Wednesday, May 29, 2019

President Donald Windbag

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
The winds have been blowing all around the country. Melting Northern ice caps sending tons of cold, humid air into the atmosphere mixing with hot Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas and Missouri air swirling into an unprecedented number of tornados causing serious damage to life and property.
    President Windbag denies the science surrounding the effects of climate change, among the many things he denies. Resulting from the climate change these communities have been experiencing an unfathomable amount of ground drenching rain drowning farm fields, streets, basements, and wiping out the objects defining their lives. And, President Windbag cyclones around his own personal science deniers refusing to grasp hold the facts that we are stepping over a damning precipice of forever climate change that will flip the lives of Americans long into the future.
    As President Buffoon gallivants in Japan and elsewhere, whining and crying against the House Democrats for their ill-will as they dig into his criminal past through their investigation to uncover his relationship with Russian actors, assets, and spies that helped his campaign interfere with the 2016 election on his behalf, and to unravel his tax returns to find out who he is indebted to.   
    Trump says, “I’m a stable genius”, yet he is unraveling everyday. He can’t stay focused. He rambles when speaking. His rage oozes out of every pore. It is clear he is more like an unstable moron. Nancy Pelosi plays him at every turn. Trump can’t handle Nancy’s skills at playing defense.
    “I am the most transparent president ever”, says The Cretin, yet he is so afraid of having his fake tax returns exposed so he is tries to tie them up in the courts. If he was so transparent, then what is he so afraid of? I guess, it is his financial indebtedness to Russians, and possible money laundering, as well as his lies when bragging about how rich he is.
    While watching the dvd of the PBS series called Victoria, it is clear that for the Republicans, nothing has changed for a hundred years. They want to live in a bygone century, just as the Tories did during the time of Victoria. They were afraid of progress and were willing to let their neighboring countries advance with the changing times while they sat in the corner living in the past. Climate change is here, Mr. and Mrs. Republican. It will forever change this nation for the worse if we don’t change with it. But first and foremost, we must acknowledge that it exists and it is a serious matter. The Republican Congress is aiding and abetting their criminal Cretin, which makes them complicit accomplices. They need to be removed from office, and if possible, held accountable in the courts, if not the ballet boxes. They, too, are criminal accomplices. They have allowed and incompetent wannabee king place fill in the Oval Office while the nation suffers.

                  Time is of the essence!!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

TrumpGate in the Making

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

     The Idiot-in-Chief walked out of his meeting with House Democrats, who were hoping to negotiate an infrastructure bill with him. The Cretin said, “I probably want to do an infrastructure bill more than you do”, yet because he was so angry that his criminal past is being investigated, he took his MAGA hat and cape back to his playroom where he keeps his dictator action figures.
    Trump’s new campaign slogan is, “I don’t know how to make a deal.” “Let’s NOT make a deal!”
   Earlier, The Buffoon said, “ I’m the most transparent president, ever!” If that were the case, then his Brownshirts would be testifying before Congress and not ignoring the subpoenas, and we would know The Cretin’s tax returns. If that were so, The Cretin would not be suing Deutsche Bank and Capital One to prevent them from turning over his tax returns.
    We now have learned that Trump, or as Rex Tillerson called him, “Moron”, went into the private meeting with Putin during their summit totally unprepared, while Putin spun a web of control around his personal Russian asset, which he helped elect into office. Trump said in his defense, “I was totally prepared.” Not being prepared was Trump’s version of being totally prepared. He is never prepared. He doesn’t know how to prepare for anything except lying, cheating, and swindling.
    No doubt, the summit was strictly for Putin to read Trump the rules—‘lift my sanctions---or else!’ ‘Stay out of my way around the world---or else!!!’ And Trump said, “Yes sir boss!!” Then Trump kissed the ring.
    Tillerson saw first hand that Trump was a total moron, and Kushner’s only goal, as a Trump’s loser confidante, was to use his White House position, in 2018, to find a Middle East dictator sucker to front him $700M to bail him out from defaulting on his mortgage payment totaling $1.4B. In 2017, Qatar loaned Kushner $184M because of his idiotic purchase of 666 5th Ave. He wasn't able to keep up with the payments. In 2017, Kushner pressured Trump to support the Saudi blockade of Qatar. In 2018 when the Qataris turned Kushner down for further loans, so Kushner turned against the Qataris again and pressured them into a $800M loan to pay off his $1.4B loan on the 666 property. When he got the loan he pushed for a lifting of the blockade.
   He overpaid this outrageous amount for 666 Fifth Ave. in New York City. Kushner is another incompetent business person. In order to avoid defaulting on this mortgage he had to find a sucker to give him some quick cash. He found an unwitting mark in Qatar through their Qatar Investment Authority. In the process, Kushner turned on his financial mark by making a deal with the Saudi Arabia Crown Prince to blockade Qatar in 2017. The Qataris said, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on…”. But in 2018, the part that says, Fool me twice, shame on me!"
    This is what the dumbass Trump and Kushner crime syndicate grifters do---they con others out of their money without them ever realizing what they have done.

