Sunday, November 27, 2022

Mr. Smith Arrived In Washington To Investigate A Former President's Crimes


Mr. Smith has arrived in Washington. Jack Smith is a war crime prosecutor and has arrived straight from The Hague. He is a tough, go-at-it type of guy. For the last several years, he has been a prosecutor with the International Criminal Court investigating war crimes in Kosovo. It appears he doesn’t like dangerous slime balls. t-RUMP fits into that category.

Speaking of degenerate slime balls, one Sammy-boy Alito, our “esteemed” Supreme Court Justice, is the moron who is leaking out the court’s decisions before they made a formal release of the decision. The first one was the Hobby Lobby case. Alito, a member of the Supreme Court Historical Society, met with donors who were part of an influence operation led by a former conservative evangelical leader, Reverend Rob Schenck, which operates his own group called Faith and Action. 

The pressure on Supreme Court Justice John Roberts by Sheldon Whitehouse, and Hank Johnson, both Democrats, are part of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees demanding that the Chief Justice get off his butt and investigate Alito’s apparent violation of the court’s ethics laws, or the Congress will do it for him. Whitehouse is also very concerned over Dark Money finding its way into the pockets of political officials. Money that cannot be traced back to its original donor source.

Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe believes that the appointment of a special counsel is Duh’Fuhrer’s worst nightmare. While a guest on Anderson Cooper’s 360 CNN program, he said that there was enough evidence to indict the Moron from Queens. You can watch the interview here.

Mr. Smith is following in the footsteps of Oetje John Rogge, who under the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration prosecuted cases that involved Nazi activity in this country. He was a civil rights lawyer and helped with liberal political causes. He went after the Louisiana governor and then Democratic left-wing populist senator Huey Long and his political machine for mail fraud. Long was later assassinated. He was seen as a fascist demagogue. Rogge was raised poor in 1893 and as a prosecutor went after large corporations, such as Standard Oil. Rogge, in 1939 became the assistant attorney general and led the Justice Department’s criminal division. In that position he prosecuted 29 isolationist and Nazi sympathizers. His trial ended in a mistrial after the death of the judge. He then went to Germany to find links between Hitler’s war criminals who had ties to Americans. Rogge wrote a report that detailed a continuing fascist threat in the United States back in the 1940s. What was seen was how these fascists disguised their fascist allegiances by proclaiming to be anti-Communist. He identified an effort by Nazis to defeat FDR’s re-election bid. He also identified other targets of the Nazis in the U.S.

Rogge’ Wiki page is fascinating.

WOW!! This is what we are seeing within the Trump American Nazi Party and its members today, along with their sympathizers in the media, such as with *ucker Carlson, and those within our Congress today.

Other good news is that the 14th district federal appeals court basically told the t-RUMP appointed judge Aileen Cannon, who has been a suck up to #45 to go sit in the corner and put on the dunce cap for blocking federal prosecutors for using the seized documents in their investigation and using a special master when such an appointment was unnecessary. Her decision making regarding the appointment of a special master, Judge Raymond Dearie, to oversee the distribution of the documents seized at Grift-Alot-Lago was inappropriate. The Appeals Court also pointed out to t-RUMP’s attorney James ‘Crusty’ Trusty [now there’s a name fitting for his lawyer] that when his client’s personal photos, including a treasure trove of photos of Celine Dion scrambled in with magazine covers, and mixed in with the government documents, his client has nothing to complain about. William Pryor, the court’s Chief Justice said,

 “We’ve got to be concerned about the precedent that we would create that would allow any target of a federal criminal investigation to go into a district court and to have a district court entertain this kind of petition [the filing to the 11th circuit court of appeals by #45] ... and interfere with the executive branch’s ongoing investigation.” 

The three judges on the court sided with the justice department and not grifter Donnie. Judge Pryor also said, “I don’t think it’s necessarily the fault of the government if someone has intermingled classified documents and all kinds of other personal property.”

Grifter Donnie apparently signed a $4B dollar deal to sell or lease his embarrassing name to a Saudi land developer [is this the best he could do?] who wants to use the Trump brand on a hotel and golf course complex just as he announces a run for the White House. He continues to blatantly intertwine his business with foreign financiers and politics, which could be seen a conflict of interest. In the case with the Saudis, such a land development deal doesn’t happen without the support from the ruling Royal family. While sitting on his Oval Office Golden Potty chair, he had a lease on a U.S. government building [the former U.S.Post Office building], which he remodeled into the Trump International Hotel in Washington, which was frequented by government officials and their business people from countries, such as Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Turkey and China. This was a violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. The hotel was reported to have taken in nearly $4M from foreign governments during his time in the White House. It is not a wonder why he stole government documents and stashed them in the basement of Grift-Alot-Lago, and possibly elsewhere. Those documents could be useful to these foreign governments.

Jared Kushner, another grifter, also made a $2B deal with the Saudi Crown Prince while being a place setting in the t-RUMP White House. Eric t-RUMP made a deal, since he runs the Trump Org. with the country of Oman for a golf course and hotel project. 

Margie Toiletry Greene Slime, the Trump Party Dark Shadows character and mouthpiece of her Reichwing caucus [Kevin McKKKarthy step aside], tweeted on Musk’s Twitter platform about the unvaccinated, who in fact, are mostly Trump Party people. More of them died during the pandemic than blue state Democrats who were vaccinated, now that she has been allowed to return to the site. She proclaimed that she isn’t vaccinated. Hurray, Hurray!!  NO ONE REALLY CARES, SLIMEY SLIME GREENE. She wants to call herself a “Pure Blood”, which is a Nazis metaphor, since the Nazis used that same term in order to purify, or ethnic cleanse, their Arian Race. 

In line with Greene Slime’s agenda, her fascist leader t-RUMP was all about censorship. While sitting at the dining table stuffing his face with triple cheeseburgers full of catsup, he decided to block government websites that focused on helping Americans vote. He couldn’t have all Americans voting now could he? Then he proceeded to block anything the government was doing to stop human trafficking, along with addressing the homelessness problems, and the public’s use of the Report Fraud hotline. That was because he liked fraud. Fraud was what he does. Scamming and grifting was his game. Biden reinstated those websites to be viewed and used by the American public.

RUMP was freaked out that he was the target of suspicion by those inside the government. He called it the Deep State. In fact, he operated his own deep state with the likes of Flynn, Bannon, ‘Ghouliani’, Powell, Stone, and others. He was concerned by those working within government agencies, such as the Departments of Defense, Labor, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CIA, the EPA and others. He was deeply paranoid. He controlled these agencies through his control of the Office of Management and Budget.

Read more in detail about this and the differences between RUMP and Biden here.

Laura Italiano writing for the Business Insider unveiled more fraud committed by Duh’Fuhrer when he was signing the checks at the Trump Org. Donald Bender, an independent accountant who worked on the company’s tax returns for 35 years, was flabbergasted when he learned that his client, #45, was writing fat-cat Christmas bonuses to his executives and not declaring it on the company’s taxes. Bender is a defense witness in the T. Org tax-fraud trial. The way t-RUMP was avoiding declaring the bonuses on his taxes was to basically launder the Trump Org’s bonuses through the company’s satellite businesses, such as the Wollman Rink, Grifter-Alot-Lago, his golf courses, his t.v. production company, and such. These paid employees were to pretend that they were independent contractor consultants or freelancers for these businesses, which were actually writing the checks for these corporate bonuses over a 15 year period. This was done every year. Santa Donnie wrote out his secret good boys and girls list and those good little soldiers were rewarded with fat-cat bonuses. Now, did those people declare the cash on their taxes as income? Or, tips?

“The bonuses should have been reported in their entirety on company W-2s each year, as taxable income. But they were not, prosecutors have charged.” These employees “were able to claim the checks as freelance income, which allowed them to stash some of that money in tax-free savings accounts available only to the self-employed.” More fraud!! When the King of Whininess has to testify in the trial against his organization, what will he say about this?

More on the Trump Party whiners. The whiny crybabies on the Reich side of politics, such as Doggie Dougie Mastriano and Kari-Let’s-Drain-the- Lake just cannot accept the peaceful transfer of power unless it was to them. In Lake’s case she has basically told the people of Arizona that she will burn the state down if she cannot win the governor’s mansion hook or by crook. Doggie Dougie has now surrounded himself with Kool-Aid drinkers who are pushing for multi-county recounts throughout Pennsylvania. Their requests submitted to the courts have been rejected. But they keep trying. It’s fascism or bust!!

There is more from another: Colorado’s Lauren ‘bimbo’ Boebert has been called out as the evil sociopathic person who happens to be a total hypocrite following the mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs. She pretended to have compassion for those killed and injured by saying “I send my thoughts and prayers.”  We know that her thoughts are evil thoughts and her prayers would end in terror. For years she has vilified the Gay community and now she is faking sympathy. Now she is crying crocodile tears because she is being fingered out for inciting such hate that may have been an unconscious contributing factor for the young man to enter the club and open fire on the patrons. The Denver Post tore into this fascist crybaby for being a fake. They wrote, “were looking at you” for the hateful rhetoric against the LGBTQ community which led to this latest attack against innocent people. She is the same person who had her kids pose for a Christmas photo holding military-style weapons standing before the Christmas tree thinking this pose was cute. A total sociopath who is raising her kids to be the same as her. 

For anyone who just cannot get their minds around the fact that Duh’Fuhrer is NOT an anti-Semite for one reason or another. Think again. Just days before the Moron from Grift-Alot-Lago announced his return to the 2024 campaign trail, he invited the mentally deranged crazy man Kanye West, or Ye as he wants to be called now, along with West’s psycho brother-in-arms the Holocaust and election denier Nick Fuentes. t-RUMP came out and said that he had no idea that Fuentes was a Holocaust denier.

He wants us to believe when he implies 'I see nothing; I know nothing; I hear nothing.'

 The Anti-Defamation League has called him a White Nationalist, which is much too kind. He is more like a Nazi.  Fuentes once said that “Israel is the anti-Christ.” For the Idiot from Queens to NOT know that he was hosting two Nazi fascists was no ignorant mistake. It was a signal to his hateful base that ‘I’m back!’ “America First”, which is the phrase used by Hitler’s Nazi Party—Germany First. Hitler had a theme which was to “Make Germany Great Again.” Hitler had posters made with the slogan:

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer! Roughly translated as  One People, one Country, one Leader! This isn’t that far off from America First led by Trump.

And for the final piece of ‘Who’s with Stupid’. Eric t-RUMP the very guy whose daddy assigned him to protect the henhouse called the Trump Organization came out and told us that Daddy is like Tom Brady and “fought for this country”, when in fact, his own Grand-Daddy, Freddie t-RUMP Senior, convince a doctor who he was giving free rent to write a medical deferment to his son saying he had bone spurs in his foot so he could get a medical deferment from being drafted into the Vietnam War’s military. He said, “My father fought for this country. Tom Brady always fought and played for his team.” Did Eric forget that football is a business and Brady is an employee on a team in exchange for a big fat salary? Being in the military is NOT the same thing, Eric.

Eric couldn’t stop so he went on and said that his fat daddy ‘plays for “Team America.”’ What is Team America Eric? Is that the Grift-Alota-Lago shuffle board team?  Dumb-Dumb Daddy compared the war in Vietnam to his own efforts to stay free from catching Sexually Transmittable Diseases as he dragged his “hose” all around Manhattan back in the 1970s and 80s putting out the sexual fires he started about town.

This is what is happening to our society. Delusions are the new reality. Fantasy is the new truth-telling. Hiding behind one’s religion has become a substitute for being a responsible citizen of the world. A scorched Earth agenda seems to be the playbook.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington To Investigate Trump

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Mr. Smith goes to Washington to oversee two ongoing criminal investigations against Donald J. Trump. The Department of Justice assigned a Special Counsel to proceed with the cases against the Nitwit From Queens. His name is Jack Smith. Here is the press release statement from the DOJ as directed by A.G. Merrick Garland. 

“The first is the investigation, as described in court filings in the District of Columbia, into whether any person or entity unlawfully interfered with the transfer of power following the 2020 presidential election or the certification of the Electoral College vote held on or about January 6, 2021. The second is the ongoing investigation involving classified documents and other presidential records, as well as the possible obstruction of that investigation, referenced and described in court filings submitted in a pending matter in the Southern District of Florida.”

Read the entire press release HERE.

The guy known as D.T., also known as Derelict Trump- (Delirium Tremors, also known as Donald Trumps, or presidential aspiration withdrawal syndrome, is the most severe form of political withdrawal and can be fatal if not managed properly.) has fumed over a Special Counsel and said he won’t “partake” in the investigation. He claims that this appointment is the “worst politicization of justice in our country.” He seems to forget that being a inciter of an insurrection, stealing government classified documents and lying about it, and lying about voter fraud over and over again, and engaging with the Russians to get elected is not. He also seems to be ignoring that such an action would be considered a crime—obstruction of justice.

The Guy also believes that being impeached twice and being indicted on new crimes constitutes “Double Jeopardy.” Most people know Double Jeopardy as being when the contestant, in this case Duh’Donald, bets all his points on the next question and that he answers it correctly. Thus far, that hasn’t come out too well for him. 

Toe fungus Don  (Derelict Trump) decided to make a performance before the exhausted American people also  suffering from D.T.s. The Nitwit from Queens stood before a curtain of American flags, reading from the teleprompter because he had no idea what he was going to say. He was letting us know that he was continuing his grifting act in order to convince his hot mess supporters to keep the cash rolling in because he is going to need it for his criminal defenses. What he said was he is now a washed up contender for the Trump American Nazi Party nomination for the 2024 presidential race.

The watchdog group called CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, will move forward with a lawsuit against 45 stopping him from running for any public office ever again. The 14 Amendment, section 3 prevents anyone who engaged in an insurrection or rebellion to run for office. We need to stop this infection. 

More pundits believe this declaration full of pomp and circumstance is strictly a money grabbing stunt. All he cares about is himself and grifting. His “Save America” political PAC raised around $170M for his Hot Mess candidates running in the midterm cycle. He promised his candidates around $51M but they never saw a penny of it. He hoarded the cash for himself. The high stakes lawyers he hired are not doing their defense work for free.

Jason Lange from Reuters reported “Save America, which Trump registered after the 2020 election to finance political allies, wired $20 million on Oct. 3 to Make America Great Again Inc, also known as Super PAC MAGA Inc, a fundraising group tied to Trump that was founded in September and supported candidates endorsed by the former leader in the midterms, campaign finance disclosures show.” “Because Trump is not registered as the head of MAGA Inc, his defenders could argue that future MAGA Inc spending was done independently, and therefore allowed under campaign finance laws, said Dan Weiner, director of the Brennan Center's Elections and Government Program.”"That's a gray area in the law that they might try to exploit," said Weiner, a former lawyer at the Federal Election Commission.” “The $20 million transfer is already prompting legal action. The Campaign Legal Center, a non-partisan government watchdog, on Monday asked the FEC to open a probe into the movement of the money, arguing that because MAGA Inc is staffed by current and former Trump aides, it is "obviously intended to fund support for Trump's 2024 presidential candidacy." 

Read more about the legal action against the financial transfer of funds here.

He now believes that he has pulled a fast one on Governor Ronnie D’Jesus Santis, who just won another term as the fascist governor of Florida. Let’s not assume that 45 will run on the GOP ticket. He may form his own political party possibly called the Truth Party. This narcissistic sociopath will do anything to grift power and attention. Attorney George Conway believes that the Nitwit from Queens is pooping his pants over the threat of criminal prosecutions and that by running for president and winning the White House could protect himself from any prosecutions. And by doing so, he will take down the country in the process. Read Sarah K. Burris’ reporting on RawStory and watch the YouTube interview here.

Victor Nava from the New York Post pulled out this quote to describe Trumpty Dumpty’s political announcement, “To paraphrase Voltaire after he attended an orgy, once was an experiment, twice would be perverse,” began the piece, which went on to describe the former president as “bruised” by recent election defeats, as well as “monumentally selfish [and] morally and electorally compromised.” 

t-RUMP is being abandoned by his rich mega donors, such as Stephen Schwarzman the CEO of Blackstone, a business acquisition firm. What is with these Jews who continue to support fascist politicians? He was raised middle class in Philly. His father had a dry goods store. Schwarzman seems to forget that the Jewish community, to this day, is being attacked viciously by the Reichwing, which was led politically by Trumpty Dumpty and now has a new contender, Ronnie D’Jesus Santis. If you are a 

$30B-illionaire, you are more insulated from the hatred of Jews provoked by the Trump American Nazi Party supporters and political figures.

Fascist loving Schwarzman once compared Obama’s tax plan that would raise the tax on carried interest “to a war. and Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939, stating, "It's a war. It's like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939." 

Pennsylvania’s loser, Doggie Dougie Mastriano took a full week to finally believe he lost his attempt to take over the governor’s mansion in spite of losing by a YUUGGE percentage of voters. Arizona’s Hot Mess and election denier Harry Kari Lake finally lost her race for governor. She has yet to concede, and instead decided to head to Grift-alot-Lago to kiss the ring. Is she hoping to be Donald’s running mate?

                                            Trump contemplating kissing Hari Kari

She is continuing her Trumpian clown show by saying the race was littered with election fraud. The Fochs Snooze clown show featuring as a side dish the once known Carl Ham Rove (A gag started by Stephen Colbert) predicting the midterms would a GOP massive take over. The Red Wave turned into a Toxic Red Tide instead. The Trump American Nazi Party, also known as Republicans, have a fascist caucus called the Freedom Caucus whose members want to send the Scarecrow McConnell (He was the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz)  back out to the Kentucky hay fields; but Mitch’s opponent failed to remove him from his leadership position losing the challenge. The House leader KKKevin McKKKarthy has had to wear Attends because he has been peeing his pants hoping to hold onto his position as his caucus’ leader. He has had to make deals with the toxic algae blooms, such as M. Taylor Greene Slime.

But the crazies in the Trump American Nazi Party either have lost all sense of focus and the ability to think, or have a desire to emulate Duh’Fuhrer t-RUMP. The walking zombie running for a Georgia senate seat, Herschel Stalker Walker had a moment where his mind lost clarity while speaking before his fans. He went off on a movie about vampires and werewolves. He could not actually remember the name of the movie but he wanted everyone to know that a werewolf can kill a vampire. Now that was an important factoid we all care about. Right? So, Stalker Walker wanted us to know that he wants to be a werewolf. Here is more of what Walker, not a runner, wanted his fans to know about Walker’s fears so they are prepared when they hit the streets.

 “…you know, gotta have a stake, gotta have a thing to kill him in the heart. And he’s got a necklace of garlic, cause that work. I don’t know what it does but it work. Gotta have a cross, cause it burns, I know that works.”

 Aren’t you glad he gave you the lowdown? He then segwayed his narrative about the vampire movie into attacking Senator Warnock. He compared Warnock’s faith and genuineness with an actor in the film who had a scene where he was dousing the place with holy water and blessing it. Dumbass Walker pulled a Trumpian by losing touch with what is fact with fiction. Warnock is a real person doing good deeds and not play acting such as Walker who, at one time on the campaign trail, had pulled out a fake police badge as some sort of statement. Trump, also, has trouble understanding the difference as does Walker. 

Duh’Fuhrer’s lawyer John Eastman has to face a trial led by California’s federal Judge David Carter. Carter ordered that emails between the Nitwit from Queens and Eastman become evidence in the trial. What some of these emails reveal is that doofus 45 conspired to defraud this country and its laws. What was found in this batch of emails was that 45 knew that there was no voter fraud even though he led a legal crusade to prove that this lie was true in order to incite his followers into a rebellion. Here is what Judge Carter wrote: "'The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public,'  'The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States,' …”

The scared whining baby t-RUMP wrote this on his floundering social network, "Who’s this Clinton appointed 'Judge,' David Carter, who keeps saying, and sending to all, very nasty, wrong, and ill informed statements about me on rulings, or a case (whatever!), currently going on in California, that I know nothing about - nor am I represented. With that being said, please explain to this partisan hack that the Presidential Election of 2020 was Rigged and Stolen. Also, he shouldn’t be making statements about me until he understands the facts, which he doesn’t!"

 t-RUMP is just like Walker who cannot think clearly or logically. He has no idea why Eastman is facing a trial. The evidence is pointing to t-RUMP and Eastman in spite of over 60 court cases proving that there was NO WIDE SPREAD VOTER FRAUD or RIGGED ELECTION. 

The Nitwit from Queens has to grift his way to the Trump American Nazi Party 2024 presidential primary nomination because he has lawyer’s fees to pay. He has been lawsuit crazy for decades. He has sued Facebook, Twitter, YouTube because they dumped his stinky ass from their platforms. Whaa, Whaa, Whaa. What has been at the heart of this is Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which allowed them to suppress 45’s First Amendment rights by deleting his accounts. In the suit, he is asking the court to find that section 230 is unconstitutional, which would then allow fascist blowhards and Nazis to spew their hate and vile rhetoric over any platform without the threat of removal. What is interesting is that t-RUMP wants unrestrained free speech on other platforms but  not on his platform, TruthSocial; speech is banned if the creator of the contents goes after t-RUMP. The 1996 Act is explained this way, “[it] provides immunity to online platforms from civil liability based on third-party content and for the removal of content in certain circumstances.”

The latest out of the Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Org’s CFO saga who is being prosecuted for tax fraud decided to trade in a long term prison sentence for a shorter Riker’s Island one, which involved squealing on his boss. Yes, he is still being paid his $630M salary, and hoping for a bonus for spilling the beans about the fraud that existed inside the Trump Org. The guy failed to pay taxes on all the “gifts” he received from the company, such as the leases paid on two Mercedes, a luxury Riverside Drive fully furnished apartment in NYC, his mortgage on his family’s Long Island home, as well as their Florida home; and, all his utilities and his parking fees. All this comes to $1.76M in freebees. He points the finger at his boss, Duh’Fuhrer, for authorizing all the deals, and said that others knew of this tax evasion scheme, such as the company’s senior Vice President Jeffrey McConney, and accounts payable supervisor Deborah Tarasoff. Eric and his fat daddy must be pooping in their pants knowing that the tax fraud scheme points right back to them. The Manhattan D.A. could file charges against the chief owners of the company following Weisselberg’s trial. 

Duh’Fuhrer isn’t the only one from his TANP wanting to destroy this country, Governor KKKim Reynolds of Iowa decided to turn down $30M in federally funded child care aid to those in need in her state. This bungling blowhard, who was elected, showed her incompetence after COVID hit her state as she failed to get a grip on it. She is a grifting governor who took credit for the $100M check she received from the American Rescue Plan to use for her state’s water infrastructure, yet returned cash that was to be used for her schools. She took credit for the Biden plan, which she rejected. That is being Trumpian.

From the annals of Georgia’s House Clown M. Taylor Greene Slime, we find that, once again, this moron thinks through her ass. She fails to proof-read her tweets. She recently compared her enemies as ducks. Here is what she said, “I’m sure our enemies are quacking [a smarter person would have said quaking] in their boots while we are still over here trying to count ballots.” Now in Greene’s case of proving ignoramuses can be elected—if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, poops like a duck, it must be a duck. How hard is it to proof-read 4 lines of text?

Out in California, the votes are still being counted. California’s 47 district has Katie Porter, Democrat, finally winning over her opponent. Democrats Mark Kelly and Katherine Cortez Masto won their seats in Arizona and Nevada respectively.  The Toe Fungus failed to take over those seats with his psycho contenders. 

In spite of the slim margins won by TANP members for Congressional seats, Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project believes there will be a large degree of chaos planned over the next two years. He said, "I think that what we're seeing right now is, McCarthy will have a little 30-second victory lap, but the crazy runs the party.” “Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, Jim Jordan — the lunatics are fully in charge of the asylum. You're going to see, they're going to drive the agenda, and if Kevin gets off the reservation, they're going to be in a position where basically ... they have full control of this thing, and unless Kevin stays on an agenda for them and for Trump, with endless Hunter Biden laptop investigations, endless conspiracy theories, persecuting Dr. Fauci — they will eat him alive. The crazy is in charge." “the "nihilism" of the "Trump MAGA cohort" is "much more intense" than the ability of the Democrats to maintain any sort of sanity in the Congress.”

Buffoon Donald gave his song and dance routine from his his home declaring that ‘I’m a contender’ and watch out Ronnie D. so just step aside. In that speech he was bragging about his so-called failed accomplishments. One being that while he sat on his Oval Office Golden Potty Chair throne he gave $28B for a farmer bailout because of the competition they faced by China during his trade war with the world. One irony is that $100M ended up in the hands of the Brazilian dictator Maduro claiming to be a Brazilian company with a history of corruption. It sounds like a money laundering operation. t-RUMP’s motto was ‘Corrupt Brazilian Billionaires First.’

Journalists Daniel Dale and Paul LeBlanc did a fact checking session as they sifted through all the lies spewed by the former Grifter in Chief. One claim was that 45 was the first president to generate a positive cash flow resulting from his tariffs imposed on China. In fact, the tariffs were a financial drain on our economy. American importers ended up paying for the tariffs and not the exporters. Read all the details here as reported by Sarah Rumpf for MEDIAite. 

The circus has come to town so settle in.

Friday, November 11, 2022

A Toxic Red Tide Polluted The Country

This blogspot has been neglected because two other sites have taken priority. Here they are: 

Substack has been the primary site.

As we saw just the other day from Rupert Murdoch, he decided to grab t-RUMP by his shriveled up cahoonas and toss him up against his failed border wall. 

He used the name that labels this blogspot: Trumpty Dumpty.

Here is most updated piece about this NITWIT from Queens and his New American Nazi Party members.

                                                      Trump's pants are on fire

The  Despicable Donald, who is flying around the country pretending to support his precious MAGATrumpie candidates but is really raising cash to line his own pockets, is teetering on announcing his candidacy for president in 2024. But, if he does announce, a watchdog group called CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, will sue to disqualify him from ever running for a political office again. There is “a provision in the Constitution that bars candidates who engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States.”

A letter was sent to the Nitwit From Queens that read, “Should you seek or secure any future elected or appointed government office including the presidency of the United States, we will pursue your disqualification.” “The group cites Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits candidates who have “engaged in the insurrection or rebellion” from holding any public office in the United States.” Their evidence is when he summoned “a violent mob to disrupt the transition of presidential power mandated by the Constitution after having sworn to defend the same, “including by mobilizing, inciting, and aiding those who attacked the Capital” [which “is overwhelming”] you made yourself ineligible to hold public office again.” 

This Amendment was “adopted following the Civil War in 1868, the provision has been used mostly to disqualify officials tied to the Confederacy, and it was most recently used by Congress in 1919 to disqualify the Socialist candidate Victor Berger over accusations of giving aid and comfort to Germany during World War 1.”

There are other cases in which this provision was used in the recent past. Read them here.

Do people who run as members of the Trump American Nazi Party have to take a stupid test before being selected? Apparently Red Tide Ron DeSantis  passed with flying colors. During his debate with his gubernatorial challenger Charlie Crist, Ronald, who is paranoid about many things that scare him said, “You have people that are teaching—actually his running mate has said this in the past—that teaching the United States was built on stolen land. That is inappropriate for our schools; it’s not true.”

Here are the facts laid out by historians, “it is well documented that the U.S. acquired Native American land through dubious treaties and, at times, forcefully confiscated ancestral territories to bolster the country’s expansion. There were times when “tribes signed land-ceding agreements under duress.”

“Andrew Frank, a Florida State University professor who specializes in the history of the Seminoles, said the U.S. annexed much of Florida through treaties that a majority of the tribal leaders opposed. The U.S. military drove out more than 3,000 Seminoles from the state, according to the Florida Department of State. Around 300 members of the tribe remain in Florida.”

Ronnie D has now made the claim that he has been in direct communication with G-D because G-D was in need of a protector and Ron was chosen. G-D made him a fighter “on the 8th day.” What calendar is he using? He even made a political ad making these claims. As Austin Powers said in his movie, “Who are these people?”

For all the MAGAT voters, they seem to have forgotten that under the Reign of Trump Terror, he rewarded only a specific segment of American workers with more cash in their pockets under his tax cut. If you made $3M per week you were greatly rewarded under his tax cut. Just “last year the 237,000 highest paid employees in America together made more money than the lowest paid 60 million workers.” This is based upon the latest federal wage statistics analyses by David Kay Johnston writing for DCReport, and posted as well on RawStory.

He reported that “the top employees collected $695.3 billion for their work last year.” “The worst paid 60 million workers earned $628.3 billion, about 5% less than the fat cats at the top of the pay ladder.” This is 237,000 versus 60 million workers!!!!!

“The bosses hold Executive Class jobs—which DCReport defines as those paying $1million or more.” This sector of worker is growing faster than any other. The Executive Class worker grew 325% over the past thirty years, which is ten times the grow of the rest of our workforce, which increased only 33%. The Executive Class grew 95 times faster in just the last year alone.

60 million workers, mostly part-timers, made $25,000 or less. “The lowest paid 30 million full-time workers made less than the total paid to those 506 bosses at the top…” “Last year the 97% of full-time workers making less than $325,000 got pay raises averaging 2.7% while inflation ran 4.7% leaving the typical worker $1200.00 worse off in terms of buying power.” 

David Kay Johnston asks who is responsible for this? His answer fall on the voters who allow these politicians who support the Executive Class over the working class. The MAGAT voter, who apparently desire a more authoritarian form of government that favors the oligarchs over the working people. They also vote for the most vile people who run as candidates in their states. One such person is Colorado’s Bimbo Boebert. This fascist loving Putinite followed in the Devil from the land of Oz, Mehmet Oz, decided to attack the Pennsylvania Senate candidate following his stroke. Bimbo decided to tweet, “Would you ride in a car if John Fetterman was driving? I wouldn’t.” She doesn’t seem to care how she attacked millions of Americans who are back living their lives following a disabling medical condition. John Fetterman speaks and thinks much clearer and more coherently that Bimbo Boebert, or t-RUMP, for that matter.

WOW!! Fetterman doesn’t seem to be a problem driver, yet Bimbo has a horrible driving record. “In 2006, she rolled her truck into a ditch and was charged with careless driving and operating an unsafe vehicle.” This is how the Bimbo rolls. Her husband Jayson Bozo Boebert, “pleaded guilty to charges of “public indecency and lewd exposure” after he reportedly took his penis out of his pants [, at a bowling alley,] to show off a tattoo to two young women.” Bimbo witnessed the entire episode. Maybe these two need to attend Perverted Alcoholics Anonymous. 

We cannot forget that their bar Shooters was shut down due to a food poisoning outbreak. And, she decided to take advantage of her campaign fund account by writing herself a fat check for over $22,000 because she drove 37,000 miles over a six month period campaigning in her voting district. This is what we call grifting. Bimbo has never seen this much cash in her entire life. Her campaign cash raised over the time as a Congresswoman has made her a big time grifter. We cannot forget her bar business had to shut down because it went broke. She has raised over one million dollars. This cash she can take with her, more money than she has ever seen in her life, if she loses her Congressional seat.

Clearly, she passed the MAGAT stupid test before being selected as Colorado’s Clown CONgresswoman.

Read the full article here.

Texas Governor Glenn Yuck-Yuck Youngkin cannot be out done by his Florida competitor Red Tide Ron for his stupidity. Gargoyle Glenn wanted to try his hand at a Dumbass Home Run. He hit one. He came to the defense of Arizona candidate Kari Lake who continues has lied throughout the campaign. She has grasped the idea of “alternative facts” as being facts. Glenn told us that facts really don’t matter because people see them differently. He doesn’t seem to understand that a fact is not necessarily an opinion, and an opinion is not a fact. That is how the Trump American Nazi Party, once called by the abbreviation GOP, rolls. Facts don’t matter anymore. Lies are the new facts. 

Here is more from the TANP stupid member’s club. Reported on HuffPo by Jonathan Nicholson, Republican, in name only, Ryan Walters, who is running the position of state school superintendent has claimed that school children are given litter boxes to use in the school bathrooms for kids that identify as a furry. Where do these morons come from? This proves that crap floats to the top. Red Tide DeSantis, t-RUMP, Kushner and others continue to prove this time and again. Where does Oklahoma find these nitwits? Oh, “he was a finalist for Oklahoma’s Teacher Of The Year in 2016.” He won!! Go figure. The people of his Okie district don’t want their kids pooping and peeing in their bathroom litter boxes. These people live in a distorted world of alternative facts. It is called Mass Hysteria.

Nikki Haley, a dangerous comet in her own rite, seems to need a great deal of hyperbolic attention, as well. She went after Senator Warnock of Georgia, the same guy who is the preacher in the church led by Martin Luther King, and said that he should be “deported.” Why shouldn’t we expect a brown skinned person such as Sticky Nikki a true racist, to make such a racist comment. She said this vile comment at a Herschel  Walker rally. These people are so desperate to maintain power at any cost even if they hustle for a complete nincompoop. A t-RUMP style vile person. Did she mean he should go back to Africa? Well Stickie Sickie Nikki, he is a full blooded American. His father was a World War veteran. What about YOU? You were a useless place setting at the United Nations representing this country for two years. And, you took South Carolina down the rabbit hole when you were their governor for six years. Being that YOUR parents are from India, would you consider deporting yourself? No doubt, they would love to have you.

What brought about your racist attack against Warnock? It was all about immigration. It was her belief that legal immigrants are better people and more desired people than those who risked their lives to sneak into the country to escape their home countries for a variety of reasons. She went after the Democrats for the influx of undocumented immigrants, which is not true. She seems to have forgotten that Duh’Fuhrer put people in cages and built a wall that is currently disintegrating and failed to stop the influx of immigrants. That’s your style, too. A failure by a MAGAT Congresses to address immigration with a sensible and humane plan.

Thom Hartmann writing for Independent Media Institute and AlterNet sees a parallel between the Republican Party of 1964 and the Trump American Nazi Party of today.  He begins by asking “Will we be governed by representatives we elect, or people put in office by angry mobs storming capitals?” “Republicans have been attacking the heart of our democracy right out in the open since 1964 and covering it up by yelling about "voter fraud.”” “It's a phrase they essentially invented, although it was occasionally used by the Confederacy during its later years when they tried to suppress poor white voters who opposed the oligarchy.”

“No other developed country in the world worries about "voter fraud" because it's been nonexistent in most modern democracies. It's not a thing anywhere except in the United States, and now Brazil. And it's only a thing here because of this strategy that was developed in 1964.” 

After all, what kind of idiot is stupid enough to risk going to prison to cast one vote out of millions? What possible payoff is there to that? And the one time somebody tries to do it at scale — like the Republican scheme a few years ago in North Carolina to buy a few dozen mail-in ballots from low-income people in a trailer park — it gets exposed because it's almost impossible to cover things like that up for any period of time. After all, it would take thousands of votes in most places, sometimes tens of thousands, to alter election outcomes.” [We cannot forget that it occurred in Florida, at a senior citizens retirement community called The Villages where a bunch of stupid MAGATs committed voter fraud.]

The Reichwing media’s propagandistic message machine has been the mouthpiece for a white racist state over the past 60 years. Their message is that “Black people, apparently, can’t even figure out how to vote right.” It has been all about suppressing the Black and Brown votes. Redistricting, gerrymandering, and installing regressive laws focusing on controlling voter ID, drop boxes, poll taxes, counting jelly beans in a jar as a test to vote [a 1950s technique used to control the Black vote], and to just make it hard for disenfranchised voters to cast their ballots.

Here is how it all began. “In 1964, Sen. Barry Goldwater — who was running for president on the Republican ticket — openly opposed the Civil Rights Act that [Democrat Lyndon] Johnson had just pushed through Congress. He was doubly opposed to the Voting Rights Act that Johnson had teed up for 1965 if he was re-elected.”

At the time:

  • 35.5 percent of the citizens of Mississippi were Black but only 4.3 percent were able to register to vote.
  • Alabama was 26% Black: 7% could vote.
  • South Carolina was nearly one-third Black (29.2%) but only 9% of that state's African Americans could successfully register to vote.
  • Alabama was 26% Black but the white power structure made sure only 7% could vote.”

“…back in 1964 Goldwater and his Republicans wanted to keep Black people from voting. And the media was fine going along with them: After all, this was a time when the only Black faces on TV were portrayed as criminals, minstrels or buffoons. The advertising money that paid the salaries of television executives was only interested in a white audience. But Republican efforts in 1964 were complicated by the civil rights movement and its leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. African Americans and their allies were marching across the country for their right to vote, and had acquired a strong affinity for and loyalty to the Democratic Party that had just put civil rights into law.” 

In order to push back the massive movement for civil rights and the right to vote, the Goldwater Reichwingers started their version of “fake news” by saying “[t]here was massive "voter fraud" going on, exclusively in America's cities, where mostly Black people were voting more than once in different polling places and doing so under different names, often, as Donald Trump said in 2019, "by the busload" after Sunday church services.” 

And to this day the racist propaganda machine continues to say that illegals are voting using stolen Social Security numbers by the millions. A trope continued by Duh’Fuhrer t-RUMP, and will likely continue into 2024. Operation Eagle Eye has been expanded to use armed self-described domestic fascist militias to intimidate voters, and create their own type of  “election police” as has been created by Governor Ron DeSanctimonous to round up suspected voter fraud suspects. This sounds a lot like Hitler’s youth force to rat on their neighbors on behalf of The Third Reich. This is being done on behalf of Duh’Fuhrer Ronnie D. 

William Rehnquist, who later became the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, back in 1964 when he was already a budding Reichwing fascist lawyer in Arizona, “helped organize a program called Operation Eagle Eye in his state to challenge the vote of Hispanic and Black voters and to dramatically slow down the voting lines in communities of color to discourage people who had to get back to work from waiting what would become hours in line to vote.” Women are among the most affected by these regressive policies.

Remember Bush v. Gore? The Florida hanging chad count was being challenged by John Roberts and Brett Kegger Kavanaugh who were lawyers working on behalf of Bush before the Rehnquist court to stop the recount. Look where that has gotten us today. Operation Eagle Eye has been morphed over and over again into different forms. It has become the law in various White Nationalist state legislatures to legally repress minority voters’ access to the ballot box and to set into motion “voter fraud” plans if the desired election outcomes don’t meet their politically desired expectations. 

Hartmann goes on to say, “Who'd vote, after all, for more tax cuts for billionaires, more pollution, banking and media deregulation, privatizing Medicare, gutting Social Security, shipping jobs overseas, keeping drug prices high and preventing workers from forming unions? On the other hand, corporate America — including the massive corporations that own most of our media — love the GOP…”

American democracy is on the precipice. This midterm election may throw it over the edge or hold on to it for another two years.

Read the entire piece here.

The midterm elections are now over, as of this piece is concluded. Pennsylvania held 
their democracy and freedom. The fascists were toppled. Doggie Dougie Mastriano and Dr. Mehmet Oz were kicked to curb. In spite of Reichwing billionaire Leonard Leo, who funneled millions of campaign cash the way of Oz,  it didn’t matter. Oz lost and was 
sent back to New Jersey were he originally crawled out from to become a 
carpetbagging candidate for PA senate. Doggie Daddy Mastriano was so sick and perverted (a field operator for the Insurrection, an election denier, an anti-Semitic Nazi lover, a radically self-righteous far-right Christian wanting ban abortions, and who loved to dress up in a Confederate uniform—code for slavery), was very connected to Nazis) 
could not be stomached even non-Democrats failed to come Pennsylvania’s governor.

                                                    A Boebert Christmas

As of this pressing, Colorado’s Lauren Bimbo Boebert is ahead of her Democratic opponent by only 400 votes! What this proves is that every votes actually makes a difference.

For all those who voted for a fascist red ripple, they will have to answer to their kids 

and grandkids why they decided to vote against freedom and democracy.