Friday, January 27, 2023

The Kevin McCarthy and Greene Slime Embrace


                                                       Why are you so slimy?

Could it be that George Santos is NOT a real person? According to the RNC’s (Reichwing National Committee) chief con artist, Elise Stefanik she knew for a long time that Georgie was not a real person!! She being a New York Representative, was already clued into his con game. We must ask if she was the one person who found him performing at a local drag queen show and thought he would be a good actor to run for CONgress? So she dressed him up and sent him off on the campaign trail with a bunch of cash. It has been revealed that he made a ferocious claim that he had once been a target of an assassination attempt, and was mugged in broad daylight on the streets of 5th avenue in NYC back in 2021, which he made public on a Brazilian podcast. He claimed he was once married to his male partner, apparently who he became reacquainted with when he was 19 years old, and had been married to a woman at the time. At the same time of the mugging, his Florida home was vandalized. Could the reason for the vandalism be that Governor Ronnie DeFascist thought that Georgie was too WOKE to be a Republican so he had his thugs break into Santo’s home to find any WOKE oriented files?

Supposedly, Georgie had an office on or around 5th avenue in NYC and was leaving it when the mugging took place in broad daylight. We might be able to guess that his office was in the Trump Tower men’s bathroom, stall number 5. He claimed in the podcast that his shoes were taken along with his watch and briefcase. Could it be that his shoes were actually secret cellphones and his real name is Maxwell Smart? He also has claimed that it is his belief that he had met Jeffrey Epstein at some investment seminar and that he was killed in prison, but on the other hand could actually still be alive. [and living on some island with Elvis, Jim Morrison, and Jerry Garcia?] Georgie Porgie Santos has made another wild claim that he originally made a “personal loan” of $625,000 to his campaign, but now has retracted it by saying that the cash was not his own money. So whose money was it? Was it Elvis’? If he cannot identify the lender, then he may have very likely violated campaign finance laws.

Santos has been without a campaign treasurer which is necessary. Now the FEC is bearing down on him for violations. Santos listed Thomas Datwyler as his new campaign finance treasure without his permission. Sicko Santos continues to just make stuff up as he goes along. Datwyler’s attorney had to step in and inform Sicko Santos that he is not acting as his finance treasurer. Santos is becoming more and more like his idol Hobo Rump.

What is interesting is that Datwyler was the treasure of the group called the American Voting Rights Foundation, which is linked to the fake presidential 2020 audit done by Cyber Ninjas in Maricopa county Arizona, which received $1M from a RUMP PAC used to pay for the audit that had the funds moved through a few financial channels before being handed over to CPI--the Conservative Partnership Institute--led by Cleta Mitchell who got the funds into the pockets of the fake audit scammers. 

“It’s completely illegal to sign somebody else’s name on a federal filing without their consent. That is a big, big no-no,” as explained by Adva Noti a former associate general counsel at the Federal Election Commission. All this has come about because Santos had filed amended campaign finance reports.

Another true reveal is that attorney’s for Mikey duh’putz Pence found classified documents stashed in his Indiana home, which have now been turned over to the FBI. This reveal came after DUH’PUTZ publicly claimed that he did not have any classified documents in his possession. Maybe RUMP had one of his Proud Boys pals break into Putz’s home and stash them behind the refrigerator when Mikey was getting his hair cut and styled. 

What is wrong with these people? They cannot review these classified documents in their White House offices during regular working hours, but instead they have to put them in their suitcases and carry them to their private homes to read? It doesn’t make any sense.

We also have to ask what is wrong with the Trump American Nazi Party members!!! Newly elected Sarah *uck-abee Sanders on her first day in office declared that using the word “Latinx” would be illegal in her crazy state of Arkansas. Is this how she makes the people in her state safer from gun violence? And, Ronnie DeFascist is not making his citizens any safer from gun violence, either when he decided to make it illegal in his state to teach an advanced placement high school class focused on Black History without his critical review. These governors are fake crusaders. 

They are NOT pro-life because they say nothing about the number of deadly weapons owned by crazy people who are shooting up their communities killing innocent people; they are NOT freedom loving people because they believe owning a semi-automatic weapon is freedom and believe that a child sized AR-15 style weapon is acceptable to own.

 Freedom is to live one’s life in peace without the threat of being shot by a Reichwinger wearing a MAGAT red cap or a Don’t Say Gay t-shirt with DeSantis’ face printed on it; they are NOT pro-business if they go after businesses that support a diverse workplace environment with diverse viewpoints and diverse understandings; these Reichwingers don’t believe in facts or truth, either. They embrace fear of the “other.” 

These two governors, along with the rest of the TANP who are holding the entire nation hostage by embracing the gun lobby, the gun industry and manufacturers, the gun culture, the NRA, and the politicians who love the belief that guns don’t need to be registered and can be carried in their pants. In spite of California having the toughest gun laws, two mass shootings happened only days apart destroying families and friends with many dead because these guns were likely purchased in nearby states with lax gun laws. The TANP believe that the death of innocent people is just an unfortunate result to the right of owning dangerous military style weapons. They don’t care. This makes them evil fascist loving killers themselves for embracing the free-for-all gun culture.

They are afraid of free and fair elections, as well as the guaranteed right to vote because the Reichwing might be voted out of office for doing nothing about the out of control gun laws. And they are afraid that the gun lobby and the NRA might be considered domestic terrorist groups.

Here is a crazy thing. Is Kevin MKKKarthy in love with Margie Taylor Greene Slime since he said that he would never abandon this woman, who is not his wife. KKKevin made a political marriage vow to the slimy creature from Georgia. He said, “I will never leave this woman. I will always take care of her.” Beware KKKevin, she wears a tattoo that says ‘slippery when wet’, since she is covered in green slime and scales!!

Moron TANP Representative Byron Sycon Donalds has claimed that Biden violated the Espionage Act for having taken government documents to his home and garage. So Byron does that make HOBO RUMP and Putzy Pence criminals for violating the Espionage Act, too? The idiot from Florida claimed that because RUMP was president he had the powers to declassify or classify any document he wanted; yet Byron seems to have forgotten that RUMP took and hoarded those documents and claimed they were his to keep permanently while a citizen and not as president. 

Apparently the Union League of Philadelphia, a civil war era club that honors Republican political figures for being patriots. But clearly this club has turned into a fascist loving club filled with White Nationalists because they have decided to give a medal once given to Abraham Lincoln to Ronnie DeFascist. This group has brought dishonor to Philadelphia and all that the city stands for. 

The conservative publication the National Review called RUMP-Face a “deranged Hobo” who has “lost his grip on reality.” WHATTT? Charles C.W. Cooke finally realized this? RUMP, the deranged Hobo lost his grip on reality years ago!!! The social media platform he created to lay thread bare all of his personal flailings that can be shared with his deranged followers is the place where he tells the world just how unhinged he has become as his mind slips into that dark abyss.  Cooke calls TruthSocial the Hobo’s “dilapidated public park.” “ He’s morphing into one of the three witches from Macbeth.”  HuffPo writer Ed Massa wrote that Trump is ignoring real-world problems facing the nation and is instead “busy mainlining Edward Lear,” he wrote, referring to the author of “A Book of Nonsense.””

The Deranged Hobo will likely be up against another bunch of Hobo tramps who are train surfing rail cars, such as DeFascist, Mikey Portly Pompeo, Mikey da’Putz Pence, and Nikki Sticky Haley, who claims she has never lost a race. Cooke calls for the Trump American Nazi Party, which he calls the Republican Party, to turn to someone else. “The man lost. He’s a loser. It’s time we pick a winner…” Sorry Cooke but there are no winners in the TANP. They are all losers even if they end up winning their primaries.

The debt ceiling debate continues. The Trump American Nazi Party Congressional members voted to raise the debt ceiling when their Deranged Hobo was in the White House. They raised the debt ceiling for Duh’ Fuhrer even though it contributed more debt than under both Lil’BoyBush and Obama. They raised the debt ceiling in spite of giving massive tax cuts to the mega-wealthy and the corporations they beholden to. Under Obama the debt grew by $8.6T, which was a 74% increase. Under Lil’BoyBush, the national debt grew by $5.85T, which was a 101% increase. Under RUMP, he added $8.2T, which was a 33.1% increase. RUMP’s budget deficit amounted to $966B. 

 We are waiting for the House Despicable Reichwingers to figure out where the government spending cuts will come from without raising taxes on the wealthiest in the country.

The Reichwing caucus in the House of Despicable Representatives have a plan to turn on the American people. Their plan is to end all income tax, and the IRS, and add a 30% consumption tax. This would be a windfall for the wealthiest who don’t care that 30% would be added to their latest Porsche purchase or wine collection. 

The working class spend all they income on each day of living their lives. In addition, they want to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. These two hits affect the poor, disabled and retirees creating a permanent underclass of Americans. This must be their long term goal along with a major hit against the economy. They seem to be ignoring that under Biden inflation is being managed and the economy is improving as more people are finding jobs, after inheriting a very damaged economy and a rising level of unemployment. The Despicable Reichwing are pushing themselves onto the wrong side of what Americans need. They are willing to allow the government to default on the bills RUMP accrued while in the White House, and ignore the places where additional revenues need to come from. The Loathsome Reichwingers need to leave the Trump American Nazi Party and Duh’Fuhrer, but they are too weak and cowardly. So who would they run toward? No doubt, someone just as evil.

Speaking of Evil, we have a defacto Speaker of the House, Taylor Greene Slime, who tried to show she doesn’t have a brain in her empty skull that rests upon her shoulders. She decided to put forth an amendment for a vote that would stop Biden from opening up our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to domestic buyers in order to keep oil prices lower. She actually believes that the oil sold would go to China and other adversarial countries. Out of the entire House body only 13 members of the House Stupid Stooges Caucus voted with her. 

                                                     The Stupid Stooges Caucus

Here are the 13 Stooges who sided with the Slime from Georgia: Bozo Bishop- Vice Chair of the Stupid Stooges Caucus from North Carolina; Bozo Brecheen-another new member to the Stupid Stooges Caucus chaired by Greene Slime from Oklahoma; Bozo Burlison- another new inductee to the Stupid Stooges Caucus from Missouri; Cumulus Cloud from Texas; Goofy Gaetz from Florida; Grothman- another new member to the Stupid Stooges Caucus from Wisconsin; Moron Massie from Kentucky; Moron Miller from Illinois; Oh-No Ogles-a new member of the Stupid Stooges Caucus from Tennessee; Putzy Perry from Pennsylvania; Toy Boy Roy from Texas; Swingin’ Santos from New York (The latest member of the House Stupid Stooges Caucus); and (Another new member of the Stooges Caucus) Toe Fungus Tiffany from Wisconsin.

Will these 14 NITWITS bring up an amendment for the United States to invade Canada in order to liberate the country from Trudeau, as *ucker Carlson recommended?

These classless and abhorrent group of politicians were so excited to see Nancy Pelosi retire they expressed their joy in the most disgusting ways and now they have a political majority in Congress. Now we get to see what they do with it.

Monday, January 23, 2023

DeSantis' Presidential Campaign Slogan--Make America Stupid Again

  As Ronald Reagan once said, “Here we go again.”

