The Trumpty Dumpty Report
In a time of deceit, telling the truth
is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
Donald Trump has two
opponents in the Republican primary. Bill Weld of Massachusetts and this
state’s former governor, and Joe Walsh (not the guitarist from the James Gang,
and The Eagles) from Illinois. Walsh takes credit for making Donald Trump into
a presidential candidate, and now blames himself for creating a dumbass,
incompetent president. Walsh, a Tea Party nutcase and former Republican
Representative from Illinois believes he needs to take on Trump for the
The big question is – will
there be a brokered Republican convention if Trump fails to get the required
number of delegate votes at the convention to clinch the nomination? Will the
RNC end up choosing another pick to run against the Democratic nominee? Will
the RNC decide that Trump, a mentally declining incompetent psychopath, should
go back to Trump Tower to write his memoir about how he succeeded as America’s
worst president. No doubt, he will be preparing for indictments made against
him by the New York City-Manhattan’s district attorney and the New York state
attorney’s general. And then, there is the planning of his Presidential
Library, which might end up in the Manhattan federal prison.
Trump embarrassed The
United States during the G-7 in France resulting in the other 6 national
leaders realizing Trump is a Dumb Dumb. He said regarding China and tariffs,
“It’s done very well for me over the years and it’s doing very well for the
country.” The fact is that Trump NEVER made a business deal on his own. He is
just too incompetent. He relied on others to do the work so he could walk into
the room pretending that he is the king dealmaker. Absolutely nothing
beneficial has resulted from the tariffs. Dumb Dumb Donnie used inflammatory
statements against China and President Xi. Actually Donnie, the tariffs and you
have acted “very badly” for the country. The only thing that’s happened are
higher and higher tensions and tariffs.
During his time at the G-7,
Donnie Dumb Dumb appeared to be very mentally disorganized and confused. I
guess he missed his daycare attendant—Kellyanne Conway.
Donnie Dumb Dumb, while
hanging out in France with his clown circus, he claimed that Melania met
Lil’Kim and got to know him real well, when actually she never met or laid eyes
on the dictator. He also said he was at a meeting with Angela Merkel of Germany
and the president of India and couldn’t attend the climate conference. The fact
is that Derelict Donnie lied—again.
Both of the leaders were at
the climate conference. Donnie’s chair was empty. He was alone. Why was he
alone? It was rumored that at that time Donnie had his Fish Cracker snack time
and just couldn’t miss it. He had to have time to play with his Putin action
figure pretending that he was at the G-7 with him.
He also said that ‘we don’t
need no stinkin’ windmills! We got oil and gas and climate change is a hoax
created by Obama’.
It has also come to the
light that Donnie Dumb Dumb Junior and some of his fascist playmates are
targeting journalists who write unfavorable pieces about his Dummy Daddy. He
has hired investigators to go after the targeted reporters and their families.
It sounds like the work of a fascist, such as Lil’Kim and Putin.
The anger. The paranoia.
The fear of losing power has driven The Cretin to make sure that the press is
intimidated enough to back off from uncovering what lies inside Trump’s frail
and fragile ego.
"Oh yes, Big T. I'm yours if you want me!!. Anytime. Anywhere."