Saturday, June 29, 2019

Trump's New Secret Handshake

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump flew to Seoul, South Korea, following his trip to the
 G-20 summit so he could have a playdate with his autocratic psycho pals and tell the world that he “had a really terrific meeting with President Xi [of China]. We discussed many things.” He just loves when he can talk about “things”. Knowing that The Cretin can talk about “things” reassures the world that he knows what he is talking about. “Things” makes everything so clear and precise, especially when it comes to trade talks.
    Now in South Korea, following his Russian Idiot Asset briefing he received from Vladimir Putin, the Orange Mess of a President invited his man-crush, Lil’Kim Jung Un for a love-crush tryst at the DMZ so the two can shake hands.
    “If Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this, I would meet him at the Border/DMZ just to shake hands and say Hello (?)!” wrote the Orange Mess.
    He went on to say that “I have a new handshake. I tried it out on President Xi (see photo) and I want to feel it with you, too, Lil’Kim. It’s really, really great. We can call it Donnie’s bromance shake. I’ll only use it with my real life pals, whose action figure toys I keep in my toy box.”
    “I want to thank him in person for the very beautiful birthday card he sent me. I keep it taped to my make-up mirror.”
    When asked if it would be a bad sign if Kim stood him up, Trump said, “No, of course I thought of that. It’s very hard, since I know Kim follows my Twitter.”
    Our Russian Idiot Asset president believes if he wasn’t president, we’d be at war with North Korea. We seem to get along really well. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. For the stupid people who say, ‘Oh, he gets along,’ it’s good to get along.”
    So, in other words since Trump gets along with Lil’Kim, he must be one of the stupid people. How true!
    “…I’ll let him know, and we’ll see. We’ll see each other for two minutes. That’s all we can. But that will be fine.”
    A two minute love handshake thrill from Trump is all that is needed for Trump to walk away satisfied. Trump knows what a cheap thrill really is.

    All it takes is two minutes.


Thursday, June 27, 2019

America's Rapist-in-Chief President--Donald Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

“I’ll say it with great respect: Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, OK?”

“Totally lying. I don’t know anything about her. I know nothing about this woman. I know nothing about her. She is—it’s just a terrible thing that people can make statements like this.”

What is a terrible thing, President Rapist, is that you have lied over ten thousand times since you have been mistakenly elected into the White House. What is a terrible thing is that a perverted psychopath pretends to be the president.

Trump—our Rapist-in-Chief denies raping E. Jean Carroll in a NYC department store dressing room after the two spoke together in 1995 or 1996. The two knew each other and Rapist Donnie asked that they take lingerie he was considering buying as a gift into the dressing room. At that point, Trump lunged at Carroll, pinned her against the wall, and with one hand pulled down her tights, and with his other hand, exposed his tiny weenie and began to penetrate her, yet she was able to fight the psychopath off her and then ran from the dressing room. It was clear, that Rapist Donnie had lots of experience with his technique of attack. Later, she told some of her close friends, which she kept from the public.

Now she decided to go public. Donnie Demento is denying even knowing Carroll, in spite of a photo surfacing with the two in the picture. Truth is not part of Trump’s world.

Why should we not expect anything different? Trump is a fascist making the rules fit his own worldview. He is a violent predator. No wonder he is in love with Kim Jung Un, Vladimir Putin, and MBS—the crown prince of Saudi Arabia all of whom are fascists making the rules fit their own worldview and behaviors.

We see it with the imprisonment of migrant families caged in internment camps suffering from inhumane conditions. “They don’t need soap” is a response from the Trump fascists that set policies surrounding immigration concerns as lice, filth while sleeping on concrete slabs are their conditions.

Trump is in denial and so are most of the members in his Republican White Nationalist Party (RWNP). Lindsey Graham-KKKracker said, ‘If the president said he didn’t do it, then I believe him.’ Graham-KKKracker, a foot soldier in the RWNP, will believe all the lies spoken by their Rapist Con-artist-in-Chief.

Clearly, Graham-KKKracker is afraid of President Rapist so, in order to preserve his cushy job away from his home state of South Carolina, he does as he is told by his party conman. This guy is a coward, just like Mitch-the-bitch McConnell who is afraid of their lying predatory president. They are such weasels because they are not capable of standing up for themselves against their name calling leader. They have no integrity. They lack humanity, yet call themselves Christians.

The Sociopath-in-Chief told a reporter who asked him what will he be talking about with his Russian agent boss—Putin at the next G-20? His response was, “None of your business!”

That’s right. Putin sets the agenda for his Idiot Agent Trump. Trump just obeys his orders.

Also, while the Democratic presidential primary debates were happening, Trump was on Air Force One playing with his box of dictator action figures pretending he is “managing the free world” as he traveled to the G-20 to get instructions from his Russian boss.

Trump is like a bad version of a super hero, who puts the world’s villains on his team. Was Melania, all dressed in her yellow outfit acting as his second banana as they fly to their destination? We can only imagine. 

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Trump's Magic 8 Ball Toy Tells Him "No" On An Iran Attack

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump stepped away from his “war-is-the-answer” presidential war room staff who supports a military strike against Iran, and walked into his Oval Office Day Care Playroom and reached for his Magic 8 Ball toy and asked it if he should “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”, John McCain’s famous meme. The Magic 8 Ball revealed the answer “No”, which Donnie held close to his bosom and pranced into the arms of John Bolton and said, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t do it!” “The Magic 8 Ball told me to not do it.” At that point, 10 minutes just before the launch attack, he called it off at the last minute.
    Historically, Trump acted as Obama when Obama backed down from a Syrian Red Line attack threat. And, back in 2011, Trump said that Obama would launch a military attack against Iran to get reelected.
    Trump realized that playing war with his action figures, while wearing his Space Force jimmies is very different in real life. He is also realizing that he might just lose a reelection bid in 2020, so he is weighing where he can attack without him looking more and more like Obama. Maybe he will consider an attack against Canada if Americans continue to head North to buy their prescription drugs. It could be his ‘war against prescription drugs!’
    Bolton and the other warmongering fascists surrounding Trump want to make their boss into a Jack-in-the-Box president, whereby they crank the handle for war and Trump pops out declaring war. They secretly put together a scale model and here is what it looks like when Trump pops up out of the box.



Thursday, June 20, 2019

Trump's Delusional 2020 Presidential Rally In Florida

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump had a kick-off campaign rally in Florida displaying his mental erosion before tens of thousands of his followers who drank his fake news and fake presentation Kool-Aid.
Here is what he said to his crowd:

Just imagine what this angry left-wing mob would do if they were in charge of this country. Imagine if we had a Democrat president and a Democrat congress in 2020. They would shut down your free speech, use the power of the law to punish their opponents, which they're trying to do now anyway, they'll always be trying to shield themselves.

[Trump is speaking of himself in the above statements. He is the Radical Republican, who has moved closer toward dictatorship. HE is driven by hate, prejudice, and rage. We are seeing this with his hostile, hateful and prejudicial reaction to the young men who were in prison for 30 years over having been pressured to confess to a rape and assault of a white woman and released, after an individual confessed, known as the Central Park 5. Trump responded to the exoneration when he said, “They confessed.” Trump wants to destroy the country along with his Republican White Nationalist Party congress. HE has desired to shut down our free speech and has called the free press “the enemy of the people”. His RWNP have used ruthless tactics over and over again to block freedom and free speech and the choice of the people. HE has created a Rightwing Mob as we have heard over and over again with their ugly slogans spoken in unison at Trump rallies encouraged by the Moron-in-Chief.]

[Trump’s health care plan is nowhere to be seen. He has seriously eroded the ACA causing millions of people to be without health care, or pay higher premiums, or realizing they purchased an inferior policy. Lower prescription prices, which he promised, are non-existent, and continues to rise, for example, diabetes medications and the materials needed to deliver the medication. Trump has no plan. His loyalties are with the corporate medical care system and not with the patients. He is a liar and a fake president. “Think of that. Think of that.”]

[What is the Moron-in-Chief talking about? He and Pence have been killing health care in the country.]

Washington insiders, who spent their careers rigging the system, so your losses will be their gains, you know that.

[Trump and his fascist sidekicks rigged the system by embracing Russian involvement in our last election. And, Trump believes it is OK to take data and dirt from a foreign source without having to report it to the FBI.]

[Here is another deluded understanding of what he is doing to the country. Ivanka having an influence in the economy? HUH? She has exported jobs to rip off the American consumer with her junk. Ivanka Trump is a grifter and scammer. In 2018, our economy grew only at 2.8%. Trump’s brain has failed to realize that the economy grew at 4.0% and more during the 1990s. Trump has NOT had the best economy ever! It is more than likely that our economy will have slow growth in the coming year. Wage growth is flat. Job growth will see back sliding as computer technologies continue to replace people with machines. This problem is being spoken about by Democratic presidential candidate—Andrew Yang.]

    Trump’s current Florida rally continued to fuel his anger over the past. He cannot let go of the past. He railed against Hillary Clinton, President Obama, the DNC, and “No Collusion; No Obstruction” memes. Unfortunately, he has no ideas. No plans. He only has his anger of the past. He just cannot let go of the fact that he lost the popular vote and only won because of a technicality.

    Trump is a failed president. He has not delivered what he promised. There is no wall. There is no ACA replacement. There is no reform of drug pricing. He has created a fascist approach to undocumented immigrants. He has wanted to destroy free  press-speech. He has forced more and more farmers, who developed trading relationships with China over the past several years, to shut down due to Trump’s Tariff Tax. He has embraced dictators and not our allies. He has deregulated destroying our quality of life in favor of corporate greed. He has rejected that climate change and its necessary reforms are real. He desires the Supreme Court to move back to the 1950s. He prefers chaos instead of diplomacy. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t think. He doesn’t have any skills to create a deal through negotiations.

    Trump is a clown with a red tie and an orange comb=over. He is running up and against his own fears. He knows deep in his unconscious that he is a clown. His unconscious brain is fighting against being told that he is a dumbass little boy. He has no other solution to his deluded sense of self but to get a pat on the head by gullible supporters at his rallies.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump was being interviewed by George Stephanopoulous and The Cretin began to steer off the rails.
    George was asking Trump about financial statements---

Trump: Uhh, they’re after my financial statement. Now, they should be after everyone else’s financial statement but, uhh, they are after, the Senate, they’d like to get my financial statement At some point, I hope they get it-----

GS:  You going to turn it over?

Cretin: No, at some point, I might, but at some point I hope they get it because it’s a financ---, it’s a fantastic financial statement. It’s a fantastic financial statement. And, let’s do that over, he’s coughing in the middle of my answer.

GS: Yeah. Okay.

Cretin: I don’t like that, you know, I don’t like that.

GS: Your chief of staff.

Cretin: If you’re going to cough, please leave the room. You just can’t, you just can’t cough. Boy oh boy.

Trump’s germaphobic predilection is crazy, since he is the president and must interact with all types of people everyday.

    In the article by JM Rieger, ‘You just can’t cough’:…, he wrote about a Howard Stern interview dating back to 1993, when The Cretin said he washed his hands as much as possible. He felt shaking hands was barbaric and terrible. The Moron-in-Chief felt that coughing was a “sign of weakiness”. When his one-time communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, had a hoarse voice while riding with The Cretin on Air Force One, he forced Scaramucci to get a penicillin shot right there on the plane!!
    Rieger wrote that Trump turns on and off his germaphobia. Trump said, “I was in the fourth row and she [ Britney Spears] was sweating and looked beautiful and she threw her hat, right? Now normally if a performer throws a hat and it’s sweaty and wet and everything. I have no interest in it, right? But I grab that sucker, right? It didn’t bother me…I wasn’t afraid of those germs.”

    If a person has a phobia, such as to germs, he or she does not pick and choose when such a fear is going to rise up. Trump is a scammer; a liar; a grifter. We just cannot believe a darn thing he says about himself. One thing is certain—Trump is crazy, a delusional sociopath who has no problem groping women without rushing to the bathroom to wash his hands.

    On a final note---Trump is campaigning that he will have a “phenomenal” health care plan, yet for the past three years, prescription drug prices have not changed, while The Cretin campaigned that he would bring prices down. They are “getting away with murder.” The Cretin’s solution back in 2016 was for the drug companies to voluntarily cut drug prices “within two weeks.” Throughout 2017, drug prices for many drugs increased!!
    “We’ll have much lower prices at the pharmacy counter and it’ll start taking effect immediately. We’re also increasing competition and reducing regulatory burdens so drugs can be gotten to the market quicker and cheaper.”
    The Cretin has had bipartisan support for lowering prescription drug prices, yet failed to deliver a plan to Congress. He failed to lobby Congress or set foot on the Senate floor to demand that they reform and lower drug prices. When his Republican White Nationalist Party Congresspersons told Trump to back down on the prescription drug issue because they don't want to address the problem, he saluted and backed down.
    Trump is full of bluster with no substance. He is a full-blown coward. He has never made a successful deal in his life.

    The guy is complete failure.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Trump's Deep Fake Health Care Plan

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Our fully complete Moron-in-Chief wants us to believe he can deliver "phenomenal health care" in the next two months. This fool has had three years to put together a "phenomenal" plan, but failed. It is clear he has no plan only bullshit.
    "We almost had health care done. Health care's a disaster." Yes Moron; you made health care a disaster. You failed to improve the ACA, or deliver your "almost done" health care plan. Almost doesn't count. Where were your supporters in Congress?
    He thinks that taking back the House will make his new health care plan all better. Idiot Trump had a chance when he had control of the House, yet he failed. "If we win back the House, we're going to produce phenomenal health care. And we already have a concept of the plan, but it'll be less expensive than Obamacare by a lot."
     This incoherent impecile has had three years to take a concept and form it into a complete plan that he could show all of us.  But, nevertheless, he's got buttkiss! All it takes is taking back the House.
    Everything Trump touches turns out a disaster. No doubt, his plan will be "el-cheapo" alright. High co-pays, high drug prices, inadequate coverage, slashed coverage for pre-existing conditions, and more foolishness outlined by Pennsylvania's has-been ex-senator---Rick Santorum.
     Trump delays any details on his imaginary "phenomenal" plan, which will be unveiled "in about two months. Maybe less."
     Nancy Pelosi said, "The American people already know exactly what the President's health care plan means in their lives: higher costs, worse coverage, and the end of lifesaving protections for people with pre-existing conditions." President Trump has waged an assault on health care since the start and continues to order the Justice Department to ask the courts to destroy protections for people with pre-existing conditions and strike down every other protection and guarantee of affordable health care for America's families. And since Day One, the Trump administration has worked relentlessly to push families into disastrous junk plans, increase their health care costs and gut their health care protections", as Nancy Pelosi said so clearly.

    The Republican White Nationalist Party Senate, headed by the incompetent hater McConnell is having a great moment of excitement to see how his party leader will further hurt health care for the American people, and especially those people living in his poor state. This moron believes "what he's doing is through the executive branch, through regulations, expanding health care for a lot of Americans, which he [Trump] can do on his own...and he said it would be dealt with after the election when we get a Congress that's more sympathetic to our approach to health care."
    McConnell makes no sense. The RWNP health care plan will have regulations that benefit the wealth class' power control of the delivery of health care. The RWNP health care plan will have no actual expansion of health care that will actually cover the medical conditions that require a doctor's care. McConnell is a lying scammer.
    McConnell's feeble mind seems to forget he had a chance for two years to put this imaginary plan together. The reality is they have buttkiss! And, they've had an additional year to build on their "phenomenal" plan.
    So, what have the RWNP been doing over the last several years? Nothing! McConnell and the Market Leninists have studying exactly what the wealth class wants for a health care delivery system, and are afraid to present their oppressive plan to the voters knowing that the voters will oust them in the next election cycle.
    Trump fantasizes that if he gets re-elected, then the nation will move very close to a Market Leninist government---the wealth class will control the governments, the courts, regulatory rules, and the health care system.
     There is NO phenomenal health care plan in the making. It's a fantasy.
    As Debra sometimes said to Raymond on "Everybody Loves Raymond"---IDIOT!!!

On another note, as was written in earlier posts about Trump's Space Force jammies, which he wears when playing with his dictator action figure toys in the Oval Office Day Care Center. Trump, and Pence, who must also have a set of Space Force Jammies, are now selling Space Force gear on their re-election website. This blogspot was ahead of the story regarding Trump and Pence's Space Force fashion line. Here is the image from their site. How ridiculous.


Saturday, June 15, 2019

Trump's Campaign Slogan- 'Give Me Some Dirt!'

The Trumpty Dumpty Report 

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Cretin-in-Chief got a dope slap from a large number of corporate retailers pushing him to begin acting like an adult and end the Trump Tax tariff policy and negotiate as a president should, otherwise the economy will suffer.
    The problem is that Trump has no idea how to negotiate anything. The only way he negotiates is to bully, threaten, lie and tantrum. Trump is a “deep fake”. Trump’s identity is made up of multiple personas. He has multiple voices and faces. One minute his voice is in love with a North Korean dictator and the next minute he is calling him names. One voice says he would accept damaging information on an opponent from a foreign source without notifying one of our intelligence agencies, and then other voice is saying he would inform the FBI after he would examine the dirty data.

 “If you don’t hear what it is, you don’t know what it is” “I don’t think anyone would present me with anything bad because they know how much I love this country.” “I think I’d take it.” “I think you might want to listen, there isn’t anything wrong with listening.” “I want to hear it.” “If I thought there was something wrong, I’d go maybe to the FBI, if I thought there was something wrong.” “somebody comes up and says, ‘Hey, I have information on your opponent,’ do you call the FBI?” “I’ll tell you what, I’ve seen a lot of things over my life. I don’t think in my whole life I’ve ever called the FBI. You don’t call the FBI. You throw somebody out of your office, you do whatever you do… Oh, give me a break- life doesn’t work that way.”

    Big Donnie, that is NOT how life works. You got intel on your opponents and your Cretin buddies went after it. They pursued it. They went after it with open arms. They traveled the globe for the dirt on Hillary. Nobody called the FBI. Yes, you’ve seen a lot of things and did a lot of things, and now those dirty deeds are coming home to roost.
    Another problem is Trump has serious difficulty processing and examining what is written on a box of Rice Crispies. He needs his Cretin soldiers to read for him. No doubt, he couldn’t read a business contract if his life depended on it. He just doesn’t have the skills or the intelligence to analyze and follow a detailed real estate contract, let alone a foreign or domestic document put before him. Although, he knows how to sign his name!
    The owner of the Japanese tanker attacked in the Gulf of Oman told Trump and his fellow Cretins that his ship (not a boat Donnie) was hit by a missile-like shell. The damage done was not that of an explosive attached to the side of the engine room, and in the middle section of the ship.
    It is clear that the ship owner, who personally examined the damage, knows more that our idiot president who apparently viewed a hazy video provided to him.
    Now, who really took this video? Was it some Black Ops hired by an Erik Prince type of mercenary recruited to go to the ship and appear to be removing an explosive from the ship’s side just above the water line?

 Or, was this guy trying to paint “Make America Great Again” on the side of the ship but couldn’t get it done. Just maybe, we should consider it just a failed graffiti attack against this Japanese vessel in order to pretend that the Iranians did it.

Friday, June 14, 2019

What Is Behind The Japanese Tanker Explosions?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    What are we to believe? The Cretin-in-Chief is claiming, without showing the proof, that Iran attacked the tanker ships. No doubt, Iran is capable of terrorism; yet let’s see the proof.
    We know from history that Trump is a big, fat sack of lies. He has lied his entire life. Why should we believe him now? Trump knows from history that a war preserves a sitting president into a second term.
    Can we discount that Trump had a private military group, such as Blackwater, attack the ships with explosive charges to create chaos around Iran? Trump is the chaos president, and has been the chaos real estate grifter.
    Trump has a relationship with  Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ brother, Erik Prince, the owner of Blackwater. Prince knows these private military operations groups. He could easily connected Trump with such a group to pull off this attack.
    Prince was involved with meeting with Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign on behalf of Trump.
    Trump doesn’t seem very angry at Iran for allegedly attacking these ships. He actually sounded complicit, at times. What is that all about? He gets angrier with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and others. He immediately invited Iran’s leadership to come back the negotiating table for a revised nuclear deal in spite of the fact that there was a deal of which they are abiding by under the terms of President Obama. Since Trump hates Obama, he is not upholding that deal and wants a deal of his own.
    This wouldn’t be the first time that a president decided to work against a sitting government through subversive actions. Trump will do anything to attempt to get reelected. He is a wannabe gangster, and crook.

    It is time for The Cretin to prove the allegations. Show us the beef, Donnie.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Trump's End Of Democracy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Cretin said, “I’m always right.” This guy has planted his feet in his full-blown narcissistic psychopathic behavior. He has no clue that he is Russia’s Agent Orange owned by Putin and Kim Jung Un, who made him completely wrong and played him like a fool. And, his claim that he has a “really, really smart big brain.” He has no clue that it is very likely if defeated in 2020 will be sitting in a courtroom defending just how right he believes he is.
    What is right about Donald Trump is that he is a traitor to his office of the presidency. He admitted to the nation that he has no objection to taking data, or dirt, on his opponents from foreign sources in spite of the fact that it is illegal. Several members of his campaign, including Kushner and Dumber Donnie 2, tried to, and were successful in obtaining data-dirt on the DNC and Clinton in 2016. Trump’s connection to Putin needs deeper investigation, as written about in several books, such as, Malcolm Nance’s—“The Plot To Destroy Democracy”, and Seth Abramson’s—“Proof of Collusion”.
    What we are learning now is that Market Leninist—Wilbur Ross, Trump’s Commerce Secretary, was pushing the Trump campaign back in 2017, to put a citizenship question on the census form. By doing so, the Republican Party would strengthen their election wins through solidifying gerrymandering their districts in their favor.
    By only counting eligible voters and not all people in every district, especially undocumented immigrants, who are working and contributing to Social Security, yet won’t be receiving any benefit from that contribution. By leaving out millions of people living and working contributing to the economy only benefits Market Leninist Republicans. This census design makes sure that market corporatists control the rule of law, legislation, and worker’s rights (or lack their of) to favor Market Leninism, which was originally expanded by James Buchanan, George Mason University, and the Koch brothers decades ago.
    Market Leninism is the doctrine of the Republican White Nationalist Party and Donald Trump in order to solidify the richest Americans to entrench their power forever.
    By doing so, they control governorships, State legislatures, judgeship positions (Supreme Court), and the federal government eventually changing the Constitution to favor Market Leninism corporatist control. Ultimately, they will replace workers with robots and machines using artificial intelligence leaving working people to fend for themselves with a minimum level of government support and forcing a feudal underground economic system. The richest among us will no longer pay taxes, which is happening today.

    If this is what you fantasize about, then you will vote for a Trump second term destroying Democracy forever.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Our Fantasy Minded President Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

     Donald Trump is an impostor. Because he is a psychopath with full blown narcissism, he must believe that his fantasies are real and true, otherwise, he will collapse into a pillar of dust. It very well may be that his parents, especially his mother told him just how great and special he was as a child when he wasn’t. His father was a scammer and grifter, whereby Donnie Demented learned his craft at lying, cheating, and, ultimately, believing that “he has a really big, and smart brain”.
    Now he believes that he solved his Southern Border crisis with Mexico when, actually, he was played—he was Trumped. Mexico’s president made him believe he was as able to press Mexico into a deal to put aside any tariff conflict just by placing some soldiers at their own southern border.
   Mexico’s government is saying that there was no contractual deal, or that they signed any sort of agreement, contrary to what Donnie Demented has been saying. Donnie has to believe his fantasies are true or else he will lash out and spill his anger all over the nation.
    Once again, Trump believes his fantasies are real. He believes he made a really, really, great deal with Mexico and because tariffs are great Mexico caved into his demands, when in reality it didn’t happen that way.
    In fact, members of Trump’s Republican White Nationalist party congress expressed their upset over a tariff conflict with Mexico because their constituents would end up seeing another Trump Tariff Tax at the grocery checkout line.
     Now, China is playing hardball with The Cretin regarding the tariff conflict. Although, what Trump is getting very excited about is that China is calling out the press as “Fake News”, “Evil”, and “an enemy of the people”, which is exactly what Trump says when the press writes that he is a complete idiotic moron. He railed against the press when they called out the Trump Royal Family going over to London to meet with the Queen for a royal family play date. The American people paid for Trump’s fantasy that he, too, is the head America’s Royal Family.
    The White Nationalist Republican Party might be fine with such bullshit displayed by their party leader, but Democrats are sick and tired of this moron living in the Oval Office being a complete loser!! I can’t imagine if President Obama took his mother-in-law, his two daughters and Michelle with him to attend a meeting with the Queen and Prime Minister. We could guess that Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell would both explode and call for an investigation.
    Another story is that The Cretin’s little Cretin son-in-law-Jared Kushner—has been financially benefiting from his White House post by receiving $90M from secret foreign sources funneling into his Cadre real estate investment company since 2017 by off-shore operatives.

    This White House is being operated like an organized crime organization. If a two-bit underling is close to the big crime boss, then money funnels through his is tiny sticky fingers and into his pocket. Jared, too, is a wannabee gangster hoping to recover big losses resulting from his incompetent business decisions of the past. By being close to the Russia’s Agent Orange, Jared can rub palms with what are likely to be authoritarian Cayman Island secret financial investors.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Trump's Beautiful Mexico tariffs

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The guy in the White House clearly has a limited vocabulary. His small brain, and his limited intellect continuously stands out like black eye on a grandmother who fell and bruised her face. There are words he is regularly stuck on like a fly against a moving car’s windshield.
   Great, stable-genius, big, sad, and beautiful are just a few those that the Moron-in-Chief uses over and over again. The Cretin uses the word beautiful to describe the grotesque, as well as things that are ascetically pleasing. He cannot
discriminate; therefore, he says everything that he likes is beautiful. Here are some examples:
·      The Wall- “I will build a big, beautiful wall…”
·      Sleeping gas-“They have a gas, that’s a beautiful sleeping gas…”
·      A door attached to the wall-“We’re gonna have a big, beautiful door in the wall.”
·      Chocolate cake-“…we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake…
·      Health care bills-“…a beautiful HealthCare bill…” (tweet)
·      Football-“Two guys, just really beautiful tackle. Boom…”
·      Military weapons to Qatar-“…the purchase of lots of beautiful military equipment…”
·      On James Clapper-tweet-“Will he show you his beautiful letter to me?”
·      Syria-“What I’d like is to build a safety zone, it’s here, build a beautiful safety zone…”
·      Belgium-“Belgium is a beautiful city.”
·      His temperament-“My temperament is totally controlled, so beautiful.”
·      Coal-“We’ve ended the war on beautiful, clean coal.”
·      A mask made of his face-“Look at this mask. Look at this mask. Oh wow. Wow, that’s beautiful. Look at that. Looks just like me.”
·      The Dakota Access Pipeline-“You know when I approve it, it’s up and running, it’s beautiful, it’s great, everybody’s happy, the sun is still shining, the water is clean.”
·      The booing of Ted Cruz-“And, I though it was a beautiful thing.”
·      The gorilla, Henambe, living at the Cleveland Zoo-“It looks so beautiful.”
·      Rooms in Warsaw, Poland- “This is a beautiful room, I must say. I love beautiful rooms and this is one of them.”
·      American tax dollars-tweet-“We should immediately stop spending our beautiful American tax dollars to countries that hate us and laugh at our President’s stupidity.” (11-7-2014)
·      Other countries’ airports-“Our airports are like third world countries. You go into some of these beautiful airports, you go into Dubai and you see different places throughout the world and you see airports that are unbelievable.”
·      The phones in the White House-“These are the most beautiful phones I’ve ever used in my life.”
·      Fingers—“My fingers are beautiful.”
·      Tariffs-“Tariffs are a beautiful thing…It’s a beautiful word…”

    These are examples of our Moron-in-Chief’s use of the word beautiful. He clearly is unable to find other words to describe what he sees and experiences. He is limited to only one word. How sad. Very sad.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Donnie's Pray Date

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    On Sunday, June 2, the nation decided to take a knee for Russia’s Agent Orange as the White House declared Pray For President Donald Trump Day. What a celebration. Big Donnie went to a church in Virginia for 16 minutes in order to honor himself wearing his golf outing wet suit instead of giving his respects to the murdered 12 Americans killed by a crazy co-worker in Virginia Beach. Their lives were ended, while Trump decided to attend the service as he passed through on his way the golf course.

In full form narcissism, The Orange Rind-in-Chief wore his studded golf shoes clicking his way across the stage holding his white golf hat sporting his scalp’s slicked back orange rind. The only thing he cared about was being able to cheat his golf buddies on the final score.

Let’s all pray for impeachment. Let’s pray that Pelosi declares that the House will engage in an Impeachment Inquiry forcing those who refused subpoenas to testify before the American people, and Trump’s taxes will be examined before the country.
    Let’s all pray that Trump will be defeated in the 2020 election. Let’s pray that the New York City District Attorney will prosecute the grifter’s entire family for tax fraud and tax evasion. Let’s pray for a collapse of The Trump Organization.
    Trump’s appearance at the church wearing his golfing outfit was equivalent to Melania’s “I Don’t Care-Do You?” military jacket. They don’t care about the country. They don’t care about anything but themselves. They are the nation’s first family narcissists.

Monday, June 3, 2019

President Orange Rind

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Our whiny, orange rind finally, after three years, said that Russian interfered with the 2016 election to get him elected, but didn’t help them achieve that objective. The orange rind didn’t have to, since the Russians along with The Cretin’s traitors did it for him. You don’t take a moron to a robbery, or a clown to secret meeting.
    Trump’s admission that obstruction and collusion of our election system and democracy occurred on his behalf even without his actual tiny fingers getting dirty in the process, still makes him a participant and subject to impeachment.
Further pushing against the whiny orange idiot’s legacy with  Lil’Kim (“We fell in love”) of North Korea, one of his BFFs, had his representatives handling the negotiating process with Trump’s team was allegedly assassinated for failing to get their new show, “Let’s Make A Deal”, off the ground. So, how does the Orange Crush feel about his lover-man solidifying his own legacy as a serial killer? Trump loves those murderous dictators. How would he and the cowardly Republican White Nationalist Senators (RWN) feel if these were the actions of the Obama presidency? Oh, I’m sure they’d be soiling their Attends and McConnell would be at risk of a cerebral hemorrhage. Maybe he would just self-combust, since he is the living version of the Wizard of Oz character—The Scarecrow, which was made of straw.
    And, what was Trump, our Commander-in-Chief so afraid of during his trip to Japan had he seen the USS John McCann warship docked at port on his tour? Did he dream that the late John McCain would rise from the grave and turn the ship’s guns toward him spraying him with orange spray tan paint?
    Once again, Heel Spur Donnie displayed his cowardice. Our whiny, weazily, orange rind needed his psychiatric nursing staff from needing to dress him up with his  “I Don’t Care, Do You?” straight jacket had he seen the USS John McCain resulting into a complete meltdown before the cameras; so they had the name covered up. They had to protect Trump from himself! This is what an authoritarian state leader would do. Our Moron-in-Chief’s BFFs are dictators and authoritarians. These are his role models. As the Mayor of London, England said, “Trump is a 20th century fascist.”
   After three years, Donnie-‘I-am-the-taxman’-Trump believes that since Mexico has not paid for his legacy wall, he will tariff them. Well, Trump is deciding the American people need another tax and this time it will be levied against Mexican exports to the U.S. consumer, such as produce, cars, car parts to name a few. This is Trump’s great dealmaking strategy to solve the Southern border immigration problems—tariffs!!
    “Never-Trumper” Robert Mueller, who has been a life long Republican, was tweeted out by the Orange Rind as biased against him. It is clear that Trump is suffering from a perpetual rage. As Nancy Pelosi says, ‘Trump is losing it.’ He then tweeted Russia tried to help him get elected. Then he said, “If anything, I think Russia helped the other side. Russia would rather have Hillary Clinton as president.”
    How hilarious!! Since 2015, Trump’s fascist team worked closely with Russians to get the Orange Rind elected so they could get the economic sanctions lifted and in return, Russians would reward The Trump Organization with a Trump Tower Moscow and a share in an oil company deal. Hillary Clinton would likely not lift Russian sanctions without serious concessions made by Putin. And Putin doesn’t like concessions.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party apparently has a need to live in a country with a president, named by Ken Burns, the highly acclaimed documentarian, who will be known as a Hitler-esque fascist. Now we know that the Senate leader Mitch—the Scarecrow look alike—and his Republican fascists, fear Trump and their financial campaign contributors if they stand up to America’s first fascist president. They are engaged in collusion to protect a president that needs to be impeached.
    The Cretin said about impeachment, “ You know, it’s ‘high crimes and …’ not ’with’ or ‘or’. It’s ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’“ “There was no high crime and there was no misdemeanor. So, how do you impeach based on that?” “To me, it’s a dirty word—the word ‘impeach’.” “It’s a dirty, filthy, disgusting word.” “…I can’t imagine the courts allowing it.”
    The Moron-in-Chief just won’t let the facts sink into his empty skull. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with impeachment. The House of Representatives has the full power alone to pursue an impeachment inquiry, prior to an impeachment vote that would be passed on to the Senate for a Vote To Impeach. Doesn’t Trump like dirty words?
    The whining, ignorant orange rind of a person has based his entire life on lies, fraud, corruption, and grifting. He speaks without knowing a damn thing. He is a sociopath who idolizes fascists around the world and in America. He panders to the NRA, White Nationalist Nazis and KKK freaks.

    The Republican White Nationalist Party colludes!!! They should be fired because they willfully ignore the Constitution. And in the process, Barr should be dis—Barred!!

Update: The alleged assassination of Kim's negotiators for the Trump summit was spread by a South Korean propaganda tabloid, as is false. They tend to spread false stuff against Kim Jung Un and his regime.