Monday, August 5, 2019

9 Dead In Ohio

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

To the song written by Neil Young, “Ohio”

White Supremacists and Trump are coming
We’re finally angry now.

This summer I hear the drumming
9 dead in Ohio.

Gotta start to impeach him now
White Supremacists are cutting us down.

Should have stopped them long ago
What if you knew them
And found them dead on the ground.
How can you run when you know?

Gotta start to impeach him now
White Supremacists are cutting us down.

Should have stopped them long ago
What if you knew them
And found them dead on the ground.
How can you run when you know?

 White Supremacists and Trump are coming
We’re finally angry now.

This summer I hear the drumming
9 dead in Ohio.

    Hey Fascist Donnie, It’s the guns stupid!
It is not just about mental instability, or illness, as you believe. This is what a Republican White Nationalist president says.

    The El Paso shooter had listened to Fascist Donnie’s hateful, misogynistic, xenophobic, racist, and fear of the “other” language. He used some of Trump’s language in his insane manifesto.
    This murdering terrorist didn’t operate alone. He had an entire community of hate spewing fascists expressing their paranoia of the “other” invading the country.
    The Fascist Donnie president had accepted all endorsements from anyone and everyone, which included the KKK, David Duke of the Klan, and other hate groups. Duke said that he was overjoyed that he agreed with what was saying during the 2016 election cycle. And, we shouldn't forget the White Nationalists at FOX News.
    Trump spoke about the killings on Monday morning, and included in his statement he had to bring up immigration legislation when he should be focused on expressing concern. But, the real problem is that Trump has no feelings for others. He blamed video games, which has no scientific documentation behind this accusation. He blamed Democrats, which he says "want to take your guns", and he says the murderers are deranged, which is a true fact describing The Cretin himself. The Cretin runs on fear and even during this time of crisis and grief, he had to stir up fear that guns will be taken away, which is insane. This further illustrates that Trump is a fascist, a tried and true White Nationalist believing that lies gives him power over his White Supremacist base. When he spoke before the cameras, he had to read from a script because he has no heart and couldn't talk to the American people with true empathy and compassion. His feelings are only focused on himself. This makes him a psychopath.
    CNN interviewed 3 Latino teens at the scene in Texas who spoke more eloquently than The Cretin spoke to the nation during this tragedy.
    Moscow Mitch has failed to bring up a vote on the House bill that will put greater restrictions on gun purchases. Moscow Mitch is holding back a Senate vote. We need to see which Republican White Nationalist Senators will vote against the bill. Moscow Mitch is a bold faced coward.
    There has been over 250 mass shootings so far this year. Thank you fascist Donnie for doing nothing about this nation’s serious health concern.
    No one believes what Trump says, “There is no place in the country for hate.” Trump is the number one hate-spewer.
    Even the Republican Governor of Texas, Gov. Abbott couldn’t even say the words—Domestic Terrorism, White Supremacist, or name the killer as a White Nationalist hater of the “other” after killing innocent people in Walmart.

 It is time to send this incompetent psychopath back to Mar-A-Lago for good.

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