honesty, and reality. They really don’t believe in democracy and are not patriotic in any sense of the word. They turn their backs on their religious leaders who are speaking out against the evil fascist Putin-style Trump who has defecated all over our nation. Sadly, their “Come To Jesus” moments are too little too late. The evil damage has already been done. A seditious insurrection has already been unleashed on our Capital and will spill over onto regional state Capitals, along with death threats against the real American leaders who believe in democracy and a nation for everyone. 

   Putin’s Russia, Iran, North Korea, and other oppressive leaders are rejoicing over Trump’s destructive legacy as al-Qaida type fascists threaten America’s historical democratic institutions and beliefs. Trump’s call to the Proud Boys during the presidential debates, “Stand Ready and Stand By” was the first clear message to the al-Qaida-like terrorists to prepare to help him stay in power, under force if necessary. He said to them, “Come to D.C. It is going to get wild.”

   MAGATs—Make America Great Again Tyrants/Toadies/or Thickwits depending on just how radicalized they are, have stood by Trump. Around 62% of Republicans believe that the election was stolen from him. And, 80% of those supporters over 50 y.o feel the same way. Trump is a MAGAT leader—a Make America Great Again Traitor. He continues to incite their anger, hate, paranoia, and mistrust of the election process because he will not concede and say that he lost the election and Biden won it fair and square. This perpetuates the Big Lie, which will likely incite further violence in the months ahead.

   We now know that Trump’s MAGATS (Toadies and Tyrants) were deeply involved in the insurrection’s organization. There are those MAGATS deep in the GOP's far Reich who continue the talk of a second Civil War.  

Women for America First were involved in hosting the January 6 rally before the Capital assault. Documents show that this group was paid thousands of dollars by Trump’s reelection campaign organization. They received a Park Service permit to assemble Trump’s insurrectionists on park property. One organizer was Megan Powers, who was employed by the Trump campaign as director of operations. Another was Caroline Wren an associate of Women for America First (WAF). She was paid a large amount of cash, $20,000 a month by “Donald J. Trump for President Inc.” Another employee of WAF, was Justin Caporale, who worked for Melania Trump and was paid $3500 per week as a senior aide to the First Lady. In addition to his association with the White House, he worked as a finance consultant for “Trump Victory”. And then, there is Kimberly Fletcher, who is a key figure in the “Moms for America”, a pro-Trump group. Another figure in the pre-Trump planning of the rally that resulted in an insurrection by Trump’s al-Qaida-like terrorists, was Maggie Mulvaney, who is related to Mick Mulvaney, one of Trump’s MAGATs (Toadies). She was earning $2500 per week from Trump’s reelection campaign dated back to November 2020.

   These women organizers are all doing damage control by removing or halting Twitter accounts and other social media posting sites. They are acting stupid by pretending that they did not support the insurrection or contributed to acts of sedition in spite of Trump’s early verbal and written messages to his supporting hate groups, such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Bois and the others. These organizers appeared to act oblivious to all of Trump’s messages pushed out to his hate group supporters with his “Stop The Steal” related lies, as well as all the other corresponding messages that insisted that he was the only legitimate winner of the election even before Election Day, and then, even after Biden was shown to have won by 7 million votes. How could they ignore his message that ‘We will gather on January 6 and it will be wild’, along with his attack on Georgia’s special election, resulting in illegal election tampering? 

   All the groups mentioned above clearly would have known what was about to happen from listening to Trump’s lies, and intimidation tactics. Before, and then after, how could miss all the lies and propaganda his Congressional Toadies, such as Kevin McCarthy, Cruz, Greene, and others, as well as Mike da’Putz Pence. Of course, there was Looney Guiliani out in front with his clown routine.  Everyone of these co-conspirators were on board to assemble as many of Trump’s traitors to D.C’s greenspace called the Ellipse, just across from the Capital where and expensive stage was set up with big speakers to broadcast the speeches, along three giant sized screens to broadcast Trump’s images out to his mob. Trump hired Event Strategies, Inc. in the past for their management and production services at a cost of $1.3M. Event Strategies founder and president, Tim Unes was a key figure in setting up the stage for the January 6 sedition rally.

   Hannah Salem has hired by Trump to act as a press aide for the White House. She was the “rally’s “operations manager for logistics and communications””. More about this could be read in the article titled “Records: Trump Allies Behind Rally That Ignited Capital Riot”, written by Lardner and Smith for HuffPo.

   If this doesn’t look like a planned and organized insurrection by Trump, the Trump White House, and hired lackeys to incite an angry crowd to attack the Capital, then what would it take to convince the nation? The stage was set by Trump’s allies to organize the rally so Trump, Trump Junior, Looney Guiliani, and members of Congress, such as Ted Cruz to fire up the crowd to march to the Capital. The infrastructure required to pull off these seditious actions has in the making for months. This was a conspiracy lead-up to take the Congress and the Capital by force and to reject Biden as the legitimate president elect, and install a failed moron back into the White House for a second term. This was an organized seditious action lead by Trump, who retreated from being the mobster’s “general” as they stormed the Capital on his behalf. They told reporters and police that they did what Trump told them to do. The Cretin cowardly fell back out of sight and rushed off to his already in progress tailgate party inside a large white tent, erected hours earlier, equipped with monitors, televisions, table, chairs and refreshments. He and his crowd watched the assault and battery against Capital police in cheerful and celebratory glee, while his al-Qaida-style terrorists stormed the halls of the Capital hoping to find Pence and lynch him on the makeshift gallows, and to kill Nancy Pelosi where she stood. Trump planned to not do as he promised and march with his Freedom Fighters to the Capital. He abandoned his “command” because he will always be a slithering coward.

   It is clear that the Senate trial of Trump following the impeachment in the House will detail this conspiracy to retake the presidency by a Nazi fascist named Trump. He needs to be stripped of everything presidential once returning to private life, and then, arrested and jailed for his actions, along with his co-conspirators; one could call them the “get-away” drivers who were not told of the planned violence but were asked to just drive the cars and whisk off the armed gangsters who just held up the bank and killed the bank guard. It is time ‘to take names and who are the zeros, and sadly not heroes’ as we heard Donald Trump Junior say, but in a different more seditious way. And, a more incriminating way. 

   It is clear as the evidence unfolds each day that Trump engaged in the most heinous act any American could ever engage in. He acted like an old time New York or Chicago or Boston crime boss, who was not about to give up his street power to a new guy in town. He would do whatever he could to hold onto power, even destroy the very streets he lorded over. He assembled his gang and commanded them to smash and burn in order to scare the new guy and his people letting them know loud and clear that he better leave town for good or else. But it didn’t work. And now, he is about to pay for his crimes.

   Donnie—MAGAT-raitor has been moping around the White House all alone acting like one of his White Grievance insurrectionists. Poor Donnie, his assault on the Capital failed to give him four more years by the Republicans who said no to his Stop The Steal’s ultimate outcome. Even Mikey daPutz Pence disappointed him. Many of the White guys surrounding him who gave him cover for four years have now realized that he is a fool. He is not the spoiled guy who gets everything he wants when he wants it. He has been doped slapped back to his hole in Florida.

   Now, in his final hours of being the worst president in American history, he is about to give a slew of pardons and commutations. He may very likely give some silent pardons, which are pardons that he doesn’t even have to tell the person who has received the pardon. They wouldn’t know until an indictment came their way. There is a way to stop these pardons. Trump could even give himself a silent pardon. It would not come to light until he would be slapped with a federal indictment. The way to stop them from being used would come from Congress. Congress could pass a law that states that any pardon used after a president leaves office would be illegal. Now that both chambers of Congress are held by a more sensible party, they could pass this law once the Senate removes Moscow Mitch as leader.

   This could be Donald’s final dope slap. Believing that he is free from an indictment of federal crimes, such as inciting an insurrection and sedition, along with two of his flat footed soldiers—Donald Dumb-Dumb Junior, and Looney Guiliani, would be a great post-script to his failed presidency once a Biden Justice department files an indictment against him. To prevent a president or any government official from believing that he or she could overthrow the government through an act of sedition. Trump must be prosecuted.

John Avlon gives a quick summary of Trump’s failed presidency here.

Here is a piece how Trump gave $850,000 to anti-vaxxer groups instead of helping hospitals in need with that money. 

Here is Stephen Colbert’s final good-bye to Melania Trump.

When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Trump Rejoiced While Watching The Insurrection

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

                                Michael Moore's Rumble Emergency Podcast

                      From The Lincoln Project

                         From The Lincoln Project

   We are closing in on The Cretin’s final departure. Looney Guiliani will be soon be finding a hole to slither into for a long Rip Van Winkle sleep. On the eve of his 5th remaining day, Trump met, at the White House, with confidant Mike—My Pillow Guy—Lindell to discuss Trump’ January 20th big counter celebration of Joe Biden’s inauguration. First, Lindell brought up Trump’s alter-ego, which is known, privately, as Marshall Law. Donald never liked his name because it reminded everyone he met of the infamous cartoon character Donald Duck. He always felt self-conscious of the name. It didn’t sound very important so he chose Marshall as his other first name. It made him sound tough and strong. And, his last name, Trump, sounded undignified, so he picked Law, since it made him sound smart, something he could never live up to and achieve.

