Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Trump HAS Lost Control Of The Game

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

   David Frum, in his Atlantic magazine piece, said “[Trump] told a story about corrupt elites…” Corrupt elites? Trump is clearly a significant corrupt elite. In 2015, “He said that he had gamed the system, better than anyone else had…he complained about financiers avoiding taxes.” “They’re not paying enough tax,” Trump had said. More projecting from Trump. He actually never believed in paying taxes.

   Trump bragged in 2017 that his tax plan would cost him and his rich elites a boatload of money, when that was actually ‘fake news’. He claimed that being president would “cost me millions”. The truth is he made over $7M from just being president. He preposterously said that he was giving up his business to “avoid the appearance that we were ‘profiting off the office’” WOW! What a lie. He and the rest of the Trump grifters made millions of dollars from having the crime family in the White House.

  Trump bragged about a big October Surprise that would propel him forward. Yes. That’s right. It’s about to thrust him closer to being convicted of tax fraud, tax dodging and possibly money laundering.

  With the debate on Tuesday, Trump has now likely slipped off his game and may freak out during the head to head with Biden. David Frum said, “Trump Just Lost Control Of The Game.”

  Trump’s fantasy Vice Presidential pick for 2016 was Ivanka Trump, who is about as smart as The Putz, formerly known as Pence, and is very likely to be deep in the same cesspool as her grifter daddy. Speaking of calling Trump a grifter president, we here at this Blogspot has been using that description for a few years, and long before Bob Woodward, who just described Trump a grifter president. Ivanka is also a grifter, along with her two idiot brothers.

  This family has absolutely no idea how to run a business. They have used it as a massive swindle to bathe in riches and wealth. If it weren’t for their paid business officers, there wouldn’t be a Trump Organization. Trump and his Little Cretins don’t have the skills nor the intelligence to run a business. They have treated the business as their own personal Ponzi Scheme (a swindle which a quick return, made up of money from new investors…). They have used other people’s money: banks, and foreign investors, such as oligarchs, foreign leaders, and crime syndicate operators.

  Now, they are caught. They owe over a billion dollars in taxes, penalties and fees, and to outside lenders. Princess Ivanka was double dipping in the business as a consultant and as an officer in the company. This was a swindle set up by her idiot daddy. She has been so stupid in believing she exempt from ever getting caught. This  swindle must be recorded on her income tax forms as income, and as consultant  fees billed to her own company.

  And then there is Idiot Eric Trump. He is the acting director of the business while daddy is living in the White House. These three may actually end up prosecuted for crimes when Trump is fired from his current job. The only reason he is running for office, again, is to keep away from prosecution.

  Joe Biden said about Trump that he was “sort of like Goebbels.” That is reference to Hitler’s Nazi propaganda officer—Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels said, “If you say the lie long enough, keep repeating, repeating, repeating it—it becomes common knowledge.” Biden could not more right!!! Trump repeatedly uses Hitler’s tactics, and so  does his staff. Biden need not apologize, since his statement is true. Trump has lied over and over again about everything, and especially about the Trump virus. Now, Trump’s COVID propagandist Dr. Atlas has angered Dr. Redfield, the director of the CDC for repeatedly lying about the facts surrounding the virus and vaccine. Atlas continues to say exactly what Trump wants him to say.

   Here are quotes from Goebbels:

   A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times       becomes the truth


   Propaganda works best when those who are being               manipulated are confident they are action on their own free     will.

   …the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we       imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially       simple and repetitious.

   The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no           success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind       constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat     them over and over.


   There will come a day when all the lies will collapse under         their own weight, and truth will again triumph.

   We enter parliament in order to supply ourselves, in the         arsenal of democracy, with its own weapons. If democracy is     so stupid as to give us free tickets and salaries for this           bear's work, that is its affair. We do not come as friends, nor     even as neutrals. We come as enemies. As the wolf bursts       into he flock, so we come.

   We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as     we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as         tradition, as education, and as human affection. 


   The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over       to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they           succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.

   If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.

  The masses need something that will give them a thrill of         horror.


  There is no need for propaganda to be rich in intellectual         content.

   We shall go down in history as the greatest statesmen of all time, or as the greatest criminals.

   Goebbels was telling the truth especially in the last quote. His Nazi compatriots were found as the greatest criminals in the world. So, for Biden to say that Trump is “sort of like Goebbels” is spot on. It cannot be denied.


When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, September 28, 2020

Trump Paid No Taxes!! But You Do

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

   Devil Donnie loves to sign his name on his executive orders. Since he cannot get anything done, otherwise. Through the legislative process, he just has to make stuff up with the stroke of a pen. 

   This time he has come up with the “Platinum Plan” for Black Economic Empowerment. OOH! It sounds so, so rich! A Platinum Plan! WOW. Trump will now transform poor Black communities with this magic Platinum Plan. With 39 days until the election he now wants to fix Black communities. The first thing that comes to his mind is not actually economic development, but law and order. The first thing in this plan is to categorize the KKK and Antifa as terrorist groups. Now THAT’LL do it, Donnie! YEAH. That’s the magic bullet. How did you come up with that idea? You must have asked your dumbass son-in-law or that Idiot Eric. Or,  maybe it was Stephen Miller? As cops kill over and over again, innocent and non-threatening Black people, Dumb-Dumb Donnie comes up with a very, very lame Platinum Plan, which should be called The Poopie Plan. He wants to bring “high standards” of policing, while he encourages cops to act tough and violent against the people they protect and serve. Just the other day, a video surfaced of a cop riding his bike, patrolling in a group during a protest, over the head of a person lying on the ground, obviously injured already and never looking back; and then, he praises a cop shooting Ali Velshi, an MSNBC reporter, with a rubber bullet in the chest. “It’s a beautiful thing”, said The Cretin about the incident. He said he will bring fairness to the justice system. More lying for votes. This is not a joke Moron Donnie. He wants to increase Black homeownership, while more Black people are getting sick and dying from the runaway Trump virus and are suffering from job losses. How do you buy a house, find a mortgage, etc without a job? Oh yeah, that’s how Donnie’s been doing it his entire life.

   Trump is pulling at straws now as Biden, who people trust more than The Cretin, is demonstrating leadership.

   Trump is now spewing “a chicken in every pot” scenario, while he continues to lie about everything. He still cannot be truthful about the Trump virus as we pass the 200,000 death mark, and adults and children suffer with serious, and long lasting side effects. Even the leaders all around the world are amazed how the U.S. is turning into a Third World country when it comes to the Trump Virus response protocols. (Read it here.)

   He announced a ‘fake news’ health plan as he awaits to kill the ACA and it’s protections for pre-existing conditions. This is another worthless executive order. His hollow pillar of promises are “more choice, lower costs, and better care, while putting patients first.” WOW! With just thirty plus days to Election Day, he NOW comes up his toothless health care slogan. As George Herbert Walker once said, “Where’s the beef?” There is no beef, nor is there is a bun. There is only air. The Idiot-in-Chief has been promising lower drug prices to no avail. He promises an end to “surprise billing”. Good luck on these promises without Congress putting it all into a legal health care plan, while Trump continues to lie about the Trump virus.

   Trump is casting his lure into an empty pond. He calls Biden and the Democrats a “Socialist nightmare”. But in fact, Trump has been a corporate socialist nightmare without a stitch of credibility with his make believe plans. 

   More Republicans are coming out to dope slapping Trump. Former Pennsylvania governor and the first Homeland Security director, Tom Ridge said he is voting for Biden. Assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts James D. Herbert  calling out BillyBob for his “unprecedented politicization” of the Department of Justice. This rebuke is unprecedented in itself! Herbert said, Barr has “brought shame” to the position by acting as Trump’s own personal lawyer, which is a “dangerous abuse of power.” “He is doing the president’s personal bidding.” Herbert is saying that BillyBob Barr is a disgrace to the office by acting solely on behalf of Devil Donnie.

   The Cretin needs his rallies to spread his hate, lies, and fascist agenda. He is continuing to lie about the Trump virus. The number of deaths keep climbing as we pass 200,000! He says, “I’ve done a great job!”  He lied about how effective his travel ban from China was to control the virus. Lie! He then suspended travel from Europe six weeks into the pandemic. He thoroughly dismissed the experts, while “downplaying the severity of the virus to avoid a panic”, which was an insane excuse. “I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down.” He played it down because he was afraid Wall Street would take a YUUGE hit. That was his only worry.  He praised China’s for “doing a great job”, yet he regularly blames and blasts China for spreading the virus. Which is it, Mr. Idiot-in-Chief? You love to call it the China virus, yet in fact, it is actually the Trump virus.

   We all remember the bogus medical treatments and concoctions he promoted, along with his personal voodoo doctor from Texas. This is what he spews at his “Daddy Needs Love” rallies.

   In the article written by Hanna Beech, in the NYT, she writes how the world leaders are amazed how Trump totally screwed up the pandemic response. They shake their heads in astonishment just how incompetent Trump has been in stopping the spread of his virus. Myanmar, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, Mexico, and a total of 13 countries see the U.S. declining in importance when it comes to fixing the spread of the virus in their own country.

   Kiryl Kalbasnikan, an activist from Belarus, said, “This would be a warning sign for any democracy.” Mike Bradley, the mayor  of Sarnia, Canada said, “Personally, it’s like watching the decline of the Roman Empire.”

    As Trump screws up the Trump virus response,  he is busy interfering with this election.  Mark Sumner of the DailyKos wrote——a new report from the CIA said, “Guiliani is helping Putin interfere with this election.” (Is this treason?) (Read it here.) “The Giuliani-Derkach (a Ukrainian insider and Russian asset) is a team to interfere with the election by spreading sleaze about Biden.” “Guiliani also released a series of alerted and heavily edited audio tapes created to make it seem that Biden engaged in pushing Ukraine to help his son. Those recordings are likely a direct product of Russia propaganda.” As this report comes out implicating Trump’s personal lawyer engaged in election interference, and federal crime, a report by the New York Times, unveils Trump’s alleged tax fraud surrounding the Trump Organization, which involves himself, Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, thus far. No doubt, when this comes to a possible special counsel investigation, when Biden wins the election, Trump’s tax attorney/lawyer will sing like a canary in order to make a deal to avoid prosecution. In the article, Trump’s business debt is over $400M and is behind in his taxes by over $700M. Any penalties and fines, separate from the owed back taxes, could amount to $100M, which might actually bankrupt the Trump Organization. Trump claimed that his Washington DC hotel, his golf courses, especially Doral in Florida, and other properties were operating with losses, which he claimed allowed him to write those losses off giving him the right to pay no taxes during a ten year time frame, and then paid only $750.00 of taxes in 2016 and 2017, while allowing him to continue to live a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the American people, who pay their fair share of taxes every year. This is how grifters swindle their clients. This crime is a bad as what puts gangsters away for life. Trump acts like a gangster. It is very likely their investigation will dig deeper to scrap loose any money laundering schemes, as well. Read it here. And, here.

   This new information into the corrupt life of the Trump family, including Melania, is not going to go away. The New York prosecutors are not federal investigators, but state and district lawyers not under the jurisdiction of BillyBob Barr’s evil hand.

   Trump is a criminal. It is amazing that many of his followers don’t care that this moron in the White House is a stupid fascist with a criminal business. They are voting for a Putin-style crime boss. What does that say about Trump’s supporters? That says that they don’t care that the nation’s highest office is held by a stupid crime idiot boss. Now, that’s a crime, too!


When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, September 25, 2020

Trump Is Hard At Work To Steal The Election

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

  Before diving into a very scary election story, let’s look at the debates coming up. Biden needs to take control of Trump and the debate from the beginning. In his introduction, he needs to tell the viewers that Trump will lie, deflect, avoid the truth, distract, anger, interrupt, bully, and attempt to manipulate the debate. Biden needs to not look at him and not engage in any argument with Donald. Not once, if possible. He needs to label any lie, etc as what it is by using a coded example that everyone knows about. In this great article about this very subject, (read it here), the author says for Biden to use an example of Trump lying about how big Trump Tower is. Use that example as the signal to the audience that Trump has lied, again. An example Biden could share with the audience was written in the article. Trump said that Trump Tower was 90 floors when in fact, it was 70 floors. He also claimed that he lived on the 66, 67, and 68 floors in total, when in fact, he lived only on the 66th floor. Trump lied and exaggerated to make the building sound bigger than it actually was and that he lived in this massive luxury apartment bigger than any other apartment in the building. Trump Tower is only 58 floors. Peter Wehner recommended that Trump use the actually floor number that Trump lives on as the signal to the audience by saying to Trump, “Donald. We’re at the 66 floor, again.” Biden needs to get under Trump’s skin and prove that he can Rope The Dope, as Mohammed Ali would do in the ring.

   Trump has declared himself a fascist. ‘I am a fascist!’ “I will not accept a peaceful transition of power.” Trump realizes that the election might bring a new president to the White House and he won’t have any of it. He wants a new Supreme Court justice now in order to make sure that his choice will align with him if the election is contested. 

   In the Atlantic magazine, The Election That Could Break America, by Barton Gellman, and in this interview (see here), he said, writing the article “scared me”. Trump is likely gathering his foot soldiers to push key state Republi-Q-canon Party majority state legislators to abandon their Electoral College delegate choices in favor of these legislators picking their own choices as delegates, which would likely favor Trump. This is legal. 

   Gellman said we have no guaranteed failsafe process if our traditional procedures to make sure our election ballots are all fully counted without interference. At that point, Trump might decide to declare himself the winner.

   We could have an “Election Meltdown” (Book by the same name written by Richard L. Hasen). He said this is worse than Bush v. Gore.

   Trump is preparing us for a rejection of the outcome if he loses. “If Trump sheds all restraints, and if his Republican allies play the parts he assigns them, he could obstruct the emergence of a legally ambiguous victory for Biden in the Electoral College and then in Congress.” He could prevent the formation of consensus about whether there is any outcome at all. He could seize on that uncertainty to hold on to power.” Trump’s forces are setting up post election strategies in battleground states. There is uncertainty in the Constitution and within the Electoral College Act, which would cause great confusion in the vote count process. Julian Zelizer says we are not prepared for two men to arrive on Inauguration Day to be sworn in! The transfer of power mechanism is clearly fragile. 

   On December 14, the Electoral College electors meet to cast their ballots for president, but what happens when Trump sabotages this process by instituting his own formula in the key battleground states controlled by Republi-Q-canon state legislators who abandon the traditional process of casting delegate counts to assemble their own delegates to throw their lots with Trump. Lawrence Douglas asks, “Will He Go?” (Book of the same name.)

   “Donald Trump may win or lose, but he will never concede. Not under any circumstances.” He will always complain, if he must vacate, that the election was rigged. Of course, he would have a first grade style temper tantrum.

   Trump has the ability to manipulate the Biden votes. He doesn’t want anyone to vote if they are not on his side, especially Black people, low income people, and young progressive people. 

   Justin Clark, a Trump Brownshirt in the current campaign, said in Wisconsin, “Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing the votes…” Republicans have used officers-armed off duty police-as a “National Ballot Security Force” to intimidate and challenge, as well as, frighten voters in the past.

   In this election cycle, they have hired 50,000 volunteers to monitor, challenge, and intimidate voters in 15 states.They’re going to use sheriffs and law enforcement to work on Trump’s behalf to keep a watchful eye on polling locations, according to Clark.

   The RNC, Clark and Trump’s allies are using the fake news of voter fraud and voter abuse as an excuse to use their Gestapo-style techniques.

   Also, involved is Louie-Louie DeJoy, the Postal Gestapo. The allies of Herr Trump have repeated the mantra, ‘An honest vote count is no longer possible.’

   “We are accustomed to choosing electors by popular vote, but nothing in the Constitution says it has to be that way. Article II provides that each state shall appoint electors…” “…the Trump campaign is discussing contingency plans to bypass election results and appoint loyal electors in battleground states where Republi-Q-canons hold the legislative majority.

   By claiming rampant fraud, Trump could move forward with his plan. By causing chaos and doubt in the legitimacy of the vote count, he could justify to his allies that his plan must go forward for these  legislators to exercise their constitutional powers to pick their own electors. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida and North Carolina are in Trump’s crosshairs. If just only one state’s  popular vote electors are cancelled and switched to chosen electors by the Republi-Q-canon state legislators, then the fight will begin. All it takes is just one state to topple the House of Cards.

   The Electoral Count Act could ultimately end up disqualifying the state’s slate of electorates, if it came to that through a very muddy process. Yet, if during that process, Pelosi steps in and asserts her authority, she could ultimately end up becoming acting president.

   Everything continues to Inauguration Day, which could end up in turmoil and up for grabs. What could even happen is the threat of a military force stepping in. Or, Trump may declare martial law. If it comes to this, then our democracy is in chains (to quote Nancy MacLean).

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

               A Trump Parody--Hilarious


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Trump Is The Agent of Chaos

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

   In the documentary “Agents of Chaos” explained how Russia weaponized data to go after Clinton and boost Trump toward the an election win. One Russian ally in this assault against our democracy was Julian Assange, who dumped the captured Clinton and Podesta emails as a move in Trump’s favor. Roger Stone was a catalyst in this action done by Assange.

   The film’s director and filmmaker, who spoke on the PBS Amanpour and Company program, along with Andrew McCabe, said that Russia and Putin are repeating their weaponization of data—intelligence data—gathered by trolls and bots, and turncoat domestic sources, to influence the 2020 election. Moscow Mitch resisted investigating the 2016 hacking and manipulation to interfere with the election because he wanted Trump to win. This makes Moscow Mitch a co-conspirator in this assault against our democracy.

   Trump’s chaos became a swirling funnel cloud that he directed from himself outward over the nation, but now, it is acting like a boomerang and has headed his way! Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance is considering convening a grand jury probe against the orange grifter from Queens with volumes of evidence collected, which may likely prove that The Cretin and his baby grifters committed tax fraud surrounding the Trump Organization. An article written in the New Yorker’s Intelligencer, titled “The Criminal Case Against Donald Trump Is In The Works” may be the final chapter in the life story of The Donald—a Russian Idiot Asset—as he dons an orange jumpsuit to match his orange head. 

   One such allegation is that “Trump routinely sent lenders financial statements that inflated his assets and omitted debt-laden properties, and from 2004 to 2014 paid $400 million in cash for “five houses, eight golf courses, and a winery” despite [being] billions of dollars in debt.” “…including possible insurance and bank fraud by the company and its officers.”

   To further add to the swirling winds revolving around Trump is how he siphoned cash from his campaign coffers into his pockets. The campaign was forced to use Trump owned properties for official political White House and campaign business, which enriched him to the amount of $251,409 in the month of August. Over his time in the White House, he has milked over $7 million into his bank account. (Insert) This is how oligarchs operate. As he forced his paid campaign staff and managers to cut their pay, Trump funneled more cash into his personal pockets.

  Cyrus Vance is waiting to see if Trump loses the election before he can move ahead with the process of prosecution. It is reported that he has Trump’s state of New York tax filings but not his federal filings. The Washington Monthly detailed what could happen after November 3. (Washington Monthly, “What Are The Chances Trump Could Actually Go To Jail?)

   Dictator Donnie said that he is considering writing an executive order to prevent Biden from becoming president if he wins the election. Trump was projecting his own low level of intelligence onto Biden by calling him the dumbest candidate ever to run for president. Read it here.

   Now Max Kennedy, a former Kushner COVID task force member, which was formed to assemble businesses and industry to ramp up production and distribution of P.P.E, which ended up being a major failure. He said about Kushner that whenever he entered the room, he wanted to display that he had a “sense of self-importance”. Kennedy believes Kushner may have acted illegally in his role in this project. Max Kennedy is now a member of a long list of whistleblowers sounding the horn against Trump and Kushner and the rest of the locksteppers in the administration.

    Even Newsweek published a piece that feared Trump’s crime syndicate administration is moving the country toward fascism. When a mainstream magazine raises the red flag over the disappearance of our democracy, we need to be concerned. More from Newsweek.

    Trump is a champion for those who are afraid. He did it when he exploited the Central Park Five arrest of five young Black men who were accused of killing and raping a young woman in the park. These five were eventually found innocent when the real murderer was found and confessed. The Cretin never apologized for his demagoguery. He never does. Trump was wetting his pants, even back then, for acting as judge and jury as a way to keep his name in the headlines. 

   The Idiot-in-Chief over his lifetime criticized and condemned experts even after it was predicted that he would go bankrupt over his business incompetence. Once Trump took office in 2017 and condemned all the experts in Washington, he implied they were part of the swamp he blamed for the so-called failures in government. The Cretin continued to blame experts even after COVID-19 swept over the nation pretending he was the number one expert even as 200,000 died from the Trump virus. His excuse is that if it weren’t for him, the country would have had millions of dead Americans. Once again, he becomes the country’s savior in the eyes of his supporters.  Another one of his delusional, and self-aggrandizing points of view.

   Trump said, “I’m essentially the same person as I was in first grade.” For once, he told the truth!

He holds onto the Norman Vincent Peale teachings (The Power Of Positive Thinking)  by just visualizing whatever you wants the outcome to be and then he can make it happen. As the Trump virus quickly spread across the nation, he tried to visualize that it would just go away—magically disappear. He would say to the country that the virus would just go away in spite of his do-nothing response efforts to solve a serious problem. When his visualization failed repeatedly, he went to plan B and began blaming others. He blamed Democrats, the health experts, the state governors, mayors, and anyone who criticized him in the press. His first grade mentality shined through as the virus spread. Eventually, he just walked away from any response plan. He decided that his “herd mentality”, i.e. herd immunity, was the only way to solve this problem, in spite of the fact that millions would eventually die in the process. That would be one way to diminish the number of people with pre-existing conditions.

   As the virus spread causing chaos, Trump reached into his fascist-Putin playbook once police used violence as an approach to crime solving, which ended up killing George Floyd. Racial unrest in response to repeated police violence jumped out of the snake charmer’s basket and into full view of the audience scaring them causing them to run out of the tent screaming setting off lots of chaos. Trump couldn’t keep the snakes in the basket. A reaction to police violence couldn’t be subdued by this Russian Idiot Asset because he had no plan. His only plan was to react instead of respond.

   Now, he is flying around the country speaking to his fearful automatons that America will lose their rising authoritarian star and be replaced by a leader who will renew our democracy and bring back a belief in fairness. He cannot have any of that if is to stay out of the NYC court room.

   There is a new book out there called “White House, Inc” by Dan Alexander who did a deep dive into how Trump, and his little Cretins are using the White House as a means to expand their wealth.

   Kushner is one of the little Cretins who has been wheeling and dealing as he walks the halls of the White House. In the book, as reported by Jack Brewster of Forbes magazine, Kushner owed money to a Taiwan bank tied to Taiwan’s government. Kushner, because of inadequate U.S. government disclosure laws, kept Creepy K from making sure that his private business deal with this Taiwan bank would not jeopardize America’s national security. Because of the tensions between China and Taiwan, Creepy K’s little bank deal, which had a relationship with the Taiwan government could actually create a serious problem between the U.S. government and China. As if we don’t have enough tensions with China. But, once again, Trump and Kushner don’t care about anything or anybody but themselves and their own self interests.

   So Creepy Kushner had a loan on a mortgage covered by this Taiwan bank to cover $50M. “This means that an overseas bank with ties to Taiwan’s government held a bit of leverage over one of the president’s top advisors and family members…” Kushner is real dumbass willing to compromise our country’s national security.

   Kushner follows in Big Daddy’s footsteps. Trump, as well, is a national security risk. He is actually a chaotic anarchist as he stokes fear and hatred everyday. He sets a fire of fear against cities whose citizens have swarmed their streets to protest against police violence. Portland, Seattle, and New York City are his targets. He tells his rally automatons that the real arsonists of dissent are young people—Black and White—sharing a message that police violence has reached a dangerous threshold and it must end; but, in fact, Trump, acting as the real arsonist, tells his automatons that he is the only law and order president with the guts to end the protests by withholding federal funds against those cities if they cannot get their streets under control.

   Trump’s threats are hollow. They are fake. He cannot withhold the federal funds he has threatened to stop. He doesn’t have that power. Only Congress can do that. All he is doing is pretending. He is giving his human tinpot soldiers something to hold on to as they believe that their fascist leader has an all encompassing executive power to make the protests go away. They want Trump to make their pain and anger go away for them. At least, to magically erase their racist wounds, which causes them much angst when the protesters are in their face. It is like getting hit with a swarm of bees stinging them and wanting their Big Daddy Trump to inject them with a heavy dose of Benadryl. But what is actually happening is that Trump is really the bee stinging, while pretending to be the Benadryl. Trump continues to be the flame thrower, and not the fire extinguisher. He continues to incite chaos, a lesson learned early in his life, and provoke violence whenever possible.

   Trump fires up his agents of hate, such as White Supremacists, Nazis, militias, anarchist groups (Boogaloo Bois, just to name one), and others to target the protesters, pretending to be just part of the crowd of protesters, yet they are the ones causing property damage and acting as the aggressors toward the police resulting in Trump’s plan for a police state takeover using his agents of the military to invade these cities. Trump has threatened to arm around 75,000 of his forces to march into these and other cities in order to quiet their streets. This is his plan. This is his approach to win the election. This is also his big gamble that Americans will be afraid and angry enough to give him a second term. But, what may actually happen is that these military forces may spur on an explosion of protests to Dump Trump!! We live in a Potemkin Autocracy.

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

           Here is a Trump Look Alike Parody