Monday, May 20, 2019

Treasonous Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

 In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    President Buffoon is showing serious ignorance and incompetence of his role as our Cretin-in-Chief by calling out our U.S. official investigative professionals who are wanting to get to the bottom of the relationship between Trump, his campaign operatives, and Russia, as well as the role Assange and his WikiLeaks operation played in the invasion of our political system.
    The Buffoon says such an investigation is “treasonous”. In fact, treason has been committed by Trump, Michael Cohen, George Papadopolos, Carter Page, Trump Jr, and others who encouraged Russian hackers to release stolen emails, had secret meetings with Russian assets in Budapest, Hungary and Prague, and meetings with Russians in Moscow, along with meetings with Russians in the United States.
    There is clear evidence obtained from testimony and research that back in 2016 Trump and his foot soldiers were in communications with Russian assets and allies to elect Trump as president for the sole purpose to remove stifling economic sanctions. Trump publicly declared without receiving anything in return that he would do away with the crippling Russian sanctions. Actually, if Trump removed the sanctions, he was offered a percentage of the sale of a Russian state-owned oil company that was to be sold to a partnership between the Swiss and Qatari investment entity. (1)
    Currently, Deutsche Bank is, once again, being investigated for money-laundering concerns. The high up officials at D.B. buried red flag warnings raised by investigators that noticed multiple money transactions between The Trump Organization, or their peripheral financial entities, with Russians, which is a signal that money-laundering might be going on in the months of 2016. This was happening during a time when Trump operatives were connecting with WikiLeaks, and Russian agents and assets.
    Also, during this timeframe, Trump was saying, “I love WikiLeaks.” “Russia, if you’re listening, release Crooked Hillary’s 30,000 emails.” This is treason!!!. Roger Stone was communicating with WikiLeaks, a non-state hostile entity, and Trump’s call-out to Russia were treasonous acts. Trump’s foot soldier, and dumbass son, Donald Trump Jr., communicated with an Israeli cyber company owner, Wikistrat’s Joel Zamel, … to help elect Mr. Trump. (1)
    The D.B. investigation showed millions of dollars being transferred back and forth between Russians and The Trump Organization, which could be a money-laundering technique. Could this have been a pay-off to WikiLeak’s Assange to release his collection of Clinton and the DNC stolen emails? If so, this is a serious treasonous action to pay-off a foreign entity to influence a U.S. election and work against the U.S. government.
    “…the Guardian reports that a British intelligence “became aware in late 2015 of suspicious ‘interactions’ between figures connected to Trump and known suspected Russian agents….This surveillance went on until the summer of 2016.” It was reported that Michael Cohen went to Prague in the summer of 2016 allegedly to meet with a Putin connected individual. (1)
    So, it appears Donald J. Trump and his foot soldiers committed treasonous acts and NOT US investigators. Anyone with common sense would clearly see that Trump has committed treason and impeachable acts against the United States. The colluding conservative Congressional Kooks are nearly all complicit in the act of treason, or at least, negligent by not fulfilling their Constitutional duties and sworn oaths to impeach the idiot in the White House.
    “The federal statute that covers what is commonly known as “aiding and abetting,” 18 U.S.C. 2(a), dictates that anyone who aids or abets a crime is punishable as though he had committed the crime himself.”(1) It sure sounds like those colluding conservative Congressional Kooks have committed a crime by aiding and abetting the crimes committed by Trump and his operatives.


(1) “Proof of Collusion”, by Seth Abramson

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