Here we go again with Fascist Donald RUMP inciting hate and donning his delusional behavior outfit.  MAGAT enforcer Solomon Pena a failed political figure from New Mexico who decided to follow in the same footsteps as his psychotic fascist leader from Queens. They both claimed that their failed elections were stolen from them. More losers from the Trump American Nazi Party(TANP) , such as the failed gubinatorial candidate from Arizona Kari Dried Up Lake-bed has been “Karing-On” about the election being stolen from her. She continues to say she is the governor.

Pena decides to go out and kill people for being a loser. This is what the TANP, or formerly known as the GOP, has become. defacto House Speaker Taylor Greene Slime has pointed out her own evil disposition as she mistakenly claims that Democrats are the evil ones. Here is what this moron said, “Vengence is mine declares the Lord. God will not let evil go unpunished.”

Her delusional cult practice tells her that the TANP is doing what is right for the American People. She claims that Democrats belong to the Uniparty, when in fact, her party had to vote for a person to lead the House that they couldn’t trust. That is her lockstep Uniparty. Line up behind Donald RUMP and if necessary, Ronnie DeFascist. She ends her tweet with “America First!” They have never put America First. They put Plutocrats and American Oligarchs first, such as the oil and gas industry, along with the animal production industry. More triple cheese burgers for McDonalds and Donald RUMP. There is nothing like stacking on the beef at the Feed Trough Buffet.

The Justice Department will likely not let her evil insurrectionist party leader go unpunished. 

Psycho Dumbass Donnie is like the guy who checks out a library book and doesn’t return it for years because he believes it is really his!!! Biden is like the guy who checks out a book and forgets he checked it out, puts in his sock drawer, and unknowingly holds onto it for years. And once he learns he forgot to return it he actually does so. Let’s remember the episode of Seinfeld when he returns a long overdue book and gets reprimanded by the library overdue book security guard. Very funny episode. 

Dumb-dumb Donnie criticized Biden for having stored some of these classified documents in what he calls an unsecured garage where he keeps his vintage Corvette. According to Biden the garage was locked and secure, not unlike the unsecured Grift-Alota-Lago shuffleboard club where hundreds of people roam through and around without a care in the world many likely being foreign spies or agents pretending to be guests of Duh’Fuhrer who just happened to walk in, possibly off the beach. We cannot forget the hundreds of foreign workers who do the grunt work around the club. In spite of his claim that the club is as secure as a fort, which it is not. It is like a porous sieve!!!! We already know that a Russian agent has been documented roaming around snapping photos with her and RUMP and other RUMPIES. 

RUMP’s “Cool Keepsakes” were the 300 plus confidential/classified folders he had in boxes or spewed across his floor. He said the folders were just ordinary folders with ordinary writing. So different from Biden’s unknowing that he had confidential folders stored at his home and garage all of which are being returned.

On par with RUMP’s grifter style, George Santos who said that his mother had escaped the 9/11 World Traded Center building collapse when, in fact, his mother had been granted a visa to come into the country in 2003. He also grifted a wounded veteran out of thousands the funds collected by Santos’ fake GoFundMe page, which was to be used for the veteran’s dog that needed surgery. Santos decided to keep the cash for himself. He also claimed to be a multimillionaire resulting from being a “fake financier” from his fake company called the “Devolder Organization”. The fascist political body within the MAGAT McKKKarthy Extortionist House is all about investigations targeted toward Democrats, Fauci, and others, yet Santos goes untouched. 

The North Shore Leader newspaper, a Long Island publisher, interviewed Santos and called him a “fake, a fabulist, and a bizarre, unprincipled and sketchy sociopath.” The publisher Grant Lally found him to be a “grotesque fraud” and has called for his resignation. 

The MAGAT authoritarian plutocratic House caucus has decided to play Russian roulette with our debt ceiling issue. They are focused on damaging our economy by cutting where it would hurt average Americans. This is all about wounding Biden’s presidency, instead of doing what is best for the nation. Ultimately, the crazies who have been assigned to the committees will bring down the House upon their heads. The idiots running the asylum are hellbent on cutting military appropriations to Ukraine, which is fighting for maintaining democracy throughout the globe. Putin has already threatened a nuclear war if he doesn’t get his way. World stability is at stake and Ukraine is fighting for it on behalf of all of us. Their sacrifice deserves all the support this country can provide it. The fascists in the MAGAT infested HOUSE are more aligned with Putin than with the Ukrainians. 

This attitude permeates throughout their caucus. The debt ceiling fight is their first position on behalf of the  plutocrats, and to enrich the American Oligarchs. Lil’BoyBush, and Dumb-Dumb Donnie gave big tax cuts to the oligarchs in this country. Also, those plutocrats who got PPP loans, yet were not in need of them in the first place, but got them anyway, such as both RUMP and Kushner, have not paid them back because their loans were forgiven. It is time to clawback every last penny of those loans given to the plutocrats. 

Greene Slime has no idea the purpose is to raise the debt ceiling and what it means to the solvency of our economy. Since Slime has more money than she has ever seen in her life due to campaign contributions, and her government salary, she charges everything she spends to her congressional account and has her staff balance her checkbook. The debt payments are for those so-called checks that have already written. It is not for future charges the government will accrue. This pathetic clown is basically a political grifter.

There is somewhere around $600 billion dollars in unpaid taxes by the nation’s plutocratic elites, which should be pursued by the IRS; but first, that agency needs to be funded adequately in order for their agents to go after the 1percent tax avoidance deadbeats who hold over $36 trillion in aggregated wealth.  These plutocrats own over 13% more than the national debt.

MAGAT Queen Taylor Greene Slime, who has said on the House floor that she believes that there are democrats who are satanic cannibals,  has been assigned to the DHS committee. What is wrong with her supporters back in her Georgia district? Being that her intelligence level is extremely low, she was assigned to the committee in order to satisfy a political debt owed by McKKKarthy for her vote. Slime’s agenda on the committee is to create chaos. Her number one position is to free all the January 6th terrorists who have been convicted of crimes related to their role in the insurrection. She calls them political prisoners and not criminals. The Department of Justice has an understanding of her role in the plotting of the Stop the Steal movement directed by Markie Meadows.