   So, when a screenshot of Lindell’s notebook with the words Martial Law written on it became public, the press thought Martial Law was being planned by The Cretin and his Foot Soldiers. But, in fact, he misspelled it. It was to be spelled Marshall Law. Trump wanted to remake himself at 12:01on January 20th. The press believed that these two idiots were planning a second seditious act to be followed by Trump transforming himself into his alter-ego. He would don his custom made Space Force costume and fade away quietly.

   Rumor has it that Trump called Lindell in to actually have some pillow talk, since Mike chops and grinds foam up in order to make those creepy pillows in his “American made factory.” “The best pillow you’ll ever sleep on, or your money back” pillow. Lindell’s grand idea was to load up a large tractor trailer full of his creepy, no doubt foreign made, foam pillows, thousands of pillows, since if you buy one, you will get a second one free! His special offer if you order NOW! You just pay for the shipping and handling of the second one.

   Then they’ll drive the truck close to the inauguration perimeter, and pass out all the pillows to the crowd in order to incite a pillow fight insurrection. Wow, won’t that to be a ton of fun? Trump will then announce to his White Grievance Supremacists and domestic terrorist fighters that he is the very infamous pedophile “Q” has been looking for all along. Surprise!!! Once Trump transforms himself into his new persona—Marshall Law, he will then change is entire look, it will then give him some cover. No more yellow hair or orange complexion. No more baggy suits. It will only be Space Force costumes. He will no longer be known as Donald J. Trump. And then, he will go off into the sunset, board a private jet and fly off to North Korea to hook up with his special penpal who with he had exchanged beautiful love letter. How sweet. “They were beautiful letters” Trump has told us all.

   Melania will be set free to romp with her new, sexy boyfriend, Mr. “Q” Shaman Man on the beaches of Mar-A-Lago and will ride on his back as she calls out “My Q-Shaman Bull Man”, while the Trump Little Cretins will begin fearing indictments for federal, state and local crimes. Sweet justice.


   What we are now learning is that the 1/6/21 insurrection had military trained participants, lined up in formation and decked out in full combat gear as they stormed the U.S Capital building. There are reports that retired military, and retired and employed police officers were part of this White American al-Qaida terrorist group.

   Michael Moore feels that what happened on the 6th was a “dry run” tactical operation and were told to keep their guns at home; but, an armed attack is being planned for the 20th. The location(s) is unknown. The Oath Keepers is a domestic terrorist group, one such White Grievance American al-Qaida group whose members are ex-military and law enforcement. The Boogaloo Boys and Proud Boys are both White Grievance Supremacist/Nazi groups. No doubt, these groups communicate through Dark Web websites and chatrooms. He reported on his podcast (link above) that this insurrection had some police and possibly staffer/elected representative insiders assisting the terrorists in finding how to navigate through the tunnels, doors, passageways, and corridors to find their targets. Moore reported that no one has yet been charged with a domestic terrorism charge, yet if these people were Muslims, terrorism charges would be all over the news. He said why were not the police, FBI, etc reporting before the press and the public what was immediately being done? Just as we have seen in the past, after BLM protests, and after the radical right destroyed property, the police, and others stood before the cameras reporting on the “violence" and “chaos”. Cop Killer Donald won’t even set the White House America flag at half-mast. Trump and his followers are not PATRIOTS! They are liars and unAmerican. They are fake Americans and should be ashamed for flying their American flags in their front yards. And, they should be told so!

   Trump may become less and less relevant as he faces criminal charges, but these groups will not disappear. The Trump Nazi Party has been unleashed. These fascist members of Congress, those who will escape expulsion and federal criminal co-conspiracy charges, may try and run on Trump’s coattails. But, if they get defeated, then we will find Trump becoming very irrelevant. His name will become a hot potato!


    Nepotism Barbie—Sycophant Ivanka Trump continues to feather her father’s MAGA hat by praising his accomplishments. Her Twitter account, and the White House website account, which she is using to praise her father’s so-called accomplishments has been ablaze with unrelenting criticism and facts which she blindly dismisses on a daily basis. Her ignorance proves she is just a plastic, empty headed Barbie Doll. May she be ever known as Toxic Barbie.