    Trump is now distracting the country away from his crimes and crime syndicate in the White House by pounding his ape chest hoping to scare China into a trade deal (It is not working.) and by threatening Iran into giving him a new deal (It is not working, either.).

Monday, May 20, 2019

Treasonous Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

 In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    President Buffoon is showing serious ignorance and incompetence of his role as our Cretin-in-Chief by calling out our U.S. official investigative professionals who are wanting to get to the bottom of the relationship between Trump, his campaign operatives, and Russia, as well as the role Assange and his WikiLeaks operation played in the invasion of our political system.
    The Buffoon says such an investigation is “treasonous”. In fact, treason has been committed by Trump, Michael Cohen, George Papadopolos, Carter Page, Trump Jr, and others who encouraged Russian hackers to release stolen emails, had secret meetings with Russian assets in Budapest, Hungary and Prague, and meetings with Russians in Moscow, along with meetings with Russians in the United States.
    There is clear evidence obtained from testimony and research that back in 2016 Trump and his foot soldiers were in communications with Russian assets and allies to elect Trump as president for the sole purpose to remove stifling economic sanctions. Trump publicly declared without receiving anything in return that he would do away with the crippling Russian sanctions. Actually, if Trump removed the sanctions, he was offered a percentage of the sale of a Russian state-owned oil company that was to be sold to a partnership between the Swiss and Qatari investment entity. (1)
    Currently, Deutsche Bank is, once again, being investigated for money-laundering concerns. The high up officials at D.B. buried red flag warnings raised by investigators that noticed multiple money transactions between The Trump Organization, or their peripheral financial entities, with Russians, which is a signal that money-laundering might be going on in the months of 2016. This was happening during a time when Trump operatives were connecting with WikiLeaks, and Russian agents and assets.
    Also, during this timeframe, Trump was saying, “I love WikiLeaks.” “Russia, if you’re listening, release Crooked Hillary’s 30,000 emails.” This is treason!!!. Roger Stone was communicating with WikiLeaks, a non-state hostile entity, and Trump’s call-out to Russia were treasonous acts. Trump’s foot soldier, and dumbass son, Donald Trump Jr., communicated with an Israeli cyber company owner, Wikistrat’s Joel Zamel, … to help elect Mr. Trump. (1)
    The D.B. investigation showed millions of dollars being transferred back and forth between Russians and The Trump Organization, which could be a money-laundering technique. Could this have been a pay-off to WikiLeak’s Assange to release his collection of Clinton and the DNC stolen emails? If so, this is a serious treasonous action to pay-off a foreign entity to influence a U.S. election and work against the U.S. government.
    “…the Guardian reports that a British intelligence “became aware in late 2015 of suspicious ‘interactions’ between figures connected to Trump and known suspected Russian agents….This surveillance went on until the summer of 2016.” It was reported that Michael Cohen went to Prague in the summer of 2016 allegedly to meet with a Putin connected individual. (1)
    So, it appears Donald J. Trump and his foot soldiers committed treasonous acts and NOT US investigators. Anyone with common sense would clearly see that Trump has committed treason and impeachable acts against the United States. The colluding conservative Congressional Kooks are nearly all complicit in the act of treason, or at least, negligent by not fulfilling their Constitutional duties and sworn oaths to impeach the idiot in the White House.
    “The federal statute that covers what is commonly known as “aiding and abetting,” 18 U.S.C. 2(a), dictates that anyone who aids or abets a crime is punishable as though he had committed the crime himself.”(1) It sure sounds like those colluding conservative Congressional Kooks have committed a crime by aiding and abetting the crimes committed by Trump and his operatives.


(1) “Proof of Collusion”, by Seth Abramson

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Trump--The Worst President EVER!!!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    President Buffoon is the dumbest president that has ever been! And, the most incompetent and compromised person to ever set foot in the White House. He was a failure even before he started pretending to be president. Here is why.
     Buffoon has worked to push Iran to exit the Obama's nuclear deal by squeezing the country with additional sanctions and by pulling out of the nuclear deal; yet, our allies have not exited the nuclear deal with Iran, nor has Iran given up the deal. Now The Cretin is sending ships to the region to provoke a military conflict with Iran. Insane!!
    Buffoon continues to push China with tariffs. China has not stood down, but has been forced to step up and impose tariffs upon goods shipped to China. China has a wild card, as well. China bought a trillion dollars worth of U.S. Treasuries, which were issued to fund LilBoy Bush’s war against Iraq and Afghanistan. China could call in these bonds and spin the U.S. into a massive economic recession, if they wish to do so. Insane!!
     Buffoon has done very little to stop Russians from interfering with our 2020 presidential election. Traitorous!! Insane!!!
    Buffoon has caused chaos at our Southern Border causing serious harm upon people fleeing poverty, and personal harm. Insane!!
    Buffoon has fueled hate and violence in the country by failing to honestly calling out his Brotherhood---White Supremacists. Insane!!!
    Buffoon has failed to acknowledge and act to address the nation’s, and the world’s, most serious problem, which is climate change. Climate change is driving a great many people to flee their Central American homes because they can no longer sustain themselves on the land of which they live. It has caused a great deal of damage to our country. It will seriously impact our farmers, coastal areas, and military installations. Traitorous!!! Incompetent!! Insane!!!!
    Being a fundamental leader among other world leaders to create a worldwide peace is not a part of his worldview. By failing to participate in the engagement of peace to solve our problems, he has caused the nation even greater harm and has placed us all in danger. He has failed to uphold his presidential oath to America. Insane and incompetent!!
    Buffoon has cozied up to the world’s autocrats, kleptocrats, dictators, and murderers. Traitorous!! Insane!!!
    Buffoon has surrounded himself with Russian assets, and collaborators. Trump has been captured by Vladimir Putin, and the people around him are connected to Russians and Putin one way or another. Traitorous!!!
    Buffoon has failed to embrace alternative energy technologies. He has failed to do his part in transforming the nation toward a renewable energy nation. Insane!!
    He has failed to build a health care system that is affordable for everyone, as he promised. He has failed to build a drug plan that is affordable and accessible for all, as he promised. Incompetent!!!

    Trump, is by far, the country’s worst president to ever step foot into the White House. He is incompetent and very, very stupid. He was the worst business person in the country, for nearly ten years, as stated by the IRS. He is a Flim-Flam con artist. He must be either be impeached or beaten at the ballot box.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Trump's New Bromance With Viktor Orban

