Thursday, July 18, 2019

Send Them Back!!!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Demagogue Donnie had one of his fuming fascist rallies in Greenville, North Carolina. The Cretin needed lots of hugs and cheers by his hate-based crowd who are afraid that their White Christian Imaginary Nation being diluted by “the other”. They can’t have “the other” working in the fields, or in meat backing plants, or canning factories, or doing roofing, or hotel laundry. They want all those jobs saved for themselves, which they appear to shy away from. In spite of the crowd being hurt by Demagogue Donnie’s policies, such as a legal battle to negatively impact their pre-existing medical condition(s), and his permanently damaging tariffs upon the regional farmers surrounding Greenville, they cheer him on, take the free t-shirts and then, catch the free bus ride back to wherever they came from. Free is what they like.
    The Cretin and his lemmings chanted “send her back”. Why don’t we consider sending back Melania Krauss Trump back to Slovenia with her mother and father?
    Melania arrived in the United States back in the 1990s on a “business" visa, which restricted her from finding work, yet, purporting her infamous first lady military style jacket slogan—“I don’t care. Do U”, violated her visa designation by obtaining 10 modeling jobs, which stretched over several months. This violation of American immigration law would have “sent her back” from which she came. No doubt back into the arms of her Russian spy handlers. (See this blogspot’s fantasy storyof Melania as a Russian spy hired to snag Donnie on behalf of Putin).
     But once she found her drooling doggie delight sugar daddy, she was set for life. And, once she became 1st lapdog lady, she “chain migrated” her parents by bringing them over from Slovenia. Now, Demagogue Donnie doesn’t believe in “Chain Migration” for anybody else. It’s saved for the white folks from Sweden, for example.
    Just maybe we should send Melania back, along with Fascist Donnie, to their Manhattan condo, while the Manhattan D.A. investigates possible tax evasion and tax fraud by The Trump Organization.
So, here it is------

                    SEND THEM BACK!!!!!

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