   Trump’s niece, Mary Trump has stated that Donald enjoyed the insurrection as he hunkered down in the White House tent watching it all unfold on monitors and televisions, since he ducked out and didn’t march to the Capital with his violent mob, as he promised to do. She called him a coward. She said he has always been a coward. Did he have his Adolf Hitler action figure in his pocket while all this was going on? He was angry at staffers for not rejoicing with glee as the Capital was attacked by his domestic al-Qaida-like terrorists.

   Where does this all come from? It mainly comes from evangelical Christians. In Carol Kuruvilla terrific article, “White Christian Radicalization Is A Violent Threat,” she writes, “There was a distinctly Christian nationalist presence at the U.S. Capitol riot. Some leaders are trying to publicly reject it — but others are staying silent.” “Last week, an insurrectionist carried this Christian flag onto the Senate floor as rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol to interrupt a joint session of Congress and attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. As [Robert] Jones [the CEO of the Public Religion Research Institute] watched the siege unfold on social media, he was disturbed to see this flag among the symbols the rioters were using ― but he wasn’t surprised.”

   “We are indeed at a moment of reckoning for white Christianity, which has been complicit in legitimizing and baptizing white supremacy throughout the entire American story,” Jones told HuffPost. “We white Christians need to speak out, not just for the sake of repairing the damage we have done to our Black and brown brothers and sisters, but for the sake of ourselves and our faith.” “ But in America, Christian Nationalism has long been wrapped up in protecting whiteness. Many white evangelicals have grown anxious in recent years about America’s increasing racial diversity, and believe they are losing ground on culture-war issues.”

   “White conservative Christians’ willingness to entertain conspiracy theories could be a product of their close ties to the Republican Party and their loyalty to Trump, according to Elizabeth Neumann, who served as an assistant secretary of counterterrorism at the Department of Homeland Security under Trump until last April.” 

   “Trump’s hard-line stances have made conservative Republicans “extremely vulnerable” to the grooming techniques of right-wing extremist groups, Neumann said. The outgoing president has sown “seeds of grievances” around white supremacist talking points, such as the idea that immigrants are stealing American jobs, or that the best way to handle terrorism is to keep Muslims out of the country. This has helped create a “common values system” between average Republicans and white supremacists, Neumann said.

Some of the rioters at last week’s insurrection were members of established far-right hate groups, like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, or vocal supporter of apocalyptic conspiracy theories such as QAnon. Neumann believes there were other people at the protest who didn’t have official ties to these groups, but who shared their conservative values and were led to believe misinformation about the election.” “The concern I have is not that by being a Christian, you would naturally think that white supremacy is a godly thing or that it’s part of the Bible, as much as it is some of the other political viewpoints that you have gotten into by being a Trump adherent,” she said. “You’ve created this toxic soup of conspiracy that makes people very vulnerable and susceptible to recruitment to other radicalized causes.” 

   “Conspiracy theories use apocalyptic rhetoric to create a sense of desperation, [Russell Moore, a prominent voice within the Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest Protestant denomination] Moore said, and people who don’t feel as if their lives have a purpose become addicted to the rush that these theories offer. Christians have a responsibility to speak truth about these conspiracy theories, he said ― and to separate the violent actions of the rioters from the message of Jesus. Moore said he’s heard people claim that the problem with Christianity is that it’s become a “weak, ‘turn the other cheek’ sort of religion.” He pointed out that these kinds of statements explicitly contradict Jesus’ instructions in his famous teaching, the Sermon on the Mount.”

   “Moore said Christians should reach out if they see loved ones being drawn into justifying violence ― and if pastors notice that members of their congregations have become vulnerable to that kind of ideology, they should call it out as un-biblical.

   Neumann, who is a Christian herself, said church leaders can connect people who have fallen into the “QAnon rabbit hole” with resources to help them de-radicalize. Beyond that, she said, pastors should be willing to say there was no evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election, and to remind their congregations to place their hopes in Christ, instead of on a specific political outcome.”

  Michael Moore said,  “Trump and inner circle and his crime family have called for this uprising and are pleased with what they have seen and know what is going on. Unless these White terrorist are arrested now more, en masse, there will more attacks that will happen between now and Election Day. I hope this will not happen.” “Law enforcement knows that there will more violence ahead. The terrorists saw on Wednesday that they could get away with this and are now empowered.” Be aware and be careful. “We are in serious danger.” “We must remove the head of the terrorist movement today, and he lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” “They want to stop the new president from taking office. Removing their leader is the only way to stop this [Donald J. Trump]. We must stop this madness. There is no other alternative.” In order to stop this from happening, we must make our public officials accountable.

When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln