Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Trump's New Bromance With Viktor Orban

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
Trump has a new BFF, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, another authoritarian who has a long leash held by Vladimir Putin. The two Putin Poodles had a bromance in Washington this week.
    Trump said about Orban was that he is “doing a tremendous job”. I guess being an anti-semite and xenophobe is being a “tremendous” leader. I guess obstructing the media and the judiciary from doing their jobs is “tremendous” in the eyes of President Buffoon. Trump said he is “highly respected all over Europe, [and] he’s done the right thing, according to many people, on immigration.” What is The Cretin talking about? More of Trump’s fake news and fake data. Trump is spoon fed ‘confirmation’ data. Who are these “many people”? Are they John Bolton, Stephen Miller, the U.S. Senate White Supremacists, Putin, or others in the Trump clown car who are immigrant haters?
    “People have a lot of respect for this prime minister. We have some similar approaches.” I guess if Orban was an American, he would be spending time with Trump in the Oval Office Day Care Center. They would be playing with Trump’s dictator action figures.
    While Hungary is seeing an erosion of their own democracy under the heavy hand of Orban, as well as their freedoms, such as freedom of the press and the independence of their judiciary, the Trump administration considered selling this ‘demo-dictator’, a NATO member, military defense equipment technologies. This is what President Buffoon does. He wants to supply his fellow authoritarians with military hardware that might later be used against the United States and our allies around the world.
    Just as we are seeing Market Leninists and Russian assets and collaborators invading our democracy and freedoms, we are seeing the same within NATO.

    Is Trump upholding his presidential oath to protect the country from harm and invaders? He is not!!

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