Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Stephen Miller Is Trump's Adolf Eichmann

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    ‘Does it matter that Stephen Miller is a White Nationalist?’, as an opinion piece written in the New York Times.

    Miller, a Jew and a supporter of White Nationalism, reminds many of a Nazi. He looks very much like a soulless creature. He occupies a space in the world worse than where Gollum lived in the Hobbit story. Gollum was a Hobbit who was obsessed with finding the Third magical Ring in the Lord of the Rings epoch story. Two of the Rings were in possession of powerful Middle Earth rulers. If the Third Ring was to be found, then the one who possesses the Third Ring will have ultimate power. This sounds much like The Cretin.
    This third magical ring allows the wearer to become invisible, but with a price. Gollum spent his life in seclusion deep in a cave, rambling to himself (“My Precious” was what he called the ring.) as he scowered in the dark, dank space for the ring in the water pools throughout the cave.
    Stephen Miller, a disgusting person, has many saying he must be a self-hating Jew because he supports a cult of racist, misogynists, gay-haters, and anti-Semites. He is a guy who has the ear of the Cult Leader at the helm of the Republican White Nationalist Party.
    There is now a strong movement to force this evil rabid creature to resign his position as a member of The Cretin’s White House staff. At that point, he could go back to the cave so he and Gollum can live happily ever after.
    Take a look at Hitler’s right-hand devil, Adolf Eichmann and you might see an uncanny similarity to Stephen Miller. Stephen Miller is t-RUMP’s senior immigration advisor. 

                      This is Stephen Miller

                       This is Adolf Eichmann

Eichmann was one of the major players in Hitler’s Final Solution to murder off the Jewish people in Germany and elsewhere. They were not white enough. They were believed to be not purely white enough.
    Stephen Miller is Trump’s major player in the immigrant brown people problem. This parallel is scary stuff!!!
    Miller and Eichmann not only look alike, as well as have a common objective. Hitler wanted the Jews put in “camps”, and then exterminated; and, Trump wants Hispanic brown immigrants put in “camps” separated from their children, as did Eichmann, and then deported, which, in many cases, would be a death sentence, since a large number of immigrants at the southern border have been escaping an environment of murder, kidnapping, rape, and oppression as they seek asylum.
    Stephen Miller is Trump’s Eichmann, one might say. Is there any question that Trump, too, is a White Nationalist? When you hire a White Nationalist/racist to head up your immigration/deportation agenda from the White House, then you come to the conclusion that these two Cretins have the same goals.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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