Monday, May 13, 2019

The Dangerous Donald Trump

The Humpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump, being the frenzied, chaotic man-child that he is, embraces beliefs that are false. He doesn’t accept evidence-based data. He surrounds himself with people that reinforce his false beliefs. The Cretin then spreads his false beliefs across the country. He engages in confirmation beliefs, which means that he has his foot soldiers tell him what he wants to believe by those within his bubble that believe the very garbage that they dish out to him. Then, at that point, The Cretin steps upon his “bully pulpit” to scare Americans into joining his camp of fake news, lies and false data. He uses his authority to advance his desire for authoritarianism. This is how he rallies his White Nationalist/Supremacist Republicans inside and outside the Beltway. His two top field marshals are John Bolton—a war is a good objective, and Stephen Miller—'there isn’t a White Supremacist' I haven’t liked. Both are likely to be psychopaths in their own right.
    President Buffoon wants to capture the Fourth of July celebration by molding it to be in his own image. The nation’s number one clown wants to make it into his own circus. He is choosing to move the location of the fireworks display so he can make a speech signifying to his base that he has turned a non-partisan celebration into a White Nationalist event—his event, an event to honor the dictator, just like they do in North Korea, and elsewhere he fancies.
    The Cretin thrives on chaos, even though others may not live that way. Trump is moving forward with his 25% tariff against Chinese exports to the U.S.. Trump says that China will bare the financial burden of the tariffs, when in fact, American consumers will by paying the higher prices. These higher costs are like paying a “tariff tax” on those consumer goods. Trump is punishing America’s working class. And, China will further the damage by adding tariff costs to U.S. exports to China, such as farm commodities. His reality is based on false data, just as he has tweeted a threat to China that they will see a YUUGE problem when manufacturers leave their countries for other locations because of the tariffs they will be imposing upon those goods. More fake news from the countries number one business loser of the past. Our President Buffoon.
    The Buffoon is continuing to raise the threat of military conflict with Iran. More chaos from the Oval Office instigated by his field marshal John Bolton. He commanded the Navy to escalate the potential threat by moving ships closer to the Strait of Hormuz. Trump and his Brownshirts, have learned that a “war president” typically gets reelected. Trump sees if he starts a military conflict with Iran, he will stir up his base to vote for him, again. Yet others, who are sick and tired of unnecessary costly, and endless wars will likely rise up in the streets against him.
    Now, his one time Man-Love embrace of North Korea’s Lil’Kim has exploded in his face. His false belief that he had enough influence to encourage Lil’Kim to abandon his development of nuclear weapons has disappeared. Trump was played the fool. Once again, Trump believes in the non-real. He believes in his false story that he is the dealmaker of all time.
    Trump’s entire life story has been based upon fake narratives---
'I am the best businessman of NYC; I am the smartest and be-bestest president ever; I am the be-bestest negotiator and dealmaker to have ever stepped into the Oval Office; I am the only president who could disarm Lil’Kim and make peace with him; I am the only president to make mutually exclusive deals with Vladimir Putin; I am the only president to build a big, beautiful wall across the Southern border of our country.'
    All these narratives have turned up false, yet his supporters don’t believe or care that Trump is a fake president.
    Trump’s base doesn’t seem to care that good decisions are not being made by this administration. Trump has never made a good decision in his life. His entire life has been a lie. He has spent his entire adult life as New York City’s Number One Flim-Flam Man.

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