Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Trump Showboats In Dayton and El Paso

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Idiot-in-Chief’s ignorant moronic daughter, Ivanka, was deflecting the focus of the recent mass shootings away from her fascist Donnie daddy, who is avoiding taking action against the sale of para-military weapons, which are used in these mass murderers, and onto to Chicago. She criticized Chicago by saying that they have gun violence within their inner city on a daily basis. She tweeted about a playground shooting, which didn’t happen as she stated. Misinformation is how the fascist Trump family operates. In her typical racist fashion, she took away from the tragedy in El Paso, and Dayton by pointing fingers at black-on-black violence in Chicago. The racist Trump thinking process is an invasive species that needs to be removed and relocated back to their New York enclaves.

    The Republican White Nationalist Party in Nebraska told State Representative John McCollister to leave the party because he was outspoken in regards to reforming gun laws and spoke out against the recent gun violence. The Republican White Supremacists want to keep a stranglehold on the Nebraska state government.

    Fucker Carlson, of FOX News, claimed that there is no white supremacy problem in the country. He claimed he has never seen a white supremacist. I guess he never looks in a mirror. FOX News is filled with White Supremacists and Nationalists, since they speak for them and Market Leninists.

    Fascist Donnie appears to be angry at Beto O’Rourke—“Beto (phony name to claim Hispanic heritage) O’Rourke who is embarrassed by my last visit to the Great State of Texas, where I trounced him, and is now even more embarrassed by polling at 1% in the Democrat primary should respect the victim and law enforcement—and be quiet!”

    What is The Cretin talking about? Beto is his name, Moron!! And, El Paso is his home district. This is his community and he has every right to speak out and condemn your rhetoric, which is filled with hate and vile speech. What we can say is that ‘Trump—phony name!’ Drumpf is your real surname. Your real name is Donald Drumpf. And, your bad—very bad—poll numbers should make it clear that YOU NEED TO SHUT YOUR FASCIST MOUTH!!! You make tragedy worse by needing to showboat and bring attention to yourself.

    You have never tried to bring peace to these horrible murders by haters and White Supremacists, who kill in your name. You have no solutions that would take these weapons off the streets. You blame mental illness and not the weapons.

You, Donald Dumb Drumpf is the problem and not the solution.

The Cretin said, “My rhetoric brings people together.” Sad, very sad. Your moronic self-reflection illustrates that Donald Dumb Drumpf is a psychopath and needs to be impeached.

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