The Trumpty Dumpty Report
In a time of deceit, telling the truth
is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
President Drumpf was
America’s Poser-in-Chief while interrupting those involved with calming and
healing tensions and gunshot wounds in El Paso and Dayton. While posing at the
El Paso hospital caring for the wounded, The Drunk Uncle Cretin had to brag about
his supporting crowd numbers of zombies attending his February rally, and his
poll ratings versus the opposing Democrats. It always has to be about him. That
is how sociopaths operate.
With Matrix Melania by his
side, and sporting his typical red, white and blue ensample, with the red tie
dangling over his waistband, he was overheard whispering to her, “I am amazing!
I’m such a stable genius. Brown people are liking me, too!
It has been exposed by
HuffPo that Trump’s army contains members of white nationalist [Supremacist]
groups, such as Evropa, that organized the White Supremacist rally in
Charlottesville, Virginia back in 2017. HuffPo also uncovered a possible
soldier who was a member of a Neo-Nazi terror group called Atomwaffen Division,
that were connected to five murders. A total of 12 soldiers were unmasked
through this investigative reporting. Of the 12, the Trump military will allow
4 of these fascists to remain on duty. These 12 are supporters of fascism,
aligning themselves with Donald Drumpf.
And, apparently, Fucker Carlson
has been suspended from FOX News. What he most likely said was, “I’ve never met
a White Supremacist I didn’t love” as opposed to telling his viewers that he
never met a White Supremacist/Nationalist and it’s all a hoax. All Fucker would
have to do is one—look in the mirror and he will see one closest to him, and
two---walk around FOX News. He will see an entire network filled with White
Supremacists and President Drunk Uncle enablers.
Herr President Drumpf and The Matrix Melania gave two-thumbs up after being showed the baby whose parents were shot and killed during the mass murder in the El Paso. The parents covered each other and the baby at the same time. Both parents were shot and killed. The baby survived. This cellphone photo was candidly taken proving that The Cretin and his Matrix's declaration of "I don't care. Do you?" regarding the killings perpetrated by the White Supremacist behind the crime.
While in hospital, neither The Cretin nor his Matrix met with any of the 8 surviving victims shot by the killer. They didn't care. Do you? If so, contact your senator to impeach this Cretin.
Instead of remaining at the White House pushing for Moscow Mitch to call back the Senate and developing a plan to remove assault weapons from our streets, he's off to his golf course to play rounds with his white nationalist pals. Will he be meeting with Jack Nicholson, Tom Arnold, John Travolta, or Ted Nugent, just to name a few.
Enough is enough.
Herr President Drumpf and The Matrix Melania gave two-thumbs up after being showed the baby whose parents were shot and killed during the mass murder in the El Paso. The parents covered each other and the baby at the same time. Both parents were shot and killed. The baby survived. This cellphone photo was candidly taken proving that The Cretin and his Matrix's declaration of "I don't care. Do you?" regarding the killings perpetrated by the White Supremacist behind the crime.
While in hospital, neither The Cretin nor his Matrix met with any of the 8 surviving victims shot by the killer. They didn't care. Do you? If so, contact your senator to impeach this Cretin.
Instead of remaining at the White House pushing for Moscow Mitch to call back the Senate and developing a plan to remove assault weapons from our streets, he's off to his golf course to play rounds with his white nationalist pals. Will he be meeting with Jack Nicholson, Tom Arnold, John Travolta, or Ted Nugent, just to name a few.
Enough is enough.
These two are sick f**kers!
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