Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Trump DooDoo Is Piling Sky High

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Cretin can’t seem to avoid stepping into Donnie-doodoo. Apparently, a whistleblower raised a red flag that Dumb Dumb Demented Donnie had made promises, over the phone, to an alleged Russian head of state, no doubt, Puppetmaster Putin, that may have threatened U.S. national security. Trump and Billybob Barr have refused to turn over the whistleblower complaint to the House intelligence subcommittee, which is the law, for fear of being exposed as giving out delicate top secret intelligence information without discussing it with his national security advisor or the FBI. The whistleblower who is a Trump employee, found this conversation scary enough to file a complaint raising a red flag in which delicate national intelligence information was compromised. The whistleblower worked within the Department of National Intelligence. Trump and Barr are now doing a “work around” to say that this complaint doesn’t fit into the guidelines required by the House Intelligence committee’s legal requirements to be turned over to them.
    Brownshirt Barr is defying Congress’s demand for the complaint by telling them that as of now Trump cannot be investigated for anything, or indicted for anything. Barr is saying that The Cretin is above the law, unless he is impeached. He can obstruct justice because he says so!
    The Autocratic Cretin and his attorney Guiliani have blackmailed the Ukrainian president by telling him that Trump will withhold military aid unless he investigates Joe Biden and his role into an alleged squashing of an investigation into his son’s role as a board member of a Ukrainian energy company, while sitting as Vice President. The Cretin is doing it again. Using Russians to take down his presidential opponents and to gain advantage through corrupt means.
    Also, it has come out that Demented Dumb Dumb Donnie has subsidized American farmers to the tune of $28B, plus $10-20B for crop insurance reimbursement, since the tariffs have seriously damaged commodity markets. Back in 2008, the automaker bailout during The Great Recession amounted to $12B. Trump’s bailout totaled $40-50B for farmers. We recall the outrage by the Republican White Nationalist Party members that the auto industry should not be bailed out by the Obama administration. But now, they are silent when The Trumpster bails out the farms at nearly three times the amount.
    Trump told farmers, “I hope you like me better now that I’ve given you money. You need to vote for me.” The Republican White Nationalist Party doesn’t object to this form of socialism, but when it comes to helping Americans with legislation that would control prescription drug prices, they scream “socialism”. That form of “socialism”, which Moscow Mitch finds anti-American, is just fine with Trump’s form of socialism.

    The Trump doodoo is piling up deeper and deeper. The corruption just doesn’t seem to end. At some point, Trump maybe fully covered in his own doodoo.

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