Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Trump And His Sherman Tanks

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

     The Manhattan Troglodyte emerged from his high rise cave donning his bleached combover rag with a spray orange skin tone making promises to gullible voters desiring a whites-only national initiative with a focus on the top 1 percent. What he delivered has been a permanent damage to the farmer’s foodstuff exports as China found substitutes from other countries, a tax cut that further enriched the top 1 percent, while dishing out small change to the bottom 90 percent, and an unfulfilled promise to reform health care and prescription drug pricing. And then there is climate change. This creature from the Manhattan sewer swamp, has pretended to solve the immigration influx, resulting from poverty, violence and climate change, by warehousing them in concentration camp-like facilities plagued by inhumane conditions.
    The Cretin-in-Chief has felt most comfortable hand-holding with the world’s most despicable autocrats and exchanging love letters with these murderers. During yearly G-20 summits, Trump meets in secret with Vladimir Putin in order to receive instructions, since Trump is Putin’s Idiot Asset. Trump’s foreign policy is nothing more than a reality t.v. show script. The red-tie wearing Russian asset has no substance, or long range goals for the country. He only cares about making money for The Trump Organization from his seat in the White House.
     As the Fourth of July inches closer, The Cretin-in-Chief is planning to have military tanks at The Washington Mall for display. The Cretin loves to play with his toy tanks in the Oval Office Day Care Center. Now, he is wetting his pants knowing that there will be “brand new Sherman tanks” on display. Sadly, The Cretin had it wrong. There are NO NEW Sherman tanks anymore. They are vintage tanks, at this point in time. They have been mothballed. Some refurbished models will be available for the Manhattan Troglodyte to caress.
    Since his autocratic love-buddies have military parades, The Cretin wants to politicize this Fourth of July celebration, since Harry Truman was president.

    Will Donnie Demento wear his Putin red tie, and his Commander-in-Chief jacket when he speaks to the crowd at one of the memorials? We will be watching.

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