Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
This Blogspot began in November 2018, and now ends with #447 Blogposting. There was reporting, editorializing, storytelling, and archiving the slow destruction of the Trump administration. Through research and the posting of linked sources documented the daily firestorm that was spread by America’s worst president in history. Over his four years, he proved to be a Nazi, and a hateful, vengeful, ignorant, lying racist buffoon who ultimately brought himself down through his efforts to overturn a free and legitimate election in spite of his efforts to steal it through intimidation, threats, and corruption along with failed legal challenges. The attempt to lie his way to a second term resulted in a large group of seditious insurrectionists fearful of losing their White privileged and grieving Christian Dominionist control over the country, which is becoming a more racially balanced nation, which they fear.
Fascism grew in this country for decades without being addressed and condemned by us White liberals. We dismissed it as a movement that could not or would not take off; but, it did. It was unleashed by Donald J. Trump. He legitimized it. He endorsed it. He gave it legs. And, those legs decided to follow his command and steal the government away from our democracy and back into the hands of their fascist cult leader--Trump. He became their savior; their general; their cult leader; their Trojan Horse. He told them to come to Washington on January 6, 2021 because it was to "get wild." He told them if he lost the election, it was because it was stolen from him. And, they, his MAGATS should have none of it. He held a rally on that day for what purpose? To incite an insurrection against the certification of Joe Biden's Electoral College votes in the halls of the Capital building where Congress meets. He was to lead his domestic terrorist forces to kill, injure, and intimidate members of Congress to abandon the Constitution and cower to their demands, which were to illegitimately install their autocratic dictator back into the White House--no questions asked. Instead, he retreated from the mob of Orcs (a reference to Lord of the Rings) to his safe haven tent on White House grounds, surrounded by Secret Service, protecting him from the event as the horror unfolded.
Trump, in their eyes, was their savior. A savior molded out of a vision of the worst kind of person to ever exist. A person who embraces a devil, or dark demon living deep inside of his soul. He was to try and maintain White Supremacy through force, intimidation, and threats. He would make the Republican Party into the Trump Nazi Party, or the MAGAT Party (Make America Great Again Theofascists). Members of Congress were to do his bidding by abandoning the rule of law and the Constitution by trashing legitimate Electoral College votes with imaginary ones.
Tens of thousands, even millions of Americans have chosen to believe his Big Lies for fear of losing their racial and religious domination. White Christian Dominionism over a nation of racially diverse people was their manifesto. They will have none of it; therefore, they fall back onto the claim that Trump is their legitimate president and the election was stolen from him in spite of down ballot Republicans who won in those states that chose Biden over Trump. How could that be?
Trump created a variety of followers beginning with the most dangerous to the most stupid and naive. Here is the list beginning with the the Trump slogan, which has been embellished upon:
Begin with MAGA and add a T creating MAGAT—Traitors, Terrorists, Thugs, Theofascists, and Thickwits. This new party of Trump should be called the MAGAT party. (Pronounced just like the word Maggot.)
Let’s look at the MAGAT Trump from this moment backward. He began his time in the White House as a destructive and vile person and ended with a war against our government. His final actions, while in the White House, were to defecate on our democracy, while ignoring his participation in the violent domestic terrorist attack. The other being, his child-like publication called “The 1776 Report”. This project basically minimized Black slavery, equal justice, a leveling of the racial playing field, as well as, a manipulation of the words of Martin Luther King. How fitting for a racist, bigoted, hatemongering president and administration in the finals days as the “Worst President in American History.”
His hollow threatening bravado and planning with that moron and traitor who calls himself “The Pillow Guy”, Mike Lindell, to declare Martial Law in his final hours as a resident of the White House. Such excrement had to be cleaned up by the White House’s rodent extermination crew.
As The Cretin exited he had the song, “YMCA” playing over the loudspeakers. Was this a symbolic song for Trump, since it was performed by a group of Gay men? Another song broadcasted was to honor his draft dodging, heel spur deferment history, since he bought his way out of the Vietnam War, which was “Fortunate Son”—a Creedence Clearwater Revival song. This song talks about how rich boys bought their way out of war. This was a delusional celebration to Trump’s ability to buy his way out of everything, except to hold onto ultimate power.
On his last full day as the guy in the White House, he said he was the only president not to have been involved in a war, which was another one of his Big Lies. He incited a war using his MAGATS, i.e, TerroristS.
As we rewind the failures and destructive actions by Trump, they will be listed here:
- Impeached for the second time
- To steal the Georgia election by intimidating election and government officials to find thousands of votes from
Imaginary voters to tip him to victory
- Endorsed voter suppression tactics; Post Office pulled voter boxes and mailboxes from Black communities
- 61 failed election fraud lawsuits
- Failing to provide hospitals and states with vaccines
- Nation Trump Virus deaths reached 401,000 on his last day in the White House
- Proclaimed the virus was a hoax
- Rallies to promote an illegitimate election, and if he doesn’t win, it was stolen from him
- Massive unemployment
- Small business closures
- Increased evictions
- Increased isolation
- Increased homelessness
- Pardons of his loyalist criminals
- Inciting violence by igniting by the Proud Boys and his other mouthpieces of hate and racism
- Failing to mobilize testing and tracing of the virus
- Pretending to support police and encouraged police violence against BLM supporters and protesters
- Showing support for delusional Q’Anonites because “They like me very much.”
- Telling Americans that the “China Virus” was going to disappear after a few weeks
- Staying quiet as police use excessive force against Black men
- Impeached for the first time and the Mueller investigation
- The ReCon Senate’s failure to convict him
- Extorting the President of Ukraine to find dirt on Hunter Biden
- Using his political position to steal money from the taxpayers by using his properties as a money trough
- Allowing Javanka to use their White House positions for profit
- Exchanging love letters with Kim Jung Un of North Korea
- Having private and undocumented meetings with Putin of Russia
- Abandoned the Climate Accord
- Abandoned NATO
- Abandoned WHO
- Used Fox News as his propaganda mouthpiece
- Muslim ban
- Immigration concentration camps and separation of kids from parents, and placing them in cages
- Pitting Red States against Blue States
- Trade tariff war forcing farmers and manufacturers into bankruptcy
- Corporate and agricultural bailouts
- Massive tax cut for the rich
- Attack on the environment and trade
- Abandoning allies and embracing adversaries
- Minimizing the needs of Native Americans
- Endorsing the Keystone Pipeline
- Threatening global industries to leave China or be punished
- Acknowledgement of White Supremacists and neo-Nazis attacking the peaceful Charlottesville protesters
- Violation of the U.S. Constitution and Office of the Presidency
- Demand for personal loyalty over loyalty to the country
- Saw himself as a dictator, authoritarian, and fascist
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall off his big, beautiful “Wall” that Mexico didn’t pay for as Trump had promised. His “Wall” was mostly to repair and upgrade the rusting sections of the border wall. And, some of the new wall collapsed due to improper construction. This is his only legacy. In his final days, he went to the wall with suck-up Lindsey Graham-cracker to celebrate his only accomplishment—Fixing the Border Wall. Heckuvah job Donnie.
We can now close up this Blogspot with a final send off to MAGATS Donald and MeMeMeMelania Trump. It’s been a fun, yet upsetting ride to have spent this much time deeply embedded in the attempted fascist takeover of our precious, and fragile democracy.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with his cabinet of extremely smart and dedicated public servants who believe in our democracy. Best wishes to them all.
Bye, Bye folks!! When Trump ends up indicted and facing a judge, this Blog may get fired back up.
Anderson Cooper can't believe Fox News Maria Bartiromo continues Trump's Big Lie.
When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln