Friday, September 27, 2019

Lock Down Dirt Bag Donnie

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    It’s not the crime, but the cover up. We have heard that before. White House officials engaged in moving around the transcript’s conversation with Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president, to conceal or “lock down” the information. This was the cover up.
   Trump’s officials moved the transcript into a secret server to hide the conversation. Why? Because they knew The Cretin crossed into an impeachment Rubicon. The Cretin tweeted, “Democrats are trying to destroy the Republican Party and all that it stands for. Stick together, play their game and fight hard Republicans. Our country is at stake.” So, Dumb Dumb Donnie, what DOES the Republican Party stand for? It stands for Market Leninism and corruption. When you stick together, you will likely not be able to pull yourselves apart when the Dumb Dumb Donnie falls from grace.
    House ReCon John –Ratso- Radcliffe did what they could to discredit the whistleblower’s complaint (filed August 12) by saying that what was written in the document was information shared by several reliable government employees, whose statements were all the same, and who knew of the president’s conversation. Representative Ratso Radcliffe intimated that the second-hand information shared with the whistleblower was bogus and a conspiracy to take down The Cretin.
    Ratso Radcliffe is a complete stooge. He is following Trump’s orders to “circle the wagons” no matter what! even if The Cretin acts as a lowlife crime boss abusing his powers and acting outside the law.
    The Cretin believes he “did nothing wrong” even though he engaged in blackmail asking for a “favor” from Zelenskyy to investigate Biden with possible assistance from the U.S. Attorney General Billie Boy –Botuli- Barr, if needed, otherwise, $400M in military foreign aid will have to be reconsidered for withdrawal.
    The Cretin was raging against “Crooked Hillary” in 2016 for using a private server; but now, Crooked Donnie had his Brownshirts take his lowlife criminal conversation into a secret and cryptic server. This high level server is to store the most secretive, highly sensitive and classified documents and information and NOT for the use by a presidential lowlife criminal’s personal bribery and blackmail conversations!!
    So, who in the government actually took Trump’s politically oriented conversation focused on blackmailing another foreign leader to do Trump’s dirty work? Who held the passwords, ie. codewords, for this single use server? Whoever this person is, should be prosecuted and put in prison, or allowed immunity if he or she tells it all.
    Also, how many other locked down transcripts did Dirty Bag Donnie have stored in this secret server? Are there transcripts of conversations with Lil’Kim or Putin? What about MBS—the Saudi Prince who authorized the killing of a Saudi journalist? Congress needs full access to Trump’s secret stash.
   Dirt Bag Donnie gave a talk that was recorded and spread around the media where Trump threatened the live(s) of whistleblowers and their sources with execution. This threat is a form of witness tampering and threatening witnesses. This insanity will be part of the impeachment inquiry investigation. Trump needs to be impeached and sent to prison.
    Now Dirt Bag Donnie is railing against Democrats for their investigation when he was the guy who brought it upon himself. The Republican White Nationalist Congressional accomplices want us to believe that talking to a foreign leader leveraging military aid for dirt on a political opponent is perfectly fine. I can hear their screams for impeachment if Obama had done this very same thing against John McCain during Obama’s reelection run.

