Thursday, March 23, 2023

An Indictment of Individual 1


An Indictment of Individual 1


The embrace of Reichwing WOKEness is disgusting. Rumpster Dickster from Queens believes the biggest threat to global peace is the United States, which is in fact related to the criminal activity originating directly from Dickster Rumpster himself. He continues to pontificate that America is in decline. Such a decline points  directly back to him and his WOKE supremacist acts of domestic terrorism.

He is America’s individual number one domestic terrorist along with his appointed judges, and the Reichwing governors and State legislatures. He continues to claim there is some sort of Marxist philosophy in our government but in fact the only Marxism is RUMPIE fascism embraced by his Trump American Nazi Party membership in Congress and in Reichwing state governments.

The Reichwing version of WOKE—Whites Only Klansmen Extremists embraced by Ronnie DeFascist, Donnie Dumbass from Queens and all the others who march in lockstep are blaming the recent bank collapses on Biden when in fact the reason for it goes back to Dumbass Donnie who decided to deregulate the banking industry and loose up regulations that were put in place Back during Dodd Frank legislation. Just as the rail transportation regulations were undone by Rump causing recent train derailments. Two regional banks ended up derailing as well.It all points back to RUMP and his WOKE Reichwing who just cannot figure it all out. His vision for AMERICA is to make it in the image of a Putinesque evil dictatorship making him the fascist King.

Rumpster Dickster’s pal Putin has an arrest warrant issued for him. The two have a lot in common a life filled with criminality and the reason for the downfall of global civilization. Rumpster will be surrendering himself hopefully soon pending a criminal indictment. We know what is going with with the Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, but what is going on with New York state’s attorney general Letitta James’ investigation? We know what is going on with Fanni Willis in Georgia. Let’s hope more indictments are pending.

Rumpster Donnie said that the United States is the reason for the pending collapse of Western Civilization and that the American people are the reason for it. We haver to look very closely at the Trump American Nazi Party that he created out of all the out of control gun laws that his party has accepted as a new reality. And we cannot forget the likes of *ucker Carlson and his authoritarian loving compatriots in the Reichwing fake news sphere who perpetuate the belief that only fascism is what the party needs to control the masses.

WOKE Congressmen James Comer,Josh Hawley are two loyalReichwingers crying the DeSantis WOKE tears. Stephen Miller a member of RumP Nazi Party is part of the super WOKE propagandist team. He is also a Joseph Goebells (Hitler propagandist) look-alike. 

As Rachel Maddow has recently detailed. The United States has a growing Nazi problem. DeFascist the governor of Florida is a part of this rising embrace of Nazism. He made it very clear by banning Jodie Picoult’s best selling book from Florida libraries because a Reichwing parent objected to a book about the Holocaust was available. The book titled The Storyteller, a novel about the Holocaust, anti-semitism and fascist Germany was apparently not aligned with DeSantis’s REICHWING values.

Maddow points out how Reichwing Congressman James Comer invited Nicholas Wade an anti-semite who believes in Jewish stereotypes to speak as a witness to the fascist leaning House Oversight Committee. 

Little Nazi Rumpster Eric son of demented Donald is skipping about the country with the very same anti-Semitic Nazi. Wade believes that 9-11 was caused by Jews. And goes around saying that Hitler was right. When they landed in Jacksonville images  of Swastikas were projected onto buildings.

Nazis in Ohio are flocking to drag queen shows to protest while carrying swastika flags and shouting Nazi salute mantras. 

This is only going to get worse. Putin is loving all of this and is hoping for a Reichwinger to win the White House in 24!!!

The slimey creature from Mar-A-Lago’s lagoon is blowing off his mouth by saying that he needs another chance to make America great again, since the country he passed onto Biden was thrown in the trash heap. He forgot that he threw kids in cages, he shut down the nation because he dismissed the pandemic then pushed fake remedies; then he deregulated the rail transportation system, and the banking sector. Now the crybaby bank managers who collapsed their banks with dodgy investments want a bailout, yet they want to privatize the gains but socialize the losses.

The fascist governor from Florida is saying that defending democracy in Eastern Europe by supporting Ukraine’s fight against Nazism at the hand of Putin is too much. DeFascist is saying this because he love Nazism and wants Nazism to spread in the United States. Ronnie’s new slogan is Let Me Make America Nazi. 

Krysten Sinema and Joe duh’Hoe Manchin voted to deregulate the banks under the Rump Rule of Law. They are to blame, too. These two made money from these deregulated industries.

Taylor Greene Slime just cannot keep her face from eating greene slime. She continues to push her own type of a Big Lie by saying that there was no Reichwing insurrection. She keeps saying it was Antifa. So who are those Antifers dressed up like Nazis and MAGATs wearing uniforms similar to the ones worn by Rump’s personal miliantsTaylor? Is she and Lauren Boebert members of the anti semitic Goyim Defense League a Nazi organization that denies the Holocaust and supports the killing of Jews.

The Goyim Defense League has moved into Florida. No doubt they are big fans of Ron DeFascist. 

Steve Bannon, who was RUMPster’s campaign advisor just saw his pal Guo Wengui arrested in New York for wire fraud, bank fraud and money laundering and obstruction of Justice. Sounds like this Guo/ Guy and Rump have a lot in common. Bannon was tied to this guo and went to jail for it but was pardoned by Despicable Donald Rump. 

Taylor Greene Slime decided to attack the border patrol during a hearing she was attending by saying that she had a photo of a bomb in a sack, which was in fact just a bag of sand and not a bomb. This is what happens when very stupid people find their way into powerful political positions. 

MAGAT Rumpie had an ongoing fantasy of hooking up with Princess Diana. No doubt he had a blow up doll made to look like her.

The evil demonic Donald J. T. Is calling for an action to take the country back. Hey fool. That is what these indictments are going to do. In his shrinking brain he wants an armed take over by his nazi stormtroopers. They are now down in Palm Beach Florida supporting their Fuhrer. His allies in the Congress are rallying around their criminal in chief crime boss RUMPster Individual #1. J.D. Vance from Ohio and Taylor Greene Slime will still support his 2024 presidential run to lose.The election denial movement still rages on with America’s front line stupid citizens. The crazy losers in Arizona, and Tennessee politics and elsewhere are still carrying the election fraud torches toward 2024.Trump duh turnip’s field marshal Nazis Mike Lindell carrying around his dirty pillows with traitor Mikie Flynn and Ohio moron Dougie Douglas Frank and Patrick Byrne former founder of are deep in the election denier doodoo. Kathy Harms of Tennessee another brain damaged RUMP follower wants to get rid of voting machines in her state.


A Rumpie indictment should be arriving soon. Let’s hope there will be a series of indictments.

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