Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Trump's Failed G-7 Appearance

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Donald Trump has two opponents in the Republican primary. Bill Weld of Massachusetts and this state’s former governor, and Joe Walsh (not the guitarist from the James Gang, and The Eagles) from Illinois. Walsh takes credit for making Donald Trump into a presidential candidate, and now blames himself for creating a dumbass, incompetent president. Walsh, a Tea Party nutcase and former Republican Representative from Illinois believes he needs to take on Trump for the nomination. 
    The big question is – will there be a brokered Republican convention if Trump fails to get the required number of delegate votes at the convention to clinch the nomination? Will the RNC end up choosing another pick to run against the Democratic nominee? Will the RNC decide that Trump, a mentally declining incompetent psychopath, should go back to Trump Tower to write his memoir about how he succeeded as America’s worst president. No doubt, he will be preparing for indictments made against him by the New York City-Manhattan’s district attorney and the New York state attorney’s general. And then, there is the planning of his Presidential Library, which might end up in the Manhattan federal prison.
    Trump embarrassed The United States during the G-7 in France resulting in the other 6 national leaders realizing Trump is a Dumb Dumb. He said regarding China and tariffs, “It’s done very well for me over the years and it’s doing very well for the country.” The fact is that Trump NEVER made a business deal on his own. He is just too incompetent. He relied on others to do the work so he could walk into the room pretending that he is the king dealmaker. Absolutely nothing beneficial has resulted from the tariffs. Dumb Dumb Donnie used inflammatory statements against China and President Xi. Actually Donnie, the tariffs and you have acted “very badly” for the country. The only thing that’s happened are higher and higher tensions and tariffs.
    During his time at the G-7, Donnie Dumb Dumb appeared to be very mentally disorganized and confused. I guess he missed his daycare attendant—Kellyanne Conway.
    Donnie Dumb Dumb, while hanging out in France with his clown circus, he claimed that Melania met Lil’Kim and got to know him real well, when actually she never met or laid eyes on the dictator. He also said he was at a meeting with Angela Merkel of Germany and the president of India and couldn’t attend the climate conference. The fact is that Derelict Donnie lied—again.
    Both of the leaders were at the climate conference. Donnie’s chair was empty. He was alone. Why was he alone? It was rumored that at that time Donnie had his Fish Cracker snack time and just couldn’t miss it. He had to have time to play with his Putin action figure pretending that he was at the G-7 with him.
    He also said that ‘we don’t need no stinkin’ windmills! We got oil and gas and climate change is a hoax created by Obama’.
    It has also come to the light that Donnie Dumb Dumb Junior and some of his fascist playmates are targeting journalists who write unfavorable pieces about his Dummy Daddy. He has hired investigators to go after the targeted reporters and their families. It sounds like the work of a fascist, such as Lil’Kim and Putin.

    The anger. The paranoia. The fear of losing power has driven The Cretin to make sure that the press is intimidated enough to back off from uncovering what lies inside Trump’s frail and fragile ego.

"Oh yes, Big T. I'm yours if you want me!!. Anytime. Anywhere."

Monday, August 26, 2019

Trump's Clown Show At The G-7

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Lindsey Graham-Cracker basically has told America to suck it up when it comes to higher prices resulting from the tariffs, especially against China. It wasn’t too long ago when The Cretin told us that China was paying for the tariffs. Who actually believed such bullshit? Wall Street wasn’t buying Trump’s “Fake News”.
    China increased the stakes by increasing their tariffs against American products and Trump did the same. Trump said, "China wants to make a deal very badly." Trump must have been snorting too much cocaine. China doesn't need to make a deal with Trump, since Xi is sitting on a $1T of U.S. government bond debt. Trump has already ruined many American farmers who had seen their delicate relationships with Chinese buyers dissolve into obscurity.
    While on his G-7 world tour, The Dumb Dumb President decided to play the clown, a role he has mastered over the years. He walked around with his foot in his mouth embarrassing himself in front of allies. He kept talking about readmitting Russia back into the G-7 even after the invasion of Crimea, and the poisoning of two Russians in Britain. Even Boris Johnson shunned Trump's suggestion. The G-7 leaders try to distance themselves from America's Dumb Dumb president.
    The Cretin suggested that the next G-7 be hosted at one of his own properties in Florida. HUH? Cha-ching. Cha-ching.
    He told Americans that he had regrets regarding the tariffs, yet said after thinking (Thinking --- now that’s a stretch.) about it, he should have had steeper tariffs against China. What was he talking about? He cannot handle that he doesn't know what he is doing and the harm he has created to the country.
    Also, while running around the Big Top wearing his long red tie, he told Americans to boycott Chinese food! Now, that’s an effective retaliatory measure! No more General So Chicken dinners.
    At dinner, the group leaders were put off after The Dumb ster Trumpster brought with him his favorite dish to share---Fish Crackers and Cheese casserole. He said, “This will be my legacy. This will be America’s new favorite dish.”

    President Dumb Dumb said that he ordered Homeland Security and national security officials to explore nuking hurricanes before the reach the shores of Mar-A-Lago in Florida. On the plane to France, Trump was heard saying, “My golf resorts are the very bestest ever. Hurricanes bad. Very bad. Nuke them. Nuke them. Them bad!! I’m a very stable genius.”

Friday, August 23, 2019

Oh King Of Israel Donald J. Trump!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    It is getting clearer and clearer that President Dumb Dumb is losing his mind. He has delusions of grandeur—King Donnie Ding Dong. He now wants to give himself the Medal of Honor. Can anyone anywhere tell America what honorable act Fascist Donnie has ever displayed?
    As he spoke at the American Veterans convention, he compared himself to a veteran who received a Medal of Honor for his extraordinary actions, as everyone in the audience listened to the idiot-in-chief stroke his own ego. They remembered that Trump lied his way out of the military by complaining of foot problems.
    He never donated a single penny to a veteran’s organization. He never helped a struggling soldier’s family. And now, he wants a Medal of Honor.
    Trump says, “I’m the chosen one” because he thinks that he is the Trade War Guru. Trump displays a God Complex. His delusional psychosis is progressing. Da Drumpf claims that “I’m winning” the trade war with China even though the tariffs are costing the American consumer when they purchase items from China, which is just about from every sector: phones, clothes, appliances, etc. Trump has lied to Americans when he claims that China is paying for the tariffs.
    Now that Denmark’s Prime Minister rejected Trump’s advances to buy their Greenland, he called her “nasty”, “not very nice” for rejecting the offer. She told him, ‘NOT FOR SALE’.
    The idiot said, “It was just an idea. Just a thought.” Hey Dumb Dumb Donnie, if it was just an idea or a thought, then why did you open your big, stupid mouth? Keep that shit in your head. The Moron-in-Chief cannot keep his delusional mind from leaking his never-ending amount of stupidity.
    The idiot said, “essentially it’s a large real estate deal, owning Greenland is hurting Denmark very badly because they’re losing almost $700M a year carrying it. So they carry it at a great loss and strategically for the U.S. it would be very nice and we’re a big ally of Denmark, we protect Denmark and we help Denmark and we will.”
    The Moron, who is pretending to be president, has been a horrible, nasty, disgusting, mean, thoughtless, obnoxious lying perverted criminal slob.
    So, what did Drumpf do? He canceled his trip to Denmark. He doesn’t understand that the Danes don’t care if Da Drumpf stays home with his Fish Crackers and Space Force jammies.
    Regarding another problem Da Drumpf has is the likelihood he and The Trump Organization engaged in tax fraud, and fraudulent documentation of profits and losses with two of his Scotland golf resorts. He claimed profits to one taxing country, and losses to another taxing country. U.S. and Scotland. This is considered tax fraud and purposely misrepresenting profits and losses. It is being investigated now.
 King Donnie wants to change Birthright Citizenship—if you are born in the U.S. from non-citizen parents or mother, you are automatically a naturalized citizen. This right is the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The delusional moron living in the White House believes he can change this right by writing a Presidential Order. The environment is decaying as we speak, yet this is what the Moron-in-Chief focuses on.
    What is going to do? It is like the story from a This American Life broadcast where a guy on an elevated subway platform walked up and down pointing to each person waiting for the train, “You’re in. You’re out!”
    Trump is a lunatic!! A true delusional psychopath with fantasies of being called ‘Your Lordship’.
    He also sees himself King of Israel after being anointed the position by one of his White Nationalist bloggers.
    He is also spewing an Anti-Semitic trope that Jews have dual-loyalties by calling any Jew who votes Democratic as being “disloyal” to either Da Drumpf or to Israel. This trope has been spewed by Anti-Semites for decades, and now, Drumpf has pulled it out of soiled diaper. So, somewhere around 70% of Jewish voters are “disloyal” to Your Lordship?
    Dumb Dumb Donnie was seen wearing his Burger King birthday crown after his White Supremacist followers called on him to be King of Israel, as well as their Grand Wizard. He was seen prancing around the Oval Office daycare center wearing his Space Force jammies with the cardboard crown on his orange head. He told Kellyanne to “Kiss My Ring”.
    His brain has oozed out more stupidity when he told American corporations to leave China and move elsewhere. This moron has no idea that he is not King. He said, ‘Who is worse, the Federal Reserve Chairman Powell or China’s Chairman Xi.’

    It is clear, Dumb Dumb Donnie is worse!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Trump Dreams of Being King

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

   Da Trump said this ridiculously questionable remark about America's Jewish community, "Any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat---I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty." And, he called himself "the least anti-Semitic person you've ever seen."
    Firstly, our Moron-in-Chief does appear to be anti-Semitic, and secondly, was he calling Jews who disagree with his racist, misogynistic, hateful, bigoted, and Hitler-like policies and behaviors stupid? It is largely a belief that Jewish people who did and will vote against him are more knowledgable about him than he is about himself. And thirdly, disloyal to who? To Israel? Their support of Israel has nothing to do with this moron or even Netanyahu. Their support for Israel goes much deeper than that. 
    And, if he meant disloyal to his "fake" presidency, then yeah!! He is right. James Comey made it clear, we do not sign loyalty oaths to presidents!!! Da Drumpf never learns. He is not capable of learning a darn thing. As his former business school professor said about him, "He was the dumbest student he ever had." 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Black Hole Inside Trump's Mind

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Is President Drumpf’s delusional paranoia being exacerbated by arterial sclerosis, i.e., dementia? He believes that the media is involved in a conspiracy to erode the economy by pointing to signs that the economy is significantly slowing.
    Our Idiot-in-Chief dismisses highly skilled professional economics across the spectrum pointing at signs that a recession could be forming in the United States, and around the world.
    Drumpf points to the economy as a success, yet the GDP is around 2.3%. He claims that the tariffs are not being paid for the consumer, but China, which is totally wrong.
    Dumb Dumb Donnie rails against the media saying, “Fake News Media is doing everything they can to crash the economy because they think that will be bad for me and my re-election”. He went on to claim “The problem they have is that the economy is way too strong and we will soon be winning big on Trade and everyone knows that includes China!” The economy is not “too strong”. It is working, yet we aren’t “winning on Trade”. And, the media does not have wizard Gandolf’s powers to “crash” the economy. Only an idiot would believe that the media has magic powers to “crash” the economy. Back in 2008, the media didn’t crash the economy! Bankstas, hedge fund managers, mortgage lenders who manipulated the bond market through their smoke and mirror bond creations molded out of thin air were the party crashers to our economy. The media reported on it. President Dumb Dumb Donnie must have missed all that because he was too busy conning investors and bankers, as well as contractors who were hoping to collect on the work they did for Drumpf so they could pay their creditors. Good luck on that.
    Dumb Dumb said, “I don’t see a recession.” He also doesn’t see that Lil’Kim conned him and played him over and over again. He doesn’t “see” much outside his delusional psychopathy. Since Da Drumpf rarely reads, or watches much other than his go to bullshit from the three idiots hosting Fox and Friends. He doesn’t understand that investors are very jittery about the stability of Stock Market equities and bonds.
    Currently, the bond market has experienced an ‘inversion of the yield curve’ which often signals a possible recession. This prediction was not created by the media but through market fundamentals. Drumpf has chosen to put his head up his ass, which is his way to not “see a recession”. The Ding Dong President has two morons---Navarro and Kudlow helping him spin the recession threat as “Fake News”.
    They want to blame the Federal Reserve for not lowering interest rates, as Drumpf dreams about running the agency as his own private candy store. He also dreams of playing with trucks, and those love letters Lil’Kim wrote him who he claimed lavished his love upon him. “He wrote beautiful letters to me.” This sounds like dementia setting in, since no one has ever seen those “beautiful letters”. Will they go into the Trump Presidential Library? Wow! A Trump Presidential Library seems like an oxymoron. Hopefully, it will be inside The Trump Federal Prison building, which should be built on our southern border with a yuuge beautiful wall built around it.
    He is telling voters that Democrats, if elected, will ruin the economy, when in fact, Democrats, once in power, end up having to fix the damage done by the previous ReCon president and the Republican White Nationalist Party. They stop the stranglehold of Market Leninism and corporate socialism. Now, LilBoyBush spends his days painting by numbers at his Texas ranch and for Americans wishing for the good ‘ole days.
    Drumpf said, “ Even if you love me or hate me, you need to vote for me if you want a great economy.” It sure seems that President Dumb Dumb is on the decline and his mental state is spiraling down the Black Hole in his mind.
    According to JPMorgan, the investment corporation, they debunked Ding Dong Donnie’s claim that China’s paying for the tariffs. Their report says that American families will pay $1000.00 per year as a result of the Trump Tariff policy. The 2017 tax cut benefit could be wiped out as a result of the tariffs added to the cost of goods sold to American families. Trump giveth and Trump taketh away.
    Every household could find $400.00 missing from their wallets if a 10% tariff is tacked onto $300 billion dollar’s worth of Chinese items sold to Americans. Are we happy yet?

    The fact is that Dumb Dumb Donnie feels he is the smartest and cleverest person in America. In his delusional mind, he believes that economics and financial experts don’t know squat compared to his “really, really big brain”. But the truth is, our economy could fall into a recession as a result of Drumpf’s ignorance and really, really small brain.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Is Trump Suffering From Dementia?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Fascist Donnie has gone off the rails, again. By accusing the Clintons of murdering Jeffrey Epstein. The Idiot-in-Chief said, “How many times, how many times was Bill Clinton on the island. You’ll know a lot when you know how many times he was on the island.” What does that mean? How many times was Epstein hanging out with Donnie Drumpf at Mar-A-Lago? There is video of Drumpf partying down with Epstein at Mar-A-Lago.
    The fact is Fascist Donnie has control over Billie Barr, at the Justice Department. Barr has control and authority over federal prisons, which housed Epstein. The question is did Fascist Donnie put a hit out on his pal, Epstein to shut him up so he wouldn’t talk about Donnie’s teenage play toys? The prison Epstein was at appears to be very full of sloppy management procedures. Allegedly, the guards, some were temps, may have falsified documents claiming they were looking in on Epstein, when they were not doing so. Since the guy was on suicide watch and a suicide risk, did President Drumpf make it easy for Epstein to hang himself? Where did he get the materials, since he was not allowed such materials? Did someone hang him up and leave him there to die?
    Dumb Dumb Drumpf may not have wanted Epstein alive, since he had dirt on famous people who were Johns to these teenage girls. Video was taken of Drumpf ‘Dancing with the Hookers’ with Epstein by his side.
    Donnie Dumb Dumb had a lot to lose, such as prosecution. As a distraction, Ding Dong Donnie went to Pittsburgh to give a speech at the union-managed Beaver County Cracker plant. On the plane, Donnie Dumb Dumb was overheard asking his bitch—Kellyanne—if he will get cheese with his crackers; and, what kind of crackers did they make? He prefers Fish Crackers.
    When he got there, his speech was a further illustration of his general mental decline. He looked at his watch and said it was 11:00 A.M., when in fact, it was 2:30 P.M. He rambled on about being 4 years old and liking to play with trucks. He talked about steel and coal workers having big hands, and how silly it would be for them to be retrained to work with circuits and semi-conductors for computers, and solar and wind controllers. They might actually jump at the chance to have a different way of life. His voice sounded baby-like. He proved himself to be an idiot.
    He had to bribe, threaten, or pay for the union workers at the Shell Cracker plant to attend the rally, and if not, they would be punished in one way or another. He also told them to press their union leadership to make sure that they support his 2020 presidential bid for re-election. He said, “I’m going to speak to some of your union leaders to say, ‘I hope you’re going to support Trump,’ Okay?” Trump went on to say, “And if they don’t, vote them the hell out of office because they’re not doing their job. It’s true. Vote them out of office.” Drumpf has to speak of himself in the third person. He doesn’t say “I”. Instead he refers to himself as “Trump”. This is a bit unnatural. And, Drumpf has failed to do his job with any competence. Let’s vote this ass-drumpf out of office.
    And, Moscow Mitch can’t seem to untangle himself from the Russian aluminum plant he has ties to, when he voted to eliminate sanctions on the Russian aluminum oligarch, Deripaska, a close pal to former Trump campaign lackey and prison inmate---Paulie the mouse Manifort.
    Socialist McConnell arranged and pressured his White Nationalist Senate members to eliminate Russian sanctions on only a single Russian aluminum company so they could partner with Moscow Mitch’s State of Kentucky leadership to build a factory in a small farm town that deals with poverty and opoid abuse. The State of Kentucky kicked in $16 million as a socialist giveaway incentive so his capitalist venture could bring jobs to the town in Kentucky. This is how Moscow Mitch and his corporate-market Leninism brings socialism to his district back home. Socialism is good when it is designed by Socialist McConnell and his White Nationalist ReCons. Tax giveaways and tax abatements are a form of corporate socialism. The community taxpayers have to pick up the tab so the market Leninists, who are given these socialist giveaways as a carrot, to move into their community.
    These same hypocrites rail violently against Democrats who support government social programs that benefit the middle and lower classes, when they, instead, want these dollars to go to the richest people and corporations that support them.
    The latest moronic idea oozing from the declining impaired mind of Dimwit Donnie was to try and buy the island of Greenland from Denmark. Because of global warming and ice sheet melting, Dimwit Donnie saw dollar signs from oil and gas extraction, and mineral mining. Instead of focusing on a nationwide investment in solar, wind, and geothermal to create jobs in local communities, Drumpf would rather enrich international fossil fuel and mining corporatists, bankers, fund managers, and speculators. He is a fool of enormous proportions.
    And, what might actually be happening with President Drumpf is some hardening of the arteries feeding his brain causing early dementia. While giving a speech in Michigan, he told the audience, “I got a Man-of-the-Year award here in Michigan 4 or 6 years ago. I got an award. An award!” Well, he was wrong, again. He NEVER got a Man-of-the-Year award in Michigan. What he was presented was a framed copy of the Gettysburg Address and some Lincoln mementos and not an award.

    Sorry Dimwit Donnie. You are a full-blown idiot!!!

Friday, August 9, 2019

White Supremacists In The U.S. Military

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    President Drumpf was America’s Poser-in-Chief while interrupting those involved with calming and healing tensions and gunshot wounds in El Paso and Dayton. While posing at the El Paso hospital caring for the wounded, The Drunk Uncle Cretin had to brag about his supporting crowd numbers of zombies attending his February rally, and his poll ratings versus the opposing Democrats. It always has to be about him. That is how sociopaths operate.
    With Matrix Melania by his side, and sporting his typical red, white and blue ensample, with the red tie dangling over his waistband, he was overheard whispering to her, “I am amazing! I’m such a stable genius. Brown people are liking me, too!
    It has been exposed by HuffPo that Trump’s army contains members of white nationalist [Supremacist] groups, such as Evropa, that organized the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia back in 2017. HuffPo also uncovered a possible soldier who was a member of a Neo-Nazi terror group called Atomwaffen Division, that were connected to five murders. A total of 12 soldiers were unmasked through this investigative reporting. Of the 12, the Trump military will allow 4 of these fascists to remain on duty. These 12 are supporters of fascism, aligning themselves with Donald Drumpf.

   And, apparently, Fucker Carlson has been suspended from FOX News. What he most likely said was, “I’ve never met a White Supremacist I didn’t love” as opposed to telling his viewers that he never met a White Supremacist/Nationalist and it’s all a hoax. All Fucker would have to do is one—look in the mirror and he will see one closest to him, and two---walk around FOX News. He will see an entire network filled with White Supremacists and President Drunk Uncle enablers.
    Herr President Drumpf and The Matrix Melania gave two-thumbs up after being showed the baby whose parents were shot and killed during the mass murder in the El Paso. The parents covered each other and the baby at the same time. Both parents were shot and killed. The baby survived. This cellphone photo was candidly taken proving that The Cretin and his Matrix's declaration of "I don't care. Do you?" regarding the killings perpetrated by the White Supremacist behind the crime.
    While in hospital, neither The Cretin nor his Matrix met with any of the 8 surviving victims shot by the killer. They didn't care. Do you? If so, contact your senator to impeach this Cretin.
    Instead of remaining at the White House pushing for Moscow Mitch to call back the Senate and developing a plan to remove assault weapons from our streets, he's off to his golf course to play rounds with his white nationalist pals. Will he be meeting with Jack Nicholson, Tom Arnold, John Travolta, or Ted Nugent, just to name a few.
                     Enough is enough.


These two are sick f**kers!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Trump Showboats In Dayton and El Paso

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Idiot-in-Chief’s ignorant moronic daughter, Ivanka, was deflecting the focus of the recent mass shootings away from her fascist Donnie daddy, who is avoiding taking action against the sale of para-military weapons, which are used in these mass murderers, and onto to Chicago. She criticized Chicago by saying that they have gun violence within their inner city on a daily basis. She tweeted about a playground shooting, which didn’t happen as she stated. Misinformation is how the fascist Trump family operates. In her typical racist fashion, she took away from the tragedy in El Paso, and Dayton by pointing fingers at black-on-black violence in Chicago. The racist Trump thinking process is an invasive species that needs to be removed and relocated back to their New York enclaves.

    The Republican White Nationalist Party in Nebraska told State Representative John McCollister to leave the party because he was outspoken in regards to reforming gun laws and spoke out against the recent gun violence. The Republican White Supremacists want to keep a stranglehold on the Nebraska state government.

    Fucker Carlson, of FOX News, claimed that there is no white supremacy problem in the country. He claimed he has never seen a white supremacist. I guess he never looks in a mirror. FOX News is filled with White Supremacists and Nationalists, since they speak for them and Market Leninists.

    Fascist Donnie appears to be angry at Beto O’Rourke—“Beto (phony name to claim Hispanic heritage) O’Rourke who is embarrassed by my last visit to the Great State of Texas, where I trounced him, and is now even more embarrassed by polling at 1% in the Democrat primary should respect the victim and law enforcement—and be quiet!”

    What is The Cretin talking about? Beto is his name, Moron!! And, El Paso is his home district. This is his community and he has every right to speak out and condemn your rhetoric, which is filled with hate and vile speech. What we can say is that ‘Trump—phony name!’ Drumpf is your real surname. Your real name is Donald Drumpf. And, your bad—very bad—poll numbers should make it clear that YOU NEED TO SHUT YOUR FASCIST MOUTH!!! You make tragedy worse by needing to showboat and bring attention to yourself.

    You have never tried to bring peace to these horrible murders by haters and White Supremacists, who kill in your name. You have no solutions that would take these weapons off the streets. You blame mental illness and not the weapons.

You, Donald Dumb Drumpf is the problem and not the solution.

The Cretin said, “My rhetoric brings people together.” Sad, very sad. Your moronic self-reflection illustrates that Donald Dumb Drumpf is a psychopath and needs to be impeached.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Baltimore Slumlord Comrade Kushner

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Baltimore slumlord Comrade Kushner actually is the rat infested, roach crawling creature Fascist Donnie talks about when discussing the conditions in Baltimore.
    Dotard Donnie is out there making claims that if re-elected he’ll cure pediatric cancer with 350M spread out over 10 years, and AIDS in America. He seems to forget that the bailed out bankstas of 2008 second American economic depression, after Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson and Lil’BoyBush handed out cash to keep the banks from sinking into their own black hole, gave themselves $50B worth of bonuses from the bucket of bailout bucks handed over to them. So, $50M of research cash per year is what those bankstas and hedge fund sharks were making per year as they scammed Americans into buying fake mortgage bonds. 
   Dumbass Donnie has made lots of failed promises. Here are two more failed promises if he’s to get re-elected. Are you going to be fooled again? As Lil’BoyBush once said, “Fool me once shame on me; fool me twice fool on, uhhh, duhh, you.”
    Slumlord Comrade Kushner has never rolled up his cleanly pressed $300.00 sleeves or gotten his manicured fingernails dirty. He doesn’t even have the intelligence or competence to do the job his own dirty daddy set him up in—property real estate scamming. He is just like his Dumbass Donnie criminal father-in-law.

    Dotard Donnie’s slogan is actually ‘Make America A Market Leninist Country’.

    How has The Dotard made America great again? He’s gutted the EPA allowing corporations to return to their polluting behavior attacking our air, water, soils and food. He has chosen climate change deniers. He has picked the people that the corporations advised him to pick. He appointed corporate vultures of our environment to head departments, or people who have allowed the corporate vultures to snare more control over our “common-wealth”, and public health, safety and welfare; and our forest lands, national parks, drinking water resources, highways; and allowed dangerous chemicals allowed in agriculture, and allowed more tailpipe emissions canceling out Obama-era target standards. The list can go on and on.
    We continue to hear from people in the Republican White Nationalist Party condemning immigrants from Central America and Mexico because “they are taking our jobs”. If America’s young people and working aged people clambered for the laborious work taken by immigrants, then there wouldn’t be work for undocumented immigrants. We don’t see young Americans, many have trouble applying for those labor intensive jobs, wanting jobs in agriculture, roofing, food manufacturing and food processing, hotel housekeeping, etc.
    Immigrants have often spent most of their lives, beginning from childhood, working hard, labor intensive jobs. They are accustomed to long hours, and labor intensive work. America’s young people are used to video games, “hanging out”, and texting. They are not used to the harder life experienced by Central American immigrants.
    What we are seeing is our current economy chugging along at a 2.3% rate. There were around 164,000 jobs created in July, yet when one sees a lowering of work hours to around a 33-hour work week, this factor distills into the lowering of job creation to around 250,000! This means a net loss of actual jobs for July.
    Don’t be fooled by the fool in the White House.

    Now, Dumbass Donnie wants to add on $300M more to the current Chinese tariff burden, which is most often paid for by the American consumer in higher prices, or the cutting of worker hours. What will happen if President Xi, of China, says, ‘enough is enough’, and threatens to sell off the $1T of American Treasury debt sold to them by Lil’BoyBush in order to fund his Iraq War? That will likely give birth to an economic Black Swan event. That means a full-blown economic downturn.
    To wrap this up, The Cretin’s pick of his National Intelligence head, Ratso Radcliffe, took himself out of the running because of a record of incompetence and lack of intelligence. Good move, Ratso!
    Trump called Ratso, “a good Republican.” What he actually meant was, “Ratso is a good Republican White Nationalist.”

    Ratso’s fantasy was to sell off our national parks to private Market Leninists. WOW!!! Our late President Teddy Roosevelt, who established the National Park system, and was a Republican, was heard swearing at Trump from the grave.

Monday, August 5, 2019

9 Dead In Ohio

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

To the song written by Neil Young, “Ohio”

White Supremacists and Trump are coming
We’re finally angry now.

This summer I hear the drumming
9 dead in Ohio.

Gotta start to impeach him now
White Supremacists are cutting us down.

Should have stopped them long ago
What if you knew them
And found them dead on the ground.
How can you run when you know?

Gotta start to impeach him now
White Supremacists are cutting us down.

Should have stopped them long ago
What if you knew them
And found them dead on the ground.
How can you run when you know?

 White Supremacists and Trump are coming
We’re finally angry now.

This summer I hear the drumming
9 dead in Ohio.

    Hey Fascist Donnie, It’s the guns stupid!
It is not just about mental instability, or illness, as you believe. This is what a Republican White Nationalist president says.

    The El Paso shooter had listened to Fascist Donnie’s hateful, misogynistic, xenophobic, racist, and fear of the “other” language. He used some of Trump’s language in his insane manifesto.
    This murdering terrorist didn’t operate alone. He had an entire community of hate spewing fascists expressing their paranoia of the “other” invading the country.
    The Fascist Donnie president had accepted all endorsements from anyone and everyone, which included the KKK, David Duke of the Klan, and other hate groups. Duke said that he was overjoyed that he agreed with what was saying during the 2016 election cycle. And, we shouldn't forget the White Nationalists at FOX News.
    Trump spoke about the killings on Monday morning, and included in his statement he had to bring up immigration legislation when he should be focused on expressing concern. But, the real problem is that Trump has no feelings for others. He blamed video games, which has no scientific documentation behind this accusation. He blamed Democrats, which he says "want to take your guns", and he says the murderers are deranged, which is a true fact describing The Cretin himself. The Cretin runs on fear and even during this time of crisis and grief, he had to stir up fear that guns will be taken away, which is insane. This further illustrates that Trump is a fascist, a tried and true White Nationalist believing that lies gives him power over his White Supremacist base. When he spoke before the cameras, he had to read from a script because he has no heart and couldn't talk to the American people with true empathy and compassion. His feelings are only focused on himself. This makes him a psychopath.
    CNN interviewed 3 Latino teens at the scene in Texas who spoke more eloquently than The Cretin spoke to the nation during this tragedy.
    Moscow Mitch has failed to bring up a vote on the House bill that will put greater restrictions on gun purchases. Moscow Mitch is holding back a Senate vote. We need to see which Republican White Nationalist Senators will vote against the bill. Moscow Mitch is a bold faced coward.
    There has been over 250 mass shootings so far this year. Thank you fascist Donnie for doing nothing about this nation’s serious health concern.
    No one believes what Trump says, “There is no place in the country for hate.” Trump is the number one hate-spewer.
    Even the Republican Governor of Texas, Gov. Abbott couldn’t even say the words—Domestic Terrorism, White Supremacist, or name the killer as a White Nationalist hater of the “other” after killing innocent people in Walmart.

 It is time to send this incompetent psychopath back to Mar-A-Lago for good.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

It Is Time To Impeach Donald J. Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Hitler incited hate. During November 9-10 in 1938, paramilitary forces, and civilians attacked Jewish businesses throughout Germany. It was called Kristallnacht—the night of broken glass. Donald J. Trump, a vile hater of the “other”, is a version of Hitler. He embraces dictators and authoritarians and feels that White Supremacists have good people in their ranks. He has incited White Supremacists, who are part of his political base, as he gives them a wink and a nod, to kill innocent people at Walmarts, concerts, garlic festivals, or in the streets of Dayton, Ohio, or Charlottesville, Virginia, or in your own hometown. They have taken Trump’s despicable words, and mentally unstable actions of hate toward people of color, American cities that are grabbling with poverty and homelessness, fallen soldier families, immigrants, the press, Congresswomen of color (and men), Muslims, and anyone who calls him out for the lying gas bag piece of shit he really is!!!

    He is NOT a “stable genus”, or “the least racist person in the world” as believes. He is an incompetent sociopath, who has never accomplished a single successful thing on his own, without the help of others, in his life.

    Trump is a full-blown, card carrying fascist—a Republican White Nationalist, who is the head of the Republican White Nationalist Party filled with cowards, and complicit Market Leninists afraid to stand up to an evil, ignorant, incompetent dotard (tagged by Kim Jung Un) who would rather play $110M worth of taxpayer golf than return to Washington so as to show concern when innocent Americans are gunned down in his name by his supporting White Supremacists that use automatic, paramilitary weapons to kill for his cause of hate!!!

    These killers are fascist Donnie’s surrogates. They hear his message of hate and fear of the “other” and post manifestos, of sorts, on White Supremacist Internet sites before pulling the trigger. They see that their Fuehrer stays on the golf course as they kill to honor their living shrine waving their own hateful messages from the White House, which tells them “I don’t care. Do You?” (The statement printed on his wife’s infamous jacket as she board Air Force One).

    Enough is enough America---Impeach their Fuehrer!!!