Sunday, May 5, 2019

Trump Surrounded Himself With Russian Assets During The Campaign

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

      Russia’s Idiot Asset and U.S. President has been trying to strike a development deal with Putin and his far-reaching, far-right crime syndicate for many years without success. Letters of Agreement had been signed to no avail. Trump or his “people” have met with Putin’s intermediaries to move closer toward a Trump Tower complex to be built in Moscow. The entire project depended on the lifting of U.S. sanctions Congress put on Russia. This single objective was Trump’s number one task. He needed Congress to end the Russian sanctions, otherwise, The Trump Organization will not be able to make a great deal of money. This is why Trump ran for president. The only reason. Russia has Trump by his balls. Putin needed his asset to end the sanctions, and in return he would finance the Trump Tower project. The Pee-Pee video tape, Trump’s willingness to be bailed out by Russian oligarchs, who needed this moron to launder their illegally gotten gains, and more were Putin’s leverage over The Buffoon.
    People representing Trump, such as Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Felix Sater, and Michael Cohen worked to move on a deal. During the campaign, Trump’s foot soldiers, who were tied to Russians, one could consider them Putin’s assets, wittingly or unwittingly, met with Russians representing or affiliated with Putin. People like Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Walid Phares—a paranoid Islamophobe, retired Army lieutenant general Keith Kellogg, and Joseph Schmitz, who has a plan to use 70,000 Russian weapons to arm Syrian rebels had met with Putin or his intermediaries, either in Russia, London, or the U.S.  Trump surrounded himself with Russian assets.
    How many other military high-ranking officers have become Russian assets? There were two in Trump’s campaign inner circle. This is frightening news.
    No wonder the FBI’s red flag had been raised up!!! Once Russians hacked into Clinton’s emails and offered it up to Trump’s Brownshirts. Why wouldn’t they be concerned that Russians were trying to get Trump elected president, by hook or by crook—literally, in hopes to get the sanctions lifted? Trump even crafted a speech with Russian sympathizers (assets) attending the event located at the Mayflower Hotel in order to let Putin know that if elected president, better relations with the Kremlin would be realized. Trump’s Russian asset National Security Advisory Committee was all behind the moron. This committee was formed during the election.
    In the back of Trump’s mind was the desire to get a YUUGE Trump development built in Moscow’s business district. A Republican Congressional Russian asset, Dana Rohrabacher from California, had close ties to Erik Prince of Blackwater, who had strong ties to Russia and Putin’s military, and is the brother of Trump’s Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, was supporting Trump’s presidential election. Rohrabacher had ties to Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, a senior Russian diplomat, who also was working other American political figures. They saw hopes of deals with Russian oil and gas companies, such as Rosneft, that was about to be sold to investors, one being an American. All involved were hoping to get very rich if Russian sanctions were to be lifted. Let the money flow!!!
    Trump’s motivation to run for, and eventually, become president was not to obey his oath to the nation, but to make money for The Trump Organization, under the control of the Cretin’s sons. This is the view of Putin—Market Leninism-to make money for the people in power by manipulating the system in their favor, while leaving everyone else out.
    One of his idiot sons, Eric, said that the far-right is losing its mojo and need to get stronger. His Cretin moron father, and the junior moron are ranting against social media platforms for cutting out far-right fake news sites, such as Alex Jones’ Infowars, from spewing their hate, lies, and conspiracy theories, all of which gives Trump wet dreams, from having a platform on their worldwide pages.

    Trump doesn’t believe in democracy. He believes in Leninism, and embraces dictators and fascists. He surrounds himself with Market Leninists, and Putin fans. This needs to end come the next election.Hi

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