Thursday, November 28, 2019

The UFO Over The White House Explained

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    On Thanksgiving, Gasbag Donnie blew out of his t-RUMP so much gas and a noxious plume that it turned up on radar as it floated above D.C.-the White House and worried the military as they labeled it a UFO! No one realized, until later in the phenomena, that Dumb Dumb Donnie was the origin of his significant gaseous event. The White House went through a lockdown and t-RUMP was confined to his playroom as they fumigated the space.

    The White House Cult Leader—Donald—J.ackass—Trump, the Russian Idiot Asset that turned the White House into a crime boss operation has been fixated on Ukraine for quite a while. He had Rudy Ghouliani working with a Ghouliani goon, Lev Parnas to get the Ukrainian prosecutor, Leshenko, working under the former Ukrainian president Yeshenko, to find dirt on the Bidens and dump the embassador, Marie Yovanovich, because she wouldn’t play ball with Leshenko or Ghouliani.
    As Dr. Hill said during her testimony, these representatives working for Fascist Donnie were engaged in a “domestic political errand” in Ukraine and not focused on national security policies.
    Rudy Ghouliani has been spoonfeeding Dumb Dumb Donnie conspiracy theories about Ukraine and the Bidens as if they were pureed chunky gravy turkey giblet baby food. t-RUMP lapped the junk up. It is one of his favorites!! He has been spinning a fake narrative to such a degree that 
Mike- Moron--Mulvaney had designed an escape narrative—a get out of jail free card once the conspiracy theory ends up soiling The Cretin’s space force diaper and being shown to be a big fat lie. One of thousands told by The Cretin.
    Leshenko floated conspiracy theories about Burisma, the Ukrainian state owned gas company, and the Bidens since 2017 to please Dumb Dumb Daddy Donnie. He has since backed away from these fake theories.
    What we have is a dirty, vile president and White House staff. Now we have Sean Hannity publicly singing the praises of Russia (Putin), then backtracked and said he was kidding. In reality, he wasn’t kidding. He is a Russian asset who speaks to Trump daily. Is he passing on Russian messages to Trump? They are both assets working for Putin. Putin benefits from fake narratives that Ukraine was behind the 2016 election interference and not Putin. Putin benefits from U.S. chaos and turmoil.
    The two reporters who own Fusion GPS agree with this and believe that an investigation into Trump’s foreign business dealings is very important to our national security.