    These criminal accomplices are disgusting. They will stand behind their Market Leninist leader under any and all circumstances. They will give any excuse possible to keep a lowlife crime boss wannabee in power so he can continue to abuse power and engage in corrupt behavior, as well as destroy our democracy for his own personal financial gain.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Donald Trump-A lowlife President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump said in regards to releasing the transcript of his call to the Ukrainian president, “ Love to do it but you have to be a bit shy about doing it.” I guess now he is not shy about it since he is about to release the full transcript of the conversation and allow the whistleblower complaint to be released. We also need to know what the heck Guiliani was doing as some sort of liaison. He is a private citizen and not a government official.
    What the heck did he mean about being shy? Is The Cretin still living in the 7th grade? Shy about doing it”? Do What? Did Trump talk dirty to President Zelensky? Did he want to show him a picture of his special putter? I guess enough is enough.
    This Republican White Nationalist president continues to lie, cheat, and operate above the law. He thinks he is some sort of lowlife crime boss. Lowlife, yes. Crime boss, no.
    Dumb Dumb Demented Donnie, no doubt, engaged in blackmail or bribery against Zelensky, Ukraine’s president with the threat of withholding $250M of military aid if their lawyers don’t dig deep into Joe Biden and his son, Hunter in order to find corruption. Any corruption will do.
    It’s all about attacking a presidential rival through a foreign power. This is a crime! Billie Boy “Botuli” Barr has ignored his duty to the American people by being independent of the executive branch of government, but is working only to serve the criminal actions of his lowlife crime boss.
    It is finally time to impeach The Cretin. We don’t elect disorganized crime bosses as President of the United States. What is wrong with Trump’s brain that
he continues to bathe in his own filth?  What is wrong with the Republican White Nationalist party idiots who continue to hand him a soiled bath towel? These RWN’s are a hybrid of Leninism. Instead of the proletariat rising up to take power, they have moved toward a RWNP takeover of the country to establish a dictatorship controlled by them--- Corporate/ market elite—Market Leninism. This hybrid Leninists have accepted the incompetence of a full blown psychopath with the cognitive and emotional intelligence of a 13 year old.
    The question is---does Trump want the impeachment inquiry to proceed? Apparently, Yes!  He loves chaos. He realizes the Senate will drop it once it arrives in their laps. He feels his white nationalist base will call foul and stand behind him.
    But he has one problem. His “I Love The Uneducated” base are losing their jobs!!!! The number of people who don’t have a college or technical degree has dropped. Therefore, those people with only a high school degree are finding it harder to find a job or hold onto their existing job especially since The Cretin has stepped into the White House. This demographic is losing hope with their Savior-in-Chief.
    There is no question Hunter Biden has put dear ‘ole Joe in a bind, since being vice president, and now, as a presidential candidate. WTF was Hunter thinking? He reminds me of Trump’s little Cretins.
    The Trumpsters have used their political capital to raise more financial capital over these past few years, no doubt, because their grifter lifestyle has been in the larger public eye. And, since Michael Cohn, their “fixer” has found himself in prison, he can’t do their dirty deals for them any longer.

    Now, it is time to suit up Dumby Donnie with a matching orange outfit. It will go with his complexion. Then send him off to prison camp. Hopefully, now that there is a full blown impeachment inquiry, we can see those tax returns and Deutche Bank’s files on The Trump Organization.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Trump DooDoo Is Piling Sky High

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Cretin can’t seem to avoid stepping into Donnie-doodoo. Apparently, a whistleblower raised a red flag that Dumb Dumb Demented Donnie had made promises, over the phone, to an alleged Russian head of state, no doubt, Puppetmaster Putin, that may have threatened U.S. national security. Trump and Billybob Barr have refused to turn over the whistleblower complaint to the House intelligence subcommittee, which is the law, for fear of being exposed as giving out delicate top secret intelligence information without discussing it with his national security advisor or the FBI. The whistleblower who is a Trump employee, found this conversation scary enough to file a complaint raising a red flag in which delicate national intelligence information was compromised. The whistleblower worked within the Department of National Intelligence. Trump and Barr are now doing a “work around” to say that this complaint doesn’t fit into the guidelines required by the House Intelligence committee’s legal requirements to be turned over to them.
    Brownshirt Barr is defying Congress’s demand for the complaint by telling them that as of now Trump cannot be investigated for anything, or indicted for anything. Barr is saying that The Cretin is above the law, unless he is impeached. He can obstruct justice because he says so!
    The Autocratic Cretin and his attorney Guiliani have blackmailed the Ukrainian president by telling him that Trump will withhold military aid unless he investigates Joe Biden and his role into an alleged squashing of an investigation into his son’s role as a board member of a Ukrainian energy company, while sitting as Vice President. The Cretin is doing it again. Using Russians to take down his presidential opponents and to gain advantage through corrupt means.
    Also, it has come out that Demented Dumb Dumb Donnie has subsidized American farmers to the tune of $28B, plus $10-20B for crop insurance reimbursement, since the tariffs have seriously damaged commodity markets. Back in 2008, the automaker bailout during The Great Recession amounted to $12B. Trump’s bailout totaled $40-50B for farmers. We recall the outrage by the Republican White Nationalist Party members that the auto industry should not be bailed out by the Obama administration. But now, they are silent when The Trumpster bails out the farms at nearly three times the amount.
    Trump told farmers, “I hope you like me better now that I’ve given you money. You need to vote for me.” The Republican White Nationalist Party doesn’t object to this form of socialism, but when it comes to helping Americans with legislation that would control prescription drug prices, they scream “socialism”. That form of “socialism”, which Moscow Mitch finds anti-American, is just fine with Trump’s form of socialism.

    The Trump doodoo is piling up deeper and deeper. The corruption just doesn’t seem to end. At some point, Trump maybe fully covered in his own doodoo.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Trump And Market Leninism

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Trump administration is abandoning a Republican principle, which is the commitment to state’s rights, by demanding that the state of California stop their policy goal of raising fuel efficiency standards in order to improve air quality in the state. This raising of standards is against the administration’s policy of making it easy for the oil and gas drilling and refining industry to decide what those fuel efficiency standards should be. The oil and gas industry doesn't want fuel efficiency. They like people buying up gas at current prices. The auto industry sees the writing on the wall worldwide. They want to build fuel efficient vehicles and have made a commitment to abide by the California standards.
    Elaine Choo Choo-Chao-Chao, Trump’s idiot transportation secretary, said that when it comes to fuel efficiency standards, state’s rights are tossed out the sun roof. Central government standards are the only standards that count.
    At Cretin administration mouthpiece came out and said that Americans want cheaper vehicles with current fuel efficiency standards putting more money in their pockets. But the facts are that higher fuel efficient vehicles, in spite of them costing higher prices in the immediate range, will deliver more money in consumer pockets with vehicles that deliver better fuel economy and costing less money after a year's time of driving. The Cretin administration is blowing exhaust out their asses.
    Choo Choo-Chao-Chao and Moscow Mitch need to be relocated back to their hometown and front porch. We no longer need corrupt sleaze bags running government!
    The administration’s 180 degree turn against state’s rights is a real embrace of Market Leninism, whereby the wealthiest corporate elite control the rules that the nation follows. State’s rights doesn’t align with Market Leninism, which prevents the corporate elite from having a strong grip around the necks of state government and a strong central government that puts in place the rules established by the corporate elite.
    California has had difficulty solving their homeless concerns, so Trump wants to step in and do it his way—break it further!!
    Apparently, many automakers support stricter air quality standards because they know that the pressure is on them to reduce tailpipe pollutants, which contributes to greenhouse gases that negatively impact our climate; yet what may be happening is Trump’s hatred/jealousy of Obama and his support for cleaner air standards. Trump hates everything Obama. You decide why.
     Trump is doing everything he can to destroy our environment allowing the corporate elite to have power and control over our resources for their increased profits and tighten their stranglehold over the American consumer. By loosening clean air, water, and soils standards, as well as increase drilling on public lands at discount prices, government representatives will secure their positions and enrich their campaign coffers from the very elite that has been given access to our natural resources on our public lands.
    So why does Trump stand beside the Crown Prince and talk of a willingness to fight the Iranians, in one form or another? It could be because he owes them for bailing him out of tough financial times by buying up $40-50M worth of properties. “The Saudis have bought $40-5-M of my properties.” The Cretin loves the idea of selling billions of dollars worth of military hardware, which they use to fight the rebels in the Yemeni civil war.
    Also, Jared—jerk wad—Kushner has been sleeping with Arab financiers who bailed out this idiot-jerk wad-- after making horribly bad business deals, such as 666 5th Ave.

    We are witnessing people in government using their positions to increase their own personal wealth and use government resources to support those very individuals and leaders of other countries who have enriched them. We all should be disgusted by these people and vote them all out during the next election. Our democracy is at stake. Market Leninism is taking over. The United States is become less democratic and more fascist as it stands closer to fascist foreign leaders supporting their agendas.
    Back in the 1950's, Senator Joe McCarthy conducted an anti-Communist witch hunt investigation against many people in Hollywood who he believed were Communists. Seeing that the Republican party has become the party of Market Leninism, Joe McCarthy must be spinning in his grave knowing that his anti-Commie party has become the very party of people he hated.
    Don't you find it amazing that Moscow Mitch calls it "socialist" legislation when written by Democrats, but when it comes to the "socialism" agenda voiced and put forward by the Republican White Nationalist Party it is just fine with them. For example, when The Cretin administration hands out around $40-50B in subsidies and benefits to the farmers suffering from the tariff agenda, that is just fine and NOT socialism. But, when it comes to establishing controls on prescription drug prices, which would benefit every American on medications, that is socialism to Moscow Mitch. They object because the Marketeers running drug companies call foul because such legislation would hurt their profits and stockholders, which means that those at the front lines of this pretend Free Market bullshit,which is really all about Market Leninism, don't want those in the middle and the bottom of the Free Market check out line to get better affordable pricing.
    As we have witnessed The Cretin administration decided NOT to send medically fragile undocumented children, who are here in the country because of our quality health care system and receiving life saving treatments, back to the countries of origin ending their life saving care. The Cretin administration decided to reverse their Nail-In-The-Coffin sick kids decision because of political pressure put on legislators when some of these sick kids testified before Congress.
    It is very, very clear that Demented Dumb Dumb Donnie is a true fascist, who idolizes fascists around the world.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Trump--An Unstable F**k-up

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    There is a call for a full congressional investigation into, what has been called “a con-job” into the nomination of Brett—butthead—Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Questions have been raised if the FBI, upon pressure from Fascist Donnie, failed to interview witnesses who were observers of Kreepy Kavanaugh sexually assaulting women. In one recent example, several witnesses of Kreepy Kavanaugh pulling down his pants and having his genitals forcefully placed in the hand of a resisting woman at ‘a bit drunk with Kreepy Kavanaugh’ Party. It is reported that the FBI failed to interview these and other witnesses. The Republican White Nationalist Party senators didn’t care that Kreepy Kav was an unfit nominee to the Supreme Court. The pervert, Moscow Mitch, was “all-in” with The Cretin’s pick for the court.
    Fascist Donnie has been subverting democracy whenever he can. First, he moved government monies from the Pentagon and FEMA for his wall; second, he directed the Air Force to refuel planes at domestic Scottish airports, which indirectly subsidizes his Scottish golf resorts, guaranteeing that these airports remain viable; third, directing the FBI, and the Attorney’s General, to ignore truth, facts and the rule of law in order to further his fascist and Market Leninist agenda, as well as to feed his Zombie-like religious rightwing the rotting meat they desire.

    Trump now says, “I’m a very unstable f**k-up!”

    Dumb Dumb Dementia Donnie and his blond poodle—Lindsey Graham-Cracker are talking tough against Iran for allegedly, directly or indirectly, attacking Saudi Arabia’s oil refinery using military drones. These two are hiding in Lindsey’s closet locking and loading their toy pistols while ramping up their war rhetoric. Now, 3D Donnie is giving up the idea of a military strike against Iran, in favor of tougher sanctions.
    3D Donnie has once said that he—America—will not fight other nation’s fights. Let’s hope he holds to that promise. In Saudi Arabia, no American was injured, nor does the United States have any type of military engagement contract with them. If they have a plan for a strike, then they need to deal with it.
    This moron in the White House is extremely unfit to fulfill his responsibilities and must be removed. He is totally incompetent and cannot solve problems without explosive reactions.
   Paul Krugman wrote in the NYT that the Republican Party doesn’t believe in democracy, as witnessed by the North Carolina legislature to subvert any participation by their Democratic colleagues and the Democratic governor.

   This Blogspot has been calling out the Republican White Nationalist Party as anti-democracy in favor of fascism and Market Leninism since this Blogspot’s inception!

   The Republican party is not a party of compassion. They are a party of Market Leninism, greed, self-interests, manipulation of power, lies, and fascist-like behaviors. Socialism--Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, public schools, community hospitals, government subsidies, bailouts, national parks, Veterans Administration, the Patent and Trademarks office, and more is about compassion and giving to others, as well as taking care of the planet for the future.
   Who are you? And, where do you stand? Are you a fake, or are you making a stand for your what you stand for?
    Many Republicans are fake Christians and are the Great Pretenders of our society. Trump illustrates this YUUGE lie.

Listen to this interview:

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Trump--A Stain Upon The White House

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Fascist Donnie smeared Democrats as not being as religious as his lap licking, lickspittle Republican Christians, dribbled from the lips of an atheist moron. At least, Democrats, which number 86% religious/spiritual, are NOT religious hypocrites by selling their souls in order to blindly follow their evil political leader who has violated every Christian value taught within their doctrine. And, we see another fake, lying hypocritical Christian pretender who hitched his wagon to Porno Donnie by becoming his Donnie’s v.p.. His job is to lap up the scum off his butt!!! Pence is so stupid that everything he touches turns out badly—from his time in government as a senator or governor, and his inept investment decisions causing him to lose nearly everything he invested to the ire of his wife. Pence isn’t smart enough to make a success of himself in any capacity. He is a total loser. He is just another form of Sarah Palin.
    Hey you Christians, Dumb Dumb Dementia Donnie is not your ally. His ally is Vladimir Putin and Market Leninism.
    What is interesting is that North Korea’s Lil’Kim invited Fascist Donnie to a “Projectile” Party where they will show off their “projectiles” and dance to Kim’s “Gang-Un” style moves, which is a copy of South Korea’s Gangnam style dance moves.
    We can picture the two of them dancing in sync hugging each other after every dance.
    Now, Doofus Donnie, jr., decided to try his hand at modeling in the style of Ralph Lauren by wearing a camo T-shirt with TRUMP emblazoned across the from of the shirt. What was symbolic about this fashion statement was it described Dumb Dumb’s time in the White House because it sported a visible stain at the chin-level of the T-shirt. Did something ooze out of Doofus’s whiskers onto the shirt without his knowledge; or, did the Doofus plan to have a stain embedded into the fabric, as his Dumb Dumb Daddy has embedded an ongoing stain into his time in the White House?

    Trump has been a stain upon the presidency and America thanks to his hypocritical Christian lemming base. And, Doofus Donnie, jr. has been a regular embarrassing stain, as well.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Anybody But Trump!!!!!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
 U.S. Today’s editorial board wrote that Dumb Dumb Dementia Donnie is unfit to be president. They explained that he is a serial liar, too stupid to be president, erratic, filled with prejudices, an incompetent business-person who believes he is the “bestest” business person ever, a reckless speaker, borders on authoritarianism, and cozies up to dictators and authoritarians, while sacrificing relationships with our allies. They are supporting ‘anybody but Trump’.
    As we have witnessed week after week since Dumb Dumb Dementia Donnie’s first day, he has been riddled with all the above. And, just this week, The Cretin has dug in regarding Sharpiegate. There was direction by a higher-up within the National Oceanic and Weather Administration to NOT contradict The Cretin after he claimed that Alabama was going to experience seriously bad Hurricane Dorian weather. Even though NOAA needed to pushback Dumbie Donnie’s delusional belief, which was a lie about the path of the hurricane. They failed to protect the public from The Cretin's dangerous and reckless behavior. This is a crime!!
    The Cretin engages in criminal behavior on a daily basis. He is and has been a criminal.
    The airport that flies golfers to his Doonbeg golf resort is about to close because of financial losses and diminishing useage, which would negatively impact Trump’s bottomline. Doonberg is showing financial losses. So what does he do? He commands the Pentagon to use that airport to refuel military aircraft even thought the fuel costs would be significantly more expensive than the air bases they currently use to refuel. He is also booking military personnel landing their planes at this Scottish airport at his Doonbeg Resort charging the government for these costs.This action would keep this Scottish airport open for the sole benefit of The Trump Organization and the idiot crook in the White House. This is a crime. It is a violation of the Emoluments Clause.
    For anyone supporting this authoritarian-leaning criminal dumbass as president, are supporting the erosion of democracy and freedom. Not only are they Market Leninists, they are damaging the future for their children and grandchildren, who will have to repair the damage this Republican White Nationalist Party and their Moron-in-Chief has done to the country, and the world. The Trump voters and supporters are turning their backs on future generations so they can fuel their hatred and anger against democracy, freedom, climate change solutions, and modernism that will save the country and the world. Would you say these people are traitors? Possibly.

