Friday, June 26, 2020

Trump Says "I see dead people."

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Demagogue Donnie keeps saying that because we test, we record more of the Trump Virus. The reason we are seeing an uptick in testing, is because there are more people getting sick!! They are showing up sick. We have NOT been testing non-symptomatic carriers but strictly testing sick people.
   The Moron-in-Chief wants to play stupid over and over again; but, it is no longer working for him.
   He has also said that the toppling of his Confederate comrades is “destroying our heritage”. The Confederacy was a treasonous movement. Trump supports those supporters of slavery and separation from the Union in order to maintain their slavery culture because he is a full-blown White Supremacist and fascist, as well.
   The Devil-in-the-White House is saying that he will write an executive order to prevent vandalism against Confederate and other monuments. He is trying to rally is hate base.
   But in fact, Donald Trump has written orders to destroy more national monuments than the protesters. Trump has destroyed our sacred lands in order to allow profiteers to take over portions of our sacred lands to exploit, drill and log. Read it here.
   Trump said about slowing testing, “I don’t kid. Let me just tell you. Let me make it clear…By having more tests, we find more cases.”
   No shit Sherlock! You moron! There is more tests going on because the Trump Virus is spreading and increasing.
   At Trump’s Tulsa Clown Show rally, he was persistent at defending his mental and physical health. He went on a several minute stand up routine explaining why he shuffled down off the ramp at the West Point graduation ceremony. This was his routine for his 6,000 member audience.
   Trump and his fascist foot soldiers cannot keep from expressing their pride for White Supremacy. Trump is now calling his very own virus, the very virus he walked away from, the Kung Flu. He has owned the virus by his very lazy, stupid, foolhardy actions. This is why it should be called the Trump Virus.
   Now we hear that one of his former idiots who worked as an aide, Sebastian Gorka, has called wearing a face mask a—“COVID Burqas”. This fool is so uncertain about his masculinity that he says wearing a mask is “something inhuman”. He is really embarrassed that the mask takes away his masculinity. He has shown us that in fact he is very, very insecure with himself.
   Kellyanne “Klansman” Conway said that had China been honest about the coronavirus in the beginning, the U.S. would not be in the condition it is currently in today. She clearly has been drinking too many hydroxychloroquine lattes, along with her boss. Her idiot boss lied to the American people from the very beginning even though he was fully informed going back to 2019, and had he told the truth and gotten ahead of what is now the Trump Virus, we would likely be in a much safer place as a nation.
   We learned that the administration and Treasury Secretary Mnunchin issued $1.6B of stimulus relief checks to dead people. Trump rants about dead people voting but he didn’t seem to care that they were issued taxpayer cash. The economy is not going to be recovering for quite awhile, according to the experts. The U.S. economy will be the worst among the entire developed world. The U.S. will see an economic collapse by 8% as the other nations will see a slip of 5%. As more jobs disappear, the economy will falter and small businesses will close as the Trump Virus spreads. More mall stores will shutter their doors. More lower wage earners will lose their jobs. Currently, the unemployment rate hit 14%. It is going to continue to rise. We will see more properties going into foreclosure and more bankruptcies. Corporate earnings will suffer. This is Trump’s fault. He is just so incompetent that he doesn’t care that the economy will fail.

   Trump’s vile attitude continues to rear its ugly head as he resists the advice of the health experts, and ignore public health recommendations. Republican state health experts are, too, being ignored, as well. All of this will damage our economy, jobs and American families.
   Trump doesn’t care about absolutely anything but getting as much attention from his circus fans. The bloviating big tent circus clown-in-chief cares about nothing but getting their cheers and hollers. He ignores the present moment and lives in the past. All his gains that he leans on have been wiped away. His circus fans don’t care, either.
   What kind of country do we live in? A country where people no longer care about their own health or health of family members are willing to risk the health of their health care workers, doctors, nurses and others is totally reckless and shameful.
   We live in a nation of selfish, shameless, ignorant people. And that is the life of Donald Trump, as well.

Trump in his Oval Office Daycare Center playing with his action figures.

Listen to Don Lemon. Trump's Carnage.

Listen to stupid, self-centered nut jobs bash mask wearing, and COVID prevention.

Listen to a woman who has been sick with COVID for 3 months and suffering.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Trump's Tulsa Rally Was A Boring Re-Run To An Empty Venue

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   The Confederate President #2 has loaded up his inner circle with rightwing religious ideologues whose only care in the world is the Second Coming of Christ’s landing destination being Israel. They don’t care about the Jews living there or anything else about Israel, for that matter. It is only a ploy to bring Jesus home. Trump, the likely anti-Christ, will bungle their hopes of success. He’s got kayleigh McE-Ninny, Putz Pence, Pompous Pompeo, and Rick “Oops, I Forgot” Perry, along with Jerry Falwell, and Trump’s personal fortune teller, Paula White.
   Their goal is to move the U.S. from a democracy to a neo-fascist theocracy whereby their “Dominionist” philosophies will control every aspect of life. They hope for a Christian rule of the country and their Evangelical worldview will dominate over every aspect of government.
   McE-Ninny once wrote in 2013 “…we owe it to ourselves to elect individuals who will treat the office—and by proxy their constituents—with the respect it deserves. We use to care about morals.” From the sound of it, she’s had too many Lysol lattes!! Her boss is the worst example of an elected official she could ever hope to work for.
   The Death Cult president and his followers in the White House hope for deaths so the evangelicals can rejoice so their souls might join the creator, if they qualify. Religion and death are their embraces.
   Trump even went as far as posting on Facebook more of his evil messages to America. This time it was a dog whistle and a toss of raw meat to his Nazi and White Supremacy base. He posted a red triangle used during the German Nazi regime to mark that Jews were housed in their concentration camps. Facebook took it down from its website. More evidence that in spite of surrounded by Jews and having Jews in his family, he really hates Jews.
   As was pointed out on this Blogspot, Trump ignored the coming pandemic with purpose. The Trump Virus cleared a path for a greater White nation, since many who died were people of color.
   Now Putz, formerly known as Pence, has said that if we didn’t test so much, we wouldn’t have as many illnesses and deaths. Now that is coming from a guy who could be president in an emergency. What he is saying is that if we stopped testing, all would be right with the virus. Denialism is the chapter that follows the one that follows the one on Death in Pence’s future memoir. In Roger Sollenberger’s Salon article (Read it Here), he said that the killing of General Soleimani of Iran was required to protect their form of ethnic cleansing in order to protect Israel and Jesus’ Second Coming.
   The Second Confederate President’s number two guy, The Putz, declared, “ The virus is gone.” “If we don’t test, we won’t have anymore cases.” That is like saying if you don’t look at that box of donuts on the table, then there really aren’t any donuts. That’s his denialism at work.
   Also, The Putz continues to spew lies upon lies while claiming to be a devout Christian. He, too, must be the anti-Christ, a role he shares with his boss. He, like Trump, believe that the economy is rebounding.
   Dumb-Dumb Donnie was interviewed by his son, Dingleberry Donnie Junior. He told us that if Democrats get elected, we will see the worst recession ever, and possible a depression.
   Well Dumb-Dumb, we now have the highest unemployment rate ever when adjusted for the population numbers. We are now heading into an economic depression. The stimulus—CARES Act—did nothing for the economy. Because they were absent from the planning of a stimulus package to aid in financial support of the unemployed and displaced workers, Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic coalition had to figure it out on their own. Trump’s economic advisor, Larry “Da’Kook” Kudlow was totally missing. Pelosi and the Congress had to help out the economy and workers in a very short timeframe. What she and Moscow Mitch ended up passing through the Congress ended up not rescuing the economy as they hoped for.
   The CARES Act did not help bring workers back to work safely and effectively. The data showed that the wealthy got a check along with everyone else. The wealthy did not need it and they didn’t spend it in their local communities, which meant that those businesses didn’t reopen and their lower waged workers didn’t return to work. They remained unemployed. So, if the wealthy communities didn’t see a boost from the CARES Act’s stimulus cash, then that “trickle down” effect didn’t help restaurants and other retailers. Unfortunately, the stimulus cash had little effect with all other communities. It put cash into the hands of those people who didn’t need it.
   Experts believe the stimulus cash would have been better utilized had it strictly been given out to just those people who were/are unemployed and displaced from work. The money would be immediately spent in their local communities. This stimulus would have possibly opened up more businesses and employed more people.
   As John Bolton believes, Trump, and his Stepford Wife V.P., The Putz, only cares about himself and what benefits himself; and not the American people. Trump’s campaign ad calls out Biden for his relationship with China. Bolton writes that Trump begged China’s president Xi to buy agricultural products, such as wheat and soy, so he could get reelected. Trump’s foreign policy has only about him and strategies to get him reelected.
   We heard The Putz say that “All Lives Matter”. This is just another way of saying, ’the only lives that matters are ‘Us White Folk’, except if you are gay.
   The economy is headed for a long deep slide into darkness as many Americans go maskless. The malls will begin to look like ghost towns as more and more retailers go bankrupt. More unemployment. Less spending. This cycle will spiral downward. Wall Street is very worried.
   As The Cretin and his white haired robot try to convince us that The Trump Virus problem is over, they’ll be surprised that its still here gathering momentum. Look out Tulsa!!!
   Trump is very scared of being sent back to New York and prosecuted that he released his attack dog Billybob Barr to fire the Manhattan U.S. federal attorney, an appointee of Trump, who is investigating possible crimes committed by Trump and his relationship with Turkey’ president.
   He is also pissing his diaper because the Supreme Court didn’t go in his favor, which was to kill DACA. They told Trump to try again. He is desperately trying to hold his Nazi Party together, but it is likely to collapse.    
 And finally, Trump’s Daddy Needs Love Rally ended up a dud. The one million tickets issued were asked by people wanting to load up on ticket requests but had no intention of attending. The Cretin pulled out his 2016 playbook script, jazzed it up by switching Hillary’s name with Sleepy Joe’s name. He spent his carnival barker time talking about what he had supposedly done, yet totally ignored what is actually happening now. It was like that 45 year old guy talking about his glory days in high school, while ignoring his life today. He named the Trump Virus “The Thing”. He blamed The Thing on his current downfall. So be it, Donnie. Blame is Your Thing! The venue was barely full. Mostly empty. People decided it wasn’t worth catching The Thing at his rally. The police even arrested a 61 year old woman, with a rally ticket, wearing a BLM T-Shirt who was sitting quietly outside the venue. No wonder a great many Americans want to abolish the police as we know them today. Apparently, a great many police haven’t watched the Powerpoint explaining that their jobs are at-risk.

             Trump's nearly empty Tulsa rally

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, June 15, 2020

Trump Is A Half-NitWit Demagague

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

                 Painted in Denver, CO

   One has to ask why did Trump ignore the murder of George Floyd? Why did he decide to not get ahead of the very early protests in Minneapolis? Why did he let the protest momentum gather energy and take over the country and the entire world? Was this a deliberate decision to let this protest energy ignite so he could proclaim that only he could be the “Law and Order President?” It appears that he did the same thing with the Coronavirus by letting it take over the country with very little attention when it began to take hold back in the early months of this year. As many have said that he intentionally allowed the virus to kill and make ill a great many innocent Americans. By doing so, he missed the memo that by not testing and tracing and locking down early, the Trump Virus would bomb the economy into the Second Great Recession and possibly into the Next Depression.
   Trump allowed the protests to take root when he failed to speak out and tell everyone that he would make sure that the Justice department would get to bottom of the killing, and that he would speak with the Floyd family directly. Instead, he went and played golf. And later, he sneaked down into the White House bunker. Then, he took his “Walk of Fools” to St. John’s Church.
   In some sort of childish way of portraying himself as the strong, militaristic type, he thought he could tackle this national crisis. By pulling in the military, and making our streets as a battle zone, he lost his footing and fell flat on his face. He played this as some sort of scripted television drama, but he failed to understand that this was real life. His weird game plan was to divide and conquer believing that his voting base was going to rally behind him and begin protesting on his behalf; but instead, what happened was a major explosion to defund police departments because they have morphed into some sort of pseudo-militarized domestic fighting force and given permission by Trump use violence against Americans. He spoke about giving permission to police to be tough and rough on those they believed to be civil disrupters. What we have seen are police departments willing to consider major restructuring, as well as officers resigning because they are upset over this rebellion against them. Trump has turned himself into a “Half-NitWit Demagogue”.
   New young voters are coming out to finally say that Trump must go!!! And, that police departments as we know them must go, too. He has proven to be a complete idiot with no intelligence or leadership skills. He has begun to anger life long Republicans, Christians, young Black people, young White people, and many other Americans. He thought he could raise the flag by heading over to West Point, but that was a joke, as well.
   It appears during The Cretin’s West Point pre-rally practice commencement speech that he had been drinking too many Lysol Lattes. He was seen having trouble raising his right hand, while holding a glass of water, to his mouth requiring his left hand to assist. Then, while walking off the stage down a flight of stairs or a ramp he seemed to have trouble with his coordination. His descending gait cadence was very choppy as he leapt the last few steps onto the ground. It appears Trump may have exhibited a neurological disorder. We shouldn’t be surprised. His thinking has been impaired for a long time. He claimed to have been taking hydroxychloroquine. If so, this may be a side effect for The Cretin.
    Trump’s decline was recently seen during his “Perp Walk” to St. John’s Church. Now, church officials have expressed their disgust of Trump’s violation of religious, and sacred symbols. They believe his use of violence to achieve his staged political objectives, which parallels with fascist tactics. Church officials said that the use of weapons, and for military and police to clear away citizens from a public space in order for Trump to parade his fascist entourage, along with Joint Chief of Staff Milley, decked out in his full Army fatigues, so The Cretin could stand in front of the boarded up St. John’s Church. He was photographed standing attention, while holding the Bible upside down. His scowl clearly topped the photo by showing the guy has no soul.
   Trump’s niece will soon release her tell-all book about Trump and the family. This will certainly cause Dumb-Dumb to wear a permanent scowl.
   How could anyone NOT believe Trump’s actions were antithetical to church and religious beliefs? The militarization of Christianity for political gain is very fascist in its origin.  This has to be viewed as blasphemy!!
   While St. John’s minister was in the crowd of protesters during the “Perp Walk”, he had no idea of Trump’s political stunt, which was happening in real time. Trump had the crowd gassed and cleared so his “Walk of Fools” could plant their flag. Trump could have been wearing Melania’s infamous green jacket with the words “I Don’t Care. Do You?” emblazoned upon the back. Every step he took from the White House to the church, while holding someone else’s Bible upside down, has been viewed as blasphemous by many Americans.

   Trump has truly become a “Half-NitWit Demagague”.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, June 12, 2020

Trump Actually Believes There Is No Systemic Racism In The U.S. And He Can Fix It Very Fast

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Trump’s Foot Soldiers of the Confederacy who surround him declared that “there is no systemic racism in the country.” Donald J. Trump is now The Confederate President—TCP!!
   It is so easy to give meaningless statements minimizing the evil of their Death Cult President. Over the decades, Black men and women had been seen by many White people as nameless people. Often times they have been called pronouns instead of their given names. In the film, Gone With The Wind, the Black woman character, a slave to the elite, was never called her own name, but was called Mammy.
   Black Americans have been treated as Less-Than for centuries, and George Floyd’s death wasn’t giving two thumbs up from Heaven in support of The Cretin’s economic news, which ended up days later to be nothing but “Fake News”. His unemployment rate was NOT 13% but closer to 17%. A drop of only 3% indicating that his numbers were wrong. Trump has never been too good with numbers. At one point, he was in debt by $1 billion. George Floyd was probably giving Trump two thumbs down for being a provocateur, a fomenter of hate, his failure to tell the truth, being a human swine, and believing he is The Confederate President and not the nation’s president.
   Former Fake Fox News hack, Larry Kudlow, who now is a Trump lackey stooge, came out and said, “There is no systemic racism in America.” This is what happens when slimy toadies are allowed to crawl out of their holes and become a member of the Trump administration.
   One of The Cretin’s Death Cult Ohio followers, State Senator Steve Huffman, and doctor, who was fired from his hospital position for his comment, referred to Black people as “colored” and blaming them for catching The Trump Virus because they don’t wash their hands as properly as White people. ‘Well I do declare Jethro, them there Colored folks ain’t too good at washin’ their hands. And, you ain’t nether.” So, systemic racism is not an issue in this country? Look no further than your neighbor, your state representative, your federal representative, and your president.
   We can look back at Oklahoma City at a time in 2019, when Derrick Scott, a Black man, was forced to the ground by a cop, who said, “I don’t care” when Scott said, “I can’t breathe.” Scott died at the scene.
   Now Mark Milley, another Trump lackey and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said about his part in the Walk of Fools to St. John’s Church photo op stunt, “I should not have been there. My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.” Hey Willy Nilly Milley, it is a little too late. You slept through the wake up call. You were a fool to join the “Perp Walk”, wearing his Army fatigues, following Ding Dong Donnie as he held up someone else’s Bible upside down for his photo stunt. (He held it upside down. Look at the top of the Bible and you will see a bend in the binding indicating that the reader would rest it on one’s lap causing the binding to bend and break down showing he held it upside down.) Milley is just another idiot who cannot think for himself when he needed to do so.

   Trump has been playing favorites with the Treasury’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). He allowed Mnuchin to hand to a small number of large, publicly traded corporations to receive $500 billion in relief cash. The administration is staying silent when asked to reveal which corporations got the cash. These loans were low-interest and forgivable under the deal. Were these businesses big contributors to the Trump campaign? Shake Shack was one of them. Transparency is not what this administration does.
   We learned that Trump is ready to “Partee!” in Oklahoma for one his “Daddy Needs Love” rallies. He told anyone signing up wanting to attend that if they catch The Trump Virus from being there, you’re on your own!! You cannot sue The Cretin. If you get The Trump Virus, you WIN the door prize gift. Take it home and spread it. He is the Death Cult Confederate President!! YAHOOOO Buckaroo!
   The Black Tulsa community is very upset that The Cretin chose to have his rally on June 19, which was the day that White Supremacists of the area decided to kill Black community citizens in 1921. Trump wants to “partee” on that date and foment more hate among his followers who could catch his virus as his special door prize.
   Trump doesn’t want to soothe racial tensions when he praised the Minneapolis police’s action against protesters. “Beautiful scene.” He said that the National Guard’s response to the crowds were “like cutting butter.” “I’ll never forget. You saw the scene on that road in they were lined up. Man, they just walked staight. And yes, there was some tear gas and probably some other things. And the crowd dispersed and they went through. By the end of that evening, and it was a short evening, everything was fine.”
   We went full-court tough guy avoiding the reasons behind the protests and the violent actions by police. He also ignored how what happened fueled a nationwide protest spreading to 75 cities and all across the world. That day was Trump’s downfall, and not a high point as he was trying to say. I bet he was wetting his Attends as he watched to military assault followed by an attack against property. He was probably clutching his two favorite action figures, Lil’Kim and Putin, to his chest.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

What Trump Starts Fails Horribly

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Marine Corps General James Mattis said that Trump uses the Nazi Party’s strategy of divide and conquer. He compares Trump’s protest response, which he used with the immigration debacle, his trade war fiasco, domestic affairs disasters, and now police violence protests of divide and conquer, as a “threat to the Constitution.”
   Demagogue Donnie falsely calls himself the law and order president, when actually he himself is lawless and disordered. His crimes must be prosecuted once he is removed from the White House.
   Historically divide and conquer is a tactic used by tyrannical rulers. It has been used to pit the lower classes against themselves to prevent uprisings, or to strengthen the hold by the powerful elites. It is often used by psychopaths in leadership positions.
   Demagogue Donnie is smearing the senior citizen assaulted by two Buffalo, NY police when they shoved him to the ground as he stood alone as they marched toward him. Martin Gugino, age 75, was pushed to the ground hitting his head on the concrete resulting in hospitalization. Trump’s vile and pathetic divide and conquer strategy has been used to blame Gugino when he said,

“ Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?”

   The police claimed Gugino “tripped and fell.”

   Once again, The Cretin is displaying his profound stupidity and alignment with Fake News. He IS the provocateur-in-chief!! From watching the same video as the Cretin, it appears Gugino was NOT holding a scanner the size of a cell phone strong enough to block radio transmissions among the large numbers of police. Once again, Trump shows his fascist leanings. Gugino seemed to have been holding his cell phone and attempting to take a picture of the cops as they approached him. So Donnie, where are the “Antifa provocateurs?” They are nowhere, man!
   Trump confessed support for police to assault anyone, anywhere even if he has to lie to affirm his support. He has crossed the line even further than ever before. He admitted to permitting police to assault anyone in their way, even a 75 year old senior citizen now lying in a hospital room in seriously critical condition.

   Trump is the worst kind of Nazi!! One who allows the murdering of innocent people. We must ask, “What kind of people are Trump supporters?” “Who are these people?” “What do they stand for?” “Do they want to see Democracy disappear in favor of authoritarianism?” Apparently so.

