Wednesday, May 29, 2019

President Donald Windbag

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
The winds have been blowing all around the country. Melting Northern ice caps sending tons of cold, humid air into the atmosphere mixing with hot Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas and Missouri air swirling into an unprecedented number of tornados causing serious damage to life and property.
    President Windbag denies the science surrounding the effects of climate change, among the many things he denies. Resulting from the climate change these communities have been experiencing an unfathomable amount of ground drenching rain drowning farm fields, streets, basements, and wiping out the objects defining their lives. And, President Windbag cyclones around his own personal science deniers refusing to grasp hold the facts that we are stepping over a damning precipice of forever climate change that will flip the lives of Americans long into the future.
    As President Buffoon gallivants in Japan and elsewhere, whining and crying against the House Democrats for their ill-will as they dig into his criminal past through their investigation to uncover his relationship with Russian actors, assets, and spies that helped his campaign interfere with the 2016 election on his behalf, and to unravel his tax returns to find out who he is indebted to.   
    Trump says, “I’m a stable genius”, yet he is unraveling everyday. He can’t stay focused. He rambles when speaking. His rage oozes out of every pore. It is clear he is more like an unstable moron. Nancy Pelosi plays him at every turn. Trump can’t handle Nancy’s skills at playing defense.
    “I am the most transparent president ever”, says The Cretin, yet he is so afraid of having his fake tax returns exposed so he is tries to tie them up in the courts. If he was so transparent, then what is he so afraid of? I guess, it is his financial indebtedness to Russians, and possible money laundering, as well as his lies when bragging about how rich he is.
    While watching the dvd of the PBS series called Victoria, it is clear that for the Republicans, nothing has changed for a hundred years. They want to live in a bygone century, just as the Tories did during the time of Victoria. They were afraid of progress and were willing to let their neighboring countries advance with the changing times while they sat in the corner living in the past. Climate change is here, Mr. and Mrs. Republican. It will forever change this nation for the worse if we don’t change with it. But first and foremost, we must acknowledge that it exists and it is a serious matter. The Republican Congress is aiding and abetting their criminal Cretin, which makes them complicit accomplices. They need to be removed from office, and if possible, held accountable in the courts, if not the ballet boxes. They, too, are criminal accomplices. They have allowed and incompetent wannabee king place fill in the Oval Office while the nation suffers.

                  Time is of the essence!!

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