Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Baltimore Slumlord Comrade Kushner

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Baltimore slumlord Comrade Kushner actually is the rat infested, roach crawling creature Fascist Donnie talks about when discussing the conditions in Baltimore.
    Dotard Donnie is out there making claims that if re-elected he’ll cure pediatric cancer with 350M spread out over 10 years, and AIDS in America. He seems to forget that the bailed out bankstas of 2008 second American economic depression, after Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson and Lil’BoyBush handed out cash to keep the banks from sinking into their own black hole, gave themselves $50B worth of bonuses from the bucket of bailout bucks handed over to them. So, $50M of research cash per year is what those bankstas and hedge fund sharks were making per year as they scammed Americans into buying fake mortgage bonds. 
   Dumbass Donnie has made lots of failed promises. Here are two more failed promises if he’s to get re-elected. Are you going to be fooled again? As Lil’BoyBush once said, “Fool me once shame on me; fool me twice fool on, uhhh, duhh, you.”
    Slumlord Comrade Kushner has never rolled up his cleanly pressed $300.00 sleeves or gotten his manicured fingernails dirty. He doesn’t even have the intelligence or competence to do the job his own dirty daddy set him up in—property real estate scamming. He is just like his Dumbass Donnie criminal father-in-law.

    Dotard Donnie’s slogan is actually ‘Make America A Market Leninist Country’.

    How has The Dotard made America great again? He’s gutted the EPA allowing corporations to return to their polluting behavior attacking our air, water, soils and food. He has chosen climate change deniers. He has picked the people that the corporations advised him to pick. He appointed corporate vultures of our environment to head departments, or people who have allowed the corporate vultures to snare more control over our “common-wealth”, and public health, safety and welfare; and our forest lands, national parks, drinking water resources, highways; and allowed dangerous chemicals allowed in agriculture, and allowed more tailpipe emissions canceling out Obama-era target standards. The list can go on and on.
    We continue to hear from people in the Republican White Nationalist Party condemning immigrants from Central America and Mexico because “they are taking our jobs”. If America’s young people and working aged people clambered for the laborious work taken by immigrants, then there wouldn’t be work for undocumented immigrants. We don’t see young Americans, many have trouble applying for those labor intensive jobs, wanting jobs in agriculture, roofing, food manufacturing and food processing, hotel housekeeping, etc.
    Immigrants have often spent most of their lives, beginning from childhood, working hard, labor intensive jobs. They are accustomed to long hours, and labor intensive work. America’s young people are used to video games, “hanging out”, and texting. They are not used to the harder life experienced by Central American immigrants.
    What we are seeing is our current economy chugging along at a 2.3% rate. There were around 164,000 jobs created in July, yet when one sees a lowering of work hours to around a 33-hour work week, this factor distills into the lowering of job creation to around 250,000! This means a net loss of actual jobs for July.
    Don’t be fooled by the fool in the White House.

    Now, Dumbass Donnie wants to add on $300M more to the current Chinese tariff burden, which is most often paid for by the American consumer in higher prices, or the cutting of worker hours. What will happen if President Xi, of China, says, ‘enough is enough’, and threatens to sell off the $1T of American Treasury debt sold to them by Lil’BoyBush in order to fund his Iraq War? That will likely give birth to an economic Black Swan event. That means a full-blown economic downturn.
    To wrap this up, The Cretin’s pick of his National Intelligence head, Ratso Radcliffe, took himself out of the running because of a record of incompetence and lack of intelligence. Good move, Ratso!
    Trump called Ratso, “a good Republican.” What he actually meant was, “Ratso is a good Republican White Nationalist.”

    Ratso’s fantasy was to sell off our national parks to private Market Leninists. WOW!!! Our late President Teddy Roosevelt, who established the National Park system, and was a Republican, was heard swearing at Trump from the grave.

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