Saturday, May 30, 2020

America Is Burning While Trump Tweets Hate

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   The crybaby, whining Republican White Nationalists are unable to make a simple, basic adjustment to their lives by wearing a mask in public and keeping a minimum of a six foot distance between others. These lemmings would jump off a cliff if Trump asked them to do so. It’s Monkey See, Monkey Do.
   It is so strange to see government pensioners with “Make America Great Again” signs in their windows. These morons are supporting a person who would love to see local and city and county pensions to get squeezed or eliminated. These idiots can actually thank their Democratic government legislators and officials for maintaining these pensions when times get tough. It is a Democrat who is looking out for these morons with the signs.
    If the Death Cult followers of Dumb-Dumb Donnie cannot make the above simple personal adjustments, then when they are called on to make another serious sacrifice for the country they will likely run to their favorite hiding places as did Trump who fled to his golf course, or maybe he will hide deep in the White House's underground bunker. During the Washington, DC protests, Trump ran to the underground bunker to hide from the mess he created. The nation is spiraling into chaos because he failed to calm those who were hurting from the Mr. Floyd murder at the hands of a cop. 

   The Republican who could make a patriotic sacrifice for the country doesn’t exist any longer. They disappeared a long time ago. They have no national pride. Only self pride. Narcissistic pride.

Bone Spur Donnie, who salutes the flag, surrounds himself in the White House with a YUGGE number of flags, more than anytime before, salutes soldiers and flies in Air Force 1, yet has never in his entire life made a single sacrifice. And he flaunts this fact that he NEVER needed to make a sacrifice. He is too big for that action; and now, the whining, crybaby White Nationalist party members in government and state houses and in the public realm are imitating the behavior of their leader, which is totally narcissistically and without duty to country. Haven’t we had enough of this already? As we move beyond 100,000 innocent deaths, and nearly 40 million unemployed working class people as the Trump Virus digs its heels into the country, we have the Death Cult party calling for more harm.
   The Trump Virus is singing,

 This land is your land, this land is my land from California to the New York Highlands, from the Redwood Forests, to the Gulf Stream waters, this land was made for you and Me (the Trump Virus).

   Now that Minneapolis burns because of police brutality, will Devil Donnie retreat to his golf course, once again? He tweets more vile words, which could easily create more chaos, which he thrives on. He said,

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

  It appears he is encouraging more violence. Is he intimating that he hopes the cops shoot-to-kill the looters? Trump quoted this statement from a 1967 Miami Police Chief Walter Headly who declared “war” on crime in Black neighborhoods. He also added “We don’t mind being accused of police brutality.” Trump gave a rally speech giving permission to take the gloves off when making arrests. He said that cops don’t need to protect the heads of accusers who are being placed in the back seats of police cars. He has a history of racism as a landlord in New York. In the 1970s, he was charged with racial discriminatory rental practices and was sued over it. He then hired a former Senator Joe McCarthy aide, Roy Cohn, to defend him. McCarthy was a full-blown hater, racist, anti-Semite and Blacklister of Hollywood types who may or may not have been a person interested in Communism.
   If so, Trump is killing his own reelection chances. He may very likely see the nation in flames. These protests and outrage is as a result of a cop killing a Black man in restraints while three other cops stood by doing nothing. Trump’s White Supremacy beliefs are shining through.
   Now that Minneapolis burns, Tucker Klansman Carlson says that the violent protests are a form of tyranny. Of course, Klansman Carlson, a White Supremacist, believes that White cops have a right to kill Black men while in custody. Trump feels the same way. He believes White Supremacists are “very good people”.
   Apparently, these crybaby White Nationalist Trumpie Rumpies will totally freak out when the Trump Virus rears its ugly contagious head later this year; or, when a new novel virus hits our shores and we need another immediate lockdown with testing and retesting, which could last for six entire weeks. Will that be tyranny too, Tucker, you F**ker?
   These weenies won’t have the patriotic maturity and strength and guts to commit to protecting the country to wear a piece of cloth over their mouths and noses or stay in a quarantine as much as possible, along with keeping one’s hands clean. These simple rules are just too hard to follow for these whiners.
   Could The Cretin be trying to lose the election without actually realizing it? His press secretary Kayleigh McE-Ninny be helping him in this effort? All they bloviate about is how mail-in voting is the worst thing ever!!! They say it is riddled with corruption and fraud, while the only documented case of corruption was committed by Republicans. They seem to forget that most of the people surrounding The Cretin already vote by mail.

   Here is a video link fact checking Trump’s lies surrounding voter fraud. See it HERE.

   To further distract, The Cretin signed an executive order to remove liability protections from Twitter and other social media platforms because he is threatened with being “de-platformed” by Twitter and fact checked because he fills his threads with lies, hate speech, vile racist comments and more.
   The Cretin would have none of that. Hitler had no checks on his lies and propaganda. Putin has no checks on his lies and propaganda. So, Trump, who emulates these two figures, wants no checks on his lies and propaganda, either. He loves to lie and spew propaganda to his White Nationalist base. He uses Twitter to rile up hate and fear and more among his followers. Will his base eventually realize that when they get sick from the Trump Virus, while Donnie fails to care if they live or die, that he is using them? Will they change their minds when their jobs don’t return?
   Will Twitter and the other social media platforms begin to heavily fact check their nemesis or will they cave to his revenge? If they don’t step up and resist his hate, then the next president will have an established precedent to go after them, too. Is this what they want?
   Dumb Dumb’s executive order is full of grand standing and will likely see his order legally challenged. This is just another distraction to refocus his base away from the growing death toll, jobs losses, economic downturn, and the Trump Virus of his making.
   In New Mexico, Cowboys-for-Trump leader, Couy Griffin, said “The only good Democrat, is a dead Democrat” at a rally rebelling against stay-at-home orders. Trump responded with “Thank you Cowboys. See you in New Mexico!”
   This is very much Hitleresque. Hitler felt that ‘The only good Jew was a dead Jew!’ White Supremacists say, ‘The only good Black person is a dead Black person!’ And Trump salutes this type of language and rallying cry.
   Griffin said that both Governor Northam and Governor Whitmer “could be guilty of treason and the punishment that comes with it. You get to pick your poison: you either go before a firing squad, or you get the end of the rope.”
   It is clear that Griffin is a complete moron. This guy, who is a full-blown narcissistic psychopath, is a county commissioner. He is filled with hate. Treasonous behavior could be said to have been performed by Trump by violating the U.S. Constitution, and allowing COVID19 to attack the country without following an established preparedness plan.
   The U.S. is 4% of the world’s population, yet has one-third of viral outbreak. This is Trump’s fault. He committed treason by not acting immediately to contain the virus. He allowed it to attack the country. He dismissed its seriousness. He called it a hoax. Trump committed treason. His plan was to kill Americans.
   Jamie Ducharme from Time magazine, wrote, “Up to 80% of COVID 19 Infections Are Asymptomatic”, “It is difficult to estimate how many people get infected without showing symptoms.” This report is eye opening. We don’t know who is a carrier and who is free of the virus.
   White Nationalist Republican Kim Reynolds, Iowa’s governor, needs to be replaced. She has made very bad pandemic containment decisions. Tyson foods’ meat packing plant is continuing to have infectious outbreaks. They have not gotten ahead of the virus. “555 of the Storm Lake (Iowa) plant’s 2517 employees had tested positive for coronavirus.” That comes to 20% of their workforce getting sick. 500 cases were reported in the Buena Vista County’s Tyson Foods plant tested positive in this pork processing plant. This is unconscionable.
   Back in March, the federal government didn’t have enough ventilators because Trump failed to be prepared for this pandemic. So, Trump went to Russia and asked for medical equipment and ventilators from Putin to be used in New York and New Jersey. Trump kept the request quiet from FEMA and the FDA. The ventilators were not adaptable to U.S. electrical requirements and these Russian ventilators were the source of several deaths in Russia because they caught fire. Trump was desperate because of his incompetence. This illustrates The Cretin’s inability to handle this overwhelming pandemic. The U.S. had the resources to build reliable equipment and ventilators, but Trump didn’t move to assemble the country’s experts and manufacturers to prepare for the pandemic and the trauma that it would create back in January and February. So, off to Russia he went for a bailout. But that flopped, too. Everything Trump touches turns into crap.
   In the coming year, we may very likely see a Second Great Depression. The current economy is not taking off as predicted by The Cretin and the idiots surrounding him, like Mnuchin and others. What is being talked about by the country’s economic experts are that 50% of those people earning $40,000 or less may end up losing their jobs. This will further raise an ever climbing unemployment rate, which is now 40 million Americans. The richest among us are doing just fine. They are seeing large gains on Wall Street, but that joyride will slow as corporate earning falter and businesses begin to shutter and file bankruptcy.
   What Trump touches turns to crap over and over again.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Trump Is A Spineless Little Man

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Chris Hayes of MSNBC made a good point. The Cretin’s Memorial Day meltdown and golf lifeboat escape during a very painful recognition of all the Americans who have lost their lives as a result of Donnie Devil’s total narcissistic incompetence was that of a person who has failed his job. He failed to take on the contagion with the full force gale of the federal government, as other countries have done.
   Chris Hayes said that Trump is done with the virus. He has moved on. Stepped across the golf course and on into the embrace of an RNC fully packed in nominating convention. The moron is so hungry for a big stage, attention seeking, ‘Heil To The King’ big tent circus show. It is all about him.
   The Trump Virus is on its own now. The Cretin doesn’t want to be bothered with this viral car crash any longer. He has decided to walk away from the scene. ‘No mask. No time for it. It makes me look stupid.’
   Since The Cretin no longer cares, we should continue to care, nevertheless. The CDC is telling us that any antibody test results may be wrong half the time. That warning is scary!! One in 20 people will receive a false positive result, which will cause someone to believe they have been infected when in fact they have not.
   Jeffrey Sachs wrote in “The one vital message of nearing 100,000 deaths”… 

”Six months into the epidemic and around 100,000 deaths tracing across the country. Neither the President nor Congress has focused on the topic even though it is the key to keeping Americans alive and restoring the economy. The truth is simple and grim. If we don’t stop the epidemic, we will face many more deaths and a long and deep depression. It would be wonderful if a vaccine suddenly rescues us from our persistent failure to implement basic public health measures. But don’t be on it. That’s not a forecast, just an urgent point that we should not leave the
rescue of the republic to unproven vaccines still in the early stages of development.”

