Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Greene Slime and Ron DeFascist are now the new faces of The White Nationalist Fascist Party


                               Rickie and his brother Golum

Tricky Sticky Rickie Scott of Florida, the brother from another mother of Golum, the sleazy Hobbit who lived in the bowels of an underwater cave. Tricky Sticky Rickie’s precious item is his plan to smash Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs. Now he is trying to deny his fascist autocratic tendencies. What is wrong with the stupid Floridians who voted for him and the other white trash dirt bags into Congress and other high ranking positions?

Now Moscow Mitch is trying to distance himself from Golum’s other brother.

The Reichwing Congress is establishing itself as the White Nationalist fascist party. Their objective is to do everything they can to put the dumbass from Queens back into the White House. In spite of indictments breathing down his neck over his lies in regards to a stolen election propaganda scheme, he is grifting millions of dollars from his followers over this big lie. What has come out is that a laptop has been obtained by the DOJ used by one of RUMP’s boy toys who roamed the halls and rooms at the Grift-AlotA-lago shuffleboard club. This person apparently loaded copies of the classified documents onto this laptop, and then onto a thumb drive. This BoyToy worked for RUMP’s “Save America PAC”. RUMP’s legal team turned over the laptop along with more documents found at the club and a manila folder with nothing inside because it was used by RUMP to block a blue light that apparently interfered with his sleep. So what happened to the folder’s contents? It was marked “classified evening briefing.”Were those papers flushed down the toilet?

The guy who was pretending to be the last Vice President, who is now known as Duh’Putz, is trying to weasel out of having to testify before a grand jury because he is just another coward who had a play school office in the White House stocked with a Lego Table. He is so afraid of being a patriot. He is trying to say that he has special privileges because he presided over the Senate only if he had to break a tie. His claim is that he has the same special privileges written in the constitution granted to members of the Senate and the House, yet he was neither. He was the Vice President, which does not grant him those privileges granted to member of Congress. His fear is that he will never hold a government job again and will be forced to go back to Indiana and reopen his food truck business selling hotdogs. 

                                                        Nikki performing her levitation trick

RUMP now has an official competitor running against him. That person is Nikki Heil Stormtrooper Haley. She had her campaign kicked off by the neo-Nazi pastor John Hagee. She said that when she grows up she wants to be just like him, a racist, anti-Semitic, homophobe, and anti-Christian. She has already achieved that goal.

This NITWIT says there is no racism in America!!! The Nazi broadcasting network calling themselves Fochs Snooze is filled with such people. One is attacking Haley with a full-force shit-storm. That one person is Laura Ingraham. She told Haley to go back where she came from.

Is Haley running for the Trump American Nazi Party nomination, once known as the GOP, or a spot on Comedy Central?  Her stand up lines are as follows: “Politics in South Carolina is a Blood sport.” “I wear high heels not as a fashion statement but because you have to be prepared to kick at any time.” Is she saying that she is a donkey’s ass? She was a failed South Carolina governor and then as a failed UN ambassador for LilBoyBush. She has a very thin resume, while RUMP is highly known as a two-bit crime operator and swindler.

Taylor Greene Slime and the pistol packin’ Bimbo Boebert just cannot have the limelight stolen from them by others in the Trump American Nazi Party. The Bimbo from Colorado seems to have forgotten that her entire party takes their political marching orders from Sean Hannity and *ucker Carlson, as well as the others from Fochs Snooze. She and her fellow comrades in the House Stooges Caucus are basically given their political marching orders from Fochs. Yet duh’pistol packin’Bimbo believes that Rachel Maddow is Biden’s influencer. This is what happens when dangerously stupid people get elected by stupid people. 

Taylor Greene Slime has hooked up with George duh’stooges Santos to cosponsor a federal book banning bill, with Florida’s Cory Mills that would forbid the distribution of books addressing LGBTQ topics to school kids, and end the sexualization of school kid. What the heck are they talking about? Yet Santos is a gay male who loves to dress up in women’s clothing and parade around on a stage before an audience. He started out as a sexualized seventeen year old Brazilian kid. So, what is he talking about? This guy is so afraid of his voters that he barricaded himself in his New York office using his staff to keep out the voters who are petitioning him to resign!!! 

The Far-Reichwingers are so obsessed with anti-gayness, pedophilia, and sexual perversions that it is clear that they are suppressing those fantasies and tendencies within themselves. Greene slime is so obsessed with calling out others as “communist groomers” that she is afraid of her own neo-Nazi fascist loving tendencies. 

Greene Slime went on RUMPie Junior’s podcast asking him why is Biden standing up for Democracy in Eastern Europe by supporting Ukraine’s fight against the Fascists in Russia, and not bombing the Mexican drug cartels. This is why one asks why stupid people vote for dangerously stupid political candidates? Is the Mexican government asking for our help in a full scale air attack against the cartels? Maybe we should ask Taylor Greene Slime why we haven’t bombed the Sackler family’s opioid drug companies?

This NITWIT from the south wants a National Divorce. Her own personal divorce from her husband isn't enough. Now she wants a divorce between Red and Blue States. Also she wants to make sure any Democrats who migrate to the Red regions get punished by not being allowed to vote.

Greene Slime spoke on Fochs Snooze and said that those in the Trump American Nazi Party, which she refers to as the once known Republican need a safe space. Maybe a row of porta Johns need to set up on the grounds of Congress so she and her colleagues can find their own safe porta spaces.

We have another lunatic in the Congress who goes by the name Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna-atic. She claims to have been raised by a Messianic Jewish parent. Her voting registration says that she is White and not Hispanic. This so-called Jewish background is actually not Jewish but evangelical Christian. Her father, George Mayerhofer, a Catholic, was described by a few of her relatives as not practicing Judaism in any form. Apparently, Luna is another lunatic just like George Santos. Her mother seems to have agreed with her daughter. So who is telling the truth? According to Luna’s communications director, the congresswomen embraces being Hispanic. Immigration records reviewed by The Washington Post has reported that the Congresswoman’s paternal grandfather, Heinrich Mayerhofer, was a Roman Catholic when he immigrated to Canada from Germany in 1954. The Post interviewed some of Luna’s relatives, Jolanta Mayerhofer, who said that Heinrich served in Hitler’s Nazi military forces in the 1940s. Anna Paulina Luna decided to change her last name from Mayerhofer to Luna, her mother’s maiden name,  in 2019, no doubt, to make herself more appealing to Hispanic Floridians. Monica Luna, Anna’s mother claims that Anna sees herself a bi-racial and bi-cultural. 

Matt Gaetz, a founding member of the House Stooges Caucus cannot be out done by the women in the Stooges Caucus so he decided to honor a known murder at a House Judiciary Committee meeting. He decided to exploit one of his constituents  Staff Sergeant Corey Ryan Beekman who has been accused of murder and has not yet had his trial go before a judge. In 2019, he allegedly shot and killed Billy Buchanan in Michigan. He was arrested by police after a standoff. He was charged with murder. This is Matt Gaetz grandstanding before his fellow Reichwingers and showboating an accused murderer.

Just a week ago there was a very dangerous 38 train car derailment in East Palestine, Ohio on the Pennsylvania state line. The train was carrying toxic and flammable material. The train container cars caught fire spewing toxic fumes and material onto the ground. Ohio’s governor Mr. Magoo DeWine has been asleep on the job. Throughout much of the country train tracks are privately owned. One owner may only own a mile or so before another line of track is owned by another. This is how it spreads. Each section of privately owned track must be maintained and inspected by that owner. Now we have a dangerous environment catastrophe. The EPA is claiming everything is OK now that the fire is out. But that is a bunch of lies. People around the crime scene are claiming they are having health issues. Animals are dying by the hundreds. This crime scene occurred on Mr. Magoo’s watch!!! He has not made Ohio residents safer. If it is not his open gun carry law, it is to ignore the inspection process of rail cars and train tracks. 

Governor Mr. Magoo seems to have forgotten that RUMPie failed to tell the people of Ohio when he showed up to toss RUMP bottled water bottles to the peasantry that he did away with the Obama ruling that would mandated that all train cars upgrade their aging braking systems. This was the reason why the train cars failed to brake causing the derailment. Rump was to blame and these East Palestine victims voted for the fool tossing them bottled water.

The chemicals that spilled into the air and into the waterways are vinyl chloride, which when burned creates hydrochloric acid. Other chemicals in the rail cars were butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl. Farmers with livestock living within range of the toxic air and runoff were trying to protect their animals from dying. These people who are afraid of the results from this toxic derailment vote for the most incompetent government officials on the ballots. Most often they elect dangerously stupid Reichwingers who make regressive political decisions resulting in a disastrous train derailment, just to give one example. Ohio voters elected a guy who cannot get out of his own way because all he can do is bump into every issue standing in front of him. Now that guy is Mr. Magoo DeWine! Some 78,000 animals have died from this toxic derailment.

Now western Pennsylvania is dealing with this massive monstrosity called the Shell Cracker Plant located in Beaver County. This facility takes ethane a bi-product of fracked natural gas in order to make plastic nurdles, which are tiny pellets used to make more plastic shit. These nurdles are being washed ashore everywhere. Millions of these nerdles are being found in the oceans and getting washed ashore. Fish and aquatic mammals and birds are ingesting these toxic pellets. These pellets leech their chemicals into the tissues of fish and animals. Humans are ingesting these chemicals when they eat fish and other foods. There is a loud outcry to shut this place down. These pellets can be made of polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and other plastics. 

                                               The Shell Cracker Plant

Just recently, the Shell Cracker plant burned off and released tonns of toxic gas into the atmosphere making the sky look like it was on fire. The EPA allows this to happen. 

In Texas on the Gulf Coast is another similar facility owned by a partnership between Exxon and Saudi Arabia. Here is another toxic burn off by this dangerous plastics plant. This factory called Gulf Coast Growth Ventures is massive ethane steam cracker plant that produces nurdles. These toxic wastelands are actually petrochemical and refinery facilities. Such places take their excess hydrocarbon gases and burn them off spewing these toxins into the atmosphere poisoning everything they can.

Mr. Magoo DeWine is getting criticized for setting the state back into the dark ages. People are writing into the local papers criticizing his regressive LGBTQ and abortion laws.

This is a perfect example of the incompetent Reichwingers gaining control of government. Another NITWIT rising to the top of the scum pond is Sarah *uck-abe-Sanders in Arkansas. She is toxic waste material rising to the top. She is suing the EPA over a 2015 requirement which restricts one state from allowing their air pollution from drifting over into a neighboring state potentially creating an air quality hazard to those residents falling victim to that toxic air. The EPA created air quality standards for each state to follow. This means that local industries must follow these air quality standards. The EPA disapproved of Arkansas’s weakened proposal to prevent air emissions from meeting the EPA’s standards. *uck-abe-Sanders has pledged to fight the EPA from “meddling” in her decision to allow for more pollutants to fill the atmosphere. Her dangerously stupid mind will be setting the state’s quality of life and level of education to suffer. She is just another stupid MAGAT—Make Arkansas Grade (Schools) Another Tragedy.

The Reichwing Florida Reichstag led by Ronnie DeFascist has decided to take over Disney’s self management over its self governing district and strip Disney of its special tax status. This is the Reichstag’s remaking wokeness in their own image.

We are finding lots of medical research coming out of Israel. Sadly, in Florida's Fascist Reichstag DeSantis government we see the devaluation of a superior education. 

In Israel, the country values education and intelligence, as well as science. In America, just the opposite exists. Just look no further than RUMPie, Governor GaySantis, Fochs Snooze, Governor Sarah *uck-abee-Sanders, and the list goes on and on.

Intelligence is not a qualification to run for political office. We don’t have look any further than dangerously stupid Senator from Louisiana John Kennedy who believes that one of God’s great works is to create pipelines, as opposed to trains. He came to this conclusion following the Norfolk Southern rail car derailment in Ohio. His epiphany didn’t lead him to believe that more regulation over the transportation system that rides the tracks is essential for public health and safety. Has this NITWIT forgotten all the pipeline disasters we have suffered through? Pipeline explosions, gas leaks, toxic pipeline leaks, and fracking disasters? Sadly, he was voted into office by dangerously stupid voters.

Now we can move onto Governor Nitwit DeFascist from Florida. He wants to move Florida’s educational policies into the dark ages. He wants to substitute College preparatory testing with one of his own making. He calls it Classic Learning Testing, which is made up of classical and Christian and WOKE aryan beliefs. He doesn’t see the need for the College board ACT, SAT tests. DeFascist says, let’s teach CLT and do away with CRT. He wants to make history in his own image. Governor Foofaraw DeSantis is giving too much attention to his minor intellect.

Congresswoman Bimbo Boebert has been ranting on how science wants to erase women. Can we erase this bimbo first? This is what happens when the Reichwing wants to do away with intelligence and education. Scientists are mulling over language usage in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology. The term “egg producing” is being considered to the term “female.” And, “sperm producing” instead of “male.” Hey Colorado, try erasing Bimbo Boebert in 2024. 

The male version of bimbo is Himbo, which can be attached to Texas’ Attorney General KKKen Paxton. He wants to sue President Biden for “signing last year’s federal government funding package, arguing it was unlawful out of Congress.” Because only 201 House members voted, and most members voted by proxy, he believes there weren’t enough members present, because many went back home. Therefore, that vote was illegitimate, making the law invalid. This is what happens when Texans vote for Reichwing candidates to run their government, and who possess a very minimal level of intelligence. 

Former President Jimmy Carter believes we are living in an oligarchy!!!

 As  a note of  importance—

The current bird flu is devastating the bird population, ranging from chickens to wild birds. It is estimated that over  58 million domestic birds have died alone. This virus is infecting land and sea mammals, as well. There is a small chance that humans can also be infected. 

Don’t mix grapefruit juice and tonic water.

Sudafed may cause a brain disorder.

COVID-19 may be related to a 40% risk in auto-immune diseases.

The intake of fructose could be linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

There maybe a natural dietary supplement that can reach the brain and prevent Alzheimer’s disease

The drug Lecanemab has been found effective in reducing the plaques in the brain, which is a cause of Alzheimer's. The University of Pennsylvania is doing this research.

Researchers may have come upon a natural cure for COVID-19.

Israel finds a possible cure Alzheimers disease.

Long Covid Looks Like a Neurological Disease

The most common, persistent and disabling symptoms of long COVID are neurological. Some are easily recognized as brain- or nerve-related: many people experience cognitive dysfunction in the form of difficulty with memory, attention, sleep and mood. Others may seem rooted more in the body than the brain, such as pain and postexertional malaise (PEM), a kind of “energy crash” that people experience after even mild exercise. But those, too, result from nerve dysfunction, often in the autonomic nervous system, which directs our bodies to breathe and digest food and generally runs our organs on autopilot. This so-called dysautonomia can lead to dizziness, a racing heart, high or low blood pressure, and gut disturbances, sometimes leaving people unable to work or even function independently.”

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