   The Cretin’s reasoning couldn’t get anymore absurd. It is very similar to him turning to Dr. Birx and asking her if very bright light and deep heat could be shined inside the body to kill COVID19 or couldn’t a disinfectant, which kills viruses on surfaces, be used inside the body to kill the virus?
   Believing a 75 year old man wearing jeans, standing alone on a sidewalk and not wearing an Antifa clad get up, was being used to provoke a large onslaught of cops, when he was alone minding his own business is absolutely insane.
   Trump is a full-blown psychopath with very limited intelligence who is blaming a 75 year old AARP candidate, standing alone, assaulted by two police, and being blamed as an Antifa spy-like character. Who fed Trump this crap? Was it Jared, or Pompeo, Miller, or Hannity?
   Trump’s warped and bizarre analysis is just another example of his mental instability and incompetence, as well as being a danger to our Constitution.

   We just learned that the United States entered into our Second Great Recession back in February. Nothing has changed; it is getting worse. History tells us that Republican President Herbert Hoover began the Great Depression. President FDR, a Democrat, brought the country out of it. Now, in the 21st century, George W. Bush, also a Republican, brought the nation into the First Great Recession. It was a Democrat, Barack Obama, who brought the country out of it and into a growing economy.
   And then, a prosperous economy was handed off to Trump. But, he couldn’t sustain it because of his incredible incompetence. Now the country has entered the Second Great Recession, which might collapse even deeper into our Second Great Depression. Clearly, Trump cannot fix it. He created it. He says,

               “We’re just getting started.”

   Starting to do what? He doesn’t say in his campaign ad. Starting to destroy the country further? It will take a Democrat to heal the economy and nation from Trump’s scorched Earth policies.

   In 2017, he said, “We’re just getting started.” In 2018, he said, “We’re just getting started.” In 2019, he said, “We’re just getting started.” Now, in 2020, he once again says, “We’re just getting started.”

   What is he trying to get started? He appears to have started another Great Depression. Does he want to start a full-blown nationwide infection of his Trump Virus? Does he want to start a deeper fall into poverty with 100 million under and unemployed Americans? Does he want to start a nationwide bankruptcy of small businesses and American families? Does he want to start more homelessness? Is this what he means by “we’re just getting started?” Does he want to start a nationwide tumult infecting the country’s police departments?

   When he says he wants to get started on something, then we must stop him. What he starts turns to a vile, putrid cesspool of fascism and failures. We watched him start many businesses while in the private sector, and they all failed. His steaks, his airline, his university, his health care network, his ties, his training program, his casinos, and list can go on and on. He started so many projects that failed that he needed bailouts from foreign banks and investors to keep him from bankruptcy. These failures led him likely into money laundering of Russian oligarch dirty money.
    What Trump starts turns into bankruptcies. And now, he wants to start more stuff and is trying to convince his base that he can start stuff up that will eventually hurt their lives. He wants to start up a health care system that will cost them their health. He wants to start up an economic plan that will cost them their livelihood and jobs. He wants to start up a police network that will rival the Nazi’s police state. He wants to start up a fossil fuel plan that will push the United States into the dark ages as the world goes renewable. He wants to start up the destruction of environmental protections that will pollute the country for all future generations.
    So when Demagogue Donnie tells YOU that he wants to “get started”, that is the signal to kick his butt out of the White House.

The latest Lincoln Project Ad against Trump

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, June 8, 2020

An American Uprising Is Underway While Trump Wears A Hairshirt

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

                    Trump's Hairshirt

   The Moron-in-Chief may have single-handedly destroyed police pensions by ignoring the murder of George Floyd. The police union needs to reexamine their support for this idiot in the White House. Single-handedly, Trump has flamed the unrest in this country because he did absolutely nothing but incite it by treating these cities as a police and militarized occupied zone. Had he stepped in and stepped UP to get the U.S. Justice department involved and console the family letting them know he would do whatever it took to get to the truth, then none of these 75 plus U.S. cities with as many as tens of thousands of Americans protesting would have happened.
   Trump is the cause for these protesters risking their health and well-being by occupying the streets in the name of George Floyd and abusive police departments. But, Trump incited these protests by calling up the National Guard forces, as well as prison police forces and the active duty U.S. armed forces to occupy the streets and treat them as an occupied state. He has also brought in “Dark” forces to infiltrate the streets. The police are at war with Democracy and Americans!!!
   These Trump supporters need to look no further than the moron in the White House for causing this American Uprising. Trump is afraid. He wanted to go play golf, but decided the optics would look bad if he had.

      Trump runs away and hides from a crisis.