We have to ask, “Will the real MAGAT House Speaker please step forward.” It sure isn’t Kevin McKKKarthy. Now that the debt ceiling is up for a vote, KKKevin’s leadership will be up for debate. He raised the debt ceiling under his MAGAT King and now his screaming banshies throughout his MAGAT conference are calling for budget cuts in order to stop any attempt to raise the debt ceiling. Nearly 25% of the U.S. National debt incurred happened under the RUMP’s time in office.

Senator Hoe Joe Manchin is wanting to negotiate terms if the debt ceiling is to be raised. So Hoe Joe, what are you wanting to cut? Government’s social benefits, which a great many West Virginians receive, such as Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Social Security, G.I benefits, and more. So Joe, what do you want to cut? Military spending? How about subsidies to your pet projects, such as oil, gas and coal? How about a Wealth Tax HOE JOE?

KKKevin McKKK is trying to do the same thing. He asked the White House for a “conversation.” A conversation about cutting the budget in order to raise the debt ceiling and reduce future spending. So KKKevin, tell us what you want to cut. Tell the American people your tax cut plans. Or, are you afraid to expose yourself to your MAGAT conference? Whatever Cowardly Kevin wants to “discuss” with the White House had to be given to him by the “Real MAGAT House Speaker(s). The White House understands that KKKevin is an impotent House Speaker and takes his orders from the Insurrectionists running the committees.

Fuhrer-Governor Ronnie DeFascist, Little Hitler as he is known, is trying to stay more controversial than the rest of his MAGAT party freaks. He decided to go after an Advanced Placement course approved by College Board to teach an African American Studies high school level class claiming it violates the state law in his war against “Wokeness.”. He did this without a single fact that would make the class worth canceling. DeFascist’s anti-WOKE Department of Education’s Office of Articulation claimed that the course has no “significant educational value.” The College Board was told to amend the course to comply with the Ronnie’s fascist White Nationalist agenda if they want to offer the class for review by Ronnie’s White Nationalist review board. Critical Race Theory is Ronnie’s enemy. DeFascist is the leader of his self-described Make Florida Stupid Again—(MFSA).

DeFascist will bring his MFSA agenda to his possible presidential run in order to MASA—Make America Stupid Again. His agenda would be to dismantle the public school education curriculum if they attempt to teach a comprehensive multi-cultural curricula. WOKE is his motto.

The Supreme Court’s beer chugging leading star, Brett duh’kegger Kavanaugh is the subject of a newly released documentary about his young life as a total sexual assault pervert. It was shown at the Sundance Film Festival. The content goes beyond what the FBI was willing to release about this creepy pervert.

At Davos—the world economic forum, writer and editor Jill Abramson called the a few Americans who were in attendance a “corrupt circle jerk” of United States economic values. The faces of American distrust decided to spend their donor dollars to party at Davos, since they have nothing else to do. Krysten Sinema who has been beholden to elite oligarchs for her campaign war chest, and Mr. Coal, Oil, and Gasbag Joe da’Hoe Manchin who has been enriched by the health care conglomerates, and a one-time RUMP sidekick Anthony Scaramucci, who was likely looking for suckers to invest their cash in his investment funds. All three of these political whores have not made the world a better place economically for millions of people. They are only out for themselves and no one else.

Hoe Joe decided that if RUMP could steer government money into the pockets of himself and his little cretins, then he should be able to do so, as well. Hoe Joe channeled millions of dollars toward the pet projects that his wife was involved with. Here is a kicker. His 2021 vote for the federal infrastructure bill led to $1 billion of that money to a commission headed by his wife!!! It didn’t stop there. His wife Gayle is the golden goose for her pet projects, one other being Bethany College where she served as a trustee. Her husband’s conflict of interest pose a concern, since his wife has investments with business interests that are involved with entities that have had government funds directed to them.

The newly released drama called The George Santos Story featuring Anthony Devolder keeps getting better and better. He got his acting career start as a 17 year old drag queen star and won “several Gay BEAUTY PAGENTS”. His imagination continued to spin as he wrote on his Wiki page pretending he was in the “Hanna Montana” show (actually spelled Hannah) and later in the film starring alongside Uma Thurman (George spelled her name Turman)  in “The Invasion”. Also he wrote on his Wiki page that he rubbed elbows with the producer of “INDEPENDENTS DAY BY STEVEN SPILBERG” (have you actually heard of this film?).


The once known political party called the GOP is now filled with dangerous mentally ill psychotic cranks wanting to mould government into their own image. 

A group of White Supremacists disguised as Christian Nationalists are heading to one of RUMP’s clubs, the RUMP Uh Dump Doral hotel for a day of raising hands and satanic worship while praising their Lord and Savior D.J.RUMP, who will spin the turntables. The Q’Anon revivalist cult gathering called “The ReAwakening America tour” organized by crazy man and traitor Michael Flynn and his sidekick Clay Clark. A day of fun and craziness will be encouraged as they stir up threats against any police who are told to enforce COVID restrictions. 

It appears that the Justice Department’s attorney general Merrick Garland decided to dope slap Rep. Jimbo Jordan who now chairs the House Judiciary Committee by telling him that he won’t be privy to any information regarding ongoing cases the department is working on. Information that includes criminal probes into classified documents, and those involved in the RUMP coup plot, as well as other investigations will be kept away from Jimbo’s dirty sticky fingers. 

