Monday, July 22, 2019

Liz Cheney Embraces Fascist Donnie Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    White Nationalist Liz Cheney appears to be in support of her Fuehrer—Donald Trump. They both have delusional far-right beliefs that are the antithesis of freedom and democracy. They both proclaim that socialism is the opposite of freedom, when, in fact, our freedom has accepted socialism as a part of our way of life. When it comes to fascism, her apple doesn’t fall far from her daddy’s tree.
    The United States has embraced socialism as an integral part of its freedom and democracy. These Market Leninist fascists object to  Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veteran’s Administration, Public Schools system, The Postal Service, bank bailouts, farm subsidies, patent and trademarks, to name several examples. If any of these social programs serve their needs, then they accept it.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party Congress is trying to say that their Fuehrer is not a racist, but his words might be construed as racist. They’re trying to fix the mess that their Idiot-in-Chief had created. They’re finding it especially hard to reframe the actions resulting from the Greenville rally when the lemmings chanted “Send her back” as Fascist Donnie had to silently allow those words to sweep over him for 13 seconds before speaking again like a warm shower. He needed to relish the chant as a beautiful experience. How do they explain that? “Oh----the president pooped his diaper and it took 13 seconds for him to complete the movement. That one might actually be believable.
    The truth be told---Trump is more than a racist, misogynist, bigot, White Supremacist, crook, Market Leninist, liar, moron, and dumbass. He is a fascist. A dirty, stinkin’ fascist. And there is nothing his staff, allies, donors, or his Magic 8 Ball toy can do about it. He smears it all over himself every time he opens his mouth.

    It is said by his apologists within the Republican White Nationalist Party that “Democrats hate the President.” NO MORONS! We hate that the office of the president has been hijacked by an idiot fascist instead of a competent leader embracing the objectives defined through our democracy.

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