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
Trump has a new BFF, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, another authoritarian who has a long leash held by Vladimir Putin. The two Putin Poodles had a bromance in Washington this week.
    Trump said about Orban was that he is “doing a tremendous job”. I guess being an anti-semite and xenophobe is being a “tremendous” leader. I guess obstructing the media and the judiciary from doing their jobs is “tremendous” in the eyes of President Buffoon. Trump said he is “highly respected all over Europe, [and] he’s done the right thing, according to many people, on immigration.” What is The Cretin talking about? More of Trump’s fake news and fake data. Trump is spoon fed ‘confirmation’ data. Who are these “many people”? Are they John Bolton, Stephen Miller, the U.S. Senate White Supremacists, Putin, or others in the Trump clown car who are immigrant haters?
    “People have a lot of respect for this prime minister. We have some similar approaches.” I guess if Orban was an American, he would be spending time with Trump in the Oval Office Day Care Center. They would be playing with Trump’s dictator action figures.
    While Hungary is seeing an erosion of their own democracy under the heavy hand of Orban, as well as their freedoms, such as freedom of the press and the independence of their judiciary, the Trump administration considered selling this ‘demo-dictator’, a NATO member, military defense equipment technologies. This is what President Buffoon does. He wants to supply his fellow authoritarians with military hardware that might later be used against the United States and our allies around the world.
    Just as we are seeing Market Leninists and Russian assets and collaborators invading our democracy and freedoms, we are seeing the same within NATO.

    Is Trump upholding his presidential oath to protect the country from harm and invaders? He is not!!

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Dangerous Donald Trump

The Humpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump, being the frenzied, chaotic man-child that he is, embraces beliefs that are false. He doesn’t accept evidence-based data. He surrounds himself with people that reinforce his false beliefs. The Cretin then spreads his false beliefs across the country. He engages in confirmation beliefs, which means that he has his foot soldiers tell him what he wants to believe by those within his bubble that believe the very garbage that they dish out to him. Then, at that point, The Cretin steps upon his “bully pulpit” to scare Americans into joining his camp of fake news, lies and false data. He uses his authority to advance his desire for authoritarianism. This is how he rallies his White Nationalist/Supremacist Republicans inside and outside the Beltway. His two top field marshals are John Bolton—a war is a good objective, and Stephen Miller—'there isn’t a White Supremacist' I haven’t liked. Both are likely to be psychopaths in their own right.
    President Buffoon wants to capture the Fourth of July celebration by molding it to be in his own image. The nation’s number one clown wants to make it into his own circus. He is choosing to move the location of the fireworks display so he can make a speech signifying to his base that he has turned a non-partisan celebration into a White Nationalist event—his event, an event to honor the dictator, just like they do in North Korea, and elsewhere he fancies.
    The Cretin thrives on chaos, even though others may not live that way. Trump is moving forward with his 25% tariff against Chinese exports to the U.S.. Trump says that China will bare the financial burden of the tariffs, when in fact, American consumers will by paying the higher prices. These higher costs are like paying a “tariff tax” on those consumer goods. Trump is punishing America’s working class. And, China will further the damage by adding tariff costs to U.S. exports to China, such as farm commodities. His reality is based on false data, just as he has tweeted a threat to China that they will see a YUUGE problem when manufacturers leave their countries for other locations because of the tariffs they will be imposing upon those goods. More fake news from the countries number one business loser of the past. Our President Buffoon.
    The Buffoon is continuing to raise the threat of military conflict with Iran. More chaos from the Oval Office instigated by his field marshal John Bolton. He commanded the Navy to escalate the potential threat by moving ships closer to the Strait of Hormuz. Trump and his Brownshirts, have learned that a “war president” typically gets reelected. Trump sees if he starts a military conflict with Iran, he will stir up his base to vote for him, again. Yet others, who are sick and tired of unnecessary costly, and endless wars will likely rise up in the streets against him.
    Now, his one time Man-Love embrace of North Korea’s Lil’Kim has exploded in his face. His false belief that he had enough influence to encourage Lil’Kim to abandon his development of nuclear weapons has disappeared. Trump was played the fool. Once again, Trump believes in the non-real. He believes in his false story that he is the dealmaker of all time.
    Trump’s entire life story has been based upon fake narratives---
'I am the best businessman of NYC; I am the smartest and be-bestest president ever; I am the be-bestest negotiator and dealmaker to have ever stepped into the Oval Office; I am the only president who could disarm Lil’Kim and make peace with him; I am the only president to make mutually exclusive deals with Vladimir Putin; I am the only president to build a big, beautiful wall across the Southern border of our country.'
    All these narratives have turned up false, yet his supporters don’t believe or care that Trump is a fake president.
    Trump’s base doesn’t seem to care that good decisions are not being made by this administration. Trump has never made a good decision in his life. His entire life has been a lie. He has spent his entire adult life as New York City’s Number One Flim-Flam Man.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Flim Flam Donnie

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    Flim Flam Donnie is defying the constitution and its article defining the separation of powers and the autonomy of Congress to demand subpoenaed documents from the president through the Treasury department. This Leninist president has refused to allow his tax returns turned over by Treasury to Congress, as well as the full, unredacted version of the Mueller report through the Attorney General Barr. Trump has also used his executive powers to keep members of his foot soldier brigade from testifying before Congress.
    President Buffoon, who believes his Russian handler—Putin, when told that Russia doesn’t want to be a problem in Venezuela in spite of the facts proving otherwise. Trump is out of touch with reality and his financial ties to Russians, and Putin are being investigated.
    The New York attorney general is also demanding Trump’s tax returns and is obtaining pieces of those returns through Trump’s favored bank—Deutsche Bank, which loaned him money even when he failed to pay them back millions upon millions of dollars. 
    The Cretin also wants to extend his reign of incompetence by two more years because he feels that the Mueller investigation disrupted the furthering of his vile impact upon the country.
    The House of Representatives is now determining whether to write up articles of impeachment against Trump. Nixon’s third article of impeachment was clearly similar to what Trump is doing by making up his own rules when it comes to the requests made by the Legislative branch of government. Trump is deciding how he will cooperate, or the lack thereof, with the House subpoenas. Nixon was also seen as obstructing justice. Trump has also engaged in obstructing justice. Trump and Nixon have been in violation of their sworn oaths, and the Constitution.
    Article lll of Nixon’s impeachment read, the president “has failed without lawful cause or excuse to produce paper and things as so directed by duly authorized subpoenas issued by committee.” Trump is failing to comply with Congress’ request for Trump’s tax returns, as well as members of Trump’s foot soldier brigade to testify before Congress.
    The New York Times has uncovered Trump’s business tax return transcripts dating back to 1985-1994. What these documents revealed was that Flim Flam Donnie was the worst business person in the entire country!!!! Yes—the worst as viewed by the IRS. Project after project lost money. His ass fell to a point where he lost $1.7 BILLION !!!!!!!!!  The IRS figures showed that this imbecile lost more money than any other single business person in the country.
    In 1985, Flim-Flam Donnie reported losses of $46.1M. Between 1990-91 he reported losses of $250M each year. He had received, in today’s dollars, at least $413M from his father, Fred Trump. In his 1995 filings, he showed losses of $915.7M giving him a tax deduction, avoiding taxes for 20 years!!!
    He borrowed mega-millions to fuel his incompetent deals: a casino--$351.8M; a Manhattan hotel--$80M; Mar-A-Lago property--$10M; Two development projects--$145M. In 1989, he lost $365M on his Eastern Airlines purchase. In 1989, his business losses equaled $181M. His Trump Taj Mahal Hotel and Casino put him in hock drowning him in $800M worth of debt.
    Remember, this time in our economy, businesses were booming and making money, not losing millions upon millions of dollars for their investors. This was a boom time, but for Trump, this was a bust time.
    This moron received nearly a half-billion dollars from Daddy Trump, while at the same time, Little Boy Donnie kept losing money on a great many “deals”, if you want to call them deals. He was called the worst business person in the country by the IRS over a 9 year period.

                    HE WAS BROKE!!

    Putin’s oligarchs realized The Buffoon was broke and swooped in like vultures and offered to buy up a number of his properties with their crime laden cash reserves, which needed laundering. They saw their desperate patsy in Trump, At that point, Putin snagged him. He was now owned by Putin. Has turned into Putin’s Poodle.
    At one point, Trump pretended to be a corporate raider conning investors into believing he has those business skills, which was so far from the truth.
    At this time, he wrote his cartoon book called, “The Art of the Deal”. A total fantasy. A grifter’s imaginary tale of a savvy business tycoon ruling New York, while sitting in his debt riddled diaper. He had a ghost writer craft Trump’s love story to himself.
    So, when Congress subpoenas Trump’s tax returns, they are realizing that if they follow the money trail backwards, they will find the time when Putin hog tied President Buffoon!

    Congress is basically the only way a president is made accountable. So, when Trump defies Congress’ subpoenas, he is violating the law. The Cretin continues to show guilt as he refuses to abide by the U.S. Constitution and his sworn oath the office of the presidency.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Trump Surrounded Himself With Russian Assets During The Campaign

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

      Russia’s Idiot Asset and U.S. President has been trying to strike a development deal with Putin and his far-reaching, far-right crime syndicate for many years without success. Letters of Agreement had been signed to no avail. Trump or his “people” have met with Putin’s intermediaries to move closer toward a Trump Tower complex to be built in Moscow. The entire project depended on the lifting of U.S. sanctions Congress put on Russia. This single objective was Trump’s number one task. He needed Congress to end the Russian sanctions, otherwise, The Trump Organization will not be able to make a great deal of money. This is why Trump ran for president. The only reason. Russia has Trump by his balls. Putin needed his asset to end the sanctions, and in return he would finance the Trump Tower project. The Pee-Pee video tape, Trump’s willingness to be bailed out by Russian oligarchs, who needed this moron to launder their illegally gotten gains, and more were Putin’s leverage over The Buffoon.
    People representing Trump, such as Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Felix Sater, and Michael Cohen worked to move on a deal. During the campaign, Trump’s foot soldiers, who were tied to Russians, one could consider them Putin’s assets, wittingly or unwittingly, met with Russians representing or affiliated with Putin. People like Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Walid Phares—a paranoid Islamophobe, retired Army lieutenant general Keith Kellogg, and Joseph Schmitz, who has a plan to use 70,000 Russian weapons to arm Syrian rebels had met with Putin or his intermediaries, either in Russia, London, or the U.S.  Trump surrounded himself with Russian assets.
    How many other military high-ranking officers have become Russian assets? There were two in Trump’s campaign inner circle. This is frightening news.
    No wonder the FBI’s red flag had been raised up!!! Once Russians hacked into Clinton’s emails and offered it up to Trump’s Brownshirts. Why wouldn’t they be concerned that Russians were trying to get Trump elected president, by hook or by crook—literally, in hopes to get the sanctions lifted? Trump even crafted a speech with Russian sympathizers (assets) attending the event located at the Mayflower Hotel in order to let Putin know that if elected president, better relations with the Kremlin would be realized. Trump’s Russian asset National Security Advisory Committee was all behind the moron. This committee was formed during the election.
    In the back of Trump’s mind was the desire to get a YUUGE Trump development built in Moscow’s business district. A Republican Congressional Russian asset, Dana Rohrabacher from California, had close ties to Erik Prince of Blackwater, who had strong ties to Russia and Putin’s military, and is the brother of Trump’s Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, was supporting Trump’s presidential election. Rohrabacher had ties to Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, a senior Russian diplomat, who also was working other American political figures. They saw hopes of deals with Russian oil and gas companies, such as Rosneft, that was about to be sold to investors, one being an American. All involved were hoping to get very rich if Russian sanctions were to be lifted. Let the money flow!!!
    Trump’s motivation to run for, and eventually, become president was not to obey his oath to the nation, but to make money for The Trump Organization, under the control of the Cretin’s sons. This is the view of Putin—Market Leninism-to make money for the people in power by manipulating the system in their favor, while leaving everyone else out.
    One of his idiot sons, Eric, said that the far-right is losing its mojo and need to get stronger. His Cretin moron father, and the junior moron are ranting against social media platforms for cutting out far-right fake news sites, such as Alex Jones’ Infowars, from spewing their hate, lies, and conspiracy theories, all of which gives Trump wet dreams, from having a platform on their worldwide pages.

    Trump doesn’t believe in democracy. He believes in Leninism, and embraces dictators and fascists. He surrounds himself with Market Leninists, and Putin fans. This needs to end come the next election.Hi