Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Trump's Decline Into Pre-Dementia

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Dumb Dumb Donnie has been hunkering down in order to monitor a very serious hurricane by playing golf. As coastal residents prepare for heavy rains, high tide flooding, and wind damage, their president is out playing golf. Sadly, golf is the only thing Donnie knows how to do.
    During a talk about the trajectory of Hurricane Dorian, he said Alabama was going to experience serious affects of the storm. Dumb Dumb’s White House daycare center’s geography lesson went very bad. Donnie got a very low score and was sent to his room to do his homework with Melania to learn all the names of the 50 states and their locations, but Melania just couldn’t put down the picture as she intently googlie eyed Justin Trudeau. Dumbster Donnie wasn’t able to remember that Alabama was on the other side of the storm and to the west of Georgia, which is on the Atlantic coast. Alabama wasn’t going to get hit by this storm. Officials had to alert Alabama residents that the president was wrong and not to worry. Opps!! Dementia Donnie denied his documented comment. He gets so angry when the press and the media point out his stupidity. This is why he is going to spend millions of dollars to go after reporters and their families.
     Apparently, Melania has been instructed to respond to Fascist Donnie’s commands through hand signals when out in public. They have been taking lessons from the Dog Whisperer. While standing before the camera during a photo op in Ohio, Donnie tapped his right thigh with is right hand to summon Melania to his side.
    This couple deserves each other. They are both screwed up!

On a final note, Fascist Donnie congratulated Poland on its day of remembrance acknowledging the horrors when Hitler’s Nazis invaded their country. Poles don’t celebrate this frightening day. It is not a day for dancing in the streets and releasing balloons. It is a solemn recognition that the horrors of World War II should never happen again. Fascist Donnie is clueless when it comes to difference between a congratulations and a day of remembrance.

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