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Fox News Says, 'Guilty as Charged'!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The Cretin reportedly said, “I don’t know him (Gordon Sondland). Never met him. Might have met once. Don’t know him.”
    These very people are those that work closely with him and are involved in carrying out his policies. Either The Cult Leader is losing his mind, whereby he can’t remember people he works with, or he is so removed from his operations that he isn’t engaged in the day to day White House operations.
    Instead, he spends his time Tweeting hateful and disgusting statements about people who appear to be patriotic Americans. The Cult Leader of the Republican White Nationalist Party, including Moscow Mitch McConnell, Apeman Jim Jordan, Lindsey Graham-Cracker, and the others are solely focused on his personal-political agenda.
    Lt. Colonel Vindman said during his testimony “This is America. This is the country I have served and defended. That all my brothers have served. And here, ‘Right’ matters.”
    Unfortunately, The Cult Leader isn’t defending, nor serving the country, but only his personal-political agenda In HIS world, ‘WRONG’ matters!!
    During Sondland’s testimony, The Cretin Tweeted, “Seems like a nice guy. Don’t know him.” HUH? Does The Cretin suffer from dementia? Sondland gave The Cult Leader $1M for his inaugural committee, and spoke to him around 20 times and once becoming the ambassador to the European Union, they were pals enough to “speak to each other using 4-letter words” on an unsecured cellphone line.
    Did The Cretin rush to the hospital because he was found roaming the halls of the White House only in his Space Force diaper and furry slippers unable to find his way back to his room? When does a person get an annual physical in stages, when he claimed this is how he gets physical examinations?
    We know that Donnie Demented has been a dumbass for a very long time, but he must be showing even more serious signs of decline as he slips into a full blown mind-less dumbass!
    On this third day of the impeachment hearings, we heard the Russian-Putin Republican suck-ups say the same stuff over and over again. They keep bringing up that Obama didn’t authorize the missile sale to Ukraine, while The Cretin allowed the sale to move forward, but as we learned, with conditions. President Zelenskiy would have to publicly speak on CNN and declare that he would investigate the Bidens and admit that Ukrainian operatives interfered with the U.S. 2016 election, and not Russia. The Cretin didn’t really care about anything else but to find dirt on his presidential opponent and remove the blame from Putin as the invader of our elections.
    President Zelenskiy heard that t-RUMP had held back the $400M check that was approved and authorized by the U.S. Congress, which was illegal, and asked about it to Dr. Hill and others. He realized he was getting extorted---money in exchange for an investigation of the Bidens.
    Dr. Hill made it clear, she felt it inappropriate and wrong for a family member of a vice president, a president, or any member of Congress to make money, or gain in any way from the position held by their government official family member. So, apparently Jared and Ivanka making deals in China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, or elsewhere should be just as guilt of nepotism as Hunter Biden. But the ReCons on the investigating committee and in the Senate, have not objected to The Cretin’s family doing what Hunter Biden is being accused of. We know that Trump’s Little Cretins have made millions of dollars, as Donnie Demented as done, for the three years as president. The Trump Organization has made hundreds of thousands of dollars just feeding and housing Donnie’s security force when he goes to his golf resorts around the world, and when he goes to Mar-A-Lago. The Little Cretins have made millions by being figureheads in the White House. Unfortunately, the Republican White Nationalist Party Senators and Congresspersons don’t care one bit, but they sure care that Hunter Biden was a board member of Burisma in Ukraine, while Joe was Vice President.
     What about Representative Numbnuts Nunes being led by the nose by Lev Parnas, Rudy Ghouliani’s goon, when they went to Ukraine trying to find dirt on the Biden’s at the cost of $64,000. Now Parnas is willing to tell-all to the impeachment investigating committee.
    The whining Republican White Nationalist Party crybabies appear to like their president way too much. They also whine that the Democrats are crying over loosing the election. They seem to ignore that Trump has been the most corrupt, vile president this nation has ever elected. And, that he has no one to blame for the Mueller investigation, and now the impeachment hearings but himself. When Americans elect and Idiot Russian asset for president, you get an idiot moving into the White House.
    “I want nothin’. I want nothin’.” That is not what the testifying officials said. ‘He wanted somethin’.’ He wanted dirt on the Bidens. He wanted Ukraine to be the guilty party when it came to the 2016 election interference. He wanted Rudy Ghouliani’s conspiracy theory to become fact, even when it has been proven false.
    The Cretin wanted it so bad that he sent Rep. Numbnuts Nunes to follow Rudy Ghouliani and Lev Parnas into the conspiracy darkness, which cost the taxpayers nearly $64,000 as they cavorted around Ukraine together searching for their own Yellow Brick Road to Burisma. They met with a Ukrainian operative in hopes to get leads against Hunter and Joe Biden, yet Clueless Nunes looks the other way as The Trump Organization sucks up millions of dollars just by being in the White House. That is just fine with Clueless Nunes.
    Since the trip turned up nothing, Lindsey Graham-Cracker as the Senate Judiciary committee chair, is requesting documents on Joe Biden’s communications with Ukrainian officials, when such a request is not within his jurisdiction. The Senate Intelligence committee is the proper committee to request such documents. Graham-Cracker is so desperate to crawl up t-RUMP’s rump that he will do anything to please his Cult Leader master.
    The Cult Leader said, “It was a perfect call. A beautiful call. The Ukrainians loved it.” “The conversation was flawless, It was nice.” Yet, Gordon Sondland said, “It was a quid pro quo. Everyone was in the loop” of the perfect, beautiful call.
    Who talks like that anyway? Only an idiot talks like that!!

    Fox News’ Judge Napolitano said that Trump is guilty and “his impeachable behavior is overwhelming”.

    Guilty of bribery.
    Guilty of obstruction of justice.
    Guilty of election violation—high crimes and  
    Guilty of interfering with a witness

    What more do the Republican White Nationalist Party Congress members need to impeach their Cult Leader? It is clear that if they don’t impeach, then they are fully on board to destroy the U.S. Constitution, democracy and freedom, and move the country toward a Putin-style autocracy.

