Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Donald Trump-A lowlife President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump said in regards to releasing the transcript of his call to the Ukrainian president, “ Love to do it but you have to be a bit shy about doing it.” I guess now he is not shy about it since he is about to release the full transcript of the conversation and allow the whistleblower complaint to be released. We also need to know what the heck Guiliani was doing as some sort of liaison. He is a private citizen and not a government official.
    What the heck did he mean about being shy? Is The Cretin still living in the 7th grade? Shy about doing it”? Do What? Did Trump talk dirty to President Zelensky? Did he want to show him a picture of his special putter? I guess enough is enough.
    This Republican White Nationalist president continues to lie, cheat, and operate above the law. He thinks he is some sort of lowlife crime boss. Lowlife, yes. Crime boss, no.
    Dumb Dumb Demented Donnie, no doubt, engaged in blackmail or bribery against Zelensky, Ukraine’s president with the threat of withholding $250M of military aid if their lawyers don’t dig deep into Joe Biden and his son, Hunter in order to find corruption. Any corruption will do.
    It’s all about attacking a presidential rival through a foreign power. This is a crime! Billie Boy “Botuli” Barr has ignored his duty to the American people by being independent of the executive branch of government, but is working only to serve the criminal actions of his lowlife crime boss.
    It is finally time to impeach The Cretin. We don’t elect disorganized crime bosses as President of the United States. What is wrong with Trump’s brain that
he continues to bathe in his own filth?  What is wrong with the Republican White Nationalist party idiots who continue to hand him a soiled bath towel? These RWN’s are a hybrid of Leninism. Instead of the proletariat rising up to take power, they have moved toward a RWNP takeover of the country to establish a dictatorship controlled by them--- Corporate/ market elite—Market Leninism. This hybrid Leninists have accepted the incompetence of a full blown psychopath with the cognitive and emotional intelligence of a 13 year old.
    The question is---does Trump want the impeachment inquiry to proceed? Apparently, Yes!  He loves chaos. He realizes the Senate will drop it once it arrives in their laps. He feels his white nationalist base will call foul and stand behind him.
    But he has one problem. His “I Love The Uneducated” base are losing their jobs!!!! The number of people who don’t have a college or technical degree has dropped. Therefore, those people with only a high school degree are finding it harder to find a job or hold onto their existing job especially since The Cretin has stepped into the White House. This demographic is losing hope with their Savior-in-Chief.
    There is no question Hunter Biden has put dear ‘ole Joe in a bind, since being vice president, and now, as a presidential candidate. WTF was Hunter thinking? He reminds me of Trump’s little Cretins.
    The Trumpsters have used their political capital to raise more financial capital over these past few years, no doubt, because their grifter lifestyle has been in the larger public eye. And, since Michael Cohn, their “fixer” has found himself in prison, he can’t do their dirty deals for them any longer.

    Now, it is time to suit up Dumby Donnie with a matching orange outfit. It will go with his complexion. Then send him off to prison camp. Hopefully, now that there is a full blown impeachment inquiry, we can see those tax returns and Deutche Bank’s files on The Trump Organization.

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