Monday, November 18, 2019

The Trump Cult In Washington

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Dan Rather said that there is a “Trump Cult.” And, the Congress is drowning in this membership.

    Written in The Washington Post, by Jennifer Rubin called The party of lying liars, as an opinion on 12/17/19:

     “House Republicans have become so invested in crackpot theories, bogus procedural complaints and constitutional illiteracy that they will never recognize the president’s wrongdoing. They are incapable of upholding their oath, which requires impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors or bribery, as he is. Both Trump and his House enablers are unfit to serve since personal and political considerations obliterate their ability to detect the truth and thereby to uphold their public obligations. It would be refreshing if House Republicans simply admitted Trump violated his oath but that they are unwilling to abide by theirs and remove him. The candor would be preferable to the non-stop lying."

    Ms. Rubin went on to say: "It remains an open question as to whether Senate Republicans are willing to ignore and distort reality so as to avoid voting to convict a president of their own party. Unfortunately, we find it highly unlikely that more than a few (if that many) would concede that Trump and the right-wing echo chamber that protects him have been spinning a web of lies for nearly three years.”

    During the first day of the public impeachment hearing the Republican White Nationalist House questioners, we can call them Goon Squaders, asked William Taylor and Sondland if they were “Never Trumpers.” Their answers were “No.” The real question should be asked by Democrats if these Goon Squaders are “Forever Trumpers!?” This is the Cult of Trump.
    On Friday, the hearing resumed and heard from Marie Yovanovich, the former Ukrainian ambassador. We heard via tweeting from the Cult Leader, The Orange Goon-Kahoona, in the White House threaten Yovanovich when he said, “everywhere she went it turned out bad. The woman was bad news. Look at Somalia.” So, our ambassadors around the world are there to fix all of the host nation’s serious problems, such as corruption, violence, and worse. Apparently, according to the Goon Kahoona ambassadors are not there to represent the United States. but to be fixers, like Michael Cohn was to The Donald. And, look where that got him!
    Yovanovich did work to solve the corruption problems plaguing the budding democracy in Ukraine. And, it was working until she was pulled from the post by The Cretin because she wasn’t doing the personal/political agenda The Cretin had in mind.
    We heard The Cretin say that the corrupt former Ukrainian attorney general was a “great guy” even though he was fired from the job by the Ukrainian legislature. t-RUMP operates like a two-bit gangster making threats, imitating witnesses, as well as the spineless Trump Cult Republican through tweets.


The Trump Cult members in the House and Senate are scared of t-RUMP tweets. They are so spineless that they are afraid to re-tweet in order to stand up against the presidential coward. We are seeing these Republican House of Representatives cowards believing that The Cretin has done nothing wrong. They feel that threats and intimidation tactics are just fine, unless it was done by a Democratic president, who would be tar and feathered if he or she acted in the same way of The Cult Leader.
    The Cretin live tweeted during the hearings criticizing Yovanovich’s posting in Somalia saying, “How did that go?” t-RUMP appeared to be blaming her for the serious problems that plagued that country. Should one person representing the U.S. through a U.S. embassy be blamed for long-term violence, corruption or political anarchy? This is how The Cretin believes. One must ask, “Is Donald Trump insane, as well as completely stupid?”


Rudy Ghouliani had The Cretin’s ear, since he was operating a shadow State department along with his two goons: Lev Parnos, and Igor Fruman, who are now being prosecuted by the state of New York. Ghouliani was pushing The Cretin to fire Yovanovich and install a new ambassador that will act as a Trump goon in Ukraine. From that new position, Trump would press Zelensky to install Trump goons to manage their state gas company. Putin would be very proud.
    The Goon in the White House said that Ambassador Marie Yovanovich was “bad news” and was “going to go through some things,” and everywhere she was sent as a public servant “turned bad.” She felt intimidated by The Cult Leader. She and others felt that t-RUMP used foreign service personnel as his own personal servants and not officials who work on behalf of our country. t-RUMP wants his own personal-political agenda to be carried out by these state department career diplomats.
    In addition, t-RUMP got his distorted and bogus briefings, which were riddled with lies, from the Shadow State department, i.e. The Trump Deep State, run by Rudy Ghouliani, who wanted Yovanovich fired. This tactic was set into play in order to install a big t-RUMP political donor, Sondland, with no diplomatic experience who could further The Goon’s agenda in the European Union, as well as influencing Ukraine, as the ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland would be able to further The Cretin’s personal-political agenda in Ukraine now that Yovanovich was gone. While acting as the ambassador to the E.U., he spent $1M of taxpayer’s money to upgrade the ambassador’s quarters to his standards.
    While Sondland was sitting at an outdoor restaurant cafĂ© in Ukraine, he called The Big Kahoona Goon on his unsecured cellphone, which was intercepted by Russian spies. On that call, t-RUMP told Ambassador Sondland that he wanted to know how the Ukrainian investigation into the Bidens was going. The Cretin didn’t speak about fixing Ukrainian corruption even though he regularly railed against Ukraine’s ongoing corruption, and their efforts to interfere and hack into the 2016 election. Sondland answered that the investigation was going just great and that Zelensky will do whatever The Cretin wants him to do. This call was overheard by, at least, four other people because The Cretin spoke so loudly that what the idiot in the White House said was heard clearly. Sondland told The Cretin that Zelensky “loves your ass.” The Cretin asked, “So he’s gonna do the investigation?” Sondland answered, “he’s gonna do it” and “anything you ask him to.”
    David Holmes, the counselor for political affairs at the U.S. embassy in Ukraine (acting embassador), who was sitting with Gordon Sondland, overheard the call. 
    The Big Kahoona Goon had no plan to root out Ukrainian corruption. He was good with their corruption. He was just fine with it when Poroshenko, the previous president of Ukraine, was corrupt. He was good with their corruption even when it was rampant when the Ukrainian attorney general was deep in it under Poroshenko’s rule.
    President Zelensky would do anything for The Cretin so he could purchase U.S. weapons to defend his country against Putin’s plan to steamroller over the entire country.


    Marie Yovanovich made a point that if The Cretin can sabotage the ambassador’s work in Ukraine, then he can do it anywhere and for any reason. She told the committee that the White House Goon Squad was eroding American relationships and goodwill around the world. The Cult Leader, and Chief Goon, is doing exactly what Putin tells him to do; and, is forcing the Trump Cult Congressional goons to make sure that there is no Senate trial, which would likely force the truth from Ghouliani, who would be called as a witness, and the other Trump Cult zombies engaged in the Trump crime and corruption syndicate.
    The White House Goon Squad used strong-arm tactics by removing competent public servants if they are not following the playbook dictated by a president, whose intensions are personal and self-promoting, as well as corrupt.
   We as a nation cannot allow this behavior to be the new normal for a president or Congress.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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