    Is this what you want?

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Stephen Miller Is Trump's Adolf Eichmann

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    ‘Does it matter that Stephen Miller is a White Nationalist?’, as an opinion piece written in the New York Times.

    Miller, a Jew and a supporter of White Nationalism, reminds many of a Nazi. He looks very much like a soulless creature. He occupies a space in the world worse than where Gollum lived in the Hobbit story. Gollum was a Hobbit who was obsessed with finding the Third magical Ring in the Lord of the Rings epoch story. Two of the Rings were in possession of powerful Middle Earth rulers. If the Third Ring was to be found, then the one who possesses the Third Ring will have ultimate power. This sounds much like The Cretin.
    This third magical ring allows the wearer to become invisible, but with a price. Gollum spent his life in seclusion deep in a cave, rambling to himself (“My Precious” was what he called the ring.) as he scowered in the dark, dank space for the ring in the water pools throughout the cave.
    Stephen Miller, a disgusting person, has many saying he must be a self-hating Jew because he supports a cult of racist, misogynists, gay-haters, and anti-Semites. He is a guy who has the ear of the Cult Leader at the helm of the Republican White Nationalist Party.
    There is now a strong movement to force this evil rabid creature to resign his position as a member of The Cretin’s White House staff. At that point, he could go back to the cave so he and Gollum can live happily ever after.
    Take a look at Hitler’s right-hand devil, Adolf Eichmann and you might see an uncanny similarity to Stephen Miller. Stephen Miller is t-RUMP’s senior immigration advisor. 

                      This is Stephen Miller

                       This is Adolf Eichmann

Eichmann was one of the major players in Hitler’s Final Solution to murder off the Jewish people in Germany and elsewhere. They were not white enough. They were believed to be not purely white enough.
    Stephen Miller is Trump’s major player in the immigrant brown people problem. This parallel is scary stuff!!!
    Miller and Eichmann not only look alike, as well as have a common objective. Hitler wanted the Jews put in “camps”, and then exterminated; and, Trump wants Hispanic brown immigrants put in “camps” separated from their children, as did Eichmann, and then deported, which, in many cases, would be a death sentence, since a large number of immigrants at the southern border have been escaping an environment of murder, kidnapping, rape, and oppression as they seek asylum.
    Stephen Miller is Trump’s Eichmann, one might say. Is there any question that Trump, too, is a White Nationalist? When you hire a White Nationalist/racist to head up your immigration/deportation agenda from the White House, then you come to the conclusion that these two Cretins have the same goals.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Trump Cult In Washington

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Dan Rather said that there is a “Trump Cult.” And, the Congress is drowning in this membership.

    Written in The Washington Post, by Jennifer Rubin called The party of lying liars, as an opinion on 12/17/19:

     “House Republicans have become so invested in crackpot theories, bogus procedural complaints and constitutional illiteracy that they will never recognize the president’s wrongdoing. They are incapable of upholding their oath, which requires impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors or bribery, as he is. Both Trump and his House enablers are unfit to serve since personal and political considerations obliterate their ability to detect the truth and thereby to uphold their public obligations. It would be refreshing if House Republicans simply admitted Trump violated his oath but that they are unwilling to abide by theirs and remove him. The candor would be preferable to the non-stop lying."

    Ms. Rubin went on to say: "It remains an open question as to whether Senate Republicans are willing to ignore and distort reality so as to avoid voting to convict a president of their own party. Unfortunately, we find it highly unlikely that more than a few (if that many) would concede that Trump and the right-wing echo chamber that protects him have been spinning a web of lies for nearly three years.”

    During the first day of the public impeachment hearing the Republican White Nationalist House questioners, we can call them Goon Squaders, asked William Taylor and Sondland if they were “Never Trumpers.” Their answers were “No.” The real question should be asked by Democrats if these Goon Squaders are “Forever Trumpers!?” This is the Cult of Trump.
    On Friday, the hearing resumed and heard from Marie Yovanovich, the former Ukrainian ambassador. We heard via tweeting from the Cult Leader, The Orange Goon-Kahoona, in the White House threaten Yovanovich when he said, “everywhere she went it turned out bad. The woman was bad news. Look at Somalia.” So, our ambassadors around the world are there to fix all of the host nation’s serious problems, such as corruption, violence, and worse. Apparently, according to the Goon Kahoona ambassadors are not there to represent the United States. but to be fixers, like Michael Cohn was to The Donald. And, look where that got him!
    Yovanovich did work to solve the corruption problems plaguing the budding democracy in Ukraine. And, it was working until she was pulled from the post by The Cretin because she wasn’t doing the personal/political agenda The Cretin had in mind.
    We heard The Cretin say that the corrupt former Ukrainian attorney general was a “great guy” even though he was fired from the job by the Ukrainian legislature. t-RUMP operates like a two-bit gangster making threats, imitating witnesses, as well as the spineless Trump Cult Republican through tweets.


The Trump Cult members in the House and Senate are scared of t-RUMP tweets. They are so spineless that they are afraid to re-tweet in order to stand up against the presidential coward. We are seeing these Republican House of Representatives cowards believing that The Cretin has done nothing wrong. They feel that threats and intimidation tactics are just fine, unless it was done by a Democratic president, who would be tar and feathered if he or she acted in the same way of The Cult Leader.
    The Cretin live tweeted during the hearings criticizing Yovanovich’s posting in Somalia saying, “How did that go?” t-RUMP appeared to be blaming her for the serious problems that plagued that country. Should one person representing the U.S. through a U.S. embassy be blamed for long-term violence, corruption or political anarchy? This is how The Cretin believes. One must ask, “Is Donald Trump insane, as well as completely stupid?”


Rudy Ghouliani had The Cretin’s ear, since he was operating a shadow State department along with his two goons: Lev Parnos, and Igor Fruman, who are now being prosecuted by the state of New York. Ghouliani was pushing The Cretin to fire Yovanovich and install a new ambassador that will act as a Trump goon in Ukraine. From that new position, Trump would press Zelensky to install Trump goons to manage their state gas company. Putin would be very proud.
    The Goon in the White House said that Ambassador Marie Yovanovich was “bad news” and was “going to go through some things,” and everywhere she was sent as a public servant “turned bad.” She felt intimidated by The Cult Leader. She and others felt that t-RUMP used foreign service personnel as his own personal servants and not officials who work on behalf of our country. t-RUMP wants his own personal-political agenda to be carried out by these state department career diplomats.
    In addition, t-RUMP got his distorted and bogus briefings, which were riddled with lies, from the Shadow State department, i.e. The Trump Deep State, run by Rudy Ghouliani, who wanted Yovanovich fired. This tactic was set into play in order to install a big t-RUMP political donor, Sondland, with no diplomatic experience who could further The Goon’s agenda in the European Union, as well as influencing Ukraine, as the ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland would be able to further The Cretin’s personal-political agenda in Ukraine now that Yovanovich was gone. While acting as the ambassador to the E.U., he spent $1M of taxpayer’s money to upgrade the ambassador’s quarters to his standards.
    While Sondland was sitting at an outdoor restaurant café in Ukraine, he called The Big Kahoona Goon on his unsecured cellphone, which was intercepted by Russian spies. On that call, t-RUMP told Ambassador Sondland that he wanted to know how the Ukrainian investigation into the Bidens was going. The Cretin didn’t speak about fixing Ukrainian corruption even though he regularly railed against Ukraine’s ongoing corruption, and their efforts to interfere and hack into the 2016 election. Sondland answered that the investigation was going just great and that Zelensky will do whatever The Cretin wants him to do. This call was overheard by, at least, four other people because The Cretin spoke so loudly that what the idiot in the White House said was heard clearly. Sondland told The Cretin that Zelensky “loves your ass.” The Cretin asked, “So he’s gonna do the investigation?” Sondland answered, “he’s gonna do it” and “anything you ask him to.”
    David Holmes, the counselor for political affairs at the U.S. embassy in Ukraine (acting embassador), who was sitting with Gordon Sondland, overheard the call. 
    The Big Kahoona Goon had no plan to root out Ukrainian corruption. He was good with their corruption. He was just fine with it when Poroshenko, the previous president of Ukraine, was corrupt. He was good with their corruption even when it was rampant when the Ukrainian attorney general was deep in it under Poroshenko’s rule.
    President Zelensky would do anything for The Cretin so he could purchase U.S. weapons to defend his country against Putin’s plan to steamroller over the entire country.


    Marie Yovanovich made a point that if The Cretin can sabotage the ambassador’s work in Ukraine, then he can do it anywhere and for any reason. She told the committee that the White House Goon Squad was eroding American relationships and goodwill around the world. The Cult Leader, and Chief Goon, is doing exactly what Putin tells him to do; and, is forcing the Trump Cult Congressional goons to make sure that there is no Senate trial, which would likely force the truth from Ghouliani, who would be called as a witness, and the other Trump Cult zombies engaged in the Trump crime and corruption syndicate.
    The White House Goon Squad used strong-arm tactics by removing competent public servants if they are not following the playbook dictated by a president, whose intensions are personal and self-promoting, as well as corrupt.
   We as a nation cannot allow this behavior to be the new normal for a president or Congress.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

And Let The Impeachment Begin

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Today Congress broadcasts open impeachment hearings and it began incriminating The Cretin as one who committed high crimes and misdemeanors against Ukraine’s Zelensky. t-RUMP engaged in extorting Zelensky.
    The Scumbag in the White House says,” No Due Process Scam.” Actually, the so-called Scam is the Trump Organization and the grifters running it. Our Moron-in-Chief is reaching down to his voting base by appealing to their inability to see their guy as faultless, and not the crook that the rest of us understand him to be. The fact is t-RUMP has not been indicted on anything; thus far. He is not being accused of anything, either; therefore, he does NOT have the right to cross examine, or even face his accusers. This process is no different than a person-of-interest looked at by the police or a district attorney.
    It isn’t until an actual vote on articles of impeachment as it moves to the Senate for a trial would t-RUMP get a chance for the due process he rails for. The House is investigating two facts: did t-RUMP ask Zelensky of Ukraine for a favor in exchange for military aid, and who were the actors involved in the extortion plan? We can now hear it all unfold first hand.
It does not sound very good for The Cretin. We are now in the process of finding out the facts the Witch in the White House engaged in to get dirt on the Bidens, and switch blame for the 2016 election interference from Russia onto Ukraine.
    Another story that is Blogspot has touched on earlier in its evolution surrounds Nikki Haley and what is going on with her political ambitions. No doubt, she is getting ready to run with t-RUMP hitching her wagon to his second term, if it ends up that way. She is a very dangerous political figure. She is smart, cunning, manipulative and a person who would rally behind Market Leninism and run with it if she would end up transitioning into the presidency if t-RUMP would resign during the second term. She would become an American version of Vladimir Putin selling out democracy in favor of keptocracy.
    The likely plan is to pay off The Putz, formerly known as Pence, with a fat bagful of cash amounting to millions of dollars, as well as a home to retire in paid for by the ReCon oligarchs so he can write his memoir on the back of a used sheet of paper and can set up a gay conversion therapy clinic and dude ranch.
    The ultimate question these hearings will be asking is, ‘did the Idiot-in-Chief abuse the office of the presidency?’ And, the underlying question is if The Cretin did this, why did he actually believe he could get away with it? And, was he taking orders from Putin?
    A rumor traveling around the Internet is about Melania Trump and her supposed affair. Melania Trump is very anxious to divorce her moronic husband whose mind is devolving so she could go off with her alleged long term companion---Henry (Hank) Siemer, Tiffany’s head of security, which is located in Trump Tower.
    The rumor has it that she and The Moron signed a divorce agreement before the 2016 election win and was put on hold, since they would become occupants of the White House. Apparently, The Moron has been aware of the affair and was okay with it. She probably had enough of her crotch grabbing idiot.
    Currently, The Republican White Nationalist Party Congresspeople are standing by their Idiot because this is their only choice to further their Market Leninist/oligarch-kleptocratic agenda. The other two ReCons running for the presidency are not radical enough for the Republican White Nationalist Party. The two may be too centrist for the ReCon Market Leninists. They see t-RUMP as their greatest chance to create a Putin-style keptocracy in the United States. People like Koch, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Musk, oil and gas and Fracking and Gas Cracker corporatists, to name just a few, see t-RUMP as their greatest opportunity to capture the most wealth for the least amount of tax contributions. They see themselves as becoming too-big-to-fail oligarchs and they see the current administration as their ticket to win and grow and capture more of our Common-Wealth for themselves.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Freedom And Socialism Are Intertwined

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The Putz, formerly known as Pence, made an ignorant statement to the public, “America was founded on freedom and not socialism.” Apparently, Putz has a short memory when he served as an incompetent governor of Indiana. He forgot that socialism is what attracted corporations and businesses to the state and local communities.
    Local communities give tax abatements, breaks and other forms of “socialism” enticing businesses to locate into the community. This means that taxpayers, people who pay property taxes, school taxes and sales taxes have to subsidize a profit making company to open up around the corner. That is socialism---government giving incentives to business. The people don’t have a say in such giveaways. Government officials make those decisions. Taxpayers have a limited voice when they protest, show up at community or state meetings; but ultimately, elected officials make the decisions.
    Amazon is a perfect example of a mega-company, one who doesn’t pay taxes, to get taxpayer dollars in order to become a part of a job-generating community.
    Putz, no doubt, played the socialism tax abatement and tax giveaway card to keep businesses in Indiana and to entice new ones to either relocate or create new facilities. He gave away tax dollars to private business; therefore, Putz, YOU ARE A LYING HYPOCRITE, or maybe you are just as stupid as your boss. Or, maybe you are both!!
    Government, through DARPA, a military-based research generator, created, and, or developed, the Internet, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and more. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Uber, Yahoo, etc. have benefited off taxpayer dollars; as well as their stockholders; as well as their profits!! Such investments are often granted to universities, which use free labor via the student body and professors, to develop the technologies of the future. From there, the profitmakers take the freely developed technologies and make billions of dollars. They create billions of dollars of wealth as a result of this type of socialism.
    The state of Indiana has benefited greatly from “socialism” created through DARPA technologies. For example, Indiana is filled with travel trailer and motorhome manufacturers. Lighter metals, robotics, aerodynamic technologies, durable coatings and more have benefited businesses in Indiana. Instead, Putz spent much of his time hating gay people and failing to integrate them into the communities. He actually created a wave of protests by the entertainment industry, which boycotted the state because of Putz’ gay-hating agenda. When he was kicked out of the governor’s mansion, he was broke, and had nowhere to go except up the RUMP of t-RUMP.
    What has been described above is called “socialism”. Hey Putz, freedom and socialism are intertwined. I guess he is just too dumb to know this. Of course, his boss is just as dumb.
    Corporations and businesses benefiting off “corporate welfare-corporate socialism” have abused the goodwill of taxpayers. This has been going on for way too long!! This must end!
    Congress needs to convene a grand jury to investigate the slippery slope BillyBoyBarr has been skating on as he serves at the whims of The Cretin and serves the American people, of which he pledged to serve. This goon needs to be threatened with jail time, since he has been working to protect the Russian asset acting as president.
    It is being reported that the Idiot Russian asset tried to squeeze BillyBoy to get out in front of The Cretin and pitch to the American people that he is innocent of extorting the Ukrainian president—Zelensky in exchange for dirt on the Bidens and shifting blame for hacking the 2016 election away from Putin and onto Ukrainian corruptors.
    Barr didn’t do as The Cretin wanted from him, but didn’t say that t-RUMP was innocent of any wrongdoing either. By saying nothing, he did what t-RUMP wanted from him. This is why we need to investigate our nation’s senior attorney’s general for corruption, favoritism, and violation of his oath.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trump Appears To Be Getting Boxed Into An Impeachment Corner

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Fascist Donnie is on fire. He is internally combusting. Dumb Dumb Donnie has threatened the governor of California by withhold federal subsidies used to fight forest fires. “Governor Newsom needs to clean up his forest floors and do more to prevent fires,” is what The Cretin said. Dumb Dumb seems to, once again, show America just how uneducated and ill informed. The federal government owns most of the forested lands in California, which is 57%. 3% is owned by the state and the remainder is privately owned. So, Dumb Dumb, “Only YOU can prevent forest fires!!” t-RUMP has cut financial resources to the National Park Service, which did not have enough staff to keep up with tree maintenance and fire prevention projects.
    The orange fascist has also threatened to cause another government shutdown because of the impeachment inquiry. Now, Sondland has said that t-RUMP engaged in a quid pro quo with Zelensky. t-RUMP has nowhere to hide, at this point. The White Nationalist Republican Party is saying that they are okay with his quid pro quo, actually two, and such behavior is not impeachable. Actually, the quid pro quo amounts to extortion, and that is illegal. Therefore, it IS impeachable. The Constitution made clear that engaging with a foreign power for personal/political gain is impeachable. Colluding with a foreign power is impeachable, and so is extortion.
The Cretin’s Brownshirt lieutenants, such as Muck-Muck-Mike Mulvaney, are avoiding congressional testimony. What does he have to hide? Why is he so afraid to testify before Congress? Could it be that he knows that t-RUMP is guilty of extortion and is impeachable?
 Other t-RUMP officials refusing to testify are: John Eisenberg—NSC lawyer; Eisenberg’s deputy---Michael Ellis; Robert Blair and Brian McCormack. Eisenberg and Ellis are guilty of putting t-RUMP’s phone transcript in a top secret vault, i.e. a secure server typically used for top secret information. Most of us don’t think that phone transcripts outlining an extortion plan by the United States president should be considered top secret. They must understand that The Cretin has committed an impeachable offense, of which they are accomplices.
 And finally, the Idiot-in-Chief continues to try and block his tax returns because, more than likely, he is so afraid that his supporters will see that he IS an idiot Russian asset associated with Putin. He realizes that following the money is a very dangerous approach to unmasking his financial fraud.
    But, a federal appeals panel decided that President Russian Asset must turn over eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns to Manhattan prosecutors. The NYC district attorney is getting closer to unmasking the Grifter President.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, November 4, 2019

Trump's High Crimes and Misdemeanors

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Fascist Donnie is on fire. He is internally combusting. Dumb Dumb Donnie has threatened the governor of California when he said that he will withhold federal subsidies used to fight forest fires. “Governor Newsom needs to clean up his forest floors and do more to prevent forest fires”, said t-RUMP. Dumb Dumb seems to, once again, show America just how uneducated and ill informed he really is. HE does not have a really, really big brain, nor his he really, really smart and the smartest president ever. The federal government owns most of the forested lands in California—57%. 3% is owned by the state and the remainder is privately owed. So, Dumb-Dumb, “only YOU can prevent forest fires!” t-RUMP has cut financial resources to the U.S. Park Service, which may have caused hotter fires.
    The orange fascist has also threatened to cause another government shutdown because of the impeachment inquiry. Would this be considered obstruction of justice? Will the White Nationalist Republican Party stand behind such a breakdown of presidential responsibilities if it happens as The Cretin predicts? 
    The Idiot-in-Chief continues to try and block his tax returns because, more than likely, he is so afraid that he will be exposed as a fraud and fake and a real Idiot Russian asset indebted to Russians associated with Putin. He realizes that following the money is a very dangerous thing for him.
    The Cretin’s Brownshirt lieutenants, such as Muck-Muck Mulvaney, are refusing to testify before Congress. What does he have to hide? Why is he so afraid to speak up? The reason must be is that he knows that t-RUMP is guilty of a quid pro quo and is impeachable.
    The other t-RUMP officials refusing to testify are: John Eisenberg—NSC lawyer; Eisenberg’s deputy—Michael Ellis; Robert Blair and Brian McCormack.
    Eisenberg and Ellis are guilty of putting t-RUMP’s phone transcript to Zelensky, and others, in a top secret vault, i.e. computer server, because they realized The Cretin committed an impeachable offense, of which they are accomplices. It is now also about the cover-up. T-RUMP is channeling Richard Nixon’s downfall.
    When presidential Brownshirts refuse to testify, even after subpoenaed, to crimes, Constitutional violations, and more, they need to be arrested and shown that even their boss is not above the law. They need to know that they work for the American people and NOT just the criminal in the White House. They need to realize that even t-RUMP is not Don Vito Corleone and does not function as the Godfather, and BillyBoy Barr is not Tom Hagen. They are all accountable for the roles they play in the cover-up of The Cretin’s high crimes and misdemeanors and Constitutional violations.  

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Evil Donald Trump And Two Quid Pro Quos

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    It appears that Trump’s supporters don’t care that their idiot Russian asset is a total sociopath who, no matter what, does not want to believe that Putin is in control of their vile and insane monster. He is a monster, and those that work for him, in the past, and now in the present, are monsters, too. They will lie and cheat and manipulate the facts to keep this monster in power. It is totally crazy. They attend his rallies and cheer on the monster. “Hail to the monster!” He will lie and create a picture that HE is the victim, when in fact, the monster is the perpetrator. He is the predator, and not the victim. He wants everyone to believe that anyone who is not with him in his pursuit of power and control and evildoings, is the dangerous one.
    This Cretin has done absolutely nothing to make this nation a better place for everyone. He only cares about the most influential and the wealthiest of people who can buy ownership of the country.
    This evil person has a campaign strategy to use evangelicals and White Supremacists to win over voters. He has now recruited a Christian Evangelical White Nationalist—Paula White to help him do his preacher style work.
    What we have in the White House now is a Russian asset controlled by Putin. It becomes clearer every day. The Washington Post published a story that traces t-RUMPs quid pro quo strategy back to Ukraine’s previous president—Petro Poroshenko, who was a client of Paul Manafort, t-RUMPs former campaign manager and link to Moscow and Ukraine.
    Manafort had a business partner named Konstantin Kiliminik. Kiliminik was connected to Moscow and Putin. Manafort was a drone buzzing in t-RUMP’s small pea sized brain telling him, like a hypnotic message, that Ukraine, and not Russia/Putin had hacked into the Democratic National Committee’s servers stealing e-mails and funneling them onto Wikileaks for publication.
    The first quid pro quo was with President Poroshenko making a deal whereby he would investigate the hackers who hacked into the DNC servers, and in return he would have a meeting with this guy, which would help him gain support with the Ukrainian voters so he could get re-elected, while vindicating Putin of being accused of interfering with our 2016 election on behalf of his boy---Dumb Dumb Donnie. This quid pro quo was all about t-RUMP’s personal gain and had nothing to do with protecting our national security and foreign policy. This was all about getting on the good side of Putin.
    Manafort, while working with Kiliminik and Poroshenko, was contracted to get paid around one million dollars, but the cash never came through. Apparently, millions of dollars came up missing.
    After Poroshenko lost his bid for re-election, Zelensky won the presidency. This was when the second quid pro quo plan was concocted by t-RUMP and his evil rat pack. Rudy Ghouliani got involved, while John Bolton was on the way out. The Cretin’s secret State Department was created and led by Ghouliani.
    Putin had a long range plan the entire time, which was to oust Ukraine’s state-owned gas company management team and replace the team with his own goons. And, Ghouliani had his three stooges to get dropped in as the new management team, but they got arrested by the FBI, at the airport, holding one way tickets out of the country. t-RUMP associates with small time crime syndicate operators, which makes him feel right at home.
    t-RUMP’s plan was to make a deal with Zelensky to dig dirt on the Biden boys, along with finding out about the hackers in exchange for military weaponry—missiles to be exact so they could defend themselves against Putin’s military aggression. The value of those weapons, which had been approved for sale and delivery by Congress, was around $200M, but The Cretin put the cibosh on the deal unless he got his way. This was another example of The Cretin abusing his power for his personal gain. He wanted to get dirt on his presidential opponent for his own personal gain.
    Fascist Donnie is an example of a person who has taken the position of president, while abusing his power over and over again as his White Nationalist Republican Party ignores the dangers and looks the other way in order to make sure that the wealth class continues their gravy train. And, in exchange they will make sure that the wealth class continues their power and control of government. This is exactly how Putin operates. It is called Market Leninism and the White Nationalist Republican Party has fully embraced it, while destroying American democracy as we have known it to be.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln