Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Donald Trump Hates Our Country

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Fascist Donnie said of the outspoken Democratic Congresswomen, “ They shouldn’t hate our country.”

    Donnie’s Brownshirt Kellyanne Conway claims that the women in the House who are speaking out “are against our troops, and what they deserve. Actually, it is Trump who is against the troops and what they deserve!” She said that these Congresswomen are not respectful of out troops.
    If he walked the walk he would make sure military families would live in “respectful” family housing units—clean, free of mold, and with clean water, to just name a few factors. He would make sure the wives had job opportunities. He would guarantee that they received quality and timely health care and mental health services. He would make sure that they would not fall victim to predatory lenders. He would make sure that these families would the necessary services needed to remain secure in all aspect of their lives.
    Trump has not written a presidential order to guarantee all  of the above. He writes presidential order that favor the richest corporatists. He has failed to serve all Americans.

    The Cretin said, “ A list of things here said by the congresswomen that is so bad, so horrible that I almost don’t want to read it.” WHATTTTT? Fascist Donnie has consistently said horrible and disgusting things about many people, including parents of military service personnel killed in action, the handicapped, people of color, women, other government representatives, protestors, his daughter, the press, the media, allies, etc. He has spoken in support of White Supremacists and dictators and murderers, as well as criminals he has associated with.

    Trump has said that the Democratic Congresswomen speaking out against the ReCons and their leader, “They should love our country.”

    The problem is Fascist Donnie hates our country.

    He has gutted clean air and water and soil protections. He has eliminated environmental safety standards. There are some military bases that have toxins in the soils from long term chemical dumping. Trump hasn’t cleaned them all up.
    Trump hates our country because he continuously threatens peace. He violates international agreements. He snubs our allies. He believes Russia and Putin didn’t attack our 2016 elections. He fell in love with a murderous dictator. He disrespects our farmers by placing tariffs on crops that farmers have sold to China, who spent years working to cultivate trade agreements. These agreements have been destroyed by Trump as a result of his tariffs. These farmer-China agreements have been destroyed forever because China has found other sources for their food crop purchases.

    Trump hates our country because he insults those who disagree with him. He colludes with criminals, such as Michael Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Gates, and now, Jeffrey Epstein. Is Trump causing this distractive chaos in order to deflect his relationship with Epstein? At one time, Trump and Epstein had their own personal party where young women were paid to “entertain” them.

    Trump has brought his own personal crime syndicate to the White House. Only a person who hates America would do such a thing. Ivanka and Jared Kushner are members of The Trump Organization crime syndicate. And, Melania Trump is also a member.

    Trump hates our country because he doesn’t care that climate change will forever alter our way of life, our communities, and our agriculture. All he cares about is to make the energy corporatists richer and richer in spite of their negative impact to our way of life, and our environment.

    Trump hates our country because he is the one destroying freedom and democracy and NOT the 4 outspoken Democratic Congresswomen who were elected by their district majorities. Trump cannot say the same about his presidential election. He lost the popular vote; therefore, he squeaked a win via the Electoral College. He is not a legitimate president.
    Trump forgets that a great many parts of our country engages in socialism: The Veteran’s Administration, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the public school system. They are part of our freedoms, Mr. Fascist Donnie!

    Trump hates America because he has a Justice department that serves his own interests instead of the entire country's interests. And, The White Nationalist Republican Party led by The Cretin has appointed far-right extremist Supreme Court Justices, who support Trump's fascist ideals.
    The Fascist Donnie hates our democracy and country because he follows a Market Leninism agenda perpetuated by the Koch brothers that believes the rich and powerful corporatists should run the government, departments, agencies, courts and rule over everyone else.

    It is very clear that Trump hates our country. He wants us to believe that he loves this country, but, in fact, he has never told the truth in his life.

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