Thursday, May 23, 2019

TrumpGate in the Making

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

     The Idiot-in-Chief walked out of his meeting with House Democrats, who were hoping to negotiate an infrastructure bill with him. The Cretin said, “I probably want to do an infrastructure bill more than you do”, yet because he was so angry that his criminal past is being investigated, he took his MAGA hat and cape back to his playroom where he keeps his dictator action figures.
    Trump’s new campaign slogan is, “I don’t know how to make a deal.” “Let’s NOT make a deal!”
   Earlier, The Buffoon said, “ I’m the most transparent president, ever!” If that were the case, then his Brownshirts would be testifying before Congress and not ignoring the subpoenas, and we would know The Cretin’s tax returns. If that were so, The Cretin would not be suing Deutsche Bank and Capital One to prevent them from turning over his tax returns.
    We now have learned that Trump, or as Rex Tillerson called him, “Moron”, went into the private meeting with Putin during their summit totally unprepared, while Putin spun a web of control around his personal Russian asset, which he helped elect into office. Trump said in his defense, “I was totally prepared.” Not being prepared was Trump’s version of being totally prepared. He is never prepared. He doesn’t know how to prepare for anything except lying, cheating, and swindling.
    No doubt, the summit was strictly for Putin to read Trump the rules—‘lift my sanctions---or else!’ ‘Stay out of my way around the world---or else!!!’ And Trump said, “Yes sir boss!!” Then Trump kissed the ring.
    Tillerson saw first hand that Trump was a total moron, and Kushner’s only goal, as a Trump’s loser confidante, was to use his White House position, in 2018, to find a Middle East dictator sucker to front him $700M to bail him out from defaulting on his mortgage payment totaling $1.4B. In 2017, Qatar loaned Kushner $184M because of his idiotic purchase of 666 5th Ave. He wasn't able to keep up with the payments. In 2017, Kushner pressured Trump to support the Saudi blockade of Qatar. In 2018 when the Qataris turned Kushner down for further loans, so Kushner turned against the Qataris again and pressured them into a $800M loan to pay off his $1.4B loan on the 666 property. When he got the loan he pushed for a lifting of the blockade.
   He overpaid this outrageous amount for 666 Fifth Ave. in New York City. Kushner is another incompetent business person. In order to avoid defaulting on this mortgage he had to find a sucker to give him some quick cash. He found an unwitting mark in Qatar through their Qatar Investment Authority. In the process, Kushner turned on his financial mark by making a deal with the Saudi Arabia Crown Prince to blockade Qatar in 2017. The Qataris said, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on…”. But in 2018, the part that says, Fool me twice, shame on me!"
    This is what the dumbass Trump and Kushner crime syndicate grifters do---they con others out of their money without them ever realizing what they have done.

    Trump is now distracting the country away from his crimes and crime syndicate in the White House by pounding his ape chest hoping to scare China into a trade deal (It is not working.) and by threatening Iran into giving him a new deal (It is not working, either.).

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