Wednesday, November 13, 2019

And Let The Impeachment Begin

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Today Congress broadcasts open impeachment hearings and it began incriminating The Cretin as one who committed high crimes and misdemeanors against Ukraine’s Zelensky. t-RUMP engaged in extorting Zelensky.
    The Scumbag in the White House says,” No Due Process Scam.” Actually, the so-called Scam is the Trump Organization and the grifters running it. Our Moron-in-Chief is reaching down to his voting base by appealing to their inability to see their guy as faultless, and not the crook that the rest of us understand him to be. The fact is t-RUMP has not been indicted on anything; thus far. He is not being accused of anything, either; therefore, he does NOT have the right to cross examine, or even face his accusers. This process is no different than a person-of-interest looked at by the police or a district attorney.
    It isn’t until an actual vote on articles of impeachment as it moves to the Senate for a trial would t-RUMP get a chance for the due process he rails for. The House is investigating two facts: did t-RUMP ask Zelensky of Ukraine for a favor in exchange for military aid, and who were the actors involved in the extortion plan? We can now hear it all unfold first hand.
It does not sound very good for The Cretin. We are now in the process of finding out the facts the Witch in the White House engaged in to get dirt on the Bidens, and switch blame for the 2016 election interference from Russia onto Ukraine.
    Another story that is Blogspot has touched on earlier in its evolution surrounds Nikki Haley and what is going on with her political ambitions. No doubt, she is getting ready to run with t-RUMP hitching her wagon to his second term, if it ends up that way. She is a very dangerous political figure. She is smart, cunning, manipulative and a person who would rally behind Market Leninism and run with it if she would end up transitioning into the presidency if t-RUMP would resign during the second term. She would become an American version of Vladimir Putin selling out democracy in favor of keptocracy.
    The likely plan is to pay off The Putz, formerly known as Pence, with a fat bagful of cash amounting to millions of dollars, as well as a home to retire in paid for by the ReCon oligarchs so he can write his memoir on the back of a used sheet of paper and can set up a gay conversion therapy clinic and dude ranch.
    The ultimate question these hearings will be asking is, ‘did the Idiot-in-Chief abuse the office of the presidency?’ And, the underlying question is if The Cretin did this, why did he actually believe he could get away with it? And, was he taking orders from Putin?
    A rumor traveling around the Internet is about Melania Trump and her supposed affair. Melania Trump is very anxious to divorce her moronic husband whose mind is devolving so she could go off with her alleged long term companion---Henry (Hank) Siemer, Tiffany’s head of security, which is located in Trump Tower.
    The rumor has it that she and The Moron signed a divorce agreement before the 2016 election win and was put on hold, since they would become occupants of the White House. Apparently, The Moron has been aware of the affair and was okay with it. She probably had enough of her crotch grabbing idiot.
    Currently, The Republican White Nationalist Party Congresspeople are standing by their Idiot because this is their only choice to further their Market Leninist/oligarch-kleptocratic agenda. The other two ReCons running for the presidency are not radical enough for the Republican White Nationalist Party. The two may be too centrist for the ReCon Market Leninists. They see t-RUMP as their greatest chance to create a Putin-style keptocracy in the United States. People like Koch, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Musk, oil and gas and Fracking and Gas Cracker corporatists, to name just a few, see t-RUMP as their greatest opportunity to capture the most wealth for the least amount of tax contributions. They see themselves as becoming too-big-to-fail oligarchs and they see the current administration as their ticket to win and grow and capture more of our Common-Wealth for themselves.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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