Thursday, November 7, 2019

Freedom And Socialism Are Intertwined

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The Putz, formerly known as Pence, made an ignorant statement to the public, “America was founded on freedom and not socialism.” Apparently, Putz has a short memory when he served as an incompetent governor of Indiana. He forgot that socialism is what attracted corporations and businesses to the state and local communities.
    Local communities give tax abatements, breaks and other forms of “socialism” enticing businesses to locate into the community. This means that taxpayers, people who pay property taxes, school taxes and sales taxes have to subsidize a profit making company to open up around the corner. That is socialism---government giving incentives to business. The people don’t have a say in such giveaways. Government officials make those decisions. Taxpayers have a limited voice when they protest, show up at community or state meetings; but ultimately, elected officials make the decisions.
    Amazon is a perfect example of a mega-company, one who doesn’t pay taxes, to get taxpayer dollars in order to become a part of a job-generating community.
    Putz, no doubt, played the socialism tax abatement and tax giveaway card to keep businesses in Indiana and to entice new ones to either relocate or create new facilities. He gave away tax dollars to private business; therefore, Putz, YOU ARE A LYING HYPOCRITE, or maybe you are just as stupid as your boss. Or, maybe you are both!!
    Government, through DARPA, a military-based research generator, created, and, or developed, the Internet, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and more. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Uber, Yahoo, etc. have benefited off taxpayer dollars; as well as their stockholders; as well as their profits!! Such investments are often granted to universities, which use free labor via the student body and professors, to develop the technologies of the future. From there, the profitmakers take the freely developed technologies and make billions of dollars. They create billions of dollars of wealth as a result of this type of socialism.
    The state of Indiana has benefited greatly from “socialism” created through DARPA technologies. For example, Indiana is filled with travel trailer and motorhome manufacturers. Lighter metals, robotics, aerodynamic technologies, durable coatings and more have benefited businesses in Indiana. Instead, Putz spent much of his time hating gay people and failing to integrate them into the communities. He actually created a wave of protests by the entertainment industry, which boycotted the state because of Putz’ gay-hating agenda. When he was kicked out of the governor’s mansion, he was broke, and had nowhere to go except up the RUMP of t-RUMP.
    What has been described above is called “socialism”. Hey Putz, freedom and socialism are intertwined. I guess he is just too dumb to know this. Of course, his boss is just as dumb.
    Corporations and businesses benefiting off “corporate welfare-corporate socialism” have abused the goodwill of taxpayers. This has been going on for way too long!! This must end!
    Congress needs to convene a grand jury to investigate the slippery slope BillyBoyBarr has been skating on as he serves at the whims of The Cretin and serves the American people, of which he pledged to serve. This goon needs to be threatened with jail time, since he has been working to protect the Russian asset acting as president.
    It is being reported that the Idiot Russian asset tried to squeeze BillyBoy to get out in front of The Cretin and pitch to the American people that he is innocent of extorting the Ukrainian president—Zelensky in exchange for dirt on the Bidens and shifting blame for hacking the 2016 election away from Putin and onto Ukrainian corruptors.
    Barr didn’t do as The Cretin wanted from him, but didn’t say that t-RUMP was innocent of any wrongdoing either. By saying nothing, he did what t-RUMP wanted from him. This is why we need to investigate our nation’s senior attorney’s general for corruption, favoritism, and violation of his oath.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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