Monday, July 29, 2019

Trump's Hate Is Becoming Unhinged

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    More evidence that the Republican White Nationalist Party are Market Leninists was explained by Paul Krugman. He wrote that The Cretin’s most important objective is to make the rich richer. He stated that foreign investors make up approximately 35% of stock market investors, Trump’s foreign aid program, have become richer resulting from the Trump tax cut.
    Those who saw increased benefit from the tax cuts are those who gleaned dividend and capital gain profits have not only been corporations, that engaged in stock buy-backs, domestic, and foreign investors, but The Trump Organization and his KKKlan.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party have dragged their feet on election voting reform. Robert Mueller warned Congress that Russia and other nations will go full-force forward interfering with and hijacking U.S. elections. This fascist party wants interference because election reform would benefit Democrats, as stated by McConnell.
    Stealing elections though election fraud is the only way their fascist leaning elected officials can hold onto their seats.
    They don’t believe in democracy. They are fascists supporting Market Leninism. Their party leader is a grifter who lies, cheats, manipulates others in order to steal their wealth because he is nothing more than an illiterate criminal.
    And, finally, The Cretin just cannot control himself. He is continuing his volcanic racist eruptions when he went after Rep. Cummings, from Baltimore, who has more class and integrity in his little finger than the entire Trump KKKlan. Trump spewed hate and racist rhetoric from his rat infested mind trashing Cummings’ Baltimore district as rat infested and filthy.
    Trump has done very little to improve the conditions of American cities, which he promised to do during his campaign of 2016. For example, homelessness has increased under his watch. And, his tax cuts have failed to deliver for 90% of the population.
    Trump promised to rebuild the country's aging infrastructure. He said, "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created." Trump said cities like Reno, Nev., will "be a big fat beautiful beneficiary" of these new jobs. “Grow the nation's economy by at least 6 percent.” (The slowing economy is now growing at 2.5%.)
    Trump is a disgusting fraud and liar. He is a con-man.
Trump’s blatent rage against non-white Americans, and immigrants has increased during his re-election campaign.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party has voted against securing our 2020 election from foreign attack. McConnell is leading this fascist foreign attack. McConnell is leading this fascist assault against free and fair and secure elections. He knows that the Republican White Nationalist Party would lose seats and government control and the momentum toward Market Leninism if the elections were secure.

    The Republican White Nationalist Party and their supporters, such as FOX News, which is filled with rat infested propagandists, hate democracy. Trump hates democracy, as well. Trump appears to be doing everything he can to start a Middle East war, which he historically learned from Lil’Boy Bush that it can secure a second term.

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