   Today former Republican Secretary of State General Colin Powell called out Trump as a threat to democracy and backed Joe Biden for president. The fascist wannabee in the White House is “drifting away from the Constitution.” Powell supports the protester’s movement as a result of George Floyd’s killing. “The situation has gotten worse.” “Every American citizen has to sit down and think (it) through…Use your common sense. Say, ‘Is this good for my country?’”
   Mikey F**kabee Huckabee has displayed his anger at Republicans that won’t bow down to his fascist king. He is upset that Lil’BoyBush won’t get behind America’s first wannabee dictator.
   Mikey F**kabee said, “This president is more pro-life than we’ve ever had period.” We now all know that Mikey must be suffering from a brain disease. Trump is anti-life and not pro-life. He has killed 112,000 Americans with his Trump Virus.
   Mikey’s devolving brain made this ridiculously stupid comment when he vomited up the idea that Trump has “done more for minorities than any president in my lifetime in actually helping people to have a good, decent job and future.”
   First, he seemed to forget that Mikey’s wannabee King Dumpster Donnie inherited an economy that was brought back from the sewers and back into prosperity by a Democratic president, who then, passed on a growing economy to Trump. Then,  after he inherited it, he tried to keep up the momentum until he created a devastating Trade War with China and our allies; then, he ignored a sweeping pandemic infecting 2.6 million Americans resulting in a nationwide economic lockdown, whereby 62 million jobs went underwater.
   Trump’s history is bankruptcy and $1B in financial debt. His history is that of failed businesses and tax evasion and tax fraud and money laundering and bailouts by foreign adversaries investing in Trump Tower to bail him out.
   F**kabee appears to ignore these very facts. He must have been drinking too many hydroxychloroquine lattes. And, who the hell is Mikey F**kabee anyway? A has-been loser with no credibility. He is a nobody. He is a con man just like his idiot pal.

   Now we learned that Trump lied to America, once again. He promised us that that we would be able to get a COVID19 test if we wanted one. He promised that retailers, such as Target, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, and Kroger would have tests available for all Americans. But this promise disappeared. Out of these sites, only 1300 of these stores have tests. CVS has 1000 sites nationwide out of there thousands of stores have the tests. The remaining retailers mentioned above only have 300 available sites combined. He really doesn’t care about the Trump Virus and following in New Zealand’s footsteps by eliminating COVID19.
   We know that The Cretin is addicted to television. He may have watched the CSI-NY episode where the lab unknowingly was using contaminated cotton swaps, which in turn contaminated evidence. It wasn’t until Mack (The main character in the series) visited the factory and saw that one person on the line had failed to use protective gear when handling the sterile swab products.
   Trump went to Puritan company in Guilford, Maine, where they manufacture sterile cotton swabs. Everyone in the factory was wearing protective gear except Dumb-Dumb Donnie, and was not keeping a six foot distance from the employees and the manufacturing line. As a result of this foolhardiness, the entire day’s swabs, millions of swabs, had to be thrown in the trash. These swabs were to be used in COVID19 testing. Trump contaminated the entire batch of sterile cotton swabs because he is a total moron and arrogant idiot. He doesn’t take this virus seriously. He never did and he never will until he gets the virus and ends up on a ventilator. At that point, it will be too late for him.
   We also have learned that the only drug that has worked on COVID19 patients, Remdesivir, is nearly gone from the government stockpile. There are only a couple weeks worth of the drug available nationwide. Our hospitals will no longer have this drug for patients very soon. Gilead is the manufacturer. They are stepping up to make more but there won’t be any available during the summer months. Trump never acted to make sure the nation was equipped to tackle the pandemic until the bitter end.
   Is this Making America Great, Again? BunkerBoy Donnie has walked away from the viral outbreaks and testing. Trump has decided that if cannot go out for a golf escape, then he will wall himself in at the White House. He has erected barriers all around the White House protecting him from the Boogieman living inside his own mind. What is he so afraid of? He has always been a scared little man. 

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, June 5, 2020

The End Of The American Experiment May Be Over

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

A Fool's Walk

   Retired Joint Chief of Staff Russel Holmes came out saying for Trump to use a military helicopter to intimidate protesters was an abuse of power.
   Trump called up a prison police force to further militarize the streets which was an erosion of the Constitution. The looters have been generally HIS supporters. So, is Trump attempting to advance authoritarianism? It appears so.
   His self-absorption trumping human rights and the right to protest was attacked with rubber bullets and canisters of tear gas followed by police patrols on horseback herding peaceful protesters from their location at Lafayette Park so he could march his entourage to the boarded up St. John’s Church for a dog whistle stunt signaling his Evangelical base that he knew how to hold a Bible and recite to them that knew “It’s a Bible”.
 We learned that much of the violence was committed by two far-right wing groups, whose goals were to incite a civil war against Black communities around the country. They are known as Boogaloo Boys, and Identity Evropa.

 Hey Sherlock, we all know that it’s a Bible. The question was “Is that YOUR Bible?” The Bungling Bullshitter doesn’t own a Bible. The Walk To Idiocy by Trump and his Brownshirts was all about “domination”.

   John Kelly, former Chief of Staff, has joined others by saying “I think we need to look harder at who we elect.” He believes that Americans need to look at the character and ethics of people running for office. He said he would have advised Trump against an attack on protesters at Lafayette Park for a staged photo stunt.

Former Director of National Security, James Clapper said, ‘We are seeing from the White House a slippery slope toward autocracy, and attacks against our institutions leading the country toward instability.’

 General James Mattis said, “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people---does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us.”

  Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Martin Dempsey wrote, “America is not a battlespace. Our fellow citizens are not the enemy.”

  Another former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Michael Mullen, wrote “Whatever Trump’s goal in conducting his visit [to St. John’s Church] he laid bare his disdain for the rights of peaceful protests in this country, gave succor to the leaders of other countries who take comfort in our domestic strife, and risk further politicizing the men and women of our armed forces.”

  Marine General John Allen said that Trump’s threats to use the forces of our military against Americans may be “the beginning of the end of the American experiment.”

  Former CIA analyst Gail Helt said, “This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse.”

   Chief Master in the Air Force Sergeant Kaleth Wright said, “I am a Black man who happens to be the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force. I am George Floyd…I am Michael Brown, I am Alton Sterling, I am Tamir Rice.”

   Trump’s riot police was attacking democracy and the Constitution in order to “dominate” over free speech and the right to protest. It is an attack on our rights, as The Trump Virus, also, attacked our nation by destroying jobs and by taking lives.
   The militarization of police is giving them permission to act like soldiers and not just local cops. The governors are competent enough to utilize the police and, if needed, the state’s National Guard, while leaving the federal troops out of it. But that was not Trump’s plan. Trump has abused his power, once again.
   The Cretin invoked the name of George Floyd as a way to “dominate” over his legacy by saying that George Floyd was “looking down right now. This is a great thing that’s happened for our country, A great day for him. A great day for everybody.” The  Cretin used Floyd’s murder and twisted it into a story that the murder victim at the hands of psychotic and racist police was celebrating the current, and possible temporary economic news.
    What Trump’s perverted mind believed was not that Floyd’s life was stolen from him but that he would rather be celebrating Trump’s evilness than give his support to those Americans protesting police violence and racial inequality.
   The Moron-in-Chief seemed to forget that our economic improvement in the jobs numbers was not everything. People are still getting sick and dying from the Trump Virus. He also ignored that, at some point following a total national lockdown, the economy would begin to reopen and those jobs would return to some extent. But, one must keep in mind those job gains may be temporary. We are seeing J.C. Penny, and Pier 1 Imports, to name just two, that are either closing permanently, while cutting all those jobs, or cutting stores, for example, 154 stores to restructure. We will also begin to see small businesses that had to shut down unable to sustain a reopening and then close permanently. And then, there will be business owners who borrowed government funds to stay afloat, having to repay. Those owners may not be able to sustain their operations once they have to pay back the loans. The unemployment numbers will begin to climb. Poverty, homelessness, and more will be a large and painful problem.
   Trump said that the job’s numbers were “the greatest comeback in history.” Hey Moron, this was NOT “a rocket ship recovery.” This was expected.
   On another issue, we remember The Cretin calling out systemic voter fraud problems as a reason for hating mail-in voting. Well, we have now learned that Trump engaged in voter fraud directly by trying to register his vote in Palm Beach county, Florida claiming that Florida was his primary residence, when, actually, he was living full-time in the White House. He seemed to forget that in 1993, Palm Beach issued him building and zoning permits allowing the single residence estate, which he bought, to be converted into a “Social Club”, which meant it could no longer be used a permanent residence. The permit only allowed a “guest resident” to occupy a “suite” for 21 days within a single year. So, Trump committed voter fraud claiming that Mar-A-Lago was his primary residence. The zoning permit allowed for the original estate designation to be converted to commercial use only.
   Kayleigh McE-“Ninny”, Trump’s second voice, did the same thing. She used her parent’s Florida address as her primary residence, when in fact, that was a lie. She lived full-time at her Edgewater, New Jersey home. Her driver’s license and car registration confirmed this address as her permanent address. She, too, engaged in voter fraud in 2018.
   The rules of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Rule of Law laid down by our Congress and Supreme Court doesn’t apply to our wannabe dictator and his fascist allies in the White House. For them, voter fraud is just fine. For them, steamrolling over our Constitution is just another day at the office.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

It's Our Choice: Democracy or Dictatorship

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

            These two photos are two peas in a pod. 

   The Cretin hides in the bowels of the White House bunker, while Americans protest, and as disrupters torch and loot properties. Trump hides. He has always been coward. He is an obese man with a coiffure dyed goofy comb-over. He is been a fake his entire life. When one’s life has been built using smoke and mirrors, then when real courage and strength is needed during a crisis, that person hides and runs.
   Running to the golf course after his pandemic failure reached 100,000 deaths is a sign of his cowardice. Hiding in a bunker as Americans protest police violence is a sign of cowardice. His tough guy hair shirt is in tatters. This chaos is his doing. His attempt at a domestic military solution to “dominate” the crisis has brought about global solidarity with the protesters. China’s spokesperson said, “I can’t breath”, which was a slap in Pompous Pompeo’s face implying that the U.S. needs to fix their own problems before raising up their own self-righteous moralistic flag.
   As a way to show off Trump’s hair-shirt, he surrounded the Lincoln Memorial with troops because graffiti had been sprayed on it. A little over kill, one would say. Hey Bungling Bunker Dumb-Dumb Donnie, the Lincoln Memorial is OUR memorial and NOT YOURS!!! What did that show of force solve, you moron??? Just because vandals defaced the memorial, he didn’t need to surround it with his ridiculous military insurrection force.
   It is clear George Floyd was murdered by a cop, while his accomplices stood by doing nothing to pull the “Thug” off of him. These four cops are the “Thugs” Trump should be calling out. Now all four are being charged.
    The looters and fire starters have been identified by Homeland Security and the FBI as far-rightwing fascists called Identity Evropa, a White Supremacy group that works to create a revolution against Black people and restore the country to an all White Nation. This group disguises themselves, on line, as Antifa, to deflect attention toward them. Antifa is not an organization. It is just a name. It is like a name on a shirt. Individuals call themselves Antifa, whose people believe that justice is required to fight against police oppression against the Black community. Demon Donnie is calling a name on a shirt as a terrorist group, yet organized White Supremacy groups are his friends.
   Had Dumb-Dumb gotten out in front of Mr. Floyd’s murder by calming the tensions by reassuring the family and community that he would make sure that the Justice Department would look into this crime, then these protests might not have happened to the extent that we have witnessed. The looting and fires might not have happened and there would not have been a need to call up the National Guard troops around the country. Had he publicly grieved with the Floyd family and said he wanted answers, too, then none of this would have happened.
   Once again, Darth Vader Donnie has failed at taking charge of serious problems in the country by establishing real solutions; but instead, as with the Trump Virus, he created more chaos and instability.
   The way Bunker Dumpster Donnie solves problems is by threatening to call up the military to step onto the streets of the cities with civil unrest, to call the governors weak and labeling himself strong and America’s Law and Order President, that he knows how to solve these protests. One way he attempted to solve a problem was to violate sacred ground by using force and tear gas against peaceful protesters occupying Lafayette Park so he could walk from the White House to St. John’s Church for a photo stunt. He stood in front of the church’s boarded up door and window not unlike Kim Jung Un’s power posing, holding a Bible up in the air with a very creepy expression. When asked, “Is that your Bible?” He answered, “It’s a Bible.” The St. John’s Church community was angry with The Dumpster Donnie abuse of their holy site. The church leaders were part of the protesters and said they were tear gassed in order to make room for Death Cult Donnie and his ridiculous entourage.
   Later, he decided to take a trip to the Pope John statute pretending, once again, that he is acting religiously. He then got it thrown back in face when the Catholic leadership told him that Pope John would not be in support of his sociopathic behavior.
    Bumbling Bunker Donnie tried to express sympathy for the Floyd family, but it wasn’t sincere because he continued to show support for White Supremacists, who are in his eyes are “very good people”. He has told the governors to “dominate” the crowds, which are made up of Black people protesting on behalf of the Floyd family. The protests were also on behalf of all Black people who have been abused at the hands of police and White Supremacists for decades. Domination over the crowd means to dominate Black people. He has totally ignored the fact that there is a systemic reason for the anger expressed in these protests, which have allies in the White communities around the country and the world. Also, there is anger surrounding the Trump Virus, which has taken the lives of thousands of Black people because of their lack to affordable health care, and have lived in poverty for decades.
   And now, to top it all off we are seeing the destruction that the Trump Virus has had on Black families, while witnessing another deadly “virus” at the hands of four cops. This time it is on tape and these cops cannot weasel out of the crime by claiming they were in fear of their lives. These protests are demanding real change. At least, Biden is speaking about change. Trump only speaks about domination, military might and power as a solution.
   The Moron-in-Chief believes he can take out of mothballs an 1807 Insurrection Act and attack cities around the country. This is what dictators do. Even Pat Robertson said to Trump, “This isn’t what you do.”
   Bonkers Bunker Donnie is to blame for all of this terror. He is the anarchist. He is the White Supremacist who wants a civil war. Fascist Donnie so desires to step on the necks of all protesters and Antifa, which is not the cause of a majority of the violence. Trump won’t call this White Supremacist group-- Identity Evropa a terrorist group. Trump’s fantasy is to use his Iron Heel just like his dictator pals have done in the past. (The Iron Heel is a reference from the book by Jack London.)
   These protesters are fed up not only with police murderers and cruelty, but with how the Republican White Nationalist Party embraces neo-liberal economic theory, which basically rewards those who are the least productive among us, such as corporate executives, who believe they ARE the most productive and deserve the most pay. But in fact, they have designed the system by paying lower wages to those who are the most productive among us and who are the very people who make those corporations profitable with their labor. It is Trickle Down Economic theory, which has been a YUGGE failure since it began with Ronald Reagan.
    Death Cult Donnie took his entourage from the White House to the church steps not to express empathy or sympathy to all us for how he mishandled, once again, this crisis, but to stand like a psychopath—like a madman dictator. Trump continued to produce a series of bungling failures beginning with travel bans, then creating concentration camps for kids and migrants, then tariffs, which bankrupted many agricultural and livestock farms, and then onto The Trump Virus, and finally now, against protesters, and his White Nationalist looter friends, acting out their anger on behalf of Mr. Floyd. No wonder Americans are fed up. The Idiot-In-Chief touted hydroxychloroquine as the drug of choice to save Americans from the Trump Virus, then he thought injecting Clorox into the body was a great idea---“Since it disinfects surfaces, maybe it could clean the virus out from the inside.” Then he went on to believe shining bright lights and deep heat would kill the virus, as well. Now, he has mentioned declaring Marshal Law if the governors can’t get a handle on the protesting. He hasn’t paid much attention to how many cities are handling the crisis with compassion and empathy. We are seeing police and police chiefs taking a knee, or marching with the protesters, or hugging the angry and hurting people in their communities as a way of showing solidarity and understanding for their suffering. But, instead Trump calls the governors weak and that he and only he knows how to handle such a crisis.
   He knows how? He knows nothing!! He is a total fake. He runs away from a crisis. He hides in a bunker or goes to his golf course. He has never in his entire life EVER solved a crisis. The way he handles his previous crises is for Michael Cohn to pay off the hookers he had sex with.
   Donald Trump is a dangerous, and incompetent fool. He lives in an alternate reality. A place where he is king and he is the smartest guy on the planet.

 Retired Marine Corp General James Mattis came out and condemned Trump as immoral and a dictator. Read it HERE.

Don Lemon says we are “Teetering On A Dictatorship”. Read it HERE.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln