Friday, September 27, 2019

Lock Down Dirt Bag Donnie

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    It’s not the crime, but the cover up. We have heard that before. White House officials engaged in moving around the transcript’s conversation with Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president, to conceal or “lock down” the information. This was the cover up.
   Trump’s officials moved the transcript into a secret server to hide the conversation. Why? Because they knew The Cretin crossed into an impeachment Rubicon. The Cretin tweeted, “Democrats are trying to destroy the Republican Party and all that it stands for. Stick together, play their game and fight hard Republicans. Our country is at stake.” So, Dumb Dumb Donnie, what DOES the Republican Party stand for? It stands for Market Leninism and corruption. When you stick together, you will likely not be able to pull yourselves apart when the Dumb Dumb Donnie falls from grace.
    House ReCon John –Ratso- Radcliffe did what they could to discredit the whistleblower’s complaint (filed August 12) by saying that what was written in the document was information shared by several reliable government employees, whose statements were all the same, and who knew of the president’s conversation. Representative Ratso Radcliffe intimated that the second-hand information shared with the whistleblower was bogus and a conspiracy to take down The Cretin.
    Ratso Radcliffe is a complete stooge. He is following Trump’s orders to “circle the wagons” no matter what! even if The Cretin acts as a lowlife crime boss abusing his powers and acting outside the law.
    The Cretin believes he “did nothing wrong” even though he engaged in blackmail asking for a “favor” from Zelenskyy to investigate Biden with possible assistance from the U.S. Attorney General Billie Boy –Botuli- Barr, if needed, otherwise, $400M in military foreign aid will have to be reconsidered for withdrawal.
    The Cretin was raging against “Crooked Hillary” in 2016 for using a private server; but now, Crooked Donnie had his Brownshirts take his lowlife criminal conversation into a secret and cryptic server. This high level server is to store the most secretive, highly sensitive and classified documents and information and NOT for the use by a presidential lowlife criminal’s personal bribery and blackmail conversations!!
    So, who in the government actually took Trump’s politically oriented conversation focused on blackmailing another foreign leader to do Trump’s dirty work? Who held the passwords, ie. codewords, for this single use server? Whoever this person is, should be prosecuted and put in prison, or allowed immunity if he or she tells it all.
    Also, how many other locked down transcripts did Dirty Bag Donnie have stored in this secret server? Are there transcripts of conversations with Lil’Kim or Putin? What about MBS—the Saudi Prince who authorized the killing of a Saudi journalist? Congress needs full access to Trump’s secret stash.
   Dirt Bag Donnie gave a talk that was recorded and spread around the media where Trump threatened the live(s) of whistleblowers and their sources with execution. This threat is a form of witness tampering and threatening witnesses. This insanity will be part of the impeachment inquiry investigation. Trump needs to be impeached and sent to prison.
    Now Dirt Bag Donnie is railing against Democrats for their investigation when he was the guy who brought it upon himself. The Republican White Nationalist Congressional accomplices want us to believe that talking to a foreign leader leveraging military aid for dirt on a political opponent is perfectly fine. I can hear their screams for impeachment if Obama had done this very same thing against John McCain during Obama’s reelection run.

    These criminal accomplices are disgusting. They will stand behind their Market Leninist leader under any and all circumstances. They will give any excuse possible to keep a lowlife crime boss wannabee in power so he can continue to abuse power and engage in corrupt behavior, as well as destroy our democracy for his own personal financial gain.

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