   WOW!!! Trump maybe wanting to bail out of the pandemic but it is here to stay for quite a while!!

   A researcher in China called the “Bat Woman” studies viruses in bats and animals in the wild says we all need to be vigilant with containing and reducing COVID19 because there are other highly contagious viruses that can spread across populations. COVID19 is just the beginning. There will be more to follow. We need to be extremely prepared.

   The Donald- the Death Cult’s leader doesn’t care anymore. It is way too big for him and he is too small to confront it competently. His tactic to address this viral contagion is by insulting, ridiculing, lying, and spewing a contagion of fake news not unlike what went on during Hitler’s evil reign in the 1930s.

   Jeffrey Sachs said we are likely to see thousands more preventable deaths unless we tackle this pandemic in a very aggressive and serious way. He also said that Trump’s Twitter feed needs to be ignored, but that is hard to do when he’s focused on accusing Joe Scarborough of murder, calling Black women in the media and politics racist insults, and spewing a dirty laundry list of lies. He has spread fascist-like accusations about mail-in voting, when he actually engages in mail-in voting. In fact, the only voter fraud proven cases were done by Republicans. He accuses the process of mail-in voting as filled with fraud, forgery, corruption, and that the governor of California is printing up fraudulent ballots.
   Twitter needs to step up and fact check Trump’s fascist and white Supremacy tweets. He says,

“Twitter is trying to silence conservative views.”
   Trump claims that his psychopathic, lying, fascist-leaning, threats and racist, vile fake news hate speech is not conservative. It is very close to Hitleresque speech. Trump is behaving like a dictator.
 Now, out of anger and revenge, he is threatening to shut down social media sites because there is a loud outcry for Twitter to stop The Cretin’s use of Twitter as a platform to spread his lies and propaganda. There is talk of removing such tweets or mark them as lies by Twitter. His supporters are whining that community based shutdowns by governors is a form of tyranny, but they are silent when their Death Cult leader directly engages in tyrannical threats. That is acceptable to them, since they are all behind a fascist, plutocratic, White nationalist dictator as their leader.
  The expert people around Trump recommends that people wear masks in public out of respect for others that surround you while even outdoors, and that there maybe no need to wear one in doors, at home, when around those that live with you. But Trump insults and ridicules those who wear them. He is embarrassed to wear one. He cannot even wear his own special brand, which says, “Make America Die Again”.
   Trump cannot handle the truth. He is so far over his head with the Trump Virus that he is running away from it all the way to his own golf course. As Anderson Cooper called him, “Such a little man.”
   As many countries get control over the virus and their economies, the United States continues to see troubled waters ahead.

   Trump delusionally believes that he was ahead of all other countries when tackling the virus. He said, “I was so early. I was earlier than anybody thought. I put a ban on people coming in from China.” He did NOT issue a total ban. There were dozens of exceptions to that ban. His blaming of China for his own failure to get ahead of the virus is what he does. He deflects, insults, and lies to exempt him from personal responsibility.
   Never has he ever shown empathy or compassion; never has he told the truth or admitted mistakes or guilt; nor will he ever come clean by admitting that his current “job” (if you want to call what he does as a job.) is too big for him.

It is very true----Trump is just a little man. Biden says he is a fool. Trump is worse than that. He is a small minded, psychopathic, fascist fool.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

On Trump's Memorial Day

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

An Andreas Welin mural

   New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Thailand, and Hong Kong have all lowered or eliminated the COVID19 threat in their countries at the end of a four month crisis. But in the United States, just the opposite has happened. Americans continue to die. We are very close to 100,000 deaths because Trump failed to act fast and competently.  We will very likely see a strong uptick in the Trump Virus throughout the country. The nation’s economy will continue to evaporate. Small businesses will go broke and all those employees will suffer because Trump failed to act fast and competently. Many will leave their apartments, move in with friends, or family or end up sleeping in their cars all because Trump failed to act fast and competently. The consumers are not going to risk their lives to rub elbows with possibly infected others wherever they meet. 40% of the viral contagion spreads from one person to another while not showing any symptoms.
   As the country opens up across the country for Memorial Day, churches fill their pews, beaches crowd, bar patrons party all without masks, distancing and hand washing.
   And, the way The Death Cult president handled Memorial Day was to walk away from the coming uptick of this first viral wave of the Trump Virus by playing golf. This was the way he memorialized the 98,000 people he killed and the 2.5 million sickened innocent Americans he infected with his virus. It is estimated that a third of those who died might never had gotten sick had Trump acted fast and competently.
  The U.S, Iceland and South Korea had their first COVID19 case on the same days. Now Iceland and South Korea have contained or either squashed or eliminated the virus except for Death Cult Donnie.
   If the White House Devil thinks that more infections and slowing the economy down, while increasing the unemployment rate, and moving the country toward a deepening Second Depression will increase his re-election chances, then he is drinking too man Lysol lattes and snorting too much hydroxychloroquine.
   His narcissistic White Nationalists whining about how they are tired of the virus containment protocols issued by various states are just as evil as their Death Cult leader. The Death Cult followers may be the next victims of the Trump Virus. I guess they will get what they inadvertently asked for!!!
    Bill Gates said, “Had the president issued a nationwide lockdown in late February to early March, with stay-at-home orders for 6 weeks, we then could have eased the reopening after the virus had been contained through testing and retesting. This scenario would have been the actions of a competent and fast acting president.
   Trump had the chance to obtain W.H.O tests in February and March, while the CDC overcame their test development failings, but he ignored their offer. And now, we are where we are---in a deeper viral crisis spiraling toward a Second Great Depression as the nation becomes sicker overwhelming the country’s hospital systems. We will see serious triaging of the sickest left to die, while stronger patients, or those with health insurance are treated. This is what the country has become---Animal Farm!
   During Trump’s journey into a psychopathic psychosis he fired off a variety of racist tweets insulting prominent Black women in the media and politics all of whom are much more capable and intelligent than The Cretin’s entire family.
   The V.A. gave 1300 veterans hydroxychloroquine even though it is a deadly drug for older and sick people. The drug has been removed from medical trials because of its dangers. The Cretin’s V.A. secretary, Robert Warlock Wilkie doesn’t care whether these veterans die from a dangerous drug. Wilkie made a big purchase of this useless drug enriching the manufacturer who is a friend of Trump. The Trump White House purchased 29 million doses and the V.A. ordered 6.3 million doses. There is nothing like enriching Trump’s pals with taxpayer dollars; and then, those pals return the favor by using those taxpayer dollars to contribute to the Republican party campaign coffers. This is plutocracy at work.
   It appears The Cretin is losing his mind from too many Lysol lattes as displayed when he called a Marine veteran legislator an “American Fraud”. This is what he does during his Memorial Day meltdown.
   Democratic Representative from Pennsylvania, Conor Lamb was his target. Lamb served. Trump called off his military service by obtaining a doctor’s excuse claiming bone spurs. On Memorial Day he insults Black women, and a Marine veteran, while playing golf dismissing the dangers of the Trump Virus.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, May 22, 2020

100,000 COVID U.S. Deaths By The End Of May--The Trump Virus

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Nancy Pelosi basically asked The Cretin, “Where’s the money—stupid?” The stimulus checks promised to all Americans are nowhere in sight to millions. Now Speaker Pelosi is using her grit and power to stand over Trump “who is like a little boy with poop on his shoes.” She wants to know exactly the what, when and how Trump screwed up the response to the Trump Virus pandemic and how they have been managing the $2T economic rescue law. She will assemble a new select committee that will have the ability to subpoena the administration to investigate their incompetence.
   This committee is making Moron Mnunchin, Treasury Secretary, nervous. No one has been checking on his “missing in action” time in the office. Trump has been firing any Treasury Inspector General who investigates The Cretin’s bad decisions. And then there is Pompous Pompeo and his wife, who by the way has a cushy office alongside her husband in the White House. WHY? They have been instructing their staff to do their daily household duties for them, paid for by the taxpayer, with Dictator Donnie’s approval.
   Trump is now questioning whether he will physically attend the upcoming G-7 meeting. He’s mulling over having it at the White House. What is he worried about? He is supposedly sucking down hydroxychloroquine tablets, along with zinc, with a big glass of his special Lysol latte to stave off the Trump Virus. He is afraid that the world leaders would be worried if he brings in his new pet potato. He is now focused on potatoes.
   Trump says he is America’s cheerleader with his red MEGA hat and red Putin time shaking his fat, short fingers chanting, “Make America Die Again”, while people like Andrew Cuomo are on the field making the plays work in order to win against the Trump Virus.
   Trump bullshits his answer when asked by a reporter, which was what would our recovery look like if he had implemented the pandemic guidelines back in January or February, which had been done in South Korea when both countries diagnosed their first COVID patients on the same day? South Korea implemented their pandemic plan immediately controlling the outbreak. They have had 11,000 cases and 264 deaths, to date. 
Devil Donnie bloviated about what he thought was “maybe my biggest decision” to cut incoming travelers from China into the U.S. THIS was his biggest decision while occupying the Oval Office? Is he kidding? He failed to say that he had allowed several exceptions to that very specific travel ban.
   He failed, again, to answer the question, which was more about early use of testing, quarantine, lock-down, contact tracing and more and not a travel ban. Trump is not capable of doing two, three, or four things at the same time, let alone stay focused on a question asked of him. He doesn’t know how to answer, either. A full travel ban might have been effective, along with the implementation of a pandemic preparedness plan, but he didn’t do that. He had to back away from the answer by handing it off to Dr. Butthead Birx to cover for him.
   “Confidence Interval” is what Birx was saying. HUH? Straight talk lady. The country doesn’t need Birx Speak in order to answer a simple question. “We really can’t really answer your question until we get antibody testing” was her answer after all the mumbo jumbo. What bullshit, Birx! She cannot answer that question, either.  If there was a virus in the early days, there would be no need for a mitigation plan, was part of her answer. What crap!! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the virus was beginning to build momentum in January and February. And, antibody tests cannot be relied on to be accurate. Those 13 sailors on the U.S.S. Roosevelt, which had a COVID outbreak, had antibodies after catching the Trump Virus, but still got the virus a second time! Birx is so far up Trump’s Rump (A TRUMPIE RUMPIE) that she can smell the spray tan. She has become an embarrassment.
   South Korea, Iceland, Hong Kong and other countries started testing in January, even before their first cases or thereafter in order to get ahead of the obvious coming outbreak. Trump didn’t care!! He didn’t care. He wanted people to die.
   It is not clear what The Cretin’s medical team or advisors are telling him about a second Trump Virus outbreak. He said that the country will not shutdown again. Maybe it’s the Lysol lattes or the hydroxychloroquine, but he doesn’t seem to remember that the state’s stay-at-home orders are not his call. The governors make that decision and not Trump. Also, it all boils down to the consumer. If you decide to not go to restaurants, movies, stores, putt-putt golf, or absolutely anywhere, then the economy shuts down in spite of what Death Cult Donnie hopes for.
   Apparently, he wants more deaths. He is telling his base, “It’s the economy, stupid!! And, you are the sacrificial lamb for our open economy.” But, what Dumb-Dumb doesn’t understand because of his small, simple and dysfunctional brain is that if the consumer is nervous, apprehensive, or scared to go places because of additional viral outbreaks, then the economy will tank in spite of Trump’s plan to “open at any cost”.
   Trump is just a very stupid incompetent. He cannot escape it. He has no idea what the heck he is doing and saying. This is why Pelosi’s plan to investigate is essential.

If you want to learn how people die from COVID19, and the complications surrounding the deaths, watch this video.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Trump's Hydroxychloroquine Side-Effect---Freaking About Potato Crops

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Why is Trump lying about taking a non-proven drug as a prophylactic against his Trump Virus? The Cretin is showing through his lying that he is against science. Over and over again he has disregarded science. The last White House fake news report was for Americans to inject themselves with Clorox or drink Lysol, or shining dangerous heat and light rays over one’s skin. Trump is a science denier, and a trader in conspiracy crap.
   The Cretin wants to portray himself as The Incredible Hulk. He believes if Americans can see him as a tough guy who stands up to the virus they will trust him.

      “I don’t need no stinkin’ mask!”

   “I’m a tough guy. Not like Sleepy Joe who is hunkered down in his basement afraid of my virus. Not like ME!! I’m YUUGE. I’m great! I’m the tough guy who is willing to go in the ring with COVID and take it on. I’m the Joe Frasier of virus fighters.  I like unproven stuff, like Trump University. I’m a resister. Open it up! Open it up! I’m the bestest president ever. I love hydroxychloroquine and zinc with my warm bedtime milk and cookies. I’m tougher than Joe Biden.”

  Adrian Bye got the ear of Donnie Dumb-Dumb. The Cretin’s obsession with the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus may have started with Adrian Bye, who is a fan of white nationalists, and tweets anti-Semitic stuff, and calls chloroquine, the drug made by Trump’s pal, “a Nazi drug that is here to teach a lesson to leftists about bias,” wrote Nick Robins-Early. Read the link HERE.
   Trump keyed into a Twitter conversation that Bye was having about the drug. Because of Twitter threads by right-wingers, these fake news ideas were put in the tiny, dysfunctional brain of Trump that the drug would be “one of the biggest game-changers in the history of medicine,” spoken by Trump.
   Adrian Bye believed this drug was the next miracle savior for people who want to prevent catching The Trump Virus, which could put them in the hospital. Two right-wing extremists self published a non-peer reviewed study touting the drug on Google falsely claiming affiliations with highly respected institutions. Google ended up removing their study. Fox News put on one of these neo-fascists and gave him a platform allowing their Death Cult leader to hear about the drug and its make believe abilities.
   Mr. Con Man Trump has swindled his Trump Rumpie idiot base by selling them his Trump Vodka, or Trump Deodorant, or Trump Water, or Trump Mortgage, or Trump Magazine, or Trump Institute, or his bogus health care company, Trump Network, or Trump Ties, or Trump Steaks, or Trump University, or Trump Wines or Trump Butt Wipes (this one is a joke.).
   Trump is hoping to market his brand name hydoxychloroquine with a steel sword and spiked Viking helmet to help ward off the virus. 
   Trump said, “Wearing a mask makes me look fat, along with looking ridiculous.” WHHHHHHHAT? A mask might make you more civilized. This moron-in-chief looks like a clown even without a mask: orange skin, white clown make-up around his eyes, and a blond balding comb-over glued in place in total makes him look ridiculous.
   If Death Cult Donnie is taking the drug, he already may be suffering from a serious side effect---brain deterioration. He claims that gun control will hamper the potato crop in Virginia.

 “We’re going after Virginia, with your crazy governor. We’re going after Virginia. They want to take your Second Amendment. You know that, right? You’ll have nobody guarding your potatoes.”
 That is right Dumb-Dumb, those Virginia potato fields are ripe for a renegade left wing militia attack armed with shovels and pitchforks, in the dead of night, digging up those spuds for their beer and potato bake-off barbeque parties. Also, their potato cannons have to be armed, as well, in order to beat off those Second Amendment hydroxychloroquine junkies.

Seth Meyers is hysterical. He is brilliant with this monologue. Listen to it HERE.

Chris Cuomo has something to tell you. Listen HERE.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Trump Is Lying About Taking Hydroxychloroquine And Zinc

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Here is a new Lincoln Project ad calling out Trump and his plan for people to die. See it HERE.

   Trump committed the most heinous and despicable lie of the last three years!! He told the American people that he is actually taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc. He is lying!! He so cavalierly said, “I’ve been taking it for a couple of weeks now. I’ve gotten a lot of calls about it.” He said, “Here is my evidence.” Getting calls is his evidence!! Telephone calls is evidence to a guy who doesn’t read anything but what is on the back of a cereal box.

   His White House doctor said,

“ After numerous discussions, he and I had regarding the evidence for and against the use of hydroxychloroquine, we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risk.”

  Nothing the doctor said told us that he actually prescribed this dangerous drug to The Cretin. It is a YUUGE ruse. We cannot forget that the owner of the drug company is Trump’s pal, and the drug is made in India and Pakistan, which would make his skin crawl. This is a big lie to make it appear that it is perfectly fine to take the drug. He is telling his base that it is fine to forgo the mask and distancing protocols. Forget hand washing and poking your nose. He will do anything to get people to die.
One has to wonder if Alex Azar is drinking Trump's Clorox Lattes because he suggesting that physical distancing to save lives and help control viral outbreaks is in violation of our "freedoms". Azar has become a cowardly lackey. 

 Now Trump is giddy over his “super duper missile” that is being created for his new fangled military. ‘It’s YUUGE!. It’s bigger than big. It is so super duper. It’s big. It’s beautiful. WOW! It’s my super duper missile.’ This is like he got a new toy for his toy box collection. As the Trump Virus ravages families, communities and the nation, The Cretin is all about raising his Space Force flag and touting his super duper missile.
   It is all about distracting The Death Cult leader from his massive failures. Tony Schwartz, the co-author of “The Art Of The Deal”, has spoken out about Trump’s total incompetent pandemic response.
   He said, “Trump only cares about himself and winning. If he has to step on anyone in the process, he will.” Essentially he said that Trump hates all Americans who prevent him from winning; therefore, he doesn’t care about people getting sick from his virus.
   This Blogspot came out before Howard Stern and now, Tony Schwartz who also said Trump hates Americans. Trump only cares about his own self-interests.
   Currently, Idiot Peter Navarro, one of The Cretin’s side arm economic advisors, came out blaming Obama and Biden for all the current economic problems we have because of trading with China. This idiot seems to ignore that the problems with China are linked to Trump as a result of the tariff fight the U.S. is having with China.
   Why don’t we look at the personal connection the Trump family has with China.
   The role of president has no ability to control multi-national corporations or small businesses buying from China’s own manufacturers. All the president is able to do directly is to enforce tariffs. Only Congress has the ability to mold the tax structures that might keep American based multi-nationals from setting up shop in China; but they have done so. Congress has been mostly controlled by Republicans, since Reagan. The Republican Party has been controlled by Market Leninists, since the 1960s, who dictate to their Republican representatives through their highly paid lobbyists and campaign contributions to make sure they stay out of their foreign and domestic business relationships.
   The return of the economy from Lil’Boy Bush’s Great Recession, by Obama, had a lot to do with the return of consumer spending, which is 70% of GDP. This return was brought about by cheap consumer goods coming from South East Asia, and China. The consumer expansion fueled the return of empty storefronts all around the nation bringing about more restaurants and other small and chain-based retailers. Now we are seeing a disappearance of this retail and restaurant expansion, many of which have only up to 4 weeks of cash on hand, due to the Trump Virus failures. The question is: ‘Do we have too many stores, and restaurants?’
   The return of the economy back into growth by Obama was handed off to Trump; unfortunately Trump does not have the intelligence, nor skills to rescue an economy from a Great Recession, let alone the Second Great Depression we are currently experiencing. Trump knows how to scam and con his way to riches. He learned that from Freddie Trump, his father. He has no ability to build a successful economy that had been in the dumper. If we examine Trump University, Trump Airline, Trump Wine, Trump Casinos, and more, one would see many failures when Trump tries to create a business on his own.
   It appears that the “Warp(ed) Speed” moron race to the top of the scale was won this past week by Republican Senator Ben Sasse, of Nebraska. During his virtual high school commencement speech, he decided to wear his red Putin tie as he decided to pull a

“TRUMPIE”. A Trumpie is the process of diverting from a defined purpose onto another unrelated topic or purpose in order to blame another. 

   Sasse pulled a Trumpie when his purpose was to communicate the future and deliver inspirations and encourage aspirations to these new graduates in order to inspire them; but, what he did was to blame China for the coronavirus outbreak. Stupid Sasse said, “We’re going to have to have a serious reckoning with the thugs in China who let this mess spiral out of control by lying about it.”
   Was Psychotic Sasse talking about the thugs in the White House who let this virus spiral out of control by failing to respond early and fast and effectively?
   When Tony Schwartz said, “Trump is only concerned about winning. It’s all about him and no one else matters. He doesn’t care about the American people.”
   If The Cretin only cared about winning, then he would have responded quickly and fast relying on science, data, and the volumes of preparedness planning, but he did not do it. So this clearly illustrates that Trump is profoundly stupid, and incompetent. It proves he cannot organize a winning deal if his life depended on it.
   His disdain for being told what to do and distrust of career professionals all rolls back to his “Deep State” paranoia. This narrow focus on himself is what brought about “this mess that spiraled out of control”, which Ben Sicko Sasse was saying about China.
   So now we have the Space Force flag, a super duper missile, and Operation Warp(ed) Speed. Operation Warped Speed, is what it should be called because the White House is filled with warped and stupid-minded people. This “operation” refers to how The Cretin will deliver a vaccine before you know it!!! It’s YUUGE! He proclaimed, while standing in the Rose Garden, that a vaccine will be at your doorstep, along with your Door Dash taco salad order by year’s end. While this bullshit was layering the Rose Garden, he said that they had pandemic preparedness reports dating back to 2018-2019.
   That is right!! These are the reports Trump ignored!! In 2019, The Crimson Contagion Report was studied and written for several months and then presented to Trump in April of 2019. Trump ended up firing the Crimson Contagion team and labeled it a “hoax”. In 2018, the White House was given a report informing them that they needed to re-supply the National Strategic Stockpile with new P.P.E, equipment, medicines, supplies and more, which had been depleted and outdated. The medical machines stockpiled also needed checked and repaired. This report was ignored, as well. And then, in January came the “Red Dawn” pandemic report, which, too, was ignored.
   Finally, Moscow Mitch acknowledged the Obama team had handed off to the Trump White their 69 page pandemic playbook, which was obviously ignored.
   The only thing consistent with this White House is the list of lies and deceptions presented to the American people. Trump has committed the worst lie possible by telling us that he is taking a drug, which he knows he is not ingesting. He needs to be asked, “What dose of the drug are you taking? How often are you taking it? What dosage of zinc are you taking?” He needs to be pressed on the facts. No doubt, his answer would be, “I don’t know. I just take it.”

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Trump Hits A Three Strikes Game: WIlson, Hoover, and Impeachment

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

               Trump's Stormtrooper Base

            Trump's Non-Mask Primal Scream 

   Trump hits a three strikes game giving his the worst legacy any president could achieve. He will be the only president in American history to have failed on three major life critical national crises. Impeachment--strike one; pandemic--strike two; and, the highest unemployment rate in history, along with a nosediving and collapsing economy--strike three. Heckuvah job, Donnie. You are the bestest at your biggest failing achievement.

   Why did the government of Iceland gear up and fully prepare for COVID19 back in January, even before their first COVID case appeared? It was because they wanted to get ahead of the virus when it hit their population. They were ready with testing and test analysis, as well as a societal protocol to reduce the spread. Now they have the virus under control and their economy is open again.
   During that same time, Trump was being warned by his medical experts, as well as by the WHO, about the coming pandemic. The leader of Iceland had the same information. The Trump team had assembled a report called “Red Dawn” warning Trump and his blindfolded foot soldiers of the coming dangerous pandemic, which was ignored, ridiculed, and dismissed. We heard such criticism as it being a hoax and that Democrats were behind it, etc.
   Trump dismissed all science and all facts, and continues to do so. One crybaby protester had a sign that said, “Let’s do it like Sweden”. This whining moron had no idea that Sweden’s economy was open because the entire government and population listened and followed science. Now the U.S. is the leader of outbreaks and deaths. Even in those Rightwing states that opened all the windows in spite of tornado winds and debris was flying all about, are seeing spikes in COVID19 outbreaks. They are seeing outbreaks in reopened factories that were relying on OSHA to guidelines that would work. We should have released that Eugene Scalia, a crony, to head the Department of Labor, which runs OSHA. He got the job because his daddy was that rightwing fascist Supreme Court judge.
  Another crony is Jared Kushner. The problem with Jared Kushner, who is part of the Three Stooges of Pennsylvania Ave, is one of the very reasons this pandemic is out of control. Every time Kushner opens his mouth, he lets all of America know that he has no idea what he is talking about, yet pretends he is the smartest guy in the sandbox. When asked about the scuttlebutt about his Dumb-Dumb Donnie daddy delaying the November election, he said he cannot say right now whether it will or will not be tampered with. Well, what about after “right now”? This is what happens when a president surrounds himself with people who do not know the laws or the function of government.
    Kushner is very scary, and creepy, as well as simpleminded. Is he in the White House just to sharpen pencils and make sure the Men’s Room is sterilized? Wasn’t Kushner running the family slumlord business, at one time? And, didn’t he over pay for 666 5th Ave by millions of dollars making it the most overpriced and overpaid for building in NYC, at that time? So, we must assume someone much smarter that J.K is keeping the lights on, since J.K is acting as a creepy, ghost-like statue standing next the potted ferns.
   Well, in fact, Dumb-Dumb Donnie cannot alter election day without Congress’ approval. And, that won’t be happening. By the time November rolls around, unless real stimulus checks get distributed to the 36 million unemployed (current numbers and much worse than during The Great Depression), and for the 20-25 million marginally employed, there just may be a working class uprising at the doorstep of the White House. When there is currently one-fifth of the country worried about food, rent, and sickness, what will it be like in November if a second viral tidal wave of The Trump Virus pours over America?
   The big question is if 5 out of 100 people tested using the antibody test shows as a false positive result ( showing that the person tested no longer has the virus, but in fact, actually IS positive for the virus), and there are similar results from the nasal swab tests showing the same false positive results (5 out of 100 people tested), when in fact those people are actually positive for the Trump Virus. They then believe they are safe to mingle again, but end up spreading the virus. In this example, we now have half or more of these 200 people infected in just a matter of a week. And, it then snowballs.
   It is very clear that there are many more people who don’t believe they will be the next victim of the Trump Virus, and disregard any and all physical distancing and the wearing of a face mask. This is scary stuff!!
   Donnie Dumb-Dumb spoke about how our supply chain broke down because of global trade. What broke down was Donnie’s response to the pandemic and our preparedness. He acts like he had an epiphany. He said,    
    “Yikes, the light bulb went off!!”

   What he was talking about was not a new idea whatsoever, but it had less to do with a faulty global supply chain, than for the U.S government and corporations to react quickly and nimbly in response to the need to alter their typical production and shift to a “crisis” production scenario. The required response, and needed production of supplies, equipment, materials and medications should have been a coordinated plan a year ago. It has more to do with centralized governmental organization, and preparedness coordination with the private and public sectors.
   The Cretin failed to do all of this. Look around the world. Iceland, South Korea, New Zealand responded in this way. It is very clear that these three countries had to rely on the global supply chain and more to do with his profound incompetence.
   There are Republican White Nationalist congress-people who say there are states that had a robust reopening, but when questioned about this outrageous statement, they walked it back and re-answered that these states’ reopening are not robust but guarded.
   Not only is Trump morphing into Herbert Hoover by ignoring the signs of a coming economic collapse, i.e. the 1929 Great Depression as he transforms into Woodrow Wilson by ignoring the pandemic warnings as Wilson had done when the 1918 Spanish Flu killed millions, he has not stopped morphing into the worst aspects of our past presidents. Trump has hit a triple, when including his ass getting impeached.
   Wilson caught the virus causing temporary mental impairment. After he recovered, W.W.1 was finally ending. The allies negotiated a peace treaty with Germany. Wilson then caved into stifling and bad concessions, which was a primary reason for the rise of Hitler leading to W.W.2.
   There was fake news disseminated by the Wilson government in 1918, downplayed the seriousness of the coming public health disaster, which was published by the newspapers. He trivialized the threat. Wilson was trying to prosecute any newspapers that printed the truth and contradicted Wilson’s fake news press releases. Dumb-Dumb Donnie kept referring to “those terrible and horrible times during the 1917 pandemic.”
 He kept saying the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was in 1917 over and over again. No one in his advisory circle was willing to correct him, so he kept illustrating just how stupid and ill informed he really is. The Spanish Flu killed 300,000 people in just three months. It broke out in April of 1918 with only mild cases, but by July it exploded and began killing so quickly that the country could not keep up with all the dead. Bodies were piling up. Then the flu settled down. It wasn’t until October that it exploded once again into astronomical numbers of sick and dead. It lasted for a year before is leveled off. This flu scared people so much that people began to believe that it was the ancient Black Plague.
   This sounds like the fake news perpetrated by Trump and his lackies, which is being regurgitated by Fox News and the far-right Nazi, and fascist websites. History is repeating itself. Trump attacks the press printing the truth. FAKE NEWS!! He threatens suing the press for what he calls lies.
    Trump, too, trivialized the truth and botched up the reopening of local and state economies without adequate testing, OSHA guidelines, wearing of face masks, hand washing protocols, and more. More Trump Virus outbreaks is occurring now and will likely continue. We are seeing bars and restaurants, gatherings, and parties happening as a result of these poorly planned reopenings.
   The Trump Virus and the failure to contain it in a controlled, systematic and comprehensive manner is damaging the middle class. Middle class business owners and employees are finding their incomes and reopening possibilities in jeopardy. Day care centers, salons, jewelry stores, clothing shops, and the many other places where the middle class have hung their hats are suffering from a very poorly administered government cash support to most of the country.
   As the nation spirals downward and has to keep both eyes wide open on the horizon for a second wave of the virus to hit those places that have reopened without care and caution, the CDC and  HHS  and their medical and scientific experts have been sidelined as The Cretin spews his fake news commentary. He continues to dismiss the efficacy for widespread testing, as well as unproven and possibly dangerous treatment methods. While speaking on April 22, he said, “You may not even have corona coming back” contradicting CDC director Redfield. Then he turns and says, “Just so you understand.” This is how The Cretin is subverting the “recovery” plan.
   Here is more proof that The Cretin hates his base supporters. During the two months of lockdown around the nation, he failed to ramp up valid and reliable and quantifiable testing in order to identify COVID19 infected people, as well as those testing false-negative results. False-negative tells the recipient that he/she has not contacted the virus, when in fact, the person actually has the Trump Virus. The way one gets a false-negative result is by developing antibodies after contracting a previous flu infection. Those flu antibodies protect the person from getting the exact same strain of flu. Those same flu antibodies flowing through one’s body can intermingle and interfere with the COVID19 test results possibly indicating that you don’t have the Trump Virus when in fact you actually do.
   Another failed response by Death Cult Donnie during the national lockdown was to ramp up  community based sanitation sewage poop tests, which would be cheap and easy, allowing a community to accurately predict and track a viral outbreak.
   The Trump administration had a few months to pull together a dynamic and robust testing program, contract tracing, antibody follow up, and a nationwide sanitation poop testing program. But he didn’t care enough to show the American people suffering from their horrible state of affairs that he wanted to help them out of the darkness they are living in.

Nearly 3000 more people died since yesterday.

You can listen to more about the 1918 Pandemic in this interview. John Barry's book is now on the New York Times bestseller list.


  “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln