Tuesday, April 30, 2019

More Reason To Impeach Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    President Buffoon and his sons, Dumb and Dumber, have filed a federal lawsuit hoping to block congressional subpoenas against Deutsche Bank and Capital One, no doubt, because of fears that the House Financial Services and Oversight and Reform Committee will likely unearth the Trump’s money-laundering schemes involving Russian oligarchs, mobsters, and sources in Eastern Europe.
     The Grifters of New York City are very afraid their money making enterprises, which are based on money they laundered from Russian criminals in order to avoid bankruptcy, will be exposed. Deutsche Bank has a history of laundering illegally obtained or criminally obtained money.
    Another indication of Trump’s mental incompetence came from former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who ignored President Buffoon’s outrageously insane orders against North Korea and Iran to ramp up hostilities. Trump tended to rant and rail orders to his foot soldiers, but more intelligent and reasonable minds dismissed his mental disordered outbursts.
    A New York magazine source, a former senior national security official said, “We prevented a lot of bad things from happening.”
    One order was to remove military spouses and children from South Korea. Another was a Camp David pow-wow when Trump wanted to assemble planners who could design military options against North Korea. Both fizzled out by Trump’s top foot soldiers.
    Another counterpoint against Trump proclaiming that he has presided over the best economy ever, was discussed by Juan Williams, in The Hill piece titled, “The Reality of the Trump Economy”. He asks the question, which others have asked of our middle class, “So how has the Trump tax cut been working for you?”
    The Cretin promised us, “We’re going to make America wealthy again.” The truth is unless you are already wealthy, you are going to be left behind. People who can afford investing in the stock market got richer.

    Williams wrote,

     -that “Wages remain stagnant. Trump’s trade wars are hurting farmers. Coal mines keep closing. Teachers…on strike.” “Housing prices are up; gas prices are up and student debt is soaring. This is the reality of the middle class. Meanwhile, never forget that 83 percent of the benefits of Trump’s tax cut will in the long run go to the nation’s wealthiest 1 percent according to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center.” “That adds up to a big fail on Trump’s promise to boost the middle class.” “If Trump deserves credit for a roaring stock market, then Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan do as well. In fact, all of them presided over more total highs in the S&P 500 than Trump so far.”
    “…40% of American adults would not be able to afford a $400 unexpected expense without borrowing or selling something.”

    Trump’s tax cuts are driving a deep wedge in wage and wealth equality.
    Williams writes that Elizabeth Warren has the best ideas for helping the middle class, including a student loan forgiveness plan. 44 million Americans owe $2.5T in student loan debt.

    In The Atlantic, Kurt Bardella wrote in his piece, “We Wouldn’t Have let Obama Get Away With This”,

    “…in the ‘old days’ if you were President and you had a good economy, you were basically immune from criticism”, tweeted Trump. He whined about Congress’ continued investigation that they “only want to continue the Witch Hunt, which I have already won.”

    The Cretin believes he won what prize? What did he win? A cookie? If he believes that The Mueller Report presented him with a pay out, then he must have drank some bad Kool-Aid. If he believes he won The Mueller prize, then why is he so resistant to have his people testify before Congress or have his tax returns brought into the light?”; because he knows he is guilty.

Kurt Bardella writes,

    “There’s a world of difference between how Republicans’ hypocrisy. There is a world of difference between how Republicans viewed oversight when Barack Obama was president and their support of Trump’s obstruction”, wrote Bardella. During the Obama presidency, “Republicans issued more than 100 subpoenas, held A.G. Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, created a select committee to investigate Hillary Clinton’s handling of the Benghazi crisis, and filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging President Obama’s use of executive privilege”, wrote Bardella.

    In 2011, Republican Darrell Issa railed against the Obama administration when they made efforts to discourage people from testifying before Congress or to interfere with Congressional inquiry. Yet, The Trump administration finds it OK to interfere with Congressional inquiries, such as obtaining Trump’s tax returns through the Treasury Secretary. Trump continues to press his people to ignore House subpoenas who want them to testify.
    While the Republicans held both bodies of Congress during Trump’s first two years, “they issued [absolutely] zero subpoenas to the Trump administration. The Cretin continues to refuse “to cooperate with subpoenas issued by congressional democrats.”

    “If Trump can simply ignore Congress and act unilaterally without consequences then he’s America’s first dictator.” “Republicans won’t rise to the challenge, which means it’s up to Democrats to keep Trump in check and to support the Constitution.”

The Lying Republican Scum Hypocrites

The Trumpty Dumpty Report 

 In a time of deceit,  telling the truth is a 

revolutionary act- George Orwell 

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Trump Heads Off To Greenbay, Wisconsin

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    President Buffoon flew to Greenbay, Wisconsin on his “Daddy-Needs-Love” tour. For 90 minutes, he bloviated his support for murderous authoritarians, and his hate for the FBI, no doubt, because they began an investigation that eventually led down a long, dark convoluted road that ended at Trump’s front door exposing his collusion, corruption, and obstruction of justice.
    He ranted in front of an arena of willing Kool-Aid drinking haters, who accept the Buffoon’s incompetence, and his falling down into the grasp of Putin who trapped Trump into a Russian Idiot Asset. His base appears to hold onto The Cretin’s strong thread bound by hate and White Supremacy.
    Trump railed against his opposition by tossing insults illustrating just how weak, and insecure who he really is. The little Cretin-boy living inside his body has to show the playground kids that he can be a bully, in spite of the fact, that everyone involved are just rolling their eyes because they know his secrets:

    His daddy built his wealth because Dimwitted Donnie couldn’t do it on his own, since he is just too incompetent to build anything of his own; he’s lied and cheated to hold onto his wealth because his business and deal making skills just are not there; he’s used Russia’s crime syndicate and oligarchs to keep from bankruptcy; and, he is incapable of learning or comprehending anything.

    Trump bragged about his incompetence and inability to perform the duties of the presidency with any level of intelligence or skill. When speaking about his anti-immigration policies, he said, “We’re sending many of them to sanctuary cities, thank you very much. They’re not too happy about it. I’m proud to tell you that was actually my sick idea.”
    Yes, our President Buffoon is a sick, dysfunctional moron. He is not capable of doing anything but create chaos. He has no negotiating skills. He was recently stood up by Putin when he and Lil’Kim from North Korea met together to discuss disarmament.
    When speaking about Saudi Arabia, which is engaged in a genocidal war with Yemen using American weaponry, he said, “Look, Saudi Arabia, very rich country. They buy a lot from us, $450 billion the bought…I don’t want to lose them!”
    Trump is not able to speak in full, complete sentences or follow through with a complete thought. I guess, many of his followers identify with his disjointed communication skills.
    So, Trump rallied his base to support his indirect involvement in the Yemen genocide; to hate the press and media; to hate immigrants; to support disgraceful policies; and, his delusional belief that it is OK to destroy democracy, and civility in favor of autocracy, incivility, and Market Leninism.

    Most of his rally attendees have no idea that The Cretin’s been captured by the Kremlin or that he is a Market Leninist, a recipient of Russian investment, or Putin’s stooge.

Bill Maher Calls Out Robert Mueller

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

BillMaher, on “Realtime with Bill Maher” (4-27-19) said, in so many words, that Robert Mueller was a wuss as a special counsel by not recommending impeachment. Instead, he handed it off to Congress. In the report, Mueller listed it off to Congress. In the report, Mueller listed situations that defined Trump obstructing justice justifying a recommendation for the Attorney General to indict The Cretin.
    Here is what Bill Maher said during the segment-New Rule: Crime and No Punishment:

“He played it by the book [Talking about Mueller]. If he didn’t notice, for the last three years, we’ve been off-book.” “Greatness is not always doing everything by the book.” “All he had to do was use the law to come to justice.” “….not let the bad guys win.” “What good is leading a roadmap for impeachment if you know a tribal Republican Senate will never remove the president.” “Sometimes it comes down to you.” “Donald Trump, Jr declined to be interviewed—so make him. You couldn’t work around his tweeting schedule?” “One feckless punt after another.” “Law is setting new precedent.” “In Watergate, Leon Jaworski, sued a sitting president [Nixon] anyway. Mueller could have done that…”

Bill Maher made an excellent point--Robert Mueller fell short of a making an important legal difference by running away from setting historical precedence and recommending Trump's impeachment by Congress in the name of democracy. He laid out enough of a reason to put Trump on notice that Congress will execute their Constitution duty to investigate and then, have the Senate vote on the data obtained by the House's evaluation whether Trump committed obstructed of justice.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Obstructing President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

Obstruction of justice is defined by federal statute as any "interference with the orderly administration of law and justice" and governed by 18 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1521. Federal code identifies more than 20 specific types of obstruction, including "Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees" (18 U.S.C. § 1505), the specific code section cited in the Nixon and Clinton articles of impeachment.
Other ways an individual may commit this offense include, but are not limited to, the following acts:

    The crime can take any number of forms, whether it's bribery, tampering with evidence, lying to investigators, abusing one's power, or some other act intended to impede a criminal investigation. The federal obstruction of justice statute is written broadly and focuses more on the effect (or intended effect) of a particular action rather than the specific act itself. Therefore, seemingly innocuous acts could be construed as criminal activity if they have the intended effect of impeding justice.
After reading this definition of obstruction of justice, one can understand that President Buffoon has obstructed justice and has won the prize of impeachment. He doesn’t even have to spin the wheel on Wheel of Fortune to win an orange jumpsuit or a one way ticket back to Manhattan or Mar-A-Lago to play with China’s Market Leninists or spies who want to swim in his pool.
    Actually, once the Trump Chump is extricated from the Oval Office, along with his play toys and autocratic action figures following a complete fumigation, he will no longer have any significance, or political leverage with world figures. He will return to just being The Chump of New York.
    In the news, is a laundry list of obstruction of justice accusations. As the definition states,

 “The federal obstruction of justice statute is written broadly and focuses more on the effect, or intended effect, of a particular action rather than the specific act itself”.

    The Cretin wanted Corey Lewandowski, or The Lewd, (~June 19, 2017) once he was fired as a member of Trump’s Brownshirt inner circle, he was asked to pass a letter to A.G. Jeff Sessions, after being sent back out into the civilian world, to limit Robert Mueller’s investigative scope.  The Lewd was turned into a “Back Channel” courier, which was a role The Cretin’s son-in-law stepped into in order create talks with foreign leaders engaged in political dictatorships, autocracies, and more, in hopes to keep Mueller from investigating Trump’s colluding and/or obstruction of justice intentions or actions.
   As the Mueller report detailed The Cretin attempted and intended to obstruct justice, but The Lewd never did fulfill President Buffoon’s wishes.
   Here is what President Buffoon has tweeted, “Despite the fact that the Mueller Report was ‘composed’ by Trump Haters and Angry Democrats, who had unlimited funds and human resources, the end result was No Collusion, No Obstruction. Amazing!” The Cretin doesn’t seem to understand that the Constitution commands the Congress to investigate the president, or others in executive branch, when there may have been actions that obstruct or collude in order to obtain or further their power.
    The Cretin also went to (~June 17, 2017) Donald McGahn, the White House Counsel, to remove Mueller from his role as a Special Counsel. Trump said, “Mueller has to go.” He also said that he never said that, and “if I wanted to fire Mueller, I could have done it myself”. 

1.   The “Loyalty” Dinner
2.   Asking Comey to Drop the Flynn Probe
3.   Firing Preet Bharara
4.   Asking the Director of National Intelligence to Pressure Comey
5.  Asking Comey to “Lift the Cloud” of   
6.  the Russia Investigation
7.  Attacking Comey on the Eve of His     Senate Testimony
8.   Attacking Sally Yates on the Eve of Her Senate Testimony
9.   Following Up on His Request to Comey
10.                Firing Comey
11.                Concocting a Cover Story for Comey’s Firing
12.                Telling Russian Officials Comey’s Firing Was About the Russia Probe
13.                Admitting Comey’s Firing Was About the Russia Probe on National TV
14.                Threatening to Release Tapes of His Talks with Comey
15.                Publicly Threatening Mueller
16.                Attacking Attorney General Jeff Sessions for Recusing Himself
17.                Drafting a Misleading Statement About Don Jr.’s Russia Meeting
18.               Pressuring Multiple Senators to End Their Russia Probe
19.               Tweeting That He Knew Flynn Lied to the FBI

     If the Republican White Nationalist Party Senators want a chance to win the White House again, then they need to come out publicly that they would vote to impeach Trump. Otherwise, once the primary election is upon us, Trump will enter, if he is nominated, the presidential election cycle as a wounded candidate. The RWNP must choose: do they want a “clean” candidate to run for president, or do they want a dirty, slimy, corrupt, dumbass moron as their candidate?

      The House will continue their investigation into Trump, and subpoena those who can unwrap the questions that are still unanswered, or need further clarification.

     And finally, Trump has failed to uphold his oath when he was sworn in as President of the United States, when he pledged to protect and serve the nation. It is clear that he has failed to protect the country from Russia’s invasion, or attack, against our democracy and to secure our ability to vote without foreign disruptions and interference. Since elected, Trump has failed to institute and secure voting protections. Nothing has changed since Russia interfered and disrupted our 2016 election, which brought about their favored candidate- Donald J. Trump. That was their goal and Trump has done nothing to stop Putin from securing his Russian Idiot Asset from getting reelected.
     Fox News pundit, Judge Napolitano has come forward to say that Trump needs to be impeached because he has committed obstruction of justice.

What more do Republican White Nationalists want? When Fox News hosts begin to turn on Trump, then it is time to impeach the Moron-in-Chief.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Our Delusional President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    Trump is a cretin. There is no doubt about it. All he cares about is himself and cares less about the nation and protecting the nation from Russian interference in our 2020 election.
    When his former Homeland Security Secretary- Kirstjen Nielsen warned the White House of Russian interference in the upcoming election. She was warned by President Buffoon’s chief of staff, Mick Muvaney to keep such warnings under the president’s radar, since such a warning would upset The Cretin and his feelings that he is an illegitimate president because of the Russians interfering in his election. Wa,Wa,Wa. Everything is about him!!
    The Cretin wanted to see Herman Cain, Mr. Pizza Man, to sit on the Federal Reserve board because Cain could be his foot soldier stooge who could represent The Cretin’s views on the board. But, Cain decided to turn down the offer because it didn’t pay enough, according to his own comments.
    President Buffoon wants to influence independent government agencies wherever he can.
    He had his White Nationalist Party Congresspeople appoint his nominee to head the Federal Reserve when it has been reported that Jerome Powell has no idea how to handle the complexity of the job. His ability to comprehend the numbers is behind the curve. Trump wanted him there so he could influence Powell to follow his “recommendations” on interest rates.
    Now another way The Cretin is hoping to try to stop any attempt to impeach him by the House of Representatives is by heading over to the Supreme Court to get their support.
“If the partisan Dems ever tried to Impeach, I would first head to the U.S. Supreme Court.” “There no ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors,’ there are no Crimes by me at all.”
    This Moron-in-Chief has no idea how government works, where the boundaries are, and the limits of presidential powers. He has no idea that his powers are not the same as those of Russia’s dictator/kleptocrat Vladimir Putin, who he idolizes.
    This guy is so afraid of impeachment. He is so afraid of having  six years of his tax returns evaluated by Congress. He is so afraid to be proven to be a lying, fake, and conman president.
    In the book, “Proof of Collusion”, by Seth Abramson, he documents thoroughly just how Vladimir Putiin spun a web of entrapment by laying bait wrapped in offers to supply funding for a Trump Organization Tower development project. This web of enticement was to snare Trump into laundering illegally obtained Russian mob money through Trump properties, bank transactions, golf course development projects and more. During 2013, when planning the Miss Universe event to be hosted in Moscow, Putin kept enticing Trump with a personal meeting, which never happened. Trump, enamored with his Man Crush to Vladimir (“Will he love me?” “Will he be my best friend?”), salivated when Vlad led him on with the hopes of a personal meeting. Putin set Trump up in a special hotel room with three Russian prostitutes (the pee-pee tape). This room was bugged and as a result, a secret tape of the orgy was recorded. This event has been confirmed by a couple of Trump’s personal friends. This hotel room event finally ensnared Trump into becoming Putin’s Poodle. Now Trump must listen to Putin’s directions.

   “I have been the most transparent President and administration ever-in the history of the country,” Trump told the press, when asked about his Brownshirts being subpoenaed by the House to answer questions. Once again, The Cretin has no idea that his lying is the most transparent thing about him.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Trump's Deep Ties To Putin

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Trump’s delusional personal lawyer, who should be disbarred for violating legal ethical standards, Rudy Giuliani who told the media, “There’s nothing with taking information from Russia…”. “It depends on where it came from that a political campaign’s decision to use stolen information from foreign adversaries depends on the stolen material.” “They shouldn’t have stolen it, but the American people were just given more information.”
    Rudy Gooney Giuliani condoned the theft and sharing of data, which he believes is OK to use against any political adversaries even when received by a government that is our adversary.
    Even though Russians have been militarily supporting dictators, authoritarians, neo-fascist, along with spying on our political figures, as well as hacking into Internet computer servers, cell phones, and personal computers.
    Now, President Buffoon is screaming foul by suing to block the House from subpoenaing his financial documents. As Buffoon Jr told America, “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia” (Proof of Collusion”, Seth Abramson) when speaking about Trump’s SoHo project. “Russia makes up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our [Trump Organization] assets.”
    The Cretin is scared that he’ll be proven to be a Russian asset bought and paid for by the Kremlin. In “Proof of Collusion”, Russian oligarchs, organized crime syndicate operatives and others connected one way or another to Putin, have done business with the Trump Organization dating back into the 1980s. When Trump owned the Miss America Pageant, in the late 1990s, he did a favor for Putin by choosing Miss Russia to win the pageant, who later was dethroned because of her relationship (rumored marriage) to a Russian crime syndicate boss, as well as “failing to fulfill her crowned duties”.  Back in 2010, the Kremlin-owned development bank, Vnesheconombank (VEB) invested in Trump’s Toronto International Hotel and Tower project after it’s cash flow began to dry up. And Trump was aware that Putin has the power to dry up Russian investment, which would seriously damage Trump’s cash flow. Abramson writes that out of Trump’s 2044 property units, Russians owned 704, or one-third, of them located in 7 Trump buildings.
    No wonder President Buffoon is soiling his diaper. Once his tax documents are unveiled by Congress, all will see how intertwined Trump is with Russians and Russian bankers; otherwise, why would he want them hidden? He will be, once again, proven to be a pathological liar, and fraud, as well as a the CEO of The NYC Grifter Consortium.
    Trump has engaged in “high crimes and misdemeanors” by intentionally lying to Congress and Americans in order to get elected by denying his deep relationship with Russians, the Kremlin, specifically Putin. Yes, he can be impeached. Instead, he should just be defeated at the ballot box so he can be indicted as an ex-president by the Southern District of New York’s district attorney, and the New York State attorney’s general, along with his grifter family members.
    He is obstructing justice by suing over release of his tax documents. He intended to obstruct the Mueller investigation, but was not able to achieve his desires by some of the Brownshirts within his inner circle.
    The Cretin has many supports who don’t care if he is a wannabee mobster, and authoritarian, as well as a White Nationalist and Putin’s Idiot asset. This appears to make the entire Republican White Nationalist Party anti-democratic, and supporters of those American industrialists who believe in Market Leninism. If anyone cares, the actual Deep State is controlled by the Koch brothers, and the swamp lizards that are cranked out through their funded Think Tanks and from the halls of George Mason University, which has its roots in White Supremacy.

    What we have in the United States are two major parties: one being Democrats, and the other being Market Leninists. This is the direction the Koch brothers, and George Mason University has historically leaned into. For more information on this Republican White Nationalist Party read Nancy McLean’s book, “Democracy in Chains”.

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Mueller Report's Revelations About Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Yes, collusion is not a legal term. The Mueller report looked at criminal conspiratorial actions engaged by the Trump campaign, as well as by his inner circle, to engage with Russian actors, and, if there was an intent to obstruct the Mueller investigation. People within Trump’s inner circle were playing interference as Trump intended to act out his desires to obstruct the Mueller investigation. It is illegal to have an intent to obstruct justice, and/or commit criminal conspiratorial acts, which the investigators failed to gather enough indictable evidence to pursue such an indictment; therefore, any action toward Trump, and others, has to be determined by Congress, as laid out by the U.S. Constitution.
    The report doesn’t exonerate Trump from committing a crime or obstructing justice. The report said that if there was strong enough evidence, Mueller would have indicted President Buffoon.
    The Russians within the Russian GRU (their intel community) saw the Trump campaign, and the Cretin’s family as vulnerable, gullible, and susceptible recipients to receive influential exchanges by America’s number one adversary—Russia and Putin. The Cretin’s inner circle, which included his grifter family members, were receptive enough to meet with Russians, receive data from Russians, and deliver data to Russians.
    Russia, Kremlin, and Putin wanted to see Trump elected and, therefore, engaged in actions to influence our election through voting machine tampering, along with the manipulation of the public through social media initiated by Russian cyber experts controlled by Russian intelligence and military agencies.
    Trump and his 4th Reich soldiers have been in bed with Russians for decades. As a result of The Trump Organization falling into financial collapse, Russian oligarchs holding illegally obtained cash needed a place to launder their piles of cash, so they approached Trump during his hard times. What occurred was Trump “selling” them Trump Tower propertied using this bundle of cash to bail himself out of near bankruptcy. In exchange for being financially saved, he became a Russian Idiot asset.
    This relationship with the Kremlin and Putin, and later, Trump’s efforts to develop properties in Moscow, which never materialized because he never connected with the necessary people because of an organized crime-like structure, deepened. Trump was not able to penetrate this hierarchical structure by paying off the right people needed to reach the necessary big boys, but he continued to try and find a way to cement a deal.
    Trump’s connection to Russia and the Kremlin, along with his inner circle’s Russian connections, made the Trump campaign a perfect “Mark” for Putin to elect his preferred candidate—his Idiot asset.
    Trump made every attempt to obstruct the Mueller investigation. That was clearly laid out in the Mueller report. The intentions to attempt obstruction is illegal and, if so moved, impeachable. It is a constitutional violation. Collusion by Trump, and his 4th Reich soldiers, is not a legal matter, but is a constitutional violation. Trump and his inner circle engaged in colluding behavior with Russians, in spite of their actions and engagements to technically do so, did not materializing, which would have resulted in an indictment; yet, the movement toward such actions, although failing to materialize, is still illegal, which could lead to prosecution.
    Trump could be held legally libel, if the Senate, House, and Justice department moved to indict. This will likely not happen, even if obstruction charges are possible.
    Trump’s “no collusion, no obstruction” proclamation is delusional. As we speak, State and Local prosecutors are investigating Trump and members of his grifter family, along with members within the inner circle.

    For many Democrats, and his base, this chapter in the Trump visit to the White House pretending to be the president, is over. Now there is an election to win.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Pete Buttigieg’s slogan is “We Cannot Find Greatness In The Past”. The Cretin’s little Cretin, Cretin Jr. tweeted,

    “Did you know @MayorPete says we can’t find greatness in the past?! Someone teach him about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, the Civil Rights Movement, storming Normandy, landing on the moon, the collapse of the Berlin War...”

    Sadly, Trump Jr. clearly illustrated in this tweet just how impulsive and dumb, and how proud he is to show America that he doesn’t care that he doesn’t think about his ideas before he writes them. In his tweet, Cretin Jr. wrote “Berlin War”. Sorry Dummy Donnie, you should have written Berlin Wall.

    Pete Buttigieg was saying, I am assuming, that the past is the past. We can learn from the experiences of the past, but change and greatness comes from the present and a plan for the future. The past includes experiences of greatness, as well as dreadful times. We learn from them, but leave them behind as we evaluate the changing times and how we, as a society, move forward toward a better time.
    But Cretin Jr. has trouble understanding the full context, which Pete was referencing. Like father, like son—dumb and dumber cannot comprehend the larger meaning of what others say. Neither one of these men-children are capable of reading for meaning.
    The New Yorker wrote that President Buffoon sometimes calls Ivanka “baby” in official presidential meetings. He actually believes that if Ivanka ever decided to run for president, she would be hard to beat. This illustrates his deluded mind. He has no idea that his reality is a total lie. He claims that Ivanka has created millions of jobs. A very laughable lie. ( New Yorker, “Inside Ivanka’s Dreamworld”, 4/12/19.) It is clear that Ivanka is another dull pencil in the Trump pencil box. They are a family of grifters. They captured their wealth by scamming, cheating, swindling, and lying to people. Ivanka captured much of her non-inherited wealth from making clothing accessories, and shoes via sweatshops in China. Her clothing line has been banished from many of America’s retail outlets. After campaigning to bring jobs back to America, the Cretin Klan continued to have their stuff made in Third World factories.
    And now, President Buffoon had to put his two-cents into the Notre Dame Cathedral fire. The Idiot-in-Chief, has once again, unveiled his man-child desire to wear a fireman’s hat and pretend to be a firefighter. President Buffoon said, while holding his forest fire rake, the way to tackle Notre Dame’s blazing tower fire was to dump tons of water from flying water tankers that would drop water from above the fire.
    Since he is a certifiable idiot, he had no idea that dumping tons of water would do far more damage, as water would permeate everything it coated. As the plan was executed, water was targeted at preserving the stone towers, containing the burn so its damage would cause the least possible destruction.

    On a final note, Vice President Putz Pence headed out to the oil fields to praise his Big Daddy Buffoon’s policies to Drill Baby Drill natural gas and oil to export. The fact is that now that the costs of solar panels and solar installation of the panels has dropped, the costs of producing oil and gas out prices solar. It is cheaper to use solar. It is time to push for a massive government initiative to move our energy needs away from oil and gas to solar and wind. It can be done. Unfortunately, the oil and gas companies don’t like it because they cannot make money from free energy sources, but President Buffoon and his little Buffoon like the idea of Market Leninism, which the oil and gas industry rule over.

"Hop aboard. Be My Dog, Mike."

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pre-Mueller Report Release

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Sarah Sanders told Congress that the members are not smart enough to understand Trump’s corrupt tax returns. Apparently, he is actually saying that no one is smart enough, since Trump is a real dumbass who cannot understand his own tax returns. Since Trump is university failure, who bought his way to those universities, the fact is that Congress is filled with people who completely understands the taxes of a grifter fraud.
    Minutia Mnuchin is trying to tap down The Cretin’s Russian money-laundered, and “creative accounting” tax returns. And, they want to hide that President Buffoon isn’t as wealthy as he has claimed. In addition, is Trump being audited because of “Creative Accounting?” Did Trump receive income from foreign sources, such as Russian oligarchs? Why is it taking all these years to audit Trump’s taxes, anyway? They cannot be THAT complicated. Did Trump fudge his deductions, or any other part of the tax documents? I am sure that because he is our very Yuuge President Buffoon, his tax return audit is all done. I imagine he IS a priority. The Cretin is just real scared that America, and the world, would finally realize that The Buffoon is a Blond Bloviating Blowhard.
    The Guy in the White House is still soiling his big boy pants over a release of a redacted Mueller report on Thursday. The Idiot-in-Chief unleashed his paranoia, “Mueller, and the A.G. based on Mueller findings (and great intelligence), have already ruled No Collusion, No Collusion. These were crimes committed by Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Dirty Cops, and others! INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS”, tweeted President Buffoon. If he is so innocent, then why is he so freaked out, paranoid, angry, and twisting up his shorts? It is because he is a colluding conspiring conning man-child. He later rage tweeted, “The Mueller Report, which was written by 8 Angry Democrats who also happen to be Trump Haters (and Clinton Supporters), should have focused on the people who SPIED on my 2016 Campaign, and others who fabricated the whole Russia Hoax. That is, never forget, the crime.” (This Tweet was written better that The Cretin is capable of crafting, so someone else had to write this tweet blast for him.
    Sarah “Goerbels” Sanders said, “There was no collusion, which, I don’t know how you can interpret that any other way than total exoneration.”
    Some Trump administration insiders, who testified before Mueller are a bit worried that their statements will be read by the public once the report is released to us all. They are worried that Trump, and Republican White Nationalist Party members, will target them for their testimonies. One of Trump’s inner field marshals said there is “breakdown-anxiety” oozing from past and present field marshals.
    Trump’s entire life has been full of chaos. He runs the White House from his chaotic Oval Office. His 4th Reich stance has been based upon hate and bigotry. Now his target is Representative Omar, a Muslim woman, who has made controversial statements. Some believe those statements have been anti-Semitic. Whatever you think of her, an American President should never be the Grand Wizard of Hate encouraging others to focus their hate onto others. Omar has been the focus of hate and bodily harm. The Cretin fuels the hate through his attack tweets against her and will further his hate message by traveling to her Minnesota district to rally his MAGA base against all people who are not white and fundamentalist Christians.

    We are at a crossroads in our democracy. It needs to be anyone other than anyone from the RWNP to become president.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Trump Spiraling Down Into Fascism

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Pre-demented President Buffoon said, “I  don’t know Julian Assange”, when in fact, during the 2016 presidential primary, he said, “I love Wikileaks”.
    We recently learned that Steven “Adolph” Miller, Trump’s field marshal and advising lieutenant tried to push The Cretin to take Central American immigrants held in holding camps and dump them onto the streets of U.S. sanctuary city streets with nothing leaving them helpless, fearful, and vulnerable.
    Ideas formed out of this 4th Reich administration is a plan only the Republican White Nationalist Party could think of. It is a reminder of LilBoyBush considering General Poindexter’s idea creating a plan to allow everyday citizens throughout the country, living in cities, suburbs, and rural communities to spy on their neighbors and report back to the government. Bush went as far as signing an executive order in 2002 to implement this fascist order. After being tossed about, it was eventually scrapped by Bush and dropped from implementation. Once again, only RWNs would think such disgusting fascist fantasies. The 4th Reich regime is circling the pre-demented buffoon protecting him from voter poll erosion. Field marshal A.G. Barr is creating distraction preventing the Mueller report from causing Trump political damage. Now, Steve “Adolph” Mnuchin, another field marshal has blocked the IRS from releasing Trump’s very damaging 7 years of his tax returns.
    On the subject of tax returns, President Buffoon’s older sister, 82 year old Judge Maryanne Trump Barry has finally retired from her position as Philadelphia’s federal appellate judge because of a lawsuit claiming she had been part of the Trump International family business’s corruption and tax evasion practices. It was alleged that Judge Barry assisted the family in their tax dodging practices when avoiding inheritance taxes dating back when they sold off Fred Trump’s holdings trailing back to the 1980s and 1990s understating the value of the holdings, which amounted to $41.4M.
    It was reported that Fred Trump left over $1B in holdings. The tax bill was estimated to be over $500M, but the siblings paid only $52M in taxes.

  Only a 21st century Republican White Nationalist Party would allow such a criminal to become their party leader and president. It is clear that this party no longer respects the democracy this nation was founded on, but follows the views of Market Leninism, and following Putin’s Russian Idiot asset to the rise to the presidency. The anti-Semitic and hater Senator Joe McCarthy, who held a witch hunt, back in the 1950s, against Americans accused of being Communist sympathizers, must be spinning in his grave knowing that his party has become Russian collaborators and aligners.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Trump's 4th Reich

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    The Trump administration has morphed into The 4th Reich. President Buffoon has moved into high gear to end southern border immigration. He sacked Kirstjen Nielsen because she wasn’t evil enough. Now, Steven Miller, Trump’s field marshal lieutenant, will execute this agenda. There may be a plan to reinstate family separation.
    Attorney General Barr sat before the House committee members trying to explain his incompetence regarding the release of the Mueller report to the House. He keeps kicking the report down the road. When answering questions that turned to Obamacare-ACA and the lawsuit filed by Trump to end the ACA for millions of Americans relying on this health care plan, as well as the Medicaid expansion programs, Barr clearly showed he was not an independent officer, but Trump’s legal field marshal to The 4th Reich. He told his House questioners that they shouldn’t have anything to worry about if they feel Trump’s lawsuit will fail. He answered questions as if HE were answering for Trump.
    Barr has lowered the bar for what constitutes “the People’s” attorney general. If Democrats hadn’t won the House, The 4th Reich would be steamrolling over America’s democracy.
    The Buffoon President, the Idiot-in-Chief, is following the commands of his field marshals, who are the brains behind the policies; although, The Cretin insists that HE is in charge. Very funny. This administration is hoping to move the country closer to authoritarianism, as desired by the Koch brothers and their financially supported Think Tanks. Putin must be wetting his pants to see his Poodle follow his marching orders.
    As Barr continues to do Trump’s bidding, he is pursuing a review of the FBI’s probe of President Buffoon’s campaign practices in 2016.  It appears he has become the Republican White Nationalist Party’s chief legal counsel. He said, “I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation…”.
    In spite of the fact that individuals who surrounded President Buffoon’s campaign are now either behind bars or working on a plea deal were involved with Russian actors gave the FBI enough reason to open an investigation. To do otherwise would be a dereliction of duties. By pointing fingers at 2 agents, who on their own private time, discussed Trump’s incompetence, and then later, fired showed the bureau didn’t want to show bias even though these agents really didn’t violate their oath.
    The RWNP and their blowhards—Nunes, Graham, and the others keep going back to the infamous Steele dossier, which brought about the FISA order to investigate Carter Page, Trump’s campaign advisor. It was then that Comey, FBI director, at the time, probed into the actions of George Papodopolos, Trump’s foreign policy advisor. This guy had met with Russians in London to gather dirt on Hillary Clinton. That sounds worth investigating. And, Carter was investigated, and later, indicted for his collusion with Russians, while on a 2016 Moscow trip as an invited Moscow University speaker because of his ties to Trump. Then Page, contacted Trump officials that he had information given to him by these contacts that might help the campaign. He lied about it before admitting to it.
    It sure sounds like the FBI was doing their job, but Barr and his RWNP colleagues want to show otherwise.

    What is happening is that Trump and his field marshal lieutenants want to subvert the Constitution and the rule of law to further their dangerous agendas.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Trump's Market Leninism

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Paul Krugman wrote a piece in the New York Times called “Donald Trump is Trying to Kill You”. It is hard to disagree with his viewpoint.
    “Even if he is a one-term president, Trump will have caused, directly or indirectly, the premature deaths of a large number of Americans,” wrote Krugman. He says some deaths will come as a result of white nationalists, who were called “fine people” by the president. He loves White Supremacists. They are his base voters and supporters.
    Other deaths will mount as a result of his failed response following Hurricane Maria that ravaged Puerto Rico, whose residents are U.S. citizens. Disasters, such as Hurricane Maria, are our new normal. He didn’t care. Remember—his answer to helping the suffering peoples was to throw paper towels to them when he decided to view the devastation.
    And then, President Buffoon has furthered the gutting of Obamacare, which has provided health care to millions of Americans, especially those with pre-existing conditions. Now he has vowed to bring forth a new and improved health care plan, thus far there is none, after the 2020 election. Let’s hope he is being fitted for an orange jumpsuit around that time.
    Krugman says “the biggest death toll is likely to come from Trump’s agenda of deregulation—or maybe we should call it “deregulation”, which his administration is curiously selective about which industries it wants to leave alone.” We know that he favors oil and gas drilling---“drill baby drill”--, which wants to invade public lands and parks and sanctuaries to extract oil and gas from deep under those lands. We are seeing spills, and mishaps as a result of these fracking techniques, as well as earthquakes in Oklahoma. He doesn’t care.
    Food inspections will likely be slackened increasing more and more toxic food products reaching the tables of Americans. The Cretin wants the industries, such as the hog industries, to inspect their own, instead of independent and regulated inspectors doing that job. Foodborne illness, such as: the Norovirus, Salmonella, Clostridium Perfingens, Campylobacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, as well as other toxins, bacterias, parasites or viruses will increase. People die from these toxins. He doesn’t care.
   Then there is the aircraft industry, which allowed Boeing’s Max 8 aircraft to fly-at-your-own-risk people around the world. These planes have already crashed, and others have had malfunctions causing a risk of crashing. Trump was the last world leader to ground these potentially planes from flying following the second crash killing everyone on board. He didn’t care.
    During the CPAC 2019 event he told everyone that wind turbines cause cancer. He seems to ignore the real fact that fracking fluids, methane released gases, and other practices in the industry kills soils, poisons waterways from leaching fracking ponds, and the poisoning of drinking well water from deeply fractured rock beds seeping fracking fluids into those deep water wells. Not only that, this industry uses millions upon millions of our valuable and precious water for their oil and gas extraction poisoning that water once it has been used.
    Krugman says, “And Trump seems deranged and irrational on so many issues that one more bizarre claim hardly seems to matter.” “After all, we normally think Republicans in general, and Trump in particular, as people who minimize or deny the “negative externalities” imposed by some business activities—the uncompensated costs they impose on other people or businesses.”

   This is the practice of the White Nationalist Republican Party, or a party that supports Market Leninism principles. The corporate and industrial elites dictate the rules established by government, which they control, and everyone else picks up the costs as a result of their greed and exploitation.

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

   The Buffoon has surrounded himself with people who are the most ridiculous choices, although got the job because they kissed the ring of the pre-demented, man-child Godfather. Many of the ridiculous loyalists are incompetent and cannot perform the job to benefit the country. kellyanne Conway get the gold medal from the list. The silver medal goes to Sarah Sanders. The bronze medals go to the following people: 

The head of the IRS-John Koskinen, who is giving The Cretin tax return cover; William Barr-The Cretin's personal general who was hired to give President Buffoon cover from additional investigations and possible impeachment; the most incompetent and ignorant choice for secretary of education-Elizabeth DeVos; one time Republican White Nationalist Party presidential candidate heading the department of energy, who went blank when asked a key question-Rick Perry; and, finance cretin and vampire's lunch-Wilber Ross, just to name a few.
    And now, President Buffoon wants a lifetime of pizza by another Godfather--the Godfather of Pizza-Herman Cain to sit on our federal reserve board. WTF!!!!! Just because this moron sat on a local bank's board, The Cretin believes this guy is qualified for a seat on the nation's federal reserve board, which is an institution that had to manage the money supply following the country's second worst economic depression. Pizza-Pizza!

    The presidential election cannot come fast enough!!

    This is America's government and NOT A BOWLING TEAM wearing gold embroidered MAGA silk shirts emblazoned with Melania's favorite creed--"I don't care. Do you?"!!
    President Buffoon's Florida castle in Palm Beach county known as Mar-A-Lago is more than likely a satellite spy station for Chinese spies keeping tabs on the Moron-in-Chief. The latest is a Chinese spy caught with computers, malicious spyware, and a bagful of cellphones who got entry to the club just by saying she was attending a meeting that didn't exist. 
    Trump uses his private club, which should be a violation of the emoluments clause, since he is profiting from the use of his club, to do the government's business.
    President Buffoon criticized Hillary Clinton for using a private server to do manage her cellphone and computer data when doing the government's business; yet, Chinese spies can listen in on Trump's unsecured cellphone calls, as well as applying other spy technologies to monitor The Cretin's communications and contacts when on site at Mar-A-Lago. When a person has a membership they have free access to the club, as well as their guests.
    There is never a shortage of things to report regarding President Buffoon. It seems that our pre-demented Moron-in-Chief is coming more and more unhinged as the Democrats in the House continue to push for Trump's tax returns and full disclosure of the Mueller report.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Pre-Dementia Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Donald J. Trump has been experiencing a pre-dementia condition. It appears he has had this condition for sometime now. His confusion is serious. Being he has been a man-child for a very long time, this condition is serious. Many psychiatrics have identified President Buffoon as having a mental illness, such as narcissistic personality disorder. So, now add on pre-dementia, and now we know that his time pretending to be president must end.
    When speaking with Apple CEO Tim Cook, President Buffoon called him Tim Apple. When speaking at the CPAC 2019 event he went off script for nearly 3 minutes and this is what he said:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ― if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? “Rrrrr, rrrrr” ― you know the thing that makes the ― it’s so noisy. And of course it’s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. It’s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ’em all out. It’s true. They wipe ’em out. It’s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasn’t ready for a deal but that’s OK because we get along great. He wasn’t ready. I told him, you’re not ready for a deal. That’s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobody’s ever left. But I said you’re not ready for a deal, but we’ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, “Is the wind blowing? I’d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasn’t blown for three days. I can’t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.” No, wind’s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. They’re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case you’re ― we don’t make ’em here, essentially. We don’t make ’em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then he’d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and he’d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

He has been growing less and less coherent. Trump has made hundreds upon hundreds of bombastic statements, which fuels anger, hate and violence. President Buffoon says such statements to fuel the fire living inside his base. Trump, along with Pence, make bombastic statements regarding abortion. They fuel anger over late term abortion, which is rarely done. Such procedures are done when the fetus will be born seriously impaired, often with little brain functioning that could often make the child so painfully uncomfortable for the rest of his or her life, along with little head and extremity control, leading to absolutely no self-care and cognitive skill development. Is how YOU would like to live the rest of your life? Think about the pain you are having in your life today. Would you like to have such pain, or worse, from the moment you were born?
    Now we are hearing from The Cretin that he is backing off from his extreme statement to close the southern border completely. This is how he lives in the world. He makes extreme dogmatic statements, bullying others, and then reverses his stance when he feels the push back. The Cretin is a true moron! He has been and continues to be an incompetent decider. He is a seriously flawed decision-maker.
    Sadly, his base doesn’t care. They don’t care that he is a dumbass, who speaks incoherently. What they like is that he is a White Nationalist-White Supremacist. They don’t care that their health care will deteriorate under a Republican White Nationalist Party plan. They don’t care that the RWNP are “Market Leninists”---single party rule; government controlled by the wealthiest corporatists in the nation who design government policy to serve their wealth needs and not the needs of everyone else.

    It is time to fit The Cretin with an orange jumpsuit, then give him a bowl of Fish crackers, as he sits in the T.V. room watching his favorite idiots on Fox News.