The Justice system gave RUMP a pass with the case against him for elder fraud abuse regarding his scamming people who donated to his PAC. Gullible seniors used their credit cards to donate their cash. The RUMP grifter’s company called WinRed kept charging those credit cards after the one-time donation was made. In one case, his PAC kept charging one elderly person over $6,700.00 after her one-time $50.00 donation was made. The Federal Election Commission decided not to punish the company affiliated with RUMP that was grifting off of these donors.

Here is the complete story.

A sad remembrance goes to British rock guitar legend Jeff Beck who died this week at the age of 78 from meningitis. And, another rock musical icon, David Crosby, died at the age of 81. He had been touring with his new band and just released another solo album. He was a member of the Byrds and then later, the Crosby, Stills and Nash band. His voice was like no other.

Other interesting articles:

The juice brand Simply Orange has been found to contain toxic PFAS  chemicals.

Strenuous exercise could help to prevent Alzheimer's.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Will The Real George Santos Please Stand Up


The Trump American Nazi Party is now exporting fascist terrorism. We watched it unfold in Brazil as fascist anarchists violently attacked their capital building and invaded it. The rightful president of Brazil Lula directed law enforcement to arrest hundreds of these fascists, not like what failed to happened here in 2021. Instead Rump sat idly by eating double cheese burgers and washing it down with caramelized sodas as he watched on television his fascist zombie followers attacked the U.S. Capital, and law enforcement, as they filled the halls and rooms looking for lawmakers to hurt or hang. 

The reason for the Brazilian attack by domestic zombie terrorists originated from the RUMP style Brazilian failed candidate Bolosonaro, who sat safely protected by Florida Governor Ron DeFascist and supported by the Fochs Snooze Nazi *ucker Carlson. The playbook for authoritarianism and fascist leadership is unfolding as Harvard professor Tim Snyder wrote in his book “On Tyranny.” 

The voters in this country blindly and ignorantly elected their fascist and authoritarian loving candidates to Congress and into state leadership positions. KKKevin McKKKarthy has openly decided to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and other social programs, along with the IRS staff so the plutocrats don’t get audited.  

The Congressional Reich and fascist talking heads now have something to rally around. President Biden had a few classified folders still remaining in his once occupied office at his think tank. They are blowing off their tinfoil hats over Biden’s failure to return these folders to the National Archives after vacating this office. His attorney located these folders and notified the National Archives and then returned them. More folders were found in his secure garage at his beach home. 

The difference between Rump stealing boxes of government files, around 400 being top secret and classified and then telling everyone that “these are mine all mine!!” Mr. Miser RUMP pretended that these boxes of classified and government documents, some being nuclear related,  were all his and that is why he had them moved to his shuffleboard club and stashed in storage rooms, an off-site storage locker, his private sleeping quarters, and pool room. He even tried to get Rudy Ghouliani to hide some of the classified documents at his place. The crazy man from Queens actually said out loud that all he had to do was to “think the declassification” of all the files and folders he stole from the White House.  RUMP’s own attorneys had to search around for more of RUMP’s hiding places to look for his stashed files. Biden’s forgotten folders were due to his negligence and lack of due diligence to clean out his office before vacating it. 

The Biden files saga keeps getting worse. Some of those classified files were found in Biden’s locked garage, where he keeps his vintage Corvette car. Biden’s saga is very different from RUMP’s stealing of his documents. Biden appears to be negligent and irresponsible for his failure to not know where he has stashed these classified document files following his exit as Obama’s Vice President. This may sound a bit extreme, but if he were to tell the American people that he would resign the presidency because of his lack of judgement, then he would do so immediately. It appears that there was a fast rush to vacate the Office of the Vice President so his aides packed up the boxes before they were moved. The issue here is once they were moved out of Washington, Biden should have gone through the boxes to make sure the only files were of a personal nature and not classified. This shows a lack of due diligence.

It is clear that no criminal intent was shown here. Only a lack of professional judgement. If he were working for a multi-national company where their security could be compromised, and Biden were their chief executive officer, the board of directors would ask for his resignation even though he didn’t pack the boxes up. What might have occurred is that his aides, as he was exiting the Office of the Vice Presidency, were packing up all his papers, files and folders so that Mike Pence would have access to the space. It has been said that as the aides were hurriedly packing boxes, some were vacating their posts for other jobs and the execution of the move-out could have been done without oversight. 

As the Justice Department investigates Biden’s lack of professional oversight of the packing of the materials, the department will see that the special counsel Hu assigned to the investigation, will find that no crime committed. All the documents Biden had forgotten about and misplaced in various locales have been, or are about to be returned to the National Archives. Biden is fully cooperating.  Again, this is NOT the same thing as what the Cretin from the M. Lago Lagoon has done. He never cooperated. He has yet to even give a reasonable explanation of why he even took the documents in the first place; or why he failed to return them. Or why he actually believed that thinking the documents as declassified was actually a THING. No matter what the House Insurrectionist Protectionist Caucus believes, or how much hoopla they create, there is no comparison between Biden and RUMPle-stupid-skin’s cases. Actually, if Jimbo Jordan’s oversight committee actually decides to interfere in the judicial branch’s independent investigations, that could be found to be illegal. 

What we have learned is Joe Biden may not be the best choice to run against RUMPle-stilt-stupid-skin or Ronnie DeFascist in 2024. Biden’s judgement may be waning. Democrats must not support a candidate who will fall under attack for their lack of good judgement. We are living in very difficult times where the opposition are Nazis, and authoritarian loving fascists. Democrats cannot risk more fascist takeovers throughout the country. Our freedoms and democracy are at risk.

Biden needs to start drinking some energy drinks and begin planning his retirement party. It is time that he head to the beach, pull the Corvette out of the garage, or maybe his "Little Deuce Coupe," and put the top down so he can take regular drives along the shoreline drive. 

