Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trump Appears To Be Getting Boxed Into An Impeachment Corner

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Fascist Donnie is on fire. He is internally combusting. Dumb Dumb Donnie has threatened the governor of California by withhold federal subsidies used to fight forest fires. “Governor Newsom needs to clean up his forest floors and do more to prevent fires,” is what The Cretin said. Dumb Dumb seems to, once again, show America just how uneducated and ill informed. The federal government owns most of the forested lands in California, which is 57%. 3% is owned by the state and the remainder is privately owned. So, Dumb Dumb, “Only YOU can prevent forest fires!!” t-RUMP has cut financial resources to the National Park Service, which did not have enough staff to keep up with tree maintenance and fire prevention projects.
    The orange fascist has also threatened to cause another government shutdown because of the impeachment inquiry. Now, Sondland has said that t-RUMP engaged in a quid pro quo with Zelensky. t-RUMP has nowhere to hide, at this point. The White Nationalist Republican Party is saying that they are okay with his quid pro quo, actually two, and such behavior is not impeachable. Actually, the quid pro quo amounts to extortion, and that is illegal. Therefore, it IS impeachable. The Constitution made clear that engaging with a foreign power for personal/political gain is impeachable. Colluding with a foreign power is impeachable, and so is extortion.
The Cretin’s Brownshirt lieutenants, such as Muck-Muck-Mike Mulvaney, are avoiding congressional testimony. What does he have to hide? Why is he so afraid to testify before Congress? Could it be that he knows that t-RUMP is guilty of extortion and is impeachable?
 Other t-RUMP officials refusing to testify are: John Eisenberg—NSC lawyer; Eisenberg’s deputy---Michael Ellis; Robert Blair and Brian McCormack. Eisenberg and Ellis are guilty of putting t-RUMP’s phone transcript in a top secret vault, i.e. a secure server typically used for top secret information. Most of us don’t think that phone transcripts outlining an extortion plan by the United States president should be considered top secret. They must understand that The Cretin has committed an impeachable offense, of which they are accomplices.
 And finally, the Idiot-in-Chief continues to try and block his tax returns because, more than likely, he is so afraid that his supporters will see that he IS an idiot Russian asset associated with Putin. He realizes that following the money is a very dangerous approach to unmasking his financial fraud.
    But, a federal appeals panel decided that President Russian Asset must turn over eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns to Manhattan prosecutors. The NYC district attorney is getting closer to unmasking the Grifter President.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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