              It is anybody but Trump!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Barr and Pence Treat Trump As Their Godfather

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Donnie Dementia doubles down on his fake weather map display where he, or one of his Brownshirts, drew a large circle across Florida including Alabama outlining areas that would be seriously impacted from Hurricane Dorian. The Cretin insists he is right with his original weather map, while the National Weather Service contradicted him.
    Rumor has it, while playing golf at his Virginia golf club (Trump has spent 250 days at his golf courses while in the White House.) and sitting in the dining room at a table with a paper placemat of the United States, Trump took out a Sharpie and drew the circle including Alabama as part of the areas impacted by the hurricane. Then he held up the map to show everyone standing around and said, “Look what I made! Look what I made!”
    It is a federal crime to make false weather claims by altering a map from the National Hurricane Center. The statute is 18 U.S. Code 2974. Here is another reason to drag out the 25th amendment removing the moron from office.
    The Cretin insisted his weather predictions were correct and his critics were “Fake News”. Donnie Dementia is never wrong.
    It has been reported in the press that V.P Putzy Pence and Billie “Barzini” Barr are treating Trump as if he was a Mafia Boss/Godfather. Billie “Barzini” Barr has decided to spend $30K for a party that he will host at Trump’s International Hotel-D.C. and Putzy Pence, and his family entourage stayed at Trump’s Doonbeg International Golf Club at the instance of his Boss during his business trip to Ireland. This golf club is nearly 200 miles from Dublin, where Pence was meeting with Ireland’s Prime Minister.  Instead of staying close to Dublin, along with his entourage, he stayed at a Trump owned property funneling government money into the pockets of The Trump Organization. In addition, Pence forked over his own cash to pay for his entourage’s accommodations. And, that went into the pockets of his Boss, as well.
    Since 2016, millions of dollars have funneled into The Trump Organization from senators, lobbyists, foreign dignitaries, and business brown-nosers wanting to please Donnie Dementia. Just this year, around $1M has gone through Trump International Hotel-D.C. and into The Trump Organization’s bottomline.

    Apparently, the Republican White Nationalist Party doesn’t object to such corruption and graft encouraged by their crime boss Godfather president; but, the rest of us do care and are disgusted by it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

What Makes A Psychopath--Video

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

Trump's Decline Into Pre-Dementia

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Dumb Dumb Donnie has been hunkering down in order to monitor a very serious hurricane by playing golf. As coastal residents prepare for heavy rains, high tide flooding, and wind damage, their president is out playing golf. Sadly, golf is the only thing Donnie knows how to do.
    During a talk about the trajectory of Hurricane Dorian, he said Alabama was going to experience serious affects of the storm. Dumb Dumb’s White House daycare center’s geography lesson went very bad. Donnie got a very low score and was sent to his room to do his homework with Melania to learn all the names of the 50 states and their locations, but Melania just couldn’t put down the picture as she intently googlie eyed Justin Trudeau. Dumbster Donnie wasn’t able to remember that Alabama was on the other side of the storm and to the west of Georgia, which is on the Atlantic coast. Alabama wasn’t going to get hit by this storm. Officials had to alert Alabama residents that the president was wrong and not to worry. Opps!! Dementia Donnie denied his documented comment. He gets so angry when the press and the media point out his stupidity. This is why he is going to spend millions of dollars to go after reporters and their families.
     Apparently, Melania has been instructed to respond to Fascist Donnie’s commands through hand signals when out in public. They have been taking lessons from the Dog Whisperer. While standing before the camera during a photo op in Ohio, Donnie tapped his right thigh with is right hand to summon Melania to his side.
    This couple deserves each other. They are both screwed up!

On a final note, Fascist Donnie congratulated Poland on its day of remembrance acknowledging the horrors when Hitler’s Nazis invaded their country. Poles don’t celebrate this frightening day. It is not a day for dancing in the streets and releasing balloons. It is a solemn recognition that the horrors of World War II should never happen again. Fascist Donnie is clueless when it comes to difference between a congratulations and a day of remembrance.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Trump--Slum Lord Millionaire

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Nicholas Kristof calls “Market Leninism” a combination of relatively free-market economics and authoritarian one-party rule.
    This system is full of corrupt cronyism with top down control. Big money investors send their capital into one-party state projects in order to enrich their returns. Market Leninists use the intrigue and enticement of government programs with sweet tax-free benefits that increase profits to invest in.
    What we have is a program called “Opportunity Zones”, a Market Leninist government program created to make wealthy investors even richer through tax-free incentives designed by Trump, Stephen Miller and others within this corrupt administration.
    The program is designed to improve poor cities by investing private capital to develop projects that bring jobs, while improving the communities. What actually happened was to make Trump’s family, friends, and supporters even richer by developing projects: hotels, restaurants, luxury condo/apartments, student housing, shops, distilleries, high end office configurations and projects that really don’t meet the needs of the community in distress. These projects cater to the upscale population that buys low and sells high.
    In return, the investors get tax benefits, such as tax-free capital gains and tax-free benefits if they hold onto their investment shares for 10 years before selling out.
    These projects are not improving the cities but take cheap properties to re-develop for huge capital gains.
    Kushner, Scaramucci, Chris Christie, Trump family members and others who have capital investment companies have gotten into this Market-Leninist scheme. Democrats have been drinking up this Kool-Aid scheme, such as, New Jersey’s presidential candidate—Cory Booker. No doubt, he must have thought this program would help improve Newark’s infrastructure, quality of life, and job prospects for those living in the city. Sadly, it hasn’t happened that way for many of these Opportunity Zones.
    The Cretin’s sole reason for running for president was to make those in his circle very, very rich and create a tax cut (2017) that added a provision allowing real estate and property developers to invest in tax-free projects and receive other tax benefits. This system uses a largely one-party rule to strengthen their power as a one-party system, since many who are poor and don’t benefit from these projects are kept from voting through one way or another---access to polling stations, voting registration card problems, voting intimidation tactics, etc.
    Trump was elected because he told his party Market-Leninists that he would appoint their loyalists to cabinet positions, give a fat-cat tax-cut with benefits, and sell off public assets to the private sector.
    Trump is following in Putin’s footsteps--the creation of an oligarchy in control of government.

On a final note, The Idiot-in-Chief said, “I’m not sure that I’ve even heard of a Category 5 [hurricane].” During his time in the White House, Hurricane Dorian will be the 4th one that had been classified as a Category 5 hurricane. “…but a Category 5 is something that I don’t know that I’ve ever even heard the term other than I know it’s there.” Last May, when a Category 5 hurricane was causing a path of destruction, the Idiot-in-Chief said the same thing! “It’s big stuff”, said The Cretin.

    Trump is totally incompetent to sit in the White House. His personal assistant was fired because she was tired of changing his diapers, picking up his toys, and feeding him his Fish Cracker snacks.