The Insurrectionist Party running the House through KKKevin McKKKarthy has a plan to end all taxes. They are planning to end payroll taxes, which funds all Social Security payments. Will all retirees in Florida and the rest of the Reichwingers who voted for the Trump American Nazi Party candidates wake up from their mindless stooper to see the coming train wreck?  And now, they want to mess with Social Security, and end business taxes, along with inheritance taxes targeted at the one percenters, and all other taxes. They have stated that they want to replace it with a consumption tax in the range of 30 to 40 percent on each item purchased. Rick Scott of Florida told all of us of this plan two years ago, but senior Floridians were too busy playing shuffleboard, or bingo, or riding around on their electric carts to grasp the consequences of re-electing Rick Scott, and Ronnie DeFascist. This is what happens when clueless voters who are too busy drinking the Fochs Snooze Kool-Aid and watching RUMP on his UnTruth Social platform and ignore reality, which ends up hitting them right between the eyes. And now, every bottle of aspirin, bottle Ensure, and prune juice could be taxes 30-40% more.  

Then we can talk about inflation, or recession created by the Reichwing House members as people begin to really cut back on their spending.  If the Insurrectionist Party is successful with their consumption tax plan, then the pandemic recession will be seen as a walk in the park. The Elon Muskie Oligarchs are jumping for joy. If one thinks that the economic pandemic shut down closed down businesses and laid-off workers, just wait until the Reich screws up our lives and the country even more.

What we will see over the next two years from the Reichwing Insurrectionist Chaos Party in the House will be called a real ClusterFuck!!!! Impeachment hearings; cutting IRS auditors, attacking Biden for his carelessness in regards to leaving confidential folders in a vacated office; investigating the Afghanistan withdrawal, and Dr. Fauci, among others will be their focus over the next two years. No more House ethics investigations; therefore, Rep. George Santos is clicking his heels. But, he will be under investigation by other attorneys for crimes committed, such as a fraud of many colors. One such crime could be the Ponzi scheme he engaged in while working for Harbor City Capital. He claims he managed a $1.5B fund portfolio that was scoring a fixed yield with a 12 percent return. His boss Jonathan P. Maroney was investigated by the SEC for allegedly scamming investors out of $17.1M and is now under a criminal investigation. While he allegedly worked at the investment this place, he used an alias going by the name Anthony Devolder, which he claimed is his mother’s family name. Maybe he watched too many episodes of Seinfeld where George used an alias Vandelay. 

The Reichwing Insurrectionist Chaos Caucus in the House (RICC) is now going to hold a hearing on the politicization of the Biden WH against them. Did they forget that RUMP politicized his WH by going after those who were deemed his enemies, as well as various government institutions, such as the FBI, and more? They were OK with that.  

The drama around George Santos is swirling. Democratic political consultant James Carville asked if George Santos is his real name, and is he a citizen of the United States? He wants to see his passport for proof. The Daily Beast reported that he took cash from a migrant smuggler, or one might say a human trafficker named Rocco Oppedisano. This guy is an Italian nationalist, who was kicked out of the U.S. He has been accused of smuggling undocumented Chinese and Bahamian migrants, and cash into Florida. Former Santos roommates have come forward claiming that he stole from them. 

Rocco’s family operates a restaurant in Queens and are friends with Santos. Some of Rocco’s family members were appointed to what maybe a fake organization to raise money called the Small Businesses for Santos Coalition. This sounds like something RUMP has done over and over again to scam donors. Santos seems to have forgotten that taking campaign contributions from foreign nationals is illegal. Santos used Rocco’s family restaurant as a campaign victory party site, which cost him $18,773.54, which seems he has yet to pay for. Sounds like RUMP. He also spent over $25,000 at this same restaurant, Il Bacco in 2020. Then there is the question were has all the money come from and who is backing him? There is a call for the House Ethics Committee to investigate Santos by House Democrats. There has been a call by his district Republicans for him to resign. 

Read the full piece here.

Has Santos been consulting RUMP’s Magic 8 Ball toy? He said that if 142 people ask him to resign, then he would. 142 ordinary people? 142 from his New York Volleyball community? 142 airline employees? 142 public officials? 142 school children? What is he talking about? What about 142 Jew-ish people? 142 mental health professionals is more than likely.

 KKKevin McKKKarthy is holding fast with his pledge to boot Democrats from their House committee assignments. He is after Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Ilhan Omar. He is politicizing his position by inflicting revenge against Democrats for booting Greene Slime and Gargoyle Gosar from their committee assignments during the last Congress. This is just the beginning. There was good reason to boot these two monsters from their positions. KKKevin made these deals in order to get the speaker’s post after 14 rounds of losing the votes. 

McCarthy is going to make Santos and Boebert his caucus' Hoe Coming Queen and King.

Now that the Trump Reichwingers failed to bring about a Red Wave of wins to the midterm election cycle, those who were able to create a majority in the House of Representatives are now in charge of all the committees and are sweeping out as many Democrats as they can. Their goal is to find ways to allow the state legislatures who have Reichwing majorities to restrict voting rights so they can sway the electorate to keep them in control. The House fascists running committees want to create the illusion that they are about to make things better for the American people by writing legislation that will actually make things worse off. 

Restricting voting rights will be one of their objectives. Their aim is to follow what Montana State Fascist Republican John Fuller has said, “Democracy is a methodology of government that has failed as miserably as socialism.” So what is he proposing? A fascist Plutocracy where the wealthiest members of the population make all the rules? In an op-ed he wrote he compared our Democracy to the “tyranny of King George.” Was he referring to the reign of terror we saw with RUMPLE-Stupid-Skin when he sat on his Oval Office Golden Potty Chair throne for four years as he weaponized the presidency by going after his enemies and demanded loyalty from his sycophants that surrounded him as he stuffed his face with triple cheeseburgers day after day?

*ucker Carlson gave it all away in his broadcast. He drew a comparison to the weaponization of the RUMP administration’s continuous assault against government institutions, such as the FBI, the department of Education, the IRS, and more to the current House of Representative takeover. “Jim Jordan (chairperson of the House Judiciary Committee),  and Kevin McCarthy claim to be investigating the weaponization of the federal government when, in fact, this new select subcommittee is the weapon itself.” 

Democrat from NY Congressman Jerry Nadler said this, “ It is specifically designed to inject extremist politics into our justice system and shield the MAGA movement from the legal consequences of their actions. In order to become speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy sold out our democracy by handling power-hungry Jim Jordan subpoena power and a green light to settle political scores under the phony pretext of rooting out conservative bias.” 

Congressman Raul Grijalva of Arizona compared Jim Jordan’s motivation as committee chair to Senator Joe McCarthy’s Communist witch-hunt investigations during the 1950s targeting innocent Americans, mostly Hollywood types many of which were Jewish actors, musicians, composers, directors, screenwriters, and actresses. McCarthy ended up disgraced. 

Kevin McCarthy and Jimbo Jordan are continuing what RUMP started on January 6. Washington Post writer Philip Bump wrote this,

“In the hours after a violent mob stormed the US Capital, hoping to block Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential win and retain Donald Trump as president, more than 130 Republican members of the House voted to do precisely that. The rioters tried to us intimidation and physical obstruction to achieve that goal. The Republican legislators used votes [as their weapon].”

*ucker Carlson went on to say, “So this week, as promised, Republicans, now control the House, set up a new committee modeled after the famous Frank Church committee of the ’70s to investigate the FBI and the intel agencies, which are playing what appear to be decisive roles in American politics. Now that’s an offense against democracy, you can’t have a democracy in which government agencies secretly work to control the outcome. That’s tyranny, of course. No decent person should want that.”

What is he talking about? He has been totally embedded in RUMP’s attempt at tyranny by secretly weaponizing the agencies he controlled in order to create outcomes that would be in his favor. Carlson has clearly proven he is against democracy as he waves the authoritarian fascist flags of Brazil and Hungary, and sides with Putin. 

*ucker tries to make his viewers believe that a group of House Democrats, who are showing their opposition to the Jordan subcommittee’s agenda, want us to believe that these Democrats are only about persecuting Republicans. Had he forgotten that a great many of these so-called Republicans-in-name-only were ready to vote for fake electors on 1/6/20 and were involved in the RUMP coup plot? You can watch Carlson’s propaganda here.

Carlson continued his bullshit, But Republicans, rather than Democrats, rather than welcoming the scrutiny and the transparency, the sunlight, are responding with panic.”

“So, there's verification right there. If you're wondering if the federal agencies – FBI, CIA, and a bunch of others, are actually being used as tools of the Democratic Party to change political outcomes – now we know for sure. 'Cause if you're a government official and you are panicked at the idea that what you are doing will become public, you're doing something wrong. By definition.”

In an article written by Amanda Marcotte for Salon, she makes a reference to Abe Streep who wrote about Montana politics, which is an example of what the Christian Reich nationalists are doing all around the country by capturing state leadership positions and imposing their extremist, fanatical religious views upon the people they are suppose to represent. 

She goes on to point out that the Montana governor Greg Gianforte belongs to a Reichwing church in Bozeman that “adheres to a literal interpretation of the Bible that rejects evolution and considers homosexuality a sin, and teach that those who reject racist ideology are evil people.” In other words, racism is good. “Montana, which was once a bastion of libertarianism,” has now become a center of hate and Reichwing extremist Christians.

We now a type of trickle down Christian fascism, which is alive and well in the House of Representatives filled with Q’Anon crazy conspiracy loving morons who embraced the January 6 act of sedition and brought it into the House chambers; and, flash white power hand signals; and, believe that the insurrectionists need to be pardoned; and, embrace the idea that everyone in the country should be carrying guns like people did 200 years ago; and, that Plutocracy is better than Democracy;  and, that propaganda media outlets are the alternative facts of today’s news; The Reichwing’s patriotic mindset is to embrace fascist dictators and their authoritarianism; and, that stealing elections is the only way to win elections.

The Salon writer pointed out that RUMP and Steve Fascist Bannon had been advising Jair Bolonaro and his family for months, as they analyzed how a coup worked for RUMP, even though it failed. The Trump American Nazi Party cheered on Bolsonaro’s attempt to steal away the Lula election win using Brazilian insurrections. Had Bolsonaro’s followers succeeded in their coup, he would likely have followed RUMP’s call which was to “terminate the United States Constitution” so he could be restored as King Donald. Speaker KKKevin McKKKarthy is still beholden to RUMP, who pressured his people in the House to vote for KKKevin as Speaker. No time in history has a twice impeached, and disgraced pretend president have such a stranglehold on their party. 

For RUMP the heat is on. Special counsel Jack Smith has increased the temperature by wanting to know who is paying the legal bills of those surrounding RUMP, such as Ghouliani, and others who have been subpoenaed by him.

We all must be prepared for the Second Coming of Christian Fascism. Arkansas’ newly elected governor Sarah *uckabee Sanders has made a decision to further demonize the women in her state. She now has banned the word Latinx.

The Christian fascists have been banning words, behavior, what one can read, what one can learn, and who one can vote for. Ronnie DeFascist is now going after Black ex-felons who have been released and decided to vote. Ronnie D had fully militarized cops to not go after a murderer, or a bank robber, or a rapist but a Black person who allegedly committed voter fraud by voting after believing he or she had the right to vote after serving their jail time.

Then there is the governor of Virginia who decided that if there is a fetus in the car, the driver can use the HOV lanes. So, does that mean if the driver has a jar with a pig fetus in it, he or she can drive on the HOV lanes?

During the midterm election election cycle, we heard over and over again how Democrats have been causing our current inflation. But now, we have yet to hear of any plan to bring down our current levels of inflation. They have none. All they know how to do is to perform as the Insurrection Protectionist Party. KKKevin MKKKarthy has no idea how to curb inflation. But he knows how to increase it!!!

We keep finding registered Republicans committing voter fraud. It’s odd that they have been blaming Democrats of rigging the elections by voting more than once. But the real truth is that Republicans are the actual cheats. Kim Phuong Taylor, the wife of Iowa Woodbury County Supervisor Jeremy Taylor voted 23 times. She collected mail-in and absentee ballots from those she knew in the local Vietnamese Sioux City community filling them out and then signing the actual recipient’s name on the ballot without their permission. She is now arrested on more than 50 felony charges.

If the GOP cannot find a reason to become more disgusting then here is their latest effort. They want to allow smoking permissible in the halls of Congress. No more outdoor smoking sessions. Bring it all inside. As author Amanda Marcotte writing for Salon points out that the GOP has embraced “toxic masculinity.” She traces it back to Rush Limbaugh who “coined the term “feminazi”” to describe those who were pushing for bans on indoor smoking as a form of emasculating men who preferred to smoke at their desks and in the office conference rooms before he eventually died of lung cancer. Limbaugh’s great comeback to “feminizas” was “It’s true that everybody who smokes dies, but so does everyone who eats carrots.” Now that is a typical moronic rebuttal to indoor smoking bans that is typical of the those who wave MAGAT flags from inside the halls of Congress. The wimpy kid who goes by the name Mikey Pence wanted to show that he can be masculine, too. He once wrote an op-ed in support of smoking. Here is what the Putz from Indiana wrote back in 2001 in regards to anti-tobacco regulations: [these are] "backhanded big government disguised in do-gooder health care rhetoric" and making the blatantly false declaration that "smoking doesn't kill."  What was he thinking? Smoking and cancer are inextricably linked or don’t they teach science in his type of Christian school? This was after he tried a hair growth supplement that he applied to his hairless chest and genital area. He once took the time to criticize Disney for creating characters that showed that girls could grow up to be warriors as portrayed in the film “Mulan.” No doubt, Mikey was a bit jealous that a girl could actually have a more confident sense of self than he has being the wimpy kid and all.

Marcotte wrote this in an honest yet humorous way, “But just as House Republicans have made the anti-democratic desires of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists the center of their political vision, this juvenile and offensive gesture of impotent rage at the "nanny state" has gone from the rioters to the offices of members of Congress. As the Limbaugh and Pence examples show, Republicans have long framed public health measures as a feminizing threat to their snowflake-fragile masculinity. But that rhetoric has gone into overdrive in recent years, as Donald Trump and then the GOP masses made dying of COVID-19 into a marker of partisan identity politics — and almost a noble sacrifice for the cause of so-called freedom. The deep irony of seeing a man behave pathetically while claiming to be "strong" was amply illustrated in Trump's attempt to deny that he nearly died from COVID by dramatically ripping his face mask off on a White House balcony. He definitely believed he looked confident, but that moment was uncomfortably reminiscent of Trump's repeated claims that his stubby fingers tell us nothing about what he's carrying in his pants.” 

She goes on to point out that toxic masculinity is nothing more than emulating the wimpy kid syndrome that swept the country once RUMP chose the Putz from Indiana to be his sidekick for four years. So we've been forced to endure nearly two years of Republicans defending their masculine bona fides by claiming they're not afraid of COVID-19, often by acting very, very afraid of the vaccine. So many manly men running around declaring they will prove their toughness by refusing to get stuck with a little tiny needle! Joe Rogan, current king of the trying-too-hard culture of talk-radio masculinity, has been an avatar of this hilarious un-self-aware paradox of dudes who will thump their chests and claim they're too much man to be felled by a virus, before squealing like babies at the idea of getting the shot.” And don’t forget, these toxically masculine dudes crying like squealing pigs once they end up on a ventilator in a hospital after collapsing from COVID-19 and begging the nurse to give them the vaccine when they are on the verge of dying from the virus!!!  

Amanda Marcotte goes on here when she points out that “Almost nothing is funnier than someone with a massive gulf between the way they perceive themselves and the way they look to other people. I've witnessed decades of Republicans declaring themselves to be John Wayne heroes while acting like petulant kindergartners making faces because Mom told them to eat their broccoli. It never stops being hilarious. But there are real costs when conservatives seek relief from their yawning insecurities by sacrificing public health to partisan loyalty.” She expands that there is a difference in health outcomes between those in Republican Red States and those living in Blue States. In red states, the mortality rate is much lower due to a multitude of factors, which she elaborates in her terrific article, which should be nominated for some sort of journalistic award.

“Despite hysterical right-wing media claims to the contrary, the government is not coming to take away your gas stove. Contrary to right-wing stereotypes that Democrats will deploy secret-police tactics to make us all live like vegetarian monks, progressive health regulations always try to balance improved public health with ordinary people's understandable desire to decide how they want to live their lives. You're risking agonizing disease and an early death for the payoff of smelling like an old shoe. There are just way too many other good times to be had, with nowhere near the danger. You can have non-procreative sex, take your friends to a drag show or read a book, for instance — which as you probably noticed, are all things the modern GOP would like to legislate out of existence. Smoking, by comparison, is just a bummer. Republicans' petty and self-destructive enthusiasm for it [to smoke more “tobaccee”] is just another reminder that they've become a party devoted to being terrible for its own sake.”

Read the entire article HERE!